Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 22, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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aWgti two.
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imnpu::! mnnnrn
in iiaimiii liliiinlil A
I MtUiliifV VIII Mi a.S
Major Martin W. Hawkins, ex-ser-'
vice man, internationally known ath
lete and well known Portland attor
ney, will be appointed district judge
to succeed Judge Arthur Dayton of
the district court of Multnomah coun
ty as soon as the tatter's resignation
from the bench, announced in Fort
land Saturday, is officially received
by Governor Olcott, according to an
; ttauncement by the governor this af
. ternoon. Major Hawkins was one of
the three candidates selected by the
circuit judges of Multnomah county
for appointment as Judge of the new
court of domestic relations a few
' months ago w'-ien Captain Jacob
. JCanxler was selected for that posi
tion. Major Hawkins, who is slightly less
than thirty two years of age has been
i P n.. v i v
awf v wi vitwi U9 Ull 1 JLCdUS
Boy To Ccsislt
Chicago, Dec 20.-
Legion, I am sure, will stand against
revolutionary doctrines to the last
breath," General John J. Pershing told
two thousand cheering leglonnaiies
here today. -
General Pershing from the time of
his arrival today was tHe object of
enthusiastic hero worship by huge
crowds. Men, women and children of
all ages, thronged the streets waiting
for hours for a glimpse of the lead
"The unrest in the country and
throughout the world is the natural
aftermath of the war," Pershing said.
"The magnitude of the war measures
the magnitude of the unrest. ..
'It is up- to you to realize that you
are guardians of our future. It is up
to you to oppose radical doctrine
. I . . I .... 11 I ,
resident of Oregon since December "ul "ul "u""'r7 "
o -i .trt in h nnhiic Possible, but if necessary to hesitate
to employ physical force."
Pershing's only reference to politics
was negative.
"Your organization is not partisan"
he said. "You must not allow the le
gion to be bandied about by political
office seekers."
General Pershing decorated four
war mothers.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 20. Telling his
pretty 18. year old wife, whpm he mar
ried last August, that he loved" Ruth
Mondeau, chorus girl with a: bur
lesque show, and could not bear to
see her leave town, Carl Pratt, 19,
last night drank poison and died. Miss
The American Mondeau learned of the suicide justl
Derore the curtain went up ana anno i
almost overcome with, grief, went on
with her act.
1S97. He was educated in the public
: nthool of Oregon, He graduated from
the law department of the University
. til Oregon in ltll being admitted Jo
' the Oregon bar shortly thereafter and
engaging continually in the practice
of law in this state since that time
, with the exception of the time he
aerved with the American forces 'in
the recent war. In 1912, while a stu-
dent at the university Hawkins was
: selected as a member of the American
- team competing in the Olympic games
at Stockholm, Sweden, and -winning
third place in the high hurdles. He
- still holds the northwest record for
both high and low hurdles.
Hawkins attended the first offi
cers training camp at the Presidio
San Francisco, entering in May, 1917,
and gaining a commission as first
lieutenant of coast artillery. He serv
' ed with the sixty fifth C. A. C. In
1'rance for ten months and was pro
- moted to the rank of captain while
at the front in 1911. lie was later
recommended fof promotion as ma
jor, and was commissioned a major
In the reserve copra about a month af
ter his discharge. Following his dis
charge from the army he engaged in
reconstruction work for the . Red
Cross in Portland, resuming the prac
tice of law in September, being asso
ciated with Russell K. Bewail, v
. Governor Olcott stated today that
Major Hawkins was. not a candidate
for the appointment which was ten
dered him without any solicitation.
Kea-ri fkdzs lfe Md Out
Ixis Angeles, Cal., Deo. !. Jack
Kearns, Just back from San Francis
co, declared today that he never had
made-any demand for a half million
dollars for Jack Dempsey) to fight
Georges Carpentler.
"I have never bo any price oh
Dempsey's services and have no fnten
tlon of doing so," Kearns said. He ad
niltted, however, that he had estl
t mated a Dempsey-Carpentler bout
would draw a million dollar' house
fcnd that , Xem.nscy, as , " champion,
would be entitled to fifty percent.
This was not a demand, however,
tie explained. He added that Deinp
uey would not fight for less than
$250,000. .
1 Paso, Texas, Deo. 20. Private
Fleer Embler, 8th United States cav
alry and a Mexican named Samires,
were killed last night in a gun fight
between whiskey smugglers and the
American border patrol, on the south
side of this city. The fight between
the patrol, assisted by El Paso police
and Mexicans attempting to smuggle
several sacks of liquor across the line,
resulted In ' the retreat of the smug
glers and abandonment oCthe contra-
Drand liquor, t V ' ., , , .
Juare Is reported rapidly becom
ing, the storehouse and headquarters
01 wnoiesal liquor dealers shlODlns
from American distillers.? , ,, r, i.
frivate Kramer's . home was Hvde
Park, N. C ,.:' ' V
WHUams Noisbatisa Is
Sent To Senate Tedav Thc litte knowledge yoq
-. - - . 1 j t 1 -
"Washington, Dec. 20. Tne follow- need aDOUI ICa IS CaSV IO
ing nominations were sent to me sen- if. ,
ate today: jit will, save you money and
To be comptroller of the currency, hrino VOU a Int of Dleasure
John Skelton Williams of Richmond. D & 7ou f 101 91 pleasure.
of the district of Montana: James A. I rlaC ICa IS maae ITOm
Walsh of .Missoula.-. - - 1 j 1 1
yuuiig icuucr. leaves ua uic
Quit Meat If Your " tea-plant, which are rich in
moneys Act Badly sap and flavor.
' ' ' I - . r
Take tablespoonful of Salts if Back OnUXlOn tea COmeS IlOm
hurts or Bidjra-Drtnk the older leaves which are
We are a nation of meat eaters and I fill I nf tannin Tannin, vmt
our blood is filled with uric acid, says . . : , , .
a well known authority, who warns I KllOW, IS What tneV tan
us to be constantly on guard against LxttV, nrSU . it ie rn ftnln i
kidney trouble. .""
become weak from the overwork: tor StomaCll and nerves.
they get sluggish;"the ellminative tis- Cn tvn nron M (fwnr
sues clog and thus the waste Is retain. " yOU Want tea-llaVOr,
ed in the blood to poison the entire not tannin, buy really good
' 1 1 . w
When your kidneys ache and feel, tea ana get UlC IUil HCn tea-
nice lumps 01 ieaa, ana you nave 1
0e ssra u id vnca va uiv
urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or
to seek relief during the night; when than Common tea DUt IeS8
you have severe headaches, nervous -g- mn herairce fl nound
and dizzy 'spells, sleeplessness, acid -"P DCCaUSe a pOUHQ
stomach or rheumatism in bad weatht QiakeS SO many CUDS.'
The tea is SchUling's. :
There are four flavors of Schillin
,Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong,
parchmy n-iined moisture-proof packages.
'At grocers everywnero.
Schilling & Co San Francisco
It costs more per pound
er, get from your pharmacist about
four ounces of Jad Salts; take a ta
blespoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and in a few
days wour kidneys will act fine. This
famous salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined
with lithia, and has been used for gen
eratlons to flush and stimulate clog
ged kidneys, to neutralise the adds
in urine so it is no longer a source of
irritation, thus ending urinary and
bladder disorders. :
The Roseburg mail service has been
extended by the addition of a special
department for the rtellverv nf nnrrpl
jau oaus is inexpensive ana cannot post packages. . .
She Will Like
A Pretty Collar
New Georgette Collars in sh awl, circular and pleated
effects . - ....r.-- --- .00 to $2.S5
Net Collars in square neck, round flat styles, rolls. and
semi-rolls, trimmed with Val. Laces, Venice laces and
tucks at - k to.2-25
Organdies in roll, shawl and broad sailor effects; em-,
broidered or lace trimmed at .... ......r 50c to $1.05
Lace Berthas A very pretty line of this new and popular
collar ............:...: 1. - - i-50 to $3.00
You Will make no mistake in selecting neckwear for "Her"
the kind of gifts she can not have too many of. And
here is a wonderful collection of 'all that's new and
dainty. ... . ,; . .. .
Cuff and Collar Sets In
Georgette, Net and Or
gandie at.......50c to $3.00
Venice Lace Cuff j and
Collar Sets at from
$3.85 to $5.65
An Excellent Line
' 50cto J1.85
Store will not be open evenings and only
three days to shop
Practical Gifts That May Sti3
Be Selected By Those Who
Were Unavoidably Delayed
There are hundredu pt small
articles on every hand in this
store, that make ideal gifts.
Give a Silk Umbrella. It is a
gift both he or she would ap
preciate, especially he, for he
would not buy it ' for himself.
Up to $7.00
Red Top Rubber . Boots, . f elt, .
lined, for little tots, will tickle . "
em ever so much, ."While, they;
last, a pair ..u.....v,..,...s $1.85 .'
Those Woof Sweaters for wo
men, did you see them? Now
what would be the matter with. ' j:
one of them for a warm gift
Vp and doing, Men!, j- f
Give the working " man the i;
things he needs most. Why
not warm Artie Over8hoea at
. ........ $aj5 ;
Fleece lined Leather 'Mitts 83c.
Good Woolen Socks 40o to 750
A Sweater . .: ......... $,!.5 Bp
For the motorfet, a genuine "tan"
leather Cap that may .be pulled
over the ears . $3.45
For the man that doesn't sleep
well a suit or two of our '-fa''
mous "sumijamas" a combi
nation sleeping garment, warm
and comfy $1.05 and $2.25
Injure; makes a delightful effevescenl
nmia-water . arink, and nobody can
make a mistake by taking a little 00
pasionally to keep the kidneys clean
and actve.r .u i, . (Adv)
If you'll try a loaf today, youll buy a loaf
j Has the home-made taste. f -
. 457 State Street
''Here ltk$randmotler"
'Now pu will sleep well because you will be warmer"
n ra iv y
n mm u rr' -
e 9
w' 1,1 I Cross
lull 1
,11, -
Christmas Shopping
with the Kiddies
Does it tire you out? Or do
you come home fresh, active '
and happy after a strenuous
'day? If only you had com
fortable shoes
(That's just it. A woman must wear stylish1
shoes when she goes out. And who can '
expect them to be comfortable?, Oh, il
they only could be!
ilVell, they cari be. . Every Rea Cross Shoe
is wonderfully comfortable," fitting snugly, "
yet bending graciously with every lift and
turn of your foot. And in these models
that we are showing, there's every newi
line, every smart feature that one's heart
could wish. -'" ' r ,
SCome in and see them an3 try them on.
lYour very first step in the one you like"
best will show you how. you can enjoyj
every busy minute of these happy holidays.
une Ences range irom v ; ; i0 $14.75
No finer jpresent could be given "her" . . 1
' -1
"" r n wj,mi ns
At the
Electric Sign
littler & Upraeyer
' Sole Owners
bps mmmm
It has no automatic controlline deviop tn m ; j
and pennit the blanks to he ilra? . .
: ) Ask for pamphlet about it. :
! Portland Railway, Light & Power Go.
L PH0NEr85;; ' -
Specially Accredited Red Cross Agency
-r -