THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1919 I ap,r ft V ss tu;fisiUtitimiUUKi (Continued from Page Seven.) Davis, John hauling gravel 3avia, W M shoveling travel .. Wacken, Rudolph dragging .. Van Cleave, L M patrolman .. Road District No. 22. Hersch, Fred on grader . . Hersch, Adam do Eamsden, C J patrolman Rond District No. 28. Ashby, Wayne haulnig rock, etc .- .... - Celulek Charles loading wagons litter, Eugene A nails Duchateau, W M running roller Fraizer, Frank rock .. Gilmore, M M hauling rock lang, Fred do - - Lang, Lewis spreading rock .... Larson, Ola loading wagons .... Mollet, Ralph hauling gravel, ' eto .... .... Mollet, William loading wag- , 15.75 7.81 .t0 6.00 6.25 6.25 3.60 61.00 16.50 1.60 27.60 23 S'-89.00 39.00 19.50 16.50 42.00 19.60 12.00 3.00 6.00 1.50 19.60 27.00 21.00 . 18.00 , 22.50 43.60 16.60 16.60 85.00 1.65 Neal, Gerry hauling gravel .... Neftl. Will hauling rock Peterson, John do ' 33.00 Scott, O GD loading wagons, . etc - ' Scott, Jacob spreading rock... ... Scott, Vernle hauling rock ....... . Tooley, Clarence loading wag ons .... . . Tooley, E T loading wagons ... Heater. C E patrolman ....... Road District No. 24. Branch, Bert S ditching and haul ing poles - .. ".00 Van Handel, J B patrolman.... 8.60 Rood District No. 28. Karl, H L spikes - Larson, Lars redecklng bridge, etc - 1-80 Bear, C A patrolman 2.60 Rond DIstrlctTVo. .27. j Farmer Hardware company, ; Ray L nails .... .... . .. JS-87 Allm, O B putting In culverts.. 8.00 Stapleton, N hauling lumber, etc .... i J..; .... 19. V Htunleton. H C patrolman 10,60 Road District No. 27 U, Tavlor. D B hauling gravel ...... 8.00 Road District No. 28. fti-neon Gravel company gravel. etc .... 11B-20 Salem Sand and GGravel com pany gravel 81.46 Westenhouse. W W foreman 16.75 Hill, Lynn grading, etc , 22.75 Williams, E grading .... .... 14.00 Wirth. John plowing and ditch Ini J... .... .a.; 1:. 14.00 Road District No. 28 Clark, E ditching 10.60 Harper, J F grading i'.' 8.00 Jones, J N patrolman 16.60 Road District No. 20. Loveland, L hauling gravel, eta 64.00 Ratney, F A do .... 22.00 McCormlck, J W patrolman.... 7.00 Rond District No. 80.. , Galbreath, Robert hauling gra vel ....etc ........... 7.56 Hkelton, Wm shoveling gravel 8.00 WIed, Frank F patrolman 16.26 Oregon Statesman publishing road meeting notice 1.65 . Rond District No. 1. Fonnell, Albert hauling rock, etc .... .... .... ; 86.00 Russell, C W shoveling rock, M etc .... .... .... .... 19.60 March, Norm shoveling rock 21.00 Russell, H E hauling rock, eto 72.00 Russell, S H patrolman 84.60 Rood District No. S3. Oregon statesman publishing roud meeting notice .... . 1.66 Road DlHtrlct No. 84. Krine, A M opening ditch, eto 14.00 McClure, S I repairing Culverts etc .... .... .... .... 8.60 SlHcho, Ed do ,... .... .... .... ........ 6.25 Hischo, Ray do 3.50 Smith, Claude do .... 8.50 Rond District No. 88. Judd, Orln trip account special tax notices ; 4. 76 Road District No. 88. Salem' Hardware company pick handle and spikes 1.00 Harrow, Donald W shoveling '' rock ;. 47.25 Hates, h. H hauling rock .... .... : 8.00 Campbell, W F hauling rock .. 27.00 Floetwoorf, h T, Eatrolwu Road District No. 48 Rosenbaum, N, patrolman Road District No. 47 Miller, C M, tile Oregon Gravel Co'mpany, gravel Batliner, John, draggglng and hauling gravel . , .. Amort, Geo, do McAllister, Charles, do Hooper, Ed, spreading gravel, etc. . . McAllister, Vernon, do .. Hoopper, Richard, do 1.60 Keene, LLoyd, hauling gravel 3.00 Lewis, O E, patrolman . . 19.50 Rood District No. 49 Salem Sand & Gravel Company, gravel .. .. 62.00 Barnes, Ward, graveling ...... 6.00 Burkett, Ben, graveling ........ ,.' 6.00 Burkett, W H, graveling ... 6.00 Fisher, J S, lumber ; 20.00 Fresken, John, culvert work 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.05 6.00 6.00 10.00 669.00 13.00 .16 4.62 68.60 12.00 8.00 21.00 Hughes, A E, log drag work J Jack, Merle, spreading gravel. Miller & Sons, F, powder, grease, etc. ...... " j ' Nehl, N S, shoveling gravel ... Nehl, R M, graveling ,.. 12.00 Nelson, Andrew, lumber 15.12 Nelson, N C, blacksmlthlng.: .11.60 Remage, John, graveling 12.00 Roth, Amos, gravel, etc. '.. 68.20 Stone, Albert, on log drag work 6.00 McKee, Chas A, patrolman 23.00 Road District No. 50 Farmer Hdw. Co., Ray L, lan terns, etc 3.05 Hartman, Fred, bridge work 14.00 Randall, Jack, bridge work . 8.00 Pearce & Son, Lot L, coal oil..;... .18 Schulta, Orvllle, bridge work.... 8.00 Road District No. 51 Oregon Gravel Company, gravel and crushed rock Bates, C F, hauling rock, gray el, etc. ...::.......; 15.75 Galr, Allan, hauled gravel, etc. Pitman, W, leveling gravel Robins, tester, hauling gravel.... Roller, Louis, shoveling gravel, etc ; Snider, J KX loading rock 8.60 Drager, L W, patrolman 28.00 Road District No. 52 Oregon Gravel Company, crushed rock 80.70 Salem Sand & Gravel Company, gravel 14.4B Palas, George F moving roller Salem Sewer Pipe company 8.50 pipe . .. .. .. Schwab, John hauling gravel 3.36 Traviss, N B pipe ...... 66.00 Ebner, J W axle grease ., I Schmidt, L A hauling gravel Grieaanauer. John hauling gra vel, etc .... .... , ... Lutz, Filip spreading gravel .... Hopfer, Math do Butch, Edmund hauling gra vel .... .... Griesanauer, Ed do 67.68 Esch, Frank do '. . 7.43 Willick, C L dragging road ...... 4.00 Frank, Will hauled elevator to . crusher ... 1.00 Bernlng, R J patrolman' 65.87 Oregon Gravel company grav el and crushed rock ........ 882.60 Salem Sand and Gravel company, gravel .. .... 9.45 Oregon Gravel company gra vel and crushed rock .... .... 108.60 Oregon Gravel company do ...... 87.90 Farmer Hardware company, '.- Ray L chains and Iron .... 7.09 Hauser Bros powder 10.15 Oregon Gravel company screen- ' lngs, rock, gravel, etc 1018.10 Oregon Gravel company crushed rock .... .... .... .. .... .... 9.00 Albus, Wm wood 117.00 Jensen, H P blacksmlthlng, etc 7.10 Lambert, L S cash advance for freight, etc .... .... 8.35 Lambert, L B deputy roadmos- ter 170.60 Oregon Grain company, shovels and plow share .... .... .... 4.60 Speer & company, A - P shov els, axe, fuse, etc 10.35 Turner, L H gravel , 107.00 Denham, Jay hauling gravel, - etc , 82.25 Martin, Chas haulnig gravel .. 81.00 Denham, Chas do .... .... 93.00 Colvln, C E do ., .... 15.00 ThOmason, P E do .... .... .. 105.00 Lewis, Claud plowing 129.00 Pound, O A haulln gravel 81.60 The Chas K. lumber 72 Whitman, C F, shovels, nails. etc. . 6.75 Willford, Austin, ditching 18.00 Durant. L W, ditching oy nired man : Keene, W M, 68.10 18.00 42.00 5.25 12.00 Salem Sewer Pipe Company, pipe 29.90 Lauderback, John, graveling 12.00 Ilein, Chas hauling gravel Pursell, A L hauling rock and and gravel .... ........ Glvens, Geo hauling rock, etc.. Van Nuys, W C shoveling Jensen, Chris work en grade 2 70 pVolf, J H do C'hapbell, S P, shoveling rock...... 8.00 Fsuske, A O, hauling ruck (Jrlmes, Frank, hauling rock...... Orltton. W A, team on grader.... Hampton, Linn, shoveling rock.. Konkey, John, shoveling rock..,, Hhcppurd, Harry, do , Suinmei'lln, D M, striking drill.. Taylor, C H, leveling gravel Trick, T D, patrolman 113.25 Rond District No. SB Fair Grounds Shop, black- smithing .... ......,,....; Kobow, C A, grading .................... Johnson, F O, hired man grading Worden, Ralph, grading Road DlMtrU-t No. 40 Coast Culvert & Flume Co, cul vert pipe, ete. Hammond Lumber Company, tool steel, caps, eto. ................ Work, C H, ditching, repair work, etc. .... .; i......... Hhomucher, John, ditching, shoveling gravel, eto Hawkins, Alva, putting in fill.... liliyeu, Chester, hauling gravel.. Kanoff, W H, do ,.... ishepherd, Lon, do ...................... CapUnger, Leon, shoveling gravel 66.00 15.00 8.00 1.50 1.60 81.60 8.00 4.50 4.00 8.00 8,00 8.00 80 62 15.00 19.00 10.00 21.00 ,50 3.15 9.00 6.00 23.76 3.99 10.50 9.00 8.60 2.78 2.76 1.88 14.25 , 86.10 18.40 . 47.26 39.75 1.75 : 8.00 67.50 12.00 1.75 86.00 Richards. E J, patrolman Rond District No. 41 Oregon Gravel Company, gravel 24.85 Oreun Gravel Company, gravel 21.60 Vclty, Ceorge, hauling (travel, etc. ................. Welty, Theodore, hauling grav el, etc ......,....,.,.,. ,. fiaines, R L. hauling gravel........ Welty, G, patrolman ' Road DlNtrk t No. 44 Oregon Gravel Company, gravel " and crushed rock ......... .. Rains, J R, spreading rock...... Oreene, R G, spreading rock .. IVarcy. K C, hauling water.,.., Hidgway, Chester, spreading rock Cartwright, R E, patrolman..: lioad District No. 43 Turner L Hf gravel ......... WIlKon. W H,' shoveling grav ei,' etc Morris, O L. do ..., i lirman, Sam, do ...................... j :) cot W, i do .............;..... ;.v. Mtokenha, Will, plowing Al i-. kenfiain. Will, plowing ......... J.Mi'kenhani, W F, hauling gravel I .ickenham, H, hauling gravel Odell. C If, hauling gravel Hudson, E A, shoveling gravel.... L'uffskcy, Wm, spreading gravel KnUey, Ivan, shoveling gravel,. : .rrii!, Alva, shoveling gravel.... .-( rnarti llOlflllip loW ........ 25.50 1.50 4.00 25.26 217.80 . 66.00 49.00 22.60 5.25 99.00 4.20 19.00 12.00 6.00 10.60 9.00 9,6v 9.00 6.00 6.00 3.50 8.60 $.60 j 7.00 4.75 1 xweea, John, do . 6.00 Lelghty, Lester, do 6.00 Steffen, Abe, do 1.60 Dunigan, Edw Sr, patrolman...... 10.60 Road District No. 53 Jones, Clarence C, patrolman.... 10. 5k Jiona District No. 5 Hall, N A, repairing bridge 8.00 Qualey, J E, repairing bridge.... 8.00 Ooplerud, John C, patrolman 5.25 Road District No. 57 Nlcol, William, shoveling grav el, eto .. Silver Falls Timber Company, lumber .....f...... Town, Beverly, hauling gravel... Smith, B T, patrolman................. Roud District No. 58 Farmer Hardware Comnanv. , Ray L, nails Salem Sand & Gravel Company, gravel Haynes, W H, patrolman ,........ Rond District No, Oregon Gravel Company, crushed rock Rond District No, Blake-Compton Company, grav el hauled ., , 838.25 Glrod, Arthur, on grader 12.00 Gouley, Homer, on grader..... 8.00 Miller, Harriet Claggett, gravel.. 1.03 Heckner, A L, patrolman Rood District No. 64 Clyde Equipment Company, ; freight on grader Fumal, Charles, hauling tile, eto. Mahoney, J W, grading ...........1... Rubens, Joseph, patrolman , Rond Dint Hot No, 85 Patterson, Ray, driving grader.. Cole, Robert, team on grader.... Patterson, Poarl, building cul vert .. , Patterson, Richard, patrolman.. Road District No. 68 Jensen, H P, blacksmlthlng. 6,85 Murphy Lumber Company, A L, lumber ao.31 Ashford, G B, team on grader.... 13.00 Miller, J M, going after grader.. 3.00 MeKlnney, E E, patrolman........ 7.00 Aismans, I o. hauling gravel...... Asniora, a B team on water wagon, eto 45.00 Sanson, Harvey hauling gravel 8.25 Gentry, Lottie E do 14.25 Gunsaulus, John do .... 45.00 James, Claud on the bar, eto.... 28.50 i-tfunrop, f w hauling gravel eto , Lau. E C tile ' """" Lilly Hardware company stump powaer Mack, Berl holding silo scraDer McCIellan, T Y nulls ..... . ; McLaughlin, J S hauling grav- . ei, eto .... ..; .. .... ; ; Miller, J M do .... ..... Z' .Z Porter, C P hauling gravel, eto Porter. Rex, loading waona ... Schteman, Aug for wood and hauling gravel .... . Van Nuys, R W spreading of gravel McKinney, B B patrolman !"! Condit, a 3 work on bridge and cuivert .; ... Condit, 8 J trustee gravel . utmrop, r' w culvert work. hauling lumber, etc ., McKinney, E E patrolman RiMid District No. 88. Cladek, Chas bolts and wash ers . .. Zlmmercan, John ditching for culverts .... .... .. Wlnser, Karl repairing culvert Zimmerman, Geo shoveling gra vel .... .. .... ; .. , ... Loose, W H patrolman Road District No.' 69. Hoffer. William dragging ......... Hook, Ralph do .... Humpert. Henry patrolman .... Rond Dlsu-kt No. 70. Schmltt, Geo ditching Downing. E C patrolman .... .... Rond District No, 88. Lock, Auston hauling gravel .... Lock, Gnbe work at ferry, eto Mills, Claud dragging, eto .... Nelson, Walter drilling holes, through Iron .... ..' .... ...... Seaton, Henry for wire, eto Sloper Bros & Cockle, carbolin- eum, etc .... .... .... t . .. Turnldge, Henry hauling grmv el, eto .... .. .... .. 14.50 TumiiJsre, John patrolman ti.00 Mnrkrt Rontts Aooount. Myers & Fisher cup greas 8,00 6.00 69.00 74.75 63.87 47.25 58.62 56.00 59.60 58.50 28.00 68.26 22.76 18.00 ditching . 12.00 Durant, L W, foreman 18.00 Bass, C A. ditching 20.00 Culsforthi I E, on grader 24.50 Cutsforth, John H, on grader...... 24.50 Ferrell, Geo, on grader . 17.50 Hubbard, E, ditching ; 16.00 Sowa, Paul, blacksmlthlng. 1.40 Van Cleave, L M. overseer .. 76.25 Roberts, L D, hauling dirt... 21.00 Kester, M B, hauling dirt .... 21.00 Palmer, Earl, on Fresno, etc. 21.00 Willford, Austin, shoveling dirt 12.00 Evensen, L M, do , 12.00 Longwell, Geo, do 12.60 Keene, W M, do ...... 12.00 Hocket, W B. do 12.00 Durant L W, foreman .. -. 8.00 Dimick, J A, on fresno . 3.60 Hoppinger, Jacob, ditching 2.26 J u be, Albert, do : . 8.00 Kelaey, M, do .. 71.50 Thrapp, J J, do .... ... 72.75 Nagle, Fred, do-. 8.00 Holmes, L, do 62.25 Thies, Mat, do 24.00 Dunn, J, do . .... 49.60 Feller, John, do 74.60 Painter, R C, ditching, etc .... 89.50 Maguln, N, ditching .. 4.00 Platz, J C, do 74.60 Malone, L M, do 61.00 Dicken, Percy, do .. .... 65.60 Drehre.L, do . , 62.00 Fish, Ivan, do .. 39.50 Weldy, Olen, do 89.60 AInsworth, Clark, do . ... 15.50 Simms, Ralph, do ......... 11.50 Crane, Frank, do , 42.00 Sim, Henry, do v, . 70.00 Gehrman, G L, do 66.00 Wheeler, Eugene, do 28.00 Fandrieh, Dan, do 62.00 Pacific Highway South Acct. Erlxon & jpnes, bridge work 2,314.48 liann, Edw. balance due as foreman ......,. 62.38 Jorgensen. ,.Ira, plow sharp enea, etc. 2.00 Salem Sewer Pipe Co, cement Pipe , 410.29 sand Salem Sand & Gravel Company, gravel : 22.50 66.30 Salem Water, Light & Power Company, water at tool house 3.72 Sandner, John, widening chan nel of Santiam River 10.63 Silverton Lumber Company, lum ber so 9 Snyder, Bert A, running ferry.... 77.50 Spauldlng Logging Company, Chas K, ulmber . 76H Spaulding Logging Company, Chas K, hire of steamer to de liver ferry boat 300.00 Standard Oid Company, distil- late. etc. . 95.88 75.00 Stowell. A C. work on Santiam bridee. etc. 7.13 Swart, H S, deputy roadmaster. salary and expense . . -.. 138.06 Tade, Henry, grade work, etc 82.00 Whitet. J JF. grade work, etc..- 99.00 110.00 90.00 75.00 65.00 80.00 74.65 80.00 6.25 90.00 GENERAL FUND. Miscellaneous Accounts. 5.90 16.00 Rauscher, Frank do Steinkamp, Antone shoveling .. EUJs, J L do .... .... .... t Brown, H S loading rock .... Prunk, J H1 shoveling ...i ., f Smaldon, A L shoveling ... Robertson, Herman loading of of rock .... .... 56.00 Eastburn, Charles shoveling t.00 Zuber, Paul helping at eleva- i - tor ... , .,, 8.60 Clymer, George shoveling ........ , .-16.76 Webb, Hugh work on grade 'J.g5 Van Handel, John B engine man and work at crusher .... ' 11J7.O0 McCully, C B scraping pit ' 6.00 Lambert, L S looking after cul- H verts, etc - ....,.,,.642 r-uving i-iaius Account. 10' Cladek, Chas. blacksmith work rarmer Hardware company '-.-j Ray L steel rope, etc - 28.75 McNeal, H W publishing notice for wood bids .. 1.60 Pearce & Son, Lot L crusher parts, eto ; 4. 29.1 5 Benedictine Press, bublishniir notice for wood bids r l.St Elliott, N D printing gravel re ceipts 17.50 Farmer Hardware comnanv Ray L crusher parts, eto 18.83 4t .6.00 Taylor, Dudley,' gathering up tools, etc. 1.75 Taylor, Paul, gathering up tools, etc. , . 3.60 Wilson, W H, loading fresnos.... 24.50 Fasching, H W. work with scraper 14.00 Hill, Lynn, plowing, etc 36.75 Blelllemier, John work on crush- 48.50 49.60 j 3J.66 too ' 7.85 34.00 5t.76 61.26 44.00 44. 00 75.70 43.00 28,00 64.50 19.30 1.35 21.01 1.50 29.60 18.00 10.16 4.15 12v.26 15.00 69.60 8.00 .70 10.00 7.0 .40 . 150 -.75. 45.7J . 1.8 11.25 T.t 7.50 16.25 9.00 9.60 6.60 .60 1.60 4.00 ff.50 108.5 25.73 108.00 659.03 94.50 Blelllemeter, Peter do Butte Creek Lumber company, lumber, eto Ebner, J W nails 1 Leslie, John A blacksmlthlng ., Oster, Andrew work at cruBher, Schwab, John do t.. . Farmer Hardware comnanv i Ray L repairs, parts, eto Fullerton, R L repairing plant ' Hoven, G A do , s Hoven, Oscar do ...i ."" Hoven, Otto do .... .. . , Smith, F A do .... . Truck Accounts. Anderson & Brown chain Archerd Implement comnanv Charles R gasoline, eto ........ 17 in Barr, Theo M repair work .26 Bolller, Johh driving truck .... a nn Murns, j a driving truck.etc... 10.B uiare, Chase driving truck Former. Hardware company Ray L repairs, parts eto Heckman, Chester work on trucks, eto ns.oo Hensley, R driving truck 108.00 Hill, M O driving truck, etc.... M8.00 ma&ivin, j h do Shell Company of California, gasoline and distillate Stroud, B driving truck Valley Motor company, work on irucKS, eto .... ........ 64.95 i-atcrpuiar Account. Bnuy, lautie u engineer IftSftn nariruir, Kobt. graderman 75.00 Blnegar, Ray, driving caterpillar 7 n no xjiraweu, w Swork on cater pillar Capital Garage & Repair Shop, repairing .. Dawson. Ralph, helping on grader, eto. Durant, L. W. graderman........... Farmer Hardware Comnanv. Ray L, repairs ailmer. J W. help on grader. eto. Itorfmun, E. repairing braces". Holt Manufacturing Company, The, parts and repairs Johnson & Simmons, transmis sion oil ... Jorgensen, Ira, track key Lindeken, Ed. engineer ;........... Mcllwsln, Lester, help on grad er, etc. ... . Mollwain. Wm, graderman and foreman ..,......, McLeon, A, B, driving cater pillar Nelson Bros, repairing radiator.. Sowa, Paul, repairing Wargmler, W J Jr, blacksmlth lng . . Pacific HlghwajwNorth Act. Armstrong, v R. hauling tile 15.00 Dickenson, O R, delivering tile 60.67 warmer Hardware Company, ine Kay L shovels ... 6.00 Hoppinger, Jacob, ditching.. 73.75 saiem Bewer Pie Comuanv. cement pipe .. snn nn Salem Tile & Mercantile Com- ny, tile ..; tt School & Son, J. tools, bolts. .tn. hki City Transfer Line, hauling lum- oer ana tools . Layman, Bruoe. stringer meterlal Sowa, Paul, blacksmithin Spauldlng Loggigng Company, wirui, John, plowing 82.50 Judd, P G, scraping 17.50 Bonney, iT, work with rooter..... 59.60 Barry, W W, with scraper. 7.00 Wiltsey, P C, do .......... 3B 00 Harr, Ed, do 7.00 Gibson, Carl, do .......;...,...,.,...,.. 7. 00 Hllflker, Barnard, do . 7. 00 Williams, E, do v..:....... 7 00 Allm, O B, snap team loading scraper 26.25 McCleery, E L, dumping scrap- , era .., 26.25 Quridrige, Paul, loading scrap ers, etc. J. 28.12 uupp, Jud, picking rock 4.75 Wirth, Mem, picking rock 3.50 Westernhouse, W W, forema..n.. 66.75 Wied, Frank F, putting in tile, -... 84.00 Galbreath, Roberta do 60.75 Skelton, Wm, do',-'.. ................ 91.00 Byram, Ellas, do'.. . ... 42.00 Nimchick,' A A,' do 7.00 Buchanan, Wm, do 24.20 Heborouski, Elick, do 19.25 Jefferson Mill Co, lumber 3.6 Looney, D - H, Fresno work, plowing, etc. Spornborg, John, ditching, etc. Jergenson, Christian, do Jergenson, Julious, do Kuenzli, Hugh, grading, eto Swarti, Fred, do Loohey, George,1 driving team on fresno Hahn, Edwin W, foreman .......... Miscellaneous Bridees Ames, S, nails, etc. Fischer, Andrew, moving tools Fischer, Phillip, transportation.; Fischer, Phillip, work on bridges ., .". Krens, J J, do Smith, Jacob, do Van Handel, Tony, do ..... . . Miscellaneous Accounts Bllyeu, C H, hauling timbers Dewall, Claus, work on bridue.:. 92.75 4T.25 .32.37 , 15.75 , 29.76 15.75 7.00 75.00 70.2 6.00 . 8.32 . 80.9 16.87 67.8 67.8 1.5 24.25 ... 27.00 ... 2.00 ... 40.00 15.00 ... 4.00 4U.00 .75 ' . i 32.55 3.00 1.00 18.00 ... 22.00 r 87.50 63.60 .60 .60 4.50 3.60 6.00 1.75 Dotson, Joe, do is sr ueaney, j b, do ; Stone, Hary, do Wade, D A, bridge work, etc.... Auto Electric Service Company, repairs on trucks, eto. Bam Theo M, paving plant re pairs, etc Birdwell, W S, running roller eta 24.25 24.25 34.85 6.75 30.62 136.50 212.28 .. 1.45 6.12 29.10 Branch, AC, miscellaneous work 92.00 tnapmn, James, grade work etc ifto n quiver, w J, hoadmaster, salary ana expense, eto. 218.25 (-tiiver. w J, cash advanced for express, eto .... .- 9 1 uomogana, Frank, miscellan eous work .....'hi nn uosier, uedi fencing and labor.... 15.96 urager, u u, advanced for freight on gravel ..: Farmer Hardware Cowman. Ray L, paint and brush Farmer Hardware Comnanv. Ray L, rope . Farmer Hardware Company, ay u torch, etc., for tool house Fukuda, Roy, lamages to car, etc., 3325.51 continued. Glggey, E. operating ferry .,. 26.25 vungncn Motor & Tire Co, Oscar u, irucn repairs e j Great Western Garage, gasoline 1.4 7 xitunmona Lumber Company, lumber ...... x,n nucKestein, August. envclnnRn 1 41 """ Miu company, lumber 11 88 Johnson. F O, deputy roadmaa- - ter m8J Jorgensen, Ira, cutting threads, - etc...... . MQ Kobow, Louis, hauling gravel.... 61.25 Leach, C A, bridge work nn Leach, ;c A. work on shed at too. house .. . .. '.. An nn Martin, Orrey, work on grade. etc. ......... 8J.0O Mehl, Bert. J, drafting on maps? etc "in n Morgan, Q A. bridge work, etc u nn Oregon Gravel Company, gravel 16 20 Pnclfio Transfer Company, haul- Salisbury, Muriel bounty McCormlck, Mrs. Chas relief for Elsie Barton Terry, Earl bounty .... 1.56 Williams, F M do .... . 6.35 Stortz, Sam bounty 1.40 Ruef, Max do 4.60 Zlellnskl, August do .... 2.00 Hershberger. L P do ..- .... 6.10 Wolf, Geo A do 1.65 Thorley, John B do .. 8.15 Bouck,. Oscar do .. 6.65 Zuber, Fred do - 1.60 King, Dorothy do .. : 8.25 Barnes, Letta M relief .... .... 16.00 Branam, Emma R do . 15.00 Burch, LllHe F do 12.50 Cook, Alice do ..- 10.00 Garren, Annie Alvira do 17.60 Gibson, Gussie do ...... 32.50 Harper, Clara do .... 7.60 Kllewer; Minnie Myrtle do 17.50 McGrath, Etta do .. ....V... 10.00 Robinson, Tessle do at). 90 Seeger, Mary do .... 17.60 10.00 15.00 1.50 2.80 2.90 1.35 3.20 1.05. 1.90 4.10 7.30 1.25 1.55 2.10 2.30 2.60 3.30 - 1.40 3.20 2.20 3.90 2.10 16.00 1.00 2.10 1.55 1.40 12.00 2.60 2.20 1.65 1.75 2.30 2.15 6.75 4.45 Whedbee, Emma do .... .... .. Burrows, W F do Van Nuys, Mrs C E bounty Van Nuys, Lloyd do Davis, C K do Jamleson, Chas do LIstor, W A juror .... .... .. Tracy, H J bounty .... GIGlle, Henry do . Glrardln, John do . Colgan, G H do Lehman, Herman do . Pearson, B do Llndholm, Elmo do Fery, Alva do .... Koker, Sherman do Guerln, A L do Doerfler, A N do . Aschermann, Wm do ..v. .... . Boedlghelmer, William S do . Hamilton, Titus do ... Bahnsen, Mrs Geo do Stricklln, Lucille bailiff ....'S Vogt, Harold bounty Brooke, Lester bounty Batterman, Walter do Batterman, Erwln do Boggs, relief ..... Riimseyer, Carl A bounty McCorkle, Mrs. C Hall, Wm do .... .. Begin, John do ... Trick, G W do .... Wlesner, G W do , Elton, John do .... Cornue, Louis do . Burris, Max do 1.10 Willard, Pansy, tax clerk Clerk's Office. Kloepplng. H H deputy county Herrlck, W R do . . Arms, A M do - .... Wallace, Ruth do Recorder's Office. Savage, Helen deputy recorder Read, Gertrude Fawk do Webb, Vera do Lord, Elizabeth clerk .... Treasurers onice. Richardson, W Y deputy county treasurer .... .... - Assessor's Office. Shelton. R deputy assessor nu.uu Wygant, M draughtsman , 100.00 Henrlksen, G C deputy assessor 90.00 Mnnn. Mrs Agnes stenographer 75.00 West, G GE clerk '.'. 75.00 Libby, A C deputy assessor 65.25 Court, House.. Morgan, Cal janitor ..-1 .-. -.. Klrby. R P do .. - .... .... Hobson, L do .... ... .-. . . ' School Superintendent. Reld, Cora E clerk '... Fulkerson, Mary L supervisor.. Arnold, A N do .... Poor Account-i-Contlnued. Byrd, Roy D county physician Jackson, Hattie M special offi cer -. 70,00 ' Stock Inspector. , Morehouse, W G county veter- " lnarlan - .... 83.60 Health Officer. " Cashatt, C E health officer . 50.00 Scaler of Weights and Measures. Jones, J F salary and expenses 42.74 County Court and Commissioners. ' Goulet, W H county, commis sioner salary and expense .... 124.84 Hunt, J T do 960 Indigent Soldier, Thompson, F A for J W Cron- , ine .- .... - 10.00 Thompson, F A. for Barbarle Lesley .... .... 10.00 Egan, Ardis bounty ...i .... .... 8.15 Fischer, Phillip do .... .... .... 3.00 Dudley, L E do .... .... .... .... ' 1.35 Reese, R B do .... .... 8.00 Bailer, Sam do .... .... .... 6.00 Registration and Election, Boyer, U G cash advance for stamps .'. 7.50 Unruh, G E, justice DeLong, W E, constable . Thomas, Clifford, witness . Spaulding, Harry, do Oleson, Victor, do Oleson, Harvey, do , Inglis, Jas. juror . , Cross, H H 3o Gibson, Cass do . ......... 17.70 9.69 1.70 1.70 2.10 2.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . 60.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 120.00 65.00 Irvin, E do .. .... :.....;.. Parker, Waldo H do .. Beers, Oliver do ... 1.00 State vs. Farsegian Unrue, G E Justice 19. sg De Long, W E constable 11.40 3.50 3.E0 3.50 3.50 1.00 1.0ft 1.00 1.00 1.00 Matosstan, Harry witness Kiddo, K do EXPENSES. do ing lumber Pacific Transfer Comnanv tra Portland Ry L & P Company, bridge lights .... Purvlne Pump & Implement 5.00 1.30 84.60 Company, bio Richardson, Hi Salem Sand A k Pipe cut . J. helped on avel Company, - 4.15 Clark, F R do Talklngton, Cora M bailiff Cobb, Lyle H bounty Laflar, GG W juror .... , Folk, John bounty .... Byrd, R D examination Evans, J C do .... Evans, 3 C do Blankenshlp, J p Juror Kisley, Floyd bounty .... .... .... Robins, Percy do Donker, Clair do " Wright, W F do .. Poor Account. Schmidt, Peter relief . Armstrong, George W do .. .. .. waker, W A do Balliett, S do .... .... Barker, J F do Barrier, Mr and Mrs do ... .. McCormlck, Mrs Chas relief" for Elsie Bartrow Boegershausen, Chas relief Boys' and Girls' Aid Society do' Buffun, W B do Bullls, Mrs Florenoft T. rt'n"" ""' Burrows, W F do Carlson, C Carl do Chalifaux, Mrs do Clevlnger, Mrs S B do .... "." Dickinson, S A do . Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen do ""' Engelhort, Mrs Anna do Fetsch, Emily do Flelschman, Leonard do Foster, Mrs do .... Gilchrist, Alma do - GUdden. J H do .. Gobin, Llzette do .... 1 Groshong, Mrs J N do .... .. ; Haggard, Delia do .... "Z Hardin, Grace Ellen do .... " Hardwlck, Charles do ..u .. .... . Haynes, Mrs Caroline do ... Henry, Mrs Olive E do .... Kays, Mrs Mabel do .. """ Knott, Mrs Melvlna do Lantt, Catherine do Lunn, Mrs. O C do ...... Mack, E A do . McDanlel, Mrs Blanche do .. McLeod, Mrs Ella do ...w .... Miller, Mrs Vina M do Miracle. Mrs A do . -. - ewton, O D do .... . : Pederson. Olea do-. Old People's Home relief for , Mrs juua D Hurtel .... .. Penton, Louise relief Quail, John J do .wj.- Reinhart, Rosella do Renick, WMdo. - Salem Deaconess Hospital re-' lief for W S Mitchell Schmidt. Peter relief Schwlngler, Mary do .. Simmons, Anna May do sskoog, Mrs. Albert do Smith, A H do .. .... Snodderly, Flora do . Stripling, Hulda do Thompson, Mrs S do Wanless. GiGlmer do Wells, H A do ... Williams. Alice An Woolery, Nellie E do Ruble, O A bounty Walling, G A do SALARIES. 4 30.0 2.65 21.40 4.60 6.00 6.00 5.00 15.60 1.65 9.25 16.25 1.75 2.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 22.50 8.00 6.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 Sheriffs Office. Glass & Prudhomme company legal blanks .... .... Needham, W I auto hire .... Needham, W I advance for R". R fare etc .... .... .... ..... Patton Bros ribbon and paper Portland Railway Light and Power company gas service Rowland Printing company, del inquent tax notice blanks Western Union Telegraph com pany The telegrams Clerk's Office. Boyer, U G advance for stamDS Commercial Book Store pencils ana seals ., .... .... .... Kee Lox typewriter ribbon ...... Patton Bros fasteners Rodgers Paper company, bind dup. warrants , Recorder's Office. Brooks, Mildred M advance for envelopes and stamps .... .... Huckestein, August postmaster envelopes Irwin-Hodson company. The steel bands and clips .... . ' .. Koke-Tlffany Printing company lettering 3 covers :.. . Patton Bros scale, erasers, eto Shaver, B A printing record book V.... Treasurer's Office. . . Rodgers Paper company books in triplicate Rowland Printing company. printing letter heads, etc .... County Surveyor's Office. Salem Hardware company hun ters axes, etc Assessor's Office. ' Central. Pharmacy, The library paste . Patton Bros, box bands Rodgers Paper company paper JJistrlct Attorney. Gearhart, Hazelle stenograph. e Gehlhar, Max advance for R R rare, stamps, etc .... . Heltzel, Jas G denntv Alatrtnt uviuwicy oR nn printing company, leg- - umuits .... .... s v-uuncy l Olirt and Onmmlaolnn Capital Journal, The publishing ' mim aocKet 141.12 owning, a Li auditing countv 1 Cwrus 1in nn witJBun Diatesman . publishing "win uocKet..... . , 00 TTT, I. . . . -m.yo "wsmman, f x auditing coun .66 13.00 17.49 4.90 3.04 18.00 6.87 8.00 1.40 1.00 1.20 9.75 60.12 1.72 1.0& S.85 3.6 16.60 18.00 13.25 6.60 .40 .25 6.60 40.00 3.63 ty records 110.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 22.50 12.50 15.00 30.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 7.60 8.00 20.00 7.20 7.00 Sheriff's Office. Bower, O D denntv sheriff Holmes, P H ao Smith. B R ft .. ... 100.00 100.00 100.00 Court Honwv Boyce & Chapman repairing of t,1L--J: 127.56 v - aavance for dray- ' e on one oarrel detergent .. - 1 10 Tli.oa.AH r . 1 . . " - u, aavanced to T O n7u m- .... v IOr cutting wood...... 64.00 uvniia. 1 1 r ; nrnvoa-a r. -o'-. . .. ' a. BO 0,..., xjaraware Company, ay xj, snovel, mops, watt duids, etc. - ; , Moore, W W, typewriter, chair" Olds, Wortman & King, i' bar- - rei ae'.ergent -... .... Portland Railway IJghT&'po'w"' er company, lights at court 4.15 20.60 20.88 house Portland Railway Lieht & iw er Company, fuse installed Salem Hardware Company, roof, ing, latch, axe. etc. Salem Water Light & Power"" company, water Welch Electric & Fixture Com'." puny, watt lamps Circuit Court G, advanced for 195.92 .60 14.30 7.62 8.06 6.00 Boyer, U stamps Justice Court StutA Unruh, G E, Justice ;: , g 46 State vs. Brooks, et al " Unruh, G E. Justice " u 85 De Long, W E. constnhio Needham. W I, sheriff ... ,', State vs. BrnndrMo tt v. . .. uu, u justice De Long, W E. constable Thompson, Walter, acting con" 8taoie 12.05 . .60 State vs. Dav Unruh. G E. lustloo ..... , 2.10 DeLong. W E, constable Morelock. Lee, acting constable Mate vs. Gronwald Unruh, G E, Justice .. - State vs. Mattson Unruh, G E, Justice State ts, McCracken Unruh, G E. justice , State vs. Olson 10.20 2.60 2.10 8.45 8.45 3.45 Parseglan, - Mike do Boggossian, Geo. do ......!. ' Kirk, John do ....;.......... Weigel, Geo. do Smith, F P do .. Soutwhick, Frank do Fullerton, P E Juror State vs. Parsegton, et al. Unruh, G E justice ., ;..t. 3.35 State vs. C. Smith Unruh, G E justice . .. ' 3.45 ' State vs. F. Smitft Unruh, G E justice 3.45 - State vs.. Wagner Unruh, G B justice . 9.70 De Long, W E constable ... .. . .50 - . State vs. Wyatt Unruh,. G E justice 12.40 De Long, W E constable .. . 1.70 Haines,. Viola witness . 4.70 Haines, Mrs. E do ........ . 665 Haines, Clara do u.. 4,70 . , Coroner.. Brown, Emma Murphy tran script In re-inquest of L. Jensen, deceased.. 14.6 A Clough, A M investigation death of Mrs. Carrie Anund- son .. t 6.40 Clough,' A M Inquest Louis Steiner, A T do ............... 1.00 Jensen deceased 10.60 George, William P Juror 1.00 . Patton, Hal D do 1.00 Thompson, Ralph do ......... ... , 1.08 Jones, J F do . I.OO Edwards, B B do L;......: 1.00 Griffith, L F witness 1.70 Chenowoth, George' D 40 1.7ft uosser, D S do .................. 1.70 Haynes, C T do 1.70) Evans, J C , professional ser vices 6,20 Bellinger, G C do, 6.4ft Feeble Minded Account Barnes, E T clothing for 3 Trimmer, children 88.84 Price Shoe Co., the shoes for Rose Schrock .. ............... .'. , 6.90 : School Superintendent Arnold, A N supervisor's, ex penses , 14.15 Burrows, Clayton services at institute . 43.24 Elliott, N D printing awards of merit ............ 13.75 Fulkerson, Mary L supervisor's expenses .. ,.'.. 19.41 Gillette,. Albert services at in- ' stitute .. , ................. . 25.00 Marion Hotel company, rooms . and meals for Misses Bur- row and Bovee .. .................. 19.60.-' Miller, Lulu Dahl services at Institute 25.00 Moores & Co, Ross E print ing programs .. .'.. S.25 Oregon Statesman, printing di- 1 rectories, etc .......... 115.0S Patton Bros., ink, rubber bonds . etO Rodgers Paper company, mim- eograph .. ;. .. Rowland Printing Comnanv. printing for institute. etc.:.i Sheldon, H D services at insti tute .. . Smith, W M travelling expenses and stamps '. Todd, Supt. John W.. use of school for institute . Willett, Helena services n.t In. stitute .. , 6.75 2.3ft 64.75 85.20 60.00 26.00) . 30.00 Health Officer Cashatt, C E traveling exnen. ses Pemberton, Dr. J Ray registrar Van Winkle, Dr.- J O do . ..- Beebe, G H do ';"Z Webert, Louis do Gooding, J H do ........1!.!Z"" Laird, T W do ... Hubbs, G W do ;.,...;. Bauman, J T do .:.....".""! Fleenor, Dr. J G do ".......r... Fruit Insrjectni Van Trump, S H salary and ex penses 125.00 . . Poor Account Cont.lnnnil Austin's Grocery, groceries for Mrs. Strath . Brougher, A L groceries for Mrs. Berkner 36.6ft 30.60 2.2S 7.50 1.25 .75 2.50 9.00 4.50 1.25 23.95 Burger, Wm. H house rent for Mrs. Donaldson Champ & Son, S H groceries" for Mrs. Stevenson ...... Drager, D G adv. for R R fare Club Stables, the ambulance services for Mrs. Tulajo.. ' for J. Terrv et al Drager, D G adv. for shoes"" Hall, c.N burial of Mrs..Bat ' row .. Kelley, James cutting brush and so wine "seed at fr Larmer Transfer. Plant, James digging grave for Clements ... . 09SI 19.85 8.09 26.41 E.Ott 3.47 3.00 25.00 10.5ft 6.00 uosppraoci 'UK Plant, James digging grave for. ,J. m. Bentley . ....,.. Rigdon Company W T burial of J BenUey. ... Roberts, C M erocerlna fnr : McAfee 1 Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Martha Dickev Salem, Deaconess Hospital care 01 Mrs. Mary Maher ....... Salem Deaconess Hospital car ui i- s: uoodrich Salem hospital, care of Lizzie Howard Salem Hospital care of Stephei Lucler .. , . . , aem Hospital care of . Mrs. Jake Tullja una oaiem hospital care of John BenUey Salem Water Lirht Pnnr company, water 'service for Mrs. Donaldson ::' ... Shrode, D L grocerfea for Mm Northcutt Taylor, Earl Form : 6.00 . 85.00 3.00 30.00 80.00 -80.00 30.00 30.00 13.00 1.30 8.10 B supt. Poor Webb & Clough Company, Bur iai s Clemans Weller Bros. Groceries for Mrs. McLane .. ..... White & Sons, D A grass seed Jail Pry, Daniel J prescriptions Needham, W I board of prison ers . Juvenile Court Needham, W I sheriff auto ser vices , 354.23 SS.Oft 10.10 5.00 1.00 86.40 2.00 7.25 Boyer, U G adv. for bounty..