Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 26, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    .far-.:-" ri7it ' mmn..,..,, .
Y '1 -V f -Of p it - -J--- . "' "TTTir's . - ? 1 i-.JlLKR ,a 19m
;J5HF y nQfe Lmnsi M w (fj ZD j. . ,
Rate per word Each inserM,
j , cents. Minhljum pVals
.'. First Insertion only tn v., ,
i City ad3 cash ta advayn .V4
over phone, unless artv'Iw K"
J monthly account T0 aS
(--ciionei errors . . "wauce tor
J Hew Today.
5 w.J Nina Mirn A...I:11LL?--My
etls her home with.
cjajirorniaj ana
California, and ha,"'; uarna.
.muuoara. the ii,,tM i
,Vi. iu,.Ji .C. t-"". my bed
any bills or accounts ,h ' )r
Datorl M - -.v-' ) C011-
Edwin ,; Minton, Jr. ,' V.'
FOR RENT 4 room apartment o7
pohoneeiv;,r i,otatoes f- 4";
f- ; . .. . ' Ug
r OU SALE Shoals,
60 to
60 lbs.
foi utile.
. ..u..,,uuman nurse lit. hurt
. V. . ' ' -507
;FOH SALIC Six KOOd tlnirv
I'OTi SALfi-4'7iwpplca nLl ...
: A BUNOALOW New,- plastered,
, wired, city water and sink. Mil
;, ,v j work in kitchen. 6 .rooms not indud
; f inff bath, and pantry. Lot Buxloo
1 here is a mortgage and two' years
back Interest and taxes that must
. , be paid before Jan. 1st. To clear
all Incumbrances, iricludini? a'b-
H f?ll ' llL, on'y' cost 'you
: ;. $87.80, iou can't build the house
, for $2000. I sen sacrifice -anil bar'
c' Ran-. properties,' JL S. Radcliff
i . room 4 Bayne building, Sifr
. ro.Tnt, Plumbing and repair mork. Call
, , :-. lS.lft.1. . . :. uz
FOR SALE 1917 Ford fully equip
; ped, A-l condition. Liberty Gar
age. .'"'iT 7T '.f
FOR SALE Mile team, age 4 j'ears
old,- weighing "S'OOO, with harness
and wason; also "1250 hdrse. In U
, ley XacR oT White feed- store, fast
..X'Oli . ALE Gasoline saw. Plume
314 R- 307
- .Buy This Income.
30 room apartment, house, good lb
, cution, always uil,.of tenants. This
, property , can be ' ..bought '' right.
Might', consider" sbmo trade.5 H. II.
Maker ' rhonif "18061.- ''"; :-306
1 OUR months ago we, sold to oneQf
faloin's best houses f a . beautiful.
high giade- piano and vthis weekj
i r. itjeee, people decided t-move -to a
farm in Canada and couldl not take
; the piano, with them: We agreed to"
re V 1 1 tuls pianp to stock, thoy to
lose . the amount paid. We now
- have this; beautifuj , piano iu piir
waierooins, without a mavk-i or
.scLrtclfon it, and will offer It to the;
" Xnst ho call, fol'r Uie. unpaid hal
nnce thereon, with terms- to suit.
SS'Thg rTOldy TKAlletf Co.;! ' 5 lfxtmrt
street. . ........ "07
Holiday Buys
2- ,1-room houses with fine lots, $400
J each, cash and terms.
1. room .plastered, fairly modern,
liasetnent, 6 lots; 60x150 ach, on pav
ed street,' 2200 -sfrawberrj"---plants.'
i 7 room house plastered, modern,
: basement, good lot; $2200, cash and
iitenm... . ... rf: ., i
'-room' house 'plastered, (two fine
"IotH, abundance, of fruit. $2400..,
1 10 aoie3,i:5 ;' acres In " 6-year. ,'61u
, prunes, best o soil; small house, etc.
, ?1f)00. :: . -'.' -- ; : ..' -"i
6 " acres," 5 acres in C-year old
in unoi, " fcniall house; , $2600. Best of
' sotl. ' "-'' ; 1 ' - ' "
1 10 acres, 5 under plow, balance In
" pastur. small house, .close to iock
road. $1500. Deep red soil.
; 120 acres, 20 acres in cultivation,.
1 0. acres more easy to clear; -; -old
buildings;' fine 'sprihgl 1S00 cords oak
X vood.'-.fiH miles out. $40 per acre.
$1600 'cash" balance "time.'" ""
- Walter. McLaren
- Room 25 180 K. Com. St. 811
- Niemeyer!s Buys, i;
6 -room -cottage -at 280 N. 15th St.
j ftioderw conveniences. $2000.
9 room-house-on MiHer-St. Moflern.
tCir.ige $2500. Good terms. r.
a 1 room -fully ;mortern--fl room home
nt ISO a 14th St. Lot 505cl5.9. Eng
. ilish walnut -and -cherry trees. A dan
i Uy home. $4200.
I 23 acres 1 SE. .Marlow ,9 acres
j. cultivated. 6 acres timber. 100 almond
iPnd walnut trees 4 years. Fine bottom
! soil. Plastered house. Good barn and
ourbuilcMiigs. Fine water. All fenced.
; Mock, hav, wagon, implements, etc.
.included, $4500. , ,, . - ; . -
10 acres adjoining reform school
Station."- 6 acres cultivated; 4 brush.
Black soli; level land. ll& acrey .mix-.
" e-3 orchar-d. 4 room house; good barn
a and Aater. Ail fenced. School near.
$2000. - - . .'
C. T7. Nieraeyer.
i Just real estate and high class in
i vestments.. 215-216 Masonic Tjldg., 8a-
t lem, Phones J1O00-1O14. - '
The recent freezing' weather m
4 Lane county filled all the Mammoth
j blackberry vines as far-dowm tfc
anow level.
Anyr amount- Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
wI ue, uiUGiii v,. -
MR n,l
Koom 2, 442 Stair; lo remodel.
v i
24V N.t Commercial Z Icha"Se.
Spier & ScoTS hons
. Props.
iQ.uestea f0r the ? Jweby re
side entrance n,i " ' aB out"
: basement of th s'a raay lnt0 be
temple Piun,, lhe &?lem Masonic
i " "-wcioiy, ,
i.Secon(lhand furniture.
tool! AVe Dav'T r and
eveh.L'Sbest prices for
DH A-tBERT, R KTii t rp
TAPER hanging and tinting
i;Sne 131 r 12 .tier -?
hahtrink' R h r-":S .J? Ilaper
Fevi-v Sit V v?l. "nop 443
Mil ' Res- . lOD
WANTEn400 Mazard cherry seed
lings. Phone 37F3. ; 307
W7, 15 acres of land
, uuuaine. within Z miles
? Sm , wi" W sPt cash!
l-.dnd must be good berry land. V
.A. Listen, 484 Court St. 30S
WwT1Sre ,nfation regard
ing John Sealey, who resided in
West Salem, or Salem, some tu-e.
ly yeara ago. Address w. D Gil
ham, Dallas, Or. Rt. 2. '. 309
WANTED Salem folks fn knftTO
jxaiueioerg mas returned to
live in Salem permanently after his
four years of abseace, in the manu
facturing steel Industry and in the
;. service, he was scheduled to go
: ,over seas with V. S. army of occu
' pation as an acetylene welder, but
since his return he is forming a new
transfer company in Salem which
will be known as the , Veribest
Transfer Co., where he will endeav
' Or to give you the -Veribest service
auring the year 1920. Phone 1844
.- . 305
Help Wanted
"WANTED-Two men with team and
graaer, apply c. w, Niemeyer, 216
Wasonic building. 307
WANTED Experienced housekeeper
anu coon, good wages paid. Call at
People's Cash store.
BOY for. route in South Salem paying
'"US,, a month. Apply Mr. Butler,
, Capital Journal office in mornings.
;, For Rent
TO RENT Fifteen acre tract located
"1-4 mile from Waconda station,
- Oregon Electric R. R., with dwell
ing, barn, orchard, pasture . and
, farm land, together with monthly
"cash payments for board and wash
ing for an elderly gentleman. Ad
dress Gervais. Rt. i. box 45 or
phone 3F11, ' -
COMPLETELY furnished 8 room
modern house for sale, at a bargain.
; Choice location, close in. Owner go
ing east. Immediate possession, Vj
" cash. Also 8 room strictly modern,
beautiful home at $5500. See these.
S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg.
Phone 43.
FOR RENT 3 room apt. at 715 X
Com'l. -ApplV ta Mr. Purdy at 407
Oregon' bldg. - - 30(i
' Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Liston,.484 Court St.
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
...terms.. Roth Grocery Co.
FOR SALE One acre with 7 room
"house? barn, hen house an other
small buildings and all "rnituie.
horse, "harness, buggy, ! cows. 4o
; chickens. Located m good live
town with standard high school t
churches and 2 large stores. A bar-
gam ii '.r; or for
r . ":jT..j i h valley, or foi
-improve" -," - , ,
nrAtlprtv 111, - - ni
office. ; - ' - -"-
Si room modern house $1500.
Salem, 3 ' Cal. Choice
- Prune orchard for sale.
Wood, Bayne.bldg- .
Csod Cars for Sale.
Hines St.
class bi.h. - - - aw.
Marion hotel.-
--rZ ii8 Ford coupe, fine
F0R SALE- 918 once, Pnope
shape, ' " 1 . 306
1 t.rv Ford looks and runs
F0LSifs most all the extras
that was ejer pgton write
gain at e"25-.,,,, or 386
Lost And Founi
REffAKD -- caiptolj
beaver niuii ' ,
. .. t n fiamP-
J" tr2V-Tbe navr
!, order, riS - t C0D.
w, today Btnn Diego ir wis
Uew eblpvard w Sa .hlpyard I.
be converted dreadnaugla
lhandle an " ";- rlan for M
;,t was 'cnKderatlon y ,
. V1 ... S m-o Pf.n.;.: : i -
! . 1 - . l.'tkil iliV" . , ".. -TNI., i .
. -lL,t' r irst rlass baled fh.t
nay auo www. Phone ifi5 iov
u' 3ua.
Rand picked Kh, , '
u,.iu.vilu7i K H11U
rnce is low. Wmi i.- ,k.a.....
njq; p,.,. . "mti tiHon,
391 Front. Phftnvjn
ti,Tm wvie iuu ocannsr i
piune farm near Salem on Pacific
LL i1!?"- A very fp.od Im-estt
-m, win natulle. s. R Pear
son, Oregon bldg.- piiono it. '
THE, groceries and fixtures of the
vemlworth grocery and the fur -ishlugg
.of the Kenihvorth apart
ments at 152 Rnmh .n ..A.
. between now and Jan.
uary- l.ano. Make, a list of vm rlh
iineus aiw come in tonn. as ih !
cerles are hei iM .",.?: '
Prices. . . : " w" ,ru;X-ilIor
IMS five passenger Ford. A-l con
au.on; i918 studebaker six, ' A-l
condition; Ruick four. ,i, .i
make a bun: stn.iohs,!,.,- I
bmd 5 paener.- liV iZ5 S
as .new. .All of these cars will bo
sold cheap if taken at once. Salem
Velie Co., 162 N. Commercial 307"
FiS,SLI'iF'''sh Jers,y cow ; also
U7Z pups- E' A- Aufrunc,
Phone 66K3.
FOR SALE Good Jersey male and
milk cows. Chester White male pig.
Leghorn cockerels, Oregon strain.
I hone -S6F22. . jns
FOR SALE--Extra fine Jersey eow
fresn. Phone 1045. " v goo
FOR SALE Team, brown and black
weight about 8150. Five and six
yeara old. Steady and free workers.
Also good 3'i wagon and heavv
harness. G. 1'. Kearns, Box 213
Stavton, Or. 306
FOR PALE Jersey cow and calf,
";",-v miiKer. jut. a, box 13 or tel.
FOR SALE At $300 per aero. 111-2
acres of land, Joining fair grounds.
Silverton road. Everybody wishing
to act as agent, can, but the per
son the purehaser says used the
greatest influence In causing him
o purchase, the place, will receive
the commission. F. K. Howe, Seotts
Mills, Or. 3og
PIGS FOR SALE and Wilson (straw
berry plants $4 per thousand. Rt
3, box 189A. Fred Kayser. 306
"OR SALE or trade, 10.75 acres lo
cated 14 miles from Salem on
good rock road, will be on paved
road next year. Land all clear with
fair improvements and good fam
ily orchard. Bargain for cash or
will trade on larger place or unim
proved land In the valley. Horse,
harness and 2 cows go with place.
Box 44 Journal office. 306
FOR SALE Black mare 6 years old,
weight 1200 lbs., bargain at $85.
Would like to trade good milk cow
or beef cow for some oats. Have
a ,few good milk cows and 3 beef
-. cows for sale. Have almost new
single set buggy harness for sale
pr will trade for lod hog. See or
write Ross Condit, Aumsville, Or.
... . , . .... 306
FOR SALE Pure bred White Leg
horn pullets. Call any day but Sat
urday. 2751 Laurel Ave. 305
FOR RALE Full dress suitfine ma
terial, good condition. See It. Room
1, Bayne bldg, or call 1212.M eve
nings, . . Sua
FOR BALK Fresh cow for siile.
Phone 74F4. ; ' 305
burner demonstration. Satisfaction
' guaranteed or money refunded.
Bogue & Thompson, 200 State St.,
Salem. 306
TINTING and paper hanging. Tinting
and paper hanging a specialty. i.
A. Kallstrom, 437 S. Com'l St. Phone
131. '88
IT MAKES your clothes last. All work
strictly hand done.
We do cleaning, pressing, repairing-.
194 S. 12th St. Phone 8. 316
TO LOAN $5000 at 6 per cent on
farm property. J to u years. . . .
Liston, 484 Court St. 306
NOTICE Lodges, clubs and commit
tees on dancni". i am now in a. po
sition to furnish music for any oc
casion and especially that which
is adapted to the modern style of
dancing. Warren J. Hunt. Phone
1296. 308
Good Buys.
80 acre farm, 30 acres cultivated,
hninnce uaature and timber, house
and barn, chicken house, spring, i
head of cattle. 5 horses, some nay, an
achinery, some crop aoweu. rutc
$7500. .
10 acre bearing Italian prunes, 6
end 8 years old. Price sf-
63 cr farm, nearly a:i cumiu.m,
house and barn, wen, m-ai . f
,t Wrv land, located ihi mile
south, rook road. Will consider part
trade. Price $150 P" acre.
.. . HUlbM
Good 5 room piaeiered bungalow,
fireplace. Price $1610.
Good 7 room house located at 745
Ferry street. Price $3500.
Good 5 room modern bungalow lo
cated at 2310 State street, corner Jot
Price $3600.
W. H. Grabennorst & u.
. f i W K -
97 at art- uirwv
We have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value.
They are" a home invest
ment. , ' r
Inquines mvited.
203 Oregon Bid?.
.-Salem, Oregon-
. - ' I . s- 1 . . . . iiwiih. tm, .
or,,-,. .. ... !
Vk. re 'n4 repaired. 50
ears experience: ri..
?n4 American fence, size i ks
Itiohaa kick : -"
Wwt. ; ....Zl "7 . a"S .Slove
vuri sireet, l'ho3 124
i'N. Cash Reaulred-Good overcoat!
fhoes and suits, all JS'l?.'?
,, . C i musical
"strumenta, eho guns, ritieg, heatln
S?. to trU or trade.
wnat nave vout Th. j.,,,
change, SS7 Court St. Photte 49ii
Start 1920 Rifrht 0vn
U.R. Own Home.
A good modern h
B, L A,0,lse
" . i iwement, not w.i-
ier' P'mace, clow in:
4 rooms rented
"U-.Per oih!i.$3
isew modern house
rooms, full
casement, furnace heat
ir, n ji.
anu Diuus, cement walks; this is n
good buy for some one at $.1750 '
1 l V,
o houses close in, rented, one
ii - in . e ooin'
A good lff mom hnnw . nni
but a dandy buy for $o; 2& tash
balance $15 per month. .
8 rooms close iu. large lot, a fine
location, lots of fruit, good basement,
improved street. $1500, $2000 cash,
balance to suit .
Remember we stand readv to ar
range good terms on liny property
sold out of our office.
John H. Scott Realty Co.;
228 Oregon bldg. ,
. ; Salem Auto Exchange. ' ;
Monitor oars now on display. Come
and ee them. 229 tSale St. Phone
869. .. . ,.
Bargains and Investments.
Fine 15 acre tract 4 miles from Sa
lem, nice 6 room bungalow, barn,
fruits, well, nice home. $6300, easy
term : I -"! ' ' ; . .
18 acre tract of fine dark loam near
Salem. Bargain for $160 per acre. -. m
8 acre tract 2 miles from Salem,
paved road; all In cultivation. Snap,
$2000. '
Fine general farm 6 miles out at i
bent bargain price. Investigate this.U
-9 acres close In. paved road, build!
Ings. Snap $2500. 'i -;
10 acre bearing orchard, only $i5Qp
12 acre tract 3 mtlee from SalonK
all In high state cultivation, nice ehw
ry orctiard, buildings, . well, fruits.
For bargains and square deal,
Perrine & Marsters f
211-12 Com. club bldg, Salem, C
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. Commercial. Phomt.056
1917 Ford. Eood shnne, 8375 ; i;
1918 Chevrolet, driven less than
2000 miles, $725 K -t
Ford 1-ton truck $350 J
1 Samson tractor $600 ' f
' Ford bug $275 I ,
Autos tor hire without driver.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts. Urea and accessories.
We have taken the agency for the
Chandler and Cleveland cars. Phone
for demonstration.
; Scavenger.
Salem Soavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rate.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal
removed. Office phone Main 187.
Office 124 South Liberty street
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales.
W. F. WRIGHT. Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
S per cent.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
ver Ladd A Bush Bank, Salem. Ore
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at 5 1-2 percent 803 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. V. Smith.
Why Sell For Less?
WB will pay you mora cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furnltur
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 714.
Water Company.
corner Commercial ana irean a.m
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 606
Wood Saw.
HONE 1754R. Our prices are right
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1266 N
Summer street Balem, Or.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening me
chine, first Installed at a. . ".
art Rnalr Shot), 147 Court St. '
Lodge Directory.
0rw. JHEMEKETA Lodge No. '
"O mw.w every Wedneedi)
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O- f. ball
it 8 Harry Lvr. C. C: P. J- Kunu
K. R. A .
RoT.on Grsp. camn No. 1IM meeu.
every ThurwJay eventn in Wcc or
nlcli hall Elevator OrnrW
Mra cirri E. Bunn. $48 Union M
recorder. Mrs. Mellsea Persona. 14H
N. 4th St Phone 146M.
bly No. 84 meet, every r?f' '
I o ni. in Masonic Tern Pie. Glenn t
NUe M. A.: G. A. Vibbert. r
tary. $49 Owen street
iMW -.,ir Cult No. H
,.,. Oitur Came
t. in MoJomacs """
Court and Libert? rtree W. M
Kna V. U rrn A Turner
clerk. ...
W . W BALEM C A M P 1 1 ,'
..... nii'ht ut s ocioc "'i...
. . yt i. , t t t . . 1
..... vuij uiixan . i AAgais.
Federal Farm Loans
Any .mount loll? ,,.
pi"'' Percent interest
tit building loans.
n Y?lmt
m Mas"'io TemW. alew.
Grain: Wneat, No. 1, $S; t,4
!6 ioc; miUiiig u,us 5ss.. otlN)t
bi- $18il!t; oai hav $J28jJ- oUv
ei hy in; mill run $4.s4S,
Butierfut: I'.utterfat: Tio- ,.,.
!ry butter 72TSo.
Pork. Vftal 1 r,. .
I ""- unai rvim on tool
lcy Me; . ateern
'e; 51 l-Soj eprM( lamb
Hf: ewee 4fi ta; sheep, yearling c
punr.v:- Ka cHh ase; r
iiiKiu nens s;c: heavy hers 26; ld
roosiem lc; sprinm tie.
Vegetables: Onions per sack e;
celery doa. $l.75r potatoes, Yakima
5c; .Oregon. 3Uc; sweet potatoes 6c.
beets per sack 43.75; turnip per sack
$8.76; rariMts per sock $1.25; purvnin
per sack $3.75. ...... ,
Fruit: Ornhgns $3.54 50; lemons
$.5OSt.0O; banuiiss He: honev ext..
.'0c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 5c;
isituoe i.i6; carrots 45c; irrapea
15c; Brussell sprouts Jc; caullfflower
$3 doe; red peppers SSo lb,
Retail prices; Eggs dosen 70c;
creamery butter SOo; country butter
70c; flour, hard wheat $3. IDS 3-S5,
Poitlaiut, Otv. Dec. 20, .lUiUer cRy
creamery 70ff7lc; eggs sele'ted local
52(ij50c; hens S0Sf88o; broilers 8!
36c; geese 45c; cheese 338c. -IJm
Cattie: Receipts 178; tone ot mnr
hel steady; elioioe steers $lO.0tn'
11. OO;1 fair to medium steers $,S0(!is
O.BO; common to fair stertini, $7.00
8 r common to good Cows and heir;a
$7.508.50; caniiers t8.004.00: bulls
$yo$ 7.50? calves -8.80 14.00. -
ltojs! Hecelptit 107; Hone of miir
Kt t tfly;. . ivrlitu mixed $14 $
IS. 00; hiedlum mixed -til.eosj n.50;
onfH lieavles- at2.oOfjii3.nO; pigs
)l.btl(Bt'13. ... : ,
' he'p:' Receipts nont; tone of mm-.
ket'!week; seasl of mountain lmhe
$11,fi0'll50; best valley lunibs $0 fi0
11.60; yearlings $9.8010.50; weth
rii $'.! j. ewes $?7.'- " 1 '-'
Best Buys.
tl")ilrty eerea,: ni) in cultivation, all
ienced, 50 rode of city liinlta $3fttt0.
60 aurus, 45 jn eultlvatliiii, 6 Worn
house, . good, burn, family orchtird.
Cluse to school and town. 8000,
easy terms.
60 acres, 14 acre prunes In benr
ing. 12 acres logans, 8 acres rHsplwr
rlns, some wulnuts and rherrlrs, Ten
room modern house, good barn and
other outbuildings. A good buy ut
$15,000; terms. Stock goes, in.
30 acres, 20 acres prunes, 3 acres
logsns, some apples, ftoyal Anne cher
nee, cie. i.cmi or rruir iuna. with
buildings for $12.ouil; gool terms.
6 acres finest loganberry land, on
pnved road, closo in. A simp at $1,-
5 ucrcs uc:ir S.-ilem, nil in cultiva
tion, 4 room house, imni' fruit, $2000
40 seres all tnilthati'd. well funced,
16 utiles 8-year old prunes, luiuwe.
barn, family orclntr.l, 7 tulles of S't-
1cm. Price $9500, $-tuu0 cash, bnlaiH'9
(i per cent.
' Strictly modern 6 room bungalow,
Modern 8 room bungalow, base
mtiiit, furnace. $3500,
6 room strictly modern luiUHt;, Wt'il
located. $ !-U0. eaay terms
7 ruom iiiotifiii Iiouhv, paved street
$2500; $600 ensh, bulauce $-5 per
nioiilh ut 6 percent,
6 room modern house, hit SoxSUO.
$2000, terms on part. ,
7 loom nindiirn bouse, clone In. $1,
250; terms on part.
e room modern Imtiw, lot 65150.
fruit, furHUIied. $2t(o.
5 room l:itis", lol lOdxlOo ft., lot
of fruit. $850 cash.
For bkM lu , .
341 State street
ACt (K'.NT
Notice Is hereby glve.n that the fin
al account of Ellis .f. Kratrcr. adinin-
lstrator with the will Annexed of 111
estate of Charles Henry Davis, deceas
ed, was duly filed In the county court
of the state of Oiestun, for Marion
county, on the 4th day of December
tl9, and that on said ute Hie uo
county court duly entered an order
rlilner Monday, the 12lfi Any of Janu
ary, 132'J, at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m., t Ine court room vi kiiu
In the city of Salem, Marion eounty.
state of Orecoti, ft the timo and f.Iii't-
for the hearing of objeclions to surn
final Siirount and the settlement inerr
,,f t wlilrh time eny pritt tereit-
cd lu aild eslats may appear and til
objections to sfU'l account or tne
llernent t,t ' estate and cor.U-? U
earn. ,.
Admlntstralor with the e-iil annex
ed of the estate of Chailre Hwr
Dsvis, dcceiuied.
Noili-e is herrby given that the un
lraii'i.e.l. an flrtis.hi.ut-itrlx of the -
late of Arthur L Whltexian, rteeeae
e.l. has f:l d In the county t .tirt o!
Marlon county Oregon, I'.er niiai --,-onnt
a admlnlstnitrlx, a"'' "
.. t k.. 4ilh
court hn ftxea Mir'.iA -
!ay uf January. W1. uie r
10 o-tinck a. m. ot that da the
.... i. ..!..., Ic. tt.,,ill
i i for ! er;nif ...jit. n-.,. -
final account and lh fc-t!meal .
thereof- . , ,
Any sr., I nil pe'wn ""' "
Hons to aald f'ai a.uoni -by
no:lfl"l to be prwnt ut iJ time.
m the ewiniy e.urt r'',m .
hus in he city ef
. . ll.a.. Ullil I r
county. tr d-ti. sift t""" -
nil AC IS HAK..W. I
Adminlratr.t of tk estaw ef Ar-
bur L VThlteman, d'.ad.
The question of !a? 1e,fV '
to Sner.i - ''"
led at North Kena W a vw
to 124 jSiMi.
, -,, I,,. I,,
or i ot lhT
ti-m . i i o.uny. corpra.
clan L. Lberhtiidt. Hank of Amity a
Ration: Joh,v w.' Gib .S
John n w?' hW"'; -lOiW;
he unknown mn 0 ul,.
"mef ' P"". 1it! also an ,.
er persons or pai tU-s tmkno,, ttii,lm.
rbS any Tight," title, Interest, lien or
estate la er ta the premise, de-rlbea
n the complaint herein, defeiuUnl
To Lucian L Kberhardl, the un
known heirs f Itimmer a Pratt. !
all other persons or p,utk- unknown
Jlalmtng any riUt. title lucres, ur
Hen or estate in or tu the premiw
ilescribed Jn the cumplwint ht"cl.v de-
In the name f the tuu .if n,;..
J,lmons i wrvej upun ru hy pub.
thereof in the Evunin ci
tl Journal, neweiwper f general
circuUmmi, printed tmd publWuia -,ju
Salem, Marion, eounty, Oreaan, pur
suant to an order of the Honorable
the relisf prayed r ln lu complaint,
towit; a decree deiueeliig said plain
tiff to be the owner In tee simple
and barring yin, Blul ,oh ot vuu
an riant, title, lien, interest er!
eotate whatsoever in and to the fol
lowing deseril.l promisee located in
Marion county, Oregon: ,
Beginning t a point 14.48 chains
west from tho ouarter wiction eoninr
o the north line ef section I In T, 8
8. M, 8 W. of the Willauiette Merid
ian in Marlon eounty, state ct Ore
gon, and running thence N. 84 deg.
28 mill. W. t.84 chains: thence N. 84
t.' 7. mln. W, 78 chains; thence
N, 67 dei. T min, W, I 30 chains:
thence N. It deg, $8 mln. W. I ll
ohnlna; thence N. 88 dee 14 mln. W.
8.18 chains; thence N. 4a tie. ) mln.
W. 1.84 chains; thence 8. 53 deg. $8
mln. W. 37.88 chains! thence 8 87
deg. 8 mln. K, 80,80 chains; thence
S. S3 deg. 85 mln, H, 1J.1J chains;
(hence S, 81 deg. B. l it chains;
thence 8. 83 dg, $T mln, K. I ll
chelns; thence S. 83 deg. 2$ mln. K
7.03 chains; thence N. $ deg. 41 mln.
B. 4.24 chalne; thence N, 80 dcg". S8
mln. 1. 8.80 chains; thence N. 18 deg
19 mln. E. 10.83 chains; thence N. 88
deg. it mln. B. 10.93 chains; thence
N. II deg JS mln, K, 1.7$ chains;
thenee N. 81 dug, 28 mln. W, 188
chains to the place of beginning and
oontalnlng 224.6S acres of land, more
ir leas.
' Suva and 'except' 'therefrom 10.01
kcrcs conveyed by tiie grantors here-
lb to A. A- Lee on tho 84th day of
Murrh, 19H, by warrantee dad, said
deed being recorded In volume 133.
page 558, records of deeds lor Marion
county, Oregon.
, You are further notified thai this
gou, you, and eaoh of juu are here
by required to appsar and answer
the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled court and cause on er
before the 29th day of December,
1919, and if you full ta so appear and
answer said complaint hy aald date,
for want thereof the plaintiff above
named will apply to said court for
George O. Bingham, Judge ef the
above entitled court, tUietl Nov. 18th
You are further notified that the
date of the first publication of this
summons Is Upon the 14th day of Nov
1910; the last publication thereof will
bn mads cn the 86th day of Bee,
Attorneys fur plaintiff
ll.W lll.MtllS nIH IIIKIHI.II
Chicago. Pec, 21 - Ten bamllts en -
fcri il the hmne cf C. II. Atkcrt, weal
'hy Chicago broker, and ewnpwd whh
10.000 worth uf ll'iuor, police report,
.il toilny. On cnluing niiaiice la the
hiitidp. t!i Imnittts U,,:ki the 'rviu,t I
lii a cellar. A iiegru butler who r
Ui.l aubl he wax wtruog up by hie
The foriuiiil'in f a HiunenV aux
iliary to thw local p.ifrt of the Anitrt
can Legion is being undertaken at
SaJcm Auto Radiator Shop
Radiator, Ftmders mid Gas Tanks
Tructor Radlutura a Miiedally
Ford Radiators for Hale
198 fl. 13th Street. Ha lain. Ore.
Don't let the moUw fat them. I pay from &5.C0 to
S20.00 for ood suits, men's or women's. Lulu a'
goods bought here are shipped to Seattle. I buy any
and ail kinds of Jewelry and Musical Instruments.
Pay top prices,
279 North Commercial Street
- Established 18G8
' General Banking Busineaa
Office Hours from 10 a. ra. to 3 p. m.
t IWHit t'tmrt
S. F i;.Mibi'v vs ;.
Amemtrd urmvr
H S M.'litum et 1 vs .!.ltiA t .
el a I. Oouipl.ttm,
Phillip storts t al ra Mllila W. '. h
t ut I'muHUilnt. i
K.tim M, Mntcktv) it T I' S.i.i k.
let . t"emplutut. 1 '
iry IV tiregolm ym t! I. Ak,. -I,'li
ot a). Moiion trf tfemlMt ni.c!,
tr Juilntoent on me plt!it'n
Hewlts Crtlilwfl! vs I). I. ('n!.l, i,
VV. .Ctihn and t Sutfit.n , ( , n,fc
lii.v and U I) lrt,-r
Laura M. GldtHloa vs John M Glun
don, Numimm. ,
Oil) ot Kilvvrtnn M E J I;.oKn
rtiid J. M. Brown, nununnnn
Atbrrt A. Annie U t h
!. Amended enmptalnt,
J. A.' l.lncnln c l va tl It
et at Motion to furnish writ vf at.
John Z ik vs 11 F. iu.iv .t til
Ueplr 0 answer vt ilcfeoitaiil It K
Clisrlea V. Kafager etc V Alhei-t
tlon wkll,
" iput'aiiun m up.. ii im.
t. Hamuels et al va W iltir ti,
Klnes tie, Applicnthm to pl.u e tip.n
motion dorket ,
- lYt.lmtt t'oiivt
.tallica nic,4k ' eM.Me. ' P,iml
Janien lilfka." stite." Pet it Hue for
letterm. . .
ufiime.. UU'ki, .! Path. . '
J:iB!w Hlitkst, t-4tut.ii linr i',i.u. lin
ing atimiimttratrix.
Ilitttl Welch, ..tnte It'V. iM
Arthur Jj. Wtltteiu.ui. ewjte Plml
ropoit ct atlmiuistrutna. .' j
Arthur L Whftcman. st,tte. tinier
fixing lime for final hcniing.
. . Arthur Wrighiiiittu, cst.tte, kcctipt.
Miirrtnat UiriMra .
' llmrj 11. .Savage., St. -,.d
teut hcr of Saiiim, ,tt Ju.t'su i Ohii
hiKcr. 24. a clerk uf Sniciii. il.irtai 1
T!u'tnloi llolmeav SS, a m.!,'sm.iii "
1630 13th avenue, bwatue, la Cadie
Mailt! Schimtlle, 31. uf Ii street,
Halem. Charles 1L . tlv.xum, 43, a law.
yer of Cottage Grove, ,lti Jlplvu Irene
lirouklim. 82, ft Siliuol tcarlirr of S,t,
li'lll. John Wenluger, 31, f tuner "f
Aurora, ,l i Mis. Minute ilntipvr. !,
Sllvei'iun, . '
. licd. , ,. ... ..
LE(IM..NWKmieth J. Lehmaii. IS,
, istitv pf Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lehman,
died ill Ict-rtl btmpltal WednmnUy
Fnnrrat ut Wehlt tt Clouglt iihaM
Friday (tt ItfJO a. m,
" onm'Aiiv 4
,!". "' ''
Di'iith ctlltiif sii old tii ctton reiJ.b nt
.lecmbtr In. I 'lie, ut hi Iikik nt
Lynn. Oregon, Chailxa l ttilwnaia
born in Kiii'.hiwlar, N Y , Ji.iri h S,
H:,'i. tie moved to Iowa with hia imr.
i nln w hl! a liny. He wub married In
tVebsrer City, town, April i. Jail. r
J-Min A Soiber. He maveil ftum lu.v
to On gon in H7I, He ,m In b car
pentisr and contrattiiiiti biiiiir's In
niitl ar'miirt H.tlfm until 1 894, when he
moved tn n farm In Fox Valley, I.Uhi
I'uuiity, and tin" Ciniitnui.iil ti""!:l
I Men1 siiicC, . .
I'.trfltltK lu wlibiw be Is aurvtvud bv
thr n,,,,H tw.lltj thrue ra..l
u hlldntt. "i he chihlreti ore II. 'tt II
Wilson. Orrann t'lty; natido f wtUt.u,
Mill City i Iteude O. l!ollirt.)-, fiii.
'em; MhIm-I 5. Bndekct. Mill "!!, Al a
VI, Tf'iak, I'ox Valley; Fnuiile A, Wll
i in, at lii,niti, limb I I,) "ni, Lv.iin,
Tlsliih P. Wllaott et tlotwh.
Ho wan liuriml at. the Ft Valley
;iirr ceirirry, Mnmti ", I t i fnit . r
ti. l!tt.
HI PfHHH I MIII I!, P4 f'T,ll
London.' Dec, 24.--A Netia Agrnrr
'liHtii"b t!v fron' ttome .ld It Im4
itn aetiil-nffileatly itt."l (bat pi.
porta of an agreement on tht. I'lom
attuHtlnn were tnaceurnt The ifptine
represented iily propiwala nt the I i
,' But thie of rienernl fiailugibt,
4tivernml ranrewntative, ttctuitlmn
lo the ..itil-i(ri.-ial sinteriiciii.
fOR (C-fl
STORE 4 11
rhon; G73
have been "--,,..
souie lime.