Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 17, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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uni etan nan ni nw
i Washington, Deo. 17. Hints tnat ..... ...
President Wilson may intervene to pre-1 evenln fo- Pasadena where they will j sent the west in the annual classic.
Eugene,' Or., Dec " 17. Oregon's on "raw beef since the day they re,
football team will leave Thursday . celved word that they were to' repre
sent a holiday recess of congress unless ; go into training for the big game with
railroad legislation is disposed of to-iHavard on New Year's Day. Coach
day centered the Interest of members Huntington, Trainer Hayward and 25
more keenly on the Cummins bill now men compose the party. They expect
Wore the senate. - - to get eight or nine trainings before
' No official statement could be ob- he first,
tained regarding -. persistent report ' '
that Wilson will send congress a mes-
And these are busy times for the
members of the varsity. On top of
the heavy training schedule they have
been forced to adopt, the , men are
facing final examinations for the term
this week and the faculty has ruled
that no man who fails to pass shall
TOTian HmmN eam an.itU ft .lit
shortly, demanding that Christ- loftfled ttZZZJiZZXi . be eligible for the trip.
EZJiZlwJl Sh ba Torn Eugene by K. B. Palmer, " Two Teams Make Trip.
,n Lf 1 '"M1!!'""; , advertising manager for Hauser Bros. I In Manager McClain say. that
bill, and Senator Underwood, a demo-' ""' "lur"- "
eratlo member of the interstate com- j tne Eugene, Corvallls and AlbanJ
Uiercfl committee, which framed it, benches of the company,
united today in declaring that congress , Inl'vtews Trainers,
should not go home until some leglsla- During his stay in Eugene Mr. Pal
tion has been enacted. mer Interviewed "Shy" Huntington,
Both aerea that return nf th mil. coach of the lemon-vellnw nlnvan'
roads without protective laws would Trainer "Bill" Hayward and Marion arrtve 111 Pasadena, two hours in the
wean financial disaster, not only to McClain, graduate manager of ath- mo"n ana two in the afternoon, ac-
the roads, but to other lines of industry letics. All of them are confident that coraln" to Hayward and Huntington
closely related. , Oregon will be in the runninir. 1- wltn tle coaches, all of them
, Debate on the bill proceeded to- though they make no positive claims OreB0n tnea, donning the moleskins
Jay. There is a possibility that the of a victory. themselves when the occasion de-
presldent may not return the lines to We are elvlne tham hell " 1. mands.
private ownership January 1. Various aH that Havward had to , rr Manager McClain is of the opinion
he will, take 30 me., south two com
plete teams, which will enable them
to carry on dally scrimmage, and si
others, including, coaches and the
trainer and manager. . . .',
Four hours of hard work each day
will be the program when the boys
tates are being mentioned for the re- Jng the game, according to Palmer! that this year's game will draw the
1 li'aime 08 January The boyg are worklng out dalIy and greatest crowd of any that has ever
an will be in the best of condition for """ xournameni or ttoses con,
rtage Of Paper
the New Tears Day game." "Sipke"
Leslie, star tackle, who was out dur-
m n d ' "1K moBl 01 lne season with a bad foot,
10 WUSe OUSDenSlOn wlU be ,n condition Hayward
. promised.
The veteran trainer also pointed out
that Oregon is train to face a hi event r tne Tournament of Roses.
Oklahoma City, Dec. 17. That
many Oklahoma newspapers will have "'1 Zwt a, . H race big
. .,, , weight handicap in the line. Where
to suspend publication or skip issues the Oregon line only averages 175
between now and January 1, unless pounds, the crimson defense from end
there is a lotup in the print paper to end will average around 190.
Shortage was the consensus of publi- Former Stars to Help.
naat.M,htmee,Vnf hre- M A8Me iTOm rremin the general
fXi2?i t8"6? wne"' "Pinion that his team would be in the
Individual publishers had exhausted riot ., ....
all maan. 1. ... " "f "B mm tne
test, ana tnat will be some crowd.
Fifty-two thousand dollars represent'
ea the paid admissions to the 1910
game. Seats -are being arranged to
accommodats 25,000 people this year
and the game will be the premier
veioped several startling facts. They
' In order to continue the newspapers
represented at the meeting at their
normal s!se four carloads of print pa
per more than is now in sight Is nec
cessary before January 1st..
, A committee was appointed to make
an effort to secure three more cari
loads of paper. An advertising rate of
20 cents an Inch for each 1.000 circu
lation and a subscription rate of 15o
Eugene boys are working every mln-
uie, Huntington had little to say re- me coming battle. He did I District Game Warden Roy Brem,
fact that he will have the benefit of has been disastrous for quail. Many
t 7 , Jhn".y Beckett- cftP-. ""le "Bob Whites" were found dead.
" " " isuo lean 01 xney had been unable to reach
ucioaieu j-ennsyivania (at kindly shelter of a
ruoauonu, una "wricK. Mitchell
the Increased cost.
barnyard or a
an RtrawnfU TV, a .n,iAH u . -
. ( 8 "IS' tam who forts are being made to feed the birds
Amerfcan tot h himself on the aH- many farmers co-operating with the
American team by his performance in work of the game commission in piac-
per week for six-day papers was lookt" XZ 111". ". . ."um e' c?tn : or- wheat and other grains in temporary
d upon as reasonable to take care ot.ur?,,' Ceding shelters, and as V result of
A . """ "u " l"B a- tnw work it is reported that the China
clflc Coast and they will join the Ore- pheasants are faring well through the
gon squad at Oakland and act in the bad weather. In case of a "silver
?J1 ? ".mL81"?.1 COaches unt" the thaw" however, it is not thought that
game. "Bart" Spel man, another line- these game birds will escape .0 for
man of the 1916 eleven is in Eugene tunately, as the sleet and sudden"
at present assisting Huntington and cold "anchors" the birds bv the Ion
i-i n.vwn rn . -
-r...i..i ppi i ' reatners and under such condi-
nh- ;Z .. ,. ". . ltlons tney dla ,n iarge numbers of
v0. wurmng out aauy m cold ani starvation,
the snow, wearing gloves, and is not)
'" to ugnt signal work. According to an estimate by the for
1920 Olympic Games Staged
b Antwerp Anril 1 To Oct 1
Brussels, Deo. 17. The 1920 Olym
pic games will start in Antwerp April
1 and continue intermittently until
October 1, according to an official an
nouncement by the Belgian Olympic
The track and field championships,
the feature events of the fFfimna will
bs run off from August 18 to August
According to the summary of the
assessment rolls of the various coun
ties of the state. Just prepared by
Frank K. Lovell, state tax commis
sioner, Marlon countv ranks third In
point of assessed valuation with total
of I42.292.142.S4 of which $5.117,782..
84 is public utility. Multnomah coun
ty ls first with a total assessed value
of $336 754.862.76 and Umatilla coun
ty barely noses Marlon county out of
second place with a total valuation of
$49 240 060.97. The total valuation for
the state Including public utilities, is
Marion county ranks third in point
fthe valuation of tillable land with
total assessment of $19,625,440 al
though there are ten counties rn the
state with a higher average valuation
than the $38.10 per acre assessed
against Marioa county farm lands.
There are no assessable timber or
non-tillable lands in this county ac
cording to the summary.
- Horses and mules are assessed high
er in this county than those animals
in any other county in the state with
an average value of $78.35 and a to
tal valuation of $460,835. The sum
mary shows a total of 210,377 horses
ana muies in tn state valued at a
total of $10,221,450.
Washington county leads the state
in the number of dogs on the assess.
ment rolls with a total of 1,735 mem
bers in .her canine population but
Jackson county places a far higher
average and total 'value on her dogs
than any other county with an average
of $20.41 and a total value of $23,-
290. There are 12,840 dogs in the
state, according to the assessors, nnd
their value is fixed at a total of $138.-
209. . '
"iy mey are put tni'ouch the cut upvIm u k , .,..,
heaviest form of scrimmage and this ion of the Umatilla national forest
program will be continued right up have increased 300 per cent in the
to the day of the game. Training ,.
The marathon. will be run over the table has been reinstated at Friendly
from Brussels to Antwerp. hall and 22 men have beon feeding un '
T Ik m sv- sb
Will find Christmas shopping a
pleasure here, and you can get
your gifts for the entire family at
the one place, thus saving yourself
lots of time, trouble and money as
our prices are the lowest, quality
Here are a few Christmas suggestions:
Help Santa Claus!
He Wants to Give
Toys To Ail Tots
Do you want to help Santa Claus
and the Cherrians? Here's how you
can do it.
Todajr Santa Claus wrote a letter to
King Bing Clancy and John F7 Hutch
ason, head of the Christmas cheer
committee. They are helping Santa
Claus bring Christmas cheer to all the
kiddies in Salem. Santa said that he
was sending out Invitation to all the
youngsters he knew to come to the
Christmas tree frolic Christmas eve
at the Commercial club.
"There might be some who I, have
overlooked," he wrote. "And I wish
you would find out for me if there
are any others I can bring presents
to at this joyous time," ,
The Cherrians are going to help old
St. Nick hand out the toys to the kid-
Extra Special HJ:
Ladies' Bath Robes
A new shipment just received that went on sale this
morning. Made of genuine Rohe materials in a large
variety of pretty designs, including Indian and mix
ture effects, v
Robes that other stores are asking $6 to $8 each, our
price, extra special
$3.98 each
Formerly Chicago Store
Commercial and Court Streets.
miss any youngster on whom, Santa ney, district attorney for Lake county
will not call that night So they ask arrived Sn BoJwn-taBt night
you to send to them Clancy or . , , . ,
Hutchason the' names of any such Lakevle' n December 9, with the in-
kiddies so they might all get toys.
Trip From Lake
County Consumes
Six Days Travel
tcntlon of attending the annual meet
ing of the District Attorneys associa
tion of Oregon, which met In Salem
December 12 and 3.' McKinney was
compelled to take a California circuit
with 24 hour stopovers in isolated
places, finally deciding to complete
the trip to Salem and Portland al
though missing the attorneys convention.
After six days of enforced circuiting Mr. McKinney reports extreme cold
of train routes and nnhnriulea oauuerl and unusual weather rmnrilHnna n
dies on this night. They don't want to ,by the severe weather, T. S. McKin- southern Oregon and northern Cali-
.i fornla. .
Bolshevik Forces Capture
Two Southwestern Towns
london, Dec. 17. Bolshevik forces
have captured Kieff and Kupvanak,
In southwestern Russia, from the anti
bolshevik forces, a Moscow wireless
today said. . -
Delayed dispatches Saturday re
ported General Denlken had captured
Kieff from the bolsheviki early this
month Kieff, which is the principal
city of Ukrajnia, ; apparently1, has
changed hands several times.
v 69c to $1.49 BATH TOWELS
$1.98 tot $7.90 CHRISTMAS BOXES
$1.98 to $458 BOUDOIR CAPS
neckwear 25cto$2.98
. 49c to $1.98
FOR MEN, WOMEN AND 25c to $125
CHILDREN ' ' ;;' ;'; . GAMES
SHOP EARLY while you can get better selections and at the same time get
better service before the rush
Eat Less J
Cherry- City ; r
Belting Coo : 1
Than They Should
Why do people in Europe live more cheaply than Americans?
' Because BREAD forms the greater portion of their diet
In Great Britain 10 per cent more BREAD is eaten than in
Fooi i0T othcr Bations- ""y -ua n
HOLSUM is your Best BREAD
Eat More of it.