Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 24, 1919, Image 1

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I V I i i Mi
TonigM, Thursday occasional nU
. Maximum 58 '
Minimum 4
. ' i is l
81 before 630 o'clock and ess r2 le ltd yta
v3n n
:0.t5 ,.
1 V is 1
Of ".-.
lovnnB asm
An in
AlEcs Insist Upon Acceptance
, Of MocolWifa Reser
vation; Problem Of Manda
tones Up Today.
'Berlin, Dec. S3. The entente's an
swer J to the recent German note re
quires unconditional signing of the
rrotocol, It was understood today."-- '
The .discussion, of the quantity of
marine materials Germany is required
: to deliver as compensation for tho
sinking of the Scapa Flow fleet is left
for later consideration, It was under-
. stood.
Germany will sign, it was generall)
believed. . ;
Observance of Christmas :;
? To Feature Special Music
By Choirs of City Churches
By Carl D. Groat
( United Press Staff Correspondents
Berlin, Dec. 28. "In the memory of
ull that has happened, let us raise our
heads spiritually In the dark of Christ
Mandatories Taken Up.
Taris, Dec. 24. The peace confer-1
i nee .today took up a complete project
for allied "mandatories over former
German colonies.
It divided Germany's former hold
ings In Southeast Africa betwen Be
rium and England. At request o t. c
Japanese delegation, which was await
ing instructions from tokio, me con
- ifrenoe reserved action on former Ge
jnan holdin&s in the Pacific.
Other mandatories have not yet been
linn Delegates Return.
The conference was advised today
that only the German naval mission re-
" turned to Berlin to discuss the latest
allied note demanding Germany sign
the protocol. The remainder of ti
Gtrman mission remains in Paris, th;
conference was "advised.
The conference has taken no action
b yet on publication of the latest no1,
to Germany. '
r" General Berthelot was to return from
"' London this afternoon after discussing
fltttlcment of conditions in Turkey an
-" tho Orient with Premier Lloyd-George,
A number of the churches In the
cltv have arranged tor special Christ
mas services Thursday, although the
majority have either had their special
services last Sunday or will hold
them the Sunday following.
Services In St Paul's Episcopal
church will be held as follows: Com
munion 7:30 a. m; choral celebration
Anil umnn. Thft Incarnation." at
mas night, in every land toward tne 10 m Th8 mugicai program at the
rtarrv heavens ana swear navwiiatur win mciuae n-yrw, uj i"'
Santa Clans On
His Lieutenants
Local Plant Busy Fillina . V--
Order For 65 Garlcr 3 I c :
New York Buyciy O'.:5 -Totals
again.' "
Professor Walter snuecaing,
many's leading pacifist and former
..ember of the German peace delega
tion ont this Christmas message to
the people of the United States today.
'.'Christmas impends, and the con
..i,iuinn nf Deace." Shuecklng said
man; Gloria TtDl, uounoa; Burnum
Corda, and Sanctus, Camidge; Bene-
dtctus, Morlay; Agnus Del, Adams;
Gloria in Excelsls. Old Chant; Nunc
Dlmlttls. Gregorian: anthem, "Hark
the Herald Angels Sing;" procession
al: 'Christiana Awake, Salute the
HaDDV Morn:" Adeste Fideles; receS'
v... r,i.mQ inv i lackine in our sional. "It Came upon the Mianigni
i xr...aittf hta aiirrprpn too u hit.
nearia. . num.., , - - --- ------ .., , v.i. At.
Minn lunriH v;nurviuu .b
snflon Saddens Work. rectoress and Miss Myrtle Knowiana,
Manv millions of our Dromers prgamau
. . 3 A. A. Jnnlr lanH frim
ho The i?-
evening comes, there will go tnrougn uu, --j-
the world a great sob from tne ronorn
BB(,,1 mothers whose sons are dead,
Grief stricken women win lay oeneam
Los" Angeles. Cal., Deo. 24. Read
tag of depositions was resumed by the
defense when the trial. of Harry
New for murder opened for today s
session. About one half of the deposi
tions which ths defense has obtain
d, have been read.
v enie Into eourt. even more
i:.w.Mw h::4- 1r?:L2lTi
lots of toys for little ooys ana man on p " ,.. '
He arunted when he una n o""" imoiner in -"" , t ,
"JS, by th. pretty Christmas La Clancy, as h. took his .oat. but
t te- it was so heavy !
irv.', Eolna- to help him hand oui he settled nis gase on i
Santa, Claus Is here'.
'Ie d a big fat man Just like he used 1
ee used to be and weanosu' n.-
Wa he was at The wmmrow v.u -.
. i i.,- fj; porlnarl's nf entile c;:r h".s
received by the Phez Products company from a New tu.
retuveu wjt w - , wm-s. m bulk and 1.1
oencern. ims is iur t .,i,n
irlflss 6000 callona to tine car, a wuu -
TtoordS l?regarded by local distributors as being, the
world's largest cider order. t H H aatet MMVV tr
when the kiddie, get there ZT
parently the gase was fixed h
Two Pregrams Tonight
following program Christmas evening
at 7 o'clock:
Prelude: song by school.
n.r Itht.
oh. so many bundles of all shapes an- his eyes from tne gn
,'' nh one had a name on t IVrJury luargra
. in nA a thAl , Tuat narnrtt
After supper -"' " ltV" ... enlivened by
the yeunnw icuurv ---- - ,
court convened the
nomes ' " .i. a ...n(t that Mrs. Uiy
Mrs. Lily
to the Commercial
cSmas trees gifts for little ones who Night; reading o script ure ana pray
have seen their fathers, lonesome gum y Z c, opening ad-
,vill rail against a fate which took away Hear the by prl-
their hope for happiness m marriage. Manger;"
"There is no home in uermauy ' - l .iib. Hllflker- song
which the family circles is untorn hi r UauUc "'"suStende'nt "
H. n h..rrand nrosecute a witness who nas w"
Je cai
" nf the ctly. He s a busy - i am jusi
Santwtuot--" - ... Mr,urjr.
hand out the presems. xn. "7. . .k ... ,.w to as
The scoi.d atte npl t bm lato i.
hou iu oavs ntre w
rlmrv alrls
death. Oh, could one mis turauu - - -
evelL adorn the grave, of the dead. U: ,tar dr 11,
"In the ages of history numan.vj - . Rose of Beth
,'ramids over the vaults ot v. . - . ,
primary class
avnotwls of cantata, Mrs.
erected XV
in honor of their memory. ,' -j ,t- nt TSB a
ere are the dead of this wart U-1"" given by The mem-
buried their bodies putniy " ... '. niehland Friends church.
No nower oiuoi.. -- -.. .... niano. Iaoia
Junior Llndstrom
l,n. I Invocation, Ida J.
: "Now is the time for Salem and oth
- j cities of the Willamette Talley to go
aUor manufacturing plants and vari
ous branches of industryr" slates H.B.
Van Dazer. president of the Portland
.-llinmber of Commerce, who was a S'-
. lorn visitor Tuesday. "We have
imitiiries for snltable' si
.li lion and for factory sites, most of
which state they prefer smaller cities
: ."han Portland on account of more sta
V1b mbor conditions. '
Th FVitfis contemplate ihe erec-
lion of a large frordson tractor plant in
th nnrthwpst. but desire water power.
:.. nr other towns centrally located
iiaviug this water power should make
-an effort to secure this industry.
"The coming of Montgomery, Ward
a. . tr, Portland will result In
, l-U'l' J 1
,tn establishment of many small fac-l
of war torn wastes.
over their graves, i""" i,0tirna
Oen trees near them, where me wr ... i w,nlfred Gldiey; goiig, Ina Biggs
spring may sing its song. . s ltatlon Rosle Watt . and Hasel
Pleads ior viiuureu. - for four chiiaren; so-
"insieau uiiuubw. - vrAniirv: recHau"u iJW-J"-F
lurks the spectre of hunger and need, . &nd Carlene Scott; song,
anrt want. Krinning at a grieving popu- l . Lo. Thompson
ace through door and wmaow. Lul, Florence Hardy and fcoun
reoltauons, ""s""
win in Pool:, recitations,
..m-M nnnfl ' uan we reaiuic lml Mrs. Turner, .
a n children, crippled through , . tnrn a Saviour;" reel'
nt ,,n,ipr nourishment? L t ..n. Turker: .'cello solo.
about ready to ask for
1.. MV
ma;:hewon-tb.ab, if l-S" Ti
But the Chernans win i -
the kiddle whom Santa could , not c about .cm. sharply
HQri-Aiiivu i . iiiviv
There a.e long . - - r . half ,ler, will
of- Cherrians' guests wu. 7 -.d perhaps today. It was
"""" r: -...f th.t an act of
music while the eat. , . ,,: "Vv. orompted . 1
Inrllltn IS BWOOIUUM " ' " 1 , .
evergreen bows ana pretty oeii
oh. Christmas reel AU lit up with
tiretty-lights, shiny stars and tinsels,
Di. ar,nia. rd and respendent in the
' -J .. . ... T.
hn from tne umi i
will gladden the hearts of the little
v.iA ma this Christmas, with the
Cherriana helping Santa ciaus, w... u
me of the most cneenui mew
sters will ever navel
nriii w Hiir.ceed after all tnese i
i - mattlno .ir
veurs or war m s" ...".B
Adopted Home
Doc nonor jo
Penning T oday
-ri.1. fihrlstmas after four 'at,. Hnw the World keeps
years, of war and pne yar Of the "I Christmas by 20 boys and girls; Ung
mlstlce,..lnaiviauai men u - offering and sunoay " - ---
had so much U"t, mere jc
They did hot overcome tne puwe. w
hate. But now we must oaiuo a6""
Ihe world hatred." . . 4t
committee." -
Some Awau ounun
n.,t .treat Christian
will have their exercises Wednesday
evening and the religious service.
next Sunday. , . d
The Baptist cnurcn, m. ----street,
held their Sunday school fes-
tivities Tuesday eve.uus, -hold
praise services Christmas day
at i:o . " .h -elt.
At the PresDyierm.. - - -
u,ar Sunday program w 11 1 be follow
nvv., ... - mor;,.a by a doH
earn - ,...
. hi. tt?
. . .. r.iw t k BOhiulUt, T44 noun.
l around lor Christmas W"J
nloiien, A dos beionsii.fc to
to bark lustily, and Mr
":.., i. .ii.d ooilue neadaaaitr
Z Z Z r..u r victor &rrlvd the Jim
ul tne city aud w one wns In
I . . t,.Htnan .
fcnothsr attempt VT
into a house i -";
iht. but the prowlers
. a i ill Vr ftlctfl. I W nHlllllULVflli -w"
net wnose proauuus w." i . ," . , rm. and munitlous to
oraer me ..j w an or.
hmi The Portland chamoer a
bulled through the big mail
washintrton, Dec. k-".'
BVlnm(nt f
"! . ' i.hi.m.A today by an or
Mexico - T "
h nc. 4. Oeneral
for,,r rtad hand and
com exieuu". .... - .
Black JftOK" ocepw - -
5mlle.,s -.Tj'.- ,va trta.l
American lKumu...
housewives badness mtn. oW eoll-M
classmate everyone .-:
Hon to bid him w.loome. .
Mn., mr be FersnipBs
birthplace, but Lincoln claims him by
adoption and ne cam "-
Tnttvt r "A iV. UrUWVJ "n"""" BIW" - - a
Ihe state prlnon for the past year Tu- here and with them n
lnv handed In h 8 resignation to ".- t;nriun . wft).d
tl sfelner to become effective . A.
as hi. position can . ,t00iwd or an taatant
expects to enter pny . ,u " , J- ,.,, with two little news
twu vhiillns. principal keeper at the to shake hands wun two
prison for th. past year, quit hi. po..- boy . . fcy (b
tion with the muuuon u . ln fou. toot letter.
Humors current here yy-u.. pamu. - - t..Mnt."
The Roberts Grocery cumpany. ts
... . broken into soms
UUtll I wv. - . .
(early weanesflsy mur"".. "
iJi.vBi. Officers Victor and Whlia
..i hni found no'blt'a uiuit-
th kvM Had innniivu
i from ft WinUOW SOU uM
the Phs company I. receiving ul'.
etienud or.lrr. fr rldrr and .f.'
Juice, and ftUrHu' tne
man to t premium". ' '- "
SH carload Kt M m cm" ..... -
common and are coming lor the
nut from tart -i..-
Car Mortw(e i.i
According to Mr. Uidl. InaUM.t
to secure sufflBtent cure has hand(
ped Salem fruit .ntupttee in h "
t ff.ill and by-proilunts lrB.
Ualem during th pnsent .
Nrassportatlon facilities "h'l "w
proved at present and it w "."' "
the bulk of the the 1 fruit wop
s taken rare of after the slack"'!
of the pre.hollday tush of tmwi
According to a current ith
Journal. New York drlnkin pteaV
nnw v.,1lna enormoua Ottsn'HI'
"Ye Juice of Ye Ruddea Appel,"
urowa OpttntteUe.
Another factor tn the large dewaaJ
tor elder la attributed to laet ar--as
partial 1 ol lli apple erop et I - t
York. Michigan and the New l. .l
states. .
Willamette .fHUey.'fliainoBiwe an
optimistic ato the abf- 'y of tt -
Uon to handle ihi lwer d trane. HU
thought that normal eril er"p nc
eaeon will tend W I marset
this Item from reaching spkitt
itaKes. However, this newest "baNy"
nurkot ventures pnmiwes
returns to apple grower in ue
lametl valley, prnilr apple produa
ng section of the VaHUe nonnweHi.
: awamped with inquiries regarding fac
' try sites and possibilities. The con
corn plans the erection of a building as
lora pa the Meier & , Frank store
vould be if it occupied an entire block
mill was W stories in height, that wi
c'UHtribute goods throughout the noitli
west and their coming offers a fine op.
";ortuuity to Salem to secure many in
ilustrles and become an industrial cen
. "The npxt few years will see branch
oatnhlished of most of the
l.iff 'eastern manufacturers, for trans
troffif. la becoming koo
'eowded for the capacity of the rail
-nat and too expensive for profit. I
t eat industrial expansion is Just be and the growth of Salem wi.
ie limited only by the energy anu
: ai..n :oi of nor citizens an secunni
. 1 these ractotles."
i.." t ao-rotarv of State Lansing.
uer - - . A nonoi.
All outstanding ana ""U""T:
prior to September 30, 1919. under
Sh some war mater als could be
sent to Mexico, were oraereu
To-,,rv 1. 1920.
eiiecuvc-'"' - - ,.,.- th
No specific reason wan b""
action which was taken under the war
trade boara act.
song service at 4 p. m. oy h
The First Mthodist V Eplscopa.
church will hold their S
elebration new
church held
cXlic Observance Extensive
v ..n u nhaerved at
josepn ix mw
music --;-,., mass in
ut.nt. I , i i I r. it
morning to the eiiect ns . """'""" At the window; t!;
of the Ueln!ika "Pershing for
reMlirnatlons of Deputy
I,,., were In reality ouster, headquarters.
and the forerunners oi s"-"
housecleanlng at- me p"""""?''
were emphatically denied by Warden
81 -Mr" Talley Is a highly . efficient
official and I hold him In the
: . . ..a hi
Perehing for President.
Xmas Fciiiszl
.h midnight mass ' ,,,, . uccewir
es, in.-- -- ..nRmv. The lat- win. u. - --"-. . ,
the cnap. ,.,.
be sine., i""---.., . .t
th. warden
mu. that Talley is to
... . i i-.tiiniinn i
. . ,T,..m 69. oldest state
An,r oftornoon ci-
" . .,i.lir
.ith atreet, i""""'.
abort two yea.
March 1,
an uinew
Holstrom, UP
the state as
the state
t ieg"- - o( yeara
auring-the Pa wlfe Mr8.
He is
tte official
to the c
, of yeara
- . , hv M, WHO,
He is fnur daughters,
watchman a the state
known to a" "'" . t tne capitoi
ter wm "-- il,rated al to any r.u..iin. how-
... l ... ii nil Will - . . unfit tfil til I II I I'
ttlgn . ., ' " kv inommunlon ine r.B..-- -- f ,nB
o'clocK., x.-"- -- ,.,, ftn(.
at 7, a anu - - -,..t-.nit of a
" - - . n.U r,OPia. lCi'- 'v" ... .
high mass at iv- be the in keeping wim d. -
of the iw Anoremus by efficiency. ,..,,,.,.. Sunday
inging Of tne "'" " Reverend PhiUlf-s Quit
. 1 . ..Anton KlIIVM'. . ,.v.
liic . . ,. it, o cnurt... uu. . ,!,,
Father t"' ".",m of the two lie until ,.. t0 make,
trnna. l na
. in- - tt.i. ..nrniiiK.
. .t- mooaPfl 1UI1W" . A- ., 1 n.nlnAi nSIKU -
preluae, tuiw
Bambillotti; Mary - gtanel
OeorgeBarr, " ,pe or.
ceiio; . -- wledmer. St. w
gan, mi - rne, offertory,
Fideles; soio, --'- -
pholr. comni"'"""
washinanon. D-- Th c?.nU:!-
v alleged refuel r
wh.. Dee. 94 A mall man
h.; y llden with Chrl.tma. packaiw.
. . H...-,iu Hfleriioutt at
In front or . -1B,
Mr Fred Fink, went to th. door a gaudy Christmas paok-
a"' . ki...t,. hr three
ehlillren, ren. is, - -"-
9, clustered about "'
tying the Mr,. rink,
Fat. piyo ..
. .". in. 1- .,... when It prompted
" ""'- .... ...w. rnlher
her to brBK Pn 7" "
than unit It M in. uu.
,.ded by the ',. . lnf...
For the atnae cw...- -
rtrb of. loadedr..
IhrM hlfc P".
euch a """"" ?hMt dosen high
rained dynamll. and hall a
back. .
New York. U 14. av- t.1ual
Cliriatmaa present. ,
ftav.n thouwind Invtt.d ehl.lfn.
Heven thousand Wnlnvit.a cniiur.n.
One riot ,
Klx nreclnct. called on to aend pone
resrv. to restore order.
That Is the story at tn. inm
festival arrangd by the Penpl. W
erty Cohru. and the p'.tlo drpartiiHiit
Many children, tnciumng
prtpple were knocked down and tram
pled upoa In wi i
presents, .
jMtlls, randy ano omn
were fustthcd to tN yMnr"ra
.jtly to he re-nnstched by otlirrs lu-i
alter, . It waa gl. ana is mmi r
Wasliinglon, Dec. 24.-Keturn of the
railroads to their owneis has bee .
pofltponed by President Wilson urn"
April 1 at the earliest, it was genera lly
iwLoo,t hor today. It seemed vir
tually certain the lines could not pos
1 aa haik January 1,
Wilson had last May intended to do.
-Congress has passed no lection to
.iTulaie and care for the toads when
. the government relinquishes its ton
In addition, wun i"" "
Anna mim,
Cliui ua, - . uaotra
Largo. Po"1; th. Urt
Benediction been ar.
mass, and WMiai m Bajutaris
ranged for this a.- Erfo Uy
k H.i mm a au
w -----
Renters Object
Tn Pavment or
Plumbing Bills
. . out the renom
Ury uan.ei. "V"",' , w..l.m Hims,
!na.i - v,,,.(iona.
navsi w
finish, w wa -
he was deter-
"rubber stamp
tn revolver w
r'LC vat
",r. "'. I.' t. . rubber
...rk.d and held w P- "hl, eon.
eocK.ii -n ,ld The eon-
-.' th. ..Plosives
In awarding
nil! be fought to a
dent today.
Daniels said today
. j n art Bat ft
mine.. , ,h. nmvl, men.
In the aeco...
rawpaw, Mich.. ! J"-,
Virgo, accused ot kUH'- ",
Maud Tabor Virgo, by M Jf"'
aMon. continued to .a Inuua hta 01
baa tM tteMln" .
i. .mV. .arly Tb.. "" M?
Larah Tbor. his tuolhr-l-Ui.. J-
olared h.r daugt te" (
folic. aacinrw nri,.,i. to from -'-- .;.,. . -it..rnw(
ffM.t had -.,,,, h. d."!t0;Jro..T tor,
nav. mow" " ...h was m
cupnis.'n- t wr0.
Monday " ' Z mp bu"
na u .ho
navy 4panm" .
present of the nav;. war - Mf Fink., who . ,w,a
Newport, pro ''.-",.., ,o Kttl. Ss'""!'"""' wa, ,ml..t..
fore th. navai -"'"d' by home Jut as h hnow. the
Thorough Inquiry waa adc eooWneed h- a
Baator .h. nav"al affair, man who PZVil ZlS with
viiiro u
he wa. iu
perform an
Nw come, the oppresd rente,
-'Ealn' ... ml.lnts hav. h"
N.u"lerlU: since th. cold .nap
maue 10 ...rf, n.rt. of tne
runlpri 1.1 " ' ' - . .
" on the part 01 .n
id( arouna
any tr ' -
K"S Wed After Hobdays OTtf
, .4 Lieutenant
Riverside. Cal.. iec- Ver.
Herbert M. "r"te AlllaW Lima
non. N. " Tnesday wn iThe auo-"-"-"- Lodge
" . mstantiy Th(, ghip t day by v- HamP
.Civ nrh "the raiiroaus - - plane fell 0Vthe ac- "d.d by tteT.urlxed to
KSJdeut is believed to have .tan-1 wrecked andf . own Uire. The lU
i,.ned plans for the return unu. jcident wm
lucent situation clears up. " "
T" - ' ....
many ens
. . T.iition I .h.rirna are very
Washington. z. United ..nt ar. unat
I Russian Pi"- . M00 after the their payment , , ,
ia to oe ,.. of the The renter. ..,,
high, and thai tn
unable to even
day, a mermw.
"My P"-'na ""' ,e. .nould
,tr, "1 ', .T:,J1h.U.J
c-11 on "::7..i,m.
.u. nHetnal rn.... ...
oiher p.ina who
Kh on tne u..-
paid Pold-
could throw
lly. The '
wife. h. "
holiday, hy a
wna ':- ,iuee wa.
by senaw
to pay for " 'l,al,'
of the
-,..mlttc. I ihlr duty
.1" ..n.r
appoint ram.. .... - tb.
ana l Severn. ,
11 favor compromise on
Check here
wltb immedlat. ratitt-
lona covenani-
..j the league o'0"'
' . vtIons.
investigate into ... gin
boUhevlk P5r.ctivlties of Lud-
by investlga.""- - h c,atm. .
wig C. A- K. UrtTV ,a the United
. -soviet ambassador to U.
States." ; ; -
uri-nrc Halt Efforts
liUUM- ---- r vnrnKP
For lreaiy vmywr-
. ..... .k.m if they
n threatened to ou ",
- - . .... ..,mtiine: oii
did not pay " f -
Home J4. A military motor
Kome, !.,n marine.
truck, earrymg Trtete
crashed im - rt(. .vrely
tiKlay. dl-P-'f"" and Lo.
mmring ,wua
tolh suet"""
polndetr " " . ,
. wrote Danl'ls akln for a
, th. re.oit
mad. to Wt br ''n"
Ifalan King Plans rr
" " ... .a
El AliECED B0Q2E Iftl
11AT0IS C.I t J.
Harris, hou-k-Mef
, luHin ano -
oroprietor of " "! tr
arraigned v ;
..1. . ... I'nmB 1 . uk.r
... . . Klu. .J IJUtltfH . " . Pt
id.ileton.t-"' ...irf farm raid
ra. at h. B2T'I. be r.d a -' t..n W
.h. Iv" w . .hU,h dro charg. w
...tion of the" peace treaty
w only with all the
2-1 favor raui.c, rt9ervatlo
. nut only 'rithout any rese
w.HhinKtn' -.i. in the
'raned'tay while tto"
ate was halte a attmjnlt Mgou
. will t reiumea.. -
There will be no
issue of the
Capital Journal
' i ..t Italy puma ' ' " . ana
. 1 tiil Htatea and Boutn . rrlntndent,
..L olanrto leave th. W-
She . B.,.itB e-
..r'aT OHlnU who occupy . - - m j " .
wu rt
",,"bSTSS Tfor lua trM
on th. ":;;' ., "a w- f j '
Ch bad ...mau w.
" h .Tr. band, dmlth
T-NArtrtAnflSontli America
1U V th. fire a
T.rn7.dviMdclartnr. That r.t"i. ?!
c of naiy ...tsMtnl
Colsmbia UnitersyHcad
Th. rt'u
for thetr 0"'--
tll be Mr7,Tr,. .utflrtentiir
ua as th" """ "
,rih,r wer. not Of ihe
iMtitii"., - - Tni nttif.,... ' ....
. u .,uld run "' . i,l...4 ea " ..r,.nr.
Th. """.. ,. p. m . tt' '"'
,he fHeir.B na heer waa
TWO .... iw
l"- ...,l. ,.., In tl " . . , . ahoi
rtceoiK "':. ... ,., held aw . tn the
1 1
3-1 favor'f0ro
..., Hitcbcoca '""-'.,,
Christmas Day
ublU a by Joh- - beifllk lit
T, T republic nd otner
COJ 01'. to ,...., iMstkC.
4 1 mil
piume'v' '
"T?"5r. .ha. T be aubmltted to
nirn w."
...... . .
rourniu. . a.