All M'OURU I own -V TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBEEJV1919 PAGE FIVE, . . a f - CT1VBJENT KVKNTS mas. We have Just bought all the . lit POn Tkllttat onlnoMnn'. ..1. iveen ivuiier salesman s Bamule stock. Over 408 varieties. Hauser Bros. 293 Ingoing Salem's Chinatown with) .. without 8UCar. An In-1 'MToI state In- . American home cooked meals and tota"5 '" " Ug r' ., ' tree and Santa Claus at Com tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock, according new eatorium, say that the scarcityja sutfccient supply to allow their rcial club. 1-39- ' , T t0 an announcement today. AH mem- of other suitabie locations caused the customers 25 cents worth at a time. ' Members tt the Salem grange are I ;rcquestea to he present at Union hall.) '.Court street, between Hieh and Lib-t jerty streets, on Saturdav, Dec JO, at m. Annual election. ; Miss Bernice KunU, a student oft i Willamette university, and a member I .of the Beta Chi sorority, has gone to! Brownsville to spend the holiday sea-1 Unless the freight congestion on uie son with her parents. liiv.,t is relieved withlu " a tew 1 Sffllllut DUE lORMiCOffll BUV REMNANTS I Remnant Store M. VPSTOOUlKRTO fit -V-nVS CS. HAMILTON S40 Conrt orwi SPECIAL Good S pW wl" tnie to what J0 it OARAGE bon wun uer parents., I railroads is relied withiu ' 1 1 in irv Art riirer ol oers nre urgea 10 auena mis regular monthly meeting. .nerciai - ,nnu&1 Ma Dc- eom show. Val- dance at armory. :.' ' ; r .tree turcs ever to Be filmed Begins ais- , the Jewel. 131 Sta ,-4.; uiay at Ye Liberty theater tonight new eaionum, say mat tne scarciisia suiuci:". iti of other suitable locations caused the customers 25 centa worth at a time. "i-i t. i .v.... .ui. i.i ... tr ih Intiuiries con- L wnoatuii. ii. ra lUUUgllL Lltn.L lino ilie ttict- - --- the heginmns of the movement which teeming the shortage was the s; twill eradicate the present ramshackle Uearly every case: none on h Ithe beginning of the movement which teeming the shortage was twill eradicate the present ramshackle (nearly every case: none Mr. 8c Smoker, Just try a Kinsmen dwellings on this valuable site andpresent, plenty ordered i 5o cigar, the mild Havana short fill- rsult in the erection of a modern of-,Vlut unable to arrive b er smoae 01 sausiacton. jacoos ifice building in this section of Sa- railroad conditions. The u tin same in : on hand at and enroute. rnuiv in lae erecirtm ui u muuerii ui fice building n this section of Sa- K,...l... .lie. In. One of the greatest Y. M. C. A. pic- " . turcs ever to be filmed begins dis- h the rapia approach oE the hol play at Ye Liberty theater tonight ts. members of te O. A. C. iiUneni t v - - . . nlnh am malrinsr final nrntmrfttinns fOl Love, - .... o, -a continue8 four days. The picture club are making f.nal preparations tor time methoa. . '""""""'m Balem. . .portray, an athlete who was too fat 'the dance to be g.ven In the armory th. .upifl . patrons are om0any. leading funeral ht and M hiB major activities on the evening of December -UoweJ. only a RigdOTl Stor service. Moderate on ,he front ln France with the T- committee on arrangements is work- sweetening -pWerafcM. prices. . i Iboosts ever made tor the . M. C. A. nromtaw rv,!U. Dec. 18.-Both the high present, plenty ordered ana enmir. but unable to arrive because of the railroad conditions. The trouble, ap parent' is not with the sugar market, but with transportation facilities. T3,,-,ita and confectionery cs- ,...ii..K.or.,, hnve resorted to war, I time" methods in an effort to conserve WVx- i.Eivft'Wl Igoo a success. The program, which win DALLAS St uuvui ...-"-' . Ibe a feature of the evening, promises jiaiias, Dec. is om iv --, , "women's Auxiliary of bi. 1 a"'" ' (. . J to be one of exceptional value. The u v 8rho0i8 of Dallas suspended teain; Te W,oroJf"oh will meet tomorrow j. chas. E. Newman ot the Woodstock o Mla8 Lena , M,ulav morning on account of i.'.niricopat itll Mrs. C. Typewriter Co., Portland, is m ta- .. ., . , serurod. audi., .... , ,v,,- and tnwen watei SI the Par . ,.B . f Pauls copal chur Mr8 c, H. j Typewriter Co., Portland, is m Sa- Tamr hRve lweu secar1Qt andi" cold WM rn0n fhB oarsonage. !lem with a complete line of all makelth!( fact , itself wSU n0 doubt prove . lu the , .ell m tBe (typewriters at prices that interest. .If ;tQ be a dravrlnlf cala. Governor Ol- 8ylgtem is llo ,r ,..,m Cleaner. Welch it is about typewriters phone Him at w hag promised to deliver an ad- lHlll(U he Royal Vwstwm 299 the Marion Hotel. .. i9t idreaBi and President Kerr of the Ore-t. . ()f t, Flectric Co.. gon Agricultural college will nc a ;j , lJl . ; ,.c tji ninT itiahnrse- i. ti.o m'-niiw The social 1 . . ... eat stock ot floor lamps h.UM!tg of $2473.18 are : itemized in the ilngle of the . dance is Leuig taken care . Uecembpl Meet Me At M8yers$a ore bhoppmg Uays iuy Will COUNT BIG AT THE ! 1 iiTvtrvC CTOiOii- public school Uie neai k ,.ii..i o.i.l the hifi" Ti system IS ""- in 'vs t,. rlliver an ad-1 -. . !,. i lenkinc badly in :SX? 1 r..;.int l.-n, nt the Ore- . , ..... nwine to the ?Vv v"ca'.'" . , l several h ,. Shop niormnss if l.ossiMe. W. can i yoa U ,Hh ;w. lee. frcen pip , giving service to all shoppcolHng ihom OOOD COO t..t credit to everybody as vuu a& v c ed pr ' ... , 1 v M - tno'iowo-. " - r voiaVAt'nnv in trie uuuiilj .. . iv rooms v. . . . ., 1 no . ,.inted anu ijo-i'-' i nffioe. Bv the terms 01 me wm . :u-e bei"B . will ; ,. Di.,.f nf .her seven , n ahort wnn marouuB icuc, - -- andin8no' . an auo- ,n(,,n -ceive si while her hus- esent tne. j P f rooma. bnndi Louis Siebert, receives the res- lner different ; . )(lue 0f the, estate, ?441.25 January m rieaner. weicn 25, iO, has been set as uuic jyal yamte Btreet. 299 the iinal hearing of the report of the gon Agricultural college will he ml,ount ot snow on tne w , Receipts of $3435.50 and disburse- speaker o tUe evening. The social 1 at.noi will reopen again the monts of $2473.18 are itemized in the ilngle o the dance is .being taken caret Dewmbcr giving the pupils then , final account of Louis Siebert, exec- U hy a group ot prominent women In Uou Uffore the Chrisnuus holi- ... c tho' -u-arnline Siebert estate, the members of the Saiem-O. A-1 ,.,,i nf during the holiday ' ' ... ti!lVS llia.v... club, who are warning in unis'u - with the O. A. C.-Salem club in me matter. . utor of the'Karoline Siebert estate, jtne lilea yesteraay m tne tmi T... nf the Will 01 I'.fifififl Old i so 4. M -r w - " .nu r VTSFS DF.ATW .4.-.Td KiriiiKa. ----- Klectric LO- - i ..,., sorincs, i1". m J " -i n Tii.sliu to- BLAYLUClv 10 ou. a..u -"".V- Friends of Mrs. ' BlaylocK at men- m " : day attributed ner u.w. - a.i... n hov. weight 10 aay J ........... nf the end of the cast v. .......... - over preuui." pounas, Liei-emi-ci . -world. .,,,,-hine. . weicn. - plate street. For two . n. . r m r.l.,a 379 The national guard, t,o. ai, wm b-- 299 a military bal on uecemoer . -r ... , o Va nlace beginning street... . ciai f , 7 . ' -. ,,.m at midnight. EveryDoay Tr rnlnter Is BMtieri6 " -' Tt(,kets on sale at. ttie armory. ju. riJerltedTni wUl have charge of the ;red Monday when music . , utally -themi8 ofth. . . m it jrillv explode a- " - .hfi ouin. PcianfrVeU enough to ion tnal."""'-il" " " " -.. foiy days use i" i.di tonight, given Dance at ivi""- -- security ty Knights and 299 poslponeu For after all, ,vo 3re pri of it-H it Growere and shippers of Marion Vloor lamP9 pnces.vou ford In company oi v,i."f Growers and snippers Sites, in charge of army recruu ... Bta,.tinL-in to check up the this city, Cluster Mo ' ; " " the recent cold Lirted-from the United btaiea a.. losses - . , lWho was arrested j -r. At v """" ' ' Officer MorelocK, was ---- iticaUy impossimeu. " . tt. ,m h. tried by gen- . ,j the sustained ln tne ? w.n.t i . ... n np vv hi iv" .bewy tracts - . the land tnA, ."1, make it difficult to i vines ":.ined. . estimate tne o , m officer MorelocK, was - i and today. He will be tried by gen lanu tuuaj, - d probab- eral court hnlIHa at I. . I tn T tlH LUOia ?a bracks. The penalty for ,.d to pay-"- desertion, in case oi -? - pstimate the loss occasion-. . ltB. December IV i aiateiy. v ork will recommence I Washin ; ,,(ir the sundry, vi"-" tnachine. Welch-Mr- 299, stiite .street.-.. ; . " 7.. .iht. given Dance at Mooe- au - "security, by Knights and Indies 293 - rtatheahaenceofaauor Business WenIagu nigM, ... 4 hQ Commercial cl"",Li,.n ot a ?,M not -hold UM -wu -rponed :;;or. The election l5 until Ja "y izcame last bigM niemhers. and only " .. , guard. lKeat 26 per ccm - - lest. , A grower In tne-uaao ,'lrict report, the !; ot ;a v,.i nd .bushels, while u " , . r wWch Call Mr. Rooney " phono.! lUundred. ot at Brook. hve a beautuui freB were stov- - wl wpather. Kraph placed .,m J""' , 299. are a " galem BWpplr.g trial. , . "" " wor Ht sorting - - the lo- nrm. ... ,,ie. but toun nnmier Small, an "'" , ,al post of the A 'e he Our f.cim'.e are of the highest charao- ter. We are en"' pe to satisfy t Ax&cting 1I1UDV . Tho eourio""- conduct ot our staff rt matches the v datencss equipment. the cll- to our ..7tnnd buyinS Won't delay Vu ore our Brunswick, buy it ,s. s98 stock la exhauatedHami cal post of ttaA -- he last evening for rthinith will spena m and meuuo; Hear the new Mterp!c. Phono- m-nnh. Bligh notei 'The funeral of the lute Rklng er will be from Bdons l p parlors Friday, cemetery. m. with uuu" ... - - had It-tt me s ,,Bh Latham and Mark Latham ck IB whautea.-"""- , .. h nth of 'hmaTL owe spending ' ' V l7use and appwcl University 'l ; parenta in 8a A man or boy wl"u urg. holidays with their i ,-l IrnlfA. WB ,,.. " le a P.C.rT Vn town. Hauser ,em. . est assunw""" ., 7 tho shop- Throughout toe hoii an me ping hour3 in his city . eve. Rame as usual. Pyen opcn ..1 Tit? the stores will not an. ionger than the usua v by the nouncement was , Lusinss Men's League. Talem loBe meeting ot aien k . r vi even1" 4, A. F. & A. M. this ev thv.en in the B. A., degree. Visiting -ii fllfnme. For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette valley n1 WE ALSO uu . and Call Mr. Booney, .- phon0 hve a beautuai fl.e ,-l' - K. H. Kitts otMarsnu-.. Hmvi-tor.yestaa;..naMrBaH. wa the gu" Anderson. - i.ricultural stu Among the Oregon Au cm,s,. ,onts who are spena uu, ls on in haieiu .. . em. niao Lionel Davis. Mr. II S ! ' '....i Ttusmessi Students of the, P'- ,n the c(nlege wUl sponsor a a t0 Cotillion hall twnoKO tM ln. stitution are --- pa,nied oy " admitted unless J been -student. Excellent muslo n ranged for. ath?,ha" fth holiday orated becomingly W'ln i ,,v,a and wreaths. , Not,ce to employeregon 0Jteev Paper Co. will resume" Fri , work at once. 2" day morning. lcc- " inont na' Mrs. Lucy Bayley. Pfday at a tron of lakevtew 9 been re inral hosnital -where she n biUty. treatment tor ge" Lorull ? " , old. A ,hf. She, was .f j 1, j rame w " T...,. Portland cam custandnp body to Ukeview where t . .,H i,rial will e held- "nr. is a me Lionel Davis. M- ,ty. M"rs. William H; BrvfBu of' several uaJ nv.nnO- Masterpice Hear tne ,obby. graph, TCeTieTStBinas puiliw " toll! .ere P'ted- tionuTr- .ui your uu Ul'"" ...r,ished Before th.W 1 75 per cent of the nWes & scarC. country. Good knives are n Ity. The Keen Kutr- Broa. have ,.t' w ..trhausted. Hauser h bought the .Pprate ot over 400 Tai-Anrboy 299. ot over 400 " or boy. Xtnas present forma ' . tr JOURNA' ,7t Pi Illi AvY rUl UiiW . tnoru&"-'tin(,v does STOP toting .4 Lei. .tlwoticsnevci too. . for,t1 can be f rom l-nc to do. 3J-r wise thing !L-nsrsF thereby state. fl Hi i v 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 ilWbMii v. Home Office t CLlfWOR Iniurascc Company "..r.nnT.. Portland, Ore. ..... "B..3t l.'VT'ff,' 1 ! tWri. '1,1 !J!? Is f"; .od f: GWe An Electrical present VOU'LL MAKK NO M1SIAKL roflo.'t 's 'iiw do Home 1 owsi - HA t W i i " i YX I . n't I ' I lilAIII II V V ligls. Who Always Do Better By You & pi - ctc a package before the war i P5C a package 1 I during the war ! 1 . and 1 I rpc a package I THE LASTS j SO DOES .THE PWCEI j! 1: jt MW&rfK "JfW. 1Jt. ------ ----- - ia t tie : . 81 ' ( ' '.VST i Ot I": , hat 7 : m. 1 ' v