Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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SATURDAY, DEPrynrr? 20, 1019.
ti n II J" T7T?
r timr h h a h r vara J m i m - .. ... -
CLAbSlJJIJUli AD RATES, texas on, , - JiU. ttlM M M M M M nfiT
Rate per word Each insertion one
eent, six insertion 6 cents, one month,
16 insertions, 17 cents, ono jcar, per
couth, 9 cents. Minimum per ad 25
First insertion only In few 'Today.
Vliy uo in auvauce ana not tak-
n over phone, unless advertiser has
mommy account. o allowance Xor
phone error
New Today.
f.AMii ii luiimy; ior results, try
. . run" : a .. i f
nio, anu. muse successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soonr striclly confiden
tial; most reliable; years experi
ence; descriptions free. "The Suc
cessor wiud, Mrs. mil, box 556
uaiciana, uui.
V, ANTED To buy small safe and
rolled top desk. Give size and price.
Safe P care Journal. 303
FOUND ..White goat, about half
mlle east of Liberty store. Dorman
Rt- 301
SMALL electric moter, 1-g horse pow
er, will sell for $17.50. Call at 519
Court Street. .... . 3m
TOUR future'forotold. Send dime, age
birth date for truthful, reliable con-
vincingr trial reading. Hazel Hause,
BlilGHTLY used Brunswick phono
prmnh .fust like new, for sale at a
1 li'a'rsfala ana easy terms. Ideal for
Cnnstmas. The Wiley B. Alien Co.,
519 Court street. - 301
UvjLDjsw oak piano, full size, fine
tone, a bargain at $250. The Wiley
u. Alien jo 5l court St. 301
VHT not have music for Christmas?
we have new and used pianos, play
er pianos and phonographs at bar
gain prices ana terms to suit. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St
: .. ' -sol
6PIRELLA corsets Isold by Mrs. Alice
A. Miles. 451 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
uuernoon. -none 1902J.
WANTED Stump puller in good re
pair. Please give full description
I!t. 6, box 123B, Salem, Or. W. A,
Stiutt. 304
P13ARL SAVAGE still offers $5 re
ward for the return of her dog
b Harp. , HO is 'small, has siort
buehy stail, :and -is black, brown and
gray. You are1 asked to take him to
police headquarters and collect re
ward. V , ; 303
6 ROOM house, 2 lots, bargain if sold
by Jan. 1st. See nie Sunday 325 N,
28d St. -V 301
WANTED To hear - from owner of
good ranch- for sale. State cash
price,- full: particulars D. F. Bush,
V'.rANT To buy from owner. 4 or
room modern house, close in with
pood size lot. Some f rait. Address
B 10 care Journal. . . 301
I OR RENT Two f urnished house
keeping rooms. Inquire at 636 N,
Front St. or phone 972W. 302
iOR SALE 20 Rose Comb Ham
burg hens, price $1.25 each. P. J.
vedder, Turner, Or, ,-. . 304
WIDOW worth $50,000 age 25, am
lous to marry honorable gentleman
Write Mrs.. Warn, 2216 1-2 Temple
Bt., Los Angeles, Cal, -
-Filbert nuts. Phone 835
RSE WANTED Must, be sound,
Pentle and weigh over 1000 lbs. E.
H. Flake, 590 S. 17th. Phone 104CJ.
. ...... ... ' , 301
l''OR ' SALE Modern 9 room house
with reception hall, full basement,
etc.,' garage, . large lot, fruit trees;
located hear state house, This house
is a good buy and will make an ex
cellent home close in, price very
reasonable-;- -ash will handle.
See this. SR. Pearson, 405 Oregon
Wdg. Phone 43.
WANTED Modern bungalow close
in, between Union and Summer St.
. Phone 43.
FQR SALE 25 acre full bearing
prime farm near Salem on Pacific
highway, improvements inciuumg
large dryer. A verv good invest
ment, $4500 will handle. S; R. Pear
son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
FOUND Pair of glasses. Call
I-ItAVE for sale! at a low price, a
- 32x32 hop house in whicn 1..0 nim
hev is very good, suitable for prune
' dryer or barn. Call 1F1G. 3"1
f OR; ALE---Electrlc heaters, beeu
' iHeV a few times. 336 N. 24th St.
PhOUe,1456. '- ? v 30J
PRUNE, trees, 3-4 foot grade 35c each
Pearcy Bros. 210 Oregon bldg. 301
FOR SALE Special Xmas trees.
Phone 1177.
FOR SALE Purebred" White Leg
horn cockerels, $1:50 each. ,H.
Magee, Rt.: 1, Silverton. Or. t "
WANTED To buy a rang. mUBtbe
in first class condition, Phone 15' '
f M. ... , t- 30!
Any amount. Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem - Oregon
' counties nou- Z- 0Wn oil
dollar fiffy a" '"S drilled
"elect clowst & P!' "1. We
WP a pi.i. M-reage to drill!
San Antni 'lie Te!Rs Border on
wtiiu. 1 avati ,
the fnmn..:01".??! Waldport nn
from ocean hM? bay 01,6 mile
luildindnneabhHll stock ana
" miles, souTh 50 ?ntUl0a noh
miles, west seven .i,""1'"' ea 40
In the heart orth.hUSani
country, terse L IiroPod oil
work on hu?Lt Ce of men at
hunting anSSS "f .V"- b'
clfic coas Vni"11 on Pa-
cmc coast. Owno V ' on
hess. 8nn -n.eiLhas other bus!
,1 , . young dnn. .
""ssisi. Address ! tw '
Port, Ore. ' Unton, W
LOST Man's -black ...,"
xnursrtnv ni .?"""'"-
WHY not irivo h . ,
a Christ. " l".aeJn home for
ate nosaaBui, k" ..?r. immedi-
.hnni..: a " "iuuiui
7 room
Phone s " seil'ng price.
Help Wanted
GlRiZant,ea to assist m CTneraI
, G raarried
of any kind, in " pi,BU0'
i"" b journal.
o r "uBcwurK ana care
for 2-year old child. Must be good
cook and permanent. KonV ShVr
need apply. Phone 1014. 301.
E ootEwD "'Stress will go
ootby the day. Phone 1413. 304
WANTED To correspond with A
joung man having a little capital
and a working knowlwteA nf
nursery business, who would con
sider a partnership interest in a
nursery and fruit proposition. Ad
dress Nursery care Journal. 301
Real EstateHouses
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A,
Llston, 484 Court St.
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
Lost And Found.
LOST Ladies gold: hunting case
watoh. Initials A L D on front of
case. Reward for return to office
of Portland Railway L. & P. Co.
Phone 85.
LOST -Or taken package at Wool-
worths, package from Gales store.
Finder return to this office. Re
ward. .301
opened up a first class shop, repair
ing and refinishing and upholster
ing. All Work guaranteed. Will call
and estimate your work. Phone 1742
1201 &i Cimmercial. M. Brown,
... - - .304
burner demonstration. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded,
Bogue & Thompson, 200 State St.,
Salem. - . 308
TINTING and paper hanging. Tinting
and paper hanging a specmuy.
A. Kallstrom, 437 S. Com'l St. Phone
131. 88
IT MAKES your clothes last. All work
strictly hand done. n
do cleaning, pressing, repairing.
194 S. 12th St. Phone 8. 315
EXCHANGE Well located roruauu
income, cash value
stock merchandise, any kind, any
where, up to $15,000 will pay cash
difference. Will consider well lo
cated improved farm, or prune 0.
chard, or what have you? Box 46,
Salem, Or. i"u
I HAVE the best line of secondhand
arimr machines in the city, buy
.. tuifa Christmas. Hi
OIJB Lin J . " .
Court St.
TO EXCHANGE Oregon farm or
California town Property, for a
home in or near Salem. Give par
ticulars. F. H. Hollister, Amity, Or.
PLACE your orders
now. Prices 35c to $1. Phone 4l.
For Rent"
1-4 mtie iroiu dwell-
Oregon Kieomj "'", and
lni. Darn, wrc-
bam, ore""-, monthly
farm land, mB."-- h.
cash payments ior
lng for an S 45
dress Gervais, Rt 2, box
phone 3F11.
modern nouao owner go-
Choioe location, clow
ing east VirtTmodern,
cash. .Also S See these.
beautiful no.u- y nreiron bldg.
S. R. Pearson,
Phone 43.
Good Buys.
tfhiway. PHce
V 'Toura'nl blrn.
will consiaer
oer acre. . h,inealow locaten
k room .nd
ZrW paved.
SOO. . - aeT? tract iocaw
Well improved 5 room bnnga-
close to carline, go avel
irb7aring 227, Ym Boutb
M"J.-7 fruit Price iww.
6 room ho"" "7o;$2oO down.
UtH -SS: t Per cent
m H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
27S " -
op(,r..a llmiwUon.
or Sale. . I , ;
FOR SATO ! ' "
hay and sTr r. ass balea heat,
L!!l!lPhone 91F15. 309
2395 t,v ""u. Klelwrdson,
me 494. 314.
U Uie sunnlv
Logg1"9 ,s cy Lumber &
nnm to !2"; ,n '""'her which
the ye I before tha fir of
wUL Price
our nria"L7" "?,and
materia) " ""-"ns any
here PmC y""vaso Ior ranch
d'lk C0Unty Purred. Ad
drcgg box 10 Journal. 31
FOR BALK - Black hn-
0 do'ubiei a- wok"sin
wLh . ' Ju9t the horse to pull
wood saw; price $75. 2535 Le
treet ' - ' ' - - 301
uUS.-S?nd hau1 turni-
..t. o
Ft LE,Hnr8es ana col" from
h. Bum, cnoice iresh milk
Hfta bull, shoats. bSooS
sow and, two-months old pigs J 6
each. Simon Hop Banch, South
ottom Salem, Rt. 8, box 130.
Phone 69F14. 301
ri-" hred Guernsey.
"U" can. rnone 1046. 303
FOR SALE One-horse wagon, good
new, map B. Liberty. 301
SPAN of black geldings coming 4
VADK .1 .1 e . 1 - - . .
,u, jjcneuuy maicnen ana
without a blemish on them, have
been worked in 3 horse team two
weeks, will make 33- or 8400 lb.
team; will take in exchange young
cattle, sheep or hogs. A. H. Craven.
Monmouth, Or. 301
FOR SALE Single set of heavy har
ness. Phone 674. 302
FOR plumbing and repair work. Call
1310J. 302
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
. tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St , 311
PATRONIZE V ibest Transfer Co.,
baggage and moving; hauling fcny
where. Phone 1344. 120 & Com'l.
. ex-service man and old timer in
Salem. S01
WANTED All kinds of junk and seo
ond hand goods. Liberty Exchange,
241 N. Commercial. Phone 841.
Spier & Scott, Props.
BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby re
quested for the building of an out
side entrance and stairway Into the
basement of the Salem Masonic
-temple. Plans may be inspected at
the office of this association 4()3
'Masonic temple, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Masonic Temple association,
Elmo S. White, secretary.
WANTED . Secondhand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices for
everything. The Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., .285 N. Com'l
St. Phone 947.
trist-optician, eyes tnorougniy ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 US. bank. Phone 341. ..
PAPER hanging and tinting, expert
work, reasonable price, r . a- w ouu
ward, phone 131 or 1201 after six
WANTED Typewriters, wW pay
more for usea macninos nmu
company's exchange allowance. Sims
Phone 340. 34'
WANTED $1500 for first loan on
well located 16 - acr"V "
Ntemeyer, 216 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. . 303
WANT to buy White Leghorn pullets.
Dkn. 9.()XflR. 301
WANTED Young team 1200 or over
harness ana wagon,
Ackcnnan, farmers feed barn. High
St i
WANTED A roomer, board if re
quiredall at 756 between 8 In the
STorning and 6 r
see the parties at 16b W. Miller
WANT To buy a strictly modern
bungalow for cash, close in, must
be room enouph for garage and
Pi.f, J? Address 695 N. Front
or phone 972M. "
Niemeyer's Buys.
8 room strictly modern home on
flipmeketa street. $6000.
C1StricVly modern 8 room h"''
Saginaw St. 8 lots. Fine fruit. Gar-
age. Miuy. ni,prn home at
,80 8 1 h 8 St Lot' 60x1 59. Fruit and
wVlnrt we An exceptJonal buy. $4,-
2?' room modern house on Center St
' Modern 7 room home on 8 IB .
4 lorn TSxlOO. Oarage and barn.
High St 2 lots $2600.
C. W. Niemeyer.
just real estate and nigh class In
vestment 215-21' Masonic bldg.,
iem. i'hones 1000-1014. t
W'e have good loans for
Investment at all times.
Farm Mortgages do not
fluctuate in value. ,
They are a home invest
ment. s . ,
Inquiries mvited. .
203 Oregon Bldf.
, Salem, Oregon
rrrr . Ato-Ba a-" v. . jt
T "
W K1QHT, Tum
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Tuna r-..
. K ouu tiaak.
Salem. Or
"ON-POUC National Farm In
t ".y,0" tnone, to loan
at S 1-2 percent 303 Salem Bank ot
Commerce. W. JO. fimitli.
Why Sell For Less?
will nay you .
household goods. Get our bid to.
.7 J0. e11- pop!e Furntturs
and Hardware 8tor, t7i N. Com
meroial street. Phone 734
DR- JpHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon. 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F6; office
phone. 1394. . gW
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
Wood Saw. ,
'HONE 17B4R. Our prices are right
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1856 N.
Bummer street Salem, Or
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY w-or blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St
Lodge Directory.
. meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at L O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kunti
Oregon Grape camp No. 1380 meets
every Thursday evening In MoCor
naok hall. Elevator service. Uracil-,
Mrs. Carrie E Bunn, 648 Union St
. recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1416
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
oiy no. 4 meets every Thursday at
8 n. m. In Maaonlo Temple. Glenn C.
Nilea, M. A.: C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary. 340 Owen street
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty etreets. W. M.
Persons. V. C. Frank A, Turner,
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. Meets
every Friday night at 6 o'clock in
MoCornark hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. V isitlng Woodmen welcome,
C. D. Ross, C. C. L. S. Geer, clerk.
for the Cost of Improving Church
Street In Ihe City of Salem from D
Street to E Street
To E. M. Bnsworth, and Gugtave
and Henrietta Schunke;
You, and each - of you are hereby
notified that theclty of Sal am has,
by ordinance No 1598, levied an as
sessment upon your respective prop
ertles hereinafter described, and In
the amount hereinafter- set forth, for
such property's proportionate share
of the cost of " Improving Church
street In the city of Suiein, from D
street to E street. A description of
each lot or part thereof or parcol of
land., the owner, thereof, and the
amount assessed and levied upon it it
as follows, to wit: ;
Lot 6 in block 6 of Boise's 2d addi
tion to the city of Salem, E. M.- Bos
worth, cost $154.51.
Lot 8 In block 6 of Boise's 2d addl.
tlon to the city of Salem, E. M. Bos
worth, cost $154.61.
Lot 9 In block 7 of Boise's 2d addi
tion to the city of Salem, Gustave
and Henrietta Schunke, cost $154.61.
Bald assessments were entered In
volume 4, docket of city liens, on the
28th day of November. 1919, as a
charge and lien against the said da
scribed properties, and are now due
and payable to the city treasurer.
By order of the common council,
this notice la served upon you by pub.
Ucatlon thereof for ten days in the
Dally Capital Journal, a newspaper of
general circulation published in. the
city of Salem. ,
Date of first publication hereof, is
December 11th, 1919.
j63 City Recorder.
Bui banks, American Wonders,
Netted Gems, Pride of Multno
mah. Garnet Chill, Early Rose,
We will be ready to commence I
shipping as soon as you hsve
fully matured stock to off
Phone 717 or address $4$ State
jtreet, frUsm. Oregon.
n.nMM D Wats ByetsTO Inirtall
FlnmWsg ana UMtti. ui stottth
LtberV, "STPhons 660- Also
Bargains and Investments.
Fine 1 5 arra a
im. me ft ntnht i v.
fruits, w-a; Bi.-K""r' ?f":
terms. " ..,. ,
1 acre trart nt ., .
Salem. Bargain for $760""
8 cr tract t miles from sl,
pave road: all in milUvatkin.
weo. . . ... . -
Fine fn Aral fn..,. a . ... ....
oest bargain price. Investigate this,
e acres c1oim in ntuj . ., u . , ,
uigs. Snap $2509. ' "U"a
-10 acre bearins- orchard
""rfl tr miles from Salem,
all m high state cultivxiion ni
nice cner-
y orcnara, cuiuiings.
Bargain. .
well, fruits.
For bargalne and square deal.
Perrine & Marsters
$11-12 Com. chib bldg. Salem. Or
Money to'Loan
Federal Farm Loans
sAny amount. Long time.
6 H and 6 percent Interest.
-City building loans.
- A. C. Bohrnstedt s
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks
Tractor Radiators a Bpcctalt
Ford Radiators for gale
198 S. 13th Street. Salem, Ore.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. $0
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sises Si to 68
tnehes high. Pain:, oK and Tarn
Ishes, etc, loganberry "md hop
hooka Salem Fence anv ' Store
Works, 169 Court street Pheoe 114
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rt'loa, heatlna
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases aad 1000
other useful articles to srtl or trade.
What have your The Capital Ex
change, 837 Court St Phone 498.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. Commercial. Phone 666
1917 Ford, good shape, $378
1919 Chevrolet, driven less than
2000 miles, $786 '
Ford 1-ton truck $350
I Samson tractor $600 -
Ford bug $276 '
Autos for hire without drivers.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
We have taken the agency for the
Chandler and Cleveland cars. Phone
for demonstration. , .
Best House Buys
4 rooms,
U cash, '
2 lots, some fruit.
6 rooms, 2 lots, some fruit $650 all
6 room furnished modern bunga
low. $2000. U cash.
6 room modern house, fruit. $1700,
$1000 cash.
6 room house, 1239 N, Broadway,
$2200 all cash.
7 room good modem' bungalowi
large lot, well located, pavement
$4000i. 41600 cash, v
8 rooms, strictly modern bunga
low, well flushed. 14250. nil cash.
ltt acres, 5 room house, lots of
fruit, garage, good location, $2600, ft
cash. - '
7 room modern house, on pavement.
-$3500, $500 cash balance $26 per
month, at 6 pr cent.
If you arc loirking for a ranch of
anx kind you are Invited to call on
me and see what I can offer.
For best buys see
141 Btate St.
, Scavenger.
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable ratea
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office pbone Main 167.
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 IHate Ht. Phone
869. '
Time Tables,
soi'THi-nx PACIFIC CO.
So. Northbound
54 Oresonlnn . $:0 am
16 Oregon Express - 6:65 am
28 Willamette Limited 9:17 a.m.
18 Portland Passenger I:" P"
24 Coos Bsy . -.. :
14 Portland Express ........ 7:e
58 Oregonlan 2'1 m
J3 For Eugene 1i0 am
16 California Express . : "
17 Knseburg Passcrger 4:08 P m
27 Willamette Limited e:44 P
1$ San Francisco Paas.. iv.vt p.ra
78 Arrive at Balem -m
74 Leave Salem 4:00 lira
181 Leaves Halsm, mor i.w
mi 1 ...u R-iiom. motor 9:28 a.m
168 Leaves Salem, ro'rtor ,...1:56 P
Thru car to Monmoum mu
171 Leaves Balem
6:16 pni
162 Arrives Balom .,
144 Arrives Balem .
166 Arrives Balem
172 Arrives ttoiem
. 8:26 am
11:0 a.m
8:26 pro
7.40 pro
Train Leavs Arrive '"
v Portland - neiem ri-
6 Ltd 1:16 aro 10:16 am 12:l0prt
n c m U:60 tm Balem onl)
i 1:08 pm 16 P" ' P"
1 HA i ll 11m : pin v-
1 e bdiii 11:24 l-m 1 il" "'
. nnk ftlon Heave Jeffer-
on street 1 ana i mmuw- ,
. t aauss Arrival
1 16 am t:3 am
I. LW 7:2. am -
it i, 1 li m 4 pm :! P
.a a.l.manli l:l pm 7:40 pm
418 pm t:oi pm
North Bank station larrtvs Jetfer-
sod street 1 minutes earlier.; -1"
Corvslll , rr-,mn
NurtbawjMl ' .
Ua Ceryaltts . r'lv JT"
I ll pm
r.M Aeiess Arrive CorlIi
j 16 SIR
1137 am
:4S pa
: vm
4:11 pes
Grain: Wheat. No. 1, $S; rwd eats
7649800; milltns eats Cc- .
$1S 16; oat hay $21; clover hay $22
n run 4 4.
Butterfat: Buttertat TSe: cream
ery butter IJJfTJc.
Pork, veal aad nattemt Poitk SB fsot
16c; veal tmwy Sic; steers
ttj c; owa tT 4-le; spring lambs
He; ewes 4Sc; sheep, yeartlags
-tBs una tmuitry: Kggs east) 6tk-;
light hens 8c; heavy hens J4c; old
roosters 16911c; springs le.
v(Moiest onions per sack o;
celery dos, $t.7S; potatoes. Yakima
8c; Oregon $Hc; sweet potatoes 6a
beets per sack $3 .75; tuml per sack
$3.76; carrot per sack $J; purenlps
per sack $3.76.
Fruit: Oranges $3.54.60s lemons
$.6S7.00; bananas lie; honey ext.
Joe; bunch beets 46e; cabbage 6;
head lettuo $1,25; carrots 45c; urapea
15c; Brossell sprouts lc; eaullfflewet
$2 dos; red peppers 25c lb.
Retail prloa: KKK doxon tie;
creamery butter 78c; country butter
70c; flour, hard wheat $3.16tT3.:s.
1 Portland. Or., Don. 80,Mutter city
oreamery 7071c: eggs selected local
t0)7Gc; hens 305360; brolUm 18
33c; geese, 30c; chee l(03To.
Live Stock,
Cattle: nrelit Utt tone of mar
ket weak; choice steers $10. Ion
11.00; fair to medium steers $8.60
9.50; common to fair steers, $T.00!
common to good cows and helfimt
$J.508 60; caimvrs $3.0O4r4.00; bulls
S.0Ot'7.PO; calves -K 60 14 00.
Hogs; Receipts 267; tone of mar
ket strong: prime mixed 816 16s
16.00; medium mixed $14,75B16,SS;
rourh heavies $18.26 011.78; pigs
$12.75613.75. '
Sheep;: Receipts none; tone of mar
ket steady; east of mountain lambs
11.80913.80: beat valley lambs $10.69
0 1160; yearlings $9 50 10.50; wth-
era $99.80; swes $59t
Real Estate Transfers.
Eva K Mnmbcrt and JomiiIi
Miimbert to Joseph Dnipelo :
and Antontn Drapnla. Ill A
lie Prt see 30 OS 3B 2600
Reuben P Moine and M 11 Hulw.
Whitney L and L H Holna -to
Fred J HmltH and Estelle :
Hinlth, l.t 1 bl 6 Boise' sec
ond addition '
A J Bliumnkcr and May Rhu-
muker to A W Whltxell and
ChHstlne Whltsall. 40 A see
8 10 B 3VV, alstt 15 ft. R-o-w
cor vol 111-897 dwilM, tii N,
ill W It frank Heeven Id lu
NW cor th K al N II to co
rrt Jerfersnn H Ileiina Vista 8600
Sarah Evans, wid o' U U ISvans
to AllM.rt U Hnhrk. Rtul IrfinM
iiohrke, 2 60 A tu H IW .... 850
Ole Olson Oiiwhl to Michael ,
Olson. B A Hit I) li C Joseph
M HlacVorby, sec 0 18 1W 1500
William Btute-and Martha L
Ktiits; Amift, slug; John,
sing; Henry, sing; to l"rW .
V VVllklns. M4.UJ A Id In
Joseph llurnalile l l C M
tW , 2280
Lillian Hull to ()-orte II. lm-
benhoml. !T8 A HH SW save
9 A clcsr prop rec rted
142-5(1:1 Ji'hdIi. A lliistlnus
to . J il Robins 6400
Don't let the "moths cat them, I pay fwrn to
$20.00 for good suits, men's or women's. Ladies'
coods bought here are shipped to Seattle. I buy any
and all kinds of Jewelry and Musical Instruments.
Pay top prices.
2 FOR 4
270 North Commercial Street
Give An Electrical
' Established 1SC3
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. to.
fl T Mg
Cirlt CtHart
Myrtle Waring va Lj'le Wrlns No-
1 tlee, mutatn and affidavit.
Wtwun T. Hume, trustee In bank
raptcy, va Kdgar Podne. Vena I
ithl!te. hie wife formerly Vena L.
Clubul and Jane Dodge. Complaint
ftaie ludustrlul Accident commie
tun v. YWUiam M. Zantler. Sumuttms.
Klla D-o -a the Oregon Rvlty
Eehattge eompany. Iitciu-porated ; a
eorptwution. et al. Sutnmona
'horltl ewtiftoate of sale of real
estae en lorcecloeure. Ie4 hu4 te
Mary V. ilHUghaiu. lo. 11, 1919, by
W. 1, Neertham, elwrlff.
Fll Cit,v-8ivlm l.wmbt'r compaay
va Jach Tuleia an4 Uertrude Tulr$.
SumraOuS. , , ,
; K. Ford va WUllaot V, Herat et
Hi. Answer to amended ewatpliiiut
Haiom Kings Products company ya
S. V, Kamp et al. Memuraadoiu la
ut)un't of pialntiffa nbiwtiun to cit
i .. I'rehaw CuM.
O. K, Roche estate. Order oit i)m(ri
but lou,
liuitli.tnlilp of Andrew KranVUn
IMok'ln. a minor. Order.
Marriage Utvowa.
IIi) Rome. 68, of 140 North Cot
(age Alma Schmidt. 45, of 611
North 1-lb street
Mis Kbeoc Walt, who was one i
the early pioneers of this aliite gltxl at
her home, 601 toth street. Wvdnssday,
at the aae of $2 yean The deceased
was m-rii In Monitor county, Mtsauurl,
July U, 1836. in 1861 site with h-r
brothers and staters arrived in Oregon,
after ntaily six months spent in an
Itnnugrnnt train- Wer father died en
rout leaving the cars of the other
children almost wholly upon the de.
censed, she being a girt tt seventeen,
and she tti1rn?atsgtig 1s age tram
ten down to four years. The mother
died sliualy before the family left Ml.
They settled near BIWertnn, at Moal-
tor. Of hor brothers and slaters toe
are living, Mrs. Carrie Kgan and Jim
Howvn t.f Bllverton.
On November 1,1 a8 1 , she was mar.
rled to Urg 9. Walt. They mads
their Hume polk county, Twenty three
years ago the family mnved lt Balem
. here the deceased haa lived sine. Mhe
is sunlvcd by four eon, Oliver. Otis
and tlivrt.rgc, residing near Rlckrwtll.
and Vrank at Alberta, Canada, and
two daughters, Mrs. Ellin Mouthwlik.
of Polk county . and Mnry, at home.
There seven grand hlldren, 1
Kervlcta wtre linld at Rlgdon S etiap.
el Saturday at 11 o'ctoea, and Inter.
ment was at SCena, .
l'l.F FOR ( IIINI.SK MlllH.
Sauramvnlo, Cal.,- Iee. 19. Declsr.
Ing there was a shortniie of loo.ttm
farm laborers m 1t In the poskI
states, and that the shortage will
reach one million In 1930, Frank C
Jordan, secretary of state today cam
out with a statement supporting hut
plan to Introduce Chinese rimllea for
farm labor,
"Th farms '' of California, Orrgua
and Wanhliigton cannot ohtitln nuffl-i-lent
whit labor to till their liiml,"
said Jordnn. , ' v ,1 ,
I'hone 675
vi .ewi .-a.