aiift Rimy Homier telecast Oiveon: Tonight end FrUlaj Maximum 44 Minimum 38 lislsa f sr fins CsmsrY WMsiie. If pn & tsl rccme ycsr Capital Journal "pTcsspfly, pkne 81 before 630 o'clock and one wiH be sent ycx AVERAtas cmcxiATS'Mt rott NOVEMBER, ltlt 54 5 9 Only Satem Mwnbe Audit Bare of CtarmletloB. it f n t I n 11 " A I , 1 1 3 iJb bi 4aM- P3 n n M U KKB.6UB ril M U " - i n mm were twa t. - .. t St! V i t 1 : E-LINES :Iw.hrlftA Representative Of J-llUtj . ...nil 20,000,01)0. Russians ne a By Immigration Clncials ForlnvestigatioiL .Francisco, Deo. 18. Vladimir " !' t,,troff. claiming to represent r M0.O0O people, of soviet Russia, and - . - on Important diplomatic mm .. n.-.wiBton.'to held at Angel Immigration station for InvesU- o Ation, If: was learneu , Vnit V.troff- arrived on the steam Voc?metroM am Angel fe sliiP -nl" . frlav. Immigration ' "iLwtieswiil interrogate him today. : aUC KuBstan is acting president of rT ntroaoius. an economic organtr. tUeCwUh a membership of 20,000.000. ; X. Engllshame for the Centrosolous .rcentrll union of the consumers' so cieties. ., Outlined. Vochmetroff is allowed to reach Washington, in g program 42ND.-N0. 299-EIGHT PAGES SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11919 the CHRISTMAS SEALS TO FINANCE FIGHT UPON TUBERCULOSIS HERE he will urge the follow- !4Sse the blockade against soviet. Washington, Dec. !8, Congress may give up most of its ' proposed Christmas recess because of the rail- road bill, It was learned from leaders today. Senate leaders refused to agree to the request of Republican Leader Mondcll ot th house for a joint recess beginning Saturday and continuing un til January 5 because ot the Jam m legislation In the upper body. As a re sult plans are indefinite. House lead ers indicated that should the senate continue in session, the recess ot the house may be accomplished by' meet ing only every third day without a quorum. In Marion cbunty there are about, sis association will place a nurse in the 33ft raiioa nf tnUarmi wi . . cnuntv for a cerlod of three montns. in th ,,ntv thru mm m tht.rB 1 She will make a thorough survey in von, son mu in inixatinir that tho i tho emintv and determine wnere deadly disease is on the increase, and cases exist, ana wnat sieps medical men who have made a study taken to prevent runner imecuun. t of it believe that it will continue to in- ter this work Marlon count is expect nurse YATKSHD lillll San Francisco, Dec 18 Edgar Woodcock, a gray, haggard tigur of extreme nervousness, took the stanU here pemVn- today in the trial at which hi. iile is Agreement Reached Between 'Big Five' and Attorney gen eral to Free Unrelated Prod ucts from Control of Group Washington Dec 18.-An agreement hu been re ach Hiu. u fe , tirov nnA the "bic five Ini- JLJSra5K S.'kW ndon con&lot unre- ! .1 4.. ..;i t. Vnn HAaf,K. I A frx oefnhlioh tlWBC til IIIO tVUUlJ UllVlt 11 IKIO w " I . lrilUrtff eu a lauu ui itw tEro w w,- cuuji nift wrli w-. I'nr nnnther WCK Vei Seam wui uv Cu- VraniMACO neWSOBl'Vi iu". wwv puiiuiauvii , i v " - living " r - - K Under the ' direction of the Stale (sold ln Salem, Many have already beer. Te!4tifvtng under great tension. wn m'.v . iv,t -itui ri.,r the rhr,'tion of Mrs. Grover . . i u..nwi nn his face, W oo- 1UUC1UU1UB1B ttSOUtiailUH O6moi;ouiu a flMlllltUl . , .... a i- .i n,mittM. There are booths ..... tha American army ana wagea. in every cny, luwu, ,umfc , wuur's" , l mm vfc - " . , ul n -1 1 1 th nnHKB. Ill iM' v 1.1..., AAM,n lO l III uticiw, " r foury Brothers, and at the Karnes jtQ the ,.Urt n,urder." Store. Seals are sold there. . woodcock The seals make attractive sucrsit if agnpn gray. for Christmas packages or leiiera. ow white ,a Ators whprebv the latter ment of justice dropping h auw-..u- o packers, it was statea. the state Red Cross Christmas seals r being sold. The money derived from these saies will be spent in combatting the disease. Rl2lFree Russia of all foreign Inter ference in the oring out of her own lmmem ubenJ flnancial a3. optimistic gistance. . fln Vochmeiroii the great role In every county a public health nurse for Christmas packages " will be placed, the funds thusgainedlthe significance back of their sale is being snent for this. ot tar greawr u.u. "-- ai-it Anient .hiTshe wiU Playing concert of quite con hard UmeS and, iV,iae ot her extraordinary natural r sources and the great abilities for resoui- t,.ainrl neoole she will ir- "covf from the misfortunes of the European war and civ striie. The clared, to Decide. -ntiioTit assembly, he tie will decide wnemer s ;"n be : tabbed on the model of Mian " . . . . w,j, i vp re- the United states u nubile " whether only broad autonomy wW be given her border lands; or w ether new principles will be estab wtietner h or0Bress. tished aions i - - labor Provisions Puzzle. Washington, Dec. 18. The fight on the labor provisions of the Cummins rairoad bill neared its climax today in the senate. senators McCormick. Illinois, and .Irmes. New Mexico, presented as sub stitutes for the Cummins bill provis ions of the Canadian plan, under wnicn strikes are prohibited during a sixty dnv nnriod. In which the government .1-- -.-I . t i,rVem investigates uie cuuius and makes an award. President VVuitlng. Wasliinaton. Dec. 18. Prestsent Wilson is delaying sending his railroad message to congress, waiting to see What progress will be made with the Russia fsmunins bill this week, it was learned 1 . - M . 1. - I... t ,.. to nr. r,,itlln nrevent on ot spreaa oi ui . . ... .mi..,. ,i MaaM Bmnnff the resiucuvs nurse.' It enough seals are soia in in-.o iu. county, and in Salem, the Tuberculo-, oi tnis county, Ills head is a lthough he is but SS years old. fl FORRraiBIOF IIS mithoritatively today. Tt raa forecast that tne message probably would say the railroads will t ho turned backto private owner ship for several months, due to the failure of the peace treaty anu u.. !""--- . ii onnilt If .4 reSUllins uiBiciivi". - VCt oTmrS " Russian citizen definite date for their return, it was tnfire does not exist any division he- I predicted, would not be made. . v . j 4T-,-.nfa n n i tween 'Siberia' ana xvu.-, Clsslans hold the deep and full be-Krf,- said his statement, hat a the ,,L a lot Versailles will be treaties mB ---- . . again discussea ana m - ' the world, which has been re-drawn without the consent of the Russian people will e again decided upon at ft new wui.u. A m;tu OFFICER m past yea,et um ber ot re. neee881lry other business ,"-"- re. Storm Produces Grafters; Snow Shovelers Sought de from nH rnnin t0 r auhlc work and for this reason the V " whlch uthorlzed buuoms To Immediately rebuild .the interior of Waller hall, partially destroyed by flames early -Wednesday morning; was the action recommended by Ve Salem members of the Doara tees of Willamette university . -last night. Architect 1 red A. Legg will be instruoiea v plans for the rehaouauun t ...m ostimates of the cost of the was startea .. thB offlce at a u tin. nt the board prop- hw County Schooi alM,n.r "' , SMem. Mondaf present 8milU Rd to OI VT"""' -w December 22, at 1 p. m. connect i litrht. His hana ner vous. " His voice, however, Is strong and he enunoiated cieariy. ci'i""i 1.1. .r.4a riff RllltriMV. j .i nf hiii atudtea at the state normal school at San Jose and at the rnivevstiy ot California. , said, he was thrown irom mo " and rendered unconscious. Later, when Dooocock s purr.... ttfied. Woodcock appearea - fecled. He had previously t...u.. ... ..ti,m tmrinff this testimony HO " - , . Mrs. Woodcock wept souiy. The defense attorneys announced ..i.t n,u their case today ard predicted the case would go to the jury tomorrow. ...trtn Mm. Woodcock ftKvd CflWOHuHlLD Bt fRKD W.SMIt OPiMOFBlI The tipled volume of business in ... ;L rmintv Recorder Mildred 'sTn Brooks in the court house ha made necessary the ' ' . A- o'Gradv with a del.bwa office room for this department. . . . ,ttaohM o If, in the opinion ot Dr. I F. Olt- fiih. unerlntenuem o m. - ..itntarfor the Insane, Oeorge vm:..- oweth. who was commmen tu -'" stltuUon upon hi. ai' H0' . ' charge of muracring yi, ,. of Curry county on in - sanity. Is now '"'".,?''" , from ine inmivu. mi uii.ii.B- - .i,ii(in n.,uiu Ai.rni'atnir tw prepared by Attorney General Hrown prepare . ' hosnltal outhori- lor inn """".:-'. h,ih In the dlHptwiunn .. . itih wvurnl wes cross-examtnauon in. case. w. "'"''"'".. w. wn. In husband. . . c.rirc W She answered tne emmn, ta(,t Uiat '7' j"", h, rnv- sympton.s oi t" al at the insmuimn. v..v - - - . ..a knwvver. n Vnder the the packer promise to rive tip com v - yards n nreiatea pr..-- a. rice, wheat end breakfast . They agree Mrtner - tor eare only ir -"i " - . and meat preducte, " t'urtrt M pniwrt BeorgovtuiUon of the JHrhlnerr which control or i "'""T", " ' ... duel will " " feet under the npervw..... erol courts. It The pending bill, to packing Industry are J IU be made wtm re - . . .......... ..i,-il ere iwiwrtment oi J""". " . .m iw hopeful that V"-ir"V,- , y. effeotive in reaurans r The re f . known leday WJ . inference Srroom with the present Ixs Bxcmls insurance order' office by mea.. . --- . HitioniUnt' n-h county school sui-o. J ami Hometlmes with indigo the"league of nations,, the ' an A- ntripr tibnferences going on wMthout any participation by Russia n,ot tho neoDle who are sym- tm. t . ...v...! ,iv. .m nre undertaking to solve world affairs without the voice of our mother country. . Russians Want Pence. "The broad masses of the Russian people, who I represent, neuevo if the world earnestly desires peace, it . n,r, noinn nnnnot ue ac- niuiri rcoBiuo , ,r v..onM of hour. ..u.n numbers complishea wimoui t..c -- he graiters n" (riEhten the, new Russia." .. '.. Lmfl in an attempt to mgme.i Intimation of Vochmetroff atutuue . hlring them toward establishment government was resm declared s.ien in the loiiowjng: ,.. the city - . the loOKOUt - . , its own to soive miu i.... (of government) hiwre already senca out their life. We are in process of ,ittm oil mir nolitical forms. "Bolshevism cannot be checked by I Li,.. a, hi- kiiniwr.' The blockade must be raised. It is creating in the , Inasses a distrust of humanity. x The Centrosoiuz, according to ocn nietroff, during 1918 did a billion rou v,io hoinooa it is. according to ocn- metroff, the greatest cooperative buy ing Institution in the wona. The total loss occasioned by the .. i,ht to be less ma" tire is nut " -. nl ,he 115 000 and some memus.- - VM : ,ht the actual appralse- ment of loss wui exceeu. -, L.ii.iFaii rnni 1111 .now H IS ut.ire.-v. na,d as tied on the wwn ---' ml. soon as,.damage esu ..r: - hoiH bv the unl- ... nolle es vi way. f the court to pronounce the Taeoma woman a ' npienum w. ...", vhn O'Orady auurewu o,:w as 'Mra..Coopir,- ine wu....... who f8 the cenirai nioir .. remarked: "Mrs. wooucoc. control please.'' - ' . . ,. w Mrs, wooucoca ioi n" V , mg to ren Cwi or ana nor num....... era! Palmer an "r"' ,tt delayed .... in. iffni mmw , by th. attorney gen- "J" ' , w elated definitely. ulnteth. m Palmer'- erem.. "-nhw. uone wMrr " r h.u. b. ui.- : IX ZZr of hU discharge will that r. the elate board of " ,hat th. .houia be preneed t M w -.,-,, 0 the lie MIBVru , . . ., Mrt.i oniroi ',!,. innk- assure xpected tht immediate action lock , mvr h,nM5i to ,c m hie release will be taken. i , pu i. .,n nti'innr mnne , itriuv oliiiiii llrowne oim...- " .. ,. mini " ., Benatore HWUi w t,tj... down Market street the night of the Cm,nowth' return t. Cu killing. She said Kelly passed her on m en,nger hie I the slie nearest the curbing, tipping ,Jt, u le up to the his hut. smiled, and said "Good even- th(l county lu ,rov Ing. V'Whnt OGrady. With a did . . . ' . th hull from Us present ' Kniinir. ao- ...tV. dORL Will."" - n.l . . uHa ult 1 f 1 !,B norne of tne spv , iwa italic ta Brttf prt'i" - i . ,i.,if.rtinent e wont, i -i turneu nn.i rtBvoted to thetal depanme . . .. . , h)m .8onny.m her husband and Cooper 1 ...tart Vir then came up. Her nusoanu , ...i. (.n neak to youT' she t., department's offloo. ,.,. 1' , ..rdlne- toiler testimony, In making .iterative .11,1 Rhe then heard A report at '." lha benn aocon nnt "" :.-.. peace 01- i,rovUl necee- . ..-.l.l..k 1.IUB lw Knynn no rtii.u. make formal M'"' t 1. ,role!.ri......n,.d Curry emm- t.ZTJ It.-. . Hrrr Uuture Mn m.4 r. A tern. ' -r break In her volce-her first Jui((fe ,9 wl n an advi.- V?'. h h- TZrt-r . the eiin 1 .... . 1.. urnm-K i "-r . '".T... available nllM,,(ld. and called to him, 'Sonny. in order to make y . hmiw ct,. ...i.l her husband and Cool tt will be necessary . brick partition at th. east end The storm has produced it graft- 1 11,1 afternoon cm uflfm as,.otuiiB . , .v, rout.-B - all,fintB In "..J nf th J19.B00 carneu u .... vestisating reports 11 o... - plelBu. v,. - Et Salem that sevei" --,, BuiitimB .. . .i. ioa ns agents 01 tn' pitting u cuwvi'" . seuiiue v tv.i. homes n,r havo Deen at .-" .....J, , , nnw ironi tne siuei- ----- , , .. h(fin ... - ,.rt to mauguitt. complaints, mat nnv tun(j8 additlona paign tt. - - b need6d tv, insurance that win 1 St HHVEiai ' - , . , i 1 JiltKLH Oil" versity iwu . tn(. Phiia- ,1000 eat- ' -." - - maln. m,Bsioners had. one .- - ana ,hat wouia nave .,,. dosian : ui..., "--, , lnallBUrate a cam- an eievatoi -- . building is pla"u! fl additional fb BpaCe of the, co accoml,uh to This could oniy "" ,he present .........ted hoUig e""'""- the large attic to the compia...-, - h0 sent uut u, the snow ,lirt,nce thai wm . . hB(LVier mil tnem to - an n.t of repairing tne iamU" en . . . . A, . t,r. cii.ftnfwtt . whicn i ri "'.i - --- - but sting auto tire, ana men Kelly say he had ween snot. was & heard not be started unt 1 toe- county about tW mates are at na.m amount neeaea. CinssCT - - .Ment uoney, p. w lne ...... . w innk was despatcneo .. ..nnr-IS investigate tne Dr. Carl Oregg was instructed at Willamette, was arrange r.leht's meetine ' nntinuation ments necessary ior " R untii d-UuiP-nentsand moms are replace. Pilftl mum ffBRKHSW l6Ue.W - - limver8lty work 01 ".'" alld class ho musical de- Cherrians Act As Messengers To Santa Causj without power o ,.-. with the Cansuifl" '"''" ,h'-Anier. war after being (ud. A"'er ican force because of hie 10 mimm 0. Mil ESUPQH WSStt "T. ... " -,ul,iBd Ihey linai l!Ulimw t" " . shnrtly, pr - - w, their control or " hr. It prose" tli.tM introduced In 'ngr we umlerstooo " TZ i-r ..lie cpltol ; epar.m-..t the etepe taken k.r. K.n. with referene i " , , prnding pa"1" ,.wm,nl a .. .,.1.1 thnt Pnnrty ......... hnlliU,. I uinim". . ,. 1,1. tnis year : ... ... th. liHIlUS V" ' -. .h iuivs. he's only B a par., "'"-. , Clmia of the the destro ms are t"V... k oiven tem- rtment will Pr"u"" ' ,rt Rpworth today was . fr in me ... ... P01"5:; the chemical division wi 1 chrl8tmas flrw na" , "the building fornix. - taiieu ... ...lemy. the meaitf. - Bemorats To Settle Scrap Over Senate Head In Caucus ,gThe last ob- insi! ed by . . TIPC. Wnshinstu". . wmma .tacle to deportaUo n anarch , and Alexander BerKm whel ill" , 91 ' nnreme court a;peai :. .vwlrawal Of uo."" --- " ' . ....n 1 Wit""' . .l.n rlfnKl. Washington, Oec. . 18. An" 'gainst the deporta u- - erkman was next Saturday 'to settle the fight for a, appeal by 9 ag0 the democratic leadership in the sen. ate was called today by Senator Hitcn cock, acting leader. " . . Hitchcock ana orau.". w"- ,:v,t 'case, out - ' for Goiai''; Alabama, are candidates in the '''Vde by attorney I t0 Russia The vote, which will probably be , ed Bhe Wuld taken Saturday, is expectea io wRU BerKma- ceeaingiy ciose. ; . j. . . j. i- ... ... . ... - T ' TfiRtESmiSSt! H PLUM 'wouldn't come t,, rich boy s and girl's houses. 10 . little fellow proleM w"". " . : . u,..i.h hand across were being 1 lighten .mm. . .hl,re, aa luuiD o . j t iircen. inri'- " - . . . ki- end n draped in cloaks m .....v. .ha completion 1." ,reen o7bl.merlng but U was By l'jl I.. K-n .,.... ,ra etaff c..rrelnl"n was not elined to mm.,4 the leg- whethi-r M wm . ,m.. turns " ' tu euniineni , ll.e etuly had a chnc "..., thai normal l d -big fle" perkere ha v. .oiv. their rontr. Mrt;m lMI . . ..- d.O.Kl- 1..,. .1 11 peace conference IndllV. here, it "'""" Y... ... U tl-'IH' On the conlrnry. -' offl. mcresslng her ior. .kv ful lals here aocmre ...... turn at ' flee today. of - -- , . ra sn.i . .-" . --"" , America' of the aewr.v - , ro,rry along in- w " . iber( bells, heavy rivniw - .. ,rB VIU The uu (or lh ,nw to hang over me ""-',' the business """ ,:,: '., ,iVes were tatterea n.. Althnugn ui , wh.h u the main "'ft'SV' re .i7tS.T. Into the cl.Jl LM ,h. i'fi district. The lamp P t , th h. Ue ehlver.d agreed '? Ku- district. Tne dent ereen , . . r, nf the pre, urhlle thry W l' M'H' - ... kiittoria Ihey keening trooiw ... policy inn- ... tffti Japan. bu,. it to ,,. ,.,,.. am,aMiartor ti.hnneh the Japanese ., lesion , nd Mol nss d. ?l 'iw. them alter-' heP fad. , . , .Jv.lop. he lt to HURT ftS RtSUlT Ot BlSIlMttiS Three c"""":.!,!! claim - . . 1 oiiTnuiu"-" ... Which teoe. brewerg m leted lior. denied by the court court decided Ld at the same time G,dman f,,rtherconsiue.r-- . ,a. was - teur ore"-- , the as.hutareauestx who ma-e ."m,- wmUlgchan;i -'-Vouijbeweiied m 7';;:r;rcH.pu;.rrby -.rntruw" lm,r M ,.itr .UBS. - hang from -he InmP ked to Ih. man jj in" ,0 ' . , C'fflSr- ' wreaths wld "n ev),ry hop win-, r(). came in queer, J" , cm,d polli dBeiy lnlreei-il ln' of the eiM 8til,s" Unt" 'fld.rt anevemhlng. "oal S were dow downtown a Wn. lh.11 P-'".- " ,,. w u. kind of . " ,Iimmon. that lt ' Lwrt4 u"T"f...,a, H.M vl- the n.erry " for ,ari, sm-P; don't "'.ZZ Tl ain't been tad. r , 'eon-d.r.. - ail Tt win do i" ... ..on.utn mur im" 1" ... ... Increaiw'"- 1 .l.imtea Intent, This Following the an r T.4IX0T PEACE IBfc - .HnBi, m- ntatlves of aty with This waa ...... the reoreseniat..- trcaty ne.B'1" d signed at fai.- - - t eluding our.own. arew - of NaUo.. '8;";art i being the League - ;- bef ;r80 algd covenant was Puring tne n ,at.on9 to this t. (oreign " h 19th. a series of 15 !mmeaa'Jon B vote of the adopted by the senate o recom reaolution came o doPtion committee, .wnen majority '" reservau. will clnity 01 p- ,umWng Fraser Btreet. this ai .fin Sand near Ba- -...nut moono-" .,, a. - e8, revenue depart- heau ,.ond. , ,,, j. -f i'uiw" . nni ik cere. Indeed, to myUaii""11 anything?" .,,,, hB , tlfU,toir C -.stn.a. w.n.j This 1IU .bn . to attend to re .-doing 1 'man he was ' '' an(, -.Wbusm-essmen-re ot it. re being aiu; . s5irs City a"2 u , i.h wno .... aayo Sheri in ago, 8"manufacW- to6 process senate, however. Woted t0 tat voted against it was defeated; 41 se nators v , , voted witnoui "j ",.. will of the peoPh 10 rauiy ntt"u - ..3illrtnflU'nttlC'c" . AVa Will v wWa. w w and 111 gr-aTiinew .in OI This is a democr-, --- lve3 lr. - t ques be'acted upon by our ,on. .Dy ' nt on this most . t0 .t - To test public journal ;,, statement- - - 1 lie modern times, attitude by checking expresses their views- that one iA in rtrau.-- 1 I favor compton. covenam-- ca'tiop of the peace treaty and the UM- but only wh ' . ... ..v rervatlon.- nlV Without - atiflcation, m cllnwing of the t""- with ImmediaW Check here rauti- ., .. .irtts in re- ' . ...a.A to use me -J". gald ,le,--hP1l to ho -;-ot Talbot ";; the AhVhad oraerea hcn , tea " -- , r uww--- I I be uiial'l" to vii Fight Presaged , rein. Tne una. '- . . .,. inlernat." 1. -I..I.A. I M 1IC II ' " . , .1 . ... i. . -iiiiaimn say they ' i,.rits K . mail " ' . - . .1 vnvr - Mnatin I " " i...i, .....k the lixl "af" "" J:.. .ve drretaml Jap" " ,h mirp ' !,: And when - 1 b.r f.,rW. '; J, while ! and the pooriy-c 1. ,url e to"'"'"" , .. Aitm,K,A a;nd the war fir llKtlW lh. .ill-. - solul club, snn - u will em .isewner. twllrtl ... twlt.Kl on ... (r .irenK1"- I -i.h the train, . . Th(.r. . oth-r alld re u. Tht I. only one wM.nlr.g the Joa..e , th, many 1". -,!; "hSe .v.. Pu Jmated. a', lm 'hta- w " - . 1. for ine ...uiil ui m. ----- ,t.,u. I..HC" u.v. M . i Hiii.ptWl 'he .",..,. when A !ot aid c (jUret'H'l' 20 terroi said to WBB con."" & vm . buice i n ' - " lllKlnlefl ,,.m ished tne - oHn, a,-,-- den. t.aeu m o -. fc i" I., a- Frau for -a c tttene. haV. m" " .- rrase- - tha purpuf . -- , council"" . ' v..te rChrrtan.hl'ir conferenc , r .nil lIBi"""' IK Alll " - . ni III attorney for ""Sd. ' . ...... treaty, nd on me v- 4 tody, ...k- will be clt yatto""' !;f)fiW , , cf ---- .ng,y v ... . .1.1. heart '- - - 1 . ....... that ne . ,.ucers , ... .., voice" i,fn, om ""' ., ,h,t eerne ,,.rh a ei"- gallon I'f0',1;' officer. - qllMtion ha. -p b, clty that U P";"cf,in AmBrlra . plans The lany which l.,w i.....n ni' !nT," . of the P'7 ad several cun.:..r" he l,te m. were f,mi .t... a tign. r---- ,h,niu" tne ".I lieve tt . - the nu:.A ,a viola" did not i" lend to 'C Operators Committee On Th dead re: u mW.k, Mln SWSrsf - r .i.r. . "e5 wi!ki. d,es e e " i lt.jur. .arwttding terri.o r 4ta.?wa.-r",pJ.'1. et ... .tt,e . t,,l plie """ Kor " ,ll rrora "unued -"-' hour. M'f J Z were " h' oi", ...j an I... ' - reservation 21 favor ratification. . ..,nfil Cham in ne x)rdin w Ronald C. t'1?" ' h ne-n l' . nt ioo- ,.nmrn I " . fMe. own -eeveral """ . cievetna- " -.tlng Pro ,, to a"1 ,h , Tf tbelsrAle """"' , of the central cm Hi.klnK h" . h. will I1 ,f ..."! I .limine opert of " loB Olover m. coofer me ,tive d" tna, ..'land. -. L th. ttr J Cnc K i-wle.-8'- producer. WB motion ptur,! !haw. of th neg , A c Ub of the r- - h it is Port!.dl'U "IT Irobably It the Chief Meyer. V'D underw""- team w-, Mc A tri'll ana Bert W- Mcy' L the city I" ,hd,t ey. who -r:etms..tive X fter lai tin-ral ne . . ..... r ...... m """", .,.jrd Wood . .. .1.. i4wir otto ljr "... ,, he. re row els'" . he 1. ... it , . ...... ..arn ""- Mcorr"! inn ........ lira . . ... mi r-- - . , ... frew .ll11M. le ' ' iw. MBe t Ut drl' .a un mti " , ctv.i 11 r i-Ti Lu. ,rterdf "JV, .1, . t. ,hm al ' . .. .h. nun .. .. . atuiuiu v- . ...j m .' Klleve a i,i, all 01 ,u 'i " The lie aid lie. Thotn" fwWlCB rhalrm" 01 of the " S -";, . ht e'veriii n.- . . ,hi no '- . . , i . ,. ... 1 he ciiy " ..'ranica' - miueehsl W 'h ' of voting t(r .hat th,r lie tut ,M, D.- A""4 r.A 4l with Td hat uU 7 i nr. -1 i I S I favor ra ...polntmen'- , . . , ..lary of H " . . .,lr bo IfificaUon In In will Juo; M i.hoM remaining. 4 I am opposed to rat lnce- , Portland. ''"" ac n Crn " ...ral co" " ' Private bwift". log pf1,''- soon Name made by !" Address .- '- Sign and mail to w if'' Capital Journa.. T 4. form