Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 29, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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. t Tnf dKEach ,Mertton one
t . s insertion G cents, one month
'.TV7 J6nts' u"9 per
i. a cents. Minimum per ad 25
f insertion only !n yew Toaa
i cash in advance and not tak--r
Phone, unless adverUser has
account.. No aUowance for
New Today.
! for sale, 4 does
1541 S. High St.
hed bungalow. 6 rooms, mod
nyemences- with parage; lot
;. Ine other a very cohven
b room house with electric
, bath;, wash trays, good barn,
twenty fruit troes. also some
s, two big lots, and a pleas
,?nce reasonable. In
Sl. H. Edwards, Cherry City
ILE By installment, 5 room
n cottage,, without heat $2 -v".
A. Liston, agent. 484 Court
. : 30
od for sale. C. D.
77F2. " ;
--j.i.t, Reefer's "More egg'
a-" , pacKage. Mrs. W. S.
i umub:, tt. i, Salem, Or, . . 312
SALE Furniture,' 570
- 810-
uiv.ViiN Choice 10 acre tract all
Plow, close to Salem, for
tiwuit saie -fiiuoj,. F, : V.r Wood,
.mniair-iiTO cutters, ancl some
.tuna tq De stumped. Dr.- Beechler,
u o, uanif. . . 310
OR SALE 105 acre Imnrnved farm
8 room, house, large barn, new silo
nog nouse, chicken house, fenced
find cross fenced; with woven wire,
R F D and telephone, 3-4 mile to
school, S miles to Jefferson, fam
ily orchard, an ideal stock and
fruit ranch. Price $8500, terms. For
mors particulars . address owner,
Geo, Feickert, Jefferson, Or. ' 312
FOR SALE Or trade Jersey cow,
soon to freshen. Call 776 South
12th. . 309
"WA.NTED-2 White Leghorn cocker
els., Tancred; 1 Barred Rock cock,
Rt. 6, box 146. 309
IOST A pocketbook, containing pic
tures and negatives, on Com'l street
Saturday. Finder return to this of
fice. ' 308
VANTED--A chassis in exchRnge-'for
horse, cow and wagon.. Address
207 N. Front St. or call after 6:30
T. m. .... 4 308
ine a practical course of study at
.thiKCapital Business college. School
Hre-epens next Monday. .Call nfter
noorts of this week. Let us talk the
matter" over. 307
td Interview ambitious men who
want' to oualify for expert account-
ine'Work. Only those willing to take
- special training during- .spare time
need apply.. Right men when qual
ified,-receive from- $2500 to $6000
yeaBiy-.1 Thousands needed by goy
3mm,pnt and corporations." For in
terview 1 address 0-41 "Journal. 307
FOR SALE House, 6 rooms, lights,
water, bath. 176 Luther St. 312
FOR SALE A cozy little bungalow
close in, best location in the city,
immediate possession (terms) $2,
500. Phone 655M. 307
FOR SALE A beautiful seven room
modern house on N. Capitol St.,
close in, $3600, terms. Phone 655M.
, . , 307
'"' ' " '
f nR B4LE FirsS Class fresh cow
and calf, and some pullets. Phone
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons. Drs. White and Marshall,
r.Ofi II.'R bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr.
White, .res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
ros. phone 834.
'Miscellaneous. ',
TINTIN'O and paper hanging. Tinting
. 1 n anuil.ltV .T
anu paper iiaiiius . bi''j' -A.
Kallstrom,' 437 S. Com'l Sfc Pnn?
IT MAKES your clothes last All work
strictly nana aone.
We do cleaning, pressing, repairing.
194 S.12tht. f , Phone 8. -315
tween Salem and Portland.' Begin
ning Jan. 1st we will make regu
lar trips hauling - freight! baggage
or any articles for transfer between
the two points Our truck equip
ment twill be enlarged as fast as
business justifies. By careful and
efficient service, we hope to re
ceive Our share of the transfer bus
iness in this locality. EniPer-Trans-ier
445 Court St Phone 998. Mght
i phone 679J and 64R. 307
on, BURNER The Dreadnaught
hlirneMn your cook stov or heat
3 rour fuel bills i rt twa Guar;
anteed for S years. 343 Court St
WHAT have you to trade forlSOacres
of JooO ffra'ing land In central Ore
, a ii r onced good three room
Any amount Low rates.
Full repayment privfleges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
WoTlfn I ' " " "
I ' neiD wanted . - ' - -
MR. onH r o .
Room 8 10 remodeL
W7ED-A11 kinds of junk and sec
Ml- N B5LBooa "y Exchange,
241 IS. Commercia p),.,. ?r
SP'er & Scott, Props.
BIDS WANTED-Blds are hereby 7T
2Kf.'0r thB bui,d k out
side entrance and stairway into th.
n,.0l. Manic
th Vffi . i'i.y De inspected at
the office, of this association 463
&Z? w temple' Sa,em-
mo 8. White, secretary. .,
WANTED Secondhand furniture
S C4rpets- "ovm. machinery and
-tVP ;. Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l
St. Phone 947. i ...
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex-
610-12 U. a bank. Phone 341.
PAPER hanging and tinting, expert
priue, ji-. b. wood
ward, phone 131 or 1201 after six
o clock. J15
HOUSE painting, tinting and paper
hanging. R. H. Keith. Shop 443
Ferry St Phone, Res. 821, shop
WANTED 400 Hazard cherry seed
lings. Phone 37F3. 307
WANTED Some information regard
"'fi ovnn oeaiey, wno resided in
West Salem, or Salem, some twen
ty years ago. Address-W. D. Gil
liam, Dallas, Or. Rt. a. - . 309
WANTED To rent or lease house
wun o or more rooms. No children.
Phone 1543. 3H
WANTED To buy open buggy with
ruooer iires. Must be in good con
dition. 1259 S. Liberty. 307
WANTED To rent piano from pri
vate person, oy reliable party. Ad
dress S S care Journal. 308
WANTED From owner price and
: iuu description on 40 t 100 acre
farm. Farmer 21 care Journal,; 308
WANTED To purchase from owner
6 or e room modern house, close in.
Call at 1935 E. Nob Hill. Rt;-4r box
IBB. 307
WANTED Partridge- Rock hens not
over 2 years old. Mrs. J; H. Arn
old, 447 S. Com'l St. PhoiV. 1946M,
For Rent
TO: RENT Fifteen acre tract located
1-4 mile- from j.Waconda station,
Oregon Electric- R. R.,- with dwell
ing, barn, orchard, pasture and
farm land, together with monthly
cash payments for board and wash
ing for an elderly gentleman. Ad-
, dress Gervais, Rt 2, box 45 or
phone 8F11, :
FOR RENT 4 room apartment. On
ions, carrots, - potatoes for sale.
Phone' 899. - 1 308
FOR SAKE Small new house, elec
trio lights, city water, full lot; Sac-
-rifice, leaving city. Phone t44W.
, Price $450.. ' 808
Lost And Found.
LOST A truck tire chain on Gar
den road.; Phone 86F6 or leave at
Marion creamery. 307
LOST-On Monday- packaere-f oontain-
ing brown corduroy ana limns
Finder call 1257, JMarjorie Gilbert.
Real Estate' Houses
FOR SALE-5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. .W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St. .
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
St $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
FOR SALE $800, four room cottage
large lot, garage, electric lights, city
water, Nob Hill district Owner,
phone 1390R. - ' "'
FOR SALE Or trade, 6 room mod
em bungalow. Call at 1267 Marion
" St. Phone 1390R. Owner.
MODERN houses for sale, 6, 8 and 9
room, close in; 12 joorns with
apartments rents $50 close in for
$3500, terms $-1000 cash, balance
6 perceht. Others larger and small
er. See S, R. Pearson, 405 Oregon
- bldg. Phone 43. .
FOR SALE 6 room plastered hmise,
including bath, water and lights,
. garage-and two lots. $1650. Trm.
p. jn.
Used-Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip
ped, fA-1 condition, woeny
; age, .' r ' " "
FOR SALE Or trade. Overland car
O. J. Hull iacxory-
Good Buys.
63 acre farm, nearly all cultivated
some timber, good prune am.
land, six room house, oar... V"
su miles south. Will consider
part trade. Prici $150 per acre.
25 acre tract, 1 -acres cuiint
ed balance timber and pasture, 6
rtom hSuse, well, spring rock road,
close to reform school station n 8.
P oaia trarr.oc,ted close An.. .
acres of Prunes, som- .pple". "Ue
and barn, well. Price $11,000.
Well improved 80 acre farm, most
ly cultivated and in crop, good T room
peered house two DlJle'
east of Salem. Price $1,600.
20 acres of good prune and fcsrry
Iand. Price moer acre.
. a room bungalow.
s f .;?p ba-m"t-
Tonf od'ern'bungalow located
at 2310 State street, corner lot Bolft
W." H. Grabenhorst & Co
275 State street
Salem Auto Exchange.
, rn '
Xt..KZrZ lArltoT with relative- 4
and see
nam. - a
"au,i CAPmtT..imTOALSArpv nM.m
em Small A A
TTTr Tn i. . i
- - mi
Wan7cErt ri
PwinlttQ r! """ 't"u CJ
f tTUU H SI I J cr
i """ti
BOY for route in South Salem paving
'5 a month. Annlv c...!-.
raM.a,i i . ouurr,
wk'v" Journal wtice Tn mornings.
WANTED M n to Mn
" aT,t5rtrabte,oni11 rse.he'had
Ior "' . I' ? - 307
.. ..wiw oumw with hiirh
ca T'4Se88ure that set re!1
:. ... ' . .- . SVt
T.ifcifftjition as houaekee'beri
country preferred; reliable. Address
123 care Journal. , , sna
WED-f-Work by the day or hour
aiier b p. m. 3S
EXPERIENCED seamstress -will go
"3 u uay. t-none 1413. 331
For Sale.
FOR SALE First' class baled cheat
hay and straw. Phone 91F15. 309
Hand nickail TCI
Russet apples. 5 boxes $4.25; 19 boxes
. .Buy your winter supply now while
price is low. Ward K. Richardson,
2395 Front Phone 494. S14
THE groceries and fixtures of the
Kenllworth grocery and the furn-i
ishings of the Kenllworth apart
ments at 152 South Church street
are for sale between now and Jan
uary 1, 1A20. Make a list of your
needs and come in soon, as the gro
, ceries are ; being Boid at reduced
: prices. , ,:- joj
1916 five passenger Ford, A-l con
dition; 1918 Studebaker six, A-l
condition; Buick .four, dandy to
make a bug; Studebaker bug, Over
land 5 passenger," 1919 Dort, good
as new. All of these cars will be
sold cheap if taken at once. Salem
Velie Co., 162 N. Commercial 307
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; also
' Fox terrier pups. E, A. Aufrane,
phone 66F3. 307-
FOR SALE-Gdod Jersey male, and
milk cows,- Chester White male pig,
Leghorn cockerels, Oregon strain.
Phone 86F22. 308
FOUR- months ago we sold to one of
Salem's best ' houses a beautiful
- high grade- piano and this week
these people decided to move to a
farm in Canada and could not take
the piano with them. We agreed to
revert this piano to stock, they td
lose the amount paid. Wa now
.' have this beautiful piano in our
warerooms, without a mark or
scratch on it, and will offer it to the
first who call, for the unpaid bal
ance thereon, with terms to suit.
, The Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court
, street. . . t -- 307
FOR SALE : Gasoline saw. Phone
814R. 4 , ' . 307
FOR plumbing and repair mork. Call
1310J. . . . ' - 307
FOR SALE 7-week si, old pigs. , Call
284R (evenings.- ' i 808
FOR SALE Fresh-young cow. Grote
box 66, Rt 2. ' 808
TO EXCHANGE For acreag close
to Salem,-160 acre stock -ranch. W.
H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State
street. Phone 515. 307
FOR SALE Good secondhand gal
vanteed wire. Just the thing for lo
ganberries or hops. Phone -41F3.
80 ACRES unimproved wood prop
osition, fruit district,, for town
property, acreage, car; give or take
" difference. Box 495 Salem, Or. 311
5 HEAD of fresh cows, S with calves
at side for sale or trad for beef
cattle. Inquire at 2015 N. Com
merclal St . Phone 2084J. 308
FOR SALE A No. 1 Jersey cow!
Will freshen in February; also a
few Leghorn hensi Phone 83F2. 807
FOR SALE 55 aces best fruit, land
located near Salem on roc roaui
Entire farm ready to be set into
fruit. Good house, barn and out
buildings; Priced very reasonable
at $6000. Terms, $2600 cash, bal
ance ,6 percent. Investigate this;
Bearing fruit farms for sale.. 8. R
Pearson, 405 Oregon bldgw Phone
43. :
POTATOES for sale. 4c per pound by
the sacK. rree iron. num. "
rll5 Clifford W. Brown 171 North
f Front street
1 1
POTATOES for sale, 4o per pound by
the sack. Free from frost. Phone
115 Clifford W. Jtsrown, m ""ii.
! Front, street.
FOR BALE Good apples from $1 to
$1.25 per bushel. Phone 631R.
. 309
ONE brood sow for sale ""'':
weeks old pigs, rarmers
FOR SALE 1 horse and wagon, set
' v . i i iir. a I.ihwrtv.
OI suiBis i
FOR SALE PaWridge Rock, Bar
red Rock, Buff Minorca cockerels
and Silver Laced Wyandotte henil
Mrs. J. H. Arnold, 447 8. Com I t
Phona 1946M. l
FOR SALE- Wood tor you. Phone
We have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value. m ,
They are a home invest
ment. Inquiries-invited. .
205 Oregon Bldg.
-Salem, Oregon
Kick Moffltt for many years Iocs
agenffor th. MetropoliUn Life
agent i' - mairer for
..war eomoanr. .:; ,.
. MrMinnvnie,
iiru u - ,
friends In Salem-
l - I KQOf 1 . -
-waa vywc
- f. '!". -",'vat.on, al.
en ' J 4"r.wl lit.v lUlUU. IXftOO.
ttlt r "
house vuji lVHi $ou, s room
'owhooand towS.
eas-v terms, - ."""V"'
b acres, 14 acres prunes in bear-
ocal S cw
nes. some walnuts and chfm t.
room-modern house, gooS S lZ
i5ernn.m,bUildinSS- good Xy at
15 0on; terms. Stock goes in.
so acres, 2 acres prunes; 3 acres
logans, some apples. Koyal Ann. cW
nes etc. Best of fruit land. WiuJ
cres nest loganberry land, on
60o ' CU88 in--A nae -1
6 acres near Sui.., tt t
wtoi 4 room house, some fruit 20O
nn cumvateff, weH fenced.
llC? -'ear old prunes, house.
! barn, family orchard. 7 miles of Sa
iem.. Price t9500, 14000 cash,, balance
per cent.
jVsn1CtIr n""lern room bungalow.
Modern 6 room bungalow,
iurni, lurnace. f jouv.
8 room strictly modern house, well
located. $4200, easy terms;
t,Ln0on.t0liorn house' Pved street
$2500; $500 cash. baUnoa ins
Unonth at 8 percent
. room moern house, lot 80x360.
$2000, terms on part.
. 7 room modern house, close In. $4,
260; terms on part.
S room modern house, iot 65x160.
fruit, furnished. $2000.
' 5 room house, lot 100x100 ft, lot
of fruit. $660 cash.
For best buys see
341 State street -
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 10
year experience; . Depot National
and American fence; sizes it to 58
Inches high. Painls, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry m& ' hop
hooka. Salem Fence am' Stove
Works, 260 Court street. Phok 114
No C!ftah RnmilMri 1aa4 nu.u.. ,
hoea and suits, all kinds of musical
uiBim moms, snoiguns, njea, neaung
stoves, gas stoves, suit caaes and 1000
other useful articles to wll or trade.
What , have you? The -Capital Ex
change. $37 Court 8t Phone 493.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. Commercial. , Phone 866
1917 Ford.vRood shape, $375 t
1919 Chevrolet, driven less than
2000 miles, $725
Ford 1-ton. truck $360
v T Samson tractor $600 '
Ford bug $276 - f
Autos tor hire without' driver
Wo Mil oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts. Urea and aooesaoriaa.
We have taken th agency for the
Chandler and Cleveland cars. Phone
for demonstration. -
Salem Scavanger Garbage and - re
fute of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phono Main 1(7.
' O. 8ATTBRLEH - . f
Offlco- 124 South Liberty street.
Phono 937, 121L Real osUto and
stock oales.' .
W.' F. WRIGHT, TUrnoi" auctioneor.
Why not get him. Ho only oharges
t per cent
Money To Loan.
On good real estate oeonrity
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank. Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 5 1-1 percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash tor your
household gooas, uei our imu -fore,
you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 171 N. Com
merclal street phono 714.
Water Company.
corner commercial anu
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phono 0i
. - Wood Saw.
HONB 17S4R. Our price are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1266 N.
Bummer street Salem, Or.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETT raw blade sharpening ma
chine, first lnotaneo at a. d.
art RamUr Shop. 147 Court Bt '
Lodge Directory,
Tf-w JHEMEKETA Loda No. 1
meet overy Wednesday
evening at 7: at L O. O. F. hall.
at 1. Harry Levy, C. Ci P. i- KuhU
K.R.4B .
- Oregon ni ; -.-
every Thursday evening In MoCor
naek hall. Elevator "r:&
. Mra Carrie E. Buan. 448 Unloa Bt
recorder. Mrs. Meltai Persona, 141$
N. 4tb St Phono HUH. -
UJ?il ... Thursday al
8 I. In MaaonW Tempi Glenn C.
Nile, M- A: C A Vlbbert. met
tary. 14 Owen street
Oregon ueow i - ---mrta
every Thurodar ovenin at
?cck 1? McCornack DuHdlnj
. .-a r ihrtv streeta. W. M.
t-T v. C. Frank A Turner
McClrnark hall, cor. Court "JLb
rty 8t V wlimg Woodmen
CI) Rom C C U ft Ur. oierk-
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loan
Any amount Lowt Urnfc
ty, and percent latere.
City buUding loans.
Maaonle T.mple, Balesa. Or
Grain: WtiL vA
SO 85c; milling oats 85 88o; cheat
hay $1S.5019.$; ot hay $;iim-
-.-.v. ,mS ;cl-S4( mill run J4XSI4
Kilt l.iCi . . . v
roit, Ten uj nuttoa: Pork oi foot
1 Ji Fn I .. .
7ep; cows 5T l-oi sprlnf lamb
c; ewes 4 86c; sheep. yearUnx (o.
fasgs and poultry: Kgsn cash $:c;
Ught bens 2 Jo; heavy- hens 28c; old
roosters 1516os springs j;c
x-siauies: Onions per sack c;
ceiery aoa. $l.76r potatoes. Yakima
So; Oregon SUc; sweet potatoes c.
beets per sack $3.75; turnips per sack
$3 75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip
per sack $3.75.
. Fruit: Oranges $3.504.50; lemon
$6.507.00; baiwnas lie; honey ext.
20c; bunch beets 45c: cabbage 5c;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 48c; grapes
me; urussell sprouts lc; caulittlower
$2 do;, red peppers SJo lb.
Retail price;- Kggs don Sic
creamery butter 80c; country butter
(oc; hour hard wheat $$.10f i!5.
rortlaml, Or.. Dec. 29. Butler city
?r?r J 8 i'L"5" nWlA local
rn65c; hens 3033c; broilers S2
S6o; geese 45c? cheese SB$o,
Lire Stock.
-nuie: jteeeipts 56; tone of mar-
Kei siow; , cnoice steers 1 10. SO (9
1100; fair to medium steers I8.60O
9. B0; common to futr steers.' 17.008
common to good cows and heifers
M.&0ttS.i0; canners ls.04 10; bulls
15.0097.S0; calves -8.60S14.00.
. Hogs: Receipts 1110; tone of mar-
ktt steady; prime mixed tu.soi
15.00; medium mixed 114.O0fH4.liO;
rough heavies 1 12.00 $T 13.00: Bigs
Sheep: Receipts 108; ton o mar
ket steady; east of mountain lambs
1I3.001S.60; best valley lambs 111
612.00; yearlings $!).50 1Q.&0; weth
ers 9.60; ewes 107.
Bargains and Investments.
40 acres 1 miles from Halem, guod
road. IS acres bearlnir prunes, 2 acres
Igantierrles, family orchard, good set
buildings. 13500 cavil, balance crop
payments. Snap.
Hue 10 acre tract hear Salem, hest
dark loam soil, set buildings, orchard,
well; guod looatlun, Prica - 13000,
term a
.. Choice 11 acre river bottom tract
olose in; on paved road, good set
buildings and all In fruit, fin loca
tion, lildal home; Investigate.- '
11 aero tract 4 nilleo from Balem.
9 acres In bearing gooseberries, cher
ries and apples. 8 room -fningulow and
other buildings. Hnap. 13750.
For bargains and square deal. -
- Perrine & Marstcrs
111-11 Com.' club bldg, Salem, Or
, Start 1920 Right-Own
U.R. Own Home.
A good mortem housa 1 rooms,
bath, toilet, full basement; hot wa
ter, furnace, close In; 4 rooms rented
for 140 per month." 13760.
New modern house T rooma full
basement, furnace liont, two toilets
and baths,' cement walks; this Is a
good buy for some one at 13160,
Two houses olose in, rented, one
room the other 4. V can have both
for $1700,
"A good room house, not modern,
Hut a dandy buy for loo; $2Sv cash
balnlioe 115 per month.
i-1 rooms close in, large lot, a fine
location, lots of fruit, good banement,
improved street. 14500, 12000 cash,
balance to suit.
Rsmember we stand ready" to ar
range; good terms on any property
-sold out of our office.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
y 228 Oregon bldg.
AT .
C W, Niemeyer
Just real estate ana ""'"
vestment. SI&-Z1 Masonio bldg , Ba
lem. Phones ' 39, iv-
;. ;
Kw York, Dee. 2,-WIrtr n
q,Tr:.0; ,r- 4 . m o
,Jg l.7J; victory -4a 4, 4,
opposedto closu:q
TU iorUmvi of the upper Roane
river having amieunced their intention
of takiivK lnuuvdlta stH toward the 'lout and wsisted; Such wim the case
closing of HoKxie river to commercial whin, ftir tvn vesre. th river vao
fVshlng. and how livelihood and wel-!rted to twhrn.' ami the malur ftaa
fare rtipNid upon the maintenance of ; lay dead bv th host sion )
n. ..leglUmata. commercial enterprise, jupper rtver snd trlhntartea bnf to
dwm It time In put it before the eltt- no one and a mttsanwr to thone tlvina
senanf the ntM a lew facta regarding jclow by.
tljlilng on Rogue river and the effort j Thwit m jtw roMHtn .why--ton
of a few who, having ttnrtwtricted Hbrtinr (if ni.per Nnarw rivtr. kn.
righta for .angling for any of the fish Ins tor tliemaelvmi -the tHe pHv
iu that streoin, seek to destuy the lse In th whole river for one kind of
commercial industry thouRht they are fish. huM tmrlt to rtestrw th mm.
neither engaged therein have no direet liifrrkl htiitiy by r)ilng th. river
linci'wt in lis mainterance, jwr cam i Mahln for soother NM of flma
for tta desrnction. Nr ts there Mort in ktn-th ii
There are two classes of fishermen ' ' the ppte r the whole
on Rogti river-There are the.sporta-inti'te to aid thexv In destrojnnn in
men, whom- rvrreatioiv Is aimliug ftM-;mcnns ot livelihnod on which many
steelheadM and otlwr tiwit. waich they!ro depenAent in this WH tion.
cannot well or eummerrialiao. . Then I Thi Itnfflt' river' Ashing quadr a
thei-e are the. commercial flxhrrmnn. Ih "T generation pam been peri4
Who seek to ullllne the food fish ofjtwily h fore the tf rH'mur and
ttie river, and who catch only Chinook il ot hl The aiiiAtin tisi.
salmon. The two oocunatloim il.i nni Intrd nt a time fhtn tli.m w .. t.,i
conflict or measurably interfere tvlth!'1"' "'. ' him rmm moiiv,
feaeh other. . I which Br qneMtlonahle ton kept up
' Th iwrtaman can rntch by angling l"" -th tttn- w4mh th-aoina
In any portion of th ri
the 1'acitlu occatl and tb headwute
of the stream, steelhead trotil over lif-
teen inches long during the entire
year .and young aieclheads, and otlwr
trout ana nsn, from April IhI. to Ho.
cemhefl. ,
The ' commercial 1 fishermen can
cnten nna market only elunook sal.
won and sllvemlile salmon, amMheee
are tne tmly HHh they do catch and
market. They are specialty restrluted
hy law from catehlng and tellliig the
steelheftd, and the lv Is being strict.
iy complied with. The district In
which commercial fishing Is allowed Is
restricted from a half mile above the
mouth of the rtver to tha conflunce
with the Illlnola river, also for a few
miles below Grants Pnns a. distance
of about IS miles tn a river 200 miles
in length. The season In which com
merclal Hulling ) allowed Is restrict.
ed from April 11 to November S.
with a closed season of IS dam in
August and Bcptemhcr, and from eieh
Saturday evening until Sunday even-
ng. - '
The law prescribes the Use of the
mesh of nets used In commercial fish
ing, and It Is of nueh a Inrira site as
to hold only the largest fish, allowing
n young saimtm trout and sleelheads
o pas through uninjured.
Real Estate Transfers.
Chas H Worden anil Nellie Wor .
ilen; Albert Van Valken-bui-a'
nnd Winnie Vn Val
kenber to Ciaiflmui K Cnrev '
and l P Osroy. (0 A M tW t
Alvln- Ktwteiiborititr to Jaeob
IdleHlne. t.t 3-4, HI A
..Hnvaffcg add Dnlem '.;,....., , ...
L H llnles anil Hililuc Hates to
- O K ?lrwtr; 1.1 inl It 1 i
hi 1, lllehoim add Muli-m ....
ClnrrlMM k! tiarner ttml Percy
, P Carey to thits hi Vnlen
anil Nellld WnrJen; Albert
Van Valkenbery and Winnie . t
Vnlkenberg. 13T.I7 A 11 fU C"
William IMvls ... .... .. ...
Ida 1. Leeper and O W ljueper
to Anna Hittcltff. Lt bl '
3 Myers add U.iiem ,....
W V Fargo nnd Ida Fargo to
W MnMin Blttfiop siul Mftrtr
K Wxhnp. Lt hy 8 Boise's
Slid Hslem
Edward H Kiihn and MinnU
, Hulin to N C Jorifentwn anil
Minnie Jorifiuwn. IA1I 3W tlnOO
Joseph Mihults! and Haills
Ht'hulU to tieorite . Viek .
ii ml Ivmlly VVek I A 7H
Prod W Inirliln anrt Oorrtnn
. Durbto to. W 11 llnriis. 1,1s
10-11-1 S Pouii)til4 Fruil
- fiirnis No, 3 , .,
O It Hnnell nnd fWiovicve Bnn
ell to AitKUKt Huikesteln. Lt
S I1 I Oaks add -
ti K IOiikIIkIi nd Lulla Kngllsil
to Iluito M.t erhiiifi'i , ii A
prt HW i seo 1 H tW...
fs E Hampton to Hugo Mayer-
hoefer. 3 A Sit tM l n
Iff - -
ijeoi'tre May and Mry My to'
Henry Wetland end Margar
et WeliuBd. Lt -H-1 1 and
W SB fi It 1 Id 1 Maya add
Mt Angel .
T K Shoekley and Krtna H
Khockley to u H tiritrm i a
prt James flmlth D L V 7
Leo N Childs to Alfred Zwel-
achAr nd Hiiran .weiacner.
lift ft si It 1 bl r'riikeys add
Jalmer A Law and Alice l-iw;
(iuntnv Law and (iladvs Ijw
Wtltlam I .aw and Manrlne
Law; Hrt.i(t Camier
Iw anil Tobi La to O T
Uratmad. 1 A Ames Urns a"l(l
Ki.verton ........-' .
ItHf nvald Holuin and (Suf-
turn in It N X'Hl anil.
Htlff. I'rt Jam:" bwwn
Holiday -Buys
I 3-room houaas with flu lots. 1401
each, cash and terms.
1 roooi pltrrKl, fairly modern,
!, i 1 bits toilSU eat'h. on pav
d street- 32oa strawberry plant
''funm Iisum Dlstred, modern.
biuMiment, good li 2a. CB""
temrtom hnuae ptmrtored', two lioa
lota, abuadaneo of fruit . .
w. u a a.iru In -year old
i-.t f soil: small ho turn, ete.
In l-vear old
prunU gmait bouse; i0. Heat of
u ssre.
to acre. 1 under plow, ''"
ptxure, small eiooa t roe
road 11(00. Deep red soil.
IZi acr. t 1 Ullo-.
acres mora er to clear; old
Hmi- tin, tut t. 100 "
VtA, 4. miM-V ". 14 V"
Walt. McLaren
Room if 1 N Com, m. "
Salem Aota Radiator S&oP
RadMWrt. renderg an4 0S Tanks
Xraew I4io" Hp?
rord Kadlators for
111 aV JW v' IUlia. Ora.
1 Jr
. Since lU-cutt rlvt-r w,i . : ttk-tl
pc- wnrUl tkhinc ft stttmon
hits bw ti itittis li.tMvr siwava
whs ant 9.ui'ts. h e'iiy iiidiu y m-Ploying-labor-
in. th! t -.--i of the
county. There has fcwn built up a
iMvdiness tn which vrrr a !u:rt.T of a
million dollmra l ime restwl. and hteh
annually pays out tor ftsh and tafrr
over $100. ee giving dtreetty or iml
rectly envidoment lr severol
poile two-thlnt bt the yr It
uUllw as food .and adds t the wovi.l
suitpiy. the tmtt food fijth ejttant.
mmitht was hecensry or tiistlfiwl.
j Here wttw a time- nrhett therv was
t o cannery on Rogue river owned
d rimnngod W-m who owned nil
,h "dJacont land, claimed excluiMvo
nswng rights, and enforced' hi ri ui,,.
lag - - anrsmwrnH that h dinteit wh
'ghHI flh' awit r rlc' men r
i' "roosiv rap th ftuhi
But tlm-havw-chanoed bit Rnr..e
rh-er. The courts were appealed1 fii.
hava deetared and - afflirmert : thai
Romt river is niveti to all who- denies
to fish therHn In onfrntily whh ha
laws nr tn mat. Tliew laws and ry.
tnmt have bee accepted by all con.
cernert as their guidw There are now
tnree citnn4ea whhm operata en th
lower rn-er, and a large number ol
fishermen are employed here eirli
yean The pries forfinh has not been
dictated a art held rldletiletisiy tow y
tns-fleatrea of on man. A well or
ganised fishermen's union, with a
memberohln of nver 809, haw wnrke
In Onnjttnellna with the eaanertea, and
the pries of fliiH ha been maintained
ht a flgtirv willsraelory to' all. Th
present, laws er the stste reev's
commercial fluhlnc on the river. n
the state fish and gnm commliarfoa
ha a reprmrntntlvt bero awery am
mer who that th laws ar
plied With Thew laws do But
the commerelal ne of the te'lheurt
or other gem lish, but were framed to
allow th aamn f!h uaretrimd pro-
gross up the rtvr, ttmitnlesled nave as
vlctlnis of the iikMI of the angler.
We, the rltlsena roalillng ailjanent
tn lower Hnu river auk ynu not to
be deeivd by claims that the roin
mertiinl ftstiermen of this river r
conduothig their btntliteea lllegnlly, or
destroying the game fluli. ,
And we ask ynu; filrtheri til rrnem
hor that the specie nt fluH cuk'M and
used commercially are not the specie
of fish which the sportmnen rstett by
angling, and whlrh the upiwr river
spartdmen would havo ths pile' of
the stats believe are being dmtroy4
by th eommen'ial Inlereets.
Curry enunty Is nway flown in re
mote corner of the state. It Is imrwly
eettlel, but the people who Mv hwe
are elliiwns of tho Utilted Statea As
I'ltlxens they elalm tho right under ths
cnnMtlttitlon to ''eatahllsh Jule. pro
mote th genemt weKhre. and engago
In pearefiil piirtnilts nd legitimate
hoslneaa nnthwnhwng the iteMrog
and rffori of the tMrtsmn ot J.-k-
nutt and Joeephlns enunli-
, -.-. frwldent. '
' ' i, VMHrnvr.
Heerotney fro Tern
Local Union No.' 1. United ' rishgr.
men of lh Paelflc.
-ftoltt Heueh, Or., lo. 13.
Kew York, I we. 24 hrg4 with
being an llisgsl emniblnsllon In r
siralnt of lrd, tha American Aw-
olatlon of whuleMl optician, lh
lluw;ti A Looib Opti-eal Coiapany ana
fifty-thres o titer erporiiBS and HI
Individual bvo feoen enjoined la a
decree signed by Federal Judga
Auguetua N. Hand.
Th decre prptally ("!' tha
corporal and indlylduiij df.taotg
from egreetoK to r fUing tidween
tbemselve In ny planner th prtre
to be cU'Kd fur optkul lenses either
out or untut. The Injunction d- ot
prwent the deten-tini frm
ididniiy tlwiging plw 2-s
llhd by . urreot prwg IN
Th Oovernmeat' pvtltXn litS
ba eonlrary and eotnbloatioa to
f Strulnl of trad wf"mP 'f,
through boldlnt J" "".
th country of all lb principal ff
gellllnC ad daU tmM" f
oth Ilk arttelei od fut U prtc.
It is further rhftrge that In ordar
to .Wtrot lh trada ao4 IU 9'
American aaxxrfailoa of Wboloaa
"ted to hinder and .umUM all
pgUtlla W tb IUO r.e .d
n,ATa' part of lh Wbofrl Ot.tU UM
to 'hTrged th. mm Y Optical
control tb. hl "d 7.
irgVd to ba rrao in ry ter e.ty In
tha United -,.,, ' oIoUved
. ..i.,m uooa WrBig r
Zf or dipol ' M WnTJf
era or from agveetng """
Z. charge fJT.
nrteM or from MXwf ,wtt
loigm nuanllty irbdttl f
",".Vf:'-,l''"I''I'i,"l1f"r'"'''f'" "