Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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tlilF .f? . T?T7 - -
onth. 8 cent Minimum per K
oE1.0.011 only ln Today,
a ov S?h in advan tak
Pll0ne- unI6ss advertiser hag
New Today.
WANTED To hear from owner of
: frood ranch for sale staw cash
i Pnce. full particulars. D P Bush
Minneapolis, Minn.
FOR plumbing repair
work call 310
v Sr trade on small ranch
'' ?viur- ?,0Urins car' Just overhauled.
Pnmi Chenp- F- rr- I" S.
t-oral b(, jj3
i.L(ifT,A 5 bil!' Rpward at Journal
'' office, care G W. : t - ' t 9(Jg
FOR SALE-CreeDlnff Crip eaterpH-
f-.,trac,'; lnci"aing 3.. .14-inch
, ....bottom Oliver plows. Iu uerfect
order. $1800. Ditrick, Carlton
, Kt. 1. Ore. " m
FOR SALE Oak and fir stumpage,
5 miles out. Inquire 544 Ferry St.
ton SALE Late 1917 Maxwell first
clans mechanical . condition, quick
sale.,. A snap. Phone 754. 313
miNISHED room and board, if
j wanted. Call 1003. . .310
, HOUSES FOR SALE 12 room mod-
, ern house close in, S apartments
rents $50 now; garage, trood local
ity. A good home or good iriveot
ment. $4000.. Term $1500 . cash,
balance easy terms.
18 room house close in. Rents $40.
Price $2000, terms $500 cash bal-
' a nee easy. -
' 6 reom house completely furnish-
1 ed, close in. - .
8 room, -.strictly, modern beautiful
home at a bargain. ,
room modern, very close In.
These are all exceptional buvs, in
vestigate them. S. R. Pearson, 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 43,
FOR SALE 8 0 acre full bearing
prune orchard, 5 room house, barn,
chicken house, etc, on rock road, T
miles south, of Salem, good district.
. A go&d iiohie and a good lnvost-meiit-.-
Indications of big prop. $2,
500' will handle. Owner, S. R. Pear
C son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
; FOR SAJLE Cheap, black ge'dins.
weight 115Q,. age 8; work single or
double .2865 Brooks ave.; near fftir
gi-eunds. - 309
FOR. SALE Team of horse Center
street) stables, weight 1109. George
Smith. ... 310
WHY wait. Get your plumbing and
repair work done. Phone 731 or call
845 N. 17th. ' ' 312
, FOR SALE Duroc Jersey male, also
some good pigs. . Phone 23F15. E.
, C. Eoff. - ' 313
FOR SALE-StocKlhogs from'-70 lbs.
up. Apples, splendid varieties at
farm-or-delivered. Addressi Wm; H.
- fan & Son., Gervais, Rt 2. Phone
3 PH. . - -.. 310
FOR SALE Jersey cow. Rt. 8, box
144, at Hopmei-e. ' 310
LOST Dark yellow Collie dog. Re
, ward, F. B. Hatthes, - Waconda.
Phone 3F16. 311
0 ' ACRES for lease, 29 cultivated,
2i& in prunes; 3 head cattle and
team for sale; would lease with op
tion to buy; crop or cash rent. L.
W. Maeree. R F D Silverton. Tel-
enhone 1921 Marauam. S10
FOR SALE; J . Jersey cow. Inquire
Kddie La Branch, Cardeu Horn
tract- ' 309
I'OR SALE Auto, Oakland six. 1919,
run less than 3000 miles, in A-l
condition. Will sell at big discount
if taken soon. J. W. Turnidge,. Jef
ferson, Rt. 1, or inquire V. C. Rush
07 cm,,, et Phnno S6F21 Jeffer-
...X ..v T
VAREHOUSE .or store 100m 30x90
for rent, located at 265 S. Commer
cial street. Can have use of S. P.
side track. Apply 267 N. Commer-
cial. Mr. Cravatt. 310
FOR SALE 1M acres 1 miles
place. Price $800 $300 cas.i. En
quire room 3 Bayne bldg. 808
FOR HOIiTHS The Capital Business
. coll has not filler more than
half of its calls for office help. In
: view of this grear oemanu to!"
. . 1 nhn,,lfl ha annrps Of 11PW
, pupils next week. Call, let s talk
With you atiernuunn. ,
WORK WANTED Clerking, deliver
In ? or driving truck by 18 year old
; ,oy. Can. drive any cat Phone 10 SO
M. .
. 1920
Licenses furnished with
every car
t - . . isargain
: fi pass Overland $425
P5 passenger Overland $4&
5 passenger Michigan $475. ,.
1 passenger Hudson lP
Ford coupe $550
5 passenger Ford ...
1-ton Maxwell truck $800 ,
1-ton O. M. C. 65,nn
1-ton Stewart new $1200 ,
1 studebaker delivery $450
Trice low with 1920 license.
V. 3. Garage
Thone 1752, 554 Ferry St
Any amount. Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg. '
798W 0rn n C0b-
-'' ' NOTICE
Impo-ndea th fc.Tirt
NiiTP lance with ordinance
slick h,. ,! le'na,le. small, black,
siieit hured mongrel; one bird due
Jh.te and black -spotted The aoovc
reemi wUI ktU
ElZ;- ?: or before
ordinancet ' ' 83 prov,decl
December JO, lilt. , . 7
Sim a' lOVT.l
ilz Street Commissioner.
MR- and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and rents
tailors, Trent garment. to -remodel.
Room, 2, 442 State St. m
WANTErwAU kinds ot junk and see-
??? ni KOOds- LibertJr Exchange,
241 N. Commercial. Phone 841.
ayivr at ocott, f rop
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby r
; quested for the building of an out
side entrance and stairway into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
temple. Plans, may be Inspected at
the office of this association 403
Masonic temple, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Masonic Temple- association,
unlit o. vvnite, secretary.
wawiiip- Secondhand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices for
everything. The Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l
St. Phone 947. , .
n lai-upucian, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
PAPER hanging and tinting, expert
wore, reasonable price. F. B. wood
ward, phone 131 or 1201 after six
o clocx. ; S15
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
hanging. R. H. Keith. Shop 443
Ferry St. - Phone, 821, Bhop
849. , . $25
WANTED Some information regard
ing jonn seaiey, who resided la
West Salem, or Salem, some twen
ty years ago. Address W. D. Gil
liam, Dallas, Or. Rt 2. 309
WANTED To rent, or lease house
with 6 or more rooms. No children.
Phone 1643. . 811
WANTED To rent piano from pri
vate person, by reliable party. Ad
dress 8 S care Journal. 308
WANTED From owner price and
full description on 40 to 100 acre
farm. Farmer 21 care Journal. 308
WANTED -Partridge Rock hens, not
over 2 years old. Mrs. J. H. Arn
old, 447 S. Com'l St, Phone 1946M.
- : ' 308
WANTED A chassis in exchange for
horse, cow and wagon. Address
207 N. Front St. or call after 6:30
p. m. , . 308
WANTED -2 White1 Leghorn cocker
els. Tanered; 1 Barred Rock cock.
Rt. 6, box 146. . ' S09
Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE 5 room , bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St
FOR SALE Modem six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co. -
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
water, Nob Hill district Owner,
phone 1390R.
FOR SALE Or trade, 6 room mod
ern bungalow. Call at 1267 juarion
St. Phone 1390R. Owner.
MODERN houses for sale, 6, 8 and
room, close in; 12 rooms with
apartments rents $50 close in, for
$3500, terms $1000 cash, "balance
6 percent Others larger and small
er. See S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon
bldg. Phone 43. ,
FOR SALE 6 room plastered house,
including bath, water ana iignia,
garage and two lots $1658. Terms.
Phone 1752 between 9 a. m. snd
p. m. - 3"
FOR- SALE House, 6 rooms, lights,
water, bath. 176 Luther St. 312
FOR SALE Two houses, one s new
ly finished bungalow, 5 rooms, mod
ern conveniences with garage; lot
60x140. The other a very conven
ient 6 room house with electric
lights, bath, wash trays, good barn,
about twenty fruit trees, also some
berries, tw big lots, and a pleas
ant location. Price reasonable. -Inquire-
M. H. Edwards. Cherry City
hotel. ; 309
Lost And Found.
LOST A pocketbook, containing pic-
, .i,.a rnrn'l street
lures aim m-Sau, --- - -- ,
Saturday. Finder return to this of
fice. 808
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip
ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar's-
CtooA Buys.
63 acre farm, nearly all "iv
some timber, good prune and berry
land six room house, barn, well, rock
road sV miles south. Will consider
part trade. Price $150 per cre.
25 acre tract, lfc acres cuttirat
r " ..J,k xnd oasture. 6
rm "hSS. welTsprinr. rock road.
clZ to reform school Uon on S.
"""-.''..Vd close hi. $
acre of prune some sppiej. house
nri hnrn Well, rnco
WeU in proved 80 acre farm most
. V ' ".iU a i .ran. roed 1 mom
per'eT house, two barns, i miles
east of iWem.. . Wrry
acres or buu i" - - -
u,i. USA tier acre.
."Fme lot located on r-
! mount hill. 76 by 1 fefL 1 nc
W. H. Grabenhorst'SrCo.;
J7 Biie
Salem Auto Exchange.
MOnlt? "it tSate Bt Pho
Phonal tt i iiu
,jv ueip wanted
wl.?)ltSi wagea Call at
.v airg. j house timil h "tiv(jon. t room
WANTED Position as housekeeper, ! Sjl1001" "--WOO,
country preferred reliable. AddreSj0
13S er Journal. - us iVV , erM Pn hi bear-
W ANT KD Work by the dy or hour 1 W'"W and cherries. Ten
by lady. Cau 1501 after .m.SiI m,1lri,?1.hous barn and
EXPERIHXCED seamstress will go
ot by the day. Phone 1413. SSI
WANTED Wood eutters. d some
, .-" lr Heechler.
302 U. & hank. , . S19
FOR SALS First class Twled chest
hay and straw. Phone I1F11 , iS
Hand picked Kinga. SpiUenberc and
RllSSUht finnlu E W., 1 n - ...
$8. Buy your winter supply bow while
price is low. Ward K. Rlch&rdixM.
2395 Front Phone 44. .. . !
FOR S-VLE Good Jersey male and
milk cows, Chester White male pig.
Leghorn cockerels, - Oregon strain.
Phone 86F22. 308
FO? 8AL--?-weeks old pigs. Call
284R evenings. ; 398
FOR. SALE Fresh young cow. Gvote
box 65, Rt 5. J08
80 ACRES unimproved wood prop
osition, fruit district, for town
property, acreage, car; give or take
difference. Box 495 Salem, Or. 311
5 HEAD of fresh Cows, 3 with calves
at side for sale or trade for beef,
cattle. Inquire at 2915 N. Com-
. merclal St. Phone 2064J. 308
FOR SALE 66 aces best fruit land
located near Salem on' rock road.
Entire farm ready to be set Into
fruit Good -house,! barn and out
buildings. Priced very reasonable
at $6000. Terms. $2580 cash, biU
ance 6 percent Investigate this
Bearing fruit farms for sale. S. R,
Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone
43. -
POTATOES for sale, 4c per pound y
tne saeK. Free from frost. Phone
115 Clifford W. Brown, 171 North
Front street 1 . 811
POTATOES for sale, ,4c' per pound by
tne saeK. tree Trom frost. Phone
115 Clifford W.'Brown, 171 North
Front street. 311
FOR SALE Goed apples from $1 to
$1.25 per bushel. Phone 831R.
- . 309
ONE brood sow for sale and six 8-
weeks old pigs. Farmers 47F23. 308
FOR SALE 1 horse and wagon, set
ot single harness. 1259 S. Liberty.
... 3ittj
FOR SALE PaMridge Rock, Bar
red Rock, Buff Minorca cockerels
and Silver Laced 'Wyandotte hens.
Mrs. J. H. Arnold, 447 8. Com'l St.
Phone IJ46M. S08
FOR SALE Wood tor" yos.
1678W ,i ' - v '
FOR SALE First class fresh cow
and calf, and Some pullets. Phone
64F21. t . ' 308
FOR SALE 105 acre improved farm
. 8 room house, large barn, new stio
hog house, chicken house, fenced
and cross fenced, with woven wire,
R F D and telephone, 3-4 mile to
school, 3 miles to Jefferson, fam
ily orchard, an Ideal stock and
fruit ranch. Price $8500, terms. For
mors particulars address owner.
Geo. Feickert, Jefferson, Or. 812
FOR SALE Or trade Jersey cow,
soon to freshen. Call 776 South
12th. 3
BARGAIN Choice 10 acre tract all
under plow, close to Salem, for
quick aule $1100. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. 309
FOR SALE By installment, 6 room
modern cottage, without heat; $2,
000. W. A. Liston, agent. 484 Court
street 309
DRT wood for sale. C. D. Query.
Phone 77F2. . 309
FOB SALE Reefer's "More egg"
tonic $1.04 package. Mrs. W. S.
Winslow, Rt. 1, Salem, Or. 31 1
FOR SALE Furniture, 570 Union
RABBITS for sale, 4 does, 1 but.
1541 8. High St. 809
Holiday Buys
2 3-room houses with fine lots, $400
each, cash and terms.
T room plastered, fairly modern,
basement, 6 lots 60x150 each, on pav
ed street 2200 strawberry plants.
T room house plastered, modern,
basement, good lot; $2200, cash snd
temroom house plastered, two fine
. . a nA l Mli S240A.
UHS, RDUIlUftWW " ....... -
It acres. S acres ln -year old
prunes, best of soil; small house, etc.
35?' . c h. .v,r old
prunes, small house; $2400. Best of
. x rln. balance in
nSo.r. .mull house, close to rock
road. I1S0O. Deep red SouV .
120 acre 20 acres ln cultivation
- .mm in cfnr: old
lulldings; fine spring. 1500 cords oak
wood, ttt mnee - f-
$1SOO cash balance time,
Walter McLaren
Room 25 1 N- Com. Bt $11
We have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value.
They are a home invest
ment. ,
Inquiries invited.
203 Oregon Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
The CUisop county tax budget car-
ryln7th. "' wa il
prlTed bv tb. taxpayer, at meeting
Saturday. The budget Includes $14.-
1 OuO for read lnaprovement
Best Buys.
''".'t " rs,of . limits. 3io.-
1 : . - unofc 2 acres rmsufee-
1&,0; terms. (Stock n In,
30 acres, to acres prunes. T acres
ttes. tcv Best of fruit taaA. IVtth
buildings for $12,500; eoodtern
s acres finest loganberrv land, on
paved read, close in. a soap at $i"
5 acres near Salem, all in curtiva
oob, room house, some frait $i00
-40 acres all culUvatwl. wU fenced,
1 acres 8-year old prunes, house.
orcusra. j miles of H.
' If1, tiW' 48 cash, balance
t PCf Cdlt.'
irorswa ..
Strictly modern v... 1 .
$4258. eMw,
Modern t reom bunnlow w..
ment. furnace. 13J00.
room atrictlv uodm hn t
located. $420, easy terms.
"om mcHlern house, paved strent
$2500; $500 cash, balanoo n.
month at f percent
9 room modern hftim 1.. 9Aviaa
$1940. terns en part.
1 room modem house, close In. $4,
250; terms oa part.
room modern bai lot (wi ;a
fruit, furnished. $2000, , '
5 room house, lot lOOotlOO ft., lot
tiu. foow casn.
ror oest ouys see I
141 Slate street
Stove Repairing.
8TOVES rebuilt sad repaired. It
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sixes 18 to 11
Inches high. Pain. oil and Varn
ishes, etc, loganberry nd hop
book Salem Fence art , stove
Work u Court street. Phone 114
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes sad suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, riles, heatlnx
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1004
other useful articles to srU or trade,
What have yoaT The Canttat Ex
change, 1ST Court St Phot $.
Oleson's Auto Exchanee
34$ N. Commercial - Phone fit
1S17 Ford, good shape, $375 '
1919 Chevrolet, driven leas than
3000 miles, $725 - - -t
Ford 1-ton truck $35 on
I Samson tractor $509 V)
Ford bug $275 . j
Autos ter hire without driver, ;
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, usm
auto parts, tires snd secessorlea. .
We have taken the agency for .the
Chandler and Cleveland cars. Phone
for demonstration. ) i,
Scavenger. I
Salem Soavanger Garbage and ire-
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phono Mala HI.;
Office 124 South Liberty street
Phone 937, 1211, Real estate and
stoca sate
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. Ho only obargee
ft VaasJ Asftnt
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salsnt. Orij.
MARION-POLK National Farm JLoea
kmn. Government money to loan
at I 1-1 percent 101 8alem Sank of
Commerce. W. l. nmiin.
Why Selt For Less?
WB will pay you more cash for your
hmiaahold enod Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoplee Furniture
and Hardware Btor 271 N. Com
mercial street Phono 7S
Water Company. .
corner Commercial ana Trsae ms.
Bills payable monthly ra aavsnoe.
Phone 08.
Wood Saw.
HONB 176411. Our prices are right
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1 n
Bummer street Salem, Or. '
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY rastor blade sharpening asa
chine, first Inetaliea u. a iw
art Repair Shoo. 14T Court Bt
Lodge Directory.
' maata ever V
evening at 7: 19 at 1. O. O. V. halL
McComack hall tm every TuKi
" I. Harry Levy, & C; f..Ktt-M
Oton Grape camp No- r
every Thursdae evemns -"7
,- Rlmlnf Ml-vlC OrSCle
XTZr re k tTiinn. 141 Union Bt
recorder. Mr Melissa Person 4I
fi, 4th 8t PBOBO !'"
bly No. 84 totmm every Thorwlay s
I 0. m. In Masonlo Tempi ttiena C
SiiV M. A.: C. A. Vlbaert. se-
fsry. Oweo street.
. u-nnnuKN or AMERICA
KUIE,n , , - ....
j-w.. rrir Cam No. et4
meets every Thursday evening - at I
o'clock la sieve '
, . fJbartv rtreet W. U
v. C rrank A. Tamer
elerk. - ' '" ' '
wy Friday lgbt M ' "
McComack hall. cor. Court and Lib
Jrt, Bt Visiting Woodmen wolewme
CD. Roe C. C U a Oeer.etertu
rederal Far Losne
Any amount. Long "mm
m and pereeat tSTUwest.
City bull sing loan
A C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, J2
For Rent
Oregon Electric R. R., wlth dwell!
'"' "i onbard. pasture- and
cash payments far board end wastt-
" fU1"!5r """.. Ad
FOR RENT 4 r-wra apartment On-
Phone 399..
,K9R SALE Small new hows, e!ec-
u-ic usnt city water, full lot. 8a.
"'ice. leaving city. Thone I4 W.
Price $450. iU
TINTTlut m4 paper hanging: Tinting
t"ier nangmg spectaltr. J.
A- Kallstrom. 4S7 8. Com ! St. ?hone
1 SI., - i . jgj
IT MAKES your clothes last. All work
inciiy nana eonei
We do cleaning, pressing, repairing.
194A 11th St Plwees, lit
OIL BURNKR . Th IreadnaKht
burner in -ou- t-00k stove or heat
er cuts your fuel bills In two. Guar
anteed for & years. 341 Court Bv
jOSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur.
geons. Iha White and Marshall,
j. b. v 11 k oig. i-none 85. Dr.
W hite. re phone 489; Dr. Mnrahall
re phone 834. ,
Bargains and Investments.
49 acres f miles from Halem. sned
road. It acres bearing prune 1 acres
Igan berries, family orchard, good set
buildings. $3500 cash, balance crop
payments. Snap. '
Fine le acre traet near a tern, 1eit
dark loam sell, set building orchard,
well; good., (ovation,. Priof $349,
Choice 11 acre river bottom tract
close In on paved road, good set
buildings and all In frntt, fine tooa
tlon, ldeet home. Investigate.
11 acre tract 4 miles from iatest,
acres la bearing goeseberrte cher
ries and apple I room bunaalow and
ether buildings. Snap. $2750.
For bargains and square deal,
Perrinefi Marsrers ,
111-11 Com. elub Mag, BeJem, Of,
, Start 1920 Right-Own
, u.k. uwn uome.
A good modern house I room
bath, toilet, full basement, bot wa
ter, furnace, eloee la; 4 moms rented
tor $4 per month. $3750.
New modern house t room full
basement, furnace heat, two toilets
and baths, cement walks; this Is a
good buy for some one at $3780.
Two houses close In, rented, one f
00m the other 4, V inn have both
for, $1700. I
A good 1 room house, not modern.
bot a dandy buy for $00; $250 cash
balance $15 per month.
8 rooms close In, large lot. a fine
location, lots ot fruit, good basement
Improved street $4600, $!000 cash.
balance to eult - ;,
Remember we stand ready to r-
range good terms on any property
sold out of our off lie.-
John H. Scott Realty Co.
121 Oregon bldg. , '
Real Estate Transfers.
Martin A Henson and Anna
Benson lo John 8 Mumhnll
snd Margaret Marstuill. 1 A
ln 7 3W $1600
Emma C Engdahl to VM11 T
Wilken. Lt 2 and I liiwald
FruU farm con 9.9il A..... (4 51
Maria P Lautrman anil S If
Lautwrman to Clifford VV Wll
ty, Lt 9 hi 4 Hiiiite s add Bulinii
Charles Kreft and Phlloniene
Krell 10 n n vier, n a
sec 1 in 8S 1W .
Frank Hmh and Mary timlth
to NlcuuLiue Gortg arwl Olga
(lerls. 20 A In 72W ... ,
John VV Lamb anil Mary A
Lamb to Henry B Imb. Lt
4 bl 3 Went Waconda
A 11 McKillop and otella MxKII
lip to Jiiiwiih Ij HKKmun
and HuBanna Kk-kman. 10 A
be prt U L C Alfred Htanton
and wt, el 49, sit to Marlon
Albert Peterson of Mount Angel
finished planting seven net to hops
os April 1. H bus lust marketed his
crop and has received $300 an acre
for the crop.
C W. Niemeyer
Just real estate and hkfh - U
i"rna H-i Mssonle bkt. -
ten! I'honee
1. 1914.
uraw: Wtiwt, Ne. 1. $J; fed oeuh
we; msiliag- oets t$ttc; cheat I
nj- sti .tyi o. eat hay t2f-3$-!
cKver hay $j4; mill run $44!
ounvmii: Ksrttrf,.t lie: rr.
ery butter TSti
I'ork. veaj as4 anttea: prk ea fed
- 21e: siersl
ie; eews toi i-jc: aurtng hwist'
o: ewes (o; sheep, yearitng So I
'Kt as poultrr: Km nudt
light hens lie; heavy he us $; ' eld
roewrs Jlc; springs J3c y penalty foe k
VeifwaWee Onions per sack 4.; ( M or t ,.- I
celery do $1.TJ; petalee Taklme.siMiuM.
io; Oregon Ittci sweet Dotateea e. I
Kmm mm. a . . . . . '
-'- " ., mips per saR
.ta; narreta per sack ft Sc saranht
per sacs
Fruit: Oranges $3.8t4e: lemete
$$.$ Banana lie; aorta est..
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbuee tt.
head lettuc $1.15; carrots 4Sc; era pes
tar, nresseit sprents te; enetrfftwe'iaiiaar the muBMimr a mm
$ SMMti re4 wppers lie Is. - . 'thee . 4 his m imiy te mm-
Retail price;, Kgjs dun Hi, ber of the tanuK tut to aU vlion- per-
70o; flour, hnl mheat $.:! .49.
PtvrtUnit. Or., Ink.-. 10 utir city
creamw 71 Tie: uu t,lctinl ln.i
66tt5c; hens S033c; broilers Sitf
35c; geese 45c: chmMW 11 31c,
I4va Stock.
Oi t tie: Reeeiirtt 91; tone of mar
ket slow; choice steers 119 18
11.08; fair to medium steers $1 19
.0t eomnioa to fair steer IT.veV
1; common to good cows and belter
$M01.eO; cauners $10094.00; bulls
$5.flfT.t9; ealres 1.60ff 14,
Hngs: Receipts 14; tone at nutr-
ktt stMdy; prim mixed lU.tset
1$ 00; medium mixed it.t91 tt:
rough heavies $U.0i$.e0; pigs
$11 5I11.
Sheep: Receipts twmei ton of mar
ket steady; east of meuntala lambs
110 ll.ftt; beat rail lambs $11 IS
eil.90; yeariings $9i$19 e; weth
era $1(91.19; ime $!. t
Win Cm IF
McKeesport, Pa., Pee. IS A booc.k
In natural gas bt ander way m-re,
parable to the gold rush ef '49. Not
long age two young men who believed
that tln'jf knew where gas could be
n.und had trouble In letllng people lo
Invest, 1100 or 11M !U-h to buy li
n.uchlnery to drill a woll. Now
quanlttles of gas bane been found, and
It aa estimated today that over 11,-
-S.9S0 Is Invested In property, Jesse
aim arunng eperauon
The scene of the discovery linake
liolliiw. Versnliles township, Jusl out-
i(' the city line, It might have been
(ilkcovered fifteen or twenty years ago
hud sttiinllon been paid to David Fos
ter and other boys when they told of
celling fire to' gaseous nii tlrr escip-
Inj in the fields. As young Foster grew
11 jj he still nrsueii tlut thne must be
l!S underneath his futlws tariu. Ito
pi tnnghed at him,
fiiis Discovered,
Bui liim HrnduL a a yit
iln URlitsman In the City Engiiieerliiit
i( ,,arliiiiit, wus iwrsimded that young
IviJer was right lintaeea thant tit
liiluifil a nuniber ot local cltise
mine of them f It it. to lnst line or
I U0 eiuh to drill well, Iast Augut
limy iiitd Urllltd 9700 (vet il(:P H'l" the
tjr'.li and all the way through the' j
uankro.l. It wjs hard wmk to rl
i.uney. but tlis orlgliial Invesuu-s (u
it, $50 splece. snd sh-irtly afterwards
' w ClacoVMied.
Tni Unys b fute llw w-ll rsinwd
f . ffuntiitd Into I lie air at the rate enb'.e feel rtu, eacn etb'
foot worth 15 cents, Hlm: then I)
.Us hitve lieen sunk, eeb produrtng
tr.,m four to Itilrly-sls inlillon ruble
:cet a day. Thei are now over 100 dtr
tiiks In the lcmH. Has la being
wipplled as far north as lltifralw and
south as Cincinnati. Nnsrly all of the
V3 saloons lo this city are being uev
a gas eomiiany offli
in the first welt brought In thsie
vr re (4 share dlvtdid among 41 men
inn one woman. The first month earn
scare drew U.159 In profit; the second
HHinth. $3,ie. Nine of lb twelve wells
bi ought In sine then are owned by the
a. me gnmp of 43.
I iiwism Muds Wtasthy.
1 The woman shareholder In the 01 1
t'nal gushei is Mr Ma Pollack, wldua
md boukkeetw' an vol Iter life ear
ing In the prnjoet Sd culd now ssil
hr n..H'M. Is lbs rativus rells .o1
V5S9.SS. Hevea girls la a department
nc Invtsted In one of III wen ana
l.jve given up their Job A nwi-pr
Burn wh amight shares in the fiinl wsli
ts Urig over a or- 1 nr
. laun.irv wanna hat bought tin
...,lrv wlUM he was empteyed. Will
. . .-,l huaitreds of
aormsra ue "-"'- -
1. - .1,. .a.-ncd a enwil bouse and
lo in aiwke Hollow, orlslnally valued
it $5i, afcld In lr !.. '
. ,k. .urIiuw resoM tt tt $'
: and a ow-iwh'"'1" -.'
t, drilled. The lawn
. ... 1 i.d He Plr rr tat
ti , retaining a ene-elKbtll tfltemet
',11 wells lo be drilled Thee eh.k
! he ti"d greexd a4
. ..ark has bn lao-
... miicU -t MKeit baa au-
1. ...1 .1 ih mayor to ou ot wm
m,tn acres of griund. held for !
i.rh bordr on the gas litd
One Itfaoe of fourteen '' ola
..-r ai 1. tv,.. Am a teem pa ey
If l'al'men w.ld worm ef
. . . . m fin i twenty J
TkaaW-i ter labor la
driller, who ue-d to at for twer
s now get (IS yt KW
Oregea Ani"
T"". ... ... ii -oUn of fro-
-V- A'rb. r
Ma sov-a fiateraity.
JOl'KXAi, WA.1t Al rT.
V rlff
VW(e V'
vMter briwh us e f-ttuliji ..u.h..
for the ttnir ium wtii r -He
h If qMnkns to be if.
j" tly mmm be atanwtsd Vnole '.
- Vnch m wants steiitkn) abuut r
jeey Bimrtur t swery hh)il
he till start ruk tix-w etatUaiw t .
at itimars $. 193.
Id the ine ot twwn twnra nmfcVn t
it t abAuttrtel nKeMury tba aS imi
rebtiiTv t natureUsMwe satmiit fee
A suntu-try ot xhm anestieoa t a
asked Sx stven below. Ti gow.t
has prevttten! a iwnatty w r(fusI to
answer tltvm nr to retwtve the eniutuw
ator. The whedula t tetlewa: ' ,
Ki'Mi e QteMion
Mow aiasy members of the ftunst
ere thr Hwtng permaiwHtly at homer
- the heuit of the Hm&ft
Name In order thnee meet ajB-ry
the head r-f the fawHr, bn.
mg wna wife, eMMrr tn ouster (
" t the eldeet , reiattv board
er roamees, servant ate.
t, fliee tb names ef ether pros
meavbere ef the tamfly wi r:
permaeeetly wtth the fsmHe.
4. Give an at tent bmhdttf, e
rsce ot each member of the family an I
other person and whether murrtn-.i.
single, widowed or dtvoreed,
. tvtte an members of f..w'y -
Pereims eesklrng wtlh family bora
in tne trnned "tstesT
a, If born In a foreign country t
where snd give data of arrive! la t
Vtilted mate
T, Has any member ef the f
or iwreon rextdiag permsneatty
the family been naturalined or w'
bta Intention In seenme a eftr t
it so, give the 4is ot n
eat km If full rltlsen; dste v .
papers- declared iniealtnn,
1. -. llw any taembere w e.--s rs . - -
tiling there permanemy a. mf 1
of any kind sinee the first day ef Hep.
tentoer, tsiif
19. Is there any member of If
family or other perwa resUtliia. li.i
who ettnnot read snd write mum knj
, Birth futon Ewa-ntlal.
It. (live birthplace ot each .
son. InUudtiiir niemlters ef the f ma .'r .
who reeide there permanent ty. .,..
their tongue tf feretgii-bwa.
11. Give birthplace of the UiX
of each person f nutting there prrutaa
enlly ud hi aatlvt tgue of fre'- .
born. Give birthplace of tas iaw..
m r. .erMia, uwitMWng awioaere '
the fitiuliy and tuw aaure UtegiM w
foreign bora, t ,
H. t there a ai cut Iter of tae f
Ity or outer perwta reeKUng pernma
sully with the. ft.mtl who dues t
jiipek Rnslieht ,., .
14. tviiat Is the aeeapallea ef pea
fiNilaon of each person. Including
Iter of thu fautily elUng there per.
nmnemiy i -t , .. -
II. iJoes the houM la whlrh tnef
live belung to sunn member ef cti
fiunlly or Is if rented f
19, II Ibe houes la award by feead
ot the u silly by sarnie member af
Ibe family, ststte whctUer auaaa
or free of IntiuiRbreitee,
11. Are there gay aelbuildinas
the prmlee la atiicb tteceM, stMSei,
liees, huge or aotiliry et
II Pie any b tuber i( the fttm.
Ily own or operate a furmf -
19, Ate there any members of the)
faintly that ant eutw biied, avnf r-r
Time Tabled
sotrrnrwif fAtwo ecu
No. KurtltnoaMl
94 Oregonlan - ,... ( '49 A lo
ll Oregon Esprees 9 Is "
19 Willamette Limited .- 9 17 mm.
19 Portland paeeenger . 1:99 g-ta.
14 Coos Way , I ' a-ee.
14 Portland Bprat T:9 p,M-
noatnootuM .
11 Oregoniaa
1:19 an
1$ For Bugeoe ..,
11 44
II California Kspresa
1 7 ftiieebnrg IHMetennrar ,
.. 4 (
. (-44 P-wv
11.41 an.
91 Wlltemette I nd
II Meg) rriuo rasa.
It Arrliss St Meat 4 19 t
74 Leave Salem . 4:4 f.a
ai r. rAiJ city wiwrsss
lit LeavM aalern, motor '
ISS leaves Ma!i-m. motor
1(9 Leaves Belem, motor .l 41
Thru ear to Mtmrnoutn ana
171 Leaves rUlem g as.
til Arrlwa ttntewi
14 Arrives Halem H '4 A.
Sfl Atrivi Ua teas.
171 Arrives aaJeai ... . I " W as.
ORrwiw ri.rTiuo
Train Leave Arvtvo arwrw
No. epartlaaa) awaoai
9 U4 9 It am 14:t mm t .
f 19:41 an U 49 a Salna I
. t at hn ts am e-a r
ll lid 1 II um (.44 IMS
9 it
a Men I Masaj dahna
l tlSpm 11:4 pea item
iik n.nk statte Ilea M t-
asa atreet 14 sd 14 ! -l
Traia 1-eava arrrva
.:-:,TiTmm "
19 $44 t 3$ eat 9 44 am ! -
is 11 41 aaa 9-
14 Ltd I I P 4: am J (4 f a
t galemonty I 14 pas 1:4 I .a
tt 4 11 m 1 M 14 4Ja
Wert Haeb etatkei. terrtva J.
tstm street 14 atlsawa earner ) t
CorvaiUa. . ' - ' ' ; ...
Radiator Feeders and Oe Tafcs
Tver a
199 St tsi axreet.
gUletn. Ce