Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    church. the Rev rZ "4 ChHSiaTr
Dallas 1 O O v 1" 7 maae the
11 CHI
, ' . "" unertcan hours .r.
w In London and thai..
Daii. ? M InUtiott.
Dallas. Or., Dec. 30. Th. w
d Eastm s.,- , A Th Masonic
eld a public Sstal ZT thU
the M S 'I haU
Saturday nieht Ik n Mam
Ited suestf partook of rr ? ln'
the order 11?!?. DOP"ality
monies hm " 'U3"ulaUo" "-
in the aW."r"an,uetrre
lodge, room of ; the
HiMiLYcArrrALm .,..r-TTT11 m
: 11 , nil i , XV lit
mmm court
woigrht title from' jk la 7"
their ,.,;., 1 " . Dempsey in
Hm rk TtM one excep
tion to this consensus is" Ted Lewi
born in i,rt . eo Jjewis.
loe FoSowsig Is the Ucsl
pu&Eca&m of tlie record cf
Uamis fcefore lhe Elari
touaty losiinssscsers Court
For fee December term, 1919.
with; the ramount allowed,
bills conriniisi eta, accord
tome records in the office cf
the Coaaty Clerk -
lter weight title. And he does Z
cmmltvhlmse,f irrevocably fn
Of the Frenchman r!
cola ChaH . L8t0pped. Fran Deputy uited States revenue ofi-L - Road District No. 1
time here has th. T ,n ff WtUie ia Salem wcently gave :?'mmerm. A J. dragging
sWl sr V, P,r,eSS lnte"few ""alive to the harmful ,Snder' A Patrolman
"DemweTwrn h 2 ects ' ""ooUeggerss booze." Tha i Rond District No, a
fa s un S'rDenUer "h fuch warnings are timely is proven by Bepk s. drain tile .'.
'odThre ?9 he,eBCbma,t lthet""S deathlist in eastern Carl, H I, pulling grader
But he U n J r Uer in EurP- sta;te8 '""owing the consumption of Emmert, Ben. dragging..,
C v Er S d e"0Ugh for DemP- Poiso"ed H-WOr by many persons. jHopkins, Flayd. grading ......
SMywoney-ui on Jack." Milton A. Miller, collector of inter! Ledky' Robert- Ptttaw in tile ...
rai Moore, Memnhia lnnl., nal i-stohm . ' ' THlllc in a .ji j ..
Who marto bw T mo jroruana district, 1. " " arag-
Vrn,r "f6"8 Criqui, another has asked that the public co-operate 8ms 15 00
i"ft ,he night as with "'m in efforts to prevent anv oc- iScho1 So". nails and
J""'l"--naries go, says: , currance in the Pacific Morth.t ! shovels
t .0
. 54.00
. 3.00
Dempsey is not liito w,n j nvthtr . : t i, '.r.'.r
tlv. nun --- 'o iu me new England " '
jJBCKetVwho were easy for Carpen- fataUtie tn which section dozen of Trouit" c D- Patrolman .........
Koart Distrk t No. S
of wonH iPn. t"re8Pn "-.ravel Co, gravel
Collector Miller wel-Daniels' Wa'ter. leveling gravel
conies co-operation especially in re-
Garrett, Roy, shoveling gr&Tl.. 13.50
tier. JAv h... i,,u . ' " "vuuu uozei
UUiU urams ana brawn inns are reported to have died fol
.0 m a. iignter ana a boxar. 'owing tne inhibition
iuenuer is the better boxer, but he no1 whiskey,
i empseys wallop."
Ted Lewis, who put away the an- PrtB known liquor selling, or the Hungsberg. W W, hauling gravel 30.00
cient Matt Wells, .. former British manufacture and maintenance of illicit I Jackson- Wm, shoveling grav-
Ughtweight champion Just to make it atilla- Information concerning these e1, ctc - -....25.60
an all American night, says: . violations may be sent directly to theiJonnson Br&wn. bridge planks 8.25
u,n.g l ovum iiencnmin "' ""no oirice or transmitted throueh .-vawrence, naunng
varpentier has more speed and locaI authorities,
brains. He will -be as unlike Willard A Portland bootlegger, when arrest
a day and hight. Ha has a kick like ed recently on a charge of manufac-
- i.iu.B auu win oe tne Hardest nrnn- ana seillnK boo In hM
osition Dempsey evr tackled," strychnine, wood alcohol and arsenfc Wh'tney' C' snovelin Kravel.. 25.50
Fred Harvey, an Englishman and were employed to give "body" to the MiU,sr' J H Patrlman 114.75
Lewis' manager. sa;w: liquor. When arrested, this bootleg- Rood District No. 5
"Dempsey is the better. I saw him ger stated to Collector Miller's depu- Eate8 W E rePal on drag..... 1.00
fight Willard and t think he is too '( "Well, what if my stuff is a Davidson' John. grading 6.00
big, too strong and too fast for Car- "deadly poison.' I'm selling the stuff aber Edward, do .... ..... J.0O
peniter. But he win have, no walk- for the coin that's In it, I don't drink aUJ, Herman, cement . 1.80
away. any of it myself." . Davidson. W F, patrolman 7.00
"Cochran has sewed up Carpeniter Patent medicines, especially tho ,A Rond 'ftrlct No. 1
and will induce Demnsev tn n o. placed on the market's in rtrv wwt David. Harry Jenkins, damages
rock to
gravel .. 22.00
Mooney, Thomas, do 66.50
Scott, W D, do ... 38.00
Whitney, A C, do ... 52.00
' lumber
Road Dtstrk v
Broagher, A L, fuse caps, pew- '
der. ete. i. ,
Duncan, Shirley, wood"..! ' it
Johnson, Chas, bUekawlth!!.. t it
Traviss,. N B, pump leatheral. T
Shepherd. Cart, breaking ana .
uiKKiag recK
Shepherd, Louis, driving team "
Shephard, Glenn, breaking and
lutigmg roc
uwrence. Jim. haulinu n
breaking rock
Plas, John, hauling
Plas, Vernon, unloading rock-"'
Plas. Oherhart. dimrlna mot
Semolke, Anton, digging rockZ.
a, nauiliur rolr l.
crusher .
Giger, Gill, breaking rock. eTc"' li ra
oicis. itneuoen, Uo .... ..
Prather, Tom. do TT
Lamb, Irvin, do
Shepherd, Elvin, do .
Lamb, Laurel, do
Giger, E,
Landwlng, Herman do "ZI
ogg. w T, patrolman
Rond DLstrk-t X. ia
English. W O, patrolman
Kiind District
Foss, O J. ditching
Harris.' Clarence, do
Harris, G A. do
Herrick, B B. cash adva nop.)
for board nn
Maulding. Sarah, cleaning
Bchool house s nn
Kelson. E O, ditching '
Winter, Mrs Joseph, cost of '
moving fence 75,09
Dickerson, M A, running roller.. 12 00
City of Silverton, use of roller.... 7.50
Alexander, Chas, hauling water
oT n 'ght round
ri PuryMr. prt i .
w Vm mghi nm
Lynn. Mass.. Dee. S. Billy
TST f ,?n'n ,n,, Uc Hyl
" "'" casino her
night. Both boxers mi,4 i.
fighting ;start to finfsh.
1 1
THE 12
here and fight
Nate Lewis, ' Moore's manager, says
no will back Dempsey to the limit
against Carpentiar.
British for Carpen tier
; British boxing fans, of course, can
ee' riothing but Carpentier, in view
of the way .he has slaughtered the
beat thay eould produce. But the Am
erican colony is Just as keen for Jacks
chances as are the Yankee boxers
The American boys made a great i
lilt With their work on Boxing day
and now sporting circles are clamor
ing for matches between Griffiths
and Jonnny Basham, the British wel
terweight champion, and between
Moore and Ledoux, the French ban
Urn title holder. -
and losses sustained 32,000.00
Collar'd, Pierce, gravel .' 8.(5
Dltmer, Thomas, do 15.85
Kuschneck, John, lumber .......... 16.60
Mangold, F A axle grease and
bolts , 1.65
Cutsforth, I E, on King log
drag :
Cutsforth, Frank H, bridge
work, etc.
Stafovtff Henry, hauling gravel..
Manning, Ward, hauling gravel
Vogt, Chas, bridge work
Cutsforth, John H, patrolman 31.25
Hood District o. SW
Sowa, Paul, blacksmithing
Spauldlng Logging Coompany.
Chas. K, lumber .. ,..
- Road District No. I
jKihlmeier, Fred, dragging....,..,.
XNeison, jn u, oiacKsmnning......
White, V J, dragging 12.00
Van Cleave, Joseph A, patrol
man . 6.50
Bond District No. 11 .
Butte Creak Lumber Company,
Dallas, Or., Dec. 30. In one of the
fastest and cleanest games of basket
ball ever witnessed in Dallas the
American Legion team of this city de
feated the fast Multnomah club bas
ketball team by the close score of 24
to 20.
The game was close from start to
finish, the Portland boys taking the
lead in the first half and maintain
ing it until near the close of the game
when the Dallas team evened the
core of 20 to 20. By mutual agree
ment the game was continued for five
.minutes in which time the Legion
team made two baskets which placed
them in the lead.
The Portland boys were good basket
throwers from the field and made sev
eral fine shots with good results but
outside of a few baskets thrown their
score was made on fouls of which 12
were placed against the Dallas team
and eleven against Multnomah.
The Portland team Is the best evet
sent to this city by the Multnomah
dub and is composed of some- of the
cleanest and fairest players the Dallas
boys ever went up against. Hubert
Goode of Porijand and Lynn Matheney
of this ctiy acfd as referees.
Prior to the game a contest was
staged between Monmouth and the
Dallas high school which ended In a 28
to 4 victory for Dallas.
Dallas Woman Dies.
Dallas, Or., Dec. 30. Mrs. Nancy
Jane Frink, the oldest and probably
best known pioneer woman of this city
passed away at her home on Washing
ton street Saturday after a lingering
Illness with the infirmatlves of old
Frink was born on February
Maulding.. J, hauling rock 24.
Looieyj u s, do
Loron, Ira, hauling rock, etc
Knauf,; Walter, spreading rock..
Swenson, J, shoveling rock....
Mais, Geo, hauling wood
Oeder, A, patrolman . ;
Rond District Now IS
Haberly. W J, hauiing gravel....
Hi mil District No. It
Oregon Gravel Company, gravel
Kennedy, Abe shoveling gravel
Foster, N R hauling gravel, etc
Kennedy, Abe planking hill .1
Jefferson, R C do ...m. .....
Jefferson, W J patrolman""!!.
Road District No. 17.
Oregon Gravel company gravel
Bennett. I D repairing bridge,
eio v..i .... .. is nn
Tyson, Joe dragging 4.09
Road District No. IS.
Farmer Hardware company, Ray
L, plow steet and bolts .... .... 7.44
uregon uravel company, gravel 8.70
woie, Kobt patrolman .... .... ..
' Rond District No. It.
Oregon Gravel company crush
ed roc kand gravel ....
Ringwald, C hauling gravel
Hoffman, Theadore do .... ..
Kapllnger. Wm F patrolman
Road District No. SOW.
Oregon Gravel company gravel ,,
'crushed rock, etc -.113.45
Salem Sand and Gravel com
pany, gravel is. jo
(Continued on page eight)
with the alleged purpose of catering
to the alcoholic beverage demand, ar
regarded by many investigators and
authorities on medicinal values as be
ing a ranking second to bootleinrer's
concoctions, so far as injurious effects
are concerned. The chief danger aris
ing from the continued use of this va
riety of boosse substitute is that usual
ly a habit forming drug is compound
ed with the medicine, so that the man
who is determined to have his "likker"
stands a good chance of becoming a
drug addict as an additional vice to
present alcoholic preference.
A recent survey of the Salem down,
town district reveals that fact that
many and varied are the patent medi
cine "empties" found in alleys and In
the r.ear of pool halls and aemirpublic
"Say, Jack, want a sniff of this
'Peptoney Tonic,' it only cost roe 80
cents at the drug store?" and "Jack"
will reply, "None of the 'Peptoney' for
me, that Is only 15 ner cent 1ov. m
for this "Liko," Bo, its good for a 23
per cent wallop, according to the
,Bucl- UJIverHilnons Similar tn thn nf nnnnnl nnl hnvtnor o
above are not uncommon with menjbasis of alcoholic and narcotic ingre
who don't care what goes into their idients. Writers and Investigators la
stomachs, Just so the "drag" is in the 'eastern maeazines have intimated that
drink, i The revenue authorities have j many of the newer "patent medicines"
not yet ascertained Just how much are formulated to give the greatest
Joy" is obtainable by drinking a auart alcoholic "comeback" with the least
or more of patent medicine of which 1 possible medicinal reaction. Accord-I Johnsons, returneiNw her home neUfl
"""" increments are drugs of a ,ing to the statements of investigators, (Hubbard, Friday. -,
mure or less neuseating character, this is proven by the increased sales of Joe Zelllnski and family spMii'
especially when taken f ntn thtt human fof I n hramla nf nntnnl marl nns I ft, -iu a - uh r,M r
system In large quantities. which were unknown or not widely ents at Middle Crov.
used before booze was banned. Mrs. Iris Vnn Cleave suffered .from
just wnat somce is receivea oy meian attack or apendicitls litut week. j
"perpetually thirsty" of Salem in their I Mr. and Mi s. Dan linger spent I
pathetic attempts to make 'er kick" Is Christmas at the Gregory home lnj
not known, rne jamacia ginger rouie 'Salem.
is not recommended by local Bhsl-1 Maurice Diinit-an ami fuinltv en.
leys, garbage barrels and rubbish ! clans, it being a known fact that much joyed the Christinas activities ut
heaps at the city dumping- ground: jof the so-called "Jamacia Ringr" is'Kred Chapman's near Cheniiiwa.
(Percentage of alcohol in each in-.nothing more or less than a straight Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinert and (laugh
stance is taken from the label of the j alcohol-capsicum combination with a ter Eleanor went, to Lebanon last
particular brand mentioned) Lyko coloring of burnt caramel. This eon- jwedneuiiay to spend the holidays with
Tonic, 23 per cent; Peptona Beef, coction itself is said to be capable of 'the former's sister and brother, who
iron and W Ine, 15 per cent; Hostetters 'so impregnating a man s carcass that recently came from the east.
part of last week at the E. A. Dun
igan home.
Frank Pietrock and family of Stny
fon were the guasts of Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Zelllnski Christmas day.
Mm Tlllie Rogers, who has hcK
visiting her sister and brothers, the
Among the "tonics," "bitters" and
other drug store beverages, found in
places where patent madicine, were
never known "before prohibition," the
following list gives the results of a
"census" recently taken of Salem ni.
Bitters, 25 per cent; Rexall Beef. Iron
and Wine, 19 per cent; Peptonized
Beef, Iron and Wine, 16 per cent; Pu
rola Beef, Iron and Wine, 15 per cent;
Beaumaur Frank Drug company's B.
I. W., 15 per cent; Wyethes B. I. W.,
20 per cent; Meritol Beef, Iron and
Wine, 18 per cent; and Gibson's Beef,
Iron and Wine, containing 8 per cent
alcohol. Whether any of these con
tain narcotics is not noted.
A curious conlcidence noted with
the finding of patent medicine bottles.
Is that a small bottle bearing the label
'Jamaica Ginger, 93 per cent alcohol"
is usually discovered near the patent
medicines empties, fn the ratio of
Misses Dovey and Eula Rhodes are
home during the holidays.
Merle Chapman of Portland spent
even a respectable coyote would sprun
any such repast as is said to be the
case In Mexico where the prairie
wolves leavrt the corpses of Mexican Christmas at home.
undisturbed because of the Mexicans' jaiss Hilda Williamson has come
fondness for foods in which chilly is (home from Salem to rest r while.
the main seasoning ingredient. I MHilred Williamson went to
Although consumption of patent gtayton Saturday to visit her sister.
medicines is noticeable. Investigators
and authorities affirm that the total
volume of patent medicines consumed
Is negligible as compared to the con
sumption of alcoholic liquors In the
good old days." The main danger
pointed out In that "booze outlaws"
will resort to any and all measures to
peddle poJsons at a pro fit. to those
about one Jamacia to each pair of wn w"" 10 ""- ,ne,r ln,r"
patents" the surmise being that each
bottle of tonic or bitters is "teed up"
by adding a generous dash of the
fiery "S per cent."
Journals of the American Medical
association and also of the American
. . , . , " . , , - 'asSOClHUUIl ttliu ojov v, '
37. 1832. and Had been a indent of .aticm have carried many
this city for many years, coming to condemn-"iv"" -
Ing the commercialization of patent
medicines in prohibition areas, em
phasizing not only the attempts at law
evasion, but also the widespread harm
certain to follow any mcreaseu cvu
Dallas when It was yet a small village.
Ttesldes two grandchildren, Mrs. C. O.
Tennis and W. R. Ellis of this city, she
loaves a large circle of friends to
mourn her death.
Funeral services were held Tuesday
I Hazel Green Notes, i
Hazel Green. Dec. . Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Caswoll spent Christmas
week with relatives near Albany.
Miss Fern Grimes of Salem spent
Special Stun at JIidniSht-A joH, Urn, f.r aB
. hv Oscar Stwlhammer
Mrs. Marie Hln'lershott.
A Watch night prayer service will
be held at the Hazel Green church
Wednesday eve, beginning at 8
Vfiy Pyramid P
4sk Ay TtnmxlM Haw Rsaia
Salea Hare lrraaaM la
Bccasabws TJWUMSt.
Mailed free In plain wrspser. It
sTlvas yo relwF. Get a 64-eent bat
V Ay
turn Hm ! ! Hw Waaaerfsl
fyrsati. Is lalil las Vr U, ,
of pyramid PIU Traatmajt ft nj
SruKViot. -Be rUv4 o Itching,
protruding P'l. hajnorrholda !
rnneh rrtai Iroablaa. A lato bo
baa ofia b" ufl,Bi, "
"tcht. Knd cooion tut Irat HUO.
Tka no utmuta.
. ntz sauplk cotrox
majfi" mw rowpi wt
tmttiml4 IHStU Haratadt UK.
Hwrir al w a Prat mmnXt at
rnatUaXawatst.i nW
ColSlna of Km v'U
battle uk 1 . ,,B round
J t, wi"? hSb,1ey' coQror
-immy w ild,, here last night.
01 k, v;:1.,' "py" ith
St Louis, Jlo,, 3 a ,,
bakotf. SL LouiL T Ka-
ner last night.
American Lesion Objects
Indianapolia rd.. Dt. la.Oppt.
iUon lo opera In German Unauage
by various posts of the American U-
toaay naj the ndorm.i,t
ine exutlvs committee 04 lh, na.
tlonal organisation. 1. a t.te.miu ,
the Ainerlranixatlnn
Washington, the executive
ight rouud bou, h .r?n.or AUstrtan langusge.
- . nmnnsi
Stomch-K;j,Ky 9. 'estrf . LI
j Ktt th tl orgars h- : . ;
t-guiarly takinf the M : ;, ,
ard remedy isr .
Madder and orte acK
and Austrian artists.
concerts by German
i yrCv -:
The Naskwwl Rm-,lT of H
tnrarlandratacd by fNi V, .,imU
r.Soa. At tl srnggiso, Utn siimh,
"wtka aaaMCaal Mtl ,
Xord Is retU'd of th death f r.
w. Harder, a puwsr at the wnt, i
Wilton, at the age of Si years.
i - ,
After 8 months of. trouble since we bought them. At
last -we have received from the New York state
factory. Buy blankets now if you need them, and if
you don't now is the time to buy for future use If
you would like to see a real bargain at the present
timft hrnrv tn Tha PFAPT pc rkctr otadb ipi.
w?-! -----j w vfioi k)l lilt
MgE&t bargains you ha've ever seen are here- T'i I
prices are "before you and you can be the judge.
: " A
; 1 penichok Blanket, 64x76 J2.43
i remcnooic blanket, 7'Jx80. : .J2 3 f -
Australian Woolen Plaid, 60x76 3 $ VWj
I Australian Woolen Tlaid, 66x80.... J 3 ' '
Tomorrow Is the Last Day ol
rr..; A:'- .-.the store
You'll miss it if you fail to take
advantage of this sale
Watch for Saturday
ig Inventory Sale
Money Saving Prices
WW- rw '. a,
Clothing; su -n
riii.iii"i' ..j
a. Aa
Fifrht-DBiece urcnesira
. M- 'O