Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 22, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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lewlomy - Vyher&Stn
Rate per word -Each Insertion one
Bir insertion S cent one month,
8 insertion. 17 cents, vrta j t ar, per
nionth, I cent-. Minimum per ad 25
i-ir.t Insertion only la yew Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
jaonthly account t No allowance tor
phone error ;" " 1
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
uui oy me uay. Phone 1413. 304
For Sale.
Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE S room bungalow with
f wunout rurniture; terms. W. A.
juistun, a t;ourt St.
New Today.
n.t house and five lots, fine gar
den land, $1200. Five room house,
nnd location $1200. Five room
il.,nirnldw two blocks from State St
$2000. Cheap . house and two lots
.. seo. A few choice lots in South
aniom. easy terras. A- tine 40 acre
r,r.h close to Salem, well iraprov-
ed $11, 60D." Choice ten, acre tract
tm'nmved. on Garden road, $5500.
Want to buy- modern house close
In for cash. Want acreage improv
j Salem. House for rent. F.
t. wnnd.' Bayne bide. 804
FOR SALE Modern six room house
texcept rurnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms, Kotn Grocery Co.
-st aATR--CheaD. 1917 Ford road'
- - ,.
Hines j;S$.
FOR SALE First class baled cheat, r. SATTERLEB
hay and straw. Phone 91F15. 309;Orfle. m goats Liberty street
. : :! Phone 937. ml. Real etat and
nana picxea Kings, spitteuberg anai ..'.
nuseet apples. 6 boxes J4.25; 10 oexeSi
$S. Buy your winter supply now while
price is low. Ward K. Richardson,
2395 Front Phone 494. $14
FOR SALE Modern $ room house
with reception hall, full basement.
etc., garage, large lot fruit trees:
located near state house. This house
is a good buy and will make an ex
cellent nome close in, price very
reasonaoie; cash will handle.
See this. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon
Diag. rnone 43.
FOR SALE Well bred Guernsey-
Durham bull calf. Phone 1045. 33
W. F. WRIGHT. Turner auctioneer.
why not get him. He only charges
I per cent
FOR SALE Single set of heavy har
ness. Phone 57. 302
FOR plumbing and repair work. Call
1310J. - .. .. ... Wit
1 Money To Loan.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. $
run experleace; Depot g,uoni
and American fence, sites I to it
Inchea high. Pain:. oit and varn
ishes, ate., loanr. berry . d hop
hooka. Salem Fence an Stove
Works. $50 Court street Phew 12
On sood real estate seeurity .
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Or.
Ma rh Rsaulred Good overcoats.
hnaa and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotgun. rwwe, nesting
MKar uaofui aiticlea ro ecu r oiu
What have you? The capital u-
change. 337 Court st raoae
FOR SALE Purebred White Leg
horn cockerels. $1.6 each. H. Y.
Magee, Rt. 1, Silverton, Or. $03
FOR SALE Special Smas trees.
Phone 1177. 303
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Aas'n. Government money to loan
at 5 1-2 percent. SO J Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Why Sell For Less?
opened up a first class shop, repair
" lne and relinishing and upholster-
ing. All work guaranteed. Will call
. and estimate your work. Phone 1742
1201 S. Cimmercial. M. Brown.
PRUNE trees, $-4 foot grade S5e each
Pearcy Bros. 2iff Oregon bldg. 301
"70 acres' all cultivated, the best of
n..,r nil well drained, the
' beat of loganberry, prune or wal'
. nut lands two sets of improvement,
iV, acres bearing logans, family or
chard, on rock road, close to paved
o.i mnea ta Hchool. B miles fi-om
an'ljim Would make two ranches. 1 TINTING and paper hanging. Tinting
burner demonstration. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Boeue & Thompson. 200 State St.,
Salem. ' 0
FOR SALE Electric' heaters, been
used a few times. 335 N. i4tn. N
PhOne 1456. . ! 302
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goons, uei our i -fore
you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Stoie. 171 N, Com
msroial street Phen 1$
. Scavenger,
o.! aannm Oarbace and re-
m . m . 11 1 1 1. .-1 m ma m apBi n inuii in
ly contracts at reaaonaoie r u.f the Kii:uur d.t
Cess pools cleaned. Pead animals!.. a cm fnr the constant fiiotioa
removed. Otroe pnone nem
A complete separation of the
and commercial fishing InUreew of
Mot hv the creation of a separate
comtniaion to hamUe each will be
reovmmended to the specuu swvb
jtt I llltd ta tiniii to comet th
With the ehn-iau'; i
tive a general frc'.'.nf ns imcen u
that, the haUma..l tn ctmmis"
1 rceponsibt u Rl '
evea sh t the extent that tr
poeple feel " cmiwn "
subserueut to ever;; wi-h of h r-
culiv. They further ttoi
thvre is such subservience the
uti-e ahott'H stmtghtway twt" hl"
iilt.r hi elklfelem the cninilku-
trs and selecliMt entire
ly. This onditiin m its-w w wnws.
Sreedin diiwonwiu ana "
the mintta of lame Burners ol tie
people who other h tnhervnUy are
Actuated by a. true an.l sincere wish
tr better me pnueeuon n
FOR SALE 25 acre full bearing
prune farm near Salem on raciiio
k;a-.wnv imnmwmflntft including
large dryer. A very good invest
ment, $4500 wui nanuie. o. n, r
son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
Water Company.
corner Commercial ana m
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Phone $0.
See me
State St.
at once. Socolofsky, 341
nrt SALE -6 room bungalow, bat'.i,
to aeu not ana cum wat-$. i-"..
- 4d Price $1600,. Phone 615. ; 3030
and paper hanging a specialty. J.
A. Kallstrom, 437 S. Com'l St. Phone
131. ' .308
FOR SALE Filbert nuts.
Phone 835
and ' wrsnglinsf whicn neve bwk
the past hbrtwy of the state Hh and
" hv
nhlw nnn.lllllcetlltMlt Wilis
Governor Oleoit and undoubtedly the
governor s views were brought to a
.tt,i . hi time by the hornets ne
which has been tirrc up a m
Wood Saw.
HONE 17541t Our prices are right.
Vf. M. Zandler, proprietor. 125 N.
Summer street Salem. Or.
wnnt No. 1. $S: teed ts L. hA thwi of the present rommis-
TSeSOc: milling oats c; oheet hay Un n dlsmbwlntr from office William
$lei$; oat hay $:i; ciover nay
fi 25; mill run 4w.
POP corn for sale. Phone 17F4.
PHONE bfoken pipe to
ready to use-tomorrow.1
963t Be
- 303
IT MAKES your clothes laBt. All work
strictly hand done.
We do cleaning, pressing, repairing.
194 S. 12th St .' Pnone 8. 315
FOR SALE 20 Rose Comb Ham
burg hens, price l.ti eacn. sr. .
Vedder, Turner, Or. . 04
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY raxor Wade sharpening ma
chine, first msianea ai a. d.
art Repair Shop, $47 Court St
Butterfat: Bntterfat TJc; cream
ery butter 7273o.
Park, veal and muttons rors va w
15o; veal fancy 22ci steers
7 80; cows $01 l-c; aprlng lambs
t"l ... iu1lltrV! f.HKl SJ4ta v
L. Flnley, ste btoloRist and natural
tel. ' . ,
vial.l Krannve mipctt itm
t ih i.M?ilature puts Into effect
the governor's reewwmendatlons, the
TO lu-I tE.ii....i
Dm jo. Gen. Dea
ZZZrmTm' noUin.7 c-.rk eommaa.ler .1 .h.
. .Trrtnr Ann Mnzard cherry seed
.1-. Dhntu ' eOi I
FLTJMCING and pipe repair work
call at 845 N. 17th or phone 731
FOR SALE Rubber tire- Carriage
with electric lights. 4 miles east of
Salem on pen road. Geo. Hain. 803
FOR SALE Good Jersey male and
milk cows, Chester White male p
r.eirhnrn 'cocKerets,-. .,-.unsu
; Phone 86F22. ,
PEARL SAVAGE still offers $5 re
ward for the return of her dog
cum Ho la small, has short
bushy tall, and is black, brown and
gray. You are askeel to taise mm w
police headquarters and collect re
ward. 303
Lodge Directory.
WYPWA-NTfiF -Well located Portland
Income, cash value siuuu. wain
stock merchandise, any kind, any
where, up to $16,000 will pay cash
difference, will consiaer wen j
cated improved farm, or prune 01
chard, or what have you? Box 46
Salem, Or.
meats t every weones
i .t 9 -ift at X. O. O. F. hall.
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gentti
r lit stat St. . 1
, " -
I HAVE the best line of secondhand
sewing machines in u 3, --r
one for your wue wu""
'Court St.
FOR SALE Must sell Je?,Tn
ffil'SaS wSghlng 7i 10 EXCHANGE - Oregon farm or
4 and 5- years, we B" b nliffipma town property, . for a
teftm 7 ana years wcIBui"Sl
team mules 4 years outweighing
2000; 3 good sets of good harness
VWa 9. rd wagons. Barn in alley
back of White's feed store,
home in or near ekusi.
Sculars. F. H. Hollister, Amity, Or.
WANTED All kinds of Junk and sec
ond hanfl tooas. -;2r
241 N. Commercial. ,rin ---Spier
& Scott Props- ,
WANTED Capable .woman to take
' of n n . elderly lady. Can go
Home nightor Stay: $1 Pjww"
board. For particulars Call 6Wj
A NICE buffet for sale. Phone 903R.
PLACE your orders for Xmas trees
VL,Azr rl-L as ta 11: Phone 417R.
no..r'" . . - 291
bids .ERrBK!f?,rB
queereu --; -,". Into the
side entrance aim b. i,.n(o
basement of the Salem M?n
templet Plans may be fP 'i
the "office, of this association 401
Masonic tempie, -ratlon,
Salem Masonic. Temple association.
Elmo S. White, secretary. .
1...- i. th. uhleol of ausulolo on
the part of the sportsmen and the
sportsmen will Save a nw '
...u.,.t ihM. .wii rumm n wvh ,m-
r n w B be to tne ue
the wild game life of the mate.
'It is my intention to recommend
to the legtelattire
lummrv it that an
Bunio - - - T..,t
McCornaok nau on
at 8. Harry Levy. C. C.i P. J. unu
K.R.&B. '
He; ewes 45e: sheep, yearlings s
' 1 . . ... nnuh fine!
Kirns ana uouury; om
licht hens 32c; heavy hens ,
roosters 15Wlc; springs j.
Vegetables: Onions per
celery do. $17$; potatoes.
wla Ter a"k 3.75; turnip. er sack s on uanuary --- - ;
carrots per oack $2; parsnips - fi!lh ,..1 .,e affairs.
. .. I UKIltlllKM V .
Ktok la.ia. I. .t . . .... n nr the auoitsmrn
.. ..An.. sou in """" . - -.. m
Fruit: Oranges "","Und the cpmmoruW fishermen.
loinn. Kmuiniui 110: nonef n 1 i am joonviw-'
eef r ..Kk.. go: trovfrnur vmv - - - ,
SOci buncn oeets v": I Uliat factional diltereures ami "
h.sit. loti uce; ca ... ii. rami aitttira --
16c Brussell sprouts 10, ""'"" I,,,,,,, to the giava detriment "
$$ das; red peppers 25o lb. ; .wn, life of the state ul
Oregon Grap cami.
r." a- avuntns In Motor-
we hah. Elevator service Orade,
Hunn. (4$ Union tt
in I Ba Vas - ' . ..
recorder, Mrs Melissa Persons, HIS
N. 4th St fnons
creamei-y butter 800: c?u"t'l1b""'
70c, flour, hard wheat .!
bly No. meow r
. i tr, Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
m,, m a.: C. A Vlbbert secrs-
Ury. $40 Owen street
For Rent
i TO RENT aa station.
, 1.4 miie irom '- -..h Aaea.
.Oregon Electno . - d
ing, barn,; orchard. PMture
:.. . 9711 , .41
r-Bras baby bed.
ii, furniture.
e.LB,.Tio?285 N. Com'l
1, BI1U .
fit. Phone $47. "
Xnek building,
O ClOCK m w
n L , J ,rT V KLTW1 ' '
reiouiigi v -
alert ' ' ' 1 '
,arn, orc.m-, montniy
4 arm J'n?for board and wash-
casn pay mo ... - a a-
iroT! RENT One iuri. ii.B o. box 4 '
X cnitabie for one
Zn. "iTbO wr jaS.iL 365 North 1. phM,e HHk
High,"-Phone 466if
tri9 .opuc.., and fitted.
TTT.TCnk: Phone 41.
w o. W. 8ALBM CAMP n8.Mees
" "' ;, . j-.. t t o'clock In
McCornack hall. cor. Court jujdl U
tt Ht Visiting Woodmen welcome.
S p ross -C C. l. a "-";
furnished -
FOR SALE-Fresh Jersey cow; also ;mdern ,CK Owner go-
: zi"- - ji,, nnssessiou, 7"
Fox terrier PUPS
phone 66F3. ;v
E. A.
Auf ranc,
H?tISlffpalriUnB tinting an paner
Verry, St. i;. Phone,.. Res. 821, snop
.ing east, "'""'""-.".ctiy modern,
cash. Also 8 room strictly
teautlful home at $5500 .
S..R- Pearson, 405 urcsu .
; phone 43. ;
WAKTttU-iu-. Will
j experience aiuu...,..-.
pive the ngm ? ,
t,tTwo furnished house-
. .hoit . Tnauire at
wnq .-, keeping r""r--o'912W
Front Bt. or
tar.0. Phone 176Z oeiw " ,;,
1 and 4 and 6 p. m.
FOH SALtei-ChealJ, 1 hew Ford car-burt-tor:
lnw size 9 hip booUj 1
19-jewel Hampton gold .wMch, 1
. new- 86 blue ;serge .skirt. Call s
'.Trade St. ." .
Lost And Found.
POUND Pair Si"" . $02
M reasonable .price , .
. ward, phone 131 pr lJui a .
o'clock. ' ""
-,.krltnr. Will l"J
WANTEU - ; ; n l than, any
more tor u llnwncB. Sims
enmnany's exchange allowance, d
WANTED-$15e for a,
Niemeyer, zio
lem. -
wui.o v. foP Hamflc
be room m N. Front
smal game... ?
or phone
Retail prices; . Eggs change .l made, 'he
j.,.tt... Una; country butler 1 , . . .,,J.,.i ,k h
Portland. Or. Dec SQ.-Butter JJ L,ftk, my proped rV,f"Z
creamery 7Wci '" .' at the special
flJ0c: hens 30-3c; uruHv.-..1(hcml,u,nr . year.
I4M MAM. SUO: CnW , , ,..ill.u lllWllllllM,UtUIHmM
. , Hm , "Briefly mV reeoinmenan
ueceibta 142; tone of mar- . , ,
,.""v ' choice ters $10 60 no "' " conlpietely
fair to medium steer .,,,., fi.hlna and th MMirts-
...vv, ... ... , Il.nis . T. . lain
9.80; common to iir ---- v. - men's Interest by tne
3; common to gKi """": , olstlnH wmmW". .
$T.608.60! canners . .-.' .'CreaH, a common of three . m
5.uewi.B. f mar. bars to nanu. t "'-' . " r
Hogs: Receipts -.-,, Uulr edtuWeiy wuu .
nrf; brtme rhil interfere with the Inter-
.i....l.A.l.rn ItUAMittll 1
which In the aumtr aim --
vaneed toward woecoet. w
Admiral Kolcbak. neaa j
HnoS .Oovertunent In WHeria. "
sum-ome chief of the antt-ttetehevl
it the spec m This Information ha received
mt an entirely new 1.1 WaJilngie from VM "''f;
AdmlrcU Kolchaa. aceorn ' """
advices, nemlnateii uen. i
his successor several hionths R
when the ciUajww ot the Omsk Gov
ernment appeared Imminent. N w
the Kolt hak has been reduced
to local OVrtiBWH
ItlseuMdhms are ifprte m
Tm uMweert the reorjwnised t-O.inet
at the Wberlan gnvemment d n
Itiiwlan wromlttM in rr,
.iiMikms that IH1M " '"'
elslon "waking the leilkln. govern-
men h symbol of
s Admiral Kolchak was T.xra is
yield superior Wotshsvlst lorees be-
cause of his own ir "
Oen. iMtnisine. o- " -J v..
oauee ef g.eatet '.
been lloerally suppnwi wtm "-"-
of Wm1ern war MWP,
Illiuk Ava port oy uni
Admiral Kolrhak and Gen. Kenlkla
. "." ...i,.itn .mire hnrwony. l
nave -.- .
CilUUKU. ...... . - , ,
w.7. 1, effected the better. Hh and
" ......... ... of our' great
ctH and consequently 1
I ..... .,i.. ffilenilv . Important to
. k ...I. 1 r
.... ultlh I11H HHwr- 1 . .,. 0.111a B.irr. i' . -
- .-create a oonimissmii w the umea .-,..
rough heavies
ket steaay;
ll..011.M!l"XT.,.: weth-
1180; yearlings
ers $ 60; ewes HQI
for the Cost oTlmpro
Street In tne w
Zlr m. Bosworth, aad Gustav.
. chunk.:
ana Mm T:;--mi h ,h.
"'rl ctv of Salem has.
noiiiio" -- - ,,.,. .n -
r""";. v. i698,
Dy orm.m.1 .nAntlva prOP-
sessment upon y. ,,, tn
erties herematv.,
the amoun '''"-"".,tol,t. lhare
aUch property Cnur.h
Ol mil"-- - - ,,
ffr the proposed
.wt.T,nt Initialed
U Uak.r of Portland
The ballot
by George u. oul.tBhnlcnt,
the restoration - ,..neral
was compieu" Rj for
i,iv and Is now reu
uru"" urea. The pur-
circulation- ..t.oriing to
nose of the enL"t..' nlu.)
hn,, tit e IS " I" rv..-
each lot or part; mere", --. muxacr . - - , .unr
. . th. owner ni". .. .
FOR SALE 2 cows,
milk to let out for
l'houe 1984W. - "
also 1 - giving
the winter.
1916 five Passenger Jori. A-l
ditlon; liB ?l,u"I"".r. j,flv to
condition; JiutcK J7"-0ver.
mike a bug; Btudebaker bug, OV
land 6 passenger, 1919 Doit s"
a new. All of these . cars wiU he
THE groceries and WeotS
Kenilworth grocery an"6 rt.
ments at 162 South Church s
are for sale between nu
'uarl, 120. Ma ke a l 'St of
- needs and come in aoon, as IM S
are being sold at ieu"
. vprices.
FOR RENT 3 room
.;...., fir. or for 1
ing 67 N. 15th street near
furnished flat.
Good Buys.
beating Italian prune
10 aTre.l ,Lf clasf condition,
Sent cl to W8hy'
$5500. , located 6H
03 acre "'-- an,j parn,
from Salem, ho an b r
nearly all cultivat eu. price $160
Will consider pa"
" - i.. lncatefl
pcr5 room modern bung --J?CofhneSrtre1ts24tpave-
S3600. . e ,cre tract locate3 1
Well W1PrVvc"i 6 room ouns
close to carlme, good 6 r
basenient elect
81 5 room house loca a , n
iSth atret Pennth, Per cent
Kolnnce $10-1"
WH.' Grabenhorst &
" ts State street
: . .,'Z TyT CorvalHa
At a school oaat against
Tudav only I $4000 above the
fBrS slr-rrr sss
ariitSMf.r-.!, --t-.
phone 43.
" .,ail safe and
0..1!D TO.DUjr .
. .,..1, niva size aiw
rolled top oz
Safe P care jour..-
M,- in cood re-
WANTED-Stu. 'arlption.
oair. Please n. w. A
Rt. 6, !)
create ..- - ; over 1. "' 1 , t the Denlkln gvw-
hers to nv '-- K. .,. : "M,d i. will an-
hunting aim ." m.. of suptems
men s standpoint. . nounee .. - .
run. "-; : : ..,.,id
angling licenses ... - 1
,,Bly under me em.u.
.i;.. .,.aed to protect the spot is 1
111,,. ... - - idllll
man's Intereet ' would
sorerolng commnrclal interests woui u
?Iv. Li" 'i'-"1 uf ,,,:",d,,,,?f
t the wtasd for th. bonefi. of
commercial fishing- .
.rnur shouia B ""
0 neither comnon. J as m
st-teetlon or wo ...-----
. Is a Pl-
ur 1 U "liiv. entirely ta the
. All AnglrS MlMlM
. A". .T.,..u. these recom-
i,iMiuii.iion i"- a.
. .. j..Hi..riii,i. anrt aner s"
arter u- v.rloa
'!ouV Vnr"LrA To re-
rg;UnT,i a rna. .Port
...,..lvei1 from
- 1 .1JL O " " . . . C M KOI I " . ......
tion to tbe city f . ,ey o Orw n v.. --
Uon to tnecltr U4 (1. Brow,, : pensx..
ad Henrieita ---- ,.,..d It " . .' hi,i another to l"
Said """""" n tlie or ii"" - ...ur n..ll Pr
ItoiLbur IevelP'n"nt
..a) alia tassauk
nanv will be th nams -HU.r
"rmed to meet the h h
m, p ohlem. l-rovlded the
d Wday W Pl- suftlcWnt
her of '"' Tvnl
", thsi. ..t of trt fr w1"" r .
, am W'"""'"r',h. ,,ltfh. WW ee..ld be flna"
. o harmony , kn rBry "'
nra ennnot
n. ii.iiii. II '.'
,1 now stands th g"T"' r " tindena
.r,w,v". , ..amine mt.
tto affah '.' ; 7"".uf,,rt th.l.
nut I am "" - , i,i.,h. f .. ... mut.
whatever W rsport may . or mr- r - M ,0
... .. .. ..i-,4.i in
toL " " ..h.r o
Fine 16 acre Tract. '". barn
wrtrtm uuiB'- ,
lem. nice - . 16300. "
1 , Illlliiw
..,lta we... i"--
.1 w.
... dark loam fir
18 acre tract "",. cre.
a1em. Bargain ior - ealem,
.LrroadTall cultivation. Snap.
l farm B mile Mt at
. Hfltt. P "-'"", ' '
Z 7, mu b..l-
JT-w ll fc. U" " ri
ll, y until th. varum, promts be
..... k building and luu '.
on iirsi iiuui.-. .r Marion incie- ......o-
3U s oer V"-
irr -cAT.m Cord wood one
l-OK ;&AL.i r V"" ' i,i oak, po'e
from rock road some olri oaR,
oak and asn. f -"-
WANTEr-To buy 100 ooodn stock
.sheep. Must be in goott co m
and young. rw"c
pad eAt.rr .Fine
iBts. Call 454 Hood St
FOR SALE A-l cow.
. 22d.
White Leghorn PUl
T.A.W1 fruit tr-
St Lot 4,x6b.
s- '42n(lern bungalow
romT? 150x50. Garage, lru
cottage at 260 .
Fine gnri l t,te thls.
best bargain y - d -4, oun"-
. Snap $2500. - . . $2600
" .... hnartng orv.i u.l,n.
iv - 1 miles iro "-
12 acre tract m'"otti nice cher-
Bargain. . deil.
i. OlUO pm.
Bam . . on uiei ----- ..
volume , okel 01 rl T..a .s a wK '"T. ...... nv male m
28th cay .;.... the .aid ""'"- . .tr of f" ,H" . .. '
charge ana 11m B0-, due i'y- " " of (rty olltht "
and payo 7- " -mroon council. -,ha .n.ovtlons of "-.
By oracr by pub- i or females mp"'"
S noUc is wrved upon you Dy F 1 t flirm labor, or fM
.hereof for v" ,,. domestice. i" 'V ir. nor
nitv of Salem. . . vreof. I
Date of rt P'
December uVjV,W1tj RACE
City Recorder.
ueea uirwe r ....... .h state
KsTwouId U derelict . my -V
mo m" - - . ll)tlih, or
of not more - , ,.(,
ana mv " ... mH
both fin
Any amount Low rates.
FuU repayment privileges.
Veiprompt. serviceV Ask
M-, 9ft-vear loans at
ns Oreffon Bldg.
Salem .
i 1 ... .. fnr nearly
After being ""TThUUP Nortb
three week alterca
Fnd. who was '" Kern. sho"
Uon with Mayor Henry
jsigris X 1 ceo very. -
5 room
475.- -
lciT class n-
BSbn- 1000-10
Best House Buys -
"I iuded, $12.: fumUC-
" Vv $22t"'- v,1Ke very '
Broadway. . house. hade,
8 room mo.ln(1 law an"
211-12 Com.
TWs Auto Exchange ,
S49 N. Commercial.
1917 Ford. StSU than
1919 cnevru.-. ,
2000 mile . k $3E
tractor $S0
Ford bug $" wltri0ut driver
Auto tor hire wnn .tQS oaed
Money to Loan
Federal Farm
Ci?y baUdin loans.
A C. Bohmstedt
A' V JL Halem. Orel
481 Mason'"
htr. h High St.. easL i house, car
"5 Nol modern P'oo cash, bal
7 room mD" ,89e- $91'
;line, '"thiy per eart front-
an? monthly (i e
'I room 3500.
: -ms. "-
W sen ouJ --5 .eeorW.
"" part. ,M aKw"
We na f..velnd car- .
.nHler and CM
tot demonsir-i-
v? have good loans lor
We nae ... n times.
Investm r n)t
fluctuate in y-- . t.
They are a home inve
AntnlUdiaUir Shop
301 Tender. nd Oa Ink
" . . ...ttainra a pM"'
:.JSL or.
191 8. Htn
frrlng b, e,.ii
,..rta The amnam. - ;
executing. , .,.n(,mt wl.c.
Thl. Pr"P"r .-..nor l rerd
..limn n. iin-""-"'- .
prw - - . . M a uioM -
ed by attorneys here a. wulhm
if aiM
t the regumr n." ; - atkin gm
I enB--- - .
wun in? -
U..lattn, Tl !"....- - - -
to believed thai It en-
actu... . - , vis- " t sareful const-.
rti.w-e iiu mini nw - . ..... . u n.
. .....1,1 aiMttngS. I . . ...j I
not h
uis!y - ,h.r M.nim
I... -
'I Hill
,pmai)llitle that
I. ....n.ti thai
I fja'" - -
atkm an ,orr.. f loose
m help hut prove a w
,m ,e bl-ng
...a inmen
wring insrr- - -
. wnicn v --
from holding "- ' wh. iw.n
. . .A. T III
galow. io
.a .
I,. od locetion..;- bttnga-ow
'Und condition, ."g, or
!in Z huy
menu, . Wl'p4
203 Oregon Bid?.
Salem, ureR
. Wooder. I
Ke ted Gem of Mun--T
OamM CUU1. Early
rtttpplng a00" ' off-,.
t street.
k filled br , the sup-
employment alvniaed fx
oort of m "' :..-,- In
receiv" - m v..
cUin! cU"p!n . J. Ahlstrow.
k-J"tU. Poctlan. Cb-oiec
pre-"'- " Mother. t i""
America War M d.prlvlnff mnr
httt sucn -"",,, 0Md. d iP'"'
n""'- . ' drift!"" k
n-vard In ttillf " , -,hom r
employ. '"lng at
momig This h,f
bd!' hTT' ,., lt ef bundles f
la only type , marrld
.llar bh 4Vr-
.mH retal ''..,. t. whl.e
i.wa .wit deerv
.. the sera time ,r. n.en
llfrom employn"1-
' -.rrtn .
Don't let the moths
$20.00 for good nuitt, SSSidto'Seatll. I tay f
boueht ncre are Biwrr-vj . . fnj,trUBicnis.
tndlu kinds of Jewelry
Vay top prices.
270 North Commercial Street
Phone 675
Established IMS
tncral Banking Business