Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 19, 1919, Image 1

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-.WKiaar reread
Tonight ud Saturday rain
Maximum 88
Minimum S3
LMsa far (knar's IMs if jsi 6 est
recehe ysm; Capital hmd $izzrt ss
81 Were 630 o'clock snd ens klI Is jsx
545 9
Only Sakm Memb Aadtt Bare
A T il
i v'i
Ty 1? if3 A -iriiiiT a :nVniiii n-n irnixn - A-n ':fJ'-N1r
H ... - t E M s m K m. 19 5..aV
".0 .- A J X.i l 'W AT AA1C
Sobs AsiAfisli Of Mother
Of Murdered ununseAa
journiaent Of Court Follow
iag Her Tes&aony.
,.td UneeTea. Cal., Dec. 19. Keve
lation that Harry New had told
L E. S. Sanders, a trained nurse,
hat he believed Frieda Lesser "was
, ,,M- and ''had been running
.round," was but one of the unexpect
? of this morning's ses
f.L f Kew's trial tor allege murdeil
t l Anderson of Venice, who was
brought to court as a surprise witness
. - . . -
New is alleged 10 nave sreureu
to e
n with which Miss Lesser was
.hot failed to identify the gun or to k
Snot,. ll-v . , nil
thrOW any imponauv
Two other witnesses, Mrs. Clyde
Mlnnis, Miss Lessor's aunt, and Mrs.
Nellie Putnam, a friend, testified that
hui been exceedingly nervous on
the afternoon of July 4. Miss Lesser
wa8 killed that night.
t . innfea.' Cal.. Dec. !.. The big
battle opened today for the life of
warrv S New, the unsmiling mystery
man, alleged to nave muui ww..
Lesser, his sweetheart. 1
After hours of wrangling and mo
notonous questioning of jurors, attor-
neys suddenly aniwu V
Lons lines Of Voters Await
Ooenms Of Polls In tilth
Wisconsin District; Feeling
Running High. ,
Milwaukee. Wis.. Dec. 19. A record
in tirosoect In the Fifth 'Wis
consin congressional district xoaay
when-electors cast their oaiiois 10
termtne whether Victor Berger, soclal
t will r returned to congress. Long
ov, ... . i
lins of voters were waiting wnen me
mntipil or R a. m.
I""" .1. 1. V,!..o
. Voters were expressing mvu
t n, nMia either for Berger, who con-
Igress has decreed is unfit to sit therein
Dublin, Dec. 19. The critical sltua- The authorities apparently apnre-
tlon in Ireland reached a climax this Ihensive that some attempt on French's
afternoon when an attemnt was made 'life would be made today. He was re-
to assassinate Field Marshal Viscount (turning from a tour of western Ireland
French,- lord lieutenant of Ireland. and left the train at a wayside station
Several -shots were fired at the vis- to complete the Journey by automo-
count while he was motoring from the bile.
Ashtown station to the vice regal lodge
Although a number of the bullets
struck the automobile he was not hit.
One of the assassins was shot and
Hftflnm'cnrnf -
" IlliUI I If 11 111 111
nuiiu.i tun vi
prat vrnii
Attorney Generals Plan To
Secure Ke ease ut wse m-
dnstries By Tig Fire" Is
Under uose Scrutiny.
The escort had no warning of the
attack which was made from ambush
in the park.. .Most accounts agreed!
ht ftve shots were fired by the as-
killed by a policeman In French's es- sasslhs, one of which narrowly mlsaed
cort. ThiB man was said to have had I French's chauffeur.
a bomb in each hand as he was shot British government officials receni-
rinnrn tna t,t th rvnli sonr4 waallv sdnvlttcail tUat thC Situation in ire-
wn,mriei liund wu the most dangerous naa
The shooting occurred in Phoenix been tor a decade. Every moment tno (flve pkcker, wa under close scrutiny
Park Immediate of tom-ani nniicn British government delayed In acting I
Dv Ln thi hnm rule bill wrf ludicd the naim..'a antailed tatemnt concern
A VOCI V PUU inU UtllKB V Dl V I. .vM.-.w- - - , AniiiavKW"- ,
to the scene. Intense excitement pre-'chances of the government s proposals , the term, ot the agreement unaer
vaiip.1 in the jAHBf that a mmerftl un- being accepted, it was said. Premier hl - th, paCkrs are to get out or
rici k.j otortd I.lnvrt-ueorKB s im uiuiiw "" , nwrv DUSiness mu it-.,..h
RenorU that Irish extremists plan-lis to outline the government's scheme hold of gtockyards was carefully stu-
ned to astasslnate Lord French had in commons Monday. diea.
Supposed Opposition of , Pccr2
of United States to interven
tion Relied Upon to Prcvcr
Break In Relations.
By Ralph H. Turner .
TtjfnA Pr staff Comspondcnt)
(CoDvrijrht, 1919, bv the United Press)
Mexico C?ty Del 18,-Mexico is confident there vul
i iiYitn ina iitiiis-'ii ouaiLOt
be no Dreas in reiauww . A
. ; . i. ui;rt,.o tho Ampncan tieODie are vyp
lnS?n an interview tod.,,. His post is cqa,.U-r.t U
Washington, Dec 19 Attorney Oen
i Piimir'i agreement with the big
that of premier.
ftllHWUJivvw EI WD Htto w""
m. YtlV WBrp Hill 1NL1KU W1LU amf M BnrV n. 1UUCI'UW' - '
they to the box and testu upon whom his party and the demo
the tweivo ra the I united under "one hundred
1110ny starteu. ; i Americanisnr banner.
Inrv. .. ' ' . . .
Mrs Clyde Minnis, aunt of irieaa
Lesser; was the first witness on the
court opened today. But
"'"" ' ' A A !,, Into
tii real drama came Buuucin j .w
yesterday. After Dr. A. F. Wagner,
autopsy surgeon, Jiad testified that an
autopsy showed Frieda Lser had
teen in circulation here more than a
week. These reports, while officially
discredited, resulted In additional pre
cautions being taken to guard the lord
Acts ' of violence have Increased
throughout the country until some di.- full.
The attorney general may be asktd
to appear oerore tne ,
trlcts have been living for weeae n-
der a veritable reign of terror.
oi Y
been an expeciani
nd a detective had given some
technical testimony, an attache came
Into court and whispered to District
Attorney Woolwine.
Mother's Appearance Dramatic .
"t r-on-f I can't," came an anguish-
t Ii,. vminnttntr nrimary held De
cember 8, Berger was named by the
e , Boonatfth bv the fu-
sociaiiBuj mm ,' 1 j nra
;itto Rereer was sivch
"v'otes and Bodenstab 9282. Berger
onDonents asserted tne pi ...... j
not a real test and that the socialists
had made effortsto bring out he whole
tv, while renublicans and
merger uh of.ivft in
democraU had noi uw
tne primary, "r". of
Coneress oarreu ii6 . 1
hlsofviction under the espionage act
Removal of Four Police
Officers By Caucus Action
Of Council Contemplated
, k. .numant was arrived at an
... -o-- - , , .
what sort of promise, u any, m
to the packers in return ior .iir -v
ceptance ot his terms.
1. .m. 1, u 11 ill a iiruHin,
Senator Borah. Idaho, after confer
. In, uroul f1 ft
enw wu.. " . f
legtslaUon for government oiu. v.
the packing industry, eald he was con
ialderlng a reaoiuUon asking
submit a more detailed riur w v-..
SS11CE W. 12111
whlnBtom Deo..l. Two Amert-
nnra have been held in J
mIpo. alnre Novenuwr
o ih. charge of .vaulting a Mexican
E L. PhiUpP promptly I
uovernor .-,-.;, lnrtav to ' serve
., r tt, corridor. Woolwine called a spe-"" nrnmot- Ivear
ei ' . ,
t cnntldently expect that no break
K relations will ocotir," Brlana -
alared. The point ot view
Mtxlrana In considering tne po-m.-Ity
ot American intervention l b
on the conviction tht
the United Slates are opiw w -
Intervention te omy -eonleneele-e
. . . t..,.lnai. men WM "0
tKin i w ( tltm
reprent the true 1"
American people, or i
j ItKI IM-ww
.k mn.f ot relallon betwe"
Mexico and the United
,,.e!lt advantage l tht tw1ls
Jrnmenia are actuated W ft M
aire. Contllcts wnicn - - -by
P- "rrt
the part ol ."TzZ a
announced, he would call Mrs. Alice, im m p - - candidate.;
Lesser, mother of the dead girl, to tne iy an, on ft platform in
W'Sron crutches and leaning TSSk
.1" tt ,r:. wn heavily yell- ger stated he was .
ed and was half buried in a white silk
handkerchief. ' .
Women in the audience began sob
bing softly. Judge Craig half covered
v "g..7- Jhv. uls hand. Mrs. Lily Bur
ger, mother of Harry New, buried her
lwad on the bowed shuolders of her
. mi.. uMnn (llnncv.
aauKIlier, j-- - .
New, alleged common i -1
I'nlted. States Senator New with , ttn
' changing expression looked straight
ahead. , .. v - " . . . '
herself, Mrs. ijessur ub"
i. niicatlnns. Marry icm
Uli3ciinft ,.tUor
her daughter had been goms
for a few months. On July 3 Harry
had '-- her he. would marry Frieda
soon and had secured her consent. She
Vi.,,1 HVaA New.
Cries for "Baby" been freely Quoted. .
''..i.: a,a hw she had visited ing ow hottest fight has
Hermosa Beach on the afternoon
roromeer, antt-enangl ng a amea to succeed P-
..,A on .WUSUnO vv..- , . , frtr V
' 1 1 '.'.),. It Is alleged, these council-
Names 01 tne men ne wnum -' -""- mMt cloed caucus
under him during tne com. - chrlstm.. ad before
New Year's flay ano enuw.
the legal Job of removal in W-
rfl session, do oim " , ,
en sesuvu caucus wltl
the result is shown Dy ii'- -
eaually prompt- iVear were announced Friday by Chief
5S2ff T. candWate 'of loli?e Percy M. Varney. The men
!i.u oTKAntinn nf one. are the same
urvnil in tne aeuttruiwi
year. That one, V.
....i. fror who was removed from
the force a short time ago
council denied he request for
citlten. the elate department annouBo.-active -
ed o?ay. The " v rlcn admlnletrauon cirv...
K8 . . .mmt.. Mawttlan has attended " --.-"-. ..Kjtpatr,ae4 Meaicans a -
The senate agriuui.u.- - Mked tor a speedy trim r l" v.nil hi this evil undertaH., w
will begin early In the new year to re- J5"JiLiely Is tm.uocessMi to .
cVnstnfct the K.ndrtck-Kenyon rjf. mu y. IMJ eie
atory wp y t. n. Martin, n : i d h
1 A 1 M
Kenyon will Insist, he said today,
that the packers shall
HI VUlltluil
would retain the prohibition now In iv.
it a Martin in arpoi" h from the submartne Under j'4..,, regarding the e.
Ponomok. . , fc.ul William O. Jenkins, Aro
President Wilson today we t . wnt imprisoned
Mlcan situation. Car- !"Jii.iin wllh the td
rei.IV o the last ITnlted State. rUaf W. ""
mnaInsrany activity -'"tl ZTZ "submlued to the
unrelated lines" of business so that lease ,.n.4 authorlta
'K ontly
, " v, nation into an
fiteers in nunu -
unnecessary war. managers
BerBe fe dlstric speaking Oer
stumped the district ing
man, as wen a " . d t om a
ithat "when a man is by
ihndv to wnicn up . tVl. Worst
" . i-Vi n WPT1II1 111.
the people ne ... ... c
kind Of autocraw. ; Wen
Opponents Government
ZZm Troy n. who resigned
" tvinn
Wliy the removal 01 mew -.pLUd
has bn;
The men are: . Day Sergeant Harr, Sent rZr M
N Rowe, Night Sergeant, Ji" ";--" ... d businessmen.
WhCoHlcis V, F. Thompson. "gj Vt inasmuch a. Chie
J. White, 0. F, Victor - ,n4f(l mmsen
unreiateu " .fc ,nive. It was learnen ""r;"""ZJ
they may not again a .0 '"'-" 1 -nj U eonslderlng wneiwen rreM 0f Jenklne
in.n fields where their big organise- W1w ,d b6 croed .!T " m,,iiv.
onnaily busy.
Steeling herself, Mrs and the American Loy.
questions, narry " - waeed a hot campais- -
t Is learned mat 1
. . . iV,la lint
rlATrt siixbi. .H. nnmm uvea m
H According w , ... these
bers 01 me ram....... - wn0 Tne rei..- ,
American Legion posts
ot car
ortonted rei
any b- --;.
Bcrger'B aepor
concentrated on
Varney na H"w : t
Morelock. ' . , protection ot aW"'',
, r.v..of vnmev explained that he .MJrroun" h . , ar, opposed to
tnlK iru "
the move.
Uon gives them an advantage over
small competitor
The packers owe mmr i
. h. ivernment's desire
belief here ol aepariinoiii v
flcials. .:.t:,u
:. '"r1 ih. federal tiade
AltnoUR". " . . ...Itlntf
commission here refrained ..n ?"".h
tions uniei ,a...w r T Mof-
was retaining tne me . - he
tltt. because ot n -
selected tne u"
t adopu "-l.ahaghee
Bcrger's deportation, x .-
Rpreer S
Lgll. - lif w'" .lr
aMutiona iir United lor poe . . ui h
. . tVnt on PTIOri " 1 in.. n
U is ib. . mem- lory tor --- ..,,,,.
" . U'nuC Will UH UWVM"""
aa- comniv..- f(
Pernapo thru alter-
:ernou"-.r; -,.d in the newspaper.
t., aiise-pd murder, in company OI,d one morning ho.
and how Frieda, " "7. bombarding Berger,
"" " - ' ... 1.1 a Vior c i.v Vtn reui
himself, a P"o0 daily.
leaving her that" night had k taed Iher
and New had promised tu uwe, -
da back at 9:80.
"And he never did!" she cried.
A few questions of cross examtna
"That's all." announced attorneys
for both sides. . ' ,; " ; ., . Wr
"My baby, my baby!" wailed Mrs
oinnm." oronounced
tuuii.iiiuoi. . - rtlca
Judee Craig as the anguished cries
. j a honnthroken motu
er died in the echoes ot the corridor.
c7ty daily bombard'ns
himself, a PubHshf n
kind in hte d"' . .,. ,
lewis Requests
Wihon lo Lin
War Liquor Ban
-.. . 4.4nnl. the
.Ul. al(lia. It IS UMU'-
future city " - .atufac-
upon; ano "" toui council
.... thre patrol
maaeto slash this list by .
.;-.fa tnis Kiuuf w- - . tIt 'urnuia ieu . iint
vv ifi Arm lieu t " . ,j n ha oihu"' w'
have heretoiore and men, and wou.. oI the u0
repeated at . tacks on . fouf 0t Chief Vari.c a- ...
his men, p"" lice coibii ,
abov; named men. lwdent force asto make prop P-
in order that this r" ' " i 1 inn Uce protection ln the city
. . winnnirany,
"Far imm - - rt .
WU -
not omanain w. v. - -
learned authoritatively. I
elmply torgetilng to an.w.r jn. h(, ,,dW." i;
f euuins mum"" f flagrant eonirn."
clear away. all "mony b, !
h ,,ri uiiiui
bis tentative w . ,B.
been on IM PJ J I (,,ll((,M.. TM
therefor n " -
ii..iv 01 tne
.... . I ri V, tO
w,..lltfv AlthOUKIl tni
V"?"V .,i..w.d in the
case, the consular agent 1l i tve
C-.nd tlat make, iv Unable to
.1 .... .H.iLitr ilia 1 -. ..
oonunuf aetwte
...itintf Into a technical
J ..,..;, i la be- I which might merge upon .... .- -
ment on rm. "-jBM ,t Mu
''C toff ea V" It 1. contemled r The entire
ire "got off easy. Mmmlg. hpoullU, ta . crucial stage by
nave t,.w .v.. r,mml.
year, probe and t-; ,,.
artment ot ju.-; n0
Ingly against tne vw-.-
loophole for escape
bu.fc!"B "JL. .nt the Packer.
unaer mo - hlr
have two years in which to , heir
Interests In puono ,,
papers, grocery line.,
w rarran
brought to " venilng Am
""'Ji!i and action wllr be
IS unit""""
tcrmlned by
accomplished with as
London, Dec. 19.-The Fl
ume municipal council has
voted 44 to 4, against contin
ued occupation of Flume, by
Gabrfele D'Annunzlo. tne
Post's Agram correspondeht
declared in a dispatch today.
D-'Annunzio. who was pres
ent at the meeting, refused to
h. fltvpialon. the cor-
respondent said, but
ed down when he attempted
crowd wmu.
to harangue
Dec 19.-RequestlnS
Washington, Dfc. m war
that President W"-'iormer Senator
time ban - . lon(j coiuw.
twls ot IlUnoihe dfJulty.
lC6 toua, . ag a uu"
dispose m nneratlve.
aetts also w"-' the ban.
Interests of ra - - advocate
"I am one of tn dment, h
It was In
" . . .w Ihftt
branching out into
they were nu.iam u,, .
. Palmer. The agro-
hat the government will in m ""
that tne "-"- , .
denying tne . -..- - wi b(li
neen violated---..- o of
compromleed ao'a'n " rlh.d by
the settlement -'',-"--., -big
palmer and repre.
IMIIOT mn.t. - -
m win
SMS FLtlSClllim
have been
.trictly egmptta ,h.
mnent. have
"1". A not, -
511 havecaunobf.".
and open baiHe." ,,t ,A
Aaked regarime : . -
ni"" umibui e-overa
mlt.t.r aecmre,. ... w -" m.
,oCleofonte Cam'
Chicago r;- - alrect0r
panlnl, wor u . early ,
two ni""
trusts, now "" (h, meU,ld game " ...daring .
,,KWte. court., may M.r." itl B of Lecemoer .,, Am.r! a
. -,tlv but vwim ,lm.nt M mm '
T. a h rrowtn
nM.exiran -- ".... .,,
document pro. ""- Aaelm4 b.
.h ( l r?"'.. that . M"-
hlhlted in
America. thM
lactlon of l "r, ;;,. giving America -... ,U
-,H.B f,V 1 1 111 I " W " " - . I .....IIIIIPII. W " .
following a
pneumonia. : n ector of the
Campanminr:r" for
Grana .1- had
the last six years. . )cal
fvar man.
world than on the stage
the most famou e
"..v owethewecesstoWm
Knrn in rar" -
T end,
. . ... x
clalm war time q bu9lne88
V : would woi -
pna. "
1 1
. j. j.
' "
of 28 rations. J""
. ..r. ti and sisiiw" .. nvi
eluding our own. arev, of Nation-
T'"8"" V me the League 01
tiermany, "m;,ll9lon by Germany. de(1
also signed un - of congress and covenauv ;
e .troVthe
on November
13th, a series
senate, however, a lwu-""7voted to tauw "' i .gainst
It was defeated; 41 "Zs. while 15 voted aga
to ratify without any -
tion on any eondUion- w--- the ea , -
attitude by checking that one check
expresses their views. immedlate rati"
1 I favor compromise on reservaUons - covenant--
cation of the Teace treaty and the league. .uons-
2- ! favor ratif.caUon. but only with aU the
...t only without an? reserv
' mnfZll with the Vindicated her; .today 7 rS KM j
r'agalnst death that eva when When aeked If his atu t0 tn. motion o I , wm
. -o-and
a rellel w' M.dr. l. I ,u"""".r:. .Ms ' p """T". ... hare thl mMl" " ,.Maa said fc.
T Vved Friday morn; ; . iumb,r of R'" ot 1'ortland. r
0I rlouKn. juaoer, -v- - - h wm pave to or - .. . ....mlaelon. "".4 i..-.iim ot '
ln by vot""" , .in ot tne ipenui. '--
:xov.eurr;onto .. u .0-iilt ;now pend,.,.C.
com , hi? -oar '?f isK5
iniB - 1 inpiiuin
vi,ir froie to iVed
raliroau. - ., Amer-1, ftftie ii'
Wr" " ........ huai.
hlolt umwrut"'"""'
it. IK
member 0.1.... thl. nmrn "".".,. .lf.i,l
r,.w ,...: . UO- - ,hUHh both P"
lng h. ...ocriuio of " E'".k:7nle. a.
. Ut, tit.
, ...oft 010 oi ..-i - . uim aa iw" .
or Olcott, "-" "1b410- the pre-'" ..oognta. a
hrd'. It'" rmm '"!!.' ""Th: are a.-., to pn--rt -
J.,a . the S. A. Mif .-i,in Central ..-oclated ll
. i that town , t OaU coraii"'" .,.
...h unmf 1 1 ,.. ... ii iiuua.i k'Mt.n LNJ.
f relatives. " " Keyeume
ihnM WHO -.
Marion i... - it. T'
today owe
. p, a - 1 pa auvta ' " . ..... K-.mi.n- .,
.her l, 50. ri" i..,rmatlon v ....i. In tni.i' : Keiinina
Mpiv...-- . the age ar has no i.,anv. Amtrn -- ... cro.
as conuuvw- he .. u. u. .u bora in ' ,. '.. Chlc T. r...t,..,8. M.
the iav ' lnent "- , co.u""'; h,. Wy wu founo, I- Sew ini.w' . " M,er, In "-;.. . move.
f in V " - it,. I-OPIUI""" 1 VA n H 11 It'' - - . . .. .tr llltRIIKM " o dAa.a milt, II " - . ..a I lira
on", world and was ,, fIoor, w tn wu- - ,,!owa,y lJr,h.r. oil 5"7r"V:j. a.ked the
niiinit.i n..rnpii . . - .-aiiri 111 .L.on inriMi ' . ..... n ty m ...... it auiiii tw - -
.. .: wiair h rc- nisi u " , . M..nii inc ."' . v.e-k v rvt.i - ih" - -
.hA V p an ut -- want . . iM nau - Uiam of new , ' . m.
t"18 CO""Var Hammersie ,, . , - many hour.
. .,.nf OI UK aw- -
telegrams to
. uaruinini'" a. 11m iuw
CommiMK."- r-,wic. about th. ,,m
Jack of Pendleton ano '"""' ' .u,,h. rAw
fcr their view. """ ot Portland 1
Trlyeiprdhlmfa.'- tf - n.m,n J , ,
"" . I XIlMlil I llllll ilf
rPed TyThe"Wnate on - a - -
committee... When the ;a"fnajority being Reservations.
senate, however, a two-thlrfs ma3 ith r
quest . airtctor
come g' ,mttany. . ..,
tan Opera. VI' ..-..ved by n
Camp""" - a famo -- -
at one time 0 pva
me under ,h. fa-
er aPi''- uu. u a sister -.
W"" ':.,.. Tetrawm.. - nlni
?"9 r manager of the
estate. . .-orshlpea -
Campa...." gome ot
wax. - . ,!.
Atlas-:"-.. -.ued n "
,... -- t.i-.Mi eomiian, ,n w
Rgcbara-. eomoaor- Killm- ..,. r.tnd. "
Norman v- , , com , yu0 a
, of iMM-emt-r -" ,; biologtet.
er. recognillon, Jurt4. eleven
; to "r':r Rats. MrV a whom - ' fast m.l -
..r.rmacK-. other la.-- chlcaB"- ., .,,ned tne re. .hern l-'".' Tutuana
Tiugs VVAo Beat
Jewels, Sought
. ta oart long ago.
tor oU
... alien.
rT'-0""" . ...., iri
"Thai n "
Ban Diego, t-a... n)J uUr(hunei
. are held In . wdlce Ulylng.
to yott,
"th time
... rM'lnd lt
" ' . talk
action - - ported a- -
, rw it. vidi"
B. TraBcl. ,.M.M ef
elette. of auth'tfit'
Dy the liwmwr-'-"
emitted "'" Wm t fpre-
VerMii."""- -M,.ii and w
..... in urae "w6" ... . .v.
It. to W-fl""--
men are
" - ark: bo- , ,.,
lrMauriBr rJng for. rem ChWIl-
rst time in AmerH-
recti0"- -,.t "
tram 5 mi" . , , aougnt vj
Pulh other. '"',(tr"la, folM.w
oro v.... - Zis, of
Mr:: at Miurt Vaitey f mi?L .......-j of H".
IHlnneaiM."- - . .A Mr- BMt 'V .hat
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Jura. h. Wltck "PT- r- ail atracked. bea" ,l5, , v.n
The """, ..
. i 1 H3SB. ann ," .. .h.n-I"'' . ... roahed rr"'u
21 nae -"5 The Cn'l Melica' red wr Ui -
.raining for .... Tear. 0'';.-t
" .T. " . - .h. team " ; hcpltai.
. .tlarv- i ... reoort ,j .nuihed in-
Dec 1;-" lht o
... the
ci.l.v'l . (lon to
"",b,Bi.. La It. origin! ao-
,to escepi " rittatfhrter.
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. a woman nts" ,.
Indo-A Wo chrMM a,m
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to the lot .
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o'td the m - jaeoo.. ihd v
1 ''! J .LB Di' ila 1 are A-re
the three sum " tnttllf- T bu-ldie Wb.r a
''T",,,-'J. ': Z 'T' Ivh e.
Italia" J" .L. aol
was ahot
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at,riand wm ,ia!. tiaa.ell
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3 I.favor ratmcauo".
" 1 in any form-
. .nation In in n
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c0nfi nt a lorn.l'ta'" t team
prtS " Yale- Kvery man , o lon
41 am opposed to w"
the ,e meeeiit o '-ation.
r' a-l
Address -Sign
and mall to
Capital Journal.