Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 01, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    .Tgc.r.,,, V CAPITAL JOI 1"' """" THURSDAWAXUASVl
. - W V
and Show Party
iiiK a good line.
On the atreeta the rryrr:
were as nun,-,,U a ever in the prl
evening but a urivin -wwatorw j
drove the majority l" '"v'r !
1 1 I U necticut today as a result 0f . I
35 Men Held In New Haven vestitio of feaen.i. a;
1 VI 1. JOtf a -
. jr.ii l r,.rt!:infl. Or.. Jan
Frisco Carpenter Miiefl cf interal , ,lng fans were on the
. . . .. ih Milwau-
.. t l-m had a "mhrhof Chicago. Jan. I-Chlwff hky Jrj RyrJ. BaT-ROOm Brattl kie A,hllc club. Two mam e-.ent
goU time" New Vif day when rttI)B ,w nuiaed b.t nmht on wheduled were of ten nunrts each, oe-
partiripated In a banou et and It eoera .bow-! no Sacramento. CI. J"f 1- A';x tween Charley White of Chica.o ami
celebration provided by t. . Jel-;WP P" ,... in,, ,he Johnston, a center, formerly re- i.ron8on f Portland, l.sht-
..,. clerk of th lUIgh noi't ;or being as ury a " ... ln Kranriwo at ' 7,.... 1 .ptn pn Krank i" arm.
ilr. Jwbcliimn. who la keenly ii.ier.-m- ,preme court had Mrecaai. Twentieth street, watt fchut and noeu , jfi , nt heavyweight chain
d in Ihe lad, h.ivin
illness caused by drink
Ve- Haven. Conn.. Jan. 1. Thirty- key.
' . .-' ThP death toll in the- at
,.Five events ve men were under
once been ai ..... hi,., niuht ...r.,inr iliirinB a uuarrel in the ; ,' trv,rnilck. British
himaelf. w h.rt to . .,. ..,,.., iv bar room of the Hotel R.vde. at K.vo. '.,, (lf that class. Thre other
ui of the young VM"! . ., .. . iKanamento county. in hi. h coast men were par-
hartender at. .., .fhed.iled.
j licipant!, di .v.
arreied and charge
li,r. ".lo . Jan I. A ", t,rwt''
rs.L, in Denver '.c.ei- ',rle eno- m m.wt ,)f ,n, young ne. ven-!" isarran.ento county
:..e.l th hi rrel on a h. , ,,,, ipt mm - provea Mfiuaw iu - ; Orlando Kortanini.
'.I . id capl"d .ner ,. c,ft,,;. at 1 . , iradltlonal jo) ot in- nw year ,,ntt..
rh ' ''")' V.t m. u , , , ,.,,,'with murder He aid that Ale John
... .,,nl.l.. l ""-V r.w Coiiitnieionr C II. i'"' ' Illinola search and ner.nre law er,t , 0unI1.,r .jhnson. a compan
txarSnc th intur ..r in.i..'"" M 4 B1,w.(ai t,.j r.i,!,! Tortiami in uy the lwarm. nip tifltrtata are aite,f.4 (j h(. ,,,,,,, mvlta ifaMuonatde, hut thirrtier onea tra.,-
to ronnect him th re -n! "' (lin (1) (,,.nd ,he t,.,tict and to itive ported their wleet private RtocK!. to
windle her totalllnB i-9 a hort dddrewi a mwcial fei jdown town eatlnif pl.e ln uitraneii.
jlwti l.Kn hl m-MY ture 0f the program. NewHpaprmnienj banketK. Rolf ban and In One cane
jhortly af'r Brt '"'1 ,n .''"' and i.uwnewimen who ijathered with even a trunk w.i utieu.
Irmter ti. when he rejiteed at , (y ,,.,, jiM fiurk Police threat of enforcement of the
. . ..- i-.-.-i II!. .rillV w tlll'U ' .. ir i: J - h ..oa ,.t ....,.iln
fanPnnoie iim- - leaner, .Murray vu, . Minwur m-niwi ...
Red On, worker. h.e acquaint- jt) R w Jl) ,chrf f;arrltv mf,,l the round at t'rowa will begin work . on the Hood
nr h mada durlnil Ihe re enl Iteu v,MltviiK ,(, b,,qut, tl. party an-1 midnight and In a fanioua oowntown lliver-Mosier stretch of the C olumbia
a,iv ........ .n iui... i......K..r. i ..... v,.,i..t ,iiiir.t a iw.rt .neech to the river hiehwav 0 wion a the unow
In hm truna 'n " -
ion, had attacked him when lie r-j j ,rf i Havasl Premier
dered them from the place. Kortanlni: . ' ;.au Mt ,.aris iast evening for
aaid h ? .hot in aelf defense a he ; Ueme n . Franc4. where he
wax beiniC choked. , few days
nu lnhnitnlt W Ilr' I till IITTIU (in
If you'll try a loaf today, youH buy
Has the home-made taste.
457 State Street
a ht
wrtlNrat- from the I ...eater, and the party at
tentl.ry. Il.e' ' , am,- tracted .hare of attention In the
Which bore lh- '' found howhou.e a. Ihe lad. were thoroughly
...n lnv.r fltl-- -'' " ',..,, ,he,nwlve. and evidently
in hla trunk, lie n. - , .
lievlln M'Care" at 'reveler. clewjs way, and the
"I am clad to ace .erybody la hav-j rtfrfhed to completion.
road will
I ' 1
MMIMII"""" .
n hi person.
Ila I'rtwm
Utile Hock. Aik., Jan. I - A I.
Moore. arreld in louver, -ol .
eharg-ed with fornery. teleawd
from the Arkanaa ftale p.-nlteutiary
in Jun. Ill. ft hv,n rt" "
,n year aentence for bumlary and
grand larceny. He emhewled -ev ral
kundred dollar, It wa chariced, from
the Twin City bank of North Utile
Hock where he wa einphe. ax
'wanted the world to know It.
itani milliter.
fawdrna, Cal.. Jan-
. I'oitland. Or, Jan, I - A al.ike of
approulmatid) 10 men employed at
'the Smith Watson Iron Work here.
Will b called tomorrow morning. It
waa announced loday hy t'harle Ken-1
drinan, aecrelary of the Portland .Metal
Trade Council. ,
The atrlke acllon la Ihe remilt, ac
tordlnu to Kendrluan. of an announe.
ment hy the Iron worka manngement
that wage would be cut eight cent an
tii. U...I-L Ilia litnir. tiicreuaed from
I January , t..k. ami thai the hoi
t . u f I . I' I1 1 (1,1 lulit May Umn UmIuV wmilfl )u- run mi tltu "AniPrli'ttii htftn."
Hn nana."-."-" ,
Mvrla.l. of beatitltul bloom were The atrlke will be confined to the
' ' ... . , , ,,... KmlUi Wataon plant. Kendlaun aal.l
ore.! before .he eyea of the thou- ( uf
aaliila who Jamined eveiy foot of avail- J0( iun( wolt Ue fr,.,.ed, but Alfr. tl
nlila aireet while I'nandena' (.' Hhilth, prealdnl of Ihe firm aald
nual Tournament of Itowa parade pn y hiUiU( 411 n would be affected
ed review, 1 "If thete had been a redtictlnii In
It wa MllniMted that more man , u f living u ilhln the paat e
1 vteekw. Ihe union would he aide to look
upon a decreaee ln wiikc aa reason
able," Mr Kemltlita.t eald (inlay.
dreda of pretty Klil attired In Huh" Mr Hmlth declared that bin firm
draprle and thrmatdvea ludl down ruui, I(,il rmnpele with firm In other
Kvcltoiia which were paving lee w.ikck.
"If Itie olaot t. li kin lift- tn iititiiin men
no t hm fti.'aiH it wltl .iii "
light til metropoll of a iiunrtrr of Mr. Mmlth a.udldav. Hmlth la Mlwo
a million r more Hluitlnk erl )ea. nc-npirnt .,r M. C.iluinliU Klvrr Hhlp
terdny and ftjotlnulna today, lung aft- tmlid!t! Coi poi ui.ui. and he declared
r lh pageanl had been atiiged, ever iay that the pieent wuae wiile wua
road leading l ihe city proiiKiit it r,,1Siiile for the
tluiuaanria. An abul unbroken i...
ef autnniultlli emended from I'aa
leoa to Aouelea ami oilier li ottti
ern California cltlea loom of the iiiorti-
1 lad Una rul hlonMc were need to
adorn Ihe many float", which carried.
hui.tca their burden of flower Inn.
with fragrant bloom.
Tli. cliv n.irniHllv a liUo'e of Dtt.uofl
to 7DUa populntloit, had crown over
cIonIiik of that
plant. j
'Coolract were uvullnble if we bad
been able to coiniiele with immi
he h.ud
MltiV, I'Wllil.V Mill Mil ll
l"t (l" iiiij mil in iiiif' illinium. .nl
long Iriilu of Inlertirban car rtia UuV
i'hceit their IKLKe .)!!. and tetnrlled
i' whence they eame lor mine 1 Van i,eg, Cal . Jan. I Hhortly uft
Hie parade lllla inornlnu waa led bv , .ii,i-,.ii,, n, .,. i
Kiaok II llogan. grand uoindial. and )rr, Hwiishl Kay. a IT year-old boy
five nlvlalona, e.h divided Ifio mac. f ,.(,,rii, i,.,,, near here, waa falal-
cle, folluwen. I ir, 1 f. Mow land , waunded bv Una I'arinentier, of Ihe
who with Or. Charle h icderleh ,, tf wh . ..... .,,. .
Iiitli'.lameiit in . i.i..m . 1 1 . .i ...i. .. .
" .v ii.j mm lunirn, til l llf II 1 Uf; U
tin., i... k. in me ., 11 11,11. un i, .,n, p report. tlPruieiiller
touin.1 it.Mt.ti i,U bi,., ,,,i..,...,i
uirni nnwiM-iwinfii. n o tiiiii ciin in
many n.ulliein California idle mont I i.nmivn .111
f which had float roteied, Bloo ap- ji
.ea re a in ine muti pna en-Ion.
1M liMtttiall Varna- (hla nftemiinn
Wit (or ttfttl pwH. (but l.euiu the
auiitber of aa ai ToomKuieol park.
TU parade I Ola mornloit waw for ev,
tota.dy wli eould (hid a vantnir
point o aiirat. file ewapea, roof, eor
icea wiioihw i- .
Who Will Sign?
1920 New Years Resolutions to make our
We believe in Salem, its institutions and its people.
We believe 1920 will be a most prosperous year,
and that Salem will go forward with such strides
that we shall become universally known and ac
knowledged as the "Rest City" in the greatest state
in the Union.
We believe this, sincerely and honestly, aye and
we believe much more about our beautiful and
wonderful City and its possibilities, and on these
beliefs we Resolve,
To Hay the Game Square and Keep our Money
in the Circle.
chants and trv them
To patronize our Home Me
rust for all our wants.
To boost and support our Home Industries and
develop them to their limit.
To be courteous and interested in all New Comers
and make them glad they came to Salem.
To do our levtl best at all times to build our City
and develop our county.
To vote for office only such candidates as are
clean, square and efficient and measure up 100' i
To live under the Insigna of the Federated Clubs
of Marion county and do our best to get others to
do so.
I :
l.o,td..o. 31 The llnvptian M- IrWumS fl .
i,il.iiiilil (..mimlUe li.ia lenued a ljl Crvi. f . CSta-,Un If-fll
ttem-i,t reafflimmu p. h , Yf7 I f
lion P. coolinoe tie -ttusv'le for com! t.rltl '
n'i j initeticnitecce lUcordi.iR to u CbrnlN.. V? 1 III
iltHpatvh flillo t'aliu received lildiiv I . . A ft' '
wt.e.e NJIul j!U"nitr . f
'. """ 1 1 ii-miG7 1 1 in i iiiiM-iaAJaoijUriii in iinniiir?lSiia,Mi(i 3 i c;,,,. I ,,, , ) , i , , . , , , '
I TTTZrr .... . uTTT; r 1 I n ;uul uuul 10 M;uiager Commercial Club, who
k MMiMW I 1 ' -
!nlB&fc!.l i ... New y ear
fc:f"-Ye,,Atcah F,nc To- f ph BENN1S0N
A Happy New Year
To You All
We wish to epxress our appreciation and gratitude to all
our friends and patrons for their generous support and
co-operation. For it has been your friendship and good
will that has made possible the success of our business;
and so, at this time we cordially extend to you our most
sincere wishes that health, happiness and prosperity may
attend you throughout the coming year.
-- -
HHIlP.f 0vj ht.t .,,.1 t
rtdfRV You have oily to turn to the Clinsiiitj
foo of l,V Htt to r,a the but Wi.n?
ndj nwmin hmi-e X Nu ona ith
ht bodtM fcu4 room can tfoiJ tiJitttist. and
tw mt with jtKHf twtj uni tact tm e$orJ not
til. UfAfiw a i . i . "
IUMUC;... 1 in , . . .
Bllfl ttfU'
Sj. if ro tf tek,ni boarding cr nwmlng
le'.'X ?u Bt w. tnft
lUrm Art Two fTcfiW Want AJtt
W4, ft..,. , .' - t ma
W . - wel i M .
2r!, " i". MM- ' ".. 4. Mto
J-fM Oe-, w.. .-.- u 23 Te
--. iwa kutx M.
An crmy of ttJeit ttt our Wut Ad d-Hy.
Rtadand Um I A Want Ad$
ai mi
JN KEEPING with the New
Year spirit we wish to
express our appreciation
and gratitude to those who
are our friends and to wish
them a Happy and Prosper
ous New Year.
hen ' llntli i- ., keta tte.ntrr-.iu"
imled. there .apace in Karvwwil.
Hut When 'it mh. l'-keu" Km;ed lim
tivl! and ftvwitrd, (tie ooliaVO
plan h!tlt-tt thr-r Col! and
tr TKol tSt.K!
f the
a tied
Animal Comedy
Perfection in Photoplay