Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 03, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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g flUJJh mil - -eai ZT7. j
Ffre Kan deed dobs As
notUyi social f f
amaftti aparsties in
leifly in Jlajrc.b, 11
time it fhreatexed a rsp-tton-wtde
strike of the irj;.-.
and held up constrti-'d n
Xw York but guJt it
tn B.ta'
:ht.c ri--
. or. : in
throughout th land. t):hr labor trou
bles rprartr OP tbroiifffc- ut the coun;ry.
notably tn Chicago. ! re the hci
ttuil4tnc trad was tied up fr"Bi Jul;
-p.nsbT. Ult "
isince then rooiitii..i fc&v in.j.rr".
but titer would not t-e eo.- f,' har-
iutOBcy In UwnUdiM inrti. ry be
New Tork. Jn. J Njnev.fsve per djcaJed, until lh fj-deral board of
of the strikes and TS pw tt of janMlcOOBaJ award -ria ;o f jr.cuon.
in the building-- rrom April. 1113 to m J ny. r
ttar Wum of th T. M. . inw was to mm -,.. .... tn tn pam rare ocojrrea - r-.iwi.v. mi'w . -
mr in coneet.w with tltf Inter- wMrk the reading centers l!M.O0(ri, what is knows .-owbi:-.,bw VVe,0i" mssnaat to th
M'ifti teUtrt f by B Kets. of fcr autorno- nr- or rentravenue ti secretary of war. err- in th active
tri,ro-fki'lf peop!. 4 'oar !" and tbnaM-ivs a to which trad promotion of public works in order
artnbvra lm lwe4T-r1it fail. TM iiU Sew OrVai) m4 Um asvald do U work. rra.eJ(!in T to provide Joba for rturtsir. ; "
waat-etMttw atfwwlltkw 1- rrfj to Ft A jrt wr It. diar Jtiitar. pr4at trf tb F. - W.. Ixd1ocl'ided Mr. Mil!r. Th-n it &P-
4iC Anr.oli. Iialtoit. Cik ctorn. Bf.-t as raa wr aTr4 and, an frmrly dirt-tr of il peaml that there wvS: i not be rjffi
Sniaa. P.aa M l"fni wo b rtr,itxir of :h aftmn ajM ivaaiim of pofaltc wwiln a4 oimruc-,ef.t labor, material ar.d '.arial f"r
. ... iii mhiu was !aforn iJr. I k, i.f the Lfutird SU'ta sannif nt the necraary new consorcf ttor. of the
. 'l.j.. . Mibr. erww! if Lk.i. On; I or cent, he declare country.
. ,h hammiekntm and lr.rlKC Wdn'-.jr. Icttbr II, t the lAVf ten on juutiii between in- ductir public workj . a
av the burnt tnumtry ef fcewiiro mrm- u the br:d. 2lt Pnnh l!h j,!.,yr and employ-
tnr Ta M.i'herc c!ub of the Fir
tn l!ho3;t ch-rrh w.ia cbf en-i
roeeU w- rr iBed U TueadiJ t7 Mm J. B. I
Utrcetor f th !" ar. A eyrWe prreraa, h, WJ,nM
Th promotion of nor.-pro-
The federal merre b-yhri. early in
. MMH.Jir wt turn en Wula a. f. ooer. mid aiim aimi if r Ji.utr. wno n mi m mum,"...
taaartra eniMllnf aaanf Ihlaaw ttwr Aatiby were viOt-4 In Ktarrtut. The.vlth the cboatrttcUon todoatry In thi poac of pestponlnc the erertmr. or its
Sit find. It was MtibU.he bf m diin M inHi affair, or,y the rr-ur.TT for II year, cited the of coBlempiatsd bankir.r ijwtitutiora.
mZma of Americas who wUbd t immediate reiativee and a f. Intl-a blK Chlnuro hotel eontln mil Hons., The are Bmon: the fartors tn the
lLT toeetes tW siaawMes etiaatt freda aendie. Heverend H.'the w.rk on which had been delayed prtaeM Hution."
k eeatnaait hM-r jd rrtele V. ioer officiated, iunr.B (he r;n he eaid, more than a Jr lai or
to th Bw home tl&aM Knaiiah ceremon- Mr, Knuwer haa re. en'ly a dlajrreement between k!!ld work
anr nied The r swown bow returned front oi trwtt The bride ku ' to lw ahouid handle certain
to vjy Artcas castes sad ptess ben employed in th hitfhtrar tr becau of the prfndrarice of
asd how to e)or th o!4 world partment of the Utate h The metal over wood. Thi he said waa in
anst witbowf tsaUM lb,.meel yosnc tt Uft for I'ortiaod on ai riUbie eoiejueoe of th rapl de
awtirety from limit Amwku mhfa- shert weddsn Irtp asd will make their .veloopmenl of lb Industry. AnjUra
. .hm la Ka'en;. k:K the equation and the building out-
' I e e j ook tor U: Mr. !UiT afcjd' j i
CM f the r-netttM w44isw of lh-! The wt tu-mr ,lub r,,rn.irv-j .y V.he Q.tii.
z -: . . u a - .,.. 'iisbk! award bv th United Bums 4s- Ban ranctec Jan. J Allowme
www "was VW N yZ".:, .hi; 4 O-enn Ad- lrtf of labor, a board compoaed od behavior ered,!S tb pier.iiary
hrTTh. belde's Vr-amA pre.Me.t of ,h. ,.ub. prldew f rehl.e.t engine,, contractor ..tontone. of Abraham Ruef ,,,1,1
IZa ifr aad art 1 (I Itelria . at lh. btt.ine tneeMt,, t ih . mrwl men asd wa arera, prom- bos who conviction was :he out
SM Jm'mLh, Iw a N irton. of followed h.- a exai afternoon. In s-dotton of one of the most d!f-, standing feature'of the fau.ous San
is. rt lh!tat eoore ftVtetJ. -hh laneywork pUyed a principal ' r Problems In th bulldm Franciero municipal graft ca. will
!rtl arid w a toAStifal wer of part- Tb W(a r. aviated la aer. "trr, A. a r-ilt of junllctlona! etpire January T. is:), according to
f bet f s r Hh wor full saorhier. Mra n Kut'l of l'-n.)!e
iHctk l and com f orant Ad Uu.a.1 rw at the . lub meet
a . Tk. Kriilamaid. alias OIlv ' were Mrs K l-'eriruaon. of Tilla
sik f Bheridan was cowi4 In mwk. and Mra Italph CTiaffe m
. .V els . toess sfCanads. ,, prom.-, a has conducted a real ete business
Zi: ZJZL. l-n. -ar 'rtokori ... ituer mm t r nur nr ne comm. her. He epent three yn in jail
a ttartian. was rts . .iwji
term eonrra. '
bus len formulated
f all approval of all lntrets ct-ncern- nor's office at Sacramento.
td. who m to nave entered Into Itj Abe" Ruef was sentenced in 1911
utthout reservation. (to serve 14 veara In nritam. He m
TThe labor outlook In the building oaroIed In and s;nce that time
A pretty wedding was solmnid Tr "'"'" ' here fullowimt bis first IndiotuienL In
i of the prosecution ouiowl, was shot
T . . . mil nw! i irni v rioum luiitir rum in
( Keller -f rVtaa4 .. " o. j .y. son o bnwdln Industry aald Mr. Mill- ni"mhr ' lh J" vn'r
1 U T- Truly- Aflsr short.- u.u ,w ,n wltm(n lhfl .,,,, .'Haa .ubsequ.nUij killed himself in
toss?. I lU4 th r - -""""""" m. tio shorta... -orcorre.l In th!-"-
H.U will make thefr home Is Pes- -- "- ' "
AUM ohor ate iortfaa m a eJvtl ! rn-f s4 h as atlvioied by her
foe tkw HUM Hirkway depart- "-, ',,' vn. ana
, Junle rrce MioS. niece of the
"! r.,.W.1.rn '-"" ,, .h- ... a. ... .h'mornins daiUew f lha e. ..nnnae.
Mrs Way I. "mlih a..d hfra. ny4i-r fJ "h rj,"- May. 'American Fe-UraUon of Labor. Thla ed an Increaaw prtc fnm two to
... . . . ....... ,as newt llau ... ... ... :
imr sw joint tMtM at s seiigm-i - ;triK was settled by a ronipmmle tnre cents.
tad gMheetKtr Uaday aftarnoos. whew!
i" ;. " - l;, 1k. 4,1. ,. at the Seventh fay Advenltet church. ' ,i rmlY"
tclmn. s brt-thee ot IS tuna, see T .. ,, u. full recogmilon of the tern
4 i fee m. Ts- fT W. kT : frtnelplea
as played by Mi. Hwc Hhelto bM" f ,U.,M WW li 'The flr-t -rtous tabor I
S sa, - --
short - Tb,
i yossat of w
to i.a. buu-iu
bitter iavrt of i Ktolier Ilia, through a
strike of carpenters on government
work III Urooklyn in violation of the
itaker-Oompeis agreement, a pact be-
Rochester. N.
ttMqr swtsrtsiiuMl a greu t old V'll
Issiieit girt. Hi b'"' if htra. Jam
VTest l IwdlanutWMrs. West will be
fsto4 as sties Jsssts Tann.
iTsner student st lh wsiesrstt.
auaghier lr Tuwng ot the mM Tmy
Wr straet Metfcoitlst eh seen f tort
toa Btr., si Mrs, Wm. the have
sssaded Ml th ssat unlit eees-ntt. are
aasatsg ttwrtr buss ta I 'feet Wad.
Tt arte n was pleassstly pass
ed srHlv ehaiUtia asd eslislnaled with
as best tnaa
i.tu4iaily after the rrennny
th gitaats repaired Is the Wilson
ham where a wedding supper was
On- of Ihe most eo jo) able .llnoet
parti and family reunions held on
hiw Year, day waa preeided over b
Mr. and airs t'red Itrownlng. who
hav recently moved into their hand
si mis new rtome oa litli street. Cov
ei were laid for Mr and Mrs rYsd
ltrowiWig. Jr. Mr an. I Mrs A. II
Ma ssevlaa ef rfrshmit Mcownisg aud .hil.iie.., iHirotby snd
W the .hasteeaea Tata, aeaaaat war Lr- "' Mr u Williamson
Me, West, Mrs. irr I tell- ,Uu""-' . Mr sod Mr
las. Mis K t. Martin, af law An- Wm H".wn.g and dauuliter J.n
), M. K A Thainpaoa. Mrs Mf klra, Kd
Krask t'areiri of Poelland. Mr AI-'. rwing. Aii aa mi lnelt.l gu-at
theaie iHSM. Mr A A, pVhiamm. U M- 'f bat en, HoigUU
rtwrles riates. Mrs rUmrs rortoes f , ' ' ' ' " .
r-rtHBd. Mta riertratt Kakla. Mts ' ot " principal social event
HmMh Miss Klim Hetat, Mis "l l lh dinner par Metal. Miss Margarwt Orlmm. kfrs " l ,h '" H ertaon rest
Kay U Km ilk and Mrs, Floyd fits i" Taea,Uy .v.oin. t whwh
jmsnvlwis f lh Vltfr Oo-Uuun.l
- A anr af th sotdiae af la la. " honor guaaia A red color
eal eawiMi sf la aaivailua Arstg sailed arKMM prevailed Ihroagliout th
spaa their offi.-s Ml rbsrs. Kaatgn Bt 'oiihia ited carnatHma.
ad Mrs Hunter, (tiriMmu avealn; cbaimlngly set off with dainly fern,
at thr guaitvi. and praasated " rui cnierpie.. and'
wtth a etartrta tabls lamp as a smalt an4la. subdood ailh eriniaua ,ade.
taaan f lair tat gad , WRk way UI (r lighting putpua, Cov-;
few well rbssea asrds lh sargasnt " Ihtrly iiksi Tlie
awtar sisd th prswatau, aad aa raanSer of lh sieblng was pa and '
aajayahl tnalng fi.llw4, Thtue ',,' ,n'' club dlveisiun. playing
eataptiatoi I p as., i pet at parly wra Mr, j
sad Mr Krth Hliltanua, Mr anl Mrs 1 or:g her lull grandson. Hob- j
M Knsebn-ianw, Mr ad Mrs II J, " tharle Kay. aba Irav tot)
Maeraia, Mi asd Mia C, II mama, vKir fendleion today aftci
Mrs. T- I Ttvdd, Mr. M taanbrn " eia I vteit aiih trUiive In
Atauh rojuih. Mrs J Haf ts, Mrs :d eWivtn, M.a C P Mn .p gta. koaai.
IVrry, Kcuith Walling. It wt ts W lliiama. titiiad a euatdgp ol their little'
Albert Kh-huia, lstd :ngbrsa. Mh a pieitt pany av
laither t:nsrPreiua, Hay Mamas. ktaanng. pmnavtiaa aJJd a hil
MaM Hester Teddy feet. Howara ''' "t to the il oiali. o to
ass. sad aa addiitoaal gasat, Mr d th tato at ahu b a d i :
- laaa, f'tott llM hvi. was seived, aaa ceo
s s ll.rd allh a hkt f lu: - ia fiail '
Mr 4. M Ultlar was giaeiaas haa- To eeig was .pent i;, taiiou.
lass lwaiadar et-emag fu ike satpWy- e. and l lii l l,a.l perfor
aw f the il.,lt, a tea SI ' t"uuile tilll gueat ).
Maaal gueata The haasa was peetiity 'b hasp tal.iy f Mrs lUtbup
dsearsled lh yew Ira branabaa, th
owa veins aopMlali tut .ay at iKl " of '.iimuoI and
araaoa f the ,r fba haatsMuet ar orfc -J i n, j,.
saa4ae4 taloe ..,lhr a Hb aa M. i.aiai Na tear du.i rr. al.l.-h
sag aaaket af far a. and aaiaiy ml sat "'J! auailr of ,n triced,
aawata aaed as fa. .is Mrs K. leaded An hour ot a . i .1
H t'paet aweel la knaseas tn "0 . l, b-Hb v,tu,4 aB.i
aetnag Kiapiojan aba aaa praaeel losing lr-. ivpaal. ahun aaa aarv.a
V A Cbiwlaa, igi Pans, i J P la. g ,u ,MHIM
ISaagt., t,P. jva sad Mabeet ai. IU. lHm-. tn. f,, , .,, lmutM
Me. Additional ga.t wee Mt. W !e..i.d If -ma Ac !-,. a. w,
A. tknsua. Mm CatwMaa Itut. Girted n aasdT ,e gift by Uiv
ktaawa, Mia ,4nK Uawtey. M4s.h ., s, tt...
, ...
Tw Wadditvg af Musi lea. t..Mra Mr, - r p,u, t of tn.
- . ".-xi t'arvag sa.a Millet iteputoicss Hub. t..n
eaamj Ua.... .... ....... i ...... .. . . " w,s
a, .. . . . " "ai., i . 'i-e-a. ' toau,.n .. ! ataaeti
".TT r' - ". Ilk aaru, sin u , .,
sMU ISlk dsVa-aSaaaa Ji ... a a a ... . ...
- . . a.w ereru at la tamat-ial rao., Q
18aN,. peefarsaed th swrawvaay Maad.r sfi.raaoa. UMV ctock Tic X
!! 11." - '" d-a-t Japan .tti b Uve avwial TO
i . . "" "y .- r stu.ry
.wiwaaii. isaaiip Was is
. vtl.ibg tlv raeaa
aawras Isai-hean was sareadb saj
rcty bit tw Uaiastoa
SV Whet la t,.a. . .. .
. . . - '"a." r.w years u k,i.
w- aoro. aod Mm lka ....... ... '.!
, . ' in .c.. al tlr TJ
om f Mr lavut... ,,.
. A Sana wea,... . . "or. d..eet..e ef th. tvp.
a Tt,o . i tec. ber 9. .1 .0. v.. .. ...
ta of Mr ard ktis. n t i. . ' f "".. ai.a ha n
ll it,, m,ZT .nJr Mil ll "' be h.. ,
M.aA .r.7l. .1 IT . wstaWa left fr a.ltu ,a
...... . r Matter. Sau- a... u. . . vL
.. .k. ..... . - . ... . " " la (tie V...l.
... , ... a . ana 1 .. ... . . .
Aid aad M.... "...... -. .. . . I .' OePartc
' . " aeay at not l-hui at M
UddDush tM Mli
TSffa Stile apt
1 fnmOfPrrialtts.
stor r w - c 1 n
Wonderful opportunities for the selection of the season's best fine
wearables at extraordinary low prices are now offered in our ready-to-wear
departments. Many garments are offered at prices less than
cost of materials to say nothing of the high standard of workmanship
in making and sewing. The styles are all right, the range of sizes is
nearly complete. An early selection is advised as the best bargains are
going fast.
COATS from - -- $16.48 to $34.75
SUITS from - $19.75 to $44.75
DRESSES from $16.48 to $44.75
SKIRTS from - $ 7.50 to $19.75
1. & (Ha
iu Our . ' ;U;
yoa will have
.if the
sasA laaa: tatai tuMaa.
only swi--t r stu.ry tl
sitael . W
a ifca kr ..d . y., it ! t.. ,i!,Ux' yb
aad tn d i te.,uat!t .( th ) ,.,p , ji
. Ot. ftya.phoa . ,t ,B. H.n , A
tn X
aetatre fleet
went af tb tVrelah!
. . .
Miat her. ha kt.iw. a aia
ad Mr, rihitrte. will .a. .a..' " atn.a ..f ,(,
la I'Dderwaad. Vyaaki.w..
law. v
ai la tattaa.
ask rstative asd raw Usas ftwatds
ws ta rwupi witaeaaed lbs eat.
. mr.
CAdicsa. attt i Ka i-k..
ehaww the faawaa ta . . . " ' Wim Acr paeli
Orstsl aTasnngr ladaatrw. " cwUd la CVtalii ! sVn day
s s s eewtat
( WgHar lattitoa tosskdad al a ,
aaaallfully gppaimad dtsar i .a. . lrts.igkt sfbs.
IWaao ..t .a at-. . " '"ao, carta
riltu SHd Mlaa t'l.,...
e ..a ., aa nwil I It (aarirfl a,. a. . . . .
Nw rar-g itay. Ta tela.. IwJ!!1TV 'f." few
aasslaarls aeaitmul arfea. a. "'"" ta gweMa af
- -. T . . . . aa. Mta H
Deposit one dollar each week for 50 weeks and you have $50.00. You can
e:ii!y save a dollar a week and won't you be glad to have that $50.00.
There are clubs where you deposit 50 cents a week, or $5.00 or any sum
A club to fit your purse.
Or you can begin with 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, or 10 cents and increase
your deposit each wetk. In 50 weeks:
10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50
lw Jhe lar Pa and dreis each week. There
are no dues. ou get hack every cent you put in.
You will receive 3 per xent interest
Salem Bank of Commerce
Sakir Oregon.
laa gwetts
I. Kit
saw ssrsv jaatos Lbmlwa. Mr. aad Mrw at, ... M . ,
Td Crowthsra aad skMsna at, ..a a. . M. Its U
. 1
. 1
CH ltealan gad ehwdtwa
d .ka. "j gwswut fr tfe,
ML tMcfc rSartiAiUL
Mr. mm Mis, Waiur
-W ';.- --' -r; oJHRFr
va .pasr-v ''ir'tiiiia ?
a a. w. f