Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1919, Image 1

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ATrilA--;?. fTTvCTUITKfit
-54 5 9 -
Only Gahm Metnfce Bam
Tonight Wednesday, rata or wow.
Mnmtnmm, 48.
Minimum, St.
.a W
Ean '.ft
k4 t
lUwtV VaieS vWllU . A j
81 kfcre &30 o'ckck aid c-s vrll h s
1 t
Comprebeasive Laws Neces
sary To Protect MBc From
Imposition By Capital Or
Labor, Steel Head Holds.
New York, Dec. 30. Comprehens
ive, laws, rather than voluntary arbi
tration, are necessary to-- "absolutely
- protect every one against imposition
on the part of capital , and. labor,"
Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of
the United States Steel, corporation,
declared in a statement today.
T m A era flamr inlatnlv InHmoljfl hA
wag entirely in accord with the recom I commission must go. It the state .eg
mendatlons made yesterday by' Pres- isiature which convenes In" special
fcdentj Wilson, (Industrial conference , here naxt month falls to act
I favorably, on the recommendations of
The present state fish and game
for settlement of disputes between
: capital. and labor. He was a'member
of the previous group that attempt
ed to make recommendations for so
lution of-the industrial problem.
Unions Decrease (Production
The steel magnate referred to the
present labor troubles as disputes be-
'tween labor unions and managers of
business. He . declared "the public
Governor Olcott for the creation of
two entirely new commissions wmca
would automatically eliminate the
present commission, then Olcott will
Immediately ask or the resignation
of nil four members of the present
In any event me siate
must know that labpr unions have h3 to be wiped clean and a new start
"A-r-caann nmdiiotinn added to costs mads Immediately alter tne aujoum
and raised the expense of living." ment of the forthcoming legislature ol veteranB. It took only four days to
"I venture the assertion that if tne m an effort to ena tne wiuu""b- put the players in iiKnuus
Pasadena, Cal., Dec 10. With the
arrival of a flock of Harvard fans,
odds shifted slightly today and Har
vard became the favorite to beat Ore
gon in the big east-west football
game here Thursday.
The Harvard team has made a
most favorable Impression, me re
oort has reached here that Oregon's
ends are weak and thar Oregon s
quarter. Steers, doesn't have the long,
cool head attributed to him.
No opportunity has been given to
sea either team at work.
Oresron'a sDeed against Harvard s
weight, is the way coast lootbaii ex
perts site up the coming ciasn.
Oregon Men Veterans
Oregon's ' strenuous past season
schedule has made the team a squad
public 'is disposed to absolutely protect Und bickerings" which have charac-
every- one against impositions on me tertzett tne career ui u
part of 'oapital or labor' it snouia not i ganlzation ana to nui
be dependent upon voluntary arbltra- mony essential to the effective propa-
tlon, but should establish and admin- gatlon and conservation ot nsn anu
ister law which will have complete game in Oregon.
junso cuuii uv --- .,llv, offlce
sens, ne saiu. i , . A
"'The public could then rely upon Wuh reterence xo u CZZ
the continuance, without inierruu- game comma.. ."" Ti. f,.i nf
Hon, of the enforcement or law ana brought to a neau u, l"
order, so that every individual or In- the commission to acce pt hia reoom
terW shall be protected in freedom nidation . for the ""V,
.. . : n an nnff nHiTX'iliiam I . r micv aa oww " -
ot action or , nuu-a.uiiuii, . iVin out
... . fn Kid statutes i outlined in a statement given out
UWV in - ----- -IKt.
in force. - . . D? oven.r r? "T
wniie tne iij
Situation Exngerated
The employers and the body of the referring directly to the four mem- are
,mployes clearly recognize that It Is ot the Tf P
... intareat of both to Warren and I. N. Flelscnner oi run
for the pecuniary interest - Pendleton and
maintain peaceiui anu Klamath Falls-the
lions, ana every .n m -M. . ' "7 .. regards
s, ana every. . - m state
admits this Win wouunu w ntwu - - .. - fh
bnRfit and comfort 01 tne Boireia. nouse
and today Coach Huntington la at his
wits end attempting to keep tne men
In perfect form. Hiking and signal
nrantlna of the lightest variety con
stitute the work with the battle only
Ift'hnura awav.'
Hot weather Is working hardship
nn th Harvard warriors. Coach Flsh-
ap ia ootlmlstlo and says tnat me
crimson eleven will ao all tne Darning
nnmn will be able to tana care
nf Rflrtlo Casey Is expected to be the
man of the hour, tie is aispij
old time dash and continues to ob
allnnjftf ft AVAr.
H.i-vftrd'a practice today was held
secretly. Last moment sncKer puij"
understood to be in tne pi ote
Hotiiiur aii buuiuui
i . nrtamcn ar holding off In
the betting Une, awaiting the small
circles as sealing the doom of
Clanton of Portland as master
and ot can a. "-
thaTihe general pubiic be; given the maker o I Koseburg as ga,
x..-,... ' tinilnratand thd warden, both 01 tnese u'""1""
opportune, w -- nf the commission. ,
exact labor situation, in ,v""TJvv.l w Commission ,
States it is not so bad as it ZZZZ .Minn will be taken by
to appear by some of ue i t "u "Vn- toward th, reinstate
speakers and writers, n P n v deposed as state W-
those who are not Dy exp.. tk nmmission at a meet-
otherwise qualified to testiiy 1 InE in Portland, December H until a
egress opinions. . , ' mtarion has been named, all
There have been imikuwu ... nresent commis-
.-iirw onn i rnri niKiiiimo . . .
naHt year a gooa many Bl..- "'- "" --.... olo.ifiRrt their opposition
- . . . i i artrnnr. s nn naviiie ko- . , .
xne bv""
end. They believe that the odds will
so to te to six On Harvard. Few
wagers have Iwen mads here.
Ticket seal per would be In a way
to maklna- a young fortune were
not for the scarcity of tickets ana
the watchfulness of both the Tourna
ment of Roses oommltwe and Intern
al revenue Inspectors. The revenue
men demand their excess profits tax
on every ticket scalped.-
BIk Drtces are being offered " for
tickets. One man yesterday refused
(50 each for two t tickets he was
lucky enough to hold. Anottidr man,
It Is reported, was offered iioo. Tnese
are merely Instances which have be
come known. How many cases are
not known, and how many sale ac
tually hav' been made is Indefinite.
Time Changed again
Never has there been such A de
mand for seats at any athletic event
In Hi la district.
Another" ehanre In the time ot tn
BftmA WAS announced today. It will
h rallsd at 1:30 D. m. Instead ot i
o'clock as previously piannea. tne
change was made in order to give
more time for preliminary events ana
also to give the teams the advantage
of the cooler part ot the arternoon.
The weather has been exceptionally
warm during tha last few days and
neither- team was prepared lor sucn a
nnntinrency. .
Coach Shy Huntington oi um
haa mined considerable ot a reputa
tion as a SDhynx since arriving here.
it. la iwfuainK U give out any staw-
ments which contain real Information
"The sphynx fe a chatterbox com
pared with, him." oae fan declared to-
Iday. ;-.-v.t."' -' -
Refusal Of Some LI.
Attend Given Ac C::r
MaldnfT Sec::cn TI;:: Vcivj
Washington. Dee. S. -The propo-
slUon ot President Wilson Issuing a
formal call for the tint meeting of
the league ot nations at Parle "is In
the air," Secretary of State Lansing
said today.
This was generally taken to mn
that the matter Is under considera
tion, both at the white house and
state department.
At the state department It was
There will be no council caucus tlh yz:s.1li tzr:.
ceremony, staged somewhere, sometime t cra tha fni
will not be observed pursuant to custcra il ia tir.:a. li-3
reason is because of division of opinion as U vli&zr r u:h
a secret session should be held.
Mayor Otto 1. Wilson said Tuesday
morning that there would be no cau
cua He aata tnai - n cui w
Ud that President Wllon has au- eouncltmen were
thorlty to call tne meeitng ne - ,. h n .undtr,tand
desires despite this country rejec-i - vand.nroH
Uon of the treaty. r ... ..,, - Ml,m,. i cnd."
It was pointed out tnat wuson was r, vmk .i
. . - . . . , . . a , v. . I vnunvilliiau wiwm "
namea to can tne nrei n..u . ,.v h.. wouia be no caucus
league as an officer ot the iwiwi ,,. ,hat the saltee hsd been
States and not as a memoer ot .nvnow.
league of nations ana tnat - WeM (Uvea Rrexirwa
hv him was not conditional upon m I ,, ... . u-.i. Tutie-
membrshlp ot the United Blatea The L that h, wou'ld ot attend a cau
r..i,iont would convoke the first
meeting Just a he called the ", , w.AV, .... if th. counell has
meeting In . Washington recently 01 'nytWnrto Ao jt should meet op
II tVt lL 9eV la k si il .
Lea Angwlee, Cut.. J. .-Fv f
first time since the Hurry New o '"
der trial cpmned. T
New's muthar, wis nt l r'i
day when the eewnion op.4
Mr. Burger is at hr home ut" f
Ing from litna to which the rtis
of her son's trial wet a f Btrlt'.. " I
. . . . i. .v. i M.M nnaniv.
- - . . . anvminnu w i. ,vm, - -
the International labor conier-nce, w- tha pK))i, Rnow what It la do
so provided for oy tne u-ty . I can tee
salilea .
Unofficial Pans aispatcnw , ,.,,.,,, nd
t a.H ufAra thfti. thirty r,w- r
SLan F U Wl opl"le le'te be examined, "'"t.-.
miliar iv .... . .i.K .
"It la obvious that a caucus in wno n -
year would he for the purpose of set- f ret wltnwts ( I i
.. .1 . . tetK a aabt laa - at H ia il" eej 1 J 11
iiina tha noune Question. u P""'-", v...-.
question has reachea sucn a para
mount stage, and has been before the
public so much, and t know that they
in. I can see no reason wny wi
ahould meet In a little two-by-four of-
. .nil ratlrnad action
definitely that the president will ! i h . mB M be railroaded In open, factor. , .
aus the call tor the meeting out ,, mu. b More man tirx
was no connrmaiiun i
white house.
- , disorder, sion
tliere. nave own ... 1 . such
itiirv to tsersons and proper- to any sucn
taeoi.ism, .oivcc" .noorvation cannot oe
so called, in most, If not all nstances ene8a under preset to
they were precipitated by union labor fullest er satisfactory con
. i n. n. fher own "Initiative. rarm"'""f statement
leaoers n.ui.."B - -. Mltions. ' uovernor
Dublin, Dec. 80. Ireland today geo-
era,lly was Inclined to accept tne ver
ot whom are test if. '
of Naw's sanity or I
Dawsun dtctarea I
w" t
r. I i i '
ill i
mi jifnaniDa nis mica ai
tests have been between labor union
leaders and the managers Of busi
ness. , .
Tnhnr is Satisfied ;
"In few, if any cases has there
,. nv aBrious trouble between the
managers of industry and the em
. ..,nv nr anv reasonable
claims on he" part of the majority of
cUims on v m
more iavorabie uvins - ---
"hich were not promptly and mutual-.
,V adjusted. In fact., for .a long time,
the employe in- this country have
been deceiving Jarger compensation
V ! workine and living condi-
rns ThTn ever before. The large ma-
iority of tho employes ot
t v
are Interested In It, to i ant opposea j n f July . ' , '
u..n.. it thln olnaad doora I lia was killed,. t' : '
'wouldn't attend the eaumw If It were .Brt believed that &-J "
called." lie what he bed done hw he a. ... .-
Councilman A. H. Moore said Mob- killing Mim Ant.
tday that there woud be caucus session. I ivtvelopinent o the theory tfctt i r
. tunon rmuout sstwuaa. ia nearly an bihii - ,
; '-. I u wn't be held in the council," he lnli coming. This h to we ,h
'. . Hn.'aaid. "but will be hold somewhere ln,n.4l nn- the dstoiee.
Washington, uec. -"""'.-" - nrlvale office." n.a Kandsll. .wsnpe men. eo-
u0 . " "" " ."" "Z Mnla. -1 lie was asked when it
minister to inn. .. ,
hen dwldad yet whre
said. "I don't know yw
It. but I nrobably will.
department. . .., u 'iin. the balance of power In h"
n CamlUo Clanlaira 'T"?.."" ( chirm "What o you m
'.Uynlted Pres. Staff Correspondent! m "b. 0. council
uaKM " .. v.i k. anta on eitner siue win
ii.j .. ku.ta Kir this dafaeae. Ke
taetlDed that whan hs wked N-w
questions sua. . answer ye'
N.w would answer "r ' '-
astad anwre were r t-.a r iw
. - ka T.1A1I U. WIW - ... ul.
dict.of tha coroners jur, , voted ,.onfldel(C, n hagen ana naa vr.- ,h7',ot, 0B sither side
tenant Boast, sno " " ,117 to it. xna - ---- - roan '" side carry.
of the v,e rega, lodgeeaHV ?
Sunday, was . u, - iminl8ter, and a speech on the ' nn-
The puDiio aiso i"-- tional situation by rrenuor
i mk.n Pramier L,loya-Uois v.
. T IAn
reads- . . .'.,.. i-'tion at the killing 01
There must oe -"r. nedv agreeing with the veraict 01 ...
of squabbling and ZJZ.Ztl 1urv which .aid;
. 1 laa tiAVA
m inomo"- .firtBnce.
tlon, distrust ana .a.
Whatever may oe . be
various controversies , tha t ta
onded in but one way-and that s
by wiping the slate clean and starting
2piarcd Governor Olcott.
aT'have Sd the situation from
ail In what I say
ated only by tne
mvUI ratrime. .1 4-.... uu majhiIIV that
1 a,':::...- d..rtment't account Of I nenry -. '"--" I
i,,, " kabad at ht WOU D lM ammo sny fnin-ua
Hapgood t retirement , e'l J- but gave no reason for not doing
While House wnara , .
-We find Kennedy was killed while
on his way home y a " 1 i refUse to accept it.
We tender our aeepeai
Great Britain informed mm oi w
contents of the allies' memorandum to
iwly. the foreign minister amu ...
his reiauvca. ,
Late testimony in tne --
cated a possible aueini . The memoranaum may . -'""
on the lodge of Viscount French lord o fce of ,mporWc. the for-
per cent,
nions ami
satisfied with their working con-
J . , lace thfln 85
riTmembrrs oi labor unions and
(Continued on page two)
"If any have gooa -
generally .-- tneir mflu
awl .r::ifl nroductlon, added to
costs and raised the expense
in nn Plan
. . 7: ";T: only direct ref
encTtoth '.ndustr.1 S
W investigate labor conditions
said: ... . --esent con-
"I have mue w 1oment of
The British premier then agreed he
would not press Sclaloia for accept
ance, Bcialola aaaea
made known that Hapgood will make to.
publlo answer to tne -was
In sympathy with the boUhevists.
, rle ald that .- '"e
over hearin" " -
with him. tM ? ' '
Xendbli aio . ...
the defendant. - " - "
would do anything t' phetogra.
told him tor-he b- d a -".
cillad. frowned "
waysbut did nothing on hit o -Illative,
Israeli Moi Infonw-d. l
M,w ork, Iec. 0. Dr. Hnry O.l
Lesch said today that Copenhagen re
ports that probably ne wu '"'"
Norman Hapgooa as mmiai-r -
mark, were "the first n
l 14
nnimi ' . ,
on 111" . - . . . luni ' . .-. I .,i,..l.h nawananara nave phhu
lieutenant of Ire.ana - lgu minister added, n. ""i about mv-f d
was so coniuctmg -nva. sldered the wroa.e r,cetvlog wch an ap-
were inclined to - - , " M 'accompanied It as mm."--"- ", , ... h. ,d.
ment 01 iraporw" portance.
P.LVrom to Il Bml..
VAGtS V.'iul Clu
was under way, . rhe
Tne Boani c....
because "no rvo.-. - . ..yeIlow book," P " ' wh h, hRa a traveling fllow-,1(iro ,d11(,.ors to the now city.
rmmrt near - . . . -'areen hw w
... iji.' .intoments that R-en- - -
Stanute a.. ahot
a-k. .nnHl convention of the Wt railroad ehopwenr
Teasers' .l.U.n whl.h l. I Wed ej .onM-enr . w n
'.Ion In Fortland Is drawing m..yrr ".-. .,dl
nedy fired on Boast before p. , s
down by the 1 guara. OOIC"
cTme upon a group of six men while
rolling the ground Corporal Kol
1 that while he did not actu-
ally see Kenneay nre -
tie civilian put hi. hand In his pocket
" . .. . - t..u - rira followed.
Haloh H- Turner . anu " ,M .wore they iw
. .ff .nrreSDOnaem; iwu . ... ... , -.- North
(United to -The Mexican Kennedy draw a revo.vej -u- .... . uroona rtaln.
Mexico uity. t the Boagt 0ne .oiaier ","' Istreet. ""'"- . Mr. Brook's
,preme court iu ; iuebla hlm bcfor. he was a. To a- for on. he.
-1 III crj w . . i w .
grounds toon after the tignt ioniy to me
their Innocence and were re-. . of
. . . M.M.MI
snip irom nr. - ,
been secretary or mo inu-.
dlnsvlon Foundation.
Tha tr nn lacraeaae. aceuroma i
venad Wonaay anu r '-li . .k. -lifted
Friends For Aid
How many people f?V
onaily ac?.U.a:"Ui!:lkh C mn'refai
Bines ma niBcUiiK cosvanau aiunu - . . . ,k rallrtuia
work aud ad.lreaaes sr.! .,,.,,.. but at the re It-
J A; Churchill, stale up.rinleot '"J,,, u,. t wW id 'het
f public will 7n mlfu T. Vmx im
day on "Th., 04- - "'X, .. Vh,n th. unloe
.Their Preparation for ct f thay
supreme court ruiea tu, fa
teLral districl : court o( PM a
jurisaiotiu,. ... ular agent, at
Jenkins, American c fQr al.
liberty on oau - - . andlt ab-
, a niiusion
" The ruling, oTct.on "IAri!CniI
to the one P01"1.0' direct that IsniLllAL
th- supreme court . 0" , COurt ULllUini-
. .Inn frtr
eerning ine ' " . presi(ient
labor disputes reportM W r
wil90's confer-ce. I aU ende
t0 take t.m - e" concIusion.
nation .hall be ' fnr!'nt Polslntere8ted
made up "'"".men who WiU te
d ""P"3,. of ihrentir, pub
cr the W"" industrial dls-
-fncr HEAD
T. wim.m Os-
DCC 30.- D'r "" .
known pnysiciou
lr. Widely
born at
1S49. "
.IT"; , the federal coun
th case De u - , Puebia,
rted by rroi"" . ti,. at ate court
AntlPP V "" 1
onment, was mterpretea
ty. In fact, tne - ,
. meaning the state c th0
omnetent to conau -
ugh jenhliUM my " tw the
tition for transier '
tgjeral district "--;
' . timoosed
Kew Tork. -ttna the
armistice between Esthon
an soviet gover,....-- . the
-".t Srward today from 1W
cortespoTdcnt I. Copennagen.
-n.-k here
... with immediate ratifl-
. treaty and th. league of nw"
ot the 1 ,.h an th. u - 5
' t ,.nr raUficaUon. hut om,
h,t only without any reterwo
. ratification, hut only w
"w - m m any form-
Mt opposed to ratines - -
" .alh
,i,.n har name -
n.nnia to hear th. ex
DBic... ,,,ar
Ob, you mean
For in this age
ud wun
m.... .i.t. Mi.rtarinianaafift win -- . itii aia
i1"" -:.V.:: .Th. cu. t.catwl ineyw.
speaK ""' farenee later lodAy or
In OatlOSTBPhy." i' " . . talk with HiR
HAT IAftrf.T Hill 1 Mr M.ry l Kulkemon. "J,:'7l meeting of offUUIs ef We
YJ U IF DA l ot rural erhoo.. "hrn ""2" ffii 'rtW W '. r1-
- .. .1.. aa uenauiiiii w . uu AanLkmia
ere '" ,,, m
After they learn.a mi -----
I rhoola
rK.r: Bt.bc,h ford th.Hr.. partU. Un .ou- ' wbln ."
. hi. offlc. .-ietant. wm .treated r trn . L.V'JI
remain In J- tll hi. P""""W;V"V: Vmlth-llughi vocatolna..". -'
, ihm ttt one, th Bfn
MrV Brook, ha. kept UP
trend of the t.mca enieer,
effort, upon mtl. Iody
While the labor rntl . T-
pf WUla"! I in.
at Railway
a- of th. deprt. , of ath,-,!
der or w ,,, oma
d,ed early today atW alter Beed
Death was
"Lt Us home at "Nord-
1 iota vesteroay.
ham uarueu . . ....
He was
July .
"VTlB rr, although ..jr-n. . -
hospital for mf !!"', Hag..
u..i v,.n ill for montna r.--
sr. being 1
here Barry
. . . . J.
mn. 1 rOOSI. ",UUB . . , .1 nual kHO
Dec. 1 Major i" beltoves that '
1 " v . ..aa t.eMat HV .
-rf br kidney trou
"rook, aim in
111 e; e
. ,t ki. afflca aaslatant. wHI .treated bf
S h j tW hi. preliminary tl
hearing Wednesday. . I ; ,na0gUr.iln of vo- " to " "'
at .-I Ka.ll Ml I'U.UWV -ww.."r " - , . ta.. rtakFI. . " W s-r-- - ...,..!..." lek
lhTu declld u a.h h,e nda cnal p C-
u, furnl-h the bond. . "u ..,.,.,.,. gMtl.m. will "''" ' Ikulo.ra. et pn.f-
Meanwhile, official, tr. tae .B,m"'-",r',h , Pd...ue """" ,," e(f ln a ful ft -
putlln. of reeult. of we.h ;'"rl)l Mr. . sale
avhten la"
Wit, If all profits l
her enur
.nd th.t to Quote 1 lll.
berseu. . aurrow or
rheer. to those who re m w
distress." ,i. about Mra
1 .J k nf mBKT P"""' !.M he WIS n"" . .... ... '.,.... ...., lh
Itroosev .--" ..... ..wrfu nee an . naMmltf It, e or li""" " ., , .,.i.. ef wet . sreater
. . , . 1. aim. 1 illna an OUllina ut -- nnl lurnio ar
V"""".'-.!! :7f U-rin'e'b, Wen. i oth.r .l.M. C. A- .--y. , en.
fSaXr"lV:Vho ttSSX &T;7re-VuS -
.k. ior at that time, . puWe ecu" , -.e.r.
find. hi"---- ... -.king
hr to oi""1 - '
for heraalf. and
,v . 1. 11 j iwlMtHf Arnvrarlli
The Gardner . a-1 1 iirte to th.
iiui if est 1 ! - t ' - .
um. other eeaeera.
will oe ' , eom- 1" premln touch of
irry was formeriy In com wo In nd or a.
Hoover Denies
Rumored Change
those wno - ;- hlU
humsn kinane - fo, ,
terented many o( the
1 ..i a-tve away . - .
--i'l-!iirat," nd.'w their cu.ti-
her iiow.- -
vation during the
Relative " Tw. ha. th Wlow-
d " 1. thoae who were
I drir. w flower
the Oaf'iner -""::,: ,h. ftrlMjafferton.
Th. 4f. r of eal- W.
fiib gtn
an cmorta.
aa Francisco. Def- "f"-m. -rtf thl. r """I
..Harbert Hoover na " .K kln to not all weo w-
,U!'J;: becoming a m ----- - (mtao -"-",,
v,. Hoover nera. "i,h,r. ncoi'
were wt at r." ,h back or, , nfters
p,ncllled the ioww. on. of tiod .
l . , ... loll
-tm.' v ... iiw.
. ncoiira:-i - iat
Keen "" , ....
.muhh of love.
m I Vnlunteer leramry,
CO- ric - - ....ring
flixth arm torv. , lU f.
.k. ..-mal atrtfe from H to '
"7. ;.,d out tt WaeHlnpon,
a C, at the ewew " wlir.
I envelope: ... .. nre-1- ?T77 k" ,.a have b '"",.." His wife, ant
'lZ -wuhout -r-
aei.v. - hav ever living l"""" , "k aU I ari'tH a -
ben liiww
..... .....da the
school" Mr Mho - Unm
wnrenUon a m .- ,lun ,,,4
k- .ounly prtnclpal. ef . """hlh
UYil war nerc uh -""- ,B
f L D-,r SnffeSSCr morning at I. e-
... .-.awn nf IM I .a. 1llllinriHl .lUl 1
,me. K. Roe a ""-"" aliaCH IUWI v a - -
The Jury m
i .
add. 1ikJa I nuajaiiia"
rtvll war, die n. - -
Monday. No """
To Hapgooa la Dn a..
k ... ikt in i . kii... -
Tmdon. Pee- r-S"l Th. W.e f ..
4 that ''r:",.Pr,.r. te.M.1.."'',
A.i-Ait biih"" - . ko H. ana n
lh AjerUa-i'lJ'a'B . T. KiEkwofA 7
and HWh ttwet. , Ar. C T.
sign and maU to Cap .
1 ...1V!