Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    SALEM, OREGON, ratttptvi v DECEMBER 20. 1919.
iHR hamn., .
Gnest of Honor at Christmas Ball
, CV' ' , "'I
jilililBii ili'l j
Lift t -PMKtelva
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iLvw:-;-aMa-A , . LA j
SUM Margaret White, diarmlng Member of- Hie Younger Social Set, for
- s Whom tt Dance Will Be Given Christmas Night.
HCAUSE of ' the storm all public
and lodge meetings, club gather,
legs end some entertainments
iave bean poatponed. Some of them
... have been abandoned entirely; others
Save been held up indefinitely,
v At leaU a score of meetings, private
' and otherwise, have been postponed
becaos of inability of those who would
' attend to come through the snow-filled
streets is them. Some of the gather
fates inreiforred with are:
. 8alem Women's club, Dec. IS, to
, . Jansary. '
... t St., Panl's Baaaar indefinite.
Drdmea's Missionary Circle of the
ffMt Baptist church, indefinite.
Salen-e. A. O. club, Dec. 11 to Dec.
II .. ...... ,
' JTasoa Lee church entertainment
. Btectloit of Commercial club direc
tors. Indefinite.
Canton Post, No. 11, meeting, inde
Ilea's clue. First Baptist church, in
definite. VT. C T. V. meeUng, Dec. 16 to Dec.
Jl. .
Business Men's league, Dec. 17. to
January 21.
Biff-Ball club, T. M. C. A. Indefi
nite High school play, indefinite.
. Women s Missionary society, United
Evangelical church, Dec. 17-31.
Baby clinic, Dee. 18 to Jan. 1,
Forresters of America, Dec. 9 to Deo.
Juvenile Dancing class, Mrs. Ralph
.White. Dec IS to Dec. 20. .
Tuesday Musical club, indefinite.
The social activities of the week op
ened mith dailirhtfuiiv informal danc- Frfishmtn class: Miss Helen King, Del
Party at the Cotillion hall, Monday ta "-ffii
wgnt lor wnicn tne misses ream ""
and Dorothy Chambers were Joint hos
teana. The hall was beautifully dec
wated'With boughs, wreaths and holi
day ribbons, and a yule-tide spirit pre
vailed throughout the evening. Music
Was furnished by the Bevelation or
chestra,' composed of ' piano, Bar
ter Paiker; saxophone, Mr. Hauser;
Xyloph! ne, Dave Talmadge; Banjo,
Mr. Ricketts; and Drums, Art Laflar.
Following the dance the hostesses
entertained their guests with a lunch
eon at the Grar-Belle. About sev-
the organization of Women's choral
unions. . .
This musio bureau will serve the
educational, recreational, religious and
pageantry departments of the YV V.
C. A. each of which feels that great
value of music in bring ing people of
every age, race and type together and
that music will be of the greatest help
in promoting the ordinary work of
their department for girl's and wo
The T. W. C. A. will co-operate
with all other organizations interested
in developing community singing Just
as it is co-operating with the Y. M. C,
A. in a community program in New
York City. It is hoped eventually to
ha'e trained community singers in all
the large cities who will undertake
the organization and training of wo.
men's of community choruses, borne
work in this respect has already been
done in large industrial centers where
the Y. W. C. A. has operated. Indus
trial Women's Service club since the
beginning of the war, and in large as
sociations. - - -
. ' -
With the advent of the holiday sea
son, numerous college anu uiuvenuv
students have returned to their hornet
in the c;ty in order to spend Christmas
with their relatives. Among the popu
lar young maids who are attending the
Oregon -Agricultural college and ha
inm to Salem for the holidays are
Miss Ruth Schulti, Kappa Alpha The-
Mlsa Esther Buscn, ueita ifu
Delta; Miss Nanna ijutnam; bum jhh-
zabeth Fayne, Delta Delta weaa; anu
secretary of the Freshmen class; Miss
Ila Spaulding, Miss ina rrocior, u
Delta Delta and song ieaw m u
iwume her social duties 1n
near fu tnr. ""uesiathe
' of Mta
WcouVtrz ttherra,ik
jur. y p t-. ween.
'the Immediate VtUUws V
et The bride. h "!!"Wer6 prM-
Was charmln. onanended,
sharrArj! hat ?' the .
atelv f-XZt taai
ke their hoZ" U1
iira Mott is a dam.. .
D- Walling of Poi t, Zl
Hetrt aZ ' Btuden. t Sacred
7. t T Atural wllege and
WorUvm8 Ch Omega
M ah L M anist P"""anc-
in rortland.
Mr. Mott is the son of the late Dr.
na " w- Mott ot
....a .ilv. rift M A.n .1. ,.m T..:.
'-ueue umversltr. th it!.,, .
Oregon and is a graduate ot Colum
bia University of New Vnfc u.
especially well known in lodge cir
cles of the city, and for a number of
years has directed the theatrical of
ferings of the Elks. Since returning
from the navy he has been practicing
Saturday afternoon t'fh
vereiia w. H. Powell. Tlr r w
oeecnier and Mrs. Carrie lamhrlth
were united in matrimony, in the r-
ence of a few Intimate friends and rel
atives. rMs. Beechler is well known in
euy, ana Doctor Beechler has
ueen a practicing dentist in the eity for
the pan six years. They are at home
to their friends at the lovely Beechler
lesiuente on the Bilverton road.
miss tsiDyi smith, accomnanieil
Miss Myrtle Mason, has gone to Van
couvei, Washington, to spend the holi
days with her parents. Miss Mason will
remain as Mist Smiths' guest for I
wetk. . . . .........
Miss Eugenia Ginincham will ntr
tain the members of the Past Matrons
ciuo or tne Eeastem t3tar at her home
on court street, next Friday. Denem
ber 26.
Misd May Clem is ependinsr the m.-
flays with relatives and friends in w.n.
gene. Miss.Clfmo is an instructor in
tne urant school.
Dan Davidson, ot Pontine, Michigan,
is a guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
A J. Dividson, 630 Uorth 24th street
- :
? Mrs. H. L. Briggs spent several days
m Portland this week as the guest of
Grace Humphreys.
At the First Congregational church,
the customary Christmas program ot
anthems, hymns and carols will be
rendered, by the quartette choir -on
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The
personnel ot the quartette is: Mrs.
Richard Robertson (Louise Benson),
soprano; Mrs. John J, Roberta, con
tralto; Richardson Robertson, tenor!
and Albert H. Gllle, basso. Included
with the numbers to be sung by the
choir will be several old English and
French carols, both unique and beau
tiful in their expression of the old
time Christmas spirit. Miss Conrfance
McClaine, a former organ pupil of
Lucien Becker of Portland, will ac
company the quartette and will ren
der the organ prelude, offertory and
postlude. The program follows:
Prelude "Hallelujah Chorus" iianaei
Processional "Come Good Christians
All" (Old French) Noel
Hymn ........"Silent Night, Holy Night"
Lord's Prayer.
Scripture Reading -Dr. Kantner
Anthem "While Bhepherda Watched
Their Flocks By Night". Spence
, . vuw
The Monday Night "J00" Club. CM Prayer
nt th nldest orcamzations in ui w, Choir Response
"Calm on
of the most prominent social leaders in Ear ot Night"
fi I : IjOCKHi look wvu- i -
saiem, raei am. ' . Batiste
dav nleht The evening unenurj,
the usual manner, and an enjoyable ( mo, "O'er Bethlehem's
time.was had by the guests
A comparatively good representation
was present. ' " , , ; '
u",inh white will entertain the
members of her Juvenile danc ing class
with a party at Cotllilon hall next Sat-
. Th. affairs are al-
nty-flTt members of the younger set afternoon. These affairs are
i m .t. , vii Smith uraay """v" , ,h
and Misa Chambers.
koma of senator A. M. LaFil-
" ;. tnr th lit-
ways extremely ejuj"'
-j or. urerlr looked for-
ue tow, . " . irh
40 Years Ago Blood Poison
Was Conquered By Old Doc
tor's Prescription Within
Your Reacfi Today.
40 years ago" "dumber 40 for the
Blood" conquered many cases of epe-
" hv those in the classes. TM .... bIood poison in Hm wor
r AcmnrnteiL . . . . MfnrnAa .inn
which hav not
lett. loss Chemeketa street, was the ind rr shments will be served by the u manife,ted by macous patches.
of a Joyful gathering Friday. ? Upper colored sopts. aching Dones.
Deoembet 1. when a host of friends hoBtes3- . ... ,, cr running sores, falling b
d relaOven surorised him on the1 " w rVers will entertain the .,alar sellings, pimples on
'5th anniversary of his birthday. It ot the - Bridge Luncheon - e0nstlapUon and a form oi cy-
an also the first anniversary of the "heir regular meeting next Touf f
enatot's rouneest sxandchild, Mar- al, , , Number 40." pot up 1 a wue
Srt Rum. da.uerb.ter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chart ea LAKollett, of Cornelius, and
little lady shared the honors with
grandairo. Bach guest brought a
filled basket ot delicacies, and a
tonntoua riinnM- u one of the
Vrhaeiiwl fuiinma nf the celebration.
he table was appropriately centered
With a lor are aneel food cake upon
Meh. were IS lighted candles, while
Reside It, claiming the attention of the
Kwwte as a miniature reproduction
tt, with a single Candle, for little
argaret Rose. - , .
' Amour those Dresent were Joseph
W- LaFollett and family of Salem,
Ron to J, perry L. LaFollett of Cor
eilus: Clyde M, LaFollett of Wheat
Cnariea R. LaFollett of Salem;
Mr. and Mm J. W. LaFollett of Port
nd: Mr. and Mrs C B. Ij."-" ot
'raana, H. O. tllden of SilvertonS
r. and Mrs. William CherrirT'n" of
fcJem; rteverend and rMa O. I
" of Saiem; Mrs. Ellen E. Aspinwall of
The many friends y;. MendenhaU,
she is recovering - j, be-
ness, and although her recovery
1st on f jr. C.
t carton bearmg h --
years drufgW.
iiw . , that .
Fullerton will be pleased to hear BvsnsvIlle. jn . . :
Sold Dy DCO-w - -
Con munity sineins; has come to play
a large part in the program ot
te loc f. W. C. A's that the na'mnal
r Work council of that organisa
tion h.i vntAi a start the neclens of
Binsic bureau which will devote ft-,
f Intensively to the promotion or
immunity Kinging, perhaps througn
Give Ad
1 . .
fWffT -fl t ,.; ft : f , Z"" , ' ''( ! .
i ' ' A v,; :Va '
, '? Orjasiiviortk j J
0 CmciuHthw ' Jl
Court St. C.S. HAMILTON CourtSt.
..Irene Berg
Mrs. J. J. Roberts
(a) "In Stable Lowly"
(Old French) Noel
(b) 'Lullaby, Thou Little Tiny
Child" The Convsntry Carol
Carols. .
SaluUtion to Chrltinaa...JJr. hhuiiih
Anthem "Hallelujah" (from the
Shepherd King)
Hymn "Joy' to the World" Handel
Benediction L -
Postlude "Gloria" tirom tub
Twelfth Mass-
feeding the anlmala
Last Wdns.lay elk M granted U fcy Carl D. iihoa-
. ssanrtA fJWM ViIm ft- II U DTD'
night hs brought ls remnant c.reer ,h i0lit ea W, at a
to a climax by Kr n bab t rft, to thai l-
feet enn be secursd, the prt-Ma 10
death and terribly lacerating the moth
er elk with his huge antlers, after
which hs turned on George Bhonck. his
'nr-buion for the execution ot the
go to the Hd C'rosa
gtiite Tlirft Dt f"t Affirt lltrtd
UevawM sf its toi.lo and laxative ef
fect, LAXATIVB illlOMO Qt'iS'Nffl
(TnfclelM) i be lako by yme
without cauMlitg nrvouBis er rins
ing In the bead. There is only one
"Ilrome Quinine." B. W. UHOVfcirt
Ignulur on lit be dv)
-Wad M' Creel
Bdl tlk. is warn
-udid B1U" the big bull elk at the
. ,.r.H ts no mora Tne
atJrnal whoi Increasingly surly dlspo.
anlm . . . mnare o his at-1
MUon na ... hM .n.
...nta as wwi . .
,r . I. tturtr. tmia
-.-la In the r ' '
rH-HngSe-buUe, which
enaeonw.." I
jm. f siiangl B.KU V
. TL,v escaped with his life when
narT0T'T .Trrr!? him while he was
the v"' "
i mm
ghes. organ J,W
tx3id rD5y it'
NT; ,iA TAs regolartf and
IP?r.Jz 7 Ttntro iMCTrpsa OF POWER OVER OTI
171 gaatntmncuucHviM
tr.vv.:""'''':",,',,'' " w