Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 17, 1919, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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    THE DAILY (UPTTat tatttt . .
lirVlAA ftiur ,
nuitu oAitl) M llff of sm
ew York, Dec. II. Thdre haa bee'irT
;ni) ;;, " , ... ,
'InK pUOilCaXlUll WJ. JJiouaucciB in-
Jm ponWrmtty with expectations,
I iidoii known advanoes in staple
.miini : v mi - - - -
J. nrfw high levels being regis-
'"red by English index numbers, Brad
tJeet's infleft number as. of December
i has aciTanL-eu ij...v vic
iously reached. The index number as
'.rembei:l,,"20.1766, marks an in
crease of 1. 3per cent ever November 1
md rise of eight-tenths of 1 per cent
,er the hitherto .record high level
touched August 1, 1919. Compared
with December 1, 1918, three weeks
fter fne armisme wna ucmicu, -me
iniiBv number shows a rise of
preset -
, j pr cent, tne KUVEtiiue uvci.ucvcui-
ler"l, 1917- isl4 Per cent and tne rise
,'ver August 1, 1914, is 131 per. cent.
TVhile textiles, provisions and gro
ynes and miscellaneous products con
tribute the bulb of the rise,. it -in mter-
Uine t note that ten out of tne tnir"
fn groups of commodities advanced
In the period of from November 1 to
December 1, that forty-six out of 106
rose over the same period and that
w0 groups of commodities, building
materials and miscellaneous products,
reached new high levels December 1.
"Bearing upon this matter of ad
vancing American prices, it might be
noted that the London Economist inl
ilex number as of the close of No
vember shows a rise of 2.8- per cent
over the like number for the end of
October, while the rise "from a ywat
October, while the rise from a year ago
is 12.4 ner cent and the advance over
August 1, 1914 js 172 per cent, which
oes to show that the price advances
in England growing out of the war anu
its attendant evils have been vastly
greater there than have been experi
encd here." : . . i
Qibese Preferred As
Railroad Camp Cooks
A white man has no chance in com
petition with a .Chinaman when it
comes to iholding down .a Job as cook
in a Southern "Pacifio
camp, according to complaint reg
istered with C. H. Gram,' state labor
commissioner, by W. J. Rust, super
intendent of the U. S. employment
service, arshfield. ;
According to Rust's complaint Clyde
Collier, foreman of a bridge gang on
the Southern" Pacific between Marsh
field and Eugene, became dissatis
fied with his Chinese cook and fired
him, displacing him with a tvhite
man, He Informed his superior offi
cer of his action and was promptly
notified to discharge the white man
and to give the place to a Chinaman
who was coming out on the next
train. The order was necessarily obey
ed, Rust declares with the result that
a white man was' Jet. out of Job in
order to accommodate a Chinaman.
Rust declares that the complaint
against Collier's action in discharg
ing the Chinaman was made by ... C
Threlkeld of Portland who has a con
tract for furnishing Chinese labor to
camps on the Southern Pacific. Gram
will invest the charge.
The Standard
By Sialpl, F. Turner,
" rress staff correspondent) '..ounce, ,h ",L ""nPany Bnn-
rwco.uty, Dec. 17. Lu r,w Easolin. f m ,h " '
rera,, of ,he JWr'-l;
lengthy statement to the press today! h'SJ"Uan is -ry'toe. the
, ine worm war she wouid
Imve been absorbed by the United
States, politically and commerciallv.
"The present attitude of the (Ani
South America," Cebrera said
.. . C: ""Porwusts inter
Busonne reauircil
existing Oregon St. i-
Balsley, district sales
of the Standi
"To n,e , r," S'es)
lh, iT '"uirements of the ex
iting Oregon state law, which S,i-
degrees gravity, Baume test, to hi
r'""' lIe state, it is necessary
pret the Monroe Doctrine as meanine"'n0,!hei 8,landard " company to make
that Mexico mZZ!tTlT- THi8 SPec:al gaso
Amencan expansion. The wisdam. of! " a"housn ot n0 K-tr efficiency
maining neutral in the war is nowii,,- Bttso,uie regularly refined
is now 'by us and sold in AVnshineim.. Talif.
Cebrera said' that iiHervenfionist Ami0' ""a .l8ewhw- fe mor' Ie:.
Mican -papers bow claim that Mexic. ,!!!!!:.? f"rnish h quires
irimuis ana nauilllne. A an
has initiated a - camnnim.
Great Britain tn tl, Hi....:. '1,,!lne a lower yield of this .uecial
the United States, through Ui T"1 0il than
the British uecui lJl S 1 there is ot nr regular gasoUne. with
"This is absolutely fflj w W-':., consefl.uent Jncreaae.ln the cost of the
"We are now onH,,,., ' ' '' 1 s"ec,al Baseline. -The advance of one
..lations everywhere.This hr inter S !' -T ha'f Ce",S P?r Kallon ' tne
efl in some quarters as aggonj v ' ? "0t repi!,ent the ad
aeatart the United States IS it1! to the Standard Oil corn
should inspire in AmJL il. J ! "an . of ufacture!ng the special
eonfirtown. , . . gasonne. At the
""t .ncAiL'u is striving to
San Francisco. Dec. 17. Professor
Albert F, Porta, noted Italian scien
tist, clung steadfastly today to his
theory that between December 17th
and the en of December, the Pacific
Coast will be visited by the worst
storms in the history of the country,
and that the storm area will extend
far eastward.
He denied, however, that he had
ever predicted the world would end
this month.
Professor Porta was formerly pro
fessor of mathematics at Turin uni
versity, He is an architect and pub
lishes a scientific journal here. His
theory is that the close alignment or
six planets on one side of the sun to
morrow will result in several sun
spots, which will cause great storms
on the western shores of all continents.
Porta gained fame when he predict
ed the eruption of Mount Lassen.
Porta also predicted the big Guta-
mala disaster of two years ago. His
bigest storm this time is scheduled for
between Christmas and the New Year.
Us .'Piles
few 83 Years Oil Eat Works At
n4e of Blacksmith and Feels
Younger Since Piles'
Are Gone.
The oldest active blacksmith in
Michigan ia still poundins? his an
vil in the town of Homer thanks
to' my internal method, for treating
piles. .
I' .-j .:.-.. ..-
5Ip. Jacob tyon, Homer, 3Jich.
1 wish that you could hear him
tell of his manv experiences with
Ointments, salves, dilators, j?tc. be
fore he tried my method. Here is a
letter just received from him: :
SIr. E. R. page( Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: I .want you to know
wuat your treatment has done for
I had suffered with piles for
many years and used suppositories
ar;l all kinds of treatments, but
never jfot relief until I tried yours.
Am now completely cured. AlthouKh
1 cm 88 years old, and the oldest
active blacksmith in Michigan, i
'eel years younger since the piles
have left me. I will surely recom
jnena it to all I know who suffer
this way. You can use my letter
any way you wish and f hope it
U1 lead others to try this wonder
ful remedy.
Toura truly.
There are thousands of afflicted
People suffering with piles who
nave never yet tried the one sensi
D.e way of treating them.
Don't be cut. Don't waste money
n foolish salves, ointments, dila
tors, etc, but send today for a i res
inal of my Internal method for the
hcr.iing. of Piles.
..vo matter whether your case
or long standing or recent develop
9nt whether it is occasional or
Permanent you should send for
this iree trial treatment
o matter where you live no
natter what your ape or occupation
-"-if you are troubled with piles, my
te!od WH relieve you promptly.
Thi liberal offer of free treat
ment is too Important for you t
neglect a single day. Write now.
?T"i no money. Simply mall the
coupon but do this mow TODAY.
Sumpler Valley Freight -
Use More lommission
Areuments in the Sumpter valley
freieht and passenger rate case and
in the case of the Baker White Pine
Lumber company vs the Sumpter
Valley railroad will be concluded be
fore the public service commission iat
Portland on December 29.
The commission will hear argu
ments in the application for an in
crease in rates by the Philomath Tel
ephone company at Philomath on De
cember 22 and will go to Ashland on
December 27 for hearings relative to
an application for an industrial spur
crossing' by the Standard Oil com
pany and the abolishment of a South
ern Pacific grade crossing at Freder
Leschutes River Bridge
Is Carried Out Bv Flood
The falsework on the Deschutes
river bridge, 15 miles east of The
Dalles was washed out by the rise .in
,.,t,. nf Deschutes river, accord
ing to information reaching the state
highway department. The damage
will result in considerable delay in
Vh e construction of the
strom & Feiggensen of Portland are
the contractors on this Job.
same time, the high
er price of the special gasoline does
not secure for the user any greater
value than is given in our regular
gasoline. "
"The Oregon state law establishes
a gravity specification for gasoline.
This is in itself a mistake for gravity
tells nothing about the combustive,
or -power; qualities 'of gasoline. This
was clearly pointed out by the United
States Fuel administration's commit
tee on standad specifications for
gasoline. As a result, the government
'adopted boiling point standards for
aviation and all other motor gasoline
purchased by the government.
"Our regular gasoline comes with
in the United States government
standard specifications. It is refined
to a set specification of a chain of
boiling points determined by our ex
perts as being that which will give
the maximum power and mileage and
the 'maintenance of reasonable prices
to the consumer. ,
"Another lamentable phase of the
Oregon state law is that it limits the
possible extraction of gasoline from
the crude oil and thus operates di
rectly' against gasoline conservation,
making less plentiful and more costly
the supply. The demand for gasoline
ij growing faster than the supply and
It is unfortunate that anything should
be done to decrease the production!
of good gasoline."
rcs fie c:
Page Bids., Marshall, Mich.
Please aend frea trial of yonr
Hethod tot
Not To Eat
To Eat Or
Dyspeptics Often Face thta Problem
Three Time. Pnily-o so if hey
Once Got Aeouainted with
Stuart's Dyspepsia TaMes
' indigestion, lth gas, sour rising
belching of wind, feeling as
SDokane, Wesh., Dec. 17. Freezing
towns throughout the Inland Empire
continued to plead with Regional Coal
Administrator Waldo O. Paine, for
fuel, despite the fact that several car
loads sent out Monday helped to re
lieve the most acute conditions.
Snokane entered upon the second
1hv nf her six-hour business day with
,,r,Bifi,,ahl more cheerfulness, due
to the fact that the thermometer was
13 above ero.
Administrator Paine said there was
,,.,,.(i,.oK. "summer heat In tne
t-UJltl' ctt -,.
r,. TJoat Pnss mines, whence rnt
nnban,'a coal it being only 18
"They can get out the coal In that
temperature." he Hiiid.
Fifteen cars of coal arrived here
yesterday ,aiul eight of the.;e were
sent tp points .outside the city.
The school district in Seaside hist
week voted $000 in bonds to purchase
additional land for a new sfnool build-'ng-
J'il N,.
Oitaums Ammunition f g
'-, ftpronf
distresses w"""'; Rut that is
isability u,f";, te r and safer
mPthod. A better
WIU"B ' , at niC',
plan is to be regular at d
what is served f'.V Stuart'. Dy
follow the meal practice for
pepsia Tablet It U Bature b,
nt neople to go " mUst
aeprtvingthe 0nee you
ha-e food, to keP b hoUt gtmt
may ;
Vy "--7 UL
or fear
Ukeiibood of
. tht mourn-
ning enner ...
ll Is Easy To
Imitate Names
The public U constantly being
. .11 i u.. ;m;t!itinns. count-
SWllKlieu yj ,
, ...u..:.. ic liit re-
ana SUUSllluitJ if --
semDie i nw a Ynr Cam-
Foley's Honey and lar Um
pound. ItisbecaiMlheprik.
nalFoky' rehab!:
ana so we'l known that tbcK
frauds find sale. .-
Alwy. Ha. U ,
' hit
fill band
er dijointed
your ever j. r any
oi . t une
I -of tune
a of Siuart
.. . . n
r 1 MrCll. eiw.- -
Honey and lar
thro!. ,l " m!,,7.obUd. eoo-
7r mre than
F in's Honey end Tar has bn
J, C, Perry
j 4
: S
S t .
Cigarettes that cost you ieast
Cigarettes thai please you most
;H 2; 3; 4 5
i In
: I i J I il
5 5, ' I ! i !
5 : : H-V
I :l -I ?l :i
-lit' 'i V.
i If ' y M
i : i 1 a ! : II i i
s f f i . ; ; i ; i i i H i
: f J ' '-' I: ! V i .1 j ':
'.1 M 'I I . .1
O07 3P 31:133334 USA kefe 33
r : ! 1 -
n i ft
V'th paper you cai; ruli
tUe Ucst "Hull" Durham cigarette.
Its real good sense to roil your own!
lyi Liu U$ y v
! M
'-' f"- "TV ;
Ef; InTdrug W in the
dTlnd thu.
Jr'.r." .d Can.
ea ott.- -and
be merry.
y am, t