THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 1, 1920. PAGE WINE. New Today.- Where Small A ds Get Results aiSmall Cos CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. Rate per word Each, insertion one cent, six insertion 5 cents, one month, IS insertions, 17 cents, une jcar, per month. 9 cents. Minimum per ad. 23 cents. First Insertion only in New Today. City ads cash in advance and not tak en, over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors New Today. V.' ANTED Two men to cut about 50 cords of wood and do some slashing- if interested address Box 57, Salem, Or. 3 CHEAP furniture, 703 N. High, sani tary couch, tables, chairs, bedstead, springs, high chair, child's rock er, spray pump other articles. 3 FOR SALE At a sacrifice, K acres unimproved land for $900. I want to leave Oregon on account-, of the dog lawi. J.. Cv Walker, Marion, Qr. fiTARKS Delicious apples. I still have some fine ones, drop me a card if you want some. A. E. Zimmer man. ' ' '-": 6 2000 BLACK Mazzard cherries for pale. J. C. Morris, Turner, Oregon. Phone 466. , 6 GIRL or ladv wanted for general housework. Call 686 Center St. 3 P("t UNE trees 20c each. Order now. Phone 111F3. 6 $1-15 BUYS an 83 model Overland touring car, in good condition, in both mechanical and appearance, owner leaving city this week. 349 N. Commercial St. 2 WANTED 4 roomers. Calk 411 S. 16th or phone 1184J. 6 LOST A "Tempoint" fountain pen. Finder please return to W. A. Lis ton, 484 Court street. 1 BARGAIN 4 room cottage south Sa lem, $600. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. BARGAIN 10 acres nearly all in filberts, close to Salem, very cheap. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. 6 IJRW Kolton cornet for sale. This is a very fine cornet. The Wiley Tt. Alien Co.,-619 Court St. 3 UriRD player piano for sale, looks just" like new, not a scratch on it. A bargain price and terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St 3 A BUSINESS EDUCATION Pays dividends every day of one's life. There is no other- kind of an edu cation so generally useful, for ev eryone must use business knowl edge. Secure it at the Capital Busi ness college. Registrations may be made afternoons of this week. 1 FOB SALE Cheap wash suits for a toy 2 H or 3 years old, by one who has out grown them.. 1023 North 17th. . 1 WANTED r Refined young woman wants room in Christian home where she may have use of piano; on car line. Eox A B C Capital Tournal. 1 For Rent TO RENT Fifteen acre tract located 1-4 mile from Waconda station, Oregon Electric R. R-, with dwell ing, barn, orchard, pasture and farm land, together with monthly cash payments for board and wash ing for an elderly gentleman. Ad dress Gervais, Rt. 2, box 45 or phone 3F11. ' , WAREHOUSE or store room 30x90 for rent, located at 265 S. Commer cial street. Can have use of S. P. Ride track. Apply 267 N. Commer cial, Mr. Cravart. 310 1 OR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping. 1040 Leslie St. 311 Miscellaneous. IT MAKES your clothes last. All work strictly hand done. YALkJ HAND LAUNDRY We do cleaning, pressing, repairing. 194 S. 12th St Phone 8. 315 OIL BURNER The Dreadnaught burner in your cook stove or heat er cuti your fuel bills in two. Guar anteed for 6 years. 343 Court St OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur geons, Drs. White and Marshall, 50 V. a bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall res. phone 834. 49 ACRES for lease. 29 cultivated. 1 in prunes; 3 head cattle, and team for sale; would lease with op tion o buy; crop or cash rent. L. W. Magee, R F D Silverton. Tel ephone 1921 Marquam. 310 WHY wait. Get your plumbing and repair work done. Phone 731 or call 845 N. 17th. 312 Lost And Found. LOST Dark f yellow CoUit dog. Re ward, F. B. Matthes, Waconda. Phone 3F15. 311 LOST Purse containing office key, etc. Finder phone 262. S10 LOST On Wallace road motorcycle storage battery. Leave at Journal office. 311 FARM LOANS Any amount,' Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6. t 1 HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem Oregon Wanted. MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents tailors, want garments to remodel. Room 2, 442 State St. SIX WANTED All kinds of junk and sec ond "hand goods. Liberty Exchange. 241 N. Commercial. Phone 841. Spier & Scott. Props. BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re quested for the building of an out side entrance and stairway into the basement of the Salem Masonic temple. Plans may beinspected at the office of this association 403 Masonic temple. Salem, Oregon. Salem Masonic Temple association, Elmo S. White, secretary. - WANTED Secondhand furniture; rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. We pay the highest prices for everything. The Capital Hardware - and Furniture . Co., 285 N. Com'l - St. Phone 947. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Ontome trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted 610-12-U.vS. bank. Phone 341. " PAPER hanging and tinting, expert work, reasonable price. F. B. Wood ward," phone 131 or, 1201 after six o clock. -Ji HOUSE painting, tinting and paper hanging. K.. H. Keith. Shop 443 . Ferry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop 849. ' , 825 WANTED To rent or lease house with 5 or more rooms. No children. Phone 1543. 311 WANTED Ton corn on cob, Phono 798W. 310 FURNISHED room and board; if wanted. Call 1003. V.310 FOR plumbing repair work call 1310 J. 313 WANTED Some one with high blood pressure and can t get relief, call 664 or 1310J. 311 EOARD and room wanted for boy 12 years, must be In modern home and receive good care. W ill pay well. Room 301, Hotel Clifford, Portland Or. 312 Real Estate Houses FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with or without furniture; terms. W. A. Liston, -484 Court St. FOR SALE $800, four room cottage large lot, garage, electric lights, city water, Nob Hill district Owner, phone 1390R. FOR SALE Or trade. 6 room mod ern bungalow. Call "at 1267 Marion St. Phone 1390R. Owner. MODERN houses for sale, 6, 8 ad 9 room, close in; 12 rooms with 3 apartments, rents $50 close in, for $3500, terms $1000 cash, balance 6 percent. Others larger and small er. See S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. FOR. SALE 6 room plastered house, including bath, water and lights, garage and two lots. $1650. Terms. Phone 1752 between 9. a. n. and 6 p. m. 311 FOR SALE House, 6 rooms, lights, water, bath. 176 Luther St. 312 HOUSES FOR SALE 12 room mod ern house close in, 2 apartments rents $50 now; garage, good local ity. A good home or good invest ment, $4000. Terms $1500 cash, balance easy terms. 18 room house close in. Rents $40. Price $2000, terms $500 cash bal ance easy. 6 room house completely furnish ed, close in. - " 8 room strictly modern beautiful home at a bargain. 9 room modern, very close in. These are all exceptional buys, in vestigate them. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. FOR SALE 6 room modern bunga low. Pric ereasonable; terms. Wee owner 2545 Lee St. Phone 829. 314 MOVING FOR SALE Furnishings for 8 room house, mal eable steel range, book cases, bed room sets, library tables, dining room set Axminster carpets, and other household articles. 1137 Court St. Phone 1403 W. 311 FOR RENT A 6 room modern house with garage, State street, $25 a month. See Fleming Realty v Co., room 7 Bayne bldg. 310 Help Wanted WANTED Experienced housekeeper and cook, good wages paid, can at People's Cash store. EXPERIENCED seamstress .will go out by the day. Phone 14U. WANTED Wood cutters, and some land to be stumped. Dr. Beecmer, S02 U. S. ban. 310 WORK WANTED Clerking, deliver ing or driving true oy io your boy. Can drive any car. Phone 1090 M. 31 WANTED Wood choppers on hi share. Phone 8F23 evenings aner 7. 51" FOR CARPENTER Day or contract work, call C. W. Nist Phone izk . . . 314 WANTED Girl for general house work. Phone 855. iiv WOMAN wishes housework to do on Saturdays. 55 Journal. si i Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. SO years experience; Lepoi un and American fsaea, sises 2 to II Inches high. Pain oif and Yam tabes, etc, loganberry "Mid bos hooka. Salem Fence ant Btoy Works, 356 Court street. Phoo 124 ya cash ' Reo aired Goo d overcoats, hoes sad suits, ail kinds of musical Instruments, shotguns, riles, ti" other useful articles to srAI sr trade. What hsvs you? The capital sh ebangs. S3T Court 8t, Fhoos 43. Scavenger. Salem Scavanger Garbags and rs- ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals imond Offles phons Main 101. A movement is on foot st Roseburg to vote bonds in the sum of $00.00 to Install a municipal water ostein. For Sale. FOR RAT.E First class baled cheat hay and straw. Phone 91F15. 3Uj Hand picked Kings, Spitienberg and Russet apples. & boxes $4.25; 10 boxes $8. Buy your winter supply now while price is low. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front. Phone 494. 314 80 ACRES unimproved wood prop osition, fruit district, for town property, acreage, car; give or take difference. Box 495 Salem, Or. 311 FOR SALE 55 aces best fruit land located near Salem on rock ,road. Entire farm ready to be set into fruit. Good house, barn and out buildings. Priced very reasonable at $6000. Terms, $2500 cash, bal ance 6 percent, investigate this. Bearing fruit farms for sale. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. , - POTATOES for sale, 4c per pound by the sack. Free from frost. Phone 115 Clifford W. Brown, 171 North Front street 311 POTATOES for sale, 4c per pound by the sack. Free from frost. Phone ai5 Clifford W. Brown, 171 North Front street. 311 FOR SALE Wood tor you. Phone 1678W. , 311 FOR SALE 105 acre improved farm 8 room house, large barn, new silo hog house, chicken house, fenced and cross fenced, with woven wire, R F D and telephone, 3-4 mile to school, 3 V4 miles to Jefferson, fam ily orchard, an ideal stock and fruit ranch. Price $8500, terms. For more particulars address owner, Geo. Feickert, Jefferson, Or. 812 FOR SALE Reefers "More egg" . tonic- $1.04 --package. Mrs. W. S. Winslow, Rt. 1," Salem, Or. 312 FOR SALE Furniture, 570 Union street ' 310 FOR SALE Jersey cow. Rt. 8. box 144, at Hopmere. 310 FOR SALE Stock hogs from 70 lbs. up. Apples, splendid varieties at farm or delivered. Address Wm. H. Ean & Son., Gervuis, Rt. 2. Phone 3F11. 310 FOR SALEj Duroc Jersey male, also, some good pigs. Phone 23F15. E. C. Eoff. 313 I FOR SALE Team of horses Center street stables, weight 1100. George Smith. 310 FOR SALE 20 acre full bearing prune orchard, 6 room house, barn, chicken house, etc, on rock road, 7 miles south of Salem, good district. A good home and a good invest ment. Indications of big crop. $2, 600 will handle. Owner, S. R. Pear son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. FOR SALE Oak and fir stumpage, B miles out. Inquire 644 Ferry St. 313 FOR SALE Creeping Grip caterpil lar tractor including 3 14-inch bottom Oliver plows. In perfect order, $1000. E. Deitrick, Carlton, Rt. 1, Ore.. , 313 FOR SALE Or trade on small ranch a Ford touring car, Just overhauled. Will sell cheap. F. Orr; 175 S. Com'l St. . ' 813 FOR SALE One pure blood White Wyandotte cock bird, $5. John S. Martin strain. Phone 98F2. 311 FOR homemade swVet cider, phone Walter Pearmine 98F2. 311 WANTED Position by experienced waitress. Phone 564. 311 FOR SALE Ten pigs, one good t-am 9 years old, weight 8000;. also 3 year old mare and colt Jno. J. Doerfler, Silverton, Or. Phone Stl- verton 5F13. 311 FOR SALE ZV, acres for sale. Rt. 8 box 147B, B. Papenfus. 1ft miles end car line. 314 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red cock erels. Phone 66F21. 310 DIRT Free for hanling. 741 State St. " V 310 FOR SALE 9-weeks old pigs. Thone 55F21 evenings. 311 PFOR SALK Or .trade 1 Hudson - speedster, run three months; i 1918 Dodge touring car; 1 1916 Ford roadster, in fine condition. Cherry City Garage, 170 8. 12lh St. . 314 FRESH cows, also springers, for sale. Phone 65F5. 311 HEAVY team 8 years old,Percher- ons. for sale, pnone biro. oil FOR SALE Brass baby bed. Phone 971. 311 10 ACRE tract, all in fruit, good Im provements, on paved road, on N. Front street Some terms. Rt. 8. box 3; Salem, Or. Inquire at ranch. 314 Salem Auto Exchange. Monitor cars now on display. Come and see them. 229 tSate St Phone 869. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have Impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One female black shepherd: one female, small, black. slick haired mongrel; one bird dog, white and black spotted. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or before January 4, 1920, as provided by said ordinance. Dec-ember 30, 1919. Wl 8. LOW. 312 Street Commissioner. JOURNAL, WANT ADS PAY ' FARM MORTGAGES We have good loans for Investment at all times. Farm Mortgages do not fluctuate in value. They are a home invest ment. . Inquiries invited. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon Used Cars for Sale. FOR SALE I91T Ford fully equip ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar age. 19?ll Licenses furnislied with every -car ' : . ; ; Tiajguina - .- - . 5 pass Overland $425 P5 passenger Overland $450 5 passenger Michigan $475 . 7 passenger Hudson $900 Ford coupe $550 5 passenges Ford $445 1-ton Maxwell truck $800 1-ton G. M. C. $650 1-ton Stewart new $1200 1 Studebaker delivery $450 ' Price low with 1920 license. U- S. Garage Thone 1752, 554 Ferry St. . 310 FOR SSLE Auto, Oakland six, 1919, run less than 3000 miles, in A-l condition. Will sell at big discount if taken soon. J. W. Turnidge. Jef ferson, Rt. 1, or inquire V. C. Rush 371 Court St. Phone 36F31 Jeffer son. 313 FOR SALE Late 1917 Maxwell first class mechanical condition, quick sale. A snap. Phone 754. . . 313 Best Buys. 5 'acres on paved road, best berry land. $1500. 5 acres, house, barn, well, fruit $2, 000, terms. .10 acres, 7H cleared, house, barn, a lot of timber, fruit, best of soil. $3, 600: cash, balasve 6 per cent, 20 acres close in. best of road, good house, barn, some orchard. $7, 500; on easy terms. 70 acres, two sets of improvements, some logans, family fruit, best of wal nut, berry or prune land: $22,000. HOUSES 6 room modern bungalow, paved street, garage, fruit. $3500. 6 room bungalow fine location, pav ed street. $4250. . . 7 room plastered, nodern house, paved street, good location. $2500; $500 cash, balance easy terms. 11 room modern, paved street, car line, lot 80x200, lots of fine fruit with two sets of plumbing. This would make a fine flat. $2750 cash. We do not advertise all we have list ed. If you do not see what you want in the ad call and let us talk it over. Socolofsky. 341 State street Bargains and Investments. 40 acres 6 miles from Salem, good road. 15 acres bearing prune 2 acreai' lganberries, family orchard, good set buildings. $3500 cash, balance crop payments. Snap. Fine acre" tract near Salem, best dark loam soil, set buildings, orchard, well; good location. Price .$3600, terms. Choice 11 acre river bottom tract close in on paved road, good set buildings and- aH- ki.. fruit,- fine loca tion, ideal home. Investigate. 11 acre tract 4 miles from Salom, 6 acres in bearing gooseberries, cher ries and apples. 6 room bungalow and other buildings. Snap. $2750. For bargains and square deal. Perrine & Marsters 211-12 Com. club bldg, Salem, Or Auctioneers. W. F.. WRIGHT Turner auctioneer. Why not get Vuii.. He only charges 2 per .cent. ' . ' . Money To Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD '- , -Over Ladd & Bush. Bank,. Salem, Ore. MARION-POLK National Farm Joan Ass'n. Government money to loan at 5 1-2 percent SOS Salem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Smith. Why Self For Less? WE will pay you mors cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore yeu sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store, 371 N. Com mercial street Phons 734. - T Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office , corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phons 606. ' Safety Razor Blades; SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew art Repair Bhop. 84T Court St.- Lodge Directory. pCK JHEMKJCET Lodge No. I meets"1 every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at 1. O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHtAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. KunU K. R. & 8. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, Oregon Grape camp No. 1JB meets every Thursday evening in McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1416 N. 4th St Phons 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Asaero ' bly No. 84 meets sSery Thursday at 8 p. m. In Masonic Tern pis. Glenn C. Nllea. M. A; C. A. Vibbert, secre tary. 340 Owen street MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6241 meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in McCornack building, Court and Liberty rt reels. W. M. Persons. V. C. Frank Ay Tomer slsrk. W. O. W. 8ALKM CAMP 118 Meats every Friday night st I o'clock in McCornack halt, cor. Court and Lib erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome. C. D. Ross. C. a I & Geer, clerk. Money to Loan Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. thi and ( percent Interest. City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple, Ilaleuf. Oregon Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators ttpecteltr Ford Radiators for Sals 19S 8. 12th Street. Salem, Ors. -Real Estate Transfers. Ernest Parker and Jennie Par ker to Thuimta Luper . and Emma Luper. .67 A pit It 2 of N H S S. Bonuey D L C $200 Gundef M Ospund and Anna Ospund to H J. Iverson. - Prt ar D. C M Nodtvedt and wife to Gunder Ospund 200 John L Haggerty and Lueinda Haggerty to A H Koppong. 62 A prt D L C sit sec 16 and 21 73 IE 4500 Alice H Stephenson to Ira Simmons and Pertnella Sim nions. 24 A Joseph Lafoto fc L C SS 1W J600 Henrietta McAdttm and R R McAdam to EJma Sutter. 1 A in M L Savage, D L C and j wf. 78 3W 300 Fred W Durbin and Corinne - Durbin to Gerald Volk and Grace Volk. Lt 1 bl 9 Par rish add. Salem Gerald Volk and Grace Volk v to Fred Durbin and Corinne Durbin. Lt 1 bl 3 Parrish add. Salom 2500 B W John and Fannie John to Gus Benson. Lt S Hose Acres and S 3 A lot 3 Rose Acres W M Welch and Emma Welch. C R Welch and Flora Welch, ' L L Welch and Rose Welch to H H Bennett. E S It 5 bl 8 Salem Start 1920 RightOwn U.R. Own Home. A good modern house 8 rooms, bath, toilet, full basement, hot wa ter, furnace, close in; 4 rooms rented for $40 per month. $3750. New modern house 7 rooms, full basement, furnace heat, two toilets and baths, cement walks; this is a good buy for some one at 13750. Two huiwes close In, rented, one 6 room the other 4. U can. have both for $1700. . A good room house, not moder": but a dandy buy for $00; $250 cash balance $15 -per month. 8 rooms close In, large lot, a fine location, lots of fruit, good basement, improved street $4500, $2000 chbIi, balance to suit. Remember ws stand ready to ar range good terms on any property sold out of our office. John H. Scott Realty Co. . 228 Oregon bldg. Holiday Buys 2 3-room houses with fine lots, $4-00 each, cash and terms. 7. room Blustered, fairly modern. basement, 6 lots 50x150 each, on pav ed street, 2200 strawberry plants. $2400. 7 room house plastered, modern, basement,, good lot; i $2200, cash and terms. . 6 room h (i u mo Mastered, two flue lots, abundance of fruit. $24001 ' 18 acres, 5 auras ui o-yeary old prunes, best of soil; small house, etc. $3600. - - 6 acres, 6 acres in 6-year old prunes, small house; $2600. Best of soil. 10 acres, 5 under plow, balance In pasture, small house, close to rock road, $1600. Deep red soli. 120 acres, 20 acres In cultivation, 20 acres mors easy to clear; old buildings; fine spring, 1500 cords oak wood, 6 V4 miles out, $40 per acre. $1500 cash balance time. Walter McLaren Room 25 180 N. Com. St.. 311 Good Buys. 32 acre farm locntPd on main pay ed highwuy, nearly ull cultivated, fain ily orchard, good bungalow, barn, well, close to. school, 6 iniles from Sa lem. Price $12.K00. 30 aero- tract, ull cultivated, fine fruit land, house, barn, well, rock road, 6i miles out. Price $200 per acre. 40 acre farm, 5 miles out, good buildings, fruit, crop mostly In. Price $10,000. 5 acre tract, 4 acres of logans. rrlce $3000. 26 acres of timber and pasture, house, spring, hard road, 6Vs miles southeast. Price $2000. 270 acre farm, all cultivated, build ings. Price $125 per acre. 18 7-8 acres of land located close to cnrllne. nearly all cultivated, slifht ly location, house and barn, Price $10,000. ' ' KO acre farm, 8 acres cultlvate'i. house and barn, stock and machin ery goes. Pries $7500., ; 10 acres-of good prune and berry land. Price $1500. 20 acres located close In, 7 acres of prunes, some cherry, apples and pears, house and barn, well, good road Price $11,000. HOUSE BUYS . 6 room modern homo, furnished, good location. Price $8000. e room modern home, large Jot. Price $3200. 7 room modern hnm On paved street, close in. Price $2700. 8 room modern home located In south Bal-m. Price $3800. 5 room modern bungalow, located at 2030 I. Commercial St. Price $2800. $500" down, balance $25 per month, 6 per cent Interest, 5 room modern bungalow locntno at 820 south 18th street. Price $2000. $200 down, balance $15 per month, 6 per cent Interest. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street Legals. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the fin al account of Ellis J. Bragg, admin istrator with the will annexed of the estate of Charles Henry Davis, deceas ed, was duly filed In the county court of the stats of Oregon, for Marlon county, on the 4th, day of December. 1919, and that on said dute the said county court duly entered an order fixing Monday, tbe 12th day of Janu ary. 1920. at ths hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the court room of said court In the city of Salem, Marlon, county, stats of Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement there of, at which time any psrson interest ed In said estate may appearand file objections to said account or the set tlement of said estate and contest the sams. ELLIS J. BRAGG, Administrator with the wMI annex ed of the estate of Charles Henry Davis, deceased. Charleston. VV. Vs., Deo. 31.-D!a- covery was mads today that 700 pint f liquor confiscated by the State Pro tibltlon department, and stored at to house, wers stolen last night. Breaths are being examined. Market HeS -j 1 Grain: Wheat. No. 1, $3; toed oats 80 85c; milling oats 85y8-Sc; cheat hay $18.50619.50; oat hay $22 ft 23 : clover hay $23 24; mill run $48 49. Butterfat: Butterfat 75o; dream ery butter 720730, Fork, veal sad mutton: Pork on toot 14o; veaf fancy 21c; steers 7 4? 8o; cows SffT l-2o; spring lambs Ho; ewes 46e; sheep, yearlings Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 62c; light hens 32c; heavy hens 2o; old roosters 15(H6c; springs 22c. Vegetables: Onions per sack So; celery dos. $1,75.; potatoes, Yakima 5c; Oregon 3ic; sweet potatoes Sc. beets pfr sack $3.76; turnips per sack $3.75! carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip per sack $3.75. Fruit: Oranges $3. 50 4.50; lemons $6,5047,00; bananas ltd honey ext., 20o; bunch beets 45c; oabbags So; head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45u; grapes 15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caullfflower (3 dot; red peppers 2Ko lb. Retail price: Eggs dozen 65c; creamery butter 80c; country butter 70c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 j 3.40. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Or., Dec. 31, Butter city creamery 7071o; eggs selected local 5D(ii6Bc; hens 3033o; broilers 32 35c; geese 45; cheese 3S(j'38c. Live Stock. Cattle: Receipts 28; tone of mar ket slow; choice steers $10.60 itf 11.00; fair to medium steers $8.50 9.50; common to fair steers, $7.00 CP 8; common to good cows and helfors $7.50(0)8.50; camiers $3.00 4.00; bulls $5.007.50; calves -8.50S14.00. Hogs: Receipts 245; tone of mar ket lower; prime mixed $14.25 14.76;- medium mixed, $13.?5ti14.2l; nugh heavies, $11.7513.75; pigs, $11.26($12.75. Hhoep: Receipts 52; tone of mar ket steady; east of mountain lambs I13W13.50; best valley lambs $11.50 12.00; yearlings $9.50fyl0.50; weth r $0(8)9.50; ewes $87. I'ICET AMPUTATED Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 1. Harvey Dunlap, harbor logger suffered ampu tation of both feet at a local hospital yesterday as the result of the recent old spell.. During the recent cold weather Dunlay got his feet wet and failed to secure dry footwear before driving Into town from camp. Upon reaching town his feet were frosen. JOURNAL WANT AD'S- PAT r-t-4f44.-64-M- REAL ESTATE SERVICE NO. 1. Real Estate is the oldest security in the world. Yet for two generations the American people have had foisted upon them countless individ uals whose only interest in a real estate transac tion has been the com mission. Witness the present activity in real estate and" the pseudo "real estate agents" who have suddenly be come resuscitated from a long hibernation, ready to glide back into oblivion when business 4 slackens. No SERVICE there! For three and one-half yearsduring the dull est period in the history of Oregon's capital city I have been establish ed in Salem and have maintained confidence in the city of my adop tion.I nave "made good" because I have endeav ored to give service and believe I am succeeding. Is not real estate ser vice worth your consid eration, Mr. Property Owner. May I not assist you in your realty problems? C. W. Niemeyer Just real estate Farms, City and Suburban 216-216 Masonic bldg.. Salem Phones 1000-1014 LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18G8 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Time Tables. SOraiF.RN PACIFIC CO, No. Northbound 54 Oregonlan , ; S:tO IS Oregon Express - 8:BS 28 Willamette Limited :17 18 Portland Passenger . 1:5S 24 Coos Bay , 6:36 14 Portland Express . 7:4S Southbound S3 Oregonlan S:10 2$ For Eugene 10:95 15 California Express ll;l 17 Roseburg Passenger ... 4:08 27 Willamette Limited .... S-.44 IS Sau Francisco Pass. 10:03 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a-ra. am. am. p.m, P-nu P m 6ALEM-GEEK LINE 7S Arrive at Salem :1 a.m. 74 Leave Salem . 4;0 .in. SALKM, VALIjS CITY A 161 Leaves Salem, motor .. WKSTERJI 7:60 a. in. 163 Leaves Salem, motor , 165 Leaves Salem, motor . Thru car to Monmouth 171 Leaves Salem 163 Arrives Sulem .......... 164 Arrives Salem ............ 166 Arrives Salem Hi Arrives Salem .. . . 9:38 a.m. ...1:5$ p.m. and Airlls , 6:18 p.m . 8:S5 a,ro. 11:06 a.m. 3:26 7:40 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC Southbound Train Leave . Arrive . Arrivs No. Povtland Salem Kugens 6 Ltd 8:15 am 10:15 am 13:30 pm 7 10:45 am 12:60 pm Salem only 9 3:06 pm 4:16 pm 6:36 pm 18 Ltd 4:45 pm 6:46 pm 8:50 pm 17 S :06pm 8:07pm Sateraonly 19 9:20pm 11:20 pm S ilem only North Bank station (leave Jeffer son street IS and 20 minutes later) Northbound Train Leave Aerfvs Arrivs No. Eugene Salem Portland t 7:15 am 9:80 om 10 Ltd 7:25 am 9:46 am 11:36am 13 12:06 pm 9:80 pm 16 Ltd 1:55 pm 4:00 pm 6:66 pm 20 Salem only 5:80 pm 7:40 pm IS 4:26 pm 7:66 pm 10:66pm North Bank station (arrivs Jeffer son street 5 minutes earlier. ) Leava Corvnllls. COHVALLIS CONNECTIONS Northbot 3d Leave Corvallls Arrive Salem 8:20 am 9:45 am 1:36 pm - 4:00 pa ' 6(18 pm 7:66 pm Southbound Leave Salem Arrivs Corvallls 10;:16 am 11:37 am 6:40 pm Si00 pm 4:13 pm 6:40 pm Muskrat Join Ranks of Country's Profiteers Now Tork, 'Dec. 31. The tremend ous demand for the skin of the hum ble muskrat, "Hudson seal" when It appears In coat or muss, has won it a high rank In the Indictment against the high cost of living, according to a stnttiment Issued Inst night by the Now "York Fur Auction Sales Corporation. The statement says that Michigan and KaHtrrn muskrats are now being sold at $3.76 apleoeaa compared with 55 cents to 60 cents In 1915, and that the Western' Canadian variety brings $2.60 as ngnlnsl 30 conts in pre-war days, - , -.' ' . ;, Whiskey Turns to Water. . ' Bnltlmsref Dec. St. Word reached a local warehouse today from a New Yorker, who last week sent for twenty four barrels of whiskey he had In storage here .that when they arrived In New York thirteen contained whis key, ten water and one nothing, When thuy left hers all were hill of whiskey. Tho myHtery is unexplained. Kicks All tho Wuy Down. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 81. Kx-Senutor William Kllnn, who has a farm lit O'Hara township, today noticed plug ged hole In his farm silos and found a spigot in the barn, Investgatlon proved that the fartn hands war drawing silo juice, mixing It with reu rleppnr and burnt rye, and getting a drink with a kick Ilka white lightning. Mnkn Poison, Not lnim. K.iBlon, l'a., Dec. 31. .-Mr. Hetty While and Hubert Lunar, who drank what they thought was whiskey last night during a party at Mrs. White s home, died today. The authorities sti they were puisoued by humvmuds Irlnks, What's a Wife to TIiIm? Washington, Pa., Dee. 31. James Rush, a well-to-do farmer, married Mrs. Roselhi Whlts on November 24. Tuday he was sued for divorce on th ground that sinus the wedding he has neglected his wlfs and given all his attention to a barrel of hunt cider, Ttush is trying to get her to agree to a voluntary separation. uivci-: is ham-: Paris, 'Dec. 31. Prince Itegent Alexander of Herlila reported In a llt-rllu dispatched killed by an ex plosion, is In Paris, and well. The story of Ills death Is without founda tion. , . ,