Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 29, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    f AGR FOUR.
TAPITAI hiiidnm
I'uMishfld every evening except Sun
day by The Capital Journal Printing Co.,
lati fuuth Commercial street.
Telephones Circulation and Business
Office, 81; Editorial rooms, 2.
O. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
Entered as second class mail matter
at BiUenii Oregon. .
By carrier BO cents a month. ' By mall
cents a montii, L.zb lor tnree momns,
!5 for six months, $4 per year.
Hv nrriar nf IT. R government, nit mail
' suoacriptions are payable in advance.
Rippling Rhymes.
: These Christmas bells remind ua,
as they ring everywhere, of good old
(lays behind us, when problems did
n't scare; our problems then were
I smaller, nnd wouldn't fetch a dollar;
wo took them by the collar and slug
? pred them with a chair. In those old
'; times 'twas seldom that problems
"". cune out way; In high esteem we held
t em, and watched the blamed things
flay; our dull routine was broken
when problems from Hoboken blew
li, with sign and token that they had
come to stay. Then life was calm and
peaceful, we worked, and made no
whine, nnd had a large valiseful of
SMds put down In brin; we did the
tasks allotted, the files we blithely
swatted, and to the hay wte trotted at
twenty after nine, One day was like
another," we k,pt our divers spheres,
and no man skinned his brother, as
no tne profiteers; or so It seems,
back gazing; the old days seem amaz
iug, whiles present (times are rais
ing their racket in our ears. But now
our problems vex us, and never lose
ttutlr grip; each day some new one
wrecks us, and smites us, thigh and
tilp j and so we're backward glancing,
we wish we might be prancing to
those old times entrancing
problems raised no' yip.
Odds and Ends
Hammond, Ind. Dead bodies will
be used here as political patronage.
The coroner will stipulate what under
taker will handle bodies, the sumo as
Other political plums. -am, handed out,
emr iiiin
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vMlis, iD'ec, - 29. That women may
, more easily obtain money from their
""fcTiMbondit after studying public- speak
lag is the opinion of Dr. George R.
Vaniey, instructor in that oourse at
O. A. C. Public speaking has been de
fined as the art of porsuaslon and
persuasion is often necessary Iji such
cases. Also a mother might huvo to
use the art in training her children.
''Women, in general, without re
cord to their occupation, through the
Ktuily of public speaking gain Blf
confidence, ease, and poise in stand
ing before others," sulci Doctor Vur
noy. . "For women who expect to
loach there can be no doubt of Us
value. All the principles apply to this
work. It glvJs one a knowledge of her
"indents, helps give readiness of lan
Kiutgo, and ulds in expressing what
' one knows."
Survey Of Women Employed
Show Widows Predominate
A total ot 2328 women nnd 94 chil
dren working on permits, are employ
eel by SS Portland firms selected at
random by A. C. Gram, state labor
commissioner, who Is making a sur
vey of the state for the purpose of
6:curlng information relative to the
employment of women in Oregon for
the use of the industrial welfare com
tnlsHlbn In regulating the hours And
wages of women workers. Of the
total women employed by the S3 firms
SOC are reported as supporting a total
of 408 dependents of which t89 are
chi'llren and 1T9 adults. Hlxty-seven
of the 306 women supporting depend
ems are single, 83 are widows. B nr
flivorced, 9 have been deserted by their
husbands nnd 23 are separated.
"VUR esteemed contemporary, the Statesman, has a new
w slogan to advertise city and valley "Salem the
Freeze Center Hope for Fruit Gone!"
. ... Such at any rate is the package .of holiday cheer
handed the community by the eminent scientists that
furnish dope for the Statesman columns.
On Christmas day; sagacious Statesman specialists
sagely informed the public that the "blackberry has suf
fered the fate of the loganberry," that 'as to peaches,
there will be none" and that "Jack Frost tlavs no favor.
ites, for prune orchards are hit hard", etc., etc, etc.
All of which would be sad if true, but beint? the exag
gerated phantasy of a journalistic "Scarey William,"
seeking a sensational story at the expense of veracity
is sadder still because it slanders the fair name and fame
of the community abroad, keeps people away and thereby
retards development.
As a lie travels faster than the truth, and bad news
outstrips good tidings,: we find the Portland TeWr-am
-.1 'L . ... . - O "
snowing us customary enterprise m boosting the valley
by reprinting the story, word for word, with a big black
7-column banner declaring that the Willamette Valley
iruiicrop was lost, ana tne same canard snread over thp
nation by the Associated Press leased wire and no
amount of denials will remove the impression created in
many minds that our most promising industry has hepn
wiped out, scaring more people away than Phez adver
tising and Commercial Cluib booklets can attract. '
The Statesman prints weekly "slogan" articles boost
ing various crops and resources of the valley, a most com-
nicuuauie ieiiLuie. jjul ni uie same issue mat tne states
man Sunny Jim declares "Salem is bound to become the
blackberry center of the whole country," the Statesman
Gloomy Gus, sparkling and scintillating with frost, de
clares the blackberry crop destroyed. , "Consistency,; thou
art a jewel" though in this case a frost jewel.
It is to be hoped that the Statesman will not consider
a lie well stuck to .better than the truth, and sincerely
strive to undo the injury it has done, lav aside the hammer
and correct the erroneous impression it snrparl hrrmrlpnar
by printing the ascertained facts regarding the compara
tively slight fruit damage and the reallv brie-ht fruit crrvn
prospects of the Willamette Valley, explain that only bot
tom land orchards,, comprizing less than ten per cent of
the planted orchard area sustained any damage, and
mat oniy a per centage or tnese trees are seriously injured
a smaller loss probably than anv other northwester
iruit district sustained; , '
Will '
1 J'J
1 i
Mrs. Km Moots wrote t' Chicago
"mail order house for 1000 clothes
l4n 50 onmj o' powder, three cro
quet sets an' E0 pounds o' sugar an'
Uot pvcr'tlilng but th' sugar. On
good thing they Pan't cut pie any
tmiaiu-r without euttln' it out.
C TBOTAGE, the gentle' act of loafinfr on the iob. throw.
& ing monkey wrenches in machinery and drawing pay
without delivering the eroods. is rounrtlv oensnrpd in tho
halls of congress yet congress presents the most glaring
vAampic uj. auuuwage in tne nation. iNo I. w. w. ever prac
ticed sabotage as successfully as congress especially the
senate, which for a year has loafed on the jobrefused to
do the work of the nation, but drawn' its pay regularly.
If employes and working men followed the precedent
of congress,- they would be discharged locked out and
uuwreu iui uuuuum . Dyiiuuaiusin yet congress expects
Liie peupie n represents to worK, wnue it, like the Bolshev
ists, agitates, criticises, denounces, nlavs Dolitics and loafs
As the Bolshevists make war on the government;'go
has the senate made unrelenting war upon President Wil
son and the peace treaty neglecting needed constructive
aim reconstruction legislation, thus fomenting social aih
rest. It's sole Object is to humiliate the president in the
eyes of the people and to hamstring the league of nations
under the pretense of securing for America the benefits
witnout assuming the responsibilities." " ;
t Like the Bolshevists, the senate has insulted, other na
tions, mir late allies and proven f Hands, ndvrvnrpri Jnw.
ference in their internal affairs, and favored separate
peace witn Germany as the Soviets did at Brest- Litovsk
tactics tnat not only degrade the senate but America. It
has done its best to destroy American leadership in the
world by convincing it that we are a parcel of petty pro
vincial politicians intent on personal and party advantage
with a horizon too limited to view world affairs
If you have not already done so. fill in fh hnllnt n
page one of the Capital Journal and help force the senate
t ki- .Vrlw u-eiuy ana cease a Dotage by pressure
xnc noxea autnor
Idah MSQlone Gibson
Reaehlns my room after leaving
John ami his motlier. my fnelinga
were euch that for a moment I
thought I was dylns1. My heart was
beatliiK, beating 'way up In my throat.
My kneed were trembling and, convul-
Grip, laffcem
Hamlin's Wlxard OH RSlablV
AnUMptlc rrvnttv
Durinii influcmi CDidentcf S&raf
the nose and throat several times a
day with one part Wizard Oil and
two parts water, using an atomizer.
It you haven t an atomizer, gargis
the throat and nufif the mixture up
the nose. This treatment sets up an
antiseptic wall of deJeoje against
"ruT germs.
Chest colds and tore' throat lead
to grip. Mop them at once witn
Wizard Oil before they can develop
into dangerous influenza.
Get it from druggists for 30d If
not satisfied, return the bortlo and
f ct your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick liead
ache? Jut try Wizard Liver Whips, )
pleasant little ptuk pUU, at drusM
g.Ai, W.UiiAJilCCil.
elvely putting my hand to my fore
hoad. I found it covered with drops
of cold moisture.
Blindly I groped my way to a AU
van. As I did so, I caught eight of
my face. For a moment I did not
renilzc that it was mine so lined and
ashen was it. The weary eyes looked
at me, arid from their effort to keep
from crying. Those eyes begged of me
to give them the poor oonsolatton of
tears, j
But although the boIwi mine, and
snooK me from head to foot, I could
not weep,
bear It! Nobody wants us, baby!"
And then I thought of- my own
dear lttlo mother. How she would
welcome me with open arms, although
her heart might break at my sorrow!
How she wolud care for me. and a
baby that would eall her "Granny!"
Writes To Her Mother.
With sudden determination- and
strength which a moment before I
thought I did not possess, I went to
John's writing table and wrote:
"Dear Mother: I am coming to you.
I am coming to you to be with you
"1 can- not live here any longer: I
do not know my own husband, he ie
so strange,: so thoughtless, so selfish
"Mother, dear, when I told him this
morning that I am to become a moth
er, he was angry with me. He made
me feel that In some way t was to
blame and that what I thought would
e the crowning of my womanhood,
was in his eyes only an annoyance and
hindrance to some plans he had for
the immediate future. " "
"Mother, dear, I hope that I won't
make you too unhappy, but I am com
ingcoming right away!
"Tour unhappy KATHERINB.'
I read this letter over carefully ajMi
the picture of my dear little mothw
reading it, arose before me, and I
knew that not even the death of my
father, whom she had loved so devot
edly, would bring her such- intoler-
.able pain.
Again I read the letter through.
. Oh, how I wanted the consolation of
her loving arms. I wanted to put my
head in her lap and cry out my disap
pointment and sorrow. And then I
hemembered that she had only a lit
tle time to live and I could not sadden
her declining years with my sorrow.
It would not be brave, and above 'all,
the thing that I despised most in this
world was lack of courage.
Tells Of Tho Accident.
I pushed the letter one side, and
wrote another:
'Thia is to tell you, darling moth
er, that I arrived home this morning
to find things were not nearly so bad
as I had feared. John had an automo
bile collision yesterday, and while he
was not hurt, the occupants of the
other motor were badly injured: When
John telegraphed me he thought one
of them was going to die. Fortunately
the doctor has pronounced both of
the victims out of danger.
Of course I am very tired tonight
because I have been with John at the
hospital today, -and at many other
places where I felt my presence would
help John. I am not going to write
you a very long letter tonights but I
just felt that I could not go to sleep
without letting you know that every
thing is all right with your " loving
.daughter, , . KATHERINE.
. i This letter I sealed quickly without
reading it, stamped . it and called a
,man to mail it, before my': courage
should fall me. As the man came to
the door he said? :
t "Dinner is served, Mrs. Gordon.
After bathiing my face M stumbled
down the stairs, hardly knowing what
I was doing, for I had made the most
momentous decision of my. life; and in
doing so I had told my mother an
other He-for John, and that lie had
sapped away a Uttle more of my love
and trust in hinit ..
John entered the dining-room Just
as I did and smiled cheerfully.
"Good gir.1!" he said "I had it out
with mother after you were gone. She
is having dinner in her room, I told
her I would not have married Eliza
beth Moreland if She had been the last
woman in the world."
. I could not refrain from sayint:
"Would that have been the truth yes
terday?" - . .
Altogether Too Bossy.
Don't be nasty, he begged, "cause
we're going to besall right from now
oni and besides, Katherine, I think it
is. true I don't think I would have
married that woman under any cir
cumstances. She is altogether too bos
sy; I want a wife to comfort me. to
love me, and one for which my friends
will envy me. I doh't want one to in
terfere all the time with my big plana.
with her little feminine schemea."
Sometimes, John," I said "it seems
mat uott and nature interfere with
your schemes without asking vour
consent. -
He frowned at my reference and
knew that I should never be able to
make him reconciled to our coming
baby. My only hope was that It would
bring its welcome with it. As it was.
my reference changed my husband's
entire Ynood and he continued his dip
ner in sullen silence.
(Tomorrow A Gold Pocketbook)
The Marion county commissioners
have awarded the orders for trucKS
called for in recently opened bids. The
order is apportioned as follows:' Fed
eral trucks, 6; Republic trucks, 3; and
1- Sterling delivery uniu.'
Salem firms, were' successful ; bid
ders for a fair- share of the awards.
There were 31 bidders. Otto J. Wil
son's bid of $4070 each . for tVree
trucks-and Lott L. Fierce as a r re--
sentatlve of the Koerhring Machine
company of Portland .offering Sterling
'trucks at $4750 were given considera
tion by the county commissioners. The
Portland firm of Hughson & company:
will make the sale of six Federal
trucks at $4045 each.
In making the awards the county
commissioners were obliged to keep In
mind the limited funds of the county
and to give the more reasonably priced
trucks consideration. Both the Otto
J. Wilson and the Hughson company
bids are considered to have been fair,
considering the widespread distribu
tion and use of these hauling units.
The Sterling award was made be
cause the county already possesses one
of these trucks, which has given gen
eral satisfaction. The main purpose of
the Sterling purchase, however, was to
simplify the purchase of repair parts,
the county court elucidates.
With the added road-building facili
ties afforded by the increase in haul
ing units; the county expects to keep
up the'with ever-pressing demand for
road improvement
Pendleton will hold its third annual
automobile show March 11, 12 and 13.
1 " T "
Id Li W kT fa - vJ? ta
The Or?
For Infants rsi Invalid
This is wHat:
. cleared my skin
' If your complexion is red, rough
ind blotched if it is excessively r
- ily or unnaturally drytry Rejinol
' Soap.' It will help to heal your siclc
gkin, and to enable you to have that
clear,' healthy complexion nature f"
Intended you to have. '
When the skin is in very bad Con
dition, a little Resinol Ointment,
applied after bathing with Resinol'
Soap will usually bring
more beneficial and
quicker results,
For sale by drug
gists and toilet goods
dealers. .' 1
Discriminating men tut RESINOL SHAVING STICK.
1 1 B jnHj
Ladies' high Lewis heel, Wack kid, $15.00, now. : $13.50
Ladies' high Lewis heel, brown kid, $15.00, now $13.50
Field Mouse, all kid, 8V2 inch high blind eyelet, $15.00, now..;.... $13.50
Same as above in medium grey, $15.00, now 1.'. ......;..,.....,...$13.50
Battleship grey, in military and Lewis heel, $13.50, extra special : $8.75 -
First Swedish Warship To 1
Visit U.S. Since 1907 Docks
New Tork, Dec. 29. The Swedish
cruiser Flygia arrived here late yesteri
day from Bermuda, more than a week
overdue. No Swedish war vessel had
been In this port Bince the - Flvi-io
brought Prince Wilhelm, heir tv the
Swedish crown, for a tour of the TJnl
ted States, 18 years ago.
rench And British To
Demand Release Ex-Kaiser
Tarls, Dec. 2D. The Foho Dp Tn. !a
sum toaay the French and British
governments had decided to ask for
extradition of the former kaiser as
soon as the provisions of the Ver
sailles treaty are carried out.
Latest Parts dispatches indicate the
Versailles treaty will be made effect
ive early In 1920. , ,
Beautiful Line of
Two Shades of
Brown Kid
Lewis heel blind eyelet, dark
brown, $12.00, now
Same as above in military heel, . .
$12.00, now ; (j gij
Latest shade in beaver brown, Lewis
covered heel, $12.50, now ...... J 5Q
Same as above in military heel,
iz.&u, now
Lewis heel, black kid, $12.50 -
now :
- - $10J)0
Same as above in low heel,. $12.50
now $10.50
Extra special; $15value in high
and military heel ........J 5Q
Misses and Chil
According to an official announce
ment, the French class nhicii n,c
t weep. I throw mveelf on tl, Im.i V , reucn c'aw meets
Calls for a thorough knowledge of the eyes, highly
accurate scientific instruments and their precise-
manipulation. In our modem optical department we
offer you these things in their fullest measure. Have
Us examine your eyes.
Jewelers and Opticians
. N. W. Corner State and Liberty Streets
Stitch down Wn; ivory and black? 1$2.95, $3.25 and $3.95
In brown, black, ivory, lace and button, value up to $50,extra special $4.50
All colors, special sizes, i to 5
Sizes 50 8 $L39
." - . .... .$1.89
In Babies' soft solid sW 4 n , .
" " w uuiurs ana sizes
M t