Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every evening except Sun
gay by The Capital Journal Printing Co.,
136 South Commercial street.
Telephones Circulation and Business
umce, si; cairoriai rooms, gz.
O. PUTNAM, Editor and PubHaher
Entered as second class mall matter
at Salem, Oregon.
By carrier 60 cents a month. By mail
JO cents a month, $1.25 for three months,
12.25 for six months, $4 per year.
By order of U. S. government, all mall
subscriptions are payable in advance.
Rippling Rhymes.
"By Industry we thrive," our fath
ers used to say; alt day thoy looked
luive, and put up tons of hay. They
uont tt urnrk fill) tilt, rind MPldmrl
j.aused to rest; and thus our fathers
nunc the country we wrest, uy eio-
uuence we thrive; this Is our watch
vord now; no longer do we strive to
earn In sweat of brow. The country's
bowed with care, the care that sears
find carks, and we hand out hot air,
and make a few remarks. The whis
tles do not toot to call men to their
tasks, for all men elocute, on plat
forms, kegs and casks. The country's
. needing coal that children may not
freeze, and gets a rigmarole, a pro
. test and a wheeze. The country's
tiOidiner neace. and harmony and zeal.
and It would have surcease from fuss
and frenzied spiel; but we like eight
uiy clocks are to the limit wound,
aad every fellow talks, and rants and
mws the ground. We all are Ciceros,
we all have silver tongues, and
hnughtlly we pose, and labor with
our lunirs. The sound of fact'rv bell
can only chafe and irk; we're binding
with a spell, and haven t time to work
Together let us get, let all our rows
bo thinned; let's try to earn wltii what we can't earn with wind.
Postmaster August Hucksteln Is
very gratified at the hearty response
of business -men In buying war saving
tamps. For several months pnst the
JHIks lodge has conducted a campaign
to boost the sale of tho stamps and
have met with good success. Satur
day's total of sales amounted to mora
tiuui $4700, Mir, UuckeHttihi says. '
m Some time since the Capital Journal advocated the eleo
uun oi iieroert noover tor president and time has only
confirmed our views of his
the position. To be sure we do not know his politics, and
iur uiai matter ao not care, we is not a politician, which
is all the more reason he should be elected.' Beside his
record of achievement, all the records of all the politicians
eiuiig nomination m eitner party, look small indeed.
Hoover was the one biff administrator iWplnnPr. w tho
War. and all the world arlcnnwlpr? (TOO if- Wo
administered Belgian relief, that preserved that nation
intact uunng me uerman occupation. He extended the
work to cover the war devastated districts of France
jailed nome, he organized the American food administ'ra
tron, and affected economics in food consumption that en
abled the United States to feed nur Witv. fv.a c;
ms of the armistice, he became fnnrl ?mi
. . - , ' . .u.uubiuVU1 1U1 HIC
Aines ana iea tne starving multitudes of war stricken
Europe ootn allied and enemy countries and no scanda
marred his efforts.
wm nf i n n I J . I 1 v-v .
. o v uit uii. xxv
laminar with European peoples and conditions. He is
vigorous, virile and strong, with excellent judgmentof
super-practical ability combined with the broad vision of
an lueansi. ADOVe ail. he is an AmenVan an
..... ' , emu. a, iiiau.
Why chose a politician, when we can get a man?
As president, Hoover would represent the public not
a party, not a faction, not a class nrvt nffi
' 7 " " J vaav.w UVWAwXO 11U1
organized graft, not special privilegebut the people,
(hot Id r.11 f T I ,X-J 1 .,1 X . . ..'
wiau 10 ux us. xi nuiiunatea Dy eitner partv. it will
nut uc iui party eervices duc Decause he has made good
the best reason on earth for his PlerHnn
upon to get jobs for
Milt. U t 1 I 1 1 1 . t 0
tut; uuv5. out ne wouin nut srvmp hncinpca conoo rnmn
practical ability, some action in the job. He would do
things and get things done. He would unwind the red
tape oi memciency He is no windjammed, and no
trimmer, hut he is an AmenVnn Mnrommi. u jo
- , v,v I v-i ,. lit lO 11UI
seeking the office and not. a self-seeker.
Here is an oDDortunitv for Orecmn Tr.
wv. t v-a wo x aiocu
1M II MM J 1 1 . t
iu wiegun aim spent nis Doynood in this state. Let Ore
gon take the lead for his nomination. Let both republi
cans and democrats put his name on the ballot in the
primaries and send solid delegations tn tho
instructed for. Hoover. If the reoublicans won't. let)r"he
democrats. If doesn't
political plotting to organize a Hoover campaign. All it
needs is to get his name before the people and they
will do the rest. ; v',. "-.-.:. r r J
The annual social gathering of th
Cherrians wll ltake the form of a din
ner dance In the armory this yaar.
The. event will be hold on Tuesday,
January 6, according to plans mad
at a meeting of the entertainment com
in It tee held at the Commercial club
Monday, Invitations have been Issued
to the Portland Ronarlans, Eugene
ItndUttors and Albany Phe""
tend the affair. The committee n
arrangements consists-of King Blng
Ul.incey, William McfJIIchrlst, Jr.,
chairman ; P, E. Fullerton, M. L,
Weyern. Ir. H. H. OHiiTr David
V.r. lOyre. ' . . .
Watch night service will be held
In the Scandinavian Tabernacle, JBth
ftnd Mill streets, Wednesday evenn
commencing at 8 o'clock. Bpeclnt
nutsical program will bo rendered and
coffi-e will be served during the evon-
II. n, Cunningham of Helena, Mont
for eight years Montana state auditor,
cidled on to A. Kuzer, deputy seo-
relaty of slate, Monday, while In the
oily ou his way to California where
he will spend the. remainder of the
Win. ruly, county judge of Bnker
county, and AV. IT. Moarhom, scrrd
tary of the linker commercial club,
Y'crc KUte ca'pltul visitors Monday In
.conference with the state -highway
conuiiixKioii anil the state engineer's
office. .
The fujiciul; of Mrs. IJltan Iaicey,
vho died Saturday were held In Ami
ty Tuesday afternoon at 2 p ,m. from
the First .Methodist church, Tho b'ody
was shipped by Webb and dough,
Jturial was in the Amity cemetery.
Members of the field force of the
slate labor commissioner's offlcs
were la Monday for a conference wuh
Hate Labor Commissioner C. H. Oram
relative to the work of the bureau.
Those attending the conference were
W. H. Fitzgerald, In charge of the
Portland office of tho commission!
B. 11. Hanson, Portland; Bailor Wer
ner, Tortland; F: 8. Townsend, Sa
leui, and O. K, Dewit. SiUeiu.
f ii'irti'i- in drew suits that
'V cmntry wi'iit dry Is
socIkI unrest," aaya
. . ' isiws hiivo hIihut wln.
v. !,. i i. yiiu na jesl
. '.'Vice w !( h li now
; v.h, do wlllt ft t'.K oent
With the obiect of making the f!n
newspaper, and giving its readers the best news service
possible, the CaDital Journal hn
the Associataed Press and will on and after January 1,
be served with the full leased
strongest and most reliaible newsgathering organization
m the world. ' , ; ,
The Associaated Press needs no introduction to the
public. Comprehensive in details, unrivalled in facilities,
conservative in treatment, devoid of sensationalism,
without bias or partisanship, it presents news of " the
world as it happens, v .; , , - : :
, ,v The dominating characteristic of the Associated
Press is its dependability, its reliability, its trustworthi
ness. When the Associated Press carries a story, its train
is confirmed. It takes the risk of being "scooped" to get
at facts and avoid fakes- At the same time, it is usually
first with the news. .-. ' : -; ;..
The superiority of the Associated Hrpsa ruro,, i.,,rol
, - . i, v. . wj uivi tiiai
organizations was vividly apparent during the war." It
was the first to report great events like the long distance
bombardment of Paris, and it never deluded the world
by a faked signing of the armistice. When events hap
pen, the Associated Press is there with the news and
not 'before they happen.
The age of sensationalism in American journalism is
passing. Scare head over trivialities have become the
exclusive property- of the yellows. Scarcity of paper im
pels rigid economies in space, forcing a reaction from
great city blanket sheets with the unnecessary work they
entail upon the readers in his search for news. .The
papers of tomorrow must print the worth-while tele
graphic news, above all it must be as nearly accurate as
possibleand to print this kind of a newspaper, the Asso
ciated Press is invaluable.
With the Associated Press leased wire and its 15,000
j -S ""4 sceaaiiy improving local service, and
gradually increasing Willamette Valley news, there will
be no call for neonle in this cofKn tr. . x. j
elsewhere in tha ntoaof i..i;x- r r v
v. ... ,,,v iiivvivm u uuici luuiilllies.
thin $100 for? It costs less than thirty
to come home!"
"While 1 do not recognize your right
to ask me what I have doae with that
money, had I spent It all, I will say
that $50 of It went for the all-too-ornate
wreath that you sent for my
father's funeral."
"But but you would have sent
your father some flowers ?" he stut
tered. "Very probably, I would have plac
ed a few flowers near htm, but that
wreath was not for my father.
"John, let us be honest with each
father had been well eaousjh to taki
care of his own business and' kept his
money In his own haiiiK instead of
letting a couple of wtmen run him. he
would probably have been in much
better circumstances at his deitb.
Going Into Details.
"Now. you have spent abou1, $80,"'
he continued after a mom-1 t's
"Oh, I don't know what I have
spent! You will find -That is left over
on the desk in my gold pocketooo.
By the way, the Jeweler's biU for it
eame In yesterday. I think that Is al
together too expensive a piece of jew
Wcsaa Wb Murdered
other and ourselves just for tonight , fnr tn w ,n(,, ,,01,1 Dock.
Mount Clemens, Mich., Dec. 30.
Officials here received word today
that Mrs. Cecil Beatrice Vester,
charged with the murder of J. Stan
lev Brown, had been located and
would surrender to authorities within
the next few hours.
.Mrs. Vester, Sheriff Caldwell was
informed, declared she could prove
an alibi. Aitnougn sne aamuiea oe
ing on "parties" with Brown and
Lloyd Prevost, cousin of Brown's
very well that $50 wreath was bought
not for my father, but for the sake
of impressing the people of my home
town. You ordered It and forgot to
pay for it." ; -
I told them to send the bill to me.
Why didn't they do it?"
Naturally, In my home town they
would, send the bill to you, In e-ire oi
me. However, that is not the point. Da
you. realize John, that you have never
offered me any money since we were
Has Her Own Car.
"Well, what do yon want money for?
You have a 'charge account In every
store In this town, or If you haven't
you. can have if you. wish.. You have
your own car and so have no w- for
taxi. Your household accounts are
sent to the office and I take, care of
them, I can't for the life of me see
why you need any money."
"I had to borrow $15 from Henriet-,
ta when I was called by father's ill
ness and death!"
"Well, that thing wouldn't happen
again in fifty years," was John's comment.
"Oh, I hate this bickering and ex
planations. All my life, John, I have
had a certain amount of money gi 'en I
me for my expenses each month. True
It was very small, but I had the pleas
ure of spending It as I pleased I could
perform an unexpected charity. I
could buy a dish of ice cream for a
friend. Why, If it had not been that I
had some money left of my al'owance.
do not know what I should hwe
done since ! have been your wlfa. I
spent that, however, when I paid part
of my fare home."
Where is that allowance now?" he
'My father's affairs were not In as
good shape as we thought, and al
though provision was made for me In
his will, I relinquished It so that moth
er could live aS comfortably as she al
ways has." 4
That's where you and 1 will always
differ, Katherine. A woman should not
expect to live-: as comfortably after
her husband dies. The provider the
iinancier -is gone. j?nt uota mil nr-iiu 1
to keep up an expur.siv-3 house. If your I
Little Girl Remembered At
Christmas, Thanks Friends
Irma King, age 11, and a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A, W. King, of Shaw
has experienced a more than usually
joyful Christmas, for after more than
six months of suffering caused by
serious burns received July 1, 1919
Irma is able to sit up in bed and to
receive her many friends. The little
girl was injured by flames from a
kerosene stove and her recovery has
been very slow. Mr. and Mrs. King
have sent the following letter of
thanks to friends: "We desire to ex
press our hearty thanks to many,
kind friends of Salem and vicinity for
remembering our daughter Irma so
well on her birthday and for the
numerous gifts received by her on
Christmas. Irma also wishes you all to
know how thankful she is for thought
fulness shown her." ' ,
Two Boned To Death
In Section Hesse Fire
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 30. Arthur
B. Brown, Milwaukee section - boss,
and his son, A. Myron Brown,, are
dead as the result of a fira which de
stroyed a section house four miles
east of the city late last night.
Mrs. Brown, her stepdaughter and
her 15 months old baby escaped the
The fire followed an explosion
when the boy poured kerosene on the
stove to start the fire. -i,. , .
orlFa aha ofaiaA tho 1 U f tllTIA RilA HAW
etbook with nothing in it means noth- t ' lfrHerrf man ... thr weeks
ing to me." i .
"That's a nice way of H anking a
man for his presents and I thought
you would like it very much; a
Moreland helped me to se" and then
ne stopped.
"Thank you for pour present, John,
but you might as well return !t
shall never carry It again.
(To Be Continued)
to Dot If to-day's duty vvVl t
acid-d Lit ur bed tmkt . .... .
UHidlLa .
the new aid to digestion comfort
today A pleasant relief tram
tha discomfort of adl-ypepsiu
makers of scorra emulsion
N,S ''0 :
"ftflLES for Sale" that's the real meaning
lVJl of every Portage sign you see. , Portage
Tires and Tubes have miles more miles'
built right into them.
Portage Tires give the extra measure of
quality your tire money should buy and jwill,
if spent here. , - - '
Valley Motor Co.,
Salem, Oregon
JOUBAAIi WANT ADS PAY J ...... ..... . '
C ff O A M H FT S) n W ill
Idah HSGlone Gibson
Right after dinner, of which I cnni.i
only eat a fiw mouihfuls, John fol
lowed mo upatairti to our room. Enter.
ing, he threw himself Into a bin ehair
and gave a sigh of relief.
"I am glad Katherine. that we have
ft little Place all nf our niarn h.r.
Salem People Pleased
By Quick Results
Everyone i pleased with the quick
result of eimple witchhawl, camphor,
hydrastis, etc., aa mixed in Lavoptik
ere wash. One man eves were so
liftdlv etrained he could not read with
out tmia. Two eoplirations relieved
him. A lady with weak, inflamed pvm
was greatly helped ty ON a bottle. We
guarantee a waU 4t'.ltle of Lavoptik
to help AN -yCAE weak, attained
or iuflnmed eves. J. C. lVrrr. drug.
Kst, 113 JSjnth Comiuercjal. (Adv)
we can get away from everyone. I had
a fine time with mother after you
"Well. I felt that I could not stand
any more, John." I said as I prepared
for bed.
"Don't you want to talk n nv
glrlT" was his surprised comment as
he saw me sink down between the
sneets and turn my face to the wall.
Talk It OVeT. I never n-At k..
- ...... ,V 1 lill
It mentioned neain. Th m,K.
have this evening is that t can forget
mis ny anil ail IIS liinn.nln ...
He fussed aboukth
... 1 1 , , (V. j y
for a few momenta. ml thor. i
. . . ...
eiuiiarragaea voice asked:
fy tne way. Katherln mn
use all the money I spm . .
"No!" ;
Wants Vut Hundred Dollars.
"Well. I'm a little hr.t
wish I could have about 1400."
i naveu t got 40fl."
"What in the devil did you use more
if n
V7 O
U 4
(T M fa ail n ff iT'-O
Famous For lis Marvelous Motor
SNW J&jti ISiS
Many Choose
Vll- .... 7 O y
lwJ mi
the New
Tu handler Coupe has quickly attained popularity.
hJ maikes instant apPeal to those desiring fee very
best in closed car construction.
four when the roomy auxUiarV chal? is It?3 tJ?ee P,ersoa!b
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, Sim v r. r. -
Seven-Passenger Sedan, S2S95 FourassengerCoue JmS .
Phone666 CLESON MOTOR C031PANY '.WCetfaz.