FOUR. I ML DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGONTHURSDAY. npCF-MRFF 10 I HE. LAPiTAL JOURNAL AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Publisiieu every evening except sun day by Tne Capital Journal I riiit.iig Co., 136 Soutn Commercial street. TelephonoN Circulation and Business Office, tsl; Editorial rooms, t2. Q. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail matter at folium. Oregon. A LOSS TO OREGON. SUBSCJUl'TION RATES Bv earner 60 cents a month. My mail 0 cents a month, $1.25 for three mouths, a a:. for mx months. J4 ner year. By order of U. H. government, ail mall euhscrlptions are payanie in auvanuB, Ripping Rhymes. - ISWAX SIMMKR TllesB " v Indian who Invented lfilmy days w hich bear a name, fla" which n n . us all contorted with tr.e ' M world's t !iaiiRlri0 fame. Just be fore the wintry weather wo are linnctcd this sweet boon, mild nnd mellow days together, like fond mem ories of June. All .the distances are I.fizy, and tho brooklets croon nnd fclnsr, nnd we mortal jays are lazy, With the laziness of pprinfr. And the Indian who invented this soul pooth iiiK interlude, should he sought., where lie is tented, in his native solitude; r nd when we at last have fecund him jr. the region of his birth, we should load him and surround him with pome tributes to his worth. V"e should f.ive him somethinir useful something that Poor Im desires,, lilti? tobacco, or it goosefull of tho stuffing ho admires. I''or that savaRO is a hummer nnd n untidy and a jo, who invented Indian summer, . when no nipping zephyrs Mow; when the day re mild and . unny nnd no broodinc cloud appears, when the timid iwtlent bunny, does ii't have to thaw 'its 'en vs. t,ot tho In inan be rewarded who worked out a (cheme kq wise; ni.'iy it never be re corded that true merit draws no prize Odds and Enas Venice, Cnl. The pupreme court bavlnp; declared prohibition const ltu tloiml, Mayor Kinney of Venice has wived this plea to Senators Johnson !ml Phelan: "For the love of Mike take a chance at peace." ANNOUNCEMENT of the summary dismissal of State . Biologist Will L. Finley from office by the state fish and game commission comes as a shockto lovers of Ore gon wild life and will be keenly regretted by sportsmen ana me general public. Mr. Finley is a naturalist of note. He has- devoted the major portion of his life to the study of native birds, fish and animals of the state. ' His work has won national recognition and he is an acknowledged authority through out the nation. v . Called on by Governor West nine years ago to' reor ganize game protection and propagation work upon a scientific basis, he has devoted the vears since to the work. With the reorganization of the commission under the late Governor Withycombe he was removed as state warden and the position of state biologist created for Him, since which he has filmed the wild life of the state and hv his lectures inculcated the love of birds and animals in school children, as well as advertised Oregon's out-of-doors re sources abroad. , ; Mr. Finley's work has done more to foster the of true conservation by influencing the risiing generation man any sme ie t . t..e g a 3 commission's labors. All over the state, children put up bird houses and feed the birds where they formerly killed them. Adults have been shown the relation of birds to agriculture and as 'a result bird life is on the increase, and the principles of true sportsmanship better comprehended. Whatever the merits of the commission's action, and there are of course two sides to every controversy, the! loss of Mr. Finley's services as biologist is a loss to Ore- gon, rather than to himself, for had he not loved Oregon and his work, the ct mparatively meager compensation paid him, would not have held one of his attainments in so. narrow a sphere of action and he will now' be free to work out his. destiny for a brilliant future in the wider field of the nation. . . AN OREGON FAVORITE SON. Los Angeles, Cal. Prohibition is f-wcepliiB on. It looked like the Pa cific ocean was polng dry yesterday vhen the tide at I.os Angeles harbor, according to fishermen was the low est In a decade. Now York Professor Elpnrner, who claims to bo able to talk with .monkeys, Is suing a commercial lho tosinplij company because ho nllep;cs it circulated a picture of him being by a monkey,'.' The firm says the klssoe la Cy J)e Vvy, former ChJ, c;iro koo keeper. Kokomn, Ind. W. W. Wolverton t'dvertised "No riuewtions linked" for the renins of some pgRS stolen from his hen house. Tho thief dropped his IHirso containing much more than nouHh money to pay for the epgs. ' kiouk City, IowaMrs, U. ft. Grout obtained a license to wed hero yester ik.y. Mrs. Grunt is a Winnebago In dian, nped 75 years, and Is marrying Marry Havey, .73'. 'years old, also of the Winnebago tribe. , ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO FORCE TREATY FAILS Washington, l.Hn. IS. For tho sec ond time within a week, Senator Knox. Pennsylvania, today made nn tinsuccesHfiil attempt to get the donate to consider his resolution of rntifToii tion l the pence treaty without thi It.iKun of nations covenant. Moimlnr Al-Wntlfit 'lVnnaM riMvin rnit, objected ami Knox then offered Ms resolution for n M-uurato peace with Germany, To this Senator Ncl- fon. Minnesota, rcmihlicnn. and Me ICellar both objected, and Knox begfin n e-peeeh in support of a' motion to rerer the first resolution to the foreign lelatlons committee. T7"HILE the republicans are busy with a dozen favor- ite sons in the field as candidates and a paid pro fessional politician as general manager to raise a. slush lima, now comes John Wuchter, who in a printed letter, dated at Portland, solves the problems of the democrats by nominating himself for president. We don't know who or what John Wuchter is, save that he has applied for a copyright upon -himself and he needs it badly, lest some statesman steal his thunder. His announcement letter, to be sure, is somewhat inco herent, somewhat ungrammatical, and his spelling de lightfully original, yet his knowledge of history and his ready relief from national ills qualify for membership in that illustrious band of barn-storming senators who are holding up the peace of the world for partisan advantage! Mr. Wuchter starts in with the tax on tea 'anH ends up with the peace conference.: He summarizes with loagenzeri lucidity the situation as follows: - " The ktser was born to rttlo In the name of thn flormrtn vtennla n ti il nn lost his rule. The peace conference created a. farce, trying to establish Worlds power of uutocracy, Wilson has been no erortlt to tho iorni vh of the situation. I tun in favor of revising the power of the Constitution that the president and the law maketng body cannot declare War without the legal voters of the Nation. The present Constitution was signed -by only thirteen States, nearly all of the public homestead land has been disposed of, the Cabinet has Increased from four members to ten nnd one more needed, the seventeenth -amendment change.V the whole architecture ' of the Constitution, for what it was intended. I will be a candidate for Pres ident In the Democratic party, and will make known to the public, most of the Cabinet and policy of the administration if elected for tho voters to pass judgement on before they go to the polls to vote. If not successful at the convention will run on nobody's party ticket, and advertise as tarns my cash goes. The Stock Kxchange had better get busy in tho eomelng campaign if they want to' get a National hearing. I wish to hear frojn those directly responsible for the famous, Illegal administration. If the pub lie press will publish free of charge lwill donate the terms of Peace and the leaders can digest it for what it is worth. OUR HINDENBURG LINE. STORM WRKCKS (4 VESSIXS St. Johns, N. V., Dec. 1 8, Thirteen schooners and one steamer ar total wre ks ns the result of the terrific storms which swept the North Atlantic last week, necording to informnntton received today over lines of communi cation that are being slowly restored . , , J h .. . j Tp OR eight days the snow has rested undisturbed by city officials on Salem streets. State street looks like the famous Hindenburg line, after the allies got through battering it, with deep trenches and high em bankments on each side and shell craters between. Other streets resemble other portions of the battlefieldsort of a no-man's land, more or less impassable for man and beast. . - The city council authorized the street commissioner' to clear off the snow, but refused to provide the money Ih street commissioner failed to rise to the emergency clean the streets as ordered and let the council pay the bills. ! The snow monuments to official incapacity are grad ually, very gradually, crumbling into a sea of slush.' Cross ings are well nigh impassable. Should a sudden thaw, a Chinook wind or a warm ram come, every basement in the business district will be flooded. The condition nf the Christmas trade, .working financial loss to the merchants an inconvenience to the nnhlic it io n m'cm.nn fi,, community and a source of shame to its citizens. - yoong woman standing a little apart from him, whom I took for reporters. John came foruptrd with a great show of bravado and yet he had a boyish look of uncertainty o his face. He was not aure u just how I shoulu greet him. He made a rush for me, however, as though he were anxious to get. me in his arms before t could maKe the slightest gesture of disapproval. "Wait untilyou get home, Kather ine. Walt until you get home before you tajte it out on me," he wh.spered jnio my ear. iran i you see tnose peo-j don't look now!" he hastily interpo lated' as I raised my head from his shoulder. "Those people are reporters come down to this train to see what you are going to do about this nasty mess." , "Well, they found out, I guess," I answered as I let him tuck my arm under his and started for the car. ; Click! Click! and I realized that we had been snapped by cameras, and 1 grew cold and shivery as I thought of my picture in the papers. Here they come! Here they come" admonished John under his breath. and just at that moment, to my in tense relief, Karl Shepard came ud and shook my hand and smiled Into my eyes. . One young man in the party, who seemed braver or bolder than the rest, said: "Mrs. Gordon, we should like to linow if you have any statement jto make." . "What do you mean?" I said. "You certainly must know that I have been out of town attending the funeral of my father and that I have been call ed, back because some careless college boy drove his ear into my husband s motor in which my husband and one of our friends were seated. I came im mediately because I was very much worried for fear either my husband or Miss Moreland might have been hurt more than they would admit over the wire." "Good girl, good girl! You're a brick!" muttere Karl Shepard-in an' undertone. "Take me away from them alt quick dear. Are you sure that Bess hasn't been badly hurt?" I said loud enough for the reporters to hear as we enter ed the car. ,. Both John and Karl stepped in quickly and, ;as we drove off, John said to Karl,' admiringly:'" "I tell you: that's-the kind ;ot a wife to have!" "And I tell you, John," said Karl, and his mouth tightened, "you're not the kind of a husband she should have. As soon I. can , assemble! enough courage I'm going to tell her that you are either a fool or a scoun-, drel. As it is now, I think you are a little of both. , "Let me off here," he continued a little thickly. "I'll see you at your of fice. Your marital happiness -under the circumstances, is a little more than I can bear." ."I should think," John said, "that it would make you want to marry, -for i you can see now that the right kind of woman will stand by a man through thick and thin." I And then Karl turned to me as he left the oar and 'asked: !'Will she?" And I had already asked myself the same question, t f ' . i '. (Tomorrow :ah women are philos ophers.) 'V ! N.- State Denartsient Receives Mexico's Reply To Note Washington, Dec. 18. The Mexican reply to the last American note je. questing the release of American Consular Agent William O. Jenkins has been received at the state depart ment, it was announced today. Secretary Lansing is expected to study Immediately the official text of the note and the attitude to be as sumed by this government toward the Mexican reply is to be disclosed it was learned. Americans now are buying more diamonds and other precious stones than at any time In history. Precious stones valued at 10,425,- 325 were .imported Into the United States in October. In October of last year the Importations amounted to $1, 154,329. DID YOU EVER USESLOAN'S? Keep handy to promote prompt relief from rheumatic pains and aches ' WHEN you know what Sloan's Liniment will do, as thousands of men and women the world over know, you, too, will keep it handy. You will use it for those "twinges of rheumatik.," for relieving that lame .back, muscle stiffness and soreness, aches, all sorts of external pains, ana exposure aftermaths. Only takes a little, applied inthouf tubbing. Soon penetrates, scattering the congestion, bringing merciful relief to the throbbing, jumping part. . Three sizes 35c, 70c., $1.40. Any druggist has it If not, we'd like to know nis name. Irk VI ARMY The Shoe that gives you "ex tra Service every step Comfort every minute." . .f-SHOE Sold in Black Gunmetal or Mahogany Calf or In. oianTanCal To Report Upon arcitv Of Mrs, Esther B!ak Atlantic City, N. J Dec. IS. The local commission of alienists appoint ed to examine Mrs. Esther Miller Blake, accused of drowning her five year old son, "Buddy;" will report to- day. ,, . .. ... ., After considering their findings as to Mrs. Blake's sanity and physical condition, Coroner Stoddard wilT de termine whether he will issue a sub poena, for Mrs. Blake U appear be fore the coroner's jury, which Is to hold its inquest tonight. . James Blake, the boy's father, ai ,cady has been subpoenaed. K.U.KS ACUKKD l l'O.V New York, Dec. 18. Two hundred retail dry goods dealers meeting here yesterday, -decided to hold the "econ omy sales'' urged by tho department of justico for January and February. I Only Ono "MiOMO QCININE" To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE tab lets. Look for signature, ot E. W. GROVE. Cures a cold In one day. 30c Adv omen Madelfoiing Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be j ours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL LOVE and MARRIED LIFE j-Hjj. xne noiea ainnor Idab MSGlone Gibson WOMAN j;.M)l HKS ! - r i!'" that's oti' t. .:!-' I'll , H this country w . Uvt. ,'ire lotifnr m uieir siocs. 1 t rS t n bile the' git lb f Bud Is taki r shoe it im If T was perfectly sure that John would have come to me had I been: placed In the same position that he! was. notwithstanding that my cousin j intimated that be would not. It gave! me a little feelinj! of Kidneys because j T L-ii.v in, t r1!,., i..i,., tse John, oti ihln iuiltitct iihiiw.'il thnt In i lit,. id., If -AIl wif ..110. A ' That wb A'&td of Chiirlte'8 char trun It is that the wic who oritici.ts unouier ieii nwm u nianni man nv i tells of the person he censures. j 1 knew at that uiowoivt tlnu Chni'les' Hiiibl be I he fauul of honor and tie-1 w.iiuii to wniiiiin whom he loved.' but lie would not forgive the sIikIucm ! I'ei diction on her pari. ' .1 did not have time to say much more to Cloules, and t was very glad that this was so, for I knew the more we talked over the matter the farther apart we should be. on the subject. Again- tho long ride, the ride im which I had confidently expected I would he leaving some of my sor row and sufferimr and lino a ttreuter contentment nf iimf und here I was, speeding mile after mite ns rapidly as possible to confront was It disgrace I did not know! At least I was sure-of one thing; 1 was going to witness the burial ot a trust 'which. va already dead within !.; heart. . , . .. I eouid not help feeling a Jime stn' i'.v for .tohn. liowever. when he met ne at the train. I could see that he vi .is wry much ..worried, and I saw three or joui-s u-o :),ul one The world's standard remedy for kldi liver, bldclernd uric ocid troubles, th cnethief of life and looks. In use sine 1696, AH druggists, three sh.ts. -took (ar th. nam, CoM MtdmX n ad accvpt $to imitativMi CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Telts IIow To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid 1 In one minute your clogged Jiostrds will open, the nir passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. Ko more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold, or catarrh Will be gone. Get a small boUle of Ily Cream i Balm from your dmpgtsfc now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, j healinjr cream in your "nostrils. It pea-! etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen ; mucous membrane and relief comes la sts ntly. , It's just fine. jDon'b stay ntM-up with a cold or nasty catarrh-Reiki coascs souk-klf. - Fo practrcal, everyday wearfor Wing comfort for the ton f service you have a right to expect look to the Buckhecht Army Shoe. It will give you a new sense of shoe-comfort a new understanding of shoe-economy. Made on the famous Munson Last from top-grade materials by top-nottk workmen. Worn by thousands of men in all walks of life. Get a pair todav! Excluslv e Agent PASI3 B BOTHERS . 357 State Stree t. Salem, Oregon Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM & HECHT . San Francisco Give An Electrical Present ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE . ALWAYS USEFUL YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE Gifts that are practical are always more graciously received than gifts which are pure ly ornamented. You can't make any mistake in presenting them to your friends and relatives. Any of these we have k'sted here will be sure to be greeted with many, many , Smiles and Thank You s Give Her a Pretty HAND BAG It is something which she can find ready. Are for whole year round. . Leather Bags, Velvet Bags, Beaded ' Bags and Silk Bags - tn . Also bag handles, ' .Ribbon and Silk Cloth to be made up., opriate Individual Appr Gifts I Gloves will be sure to come in for a share of smiles and praises. We have them in the size, and just the style you know she will like at these prices. CENTI MERE. Florie ..'.....,:::.:l..:;..$;i,50 Fellder .... ;.....:.......$4.50 Cape Embroidery $3.50 Broken lines $2 to $2 Jo Special Z Ladies': ; Auto. Driving Gauntlets, black cape, fuir wool lined, special ....$8.25 Dog skin grey gauntlets special .............$3.50 Double woven silk, win der weight, black, brown "grey and white, spec ial ... ...................,......$2.25 - Wool golf gloves, black, blue, red, grey and brown ...35c, 50c, 75c Why Not Give Her S I nos .55' i III -. ' - ; n. nery; Hosiery Always Make a Splendid Cift 1 Ladies' white, brown and black silk lace $2.25, $1.75 Ladies' novelty lace" silk hose, changeable, brown and purple, black and white, black and blue Black and red ; . .:..$1.95 Ladies' African brown, silk heavy hose...........r.:-.$2.50 Ladies' pawn and white silk, semi- , fashion hose $103 Ladies' blaek, white, brown and grey silk hose .-..-..-......;.....;Z1..;........$i.oO Ladies' heavy grey silk hose .:...$2.00 New Port and Buster Brown makes, full fashioned ;. $3.00 Ladies' heavy black silk hose, $3.50, . full fashioned, R" ivole make. Ladies' heavy white silk hose, New Port and Stilo makes, full fashion $2.50 I.ADir.S" KTOllE STATU ST11EET MEN'S STORE f bTATK VlllEtT STORE OPES FROM 9 A. M. toPT '. - : " - "V '"' .. . .