Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 17, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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; "What is a standard school?" The
offices of state and county school sup
erintendents have been beselged with
this query despite the extensive pub
licity on the matter. The office of W.
M. Smith, superintendent of schools
for Marlon county, is busy mailing to
all teachers of the county, a poster
recently adopted by the state board of
education in which the detailed re
ouirements for school standarlzatinn
are given. -
; Of the 127 districts in this county,
37 of their schools 'are classed as
standard, and Superintendent Smitn
reports that a great many more will
soon be able to qualify in this respect.
Teachers ana patrons of the schools
are reported to' be taking a keen
pride in the classification of their own
districts and it is expected to be only
a matter of a year or so until Marion
county can claim a 100 per cent stand
Many Factors Enter.
To attain the high standard estab
lished by the state board of educatoin,
there af e many factors which contri
bute toward such recognition. Light
In go fthe building; the teacher; eq
uipment; heatin gand ventilation; the
condition of the school yard; sanita
tion; attendance; library and many
other attributes are given recognition
in rating,
A standard school must have Old
Glory flying on all school days and
members of the school board must
visit the school at least four times
each school year,-' each visit to aver
age an hour in duration. The teacher
of such school" must maintain good
order at all times, follow the state
course of study, follow an approved
daily program and to be neat in per
sonal appearance. The attendance of
a standard school is not allowed to fall
below 92 per cent and any tardiness In
excess of 2 per cent of the average at
tendance will disqualify the school.
Many Districts Working
School supervisors A. N. Arnold and
Mrs. M. L. Fulkeraon reported that
many of the districts are working to
establish school libraries for their dis
tricts. Standard library must have ai
least 100 books on the shelves and a
suitable case is required so that the
volumes may be kept in good condition.
an tne rural districts, funds for the ex
tra equipment are often aoiMirari
means of basket socials, or schools
programs to which a small admission
te charged. - . -
moraine. O.. n ..
Lorain . A1VI Miller.
... mm lne aeclsion 0
a ten round mitoi, ..
Los Angeles, Cal.. Dec. 17 -a,,,.
mer in four rounds at
in .1 ""nag at the Vernon h
- the game with
'on from Gene wZM Wn the
Portland. Or.. Dee. 1 7 '
Gibbons of St. Paul wl" - Tommy
over Jimmy Darcy of Poru l
ten rounds of ZLV tl'T
By Ralph F. Conch
(United Press correspondent)
Washington, Dec 17. om
owners and operator n-
oring to be nermitterf .
Pnce of mid vhirv, i . . .
I-M7 an ounce '
herf rl fr the lncreaae 13 tMi
"Pre. Government -,rftM ...
wHi. - v,"- urr ciosnrea
WEDNESDAY, DBnairnrp 17, lsm
ten rounds of mm, rtIan- that 7 . na statlstl showing
of, ! . tensive most " ?. nThe
in the ti rd' ' r2L JM?rta wa oZr, "a."e UnIte ates
' the third and toth"" J?"
a whirlwind c" !
Preparing a
rointai'h; r "'...raul was out- en ",,an. ta rlb-
1j . . walls. They mix- C ""wive. - Many eold mines
'and v 6 g rUnd8' Gergia Brandon CloSed to bankruptcy of!
,and Neal Zmnwm., '"uon ficials are told nn .
mill f ... " rKa Best r." """" "Bures
' , 0 Muuner, eight rounda ; , , u H"ow lnat Production has
Zimmerman fli-oor j... . " taken a bie dron. .j,. .
Weldon Wing CevMy boxed h S S down unless relief Is
to victory over Carl Martin n th. a"orded- predicted.
opener, a six canto affair. . lne Plctre as painted indicates
that the noDular nmiiin. ..
gold mine owners must be a million
a're a11 wrong. In fact, digging for
Auto Tourists
of 28 States
Visit Salem
Washington, Dec. 17 This
is the day the world was ached
uled to come to an end be
cause five planets were rang
ed en one side of the sun.
End of the .world weather,
as reported to the govern
ment forecasters here, was
featured by below normal tem
Peraturea in nearly all sec
tions. But this morning the tore
casters had no advices Indi
cating terrible storms were
"urging the earth as unof
ficlally predicted. The Juxta
position of the planets had
nothing to do with the cold
wave. It was said.
H-flx f h ""Hly really sutwtan
tlal theatrical uv v-
city was the Am.. ... r
Tailor-M.rt. t- v.. .v. . .. '
----- - ujr mo mie Marry
James Smith, which roUnrta ...
solid year at the Cohan & Harris thea
ter. The nlav mm.. . .v.- - .
day. December 1. at ih (1
house, ' ' "'"'-
"A Tailor-Xfaito u..h i ... .
cmiruy OK
a sort that cornea all too rsrely on the
WasMsstca Flasbes
Plans For Salesmen's flnTi
Wil Be tHscnssed Tonight
The com mitt p nf ika rA..AK.,iHi
club, named to devise a constitution
and by laws for the proposed Sales
men's club, has completed its work. It
was learned tmlnv .ml k .,!-
be submitted to the board of directors
wno meet tonight
It is understood th. iti.
vide an annual memhfrahi 11 f.a nf IK
with all privileges of the club, barring
von-e in me election or officers. The
behalf of operators.
The rising cost of lahnr nnd annnltaa
coupled with a stationary price for
the product, is the reply made for
. "me owners. It was in 1 R.17 u i- m.
Autos from t lMt ..... ,. ... Phed, that congress fixed the pres- I
tt. . . "a in me ent nrir-. 1
January 1, 1919 and December 1 T9T9 r'B'd conom--' hav the mines now
Patrolman Walter Thompson who "peratl"s,been nb,e to avoid shutting
"Pounded" the pavement during aU dWn' " iS fyplalned-
unie, joiea aown the numbers and
states of the autos that passed through
the city. He had a dnnhia tn.
.doing this it was good practice in
i catching the numbers of stolen mach
ines, and it satisfied his curiosity as
to how many states were represented
I by tourists passing through this city.
Thompson didn't keep the numbers
of all the cars he saw from other sta-
est. Merely the number of different
iJirviuua metal is now I nmran 01 oiticers. The
barely worth while It is set forth on 'constitution calls for the election of
five directors from the body by the
omcr memoers, with the president to
be named from that five by his fellow
Mania For Blonde
Nurse Is Sure Sign
of Weakened Mind
Rfin TTVnviflcstn TV 11. TT'1
mo iiuuiuci ui uiiierpnE - .....viu. j. ii, nun i'ULi
states. Thompson doesn't know It, but B0 a hospital for treatment, If you
a a,iiiciu unurmauon snowing; tne imfr nuin nurtr una a
jvast amount of tourist travel through Dlonrfe one at that you must not ob-
tho crtota tVtn -.-nMt nnn 1 . . t. lACt If Vnil lira rt-t-Q r-AaA na hu
have not got. , That, at least, is the experience of
uames jtiaucuue, attorney, author and
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
Wash away all ttomach, liver,
and bowel poisons before
. breakfast.
To feel your best day In and day
out, to feel clean Inside; no sour bile
to coat your tongue and sicken your
breath or dull your head; no consti
pation, bilious attacks, sick headache,
colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid
stomach, you must bathe on the in
side like you bathe outside. This is
Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 18. Fi.? did
wunuge estimated at SSOO.000 to the
stock and buildings of the military
bureau wagon w irks her.3 early today.
Two four-story brick buildups and 30
electric automob''e and nther pro
perty were consumed. A dozen fire
men narrowly escaped Injury wneu a
wall collapsed.
D ITT u T D lecturer. I vastly more important, because the
rSr lOmmittee 10 KeSUme I A Jury composed of men denied hlm!kln Pres do not absorb impurities
m - - - rlnmnffoo mrilnut rt Ttriin., I into thn hlnnd whlln th hnwl nnmi
k a m
iTObe AbOUt JanQarV 1 Perl'Uendent of St. Luke s hospial. Rad
. j
cliffe alleged malicious nrosecutlon.
Investigation " Z l ."Z arrant
hv thfl sen. after Radcllffo had refused the at-
Washineton. Dec. 17
of the Mexican situation by the sen- ,art?f Rad.cllo had refused the at
ate sub-committee appointed some """"a ul male nur8e'.ne.n naa 0D:
months aso for that task will be re- Jeclea. Drne"e hau Insisted
sumed at San Antonio, Texas, about IOnar8,e vava"-
anuaryl, Senator Fall, chairman, said "'"""'"""B.'r";" ",K
today! Public hearings will be held. "r"' , wl"' . JU ae-
The extent of the hearings will depend . nnn Lj.nT I ",1 1
on reports that Fall is to receive at je,? "ost
El Paso after Christmas from investi- ' ' .
eators at work alone the border and .... . .... ........ ,
i recent special election in
In Mexico, he said. . ,, M1.f,-t v , ,,, , .v,j
$7000 was voted for work on the lat
eral roads.
into the blood, while the bowel pores
do. - '
To keen these nnifmnn and tnxlnn
well flushed from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before
breakfast each day, a glass of hot wa
ter with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in It. This will cleanse, pur
ify and freshen the entire alimentary
tract before eating more food. .
Get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from your pharmacist. It
is Inexpensive and almost tasteless.
Drink phosphftted hot water every
morninr to rid vour svatem of these
vile poisons ana toxins; nmo to pre-
'vi-ni meir lurmuuun.
We are all looking for GOOD QUALITY in Clothes but we
. don't alwaysfind it, when we need it the most.
We are proud to s:y that although well made clothes Live
been very hard to purchase, WE have secured them and want
you to take advantage of our efforts.
Buy Him a Gift Whict He Will
AIwa)rs Remember With a
Neckwear 11.00 to o.uu
Handkerchiefs .............. 25c to $1.00
Socks .......i.:........-25cto$2.00
Shirts - $2.50 to $15.00
Gloves.:- : $2.50 to $5.00
Wool Vests :..... ..:.l - -10-00
iBatii Robes $7.50 to $18.00
UmbreUas ....i .::.:. $2.00 to $7.50
Cuff Links.... :. $1-50
Traveling Bags ... .$25.00 to $30.00
Buy HIM his Gift at the store that
He trades with. You take no
. chance to lose if you purchase
here. ' .
I ) f. I
Hi j'
' i i
Gipyn'ght 1919, Hart Schaffner & Mar
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Wiahineten, rxe. 1J. The HKht for
aemocratle leaderahin in the nervate
probably will come to a clima thi-
week, etrMUre Indicated.
Supsorter of Itltchcock. K'oh..k.
are Undetermln.! dni
.... . . "... wiiriiirr
Hitchrorh er Vnderwood, ef Alabama,
' to direct the senate minority.
Continuation of th
. , - rrvijr on tne i-jo wun
! fT, fun tn nns owr Put " dtkre under Hcne
Something nnri k...... lid. . w,.. . ...
out plausible parable urrim house arrk-uVtur ,i,...
iZJ? k',p lh d00r OI,en- th - already paawd the' cNary
KitoSSSaVJl ln w'thOUt MB hkh the h0U' "I
n hta m":. . i' n ,h "nlne .mend-
character of Joh- Paul Bart, the tall- 1
Ury hwlMtton rt..V wr" I 1V"a made to ob-
Vermlbe aaii-j- k-";'". refute the meat
.-et lisht comedians T. .a!. tl: !u,tu.r ""lttee, ha. notVfled the
of fact. Mr. Vermilye's work in Blg Cn,ca Packer they will be
Tallor-Mada Man" I ... vn opportunity to present testi-
umph. KivlnR aa he does a rtniralarW mny ttln"t lh bUte for on w,t
fluent and dexterous portrayal of the berlnln Jnuar .
part of the self-confident geniue who ' . '
aspires to do thins Napoleon left un- Th WAr ilopartmont ha announced
done. Cohan & Harris have provided thu '"m relatlvoe of mI-
"Went company for the preaenta- dlcr a,Bd -""ried abroad that they be
tlotl of the comedy, and the fust i aa ftl,""- to disinter the bodice at their
unusually large one. The play is own expense will be refused, except
mounted In the Hunt superb manner here relatives desire to Inter the
U1 " Proauctlons made by thlsi coaies in cemeteries of their own
trm. ehAle tn niirnnA.
A centrist whxvhy FraiK-e m.,y
purcluae t:s,0.fl worth of ml.
chine teols from the surplu .t-v.,
held iy the war din.iin.i,n i,.
country, heon v ij v.
the French government and the w
Amerlcun shinolnar at ih
time tJUUs dvadwishs
'''" hi! Great lUiuins -hin-nu-totals
SJ,!2.4 deatlMeiehi .,. ....
cording to the annual r.-i.,.-t ,.t
Vnlte States tthippltiK boanl
Aaneunremvnt of the
ieontpoee the trlhunal to ettk the
contrevenry will be mml. nuhiio n..
Attorney General Painter returns
from Chicaeo. Thurli
was Officially learned.
Relief Frcsi Suar Famine
Sqtarely Up To GoTercmerd
Wjudvintrtcin. 1Vi. 1T it-h...
rreMl, -Kelief of th f..ii- i..
squarely before the tcovertinu-nt tiMltj;
Conors., by action of the house HMt
nlt-ht, rave notke to tho presiidrnt thill
it appinved extension of the (mwvra or
the sunAr eaualtmitlim t,..i,.i ......
the ytM The bill extvndliiK the
llle ef the board now ims to confer.
ee as tne house conferred more dta
ttc pewtrs than did the senate mil
The houM m.-nmir in-ii.-it-i,iu w
iVlves all the war time authority of the
Board, including the llcenxtit of
deatere. The power to buy entire rropi
or rommandor any stocks, liken ine In
Women's House
Comfy 'style in Old Rose, Pink, Blue, Ked,
Emerad and Black, regular J3.C0 grudes,
go at '
Women's House
Leather Seles, Fur Tops, red, greea, d?e
black, old Rose and cardinal, regular
$3.00 grades go
Men's House
hi Felt Both Cosily acd leather soles, all
' : .... r
ticn colors) regcar $3.00 and HI J
grades go at
Men's Leather House
la Everets, Foast and Cavilears, regular
ly sold at J5.C0 to $7.00, both black asd
brown, go at
$1.95, $2.35,
to $5.95
Indian Moccasins, all styles go at
Odd Lot slippers, all styles goe
. (0
320 c'lfc Br2SLsS-5elAst
.32 lita Nnst'lKK.MA