r rrTTr . vM-nmmrn Ot "If! 1 KB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WKnKSi)AY.iH.f,,.nr.r. CHRISTMAS. THECAPmiJDURittL am ixde-nt ?tKACk on earth, good win to men" was the message tliTZtZZli x heralded to humanity under the Star of Bethlehem l:,:r?M4 long .centuries ago and at Christmas we try for a few 01 u muti r-w. t flee tins moments to love others as we love ourselves. For . l'lT."Ail. E41tr a4 -sWrr ; E?-ttd as metmA c&tss m3 natttsr at fbaitrfls, Ora, , one day annually we really practice Christianity the rest or tne year our good will 13 wasted deifying the idol of self, worshiping the shrine of the golden dollar, kneel ing at the altar of the great god business. At Christmas we shower our loved ones with gij SCBHCHUrtUfH HATOS Kf aimer V aentm SMVtn. By wmH J n,u Biotith, li.Zi tor mmt. iVv'.' ! and remember friends with messages of cheer. These are outward and isible manifestations of the Christian 5 spirit within a kindly sympathy for all a glow" of ha- EOA EXFKRTESfClS The rind, from artic coast afar. M skiving shrewdly, fierce ad Ireen, and I wax cot In my cioed car, t ijinmrr Ar.g costly g:a&iin. I gloried ii lb wintry f'nii, I watched the iw drift with a mail; tor I was errzy. no and warm, and limotwrin tre aM ll style. "BJow, Wow." I ild, iha wintry wind, and shriek a fercer. loader not, tor I have win tor badly skinned when I rid forth li my closed boat," And then a beast 1 tire went fiat, and I supped out to view th wwk; th tempest Ww ray uif feat, and wousd my wbuik tr rocnd toy neck, I tolled wir vith wrench and jack and shed a lot of frown tears, and sprained my hwtui end broke my back, and froi mr eye-brow and my m tk I remov ed th busted tire, and put another 1-1 its stead, and gathered wrench and J k ar 4 lyre, and started townward. r.flr red. 1 had not traveled half a verst, I had not g'B a parasanc, be fore another casing hunt, with riurou and resounding- banc And harder then the fierce wind blew, t-s I'd requested them to blow; and Father Wintr sprained a tbew to how what SiKtaros be could throw, 1 xtill have auto rides enouga, and atUt 1 burn the gsolin; but winter hear from me no bluff; I'm of a humble, chastened mien. Odds and Ends d& Angeles Maki Moor. ak Jojr a divorce, testified she was A kias teN bride until her husband return ed from the army. Then he btieged her so bard it hurt and she alleges feiEtreme emeHy. " , ' New fork When bis eook was nr- -Med on a disorderly charge, Alme rmdo I'nrffrlo hurried to court and offered $J.080.0tiO for her release In time to cook jhrlttnas dinner. The court only chitrgftd $S0l. Albany, K. y. Attorney John Con way believes in forcible arguments. I tiroke a finger while emphasizing a point to the Jury. manity that shines through the crust of selfishness, the 9 w ' sparK cievme in man. At Christmas we are all brothers no matter what our race, or creed, orclass. We are human beings. Our anuiciiu ousiuiiaiuns ana lUGiisn pnaes, our preceaences and prejudices dissolve in a common brotherhood of man under the glow of the mystic star. On Christmas day, no matter what the weather, old earth seems fair and beautiful and we realize what a won derful abode has been given us to spend our davs in. The sweetest music that falls upon our ears are the greetings ux menus aim me voices oi mue cmiaren. Ana yet tne world is unchanged the change is in ourselves we have discarded our blinders of selfishness, we have opened our ears 10 tne meiooies oi lite. The happiness we experience at this blessed Christ mas time, arises not from the presents and mementos we receive, not from what others do for us, not from any thing external but from what we ourselves give, from wliat we do for others, from the love we feel within for all mankind. On this day of days we realize that true happiness is found only in striving for others, in literally luiiuiing me precepts 01 tne uoiaen Kule. What a pity that the lessons of Christmas are for gotten as fast as learned, that thev are unheeded bv eves that see not and ears that heed not, that the vision of neaven afforded is lost amid the fog3 of self interest, and that with the dawn of tomorrow we return to the wor ship of false gods and the pursuit of phantoms leading nownere. ' O! that every day were Christmas! What a world this would be! entirely to blame for the accide.- I J i "Wet I "HPnrfid , TiTrn- M," Aad be ! said Bw wigoroosly. I am going to aJt a BiinHte. John," remonstrat- l---" j awa, fm uu, place jwt as quick- ed Miss Moreland. -Flease take raa hgSUy j cka. so roa had better be seen hoe before. yog,b, the aUon." "TinmoliaJj nrr each, ! wiib sb as mack as ponibla today, if t v a 'ZTTTi T l Bess.- sh saidL -whew csscea ogtst you want to K me as John made no aswwer, and as I dd . Bess. M i far John", foolfehnesa.- aot know th. strs ry weiu l was, in I "John rs h is ah!e to take care aoc nre wBnr wux JTT , "Tvlf if j't hi. faalts.- I Interpolated. not&e or t ue ataimn usui we uw ; uu. . - - - , ap to front of the laaer. i would ackJnwtetfge K, ssroessw. and wilhont that He yo ten yo on thing," a whitewash Bess Two Piffun Mailers. "Very tarely of yom. Kathertoe. but what John says aad what John does mtrrnDted.!are two different matters. nce jwac&safed- "I want It understood " -v-fc Irrf-n rwTrdoc : riztt here that althonph John is my i A KSJk.T , do sot propo-e to git out in front of to borr with ber prese-" -1, 72' A Um smhr1 AMMrtTV. II TTH 1TTB JU v - J wOt us the better It win be for yoaj sfcown yourself a better woman than . ,n nnwrud.' she re-i I could be under tne circumstances. a look at any of os, said "Come on in, ( party tocay Karl The girls will wait here until! "Wiat party? w return," iactcjy. "I shall do nothing of the kind I a police station to please any one. said Bess, furionsiy. "Surely you will take n some, won't you Karl?" A PEARL BEFORE SWINE. v Chicago When three of a kind ar tirawn, with tiireo in your hand it's ft riilM'lenl, Mrs. John M.ithl.wn don't think so, Tilplets wore born to her end she already hits three, She cull it a full hou. Hn I-'ranciitco M. Kruger drove a wagon load of burning excelxlor ul r .oxt n mile through the streets with hiilf the fire department in bis witka, The Uinta was squelched on the run. Crew Of Steamer Wrecked On California Coast Safe Kun Vranclsco, flee. !4.rlBiatchHi received by the chamber of commnr! fit-lnllliig mi accident to the mnn.l MCtiiner Olrlle Muhoney off Athlon iKe to mention ol the crew's fate I ut it Is presumed hore the crew I 1'n," flr) Miitiotiey. vatutd tt 1100.- Oft nn1 l.idcn with ledwood luiubr U ji the rotks. Tim boat Is of t tona rtiut was built tit Adi-rdeen for Amli'.w n ihoiit y of Hun Kranolsco. Prison Sentence Of Uncle Kept Secret For 25 Years Netr Vol k. Dec. 24, A 'prison sn tnce served 25 years ago by nmn now wealthy and rrwicuted remains "vrret from his friends todrey, as the result or the action of Judge Chnt field in the federal court of llrooklyn. Johtl 1, Kichnrdson, 17, a nephew of the man, pleaded guilty of attempt ing to extort rooo from hia uncle un lrr threttt of exposing bis pat, and Aim given a sunpndud ssiitniics. (Iln , uncle's iiams w:i uprnsned from His court proceedings, ItlrhardHon was paroled in the eunlody of, his mother. .' It was sntd that not even the man's suns know of thin event In their fath er's llfo. ,-, j A YEAR ago this Christmas, America was the hope of peace on earth and good will to men. Oppressed peoples neiu out tneir nanas to America ior succor ana the nation became symbolized as a new star heralding a gospel of re generation, ix, Today, however, a humiliated nation must confess that it has failed in its purpose, has faltered in its ner- f ormance and repudiated its promises. Its humanitarian " ,"1 ,- . Tr, ln,A ItAnM tun v .1 i ll .1 L 1 1 i 1 . mcoia uave uceit 1-1 ainj.jitu in uie uubt ana aiscaraea ior a selfishness as sordid and mean as its professions were noble and exalted. , - Alone among the great nations of earth that united to end war, Christian America has sought to evade its enrrtnnc'kilttirtn r. Lmmammi'Im,., ti TL -T J M v 1 i i n.cjjwiiiuiui.n.o i.u uumuimy. it nas aoageu, quiDuiea ana side-stepped. It has been tried and found wanting. Its splendid world-vision has been replaced with the narrow est of horizons in which only the sun of reaction blinks tnrougn a murky sky. ; The blame, however, is not wholly upon the American people, but, upon the small men they have sent to the sen ate as representatives, men who place partisanship above atriotism, and personal prejudice above humanitarian sm, who view a world peace treaty merely as an opportun ty to make political capital or secure political revenge and refuse to aid in bringing peace on earth to promote personal ambition. The creation of the league of nations, to keep world peace, has been well described as the most epochal event in the history of mankind, of greater portent than any thing that has happened since the star rose over th manger at Bethlehem. It's ratification would have been America's greatest contribution to humanity. To put it before the senate, however, was like throwing a pearl be fore swine, for its rejection is the senate's Christmas present to the nation. But the will of the people must eventually prevail, and before another Christmas Ameri ca will have redeemed herself, for the senate is hearing from the people. IOWandMRIEDIi ex noxea autnor Idah KSGlone Gibson m ! i CAMELS meet yonr fondest cigarette fan cies in so many new ways they are so rtrnrei-igl in flavor, so refreshing, so roe'low mild, yet so full-bodied that you quickly realize their superior quality, and, become a Camel enthusiast! Camels are unlike any other cigarette you ever smoked. Their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos gives you so many delights. It not only assures that wonderful smoothness and refreshing taste but it eliminates bite and harshness t And, you smcie Camels without any unpleasant cga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor ! No matter how fond you become of Camels ! Smcke them liberally! They never -will tire your taste! The blend takes care of that f Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at ny price t R. J. REYNOLDS. TOBACCO COMPANY Wuuton-Salem, N. C "I don't thick so. my dear! Every woman will fight te save, her prka She can Ere when love in dt w God pity her when her pride ii prone." , . , . "Which hare you lost, Mrs. Gor don?" waa Bess' sweetly irta,e question. "I do not always speak personally Mian Morelandw" but there was a Ht tle tightening around my heart, for I knew that my pride was still &Ut (Tomorrow 21 ore Night Than Day) s- ROLLED OATS Tt il Itinktoy hiis com out fr pro lutiinin wuh. nullifyin' ititti'in?ta turns Til' (irtrdcst thing- Is t' fiil(i A ' i'!.'i!n-ia prfwnt thai 1 uks . Ill' whkx ruiDK i.na vhosk. tireat heaveri, can't a man lenve his women folks 'for a tulnuto with out Hoinethliig like this happening?" aid John, ah he surveyed tho group. Alice wn standing straight, her eyes binning with rages ! Uorslanit was lennlng limply, over the arm of a chulr iobblnjr thnt shs hntl been IiihuUvJ and that shs did not think she would ever live to se the day that the wom an that John Gordon had murrled would speak to her as 1 had done. I was sitting calmly in my chair, look ling perfectly detached from every thing thut was going on, I caught John's eye and laughed. "You're not going to have hyster ica, are you Katherlne?" he aiiked o Hcltlously. "Not in a thoututml years." I an swered, "but 1 think we hud better got out of here before any strangers cosne in." - "What will we do with Eexnr' h avkvd. "Oh, If she cwn't pull herself to gether and go with us, this hosoltnl i the place for her." Out of h tail of my eye I saw a look' of utler lielplesxiteas nnd rteloc- tioit come over Mitt Moreluml's face and concluded that le realised n did I, tliftt while her tactics might have worked up to tlafw in tlix fiiKhion whe Inleiidod, h) found that she lnul run against a anng so fur na I was con cerned. Did Not Hcini KuriwimMl. Ho she calmly rose to her feet, went to the mirror aliovs the mantel, ami surveyed her face critically. She did itfiu m, auriirittea as 1 was ro una that her makeup was entirely intact, for while I knew she was bluf flog In a way, J could not think it posulble that some of her emotion had not been real, . v However, she brought her powder puff into play for a moment and then Midi 'I am quite ready If y.u are." The interne met us in the half anil aid: ;....:';,. , "1 am glad you fixed It all right. Mr. tlordon. Hastings i very . d. cent chap and h)Ul already told tne before you came that he was entirely to blame in the matter of the aed dent. His father telegraphed this morning thsit he would be h t,i afternoon and the girl's father mother are going to take h v,, thia evening." """" Aa we got Into the ear Tf. herself R8 fitr aWl(y fr)m me slble She bowed with exaggerated cordiality to Karl Shepard, who was ppawlng at that moment. John pulled up abruptly. .!, in! Karl,, h siUd. 1 am going to the po-i Hie stau.m. I have on arfi.t.nit frum jouiig Jiating vhlch u.at he is Electrically Toasted ROLLED OATS Are a Staple that Builds up and Holds ""I 4 up a Oplendid Vigor are what thev bvo t,. een in Men, Women and Children. Oats frit o"iii3a' T as f:if i t . ; lowing w iv, F1Uuucc xvuttcu u ior me table - has 6raur J i t Ti .t t - -t j xnrousii long and searching tests made in our la boratories, everv . - v jvvuwv. wucnut Avuuea wats and originally determined. ts was completely In our mechanical anj experimental rooms was create wt'' J i t Aik for FISHER'S ROLLED OATS at Yoor Grocws Manufactured by " " FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY EEXUNGHAM ' May the Christmas dawn, which carries its message of hope around the world, bring; to you a full measure of joy and gladness, to con tinue throughout the New Year, is the wish of CHAFERS SEATTLE TACOMA MT. VERNON s