Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 01, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAfiF, FOUR
ablintwd vry ev.-nlim en-cpl Pun-On-
Vy The f"iuol Journal 1'rilititg C-,
Tle,'l.nfie- Clrouiaiaa.
Of ti. M; fcdiUirial rwoin.
TT AI'PY New Year!
its comfort and care!
"And you will expect me to be
pleased with alj this? A man's a fooi j
.. - . . - v. i.... .-I
rrii f i. t t i . . ( 1 ' marry. 4 presume ne nds to j
i iik i,ajjiiai journal presents its reaaers as a isewi marry to find it cm.
ntred a .wold claw. til uair
M Iwuein, Urmoa.
hinniiTrn nrrm
sih ,f:--..' urr IU
, repuesia ipr one mat mil depict the capitol Salem s ; my finger int., my ears, a wan need- '
istr t,f railways, also Will act as
minister of public until a permanent
appointment is made.
Slayer Of WoraaaWiE Be
Executed At ban Quentiu
jj.i!;E nT'.j i, iidiior-1-nw.ntn.r i proudest pots-session
lne Capital Journal is quite willing to omit the
j itolit has played too large a part already in the life of ' Certainy lf he m " '
I the community, if its readers desire it. So if you don't ,he mkt
liHSfitll'TKjN RATKK I i
'v earrtr fca rMilf m meotn. Mv '
it nta niwtifli, $1 24 (ur th-ea mwilln. . til e, If cur c-.
tar, fe hk mnnttia. i pr t in'""v
fctTJT-Vuik """"j The discarded heading aroused a storm of protest-
leaa to tell myself John did not
mean what he wan saying! That was
pouring suit into an open wound.
sake of
,...,,...., vf., ,, rirnviri mot inn huor mn ,. ,..... : a. i,.. ,i n. .:
arm III WIIM. I f .... i"l HKluillK, 13 a ICliilJVeiV UIUIIIUUI lalt ... tnn i im
w..--- s! a newspaper for despite its unpopularity, the ; Zu l.Z L
JiXkW.illT in Circulation "-at I was the on, woman
jwrviipp riKTMK A'iri atio STir'-x
The Amwrlateil I rl in r'1ui.ivi
entitled 1 Ui urn fur rojMiMii utioii of
ail new duoiati tf rri-diifi t'j I or
tut (iH.rwiic crfltf n tiiU niir
A.iM lt.' Jticxl drw fublfiirru inr-
had nothing to say. I was tired
browbeaten to a voiceless despair. And
yet this nmn not five minutes before
that I
had told
Without effort and this i fha ,J .. wa" "" beautiful In hi eyex!
nM ,".." ' " ".-wpctpei Sj. Whipptd to Gr..a.,.r Fury
San Quentin, Cal.. Jan. 1. Execu
tion of Lafayette Newell, confessed
slayer of Mrs. ilary Jane P.eedes at
Somerset, Eldorado county, will take
place at the state prison here tomor-
row. Following the shooting ol Mrs.
Reedes October 3, Newell, then a
How a father "kidnapped" his own farm hand employed by the woman's
daughter, and is fleeing to parts un-1 h"band, confessed that he slew her
., ... . . . . during her husband's absence because
known w,th her, after he gamed h-n reJcted hjs a(lvances. He is 36
release from a school on a ruse that . years old.
her grandfather was sick and want-!
who led to see her, was the storv told by M.-iBY AB..POALD
nolire here Tk,m Tk. lo Stockton." Cal., Jan. 1. A
weeks old baby boy was left by an un
(Continued from page one)
having been approved by the votenl
at the special election June 3. ijj.
The court hesitated to place aaal"
tional items of 148,623.28 an the re "
ular levy as the public haa had
opportunity to approve this addition,
al expenditure by electoral action.
This year the amount to, be raised
for combined state and county pu,.
poses is $624,697.47 as against 85
185.55 for 1919, showing an increase
of J139.511.92 which will add at least
three mills to the regular levy.
San Diego, Cal., Dec, 81. The zon.
system of fares will become effectiv
nere tomorrow. There are two five
cent zones, the dividing' line hein.
The Capital Journal is growing rapidly because it iSj" Sr;, ,et-E -h,9' fa, LymL L LntZ T a mUe from ot &
... . . . i""i, at nit iMinitf ui
S. Annstrong,
I"' 1 M . ' - - "I J V- l V Ik;
-i .. 1 Ifiihf i vi rnu.iiHH . , . . 1 . . ,
... , .,jr ,.,,,.,, a., a new.sjja)er ana in service to the nub-, like i. t yur mo.h,r. because :
j 'C. It will continue to improve. It has secured the full :" w,'" ZTI!y a !,nK,d;;y '",ff,re you departure of the'gin and her
. I U' i . Avr-titoA T'w...., t ...!,.. , . , 10 hel' h 1"",r l'"ce to father was Wednesdav. ;.,) it M
-, . ...av. t.jt.: w, j u Lt i i r , iii iii-iii-f ill imlii lit: rui ttn v& . nui-a u. ma . .1 1 ...111 -
. . 1 . . V ivuiiua! - . ni re mai you early in t!ie afternoon that the t.
The couple found tht city.
babe at the door in a leather bag and
have decided to keep the infant.
Rippling Rhymes.
ur WAir mso,y
I the Ix st U'lcgraiihic news service in 1 he world. It has in-1 "T," 'f11' place'"
;!creafed its localijews staff and added to its valley corres-lhiXrlnriVbhlrnlinto
pjJllieni.s. 11 win C'Orilinue tO UrOfresS With th( winner. 1"K"' ith the letter and went
ation of the community.
Tin: si.w i:it
I h.ol llm new ynur iflsilly. and nay
t'i it. "'(iiiiid rl." while Ktlll .uivev.
fctr (tulty lh )er that' prnwed away
1 b lild year eemed a winner when
for The little ones.
out. The floor slammed hebind hl,
Some perverse little devil mUHt h are
whispered In my ear, fur I tiuiekiy
arose, picked up the Kohl pocketbook
with lis lone $10 inside and going to
the floor said:
early in t!ie afternoon that the at
tention of local police was called to
the matter.
I'olice are Culled
Mrs. Hill, who resides near Chemo-
wa, came to headquarters and asked
for an officer to go to. the home of her
husband to soe lf the girl was there
(Continued from pajjo one) ' "D "rVT
"Oh! I Can
See a Lot
rP HE CAPITAL JOURNAL na n v vl . ."J"""' ,uive"'1 '".' "-
I . .. . .... uiii.vuanofl.T u iVW ILitr.tllMtK
;::::r;r:!r:.::w:r,,r:;! .,lt.t, own, the publication, k-einnin? . ."
e .i .i.ff ..r I tlond;i v of "SCeiiv Tinw Tali" lJm ,..:u .u.. 4.ii"r- ut
M , ,-., i"f I) 1 1 -'o""""t; "Jin lot- lait' ang.-r and
, v ' , ' , 1 v u"j aim ins adventures. 1 nis will be Jo ower iHII,'n,y 1
(ill lliir fli-Bcl 0 ill. celo Ilill flaw Hail.,, ft,. ,,. e ... ,. , . ' J"'lIVtU'
...... . .... by the Htorics of "Jo v F'. .m" '.Tno.-.r... t.,.. ni.i it.. :"f n(
buiiyutt Mrnnter icd K he'll wl
V frae ffom (I read and dawn ho..
allKi-r, mid nil Hie HIk lliere l,e. 1
bt.i he'll blliisr hm fouling, riirtfent
luehl. In hill train, ami end the faullnli
wplrling Uit" driving men Innane
1.(j(k he'll lirlnif n iieaii'ili of qulel iin.
tpmm, and Wit lo Imw and r.i.,.m
lead peopl hy ihe iiime, For am,
nil, u weary of ilol uml unrenl, of
fi oy sknltf and bleat y n bo do
Ihfir duly beet. In hIIc tip ueleft iiuar.
rcl. o ituike meii'M .nioin flamn, lo
Jtulcnnlne their tuoisln, nnd itpoll
uieir uw-iiii name. The old yearn
burled unflet a milllitn laua ut grll,
III Hew yfir I a wonder, Htid uillil
t.i make it htl.
featliered and furred folks of thr U.Oti11'irnl
t. i . ., . .' " . ". 1 Alt I ..,.,.n iun oi uie Mew lear, the Capital Journal will "''" riUmin.
ned and looked at me sullen-
curlimity goi the latter of his
he took a step toward me.
put into his hand Ihe purse
1 turned hack into the room.
id closed Ihe floor the bag
ant me. barely Grazing my
. Punt one of these animal stories on its editorial pages, to
be read by older folks to the children at bed-time-a fea
, ture they will appreciate and which will reconcile them to
got heil I heard
ing up and down Hie
Military, which was directly under our
room. There was wmiethmg thaf ap
pealed to my humor In the last scene
reconcile them to ;n' ''"Z"'1' a",1 a,,h""K" 1 W"H
- ... "ion, near me
breaking point, I felt my mouth set-
T,' IT) ,.n
going to bed to dream about
. wiiw w luiiy -as me capital Journal irrovvq r""K """,r 'n, ,h ' ''"''ifmc
hir (WiV'.l.h. '.,! :n t. . .. ft . "ai ji uv i ., H1,ljl(,
of 1 A " 7 iV 7 ! l "iifd-it oeing the aim ....,. rf v.,pp1,lle,s
oi inc pnpei to have something in every issue of interest ! Mor' ,han eVt'r- however, was i
to even-one. im.ties)ijd(..rilljl,wl tlmt t ,,, V(.I. rai.,.v.
1i . .. v..,.vkki n-iuif i 'face and
hfimtnllii K.t 4l. I I ' vnvv Olio
,! , , " "v '"w injiJ'PTll UUl 111 UlC IlSlli ' ' " "e Ktioli. Listening. I
Kutu vonuoversy, ne is certain v mix .... """" J""n Mtl t
. . ' .'VIA IvUllllO' I II.
In the rue. Kei.tiir. rax. of K and
I. MlllUHII HHahlnl Kill, a I'hllllt.
Irian, an onl.'r Iwoted br Juilue
Knieliey i'edniliiy, diwIinrKltiK (', , t
Jell. hu to ted as rewiver In Ihe
fc.atl.r. Kltt Haw baa reelaltneil t)i
piollny Invitlvetl. hit. ratvlver lull
eiltlttiir reoelpta of $l,734tS( from
the vale uf bof utiil oilier rropa from
I ltt buldiiiKx,
Tli January term uf vlrcutt euurl
lietntia Ktlday when Juilue erp) II
kelly will tej.ule lit Ui fut Iment Su
i at Ilia euuii houae, lo-arlnit ttiolloiie
h uhded .hk. Many r.M winch
ere filed a yeHf a,i nd tl hieli
lit Bi tiua ttMta been taken by parile
t lie a nt will ri,, Uvtur the eriuH
t Ibl lime, Tlteae pas.w an. tisuiin
'""""' If ' l nettled within one
j.t of f ; t Iliac
JF GOVERNOR 0LC0TT expects to secure peace and
3 mapped out in the fisl
tainly our leading op
,uJ,J & commission dis.
V- t , . lu i'uiiey, there was no wide-soren
dissausfact.on with its fairly efficient L
ui.n purse again, and (he more 1
thought f it ,,. mi)(, ( i1(.,.,lm(i t() lne
the Hjmhnl of all' my nniia iipiness,
Again I tumbled oui of he.l, turned
on ihe light and retrived the bauble
iiom tne tar corner wnere It had fal-i
ten. 1 softly oneneil Ho, ,i.. ,..i;
which for niMtiHia v. -.,i JL u .. i? , "ummis ration,
Mini rot .,".. v, , nan,,ltiIIpea by attacks by
isiuaii cotene of disgruntled sportsmen.
:iml fm t,,, i
ft seeineu to me his steps were lagging
' "l "iice uie iiintiunt came
that he was not so much to blame n
was the old woman sleeping so peace-i
'u'..y in m r suits of rooms at the other
end of the hall.
It was she who had made . -
a , happynot her misguided Ron, fr
I whom I found ims. lf feoti..
wiry than I did for myself. Qulotlv
I again went to the door and re
moved tho foolish cause of so manv
narsti wonts from the l
PiiMiley (it, Htoler ' M.
olntrd iidmintaittiliir of the ett,. of
i. ik net Oetraitii -r
She said that at about nine o'ciick lng Srowtn of Salem has not been of(
neonescirty morning her husband , f-pe, out nas oeen graa
vith whom she had not been living ua! and with every indication that each
for some time, because of family dif- step forward is of a permanent na
t.cuities, came to her home, while t,lre-"
she was not there, and got the girl's EverV representative business man of
clolhcN. the city is looking forward to an .
He then went to the Seventh Day cePli(l"al year, marked perhaps by a
Adventists school. North Fifth and ''t-'''" conservative reaction from
flaines avenue, she told police, and frenzied trade conditions which is ex
got the girl, telling her that her le't'1 stabalize sane business and to
grandfather, Lyman Hill, was very insure more permanent prosperity,
sick and wished to see her. Expansion Promised. 1
Girl not Found j Fruit products industries of Salem,1
Officer Lee Morelock accnm nnnie.i cannaries and allied enterneio i
Mrs. Hill to the home of the rrami. expectedto enlarge in scone nr.,1 i :
father, but the girl was not there, incase in number during the new year. 1
Mrs. Iliil arid the 'A new canneev tmo tQ 'l
told that the girl had left a half hour the Paulhamus interests and other
before with her. father in an auto, and ."hints already located here are'plan-!
that she was being returned to the 011 enlarging their present itnn.
",,,';'-T . . I The Salem Phe!! company are antlcSt!
i.i t Ihursday the girl had not yet Paling an unprecedented trade in their
reached the schoid, and no word of "nes dependent, however, upon a re-'
her whereabouts had been received, turn to normal growing and market
mmhee L .I'"" .T .AI.?- Hil1' Tl,e Tdif'".6- 11 18 "erally conceded by'
......... . .,, uceveg mat Her o.siiioutors that an inflated nnd!
father has taken her to Seattle. .artificial fruit market ,M
much havoc on the grower nri ,,, .!
discourage capital from investing in
fruit development work
fortlnlf ihe "!W year ,ndustrlal ef
fott In Salem will be stimulated by the
completion of the new paper mill This
to expected to increase Salem" pavroU
to an apreciable evtoi mu.
Meat Packing- con, Z . "",aI'ey
nrnetie.,ie i, "uiunsnment
fhe , y aa been c'"Pleted during
the past month md .... "s
ment is ent.Voi,. r " ptull'-
, iiia.iipci
oiirtiiL-ur oinmLo
Of course you can! When
properly fitted glasses relieve
the strain on the delicate eye
muscles and nerves, you can
tell the difference at once.
Perfect vision is a rarity,
. iiany persons surfer the ill
effects of impaired vision be-
. cause they do not realize to
what extent their sight might
be helped with properly fitted
It is such a simple matter
to find out whether or not
your eves need pIuiimc, k.
c.'. "l uiia
no one should continue to put
it off from day to day. Why
not call and see us? '
Henry E. Morris & Co.
are exneei.i .... . persons
ment with . steai Ploy-
" "' enterprise.
:. t!
ti r- V r'''' U6tu "no a lorce. im ' '" .. husband
. lne I mley incident, viewerl ha n i-.. 1... .t ! nK "" ""
PI0. furnLs hod th., nm,.n: : .V: " . uw eo-; i. ...a.,, wj..i, lfa8 t
" ' - - , 'i'iiM Liiiiii r vim ii II r t.
Ottawa, Onl., Jan. 1. A shake up
-...- ....uie in tne ilomlnion cabinet to
day by Premier Oorden h..f,. u
lng the capital.
Ihe resignation of Maim. r' i
.Mewbiun its minister ,,f ,in
loorknol, Tl, ilefon 1 ... U,1U
cloHinv tin. t . . ""eicnanges of several
,,, . ..mere,, oai K into oiaer portfolios. Two vacnnele win
be mom ami ,l,,,ppi,0 ,,ml fl)lish h, lm,d in.tuZ
oy in the place where it had fallen Sir Ueorge Foster wulo" me.h-r
from John's hand, and hurried ba.-k of the urlvv en , nu,u1
. . . . - ... , " premier
noriien s absenc
S deluged the
;)..; r i-"".-" Uk-ti iTMiireo
or a broadside
i ' l "IllVkll I I'M I It'll 11 T hit iom,i
iMiw uieit' are not manv of thos,. :.. -
" " !'. i.ain it tin y
able Keening
n v 1
1 lll-llu. f..
b ..a. xMinteii s absence. Thd
liremier's ile.,,..-.,, ..... ..
ii,,. - same time
bat iscount tlrey Is leaving for the
I nited states and England has led
mi.'IWI tllKCllMS inn of .1...
I'iilly of the
Premier belm i
oml.aaaa.lor to the United States
Arthur Sifton retired as minister ot
"' "oiks ami tie
i..... il...l.. ., ... ... . . '..u. iiac a it t i' r n'nta iii it,, r a i .
' neat proin-ilv held ..j ..... .1. ", " H t' H'leSl each llt'ikus: i-etn tnir
t 11,11 ,. I , . , , ' . I US Hit CM flOISK !l 11 I I..... ...... J A...,. . "IflMI T.I Ihe K.l,.m- !
;,.': r.rT " " .,t " " "i meir love uf wii.i i;f!un,m, , ,,.... . " M,U.U1 " ,. :,:,M,U A1
.... .,. i(, ,, i 4li., 'M' i ,.o i i,i ,...,,.,'. . . ,i . , ; " " " ""in smes oi any , '""oM'-r or
"e wldeh will 1. ,.. ,.. ... i . ... UK "tC S. Sl If bill If if. lo. I,. ....... I .... , ,l Heel Intl. nut I ,,.L.. .. -,,,.. .. o, .
t:m.,i. j n Hi..,. ' .r Ivlllei . V h..n it l rt . .. " ."v m,,,l atut . '; r. .'..r'
roll win. we, ,., .., W,d .,;, paC W 11 lid hllllt tt it ll l,, .. ' ' l t0H'ine in I " I've stoek and even j
b Ue rm,,.,y ,., Mra twr.,l L,, , HUH k W Ulld Ciy, the Cfltlnt ISS t.ll A ft'VV "" " V" "-' hv
i n i.o win t,. r.utn.1. u(, .jjtii !- ago they were alter Finlev -uui th,. ,.!,! . ll ' 11 s" hanl ,h'1
a. law ,e: , H HS ( , .y , f . 11 a!l(l tile ol (1 Commission, ! ""-".m of their dog , , ' 1 ""
.llll,l. I'aitl.,.,1 i-l........ 1. . ..V.J 1,11 ,,U" illlt'I till' Ol't'Stnif (-111.11., ... l .. "'l extreme! 1.0,1 .1 , I
'came secretarv
nf t ...ii.. 1
"tui was a 1 . 1 n 1 1 1 , ., 1 ,ii,., ..,
.o.oimrr HI CUH-
I "! state in plac-v
:i ill ,,,, ,,t , .
' 01 a succeHs-
enburn, J. A. Caidcr
iioiinmaiion aiui colonl
acting minister of
ir. .1. 1). Iteid, min
oni- I
Monty's Tire Shop
154 Spnth Commercial
i i ! . 71
I, A L a-.... a. 14 .1 . J Will !h lit t 1 .1 I I .... ft ... L
r. - MHMiin ,,Vt , :. ,. r"imm- its the.v
we.ii. o -v.. .v.. ..,iu vm SllOUUl lit,! 1...
' 1 1 1 1 1 C f
lather Hpui.aii i. m,,,,,,,.
eateoia. t,-, ,, Nui c j
" eluu. to fM.,!!!,,,,
There is howt-vt-r
..I mi 11 1 1 ...... ... .... .1
-ii.iui..-MtiM ana as 1 it'-
e taken too ser
hnm fiehi. f.i ,.;,...: irmm 0 pui.iic. wh
-i - . .-v ll i ill .11 1 l-.i 111 till
Hil 1
t; wl f tl i l)' IS
lo mripuir.
tot eliiltli
t .It.v lot.
'''"l of all
for a ,1
neit tier
ion nater i fmit flllu.h u.Ui j(
mi, lit (.,.,,, iu.llt Ul,.u.
in many c.Tsea, .Vccrding
in.'i-e is time and place
r-. i hi i no not iieiti'Ye
an irtment house and
a street Is trie 1,1...
Ii It m
'ill i.itri,,. .. i. i
r'..m ii'iin tin to ke,.in. , ,.i . . . I. 1 . . . . ...... . , ,,,, vu,i , , , . , , , . ....
i i,i.,,, .. .e.- ...e, im,. iuiu (ii n.,1. uml ., ' 'v- n.l- , -. ..,. ... me.
,,, a, h.. .. ii,.., . ,,mi'k "mi a camera Siu-h w..r.... i "" iw w
,i.--- ..J K
.rr- nl l ll,4lMil I llir HIM IIIU V .'lH'l I ! , lll 1 amall ,i , ,
- wiivi. - i - - .t'-s t
...mati HiimeheJ b lb. Mul.iiu
If .... . i . ' "
I I. II' .1 I I 1111 ., n l. 1 I .
i . " " ft I k rate p.-mm n..n. v.. . . "uuw " """...
iwurh Hi pt'l'lietiiMt.. ,, ;!.! i;r. . " ... ..,.,.,,, Uit u .,
i )., , , i . - "iui uie tjy
I " all eei
euitr enmi!i4Mr ,m",u"t tn,.
"' b.;h-. i "7" 'ww lor our vautiful n-itive bin, ,V ."7"" i..,s n ,
.,tne.t t, , uml Hum nr,,,,,,.! .,..: 1 11 I'iitb and animals uim . ,,:
,i . . ; ""it tiill'I r iir tnniti,!.. i u...
ii s1 (u .iiiililllV'll,
"' '".. a I the ,.u ,
-I.... m mini eiiHtuited by hl
U.Ctl.l., Will k, ,.,,.,,.,.,,
'UK their
tt ttj U.n f.,r tm ,U,U)
m wnl tie !caie4.
- 4 te i
Jt f
vuv uu m niithnr.
IdntiM5Gione Gilwon
; ..iiui'!ih
IN-1. 1 .
Fi.( :,.
, A t;.,i i sitt. . '
' ' Jits'
M Ml,
I w.
i V h,
i,.l (.
w r ;!i,'y
tight nut be ao un.
hotel or apartment
ml likable and wel
arned. 1 have leii
inhumanity shown
their owners, who
highly, d.i. li.
t.lli 1 tltllllllU' .1,
' in nui
!v walk, gotid for Ihe
I if the i;,,. .
S'"nt boy. the itimimi
'Icily a.tmortmhed.
aotoe st, n,. whete
: lliiaji
M' I..U. fm- a i , n w.
, ""' ' .. h t f
I''5' t-ial. Hilled
;" wdi t..k,. t,
for 1920
We Nvish to thank the public for their libenl n.trnn
Our business has increased far JIT dm'ing the
ward to the New W l! Ur e0 and we look for-
Vear with confidence.
To our patrons and the public
'.le .(,.
'" - v ti...
'd a.,f.,, ,'.
l'elt !bw u.w
taut itm e ,..,t.. , ?1
iili t.,nt Mr v
tum M, ai,,i . .,;
I wsoli 1 , a ..-
t mi iwin ivw
s any ,.thr
ie t,
ne ,i
ur ptvt, tK to I,
' VU U.'Ol no,, u I ,
t.t?,.i i,,i ...
, . ,,, ,. IO H .. . . .
- a,t ' 4H kU(l I t,S
t.v iikv Ui
with y.,11 t ti,
.I'Milettn ;e.
me work . I
jlhiit th.-v l,,(
j PIMn-e A! Sow l:i
ewk!d vM ......k.. "U " " etl ael.e 11,... not, ...
. Vvu .. ' ' B.hhI red I. e.l
1 a () ,,, k ... " s".-u: t tv
!ti .'fh .j.
( t
! ml
IVo!!! ;
-. "
i.eta .si: ii-.. ;
' t V Hie I V
(Oiltife aa i! 11 lOO It'.l
'' a WWHa r tt'fcy Aw.,', MM 1 Itnui'rf
ate in i.hrr r..h
frtualuv .... .... . ,,a Mil wl" .y Kei i
""'t.oi it aoivvl.ka Wa ... ' . " vl ' .v lh'"' "
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cftlidren. Ktuhual.
' lhit!is!ve to
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;;bJ. f r..,.n ur
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!us them but de
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o suit them.
..mat tvvomea ds
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i.xt uglier
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With th ij... ......
rf,. k . ... . " 'IM
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meo lamt-l f V fl ,f ,:e,t. ae.i.H. r.. ,, " ' Aa,t ,.,, h,V , if, , ' ruv", " fKnh-
m fieneral we extend wishes for 4
We trust we may deserve i
a continuation of your patronage and good
-71 Chemeketa St
' Co.
Phone 38
We pay highest prices for all kind
f junk.