' " ' H'1 ""'?": ' -i i'V ---H " ' PAGE FIVE. - - "ien to ,,! . l!n lo contin, ...:'.. ! " Ps,"n's big dan- -v-,,,.,. . . ' ' dance- Xmas. Bight at'jSaiem wiorr rrom . --....nue inni!.. . - iium the r.:,,. jaimorv ViMlIn I ...... I . Parisian K. J, Nw nvin. Me U' IT t--thil. dance wr.-" - " ' made.' t& i j- "WW.' cift Mihw prae as c r m ;ic re - l- ;e pjBKKNT EVENTS ? ,o Daughters of Isa- D , fi r.hriatmas 111 leeune 02 Business LDln.. Commercial men's club, f", 24 Kiddies Christmas nd Santa Claus at Com ?Z club, 7.30. ' . ' l tan , 6th annual Ma- count; corn showv vai- company rooms, 1 nd Front streets. ' fiL SO - O. A. C.-Salem- nan. 'dlnce at armory. the jeweler, 337 State street In 804 v ... i.nmnany leading funeral r superior service. Moderate 1 .1 imst trw a Kinsmen J? be mud Havana-hort fill Se of satisfactory Jacobs & S distributors. 309 . until ' PiHfitmnH. 1,.,. UVPTI 1KB " - - am Electric Co St . 220 North Lib. 302 Sliest cash prices paid for tur s. Midget Market. .801 ighest cash prices paid for tur i, judget Mavket. ..- , 301 t : .' , Meaner Huckestein, daughter IPostmaster and Mrs. August Hucu- jt, airived in Salam. Sunday nlgni ' EUGENE O'BRIEK- , . IN ' ; : : ' "sealed hearts" , -,- also BninntiK; ltto BrOndwn jr 8 Heel Uoyd Comedi:.' W. T. EIGDON CO. Undertakers KS North High Strut LARGEST STOCK IN -.UJUWA " U1WJ11 111 ' STYLES IN EVERY KNOWN COLOR. Men's Leather TToiisa Slinners. regular $ ; ... MEN'S FELT HOUSE SLIPPERS, REGULAR $3 TO ' r-T Q A f .17! AT V $1.95 to Ladies' Felt House Slippers, comfrsoles, ribbon trimmed, all colors, regular 13 to $4 grades no w on sale at Ladies' Felt House Slippers, leather soles, fur trimmed $3.50 to $5.00 grades now go at - $2.35 to ojj Indian MfwRiw fnr men. women, boys and cbiWren, now on sale while they last at ' 95 Cents Odd lines nf women's and children's slippers to close Hanan Shoes Fox Pumps DaxBaxOil ,f';oaniko, where she is in ft hnnb em 0v,,, her parents t .h-TT 8 v"ion with ; Fourth .trr ' "ome- North L 301 On account nf tk. .. Mr. and Mrs. A.-w t. - -.. were Salem visitor, a,? .&llVert011 Ingersoll- watohoa styles. S2.cs to V,, slzes' " Tyler's drugstorer r1. Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs, of Talbot Open evenln .., . .""""' nenisort Electric ova' Men buv a Rlahnn oV,;.i. ' shift hfn .C " U"B Puro wool aUentLtof o:! r.i. I tu' tsaieni;"! me low and i tv, ., juuit nofe, C... ,P.. Riw Uf nn - I't ono.i - . Ask to see our newly equioned Model Laund washers and Simnw c...... Electric Co., Masonic Temple' Phone 1200. - P e' 0nl Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Pratt, whose resi f our miles north of Salem, left Friday dence is on the Portland road, about for a vijit of a month or six weeks du ration in CValifornla. They will be the guests , of relatives in Stockton, San Francisco and Oakland. Highest cash prices paid for tur keys. Midget Market., 301 The national guard, Co. M, will give a military ball on December 81st Spe cial features will take place beginning at midnight. Everybody Is Invited. Tickets on sale at me armory. Oscar Steelhammer will have charge of the music. Four nomads of the rail, hungry, shiftless and bound to the sunny south, were given beds In the city jail B'rlday night. They gave the follow ing names: Harold Smith, Jack Wil ,.ciitco. waiviu kmiiiii, yttcti w u uuiittiiuni lur uie reiiei oi tiie Armen llams, James Kearns, Raymond Fra-,!ans and this collection as reported by j ' T T T I,.,.- H . . J tBM&i lU 5 1 - OPTOflETRIST-OPTICIAN STATE S STREET . E '&Icb0 TMAS SALEM TO SELECT FKUM-MU uva ur to ,$7 12.50 $1.65 -to -smMT7 ' I , v, - - JI lnanlliefiidle ri rs,fl,rrLr 4 - ' I WURLH'ZEK ; hj '' ATHF PlnCt)r':-:-- ; i 'f'.v :t .y 1 h $!i0i:r Wn : tueS.ed.evemncsat8: r , p " tOjigr ' ' j U : 1 2:i5 Ofwfl7 p .1 M' wnfeob ? ' . h U i. i-ixt;i P.M. ! Y.i ,,lIiday each, to VuiHiPh . 'wrench Shnn n r i Shop, us ! a.. at armory t0Ilisllt Mi ivl 1 30S i b.ii.. B S "atS,..!!!de V Madam ohX 2taJ ? "' win- Hirt "' "uh, ' ltd North I " ""TO. ,. ReKlllar sorvi.. . . . . . r "v" w" oe neid at the Jason Lee Memorial church to morrow. The m,Mi - ed to attend. ,, - Paul )In. - ... I " mat melting "oodWot some ; -. -"-' -"r. UdUSt. ' rprin't,,, M..Jj . .-.muiiuay irom a Dusi- ".uip to tne stores which.he and TZ-hav " 'Eugene,-Albany - 1 h. km Prlato Christmas "''8 will b hela at the Jason Lee Memorial murcn tomorrow both morning and evening. You are invited to attend. 301 South Salem S. S. will give the Xmaa program at 10 a, m. Sunday. 301 Just in time for Christmas. Shin-' ment of 35 velocipedes. A gift for all me cnuciren. Hauser Bros. 302 "South Salem S. S. will rive the Xmas program at 10 a. m. Sunday. -. . 301 Xmas eve dance armory. 301 Special meeting of; Salem lodge No. A A. F. & A. -M. this - evenine. Work in the M. M, degree. The work will be done by Pacific lodge. No. 50. 301 The Oiiristmas exercises at the First M.: E. church last evening included a. to 513.1)0. Open evenings until Christmas. Denison Electric Co., ,220 North Lib erty St 302 Protection lodge No. 2 A. O. U. W., hold its annual -Xmas tree party Dec. 22, 1910. Initiation and supper. Be there or you lose. -301 .ipp-CT - grades on sale now at GRADES NOW S5' all colors, regular to $3.00 regular up out at ""h 1 -t 1- r - , . rggjj ' " ' JM, - ' . . r ;,,,wwvuwwviriv w . . " . . . i . 3 1 ; f r"? V" '---" - J - . : -.- ----- .. " V"" ruuw M. Vamev is COn,ln t0 i hi, home. s. ,w '"inel to (,.,:... ... i iter . 1 fcuiiermg an acote attack of tonsilltis tv, u:- ,. ... vmri oeoanie ill last Thursdaj-, &nd t,.- Dance at armory tonight S01 CARD OF THAXKS our i , klndness empathy In our ereat sorrow -n k . laiso (or ,he beautiful floral tributes, i -Mis, Ida u r-o.,- sisters. , ' Bi,e' a"rt Dr. S. n Stnr. w. , .1 ' lers Irug store, 157 South Commer cial street. . ; 301. . Harry Humfeld, of Corvallis, ts a holiday visitor in Salem. Slim To,, xwr . ... s . ""' "Kier ana Mrs. Koy 1 ! 0'? ... iur oeame where tney will spend the hnH.l..r. i mentis. . - . ...... Dance at armory tonight. 301 Just in time for fh ment Of 35 Ve'oclnorloa A iritt . oil the children. Hauser Bros. ani Open eveninm until r-:.io(,na Denisron Bieciric Co., 220 North Lib erty St, sii- Open evenings until rhHstmn. t accommodate those who are unable to do their buying during the day. Schei's. 344 State St. an? A Eift for all th kiildteo 4 vln. fpede. Hauser Bros. 301 Nothing will irlvn mom Inv nil Christmas and all the year than a ve locipede. Hauser Bros. 301 By ah order issued by Judge Fushey Monday, Frank O. Johnson has been named as executor of the Caroline Debarco estate. i In the Benjamin F. Berlnger estate, the final account rendered by the ad ministratrix, Sara J, Berlnger has been accepted and the estatq declared settled and closed. ... , , Folr healthy exercise and ' enjoy ment give the children a velocipede. We have the biggest stock In town. Hauser Bros. ' 301 Xmas eve dance armory. 301' Dance at Turner tonight. Roads are open. ,. : 301' The only dance out of town tonight is at Turner, Doads are O. K. Jul With thp rptnrnn from DallnA tnoua;- ing to 450 the total receipts fiom Uie tl,l,.rf IrcH rrnm rnll pnll tnl il Slil'Hl. !This is practically all the su bstv iptions from Willamette cnapter wurij me pos sible exception of ft few uiin ruril ktutiUiiries ;thf t have foMedHort. Tho ,-ntnn "ftitiniint will be forwarded to divisional headquarters at Seattle. Th nniv d.anrA nut of townrtonltrht is at Turner, Doads are 0. K. 81)1 Dance at Turner tonight' lloada are open. .- ilt'1 Now ready for business. r Turkish and steam baths opens the pores ot the skin;-'Purifie the blood'' streams and creates energy, yes " body up and creates youth. Take one today. Price 50 cents. Oregon Bath- House, under Oregon Llec-trio depot. Tony Lcttis, 45, an Austrian, who Friday was released irom mo n.u.o penitentiary after serving a .0 months sentence for alien activities, was in the citv jail here Saturday, H" wss in the city jail liere Saturday. He wax arrested Friday night on ,.sus..-ln that he is ins.we. He will bo turnt-f! over to County Judge Hushejr for com - littment to the asyium. Loivry of McMlnnvlIle wan n i ' - -Hi. H: Jh., w :,,....:m,,.liii,.w,.Miiiiili.w'- " i ...... Vf .1 I rAiit4Vtfcrf , . - "nimjn a cm OUr f l-iir w,,i...ts billliohler. ........-, .. . "; k ' ""' n-uiiiw kxkvik. haVf ,he i"''!,?sl ""'lv in i n 302' J. T. Stewart, of Hoskins. is ,mc the out of town folk who were attend. city Monday. in coital rntil ChpWm,,. no hat In the store over 110, including aa lush dais mil. a i A m rVKwF'j stores not l '.ft-r g . . f ; -JjC 5::, P- ni- Vou must slum in S A " Trv tM We are too busy I ' , 4' V . i conceded hy 1 Express Ship 5-K m. Block, white and the desirable skades-y complete run of sizescome early while the stock is complete. It Quality First , j-n , w j CO JT3 JJ 1 CO I ' M..M CmTO,H r v,,... , . .... . . . ... , 7 C' " m Svi,",u wU friend. t I uNlr ..,.. lorn .We tU wniil k'nti t,. k,t ,,,fl Sw U,,," l lwr - 3- $T.M ,, Hmma bt. regular J I i ...ue at la.Mi; umr.mmed ?M 7 , ! Vo .,,,;,,, . "" h T,u N"r,n H,K'' "-"' ti' sos 2 mpnt )es just arrived -vzi You Can Always Do Better V31U Who Alv.ay Do Ucttcrliy TOMORROW- IN ETIEL CLAY I UN "lore Deadly Than the I.-.,:, i!, ,.. . Th HH" iN't .1.. J. . ..., , ,., " , .,.. ...,.. t .., ... ...,.,, , wu.m i f Uw J.-Vh a V, .. .... .. . d m nWri- f the estwt. j , 50 !lmt!ru;b will he ea to lw, tl.at i(e .am-.iMl fruu th W.,it,i i.. " ,n"'- ' i- lniin ft,r a,. ..,,-,. i.i,.,. x.tll ,,., M DAYS 4L- -U - ' K I f at Quality First V- lu -WEDNESDAY 1KB U3