Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 24, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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- ; 7
with great interest
By . T. Freed
(United f"rts Staff Correspondent.)
(Copyright, 1 Si 9, by the United Tress.)
Laredo, Texas. Dec. 24. Mexico s
'ally an Interested in the national poli
tic of the United State a are the
American themselves. This la due 13
the Knefal belief in that country that
h next General election her will have
r.n important effect In the relations be
tween the nations. ,.
In Its recent diplomatic intercourse
witit the United State the Carranza
crrernment haa assumed that a repuo
Ilcan nongrena would not help Presi
lent Wilson any too freely, and .t the
same time, that Wilson would n.t
play into the republicans' hands" on
nny phase of the Mexican stiuation.
For this reason the complexion of the
next American congress and the result
of presidential booms are ' absorbing
Ine Interest of Mexican leaders. Thev
(re eager to obtain the opinion of
Americans in Mexico as to who will be
the next president. They show a par
ticular interest In General Wood. A
may be taken for granted that the at
titude of every presidential candidate
toward Mexico is being; carefully in
vestigated by President Carranza.
As for the average American 'n
Mexico he is quite frank In his belief
hat the "worm will turn" under the
rext administration In Washington,
.tuck of Faith Apparent.
At present there'ls a very noticeable
'nek of faith In each other's attitude on
on matters affecting the two countries,
according to well Informed persons. It
fa pointed out that the notes on the
Jenkins and Wallace cases lulled to de
velop a common basis upon which a
settlement could be reached. Neither
country. It is contended, accords full
faith in the other' evidence. j
I-'or Instance, in the Wallace case,
Mexican officials are satifted with ti.e
testimony of their own citizens that tno
Bakersfield, Ca!., Dec. 24. Ad IVol
Kast, former world's champion, loat
the decision to Billy Ahrarea of Taft
last night in a fast four round fight
San Francisco. Dec, 24. Tommy
Hayes got the . decision over Young
Joe Cans last night in the Royal Ath
letic Club's main bout. Five knock
outs featured the show.
New York, Dec. 24. Al Keich and
Tom Cowler. heavyweights, have been
matched to box eight rounds in Jer
sey City Monday night. ,
Boston, Mass., Dec 24. Larry Wil
liams of Bridgeport was awarded the
decision over Clay Turner, the Indian
boxer from Minneapolis, after three
rounds of milling here last night.
Syracuse. N. Y., Dec 24. Benny
Valger, featherweight champion, eas
ily defeated Frankie JBritt of New
Bedford, Mass., in a spectacular ten
round battle here last night.
Portland, Or.. Dec. 24. "Battling"
Ortega of Oakland lived up to his
reputation of being an offensive fight
P here last night when he went ten
rounds with Jimmy Darcy. It was
called a draw.
Freddie Anderson and Pete Mitchie
put on a ten round semi-wlndup and
drew. It was a terrific mill. Neil Zim
merman won a six round decision ov
er Pat Williams of Seattle.
Woman And 4-Year-OId Son
Are Near Victims Of Wreck
Portland, Or., Dec. 23. A woman
and her four year old son were among
those who narrowly escaped with
their lives when the IT. 8. H. Asotin
went on the rocks three miles below
Arlington, Or., Sunday night, accord
ing to reports which were received
TV.. . .. L i . , ,
ZuaJ!ZT0VZlta the 'i'"1 (anchored on the Washington side of
""" " """ "vur a macnine (the Columbia river for two weeks,
ftun squad. The American Investlgt . j The Asotin was caught in an Ice jam
rn .r, klc1,Wa"iCe"mU,e' 0n th roCk" th Oregon Side of
cnuHlng the animal to shy Into the .the Columbia.
iuui. iner snooting Wallace, the
Mexican soldiers poured liquor ocr'
his iMidy- to make it appear that he wua 1
drunk. American friends of WllMtina
About 28 Filipinos', ' representing I
the Filiuino student tmnulatinn - in 1
Salem, Philomath and Corvallis, will
gather in this city December 30 and
celeKrate their national holiday the
day when the greatest Filipino, Jose
Kizal, was shot on the Bagumbakan
field, 1S96- by " a ""banquet at "Six
o'clock at the Method:st church and
an elaborate, program following.
. The story of the Filipino national
holiday is known by few and is very
interesting. Rizal was the victim of
Spanish tyrannical rule in the islands.
He was regarded as the foremost man
of the hour because of his champion
ship of liberty and freedom, and it
was because of his fight for this that
he was slain by the Spanish.
Rizal's political philosophy was
centered around the principle that the I
governed should be given the privi
lege to exercise their rights and free-
jdom, and should not be deprived of
their liberty and happiness. These
facta are well illustrated in one of
his books . "Nole Me Tangere," or
"touch me not." As a result of his
educational movement he was shot
at sunrise.' .
From that day his dreams for the
betterment of his brothers did not
fade, but always have been cherished
by every true Filipino. As he faced
ihe guns of the Spanish firing squad.
ana saw that he could not lift to
sec the realization of his-hopes, he
sent the following message to his
"I have sown, the seed; others are
left to reap."
iMKiiiieii that ha never drank
Latest developments In tho Jenkins
ran similarly illustrated the conflict
which apparently influences every
diplomatic interchange of the two
countries. The American consu, u
nt reported to his embassy in Mexi
co City thut ho personally heard peons
retract their original testimony agalivi
Urn and state they were conclied ti
my ut first that ha was In collusion
wilh his abductors. Although repeated-
!' promised a transcript of tluhfi re
tractions, the- Fuehla' court finally re
fused to give Jenkins a copy ami Inter
even denied the niacin retiuc
tions. V.IU'i-i of Treatment. '
in dozens i of Instances of Americana
niurdm ed In Mexico, the Cnrranzo ov
eriinient haa shown the same inclina
tion to depend wholly upon their own
version of circumstance which were .entirely refuted by Investigation
ef the American state department. The
esrape without punishment of Moxic.i.i
;nwrlerer haa created a situation In
the Tnmplco oil region which, Ameri
cans say, has resulted in Americans
being treated like dogs by Mexican su
diers. Payroll robberies there are In
creasing; .
. American diplomats In Mexico are nl
a loss us how to tin prove the Ccm-ania
t,0VFi-mnent's viewpoint toward Amer
ican . protests against murders and
other matter requiring International '
exchanges. Kven the formal courtesies
have been overlooked by the Mexican
foreign office, the lust Jenkins note
being given to the press before It was
jrtsented to the American embassy. -
Although taken separately the vari
ous affronts to the United Slates in the
, l:mt few year appear to be of mliKt
r:'libf r, lliry are di-oUicil ! American
fficluts acquainted with the .situation
to have combined to generate a gro v
Irtfc ill feeling, nothwlthstanding the
ut word appearance of comparative
Those on board put off in a lifeboat
which capsized and It was only after
a desperate gtrugg'.e of ; two hours
that they, .were able to reach shore.
As wo understand it the government
lb going to lower the price of sugar a
iicile higher. Brooklyn Eagle.
To Fortify the System Acalnst Grin
Tablets which destroy germs, act as a
Tonic and Laxative, and thu prevent
Colds, Grip . and Influenza, There is
only one "BROMO QUININE." E. W.
GROVE'S signature on the box. 30a.
Who wants it, I have it;
$10.00 a Cord delivered.
Phone T. G. BLIGH
VS. li.-i.k-"
Al, imm
Quick Returns
;'r lop rnces
Ship your raw furs to the
nearest market, where you
will have the advantage of
receiving the money for
thorn before they would
reach a more distant point.
Our guarantee is satisfac
tion or your fura back at
our expense.
Ship all your available fura
now while tho prices are
high. Write for late price
list andmark your packages
4. 1 H. SO. Portland, Ore.
The Ounce of Prevention
cc of prevention" which toilav Inspire iiiedirul
llit (r '.te Mit, Wi inrs, fcmitiilioii, health df-
it is t if OUHI'l
ki'irur in hi til: hi
artuiiit, ail c.irry forward the wu worn ot si-nm rrrvrmim,
Scieii.e lu now drvrloucj an scnt that cffeetively inreU the
condition which U the orijiiiuriiiig iiit of over Wfa of fk li- -nt!i
coiutipation, N
That effective agent h Nujol.
The Jaiieri f constipation are mi wi.l sirea4 heciuse t!iro;h
elf xistiiiii it reduce the lauly' power of ri'sistanct Nujol;
hy retievir.K ionstiiaiion prevent the absorption of poison wliich
otherwise would he take into the Mood ami undermine the
Leailinp; medical uthoritir i:ree that liills, sain, r.vtor oil, etc.,
imply J'mt tttul weaken the kvsteiii
But Nujol i difreient.
Nujol Miftciu the food waste and encoiirajre the inteinl
tntiKle a act natural(r,
Nujol help Nature estalihi eav, tliorousli Imwel evacuation t
regular interval the healthiest habit in the world, tiet A bottle
from your drugitt todiy.
ft vaiuait krahk Mitt-" Thirty tttl of nner"
frit, ivritt Nujol Laboratorie, standard Oil Co, (,New
Jeweyl, 50 llroadway, New York.
IVtattt Nuil 1 u-H oolT l "'t tk N.iol Ttl. Mark.
rr tu mi inuiw. iwim rMit.
Vw mf nr In ti.
For Constipation
-a v'lftfS rt
We wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
If Schilling Tea can add
iust a little to your comfort
and enjoyment; we are in-j
deed gratetul tor the good
fortune of being able to
6erve you. ''' " 4 -'
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon -India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. A U, one. quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere. - .
A Schilling1 S Co San Francisco
Airplanejj Parts and Flying Instructions
' The Oregon, Washington Idaho Airplane Co.
is the Northwestern dealer for all Curtis Airplanes,
Motors and parts. New and used J.N. ,4 Ships for
sale, immediate delivery.
Prices from $2,000 to $4,000. Curtiss Flying
school now being conducted at the 0. W. & I. Field
For further information address,
1209 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon ( .
mmm-. , wish -
W' . Exceedingly J
10 ?, Happy 7
I Kjg j . Ckristmas .u,
Wmm,k ... ne ... .. . jsi ,Me
M' ' My
. . . II
.AST- if r
m I teJXlW - y - q
: ' .-' SEASON'S
: . ' I
npi?r,TTXT-o I
i- iPh
A finifnuier is one wlio can keci uu
joth auto and the mortgage that h '
t. Oreenvaie,&CPleumoi.t.
to many thousands is practi
cally a matter of the right use
Di reliable means of main
taining vitality.
time-honored and reliable,
combines palatability, inherent
virtues and unrivaled efficacy.
At the first sign of weakness
take Scott s Emulsion.
Alt 1 known every
where by the w Mark of
Efficacy" th Fisherman
Bcott X Bowne, BloomSeM,M J. 19-17
New Mexico, Utah, W,.ho
ins aiva Colcrarlo excntiv(.s
i.bcted tojwittcipate.
Denver, Colo., Dec. 24.--Govpriioi8
or oix Uocky Mountain states will hold I
Lonfcrence here January 10 for tho I You can now buy Icur
imipose of fomulatlnR demands to ha imMrks for a dime, but if yon
urenenled to the federal governmeni i cents to spend that way jou
101 cesMBii of millions of acres of pub- 'er save it.--Lowell Couner-Ci
lie lands to their
was officially announced here. Arizo- JOURNAL. WANT ADS A
If you'll try a loaf today, you'll buy a
Has the home-made taste.
457 State Street .
and Player Pianos-Best and Cheaper
Salem, Oregon
and Records
Sewing Machine
" ' All Makes
Genuine Needles
and Oil
Sewing Machines Repaired and Rcr
Sheet Music:
Mucic Siudie:
McKinley and Century
10c Editions
" j BATTERY I j!
The pjci&C Man j
:; j service - '
. -' -
Music Store
ic::ness prevention