gEgAILICAPITAL JOURNAL SAT. nmm, FIUMES1TUATI0N i-APS TiUiEt; M CONVENTION HOURLY GROWING 5 OF IRRIGATJOMISTS SETFORNtXTMOlffH f The following . MORE COMPLICATED 26.1919 ' By Camillio Clanfarra (United Press Staff Correspondent) Rome, Dec. 24. The , situation at Fiume is growing more complicated hourly, it w is lnUicilcfl here today Uv.t ri ertheless settlement ol t..e tiisyoMl-tion- of the cuy was believed immi ; nt. ' . . The censorship today permitted par tial relations of negotiations now un der way at Flume between D'Annunzio and the government The Epocha's Flume correspondent telegraphed aa .litional details on the recent plebiscite held there. Riot Breaks Out T .LlattI and Jame H. Page. vnemical coniDanv. Pn,. ,,r ,"" -""nucai company, Port-'n """- convention o! The ninth annual convention of th ' open conflict has broken . out. he cofrt AftOf tVlA nQftnnnl ! i . . to accept rermier NUti's proposals bv th tT QISSution were filed nmrB kuh a uemonsirauon In front nr " company anil t 's palace, the people shout- p, , P Fann comPany both held in Portian,. ,o . . at th. r ., , o, ana i ,at the Portland chamber of commerce a originally planned to hold the sessions on December 29. 30 and ul DUt on nriA..nt ... . - cm,, t-en-i . --'. m me special ses- K. J. Tompkins. Walla i ?? ot the lesislature and the state St Dam 3 . - I Win A attvm U j . . until .h . ales were Postponed until the week immediately preceding the convening of the state legislature Inasmuch as important matters con cerninp l...;.... ... , Mohr Mht n . Vrr""' rought . . -I VYH.K71A1 Alirt . 'bWMttlUll! I1U.VA nAnn . Pnoa i Invito a j a '7 . " "u me sessions of the v.VJl LliifHT ehmnl. . I unvnn Ifrimt n . ranitoi . an increase n N ; , wmgresa Dy rresl tapital from isnn nnn . .. '" dent .Tnv vt iiv..,,- r, ;.. and E. B. Griffin Oreeon Viai.-i. idtt and J. Dean Butler First Church .u-V.. dlot .. " ' "'""azarene, Pen Wa w t J- ToPklns. W, M m7,( '' I! e7.' undon, and E - renaieton. . "rry Inc., Forest fim R TL,r- CU"- Eo W,U "and inea by the Lumho-- . . Prosrram will h in v,0 . Icompany of Port.nH oec lowing comml m" lo" , AU.U. o Fia;t!, me people shout- Popij Inff that Nltti'H nian ,oo Portland. . ' .mi. atUBHr- TV,. r able and that the government Mu vr". iVl- J- Campbell Lnmhn the of nut im uuaieu. ni r j ul r0"iana filed sud D'Annunzio, however, ordered the of TkTT artlcles chanKig the name council's vote ratified by the pop(a- BNnri rnT"011 t0 the Golli Medal tion and violence followed. bnlne'e company. ists Invaded the Vedetta D'ltalia, pro acceptance newspaper and prevented its publication. They also prevented ?nany persons from voting. Under the circumstances D'Annun zio decided to annul the ratification vote. Poet Admits Unrest. In an article printed in the Vedetta December 21, the noet .uJ Flume's voice has changed" and that tiuuiu no longer exists. PRESIDENT TO RETURN I frank statement of tho iunni.'. tin.. T . . . o vvimh. i , U10a'e s Italia said to day Under-Secretary Foscari now is t cting as the government's go-between in an endeavor to induce D'Annunzio to accept the national council's vote " : The Epocha said reports on the re fmlt of the last Flume plebiscite ar rived in Rome last night and were com municated to the cabinet. Washington no. oe . - . Zk,SJ lSn 'f8Ue(5 two proclamZns . Existe Brothers, prominent resident , of Lebanon and veteran of the Civil war, died In that city Sunday, aged I I inentue one free from skin trouble At ihe first sign of skin irritation l blotch or an itching, burning rash pply a little Resinol Ointment to the iffected part, whicli first lias been Cleansed with Resir.ol Soap. ' ' p r-ot neglect biby's skin, because It is easily irritated, and if neglected, obstinate trouble vnay persist in later life. ' Resinol Ointment is safe and harm lessit was originated by a doctor, ir.d has been used by doctors for many vcars. At all druggijts. Resinol announcing that fort railroads and of the American Rail way Express company would be re linquished by the government on March 1, 1920, at 12:01 a. m. The president's reasons for setting the date for the return of the rail roads to private ownership at March 1, Instead of January 1, were ex plained in the following statement by secretary Tumulty: "Last May, in his message to the congress, the president announced that the railroads would be handon- jover to their owners at the end of this calendar year. "It Is now necessary to act by issu ing this proclamation. In the present circumstances, no agreement hnvino- yet been reached by the two houses of the conerrpflfl in rporut tn iarraintiAn on the subject, If becomes necessary in the public Interest to allow a. reason able time to elapse between the issuing or the proclamation and the date of its actually taking effect. 'The president is advised that the railroad and express companies are not organized to make it possible for them to receive and manage their Droperties if actually turned over to them on December 31, and if this were done it would raise financial and legal complications of a, serious character. The railroad and eXDress comnnnles should be given ample opportunity to adequately prepare for the resump tion of their business under the con trol and management of their own stockholders, directors and officers. Therefore, the transfer of possession back to the railroad companies will become effective at 12:01 a. m March 1, 1920." The hunger strike of the Reds on f Ellis Island shows that the boys are In graining to get along when they gat home. New Tork Tribune. lowing committee O. C. Leiter. Portland, chairman; Fred N. Wallace, Tumalo; Frank Spin ning, Echo; Harry W. Gard, Madras; Porter J. Neff, Medford; C. W. Eber leln, Klamath Falls: TV. W n9vnu. Vale; J. N. Williamson. Prinevilla Various mattera Of ImnnrlanM re lating to Irrigation will be dismissed and prominent speakers representing me interior oenartment and ih vH- jous irrigation enterprises ot the state win be heard at the convention. Among the speakers Invited to attend are Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the interior, and Elwood Mead, chair man of the land settlement board of the state of California. , STORM BLOWING UP I; RIVER DROPS PnrtlflnrL Or.. Ten. 24.. Cooler nnd possibly fair weather are on the boards for Christmas day in Portland and vi cinity, and many a skipper alone the Oregon and Washington coast will lave a good excuse for anchoring in a. safe haven over the holiday. A heavy pale is blowing today and probably will continue Thursday. With a 60-mile gale blowing during he night at North Head, storm warn ings are up all along the northwest coast A southerly gale, shifting to 'he west, Is indicated. The Willamette river is falling at all 1 olnts today excepting in Portland. Here it is stationery at 9.4 feet above fcero. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Stops Irritation, Soothes and Heals. Vou nan sfJt restful sleet) after the first application. Price 60c. (Adv) 7"! AsK Your Dealer RlmJf&t0 nreanns o Ammuniuon Write for Catalogue , THE REMINGTON AHMSU HCCO 1C. WMMM Start the Neu) Year Right All By dressing just a little better than you did the year before. Let Bishop start you out with a new suit of clothes, a new overcoat, a new pair of Shoes. HART SHAFFNER AND MARX SUITS HART SHAFFNER AND MARX OVERCOATS JUST WRIGHT SHOES Now is the time to buy a BISHOP FABRIC Pure Wool Shirt. It is a necessity to good health. Priced.. - - We also have THE FAMOUS BISHOP FABRIC SUIT made from the cleanest and purest of Oregon Wool. Priced ........ $45.00 Our suits average from $30.00 to $65-00 in price. : you do not take a chance by purchasing here. alcm Woolen Mills Store 'p""''! "l"lMIIWIilBIIWWIMl)lllljii-..J,.-,ri,llri,w,, " 1"'m"""'""a''i"" iiiwikmiwiim i .iwwm am III 5 r? hi . j ' THE UNIVEbAL CAR ' tm - raff i l Tm By TODAY Sj MODEL T ONE TON FORD TRUCK I A necessity to the Farmer Manufacturer, Merchant and Contractor S j III dh 1 rf"h mT. t . ..... k il I III ;. oaC-J!i V xNext season tne demand will be 111 WORM DRIVE ma ri f r , ...-rr I Insist u on 11 Genuine ly Ford Parts y PjL '! Next season the demand will be greater than ever, with no pos sibility of meeting the demand. We have been given a special allot ment of these trucks this month and can make immediate delivery. Buy yours today. hlley MotorCo. Insist on Genuine Ford Parts TBI HUB Generous Cooperation on the part of our Eastern associates enables us to again put on our Great Suit Sales giving EXTRA PANTS f: K real- . i nnMitibr 27. This is a ;VUCToSarth sti,m.a ';;',a ef;cSHgher price, for two suits for the price of one. pmte wiUuMrt . t .tart. mon(U Tal. all of JSfK H5ta3T5 d- all-,ol siting, lo ,m rron.. this offer. Let us show y ou. v n life. fh, Irt im I. Beat the high cost or areebiug Wjr o advantage of this sale at once as the limited. time is .WW 1 s Store yy w umi n , i inn" 11 'i"'"""1""1 $awwmmmmmmmasss r P BISHOP Pwp, : . '. j Pifc rnnties a Patron. Every Family in Manon nu-