Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 24, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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w today - Where Sm
m U IS Urn n -f.1 ' -
Rate per .word Each Insertion on
nt. sis insertion cents, one month.
16 insertions, IT cents, one jc-ar, per
.mnth. 9 tents. Minimum per ad 25
First Insertion only io J?ew Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
er! over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly - account. No allowance for
phone errors
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, lames and gents
am. garments to remodel
Room i, 442 State St. 311
For Sale.
New Today.
WANTED All kinds of Junk and seo-
nu nana goods. Liberty Exchange,
i JN. commercial, phone 841.
apier & scott, Props.
FOR SALE First class baled cheat; FURNITURE HOSPITAL I have
hay and straw. Phone SIFli. 39 i opened up a first class shop, repair
ing and refinishins and upholster
ing. All work guaranteed, w m can
Hand picked Kings. Snitzenberjr and
Russet apples. 5 boxes ti.21; 10 boxes
8. Buy your winter supply now while
price is low. Ward K. Richardson,
235 Front-Phone 4S4. S14
Seven room- modern house $1500.
Five room modem bungalow, pav
ed street,- $1800. Slrictly modern
six room , .bungalow,- paved street,
$3500. -Aloaern duiiruiuw cioe in.
$4500. 10 room, house, paved utreet
and car line, a good investment,
13200; Fine modern house south
Salem, $3750. Want to. buy house
in or near Los Angeles, Cal. Choice
lot with old house close in,. $400.
Prune" orchard for sale. F. L,
Wood, Bayne bldg. v S06
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re
Huesieu ior ma nun ding or as. out
side entrance and stairway into the
basement of the Salem Masrmio
temple. Plans may be inspected at
the office of this association. 403
Masonio temple, Salem, . Oregon.
oaiem masonic Temple association,
Elmo 8. White, secretary.
and estimate your work. Phone lit!
1201 S. Cinunercial. M. Brown.
- - $04
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. $
years experience: Depot National
and American fence, sixes Is to 4
Inches high. Palms, oit and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry nd hep
hooka. Salem Fence en Stove
Works, lit Court street Phase 114
FOR. SALE S5 ,cre full bearing
prune farm near Salem on Pacific
highway, improvements including
large dryer. A very good invest
STOP BUYING FUEL See kerosene:
burner demonstration. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Bogue & Thompson, iOO State St.,
Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, riles, nestlo
stoves, gas stoves, suit eaves and 1000 I rjm-i. Transcript of evidence.
ment. $4500 will handle. 8. R. Pear Tvwl v,ino. Tintln
Hon. 4 0.r, Hreirnn hid" Phntln 43. " . " K , " "I, -,. ..
WANTED Secondhand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices for
everything. The Capital 'Hardware
and .Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l
St. Phone 947. - .
FOR SALE 20 Rose Comb Ham
burg hens, price $1.25 each. P. J.
Vedder, Turner, Or. S04
FOR SALE Fine White Leghorn pul
lets. Call 454 Hood St .303
and naoer hanging a specialty. J
A. Kallstrom, 437 S. Com ! St Phone
other useful articles to srU or trade.
What have you? The Capital Ex
eh&Bg, 8 Court Bt Phone 413.
"WANTED Salem folks to know that
VVm. Kantelberg has returned to
live In Salem permanently after his
four years of absence, in the manu
facturing steel industry and in. the
oo-trW. he was scheduled, to .go
,rr sons with U. 3. army of oceu-
nation as an acetylene welder, but WANTED
since his return ne is lornung a ew
transfer company In Salem which
will be known as. the Venbest
Transfer Co., where he will endeav
or to give you the Veribest service
"raring the year 1920. Phone 1344
- 305
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex.
amined, glasses made and fitted.
519-12 U. S. bank. Phone 34L
FOR SALE - A-l rcow.
- 34
FOR SALE Cord wood one mile
from rock road, some old oak, pole
oak and ash. Phono 33F24. 304
IT MAKES your clothes last. All work
strictly hand done. 4
VT da cleaning, oressing. repairing.
194 S. 12th St Phone 8. S15
PAPER hanging and tinting, expert
work, reasonable price. F. B. Wood
ward, phone 131 or 1201 after six
o'clock, , .. . .. 815
nr. puct S room apt. at 715 N.
Com'l. Apply to Mr. Purdy at 407
Oregon uiub.
FOR -SALE - Fresh
Phone 74F4.
cow for
Typewriters, will pay
more for used machines than any
company's exchange allowance. Sims
Phone 840. . . 304
THE groceries and fixtures of the
Kenilworth grocery and tne lurn
ishings of the Kenilworth apart
ments at 152 South Church street
are for sale between now and Jan
uary 1, 1920. Make a -list of your
needs and eome in soon, as the gro
ceries are being sold at reduced
prices; WT
I HAVE the best line of secondhand
sewing machines in the city, .dw
no f.,r vour wife Christmas. 837
Court Rt. - 89
WANTED Stump puller in good re
pair. Please give lull description,
m 5, box 123B, Salem,' Or. W. .
Shutt . 804
WANTED To buy 100 good stock
sheep. Must be. in good condition
and young. Phone 33F24. . - 304
1916 five passenger Ford, A-l con
dition; 1918 Studebaker six, A-l
condition; Buick four, dandy to
malm a hue: Studebaker bug, Over
land 5- passenger, 19-19 Dort, good
as new. Ail of these cars will be
sold cheap if taken at once. Salem
Veils Co,, 162 N. Commercial . 30 i
. Circuit Court
Charles Maxwell et d Vs Marshall
L, Waring et a I. 8uiilemnul dtri
CSardner awd SUnUvr vs C, B. Tti
lor. Answer.
Alvln W. Parrish v Isabella M.
Start 1920 RightONvn
U.R. Own Home. , "
FOR SALE Full drew suit, fine--ma'
terial. good condition. See it. Room
1. Bavne blag, or. can
HOUSE painting,, tinting and paper
hanging. R. JU. Keltn. snop mo
Ferry St. Phone, Res. 821, shop
849. , 325
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; also
Fox terrier pups. E. A. Aufranc,
nhnna BBF3. '. 307
FOR SALE Pure bred White Leg
horn pullets. Call any day but Sat
urday. 2761 Laurel Ave. 405
WANTED 100 Mazard cherry seed
lings. Phone 37F3. '
XiOST Friday a Package containing
2 dolls, itewaru. s3.wn-.- -i -----
Tweed. '
wikttkti Bv colleere student to
rent, lease or buy on time, sum
fn,,h r. fii.f, rnnm house, must be
less than $1000 if buy, and good
terms. Call 264 State or phone 2153
A NICE buffet for sale.
Phone 903R
-Brass baby bed.
..' 304
Bargains and Investments,
Tin is cr tract 4 miles from- Sa
lem, nice room bungalow. Darn,
fruita. well, nice home, $8300, easy
1 acre, tract of fine dark loam neai '
Salem. Bargain for $160 per acre.
I acre tract 2 miles from Salem,
paved read; all in cultivation. Snap,
. w v . .
Fine general larm a m
best bargain price. Investigate this.
acres close in, pavea roau,
I... 2nan ft-2RAA
,8., w-Hf T , tFA
19 acre Bearing orcnuru, umj ..v.
a ... Uom from Salem.
all to high state cultivation, nice cher-1
knllitinra, well, fruits. !
1 V V, , " " - '
For bargains and square aeai.
Perrine & Marsters
$11-1$ Com. club bldg. Balem. Or
A good modern , houe 8 rooms.
bath, toilet, full bsnnent. hot wa
ter, furnace. Close in; rooms rcmeu
for $40 per month. $3754.,
New modern house 7 rooms, full
basement, furnace heat two toilets
and baths, cement walks; wis is a
good buy for some ne at $3150.''
Two houses clone in, rentea. wie
room the other 4. V tan have botn
for $1700.
A eond 8 room heuse. not moiiern.
but a dandy buy for $09; $15 cash
balance $15 per month.
g rooms close lu. large let a. imc
location, lots of fruit, good basement
improved street $4500, $2009 re.
balance to suit.
Remember we stand read? 16 " r
range good terms on any property
sold out of our office.
KUnHlH-th Hisnsinbothaio va KurwII
D HiKslnbotliem. S?uinmn,
T. U. Dean vs Claude Cole. Am
cation to place in motion book,
IX Siunuels t at va Walker
Hlnes la ul. lvuuirrr.
" W, U. Sims va A. A, Colwrt Afli.
John Walling and Celta J, WalUns
!v Hal J. Slaty; Demurrer.
J. A. Lincoln et Hi vs O. U.
et al.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
S28 Oregon bldg. ' '
FOR SALE Good Jersey male and-
milk cows Chester v nite rnwe is.
Leehorn Cockerels, uregou bu
Phone 86F22.
FOR SALE Black innre 6 years old
"iv,f iinn lbs., bargain at $85
Would like to trade good milk cow
rf an ni t oats. Have
or T,, a o i,oof
n few Kooa mint -
' cows for sale. Have almost new
single set buggy harness for sale
t,r will trade for ood hog See or
write Ross Condit, Aumsville. Or.
Help "Wanted
wor sLE-Kr-trade, 10.75 acres lp
l0A.Afuoa from Salem on
good rook road, will be on psved
Toad next year. Land all clear wrth
fair Improvements a""""""'"
.. . Tlnrcn 11 for - PRSn O
wk trade on farger place or unim
vnveA land in the valley. Horse,
YXZL and 2 cows go with place
iiox 44 Journal office..
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
k tv,a rtov. I'none
WANTED Two men witn team aim
irnider. anoiy u. w. cm.
Masonio building.
FOR SALE Must sell uy teams;
team 4 and 5 years, wwsji
team 7 and years we ghing 2800
o, mules 4 vears old weighing
2000; 8 good. sets of good harness
and 2 good wagons. Barn in alley
, 1. wi,ltaa feed store. . av
JL t VI. ' ' - , .
WANTED-Middleaged or e deriy
lntlv for nouse wui m .
four. Phone. 81F25, M. M. Magee.
Rt 6, Salem, Ore. 804
POP corn for sale. Phone 17F4. 304
y- , .-loney. toLQan , t
Federal Fairm Loans
Any amount Long time. -6tt
and 6 percent Interest
City building loans.
4 A. C. Bohfnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Feaoers an Qas Tanks
Tractor Radiators a KpccdaKj
Ford Radiators for Sale
18 8. th Btreet Salem, Ore.
as mm
Paris. Pec. 14. The Bwxpap'
P.ilt Bleu said Tuetay A
soUUers. la two years Is 1'art. euw
rrwrs FrlKh giris to go sat ray vnaa
trould have otherwise in ta Jreais
nrmal time., . .
Vsmmentintr viiko tha appeal t
Rrv. Stanley ir. BaMr
Autericaa ehurch In Paxis. f $1,009,-
aea Hh htr t found a ehurclv t
M,wUn for the wrls of t thouw.iv
Application tu place upon wai.-".-
lion docket I8'"- . w. m i '
W. W. RyaU va N. M. Lewi APPil- "Tna. ran. - -
catlua to plaee upon iHott.m docket. the rarmw m
W. H. Siml vs A. A. Culvert. Appn-iwe merw tnm r" -
cation to place upon motion docket, profit $y ? .
F.stUa -Cheftta va 8tumern 1 "it a an wrj -dflc
company. AppUwtlon to plat lambkins haw Aawlea wolves
upon motion docket. lanfl pretem. n w- ""l .li lLlI,
Mrs. J W, Coiuaa vs wiariea '-igan n. nut " ....
IHthuer. Application to place uuoama7 lav eewi "
trial doi-ket fault of tne Rim
dale Michanlaon t ftl vs., Phillip
Winters. Application to place up
'trial docket.
- Probate VWt
Alice Dalrymple, estate. Report et
sale of real property.
All, BcollariU satats. An nwaaa
person. Inventory and appraisement
Marriage IJwtuws
Michael J. Mahoaey,, 33, a farmer
of C.ervals and Rtt K. Martluiler, $1.
o.rvBJae. Christ Wagner, 84. !
Kr nt Abaideen. WB., to Mnm
u..i,i i nf ttiili-m Rt. $. Ralph T.
Qodon, 81. a laborer of 8ileni -to
-.:m... K.,mi,tnn. It. Of ttiem. rivrmv
Wright, 33, a mrnwr oi um
Hilda Lenta, a student of ptuein.-
Boy Demonstrates Value
Salem Auto Exchange.
"Monitor cars now on dlsplayjOwn
and see them, nzirioaie, fi' ;
WANTED Experienced housekeeper
and cook, gooa was
People's- Cash store.
irnTt SALE One acre with 1 room
rCiouse. torn hen house, and other
wnall ' buildings
Morse; niu-., - . live
nil furniture-,
chickena. w-.- ,nfmr 2
nrouerty in Salem. ,nR,
For Rent
TO RENT Fifteen acre tract located
Tt.r mile from Waconda ( station.
nasiure and
mg, oar, -lth monthls
dress GVvais, Rt. I, "ox
phone 8F11.
onri five lots, fine gar
den land, $1200. Five room house,
good location $1200. Five room
!? , hinnkn from State St.
$2000. Cheap house and two lots
liin i fmr i-.hoice lots in South
Salem, easy tennis. A fine 40 acre
i. i aniom. well improv
ed, $11,500. Choice ten acre tract
r"' -a n Harden road, $5600.
Want to ' buv modern house close
va,Il. ... i. nr-reaee imnrov-
ed near Salem. House for- rent .
L. Wood, Bayne bldg. ... .
FOR SALE Ford, look,
like new, has most, all the extra
that was ever put on a f
gain at $525. .Be"-""
Condit, Aumsville, Ot.
FOR SALE Extra fine Jersey cow.
fresh, Phone 10.45.. r , - ' 8U
WANTED Unencumbered
COMPLETELY furnlsneu . &
modern nouse 5wner go-
Choice location, close in. owner b
beautiful home bWg.
S. R. Pearson, 405 urefe""
Phone 43. . . -
" - i.nlahed flat
FOR KENT- iht housekeep-
on first inn". .r Marion
ing. 674 JN. 3fl4
T?nft SALE-i-Team, brown and oiaca
Fi,h about 3150. Five and six
vears old. Steady and free wo.
.wiuuwer vi jg
XIX care jou"""- - -
ruoann's Auto Exchange
m m nnmmerclal. Phone
191T Ford, good shape,
1819 Chevrolet, driven
2000 miles, $725
Ford 1-ton iruoa
I Samson tractor $500
Ktt.'SS- hwittout driver"
We selt oils, grease, K"
tt P?! -TCTnov for the
-.. .'"j, mvlknd oars. Phone
v.nnuiur -
for demonsirauuiu -
Grain: WTisat. N 1. H
mllUmi oata 85ft88e; cheat
hay $18ei! oat hay !!""
r hav 12Sr24: mill tun $4849.
. ...... ... . rnnm
Butterlai: wuivei"
,,. ..w jm
prk. veal ana mutiosi v
kfo; veal ; fancy $2o; eers
Uf H M1VB J8f I I"fVi sf v
uct ewes 46o; sheep. yearUngs o
luiiwi Kuhb cash 65c;
csiia "'" k---"- -. - ..... j
, oo.,. kiuLir buns su.
ugm ' .
. tiMIII" HfirtlllEIl A .v.
ir.t.hiM- onions pr v.
oelory dos. $1.75; potatoes,
Oregon Wo: w'"-
ik $8.75; turnips v ""v-
Also good
harness, u. .1
Stayton, Or.
wagon and heavy
T,-o;irllH. UOX
GEESE Pen fatteneu.
left. 1'iioue cvv..."t.
Gilchrist Bros., Rt. 4.
Just three
1SF15. '.Mo-
"r." .-".-.: -n,.u 12: parsniPi
caiivv. -
easily enticed T ' ' -
"All res have to bo "
enter any large Parisian nutltnery -'tabllshment.
where formerly Tittle
Parisian iris earned their tlvWa- with
their fingers, and you hear everywhere
the same lamentation:
Sines the Americans
are aismieiy .,.... . -
The boja wha did the actual
Ing Wr net much to Maws, the
newapaper mild -.. ..
got to Paris, tt was tha "me a beltl.s
ik-e llnoa" who spoiled Paris glrla. L
petU Blew bves. ' t
The America antt rreuco
morals are d.fhrent the ewpM-r
eoneeded. hat a refuaed to admit the
Amertean standard W any hUiher, Tha
Americans. It was deelared. have ta
. ..). one for nubile an
Of Advertising And fcdustrj Vm ,hmnr,,
The Btasraiis iv. r.-..
, .... .. ct .Tori era
Balem BcaVanger Garbage and
. "' .11 vinfla Mmeved OB onm
mm ' .' . ki. rates.
removed, onico
nnrt calf,
FOR l3ALEi-eJ - 0(, te,
t.nnr ml KHr. iVt. vt mnt
Ii4rj -
- Good Buys.
. .er farm; HO acres cuttlvate-.
. ....otui-B ana iuumv.. -
. .lt- Daiance v-r anrinB. o
NOTICE Lo dges, cluls -""-. and barn, clucKen -. ;- a
tees on dancing 0c- head of catue, ' A Prioe
lJrt esuecially that .wMch maehhier so.- v.-.
'50!'' ,..; Italian prunes, 6
10 acre . ,,rnn
Mnon ana cBvKia"
is adapted to the '""p'hon
dancing. Warrei J. Hunt.
dern style of
F.OY for routed Southern pari
Capital Journal office
63 acre farm, "'Z prune
hniiae and barn, wen, " ..
Real Estate-Houses
IUIU 111 HOUU1 iM.v,
Phons 3T,
stock sales.
per sack M-i. , '
FuW: Oranges s.ouw-. I
$8.60&7.oq; bjuianaa lie. nT: ,
sac: buncn oeeva iv, . -
i-a lttuce $1.25; carrots c; rrap
nrUaell sprouU He; caulllflowsi
$2 do; red Peppers 250 lb.
Tamii nricea: -
,rmerv butter' 80e; country ww I
70c: flour, hard wnea t ' i si
Portland, or., Dec 24,-Butter city
.ji ' 'r,a11c: eggs selected local
t;.T"7''Vil285e: broiler. ISO
I.lve Bltick.
ljn.-tMmtl OH. f"'"
estate ana
1 per cent
Money To Loan.
. ,,,Tiira.loW With
FOR SALE-o - - w a.
or witnoui
Liston, 484 CourtSt
l . viiorn Hi room house
FOlt baue. - waller
PL;urn.a atca S balance
Over T .,rBuah Baak. flalsm, Ora
Freddie jobelman, IS. soil
of V. W. Jobelman,' tnlght
clerk at the Ullgh hotel, la
demonstrating that a young
ster ess be independent of fi
nancial matters by industry
and pemerverance.
ui,iib la a nftlntman of In
ranltal Journal and nli t
the Portland Nowa, and be
liovas in ailvertlsliig. as was
demonstrated by a remt ram
mlim be inaiwurated hre b
advertising the Portland pub
Itratton In Batem papers' anil
Freddie was able to Py
tl, just as he la able to start
bank account pay
A. memberHbip tee-
iianaa of a euttraw in Bon
ing which he Is interested In
and Irt brief to make hut own
way. '- . . ,",
MuHter Jobelman left Balem
yesterday for !". Idaho,
on a iwo wteks vlsll with
trlepds during the holidays.
who It aatd Is now 10 Kvanswa.
not to worri to ''B wv '
"daughters of Ba" nn "VL
snee o (he ten tbeuaaad Amerteas
Mtadenlw. ,. "V .
' rtrolt Mloh.. Dec
bold. Henry Ford's pern.l T "S'LT
lenny denied reporu. -
Motor company P-- uf
tnimedials hierem In he e
th.Tr Imt-eve HIS denial ta.
a published 1t "
mum wage ef $ " "
1 1'181"1,
Ihers 1 twtW ot Wood for prexldettl
and Cole for governor. Wood-Cola -
t.iat ought lo make a not raiums-;
i.iuii.bus Dinpatvn.
n e ii nnmriiiiii a--
Common to good cows and her.
. n o in. ,.unnra is. wow'""'
.' r,r. . ..ri,n mixed $H 50W
l5fo((; medium
rouuh heavies
114 513- : lnM mttr.
"Bheep: Kerr ,p-. . - limhe
t.s ivuu U : Psl r . a .
y? a
kett.J.wsr, i - ... ,;
i. . . ii.,,,, sin xeii sii'v i" -
. iwii all use
The Vliltsd Hltttas Oral Corpora
Hon has arranged, with th mills i
w..m. WMMhlnsHHI inn
--r. -- , ..... ...!
I ha uailS S
Wash poison wl to roW
system otiotw puu.
food Into ttonuch.
Thai ia vastly inn"""1 fc""'
bils U bo-' l" 7-. hk' Uus
s'r every osm '""
Roth Grocery Co.
located 5..i
$25 a montti. ap ocnings. and ' ... consider part
... ITj -n-llcrn straW-
FIGS FOR BALnu V " nd. . Kt.
5; box' 189A. Fred Kayer
ing -juiiu -"-yi., some twen
fJ"-' , . nil
t'o' R!,lm. or
tv veara ago. Adl.-ess
liaiii, Dallas, Or. R.,
W. D.
...... .npu roau,
SOUUi, - .- ..
trade. Price -
mastered bungalow
K room plasiereu
UUWM. - ....(1
''e",a.ce; S located at 745
Ferr? reet. ftW ' 'iiow lo-
Oo,0d.6r8ta street, corner lot.
cateu ai -
Price $36""-
. ,in ex-
ROOM house, mou ln
ceution of basemeun , - - z ...
fruit, garage, barn, - - and.
nno Cash. Also room "
large lot. small oari.
UARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Assn. uover..... .... -g-, - gnH of
at 6 1-2 percent 303 Sulm Ban
M S0U 50; bt Valley lamb. $!...
$9f 9 50; ewes 8ff7.
Why Sell For Less?
bousenoio , Furniture
uAUf Urov Rfiin? Combed
For Trace UtRiissmgDauj
N. J.. l-h
Lost And Found.
FOR SALE At 3? P'Junds,
nvi-KB ' U wvpi-vbody wisnniB
Silverton road. S-veiyo"
to act as agent can.
son the -purcnaaei -'- , him
imi the per-
useu ui"
greatest influence receive
to purchase the PlaVo we. Scotw
tne commioo"- - gv
Mill Or. '
,-ice $3600. & C()
w H. Grabennorst
VV' 975 State street L0ST-I
- tiT-flilltT
REWARD - To anyone ui m
wtor Comiwiny.
""vabU monthly l -vancs.
RpRh Buys.
Return i " - i
owner can
,res. all in ul" "" k'ai. I- r
'd 'BO rod. of city r;-om FOUNI-Founn rTarthi8 offl t
. AAnt nn
TO LOAN 15000 at . P A.
Liston. 484 Court St.
WANTED miles
without waiouiB-.. " v".-- t- casli,
of Salem; will P-Xnand. W
Land must be ' 306
4B tun"
ieiiuc", . . culliva"",.-.t..j
ft nPS. "- . ...III., Ol-l-.lliXl .
V ""rT,i hnrn. Iivnioj -.Aftf.
house, ,-i town.
to scnooi
easy terms. prunes in
en nnres, i .., raspu-
ln ' riJrtrand cherries- Ur,,1"7 CaU .
ries, som "VnU good oa. --- rter. gooa
' haii I ui i .. u.
ft S"-.- . t tiinee
room i"0er.n,
$15, 000
-in ai
logans. some a
A. Listen,
1 .... irnrd coupe, fin
FOR SALK-i . pnons
, shape, $535 if taken at m
1363J. W. V""""
SninS r ad
Used Cars for Sale.
Cheap, Kord
condition. Call
M . Vfltl
an HVdwar. Btors
171 N. Co-
-ttor.i tat". eSSnr o oUiUn thi. flour a.
whether the body hel. In th. sca prlc pla noU'r
pbons 0.
tr-A Co or
w- ' ialam. Or.
.,iui,l to or rmwv
Uial now being . b h l'nM;
. j 1. . .. i f. in I .-iMJrttM
Q Sl WS--S- ,
i..-: .h.r w i nirm it in " "
to the eouMimor at not to exceed $11
per barrel, packs din
ckt at not more than- "
lb, eu.n sacks at no,
If any denier 1 ' """'"T
L. " - .,i.- that will permit H
4arcfl Ultiur - . . ...
i,i N. J.. " - . . .,..n.. .1 tint to pi..
.made today of aU ew - .7 .!?
t w 7." I wsMS
th. Hsilh. " "rf
Err. rr -Te -r-
Z 1 .Ur-W th. .y-vh-J
lis.k .haul.!. .a oaly seuikesw-al.
A aplrad.J l'l'a "
Safety Razor Biaaes.
.... -sVs.sMsnlslst mA'
art Rexmlr HhoP. H" .
morgue o lh. w,, f
W1 unknown cr.. l m
y fro.n ......kirta of
In tneir .n- ,iuIes
Hammonieu. - hMh.f ths
Danaey woiiea -T " llltaird ,h.
WH, wwild le ruii'-
... .r.ini nor nenale '
r:i f'ornarsthia
( 610 Hrd ol "!" Hi""'
plrrtluiut, wrp
f limeee V-;' . ,,,,
, hsrmlm wy " 'i,l 0rJi g.4
w., ..... asi i;
freltiilt ,nB """- '
f,e eating me' 'f ; .,
A quarle, jsw- - -
an rum"
.hall have to re-lreat vr
t. a.j. - .... .., Times.
IV. j iwwers rutin."-
other outbuu,-- in first
- - 3 acroo .. .T.K tora r-- - -j.j.
OA nrres .h.r KUK F. I.. --
., nvni fli"'6 .... i snaiw- -vv
logans. some . ,t iana.
ries, etc. B J 'good terms,
hnildings for 'l2;6.":;, land,
Aiiy amount Low rates.
Fun repayment privfleges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
buildings iTioganberrsr lano.
6 r.e" I5 rlSse in- A,snap at $1
paveu ,,rttlva-
5 6 acres near Salem, 'fit $2000
. af ;m house, sonie ir d
t01-' oil cultivates hnu(!e,
40 aci ' . old prunw. ---Bi
nant. -.-
K per HOUBt- huI1Ea1oW,
modern e .7-
r"r'-"' ,
t-inw - - .
Marion now
. 1- . harcain If tak-
FORD cars tor - condltlon. , 1
Sodel. $32- -ash. u:i one
A better car, 11 weather
1150 In eitraa "",,
15-5 for QU" ale- V C
only - '"'.V.,.!. Co.. V u
Auto Top anu
A. bldg.
& 1 nfA
meT tIfflern house,
sT mom - tprms. . .
,5000? terms cl((8e In. $
6 room moot
furni" - . 1Bo-av ---
uv have good loans for
nave g u mes.
rrv, are a home lnveai.
ment. . ...
Lodge Directory.
..nnrrn Lodge No. "I
mw 7 , r, ci V. ball-
1 7:38 at 1. O. O-
fVVUlUM - -
KjnOHTS 9 on very Tu-dr
MoCorna; c.- p. J. WW"
1 -
v R. at 8
-Tghbors or
rireeon - i in sou"'-
Iverr Thursday 0r.xle,
alia Carrie a VarnD, 1416
recorder. Mr TTaii
LIh Bt. I-hone 14M.
I p. m hi 7, vibbert, secrs
Nlle. 'Jr-JJt.
1 !
.... .it...nw I nay from 53.00 to
Don't let tnemou-;-"- -'mn Lativ
$20.00 for good 8ujt8. gJT g,. I buy any
tc5f'il I nstrumtjnts.
and aU kinds of Jeweiry
Vay top pnees.
- . In! til-
d OHABK" na
n -",.,- nir AMERICA
,.nrR)i wow':;:: Ma. H4
ore"" -t.Mtmr svenins -
e'etec T ihlrrv etreirt w. t
Coart rSrC A. Turns
Person- v. ...,
las tint"
(tT) rim
270 North Commercial Street
Phone CT j
BurbanV American Wonders,
Ur..t Chill. Barir
fullr -'t""4 stats
Pfcofl. til or Address Hi
rtreM, tWm. Ore
1 General Banking Business
tie ts- --i
-.- -: 1
ot 1 ..
;, 1
205 Oregon Mas
of rolt' i buys .
Ml O. w. b" ,.. -t . s cio
For SocolofsKV
vwTj uol -
;AMftrk h wC&m-
J41 8t s'"-
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem, uregim
C. wv
Mr. and i VshoPPer. i Sa-
. . . ;4t jasjse,: