rem PRISONERS ATTEMPTED JAIL BREAK IS FOILED Dallas. Or., Dec 21. Albert Lewis and Charles Cosso, two Polk county prisoners confined in the county Jait ia this city, attempted to escape from Ute county jaU Thursday night but were- roiiea tn their escape by Depu tjr Sheriff T. B. Hooker. A. third prisoner in the Jail was tv eu til Thursday and while Mr. Hooker was looking lor a physician he turned the men loose In the corridors for a Uttle exercise and while absent they damaged the locks on their cells to uch an extent that they could open the measily they thought after the deputy had gone home for the night Mr. Hooker, however, was informed at their intentions by parties who in passing the Jail heard the noise nl locked the men up in different cells when he returned with the physician. - Xewis is serving a sentence for lar ceny whije Gosso who was captured by Sheriff Orr while in Salem the first of the week Is wanted for break ing into several stores In Dallas early In the spring of this year. At one time he was captured by the police of Portland but turned loose before the Polk county officials could get their hands on him. Since his arrest he is said to have confessed to the robberies here. Gosso called to some small boys last night while they were pass ing the jail and asked them to bring him some fire but upon their refusal declared, that "he . would kill them when he got out." He has also threat ened to "get Sheriff Orr and several other Dallas citizens." - . - . . i Taxpayers at Budget Meeting. A big gathering of taxpayers from ail parts of the county was held in Dallas Friday at the hearing of the county court relative to the annua! budget, outlined by the court for the coming year. Several material -changes were made in the budget among which was the setting- aside of the sum of 92000 from the road and bridges fund to be used in raising the salaries of the deputies employed in the various offices in the court house. The taxpayers also went on record as favoring the employment of a coun ty agricultural agent and by a unani mous vote made known their wash in this respect to the court. This move ment has been up before the various farmer organizations for some time and today, being the logical time for making their demands the farmers , were herein force to see that they were put across. The meeting was one of the largest held at a budget meeting in Dallas for many years, the people from the rural communities taking more lnter . eat In affairs of the county now than in former years. . Robbers Still at large. . The pacties who robbed the Stafrin drug store and . the J. C. Penny store in this city sometime Sunday night are still at large but the county authori ties are working on clues which may lead to the arrest of the burglars. One of the kodaks stolen from the Stafrin drug store was found' this week under a seat in a motor car in the Southern Pacific vards in tha south part of the city. The car is the one from which the small handax was stolen which was used in entering the buildings. The kodak had evidently been left be hind on account of the robbers not being able to get it In one of the suit cases stolen from the Penny store and which was used to carry away the - a . m f 1 - 1 . . . . . ... n r. n . .1,A vl it L.t jooc. xne kuuu,k won uuo wi expensive articles stolen and Its being left behind points out the fact that the robbers must have been amateurs at the game as the less expensive articles were all taken away. Jlens Make Applications. During the past several days the following residents of Polk county have filed with County Clerk Floyd D. Moore applications for citi zenship papers: Mrs. Pauline Auline of Dallas, a former resident of Alsace Lorraine; Eric Turnquist, also of thf city a native of Sweden: Henning JUndahl of this citv. also a former subject of Sweden; Bmil Welnger of Dallas, a native of Alsace-Lorraine; .TDh Mole. R. F. D. No. 1, Dallas, a. recent subject of the king of England, and Gerhard Weins oi muuu, came here from Russia. Twenty Mloa Croa est rroa Yakima on i market Yakima, Wash. Dec z7.-EsUmate8 T8 crop shipped t0 ' mis time and storage places the value amount sold as fresh fruit at 120443 000. The main Item is 9S04 carloads OOoToP0 ' WOrth 'Ptely $l5,. ket !PP'8 Hed to mar ket at an average of t a box to the erlth0Ugh pric era fancy atoi8Tn:eaCbed M hieh - "0 S44 L Pear 2000 cars of 644 boxes each, valued at J2 a box tL2!! each at "ts a box. .iuu urop last year was 112,081,320. M HE DAILY CAPTT AT, TOURNAL. SALEM mrer s SGHOOLS IN CnY TO OPEN MONDAY; KIGHT SESSIONS ALSO OPEN only km addltio.n to th fresh fruit crop 2500 cars of apples have gone to by products plants, together with a - GON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER f7 imo The city schools, after being closed tor more than two weeks because of the cold weather and the holidays, will resume Monday, according to Su perintendent John W. Todd Saturday. Necessary repairs at the various school buildings, made imperative by bursting pipes and leaky roofs, have been completed. , The night school at the high school also will begin again Monday night. rvuianiette university, accord- hlChIet .-Products Plants te(.7 ""c growers this 525,000. year TIC WOKEN DETERMINED TO AID IN WC PLATFORM who ITALIAN rniiin tIAKF DfWTQ IUULU rlHiiL iviiiu Rome. Dec 2 5. -Twenty-four depu ties who were in military service dur i the war have introduced in the chambeerWaabii. vesting in that body the right to make treaties, a power hitherto limited to the crown. The above move Is one of a series to The above parliament auocaw , -reviousiy ernanonai i Mt,ti ind inter held only by the king. Premier NitU . hm cmvern- Mcently announced SASHES peace. - ' Eire! J Howell J57 . Thc rhfield. Dec 17. At 18 use clock Coke die- in the Harold Howell jury was oui ..... .nnrnine Juags Tnur - the jury m lor case. The M"1"" - .tl. JKTTML f.ours it hot be made foi. tno u- , oL This was rrronaHwiHb. tried V", to the court the second tir e Uons regarding manUaughter. .now hns difflPPe" - . New York, Dec. 26. Women 1mn- cratic leaders of the country, while contemplating no split with the men in their party, are determined to have a voice in constructing the platform and naming the presidential nomine it developed today. this was revealed when nearlv fi prominent women democrats from various parts of the country gathered here to plan a campaign for consnliria. tion of the women voters in their party. The convention was called by Miss Margaret Vail of Washington, niece of President Wilson. Among the innovations contemplat ed by the women to further this cam paign Is the establishment of a news paper in New York as a democratic women'B political organ. Ohio Jail Birds Freed By Gang of Gunners Toledo, Ohio, Deo. 27. With two of the gang in jail, Toledo police to day were scouring the countryside in search of others who took part in a sensational jail delivery here Thurs day. For nearly an hour the entire Lu cas county jail was at the mercy of six. armed thugs and four prisoners whom the thugs had had released. The gunmen shot down one man, threatened to kill others and boasted of their crimes and past records. After the delivery, two of the men surrendered without resistance when their automobile stalled. 8 DIE TROM DRINKING "BOOZE"; QUARTET HttD KdiUord, Conn., Dec, 26. With igiit men dead and one man critically ill as a result of drinking wood alco- trcated with coloring and sola hlskey, Saul Joseph, Nathan Salsberir. Tauob Bronerwine and Frank Rose, all of Hartford, are in jail here today, "barged with murder. They are alleged to have made the saies. A plea of not Euiltv was amarorl in each case and a continuance until today wat -granted The prisoners are held without bail. Qsistet Held Fcr Disorders Xmas Day Released On Bond Washington, Dec it Three women and two men arrested for n ,dption in a Christmas day demons- "u r release or conscientious ob jectors and other war obstructionist, today pleaded not guilty to "disorderly conduct" and were released on $500 bonds each. They will be tried in week. , Bv wet 1 Gladys Grelner, Dr. Gertrude Kelly. Mim Mary Duffr. Julins Friedman and Samuel Fried man. The latter two are brothera , ww furnished by the Leagu, of which they are said to be membera SH1PPERST0TAKE HAND IN R.R. ISSUE Chicago, Dec 27. Shippers repre sent lug 60 per cent of the tonnagt handled by American railroads will to meet here December SO to discuss pending railroad legislation. "Shippers have been conferring sep arately with representatives In Wash ington," Clifford Thome, their attor ney, said today. "The time has arrived I for united .action. Railroad labor and ' railroad security holders long since learned that lesson." I Thorne offered no prediction from' as to what action the shippers will; take. Lines of business ranged from ! asphalt to vegetable The conference! was described as "the most reDreson- tattve gathering of shippers held since the beginning of the war." Rpii ?!miil!ln I . salt of an tor nc&eiing thurcaes New Tork, Dee. S7. TWm "rrt porches tn protwt aln contlnue.1 t "t: tnTf Of "poUtical prisoners inearrerattoa Thursday. The march was broken aj-mpathiser." .r. ..i. .v. "ru"n uf m n W4w is pegan wnn Mgir Tm..,i . . ' Una cquiut tporin(n jmid IM'i.i And finally brethren, until women rule is established there will be no ab olition of war, of the double standard of morals ,nor of white slavery, for all uitse evils are man-made and will be man-prepetuated. This book is terrl I in its humor and its plain speaking. j ne boiuuon oi the problem he sums I'll J. , iiyiial right witn man to enicr tiie ' iuh of physical and Intellectual w. k; equal training and eJjcation tn fu her for the work; and equal right with man to the same wage for work; wnemer mat wage Is paid in monev or-in public office or In civlo dignities." Army Problem To Be Taken Up At Conference Jan. 12 Washington, Dec 27. Means for putting the United States army on an efficient peace time basis will be stud ied at a conference of all departmental and divisional commanders, called to day by Chief of Staff March for Janu ary 12. War department plans and policies for training, distribution and adminis tration of officers and enlisted person nel and other important reorganiza tion problems will be taken up. MMMttttTtttTTTttt MEET US FACE TO FACE WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Tires BETTER THAN HALF SOLES COME IN AND BE CONVINCED Monty's Tire Shop "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" t,lt M'lMiim ittft' PIANOS and Player PianosBest and Cheaper 4 , Makes v at ; ., GEO. C WILL Salem, Oregon lionoprao and Records EDISONS VICTORS COLUMBIA AND STARR GEO. C. WILL lis o Seving Machine All Makes Genuine Needles and Oil Sewing Machines Repaired and Rcntci GEO. C WILL Sheet Music s JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY ... , ' ,. "" ' nt'j And Music Studie McKinley and Century 10c Editions at GEO. C. WILL Music Store r 'T is the declared purpose of the United States Government to restore the railroads at an early date to the control of their owners.' ' - - The Association of Railway Executives represents those upon whom at that time responsibility will again rest for the prompt and successful movement of the coun try's commerce. . Those constituting this Associ ation are keenly conscious of their accountability to the public. They have accordingly de termined to present as fully as they can, the fundamental facts and con siderations which they themselves must face in their efforts to provide satisfactory railroad service. It Is hoped to engage the inter est of the whole American people. whose welfare is so vitally dependent, upon adequate transportation. The country can grow only ai( the railroads grow. The railroad problem must be solved-and solved rightly and oon-if our country is to prosper. It is to promote that prosperity permanently and in the interest of the whole people that railroad ex ecutives will present to the public the situation as they see it. GRAND SS Friday, Jan. 2 A. L. ERLANGER Presents OCHAUNCEY rvrt LCOT il "Macushla" - A Beautiful Irish Comedy in Four Acts . By RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG HEAR OLCOTT SING ''That's How the Shannon Hows" . -Macoshk Asthore" (.S You.M -Tis An Irish Girl I Love, and She s Just Like You. ... and . -"' ' -HI Miss You Old IodYou Coodhje . SEAT SALE WEDNESDAY Opera House rnarrnv PRICES 50c, $L00, ASSOCIATION of RAILWAY EXECUTIVES THOMAS DEWfTT CUYLER, Qwmm it ALFRED P THOM. f Cxmtal Cmimrl FRANK ANDREWS. ilmrii at pi(ton Qull Codil Untt 1. A. BAKER, Rweivjt " A. R. BALDWIN, Recti W. H. BEAR DSL EY. T:ttilcnt j fUmia tea Caul RoAJ C .t W". G. BHSLER. Pr. & Cm Mgr. Omwl RoiCW C. of K knri S. T. BLEDSOE. Gerrl C ounwl , Auhum, lop fa f W. O. BRANTLEY, Fmuitm ind Onwil Combki HARRY BRONNER, Prwtdent E N BROWN. Pre. & Chwiman . n .1 lwi, Jt CARL R. CRAY, PrmJrm Vf MarfUnd Haul C JOHN 11. HAMMOND. Acting Tit. ftmi 9 Amwi fcail J CHAS. HAYDEN. PrniJent C K.nm.n at Brf THOMAS D. HEED, E3rv " J. M. HERBERT. Ptcidi . Si Umm WImmux. i C W. HUNTINGTON, PretOfitf I. H HUST13, Temportry Reciv ' Sua 9 Mwi UtimU O. C E. 1NCERSOIX, PtCTklmt L E JOHNSON, URZ A. JONES, Prul E. a BUCKLA!'D, Haider Nw w. Nw H" RALPH BUDD. Pretident H F BYRAM, Prnidtnt Ouam. Wilu,l y M. J. CARPENTER. Proulem ' JAMES T. CURK, lj V. a. ci-ARK, P'' VALTER P. COOKE. m cMtmi r" n '''" E. R. DARLOW. P'12L CtJZL Vlt. dice, prir U' M WNCAN, PrlflH ' HOWARD ELLIOTT, Prit Mm t u ' KE'MAN ERB, ProticM y. Am A- O S. M F ELTON Pik!ovI M'. R. FREEMAN. CARL M. CAGE, Prie' S.R-Cl'OCNHFiM.rrti HOWARD O KF.LLFY, Prt WILLIAM T, KEMPER. Rwrivj I. R KENLY, Prewlffit !OHN B KFPR, P'l" . , JU IZ. yJ. (- " JULIUS KRUnSCHNlTT ' r..-kM . t ai A- R. LAWTON, PrJn C M LEVEY, PrtMtnt . E. LOOMIS, PyJ VJiw t I F LOREE. Pm . t -' c ROBI R1 S LOVETT.P. morris vuarw C H. MARKFAM. Pik!il M. S MELTRUM. fraM 0r C A PEABODY. Chirmu Ex Com. F rrs'SilNGTON, Pr.-sUknt IU c C. E. PERKINS, PuMiulmt MARK W. POTTFR. PredM BIPD M. ROBINSON, P", j T M SCHUMACHER. PiJ A, R SMITH, PffaultM E C. SMITH, P .Uiit t,, VOM ilt l W 1 STEWART, V rWce ' f u hi A W U. 4 R. It SWARTWOUT. PrwhJjnt, l tw t L B. TIORrrT, Prn . , W. H- TRUlSOALt. n - - I Hum .IL. FRANK TRUMBULL. X o. UNDERWOOD, PftaJart o. p. van ROBERTS WALKER. Pto-WM HENRY WALTERS f!S!a, si- WW C . iiami k ca A. ICKm"v,i WILI.IAM T. NOOfW& DAMIUA. IM. W- 1 -A ll L1AMS, Piokknt -a LIAM C, OSBORrVfe W. H y. . ,: 1y 4 bil9 are i ..,T" - f y.jWirf'. -.- i