Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 15, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    in. -" - " " i .
i "The policy of the law la against
divorces, excepting on grounds speci
fied by statute- It is not for us to say
(whether stringent laws tend to Im-
morality or freedom 'of divorces to re
spectability. WILLAMETT CLOSES
Li gcu:iiy m
"As long as the law requires an In
vestigation of divorce causes, the in
vestliratlon should be a real one and
1 . not a fiction to be satisfied.
I Opinions Cited
"Ninety per cent of the divorces In "The legal requirements are to be
. . -m litatinA ami th rjuw is shaDed and
on is are not contestea ana w . ,. ,..,.
Willamette university closed Friday
and will not reopen unUl after the
Christmas holidays, January . Presi
dent Carl Doney, who issued the or
der, gave as his reason, the extreme
weather conditions, and the Inao
the real cause. Divorce laws do not
create the desire for uivuice, out.
hi th desire exists, people UO
HalL The pipes In the nail are an
frozen, and there has not been suffi
cient heat In the girl's building since
th first davs of the storm, utner
nnt the real erounds of complain.
"Ihe supreme court has said that
a decree with out service of the sum-
. ..i..M iha Hlirlrf attornev and with .v.. , t,aMl.
whatever the law requires in oraer w - - uuiiuniB un
obtain divorce i"""" bv hlm at the trial " capped In the same manner, so it was
Urging district attorneys of Oregon not valid. The law contemplates an fleeme(, advisable to dismiss school
to Work more in accord with tne d - ' "ion on behalf of the state unt,i conditions Improve. Many of the
orce laws of the state, and to M collusion . - . pupils left for their homes Saturday
statistics showing that divorces are "I apprehend It Is Intended that the afteraoon immediately after the issu
n tne increase to Marion county, Cir- "r.c attorney In ance of the order, and a number left
ult Judge George G. Bingna .p.. e "M a p!"'" '1! .iJ! vesterday.
on this subject Friday before the
county proecutors In their annual con pendent Investigation or know any
ation here. xj.. - " what may be disclosed by
Fraudulent Divorces Boorvd the evidence at the hearing.
W,u.e marriage now generally . 'I" the ordinary case the court ta as a civil contract, organ-, Quite as well Informed as the stages
r . . . . .-j .l. ' low nffimr. if a man forces a cnecit
for a small amount, or holds a pertes-
; feed society Is vitally interested in the
preservation of the marriage rela
tion." said Judge Bingham.
i "The home is the corner stone of J
ur government and anything tnat
tends to destroy the home directly af
fect the country as a body politic.
Fraudulent and unwarranted divorces
tend to corrupt the morals of the
."Ihe family which is the subject of
marriage has two relations, the nup
tial and the paternal. In a divorce pro
ceeding both may be Involved. In the
i,, at least, in every marriage there
are three parties, the man, the woman
and the state.,
' State Regulation Justified
"After the parties consent, the con
cent of the state must be procured by
Way of a license, ine state imposes
. eei tain coiimiioiis, wnicn must be met
before tiie ' license may issue. State
'regulation Is Justified,, because mar
riage is the basis of the home life of
' posterity, the foundation upon which
both domestic and state government
' tests.'
"our supreme court has said that
divorces are against public policy and
' also that the fact that husband and
- wife cannot live hapily together. Is no
- cause for a divorce. It is maintained
' some, tnat marriage being but a
civil contract In principle, every act
tHan un and secures but a few cents
you will bend all of your efforts to
have him returned to the state to be
prosecuted, and will prosecute him to
sentence with vliror.
Duty Pointed Out
"Yet a man abandons his wffe, falls
to provide for his children, the inno
cent helpless offspring of a worthless
sre, you let the matter pass, as a
casual occurrence.
"Does your conscience tell you that
you have been dolnc your official duty
"In my Judgment you should be
either relieved from appearance In
all divorce litigation or your investi
gation should be carried on to such an
extent that you will be able to adv'Be
the court whether there Is statutory
grounds for the suit or that It is simp
ly a case where the parties do not
wnnt tn live together.
"I am not advocating more strln- 1
gent laws but simplv the observance
In good faith of statutory requirement."
The denth of snow In the Umatilla
national forest Is four times the depth
reached at any time during 1918.
Elmo Walden. a rancher living near
iFreewater, was fined $26 and costs
that would violate "an ordinary con-jfor having a beaver In his possession
tract would Justify the setting aside of
marriage. ' This carried to it's full
length would mean that In every in
stance, it would be in the power of
the contracting parties, to avoid the
uarr'.&ge. " ; " "v "
"While the open door to separation
and divorce cannot be Justified under
ur institutions, yet we must recog
Blce that there are conditions which
make divorce more desirable than
marriage, i he state has declared what
these conditions are and It withholds
Us consent to a desolution until some
ne of these conditions has been
Shown 'to exist. ,
Ilasty Marriages Deplored
"The real evil Is not the divorce, but
the social and marn-tltle conditions
that make divorces more desirable
Lb an marriages.
- ' -Qne of tne causes of divorce Is
h- ;i,-rlage between young and
Inexperienced people. If the law re-
flulred the lapse of some time between
t.. . ,, ui a license, and the
nuui.cauon of. such application, and
the actual Issuance of the license and
the performance of the ceremony, It
would undoubtedly be a benefit.
"1 also think that a considerable
1 length of time should elapse between
' the Actual separation and the com
mencing of the suit, A year would not
fce "'i and this would allow the
parties time In which to reflect upon
their condition, to correct mistakes
and possibly change, their minds.
I : Records Miow Inoreusp
"The records of hls county show
that from October 1. 1918, to October
1, 1919, 84 divorce cases were filed In
Marion county as compared to 331
marriages tn the same time, and of
etvorce suits entered, the wife was
ISie plaintiff In 61 cases, husbands be
tas; plaintiffs in the remaining 23.
"For the year 1918 there were 85
divorces to 868 marriages, the .per
centage of divorces to marriages are
thus shown to have increased, not
withstanding prohibition. If the grow
ing tendency to secure divorce is an
evil, as many good fisuj.1-9 believe; the
remedy is not with the officers of the
1st- ' xv'th the legislature.
That Axel Peterson and his broth
er of this city were not Instantly kill
ed or seriously Injured is due to a big
log eight feet below the road which
served as .a support for the machine
as Is went over the road east of Scotts
Mills last Sunday afternoon. The
Peterson Brothers were driving a
Chevrolet touring car from Silverton
to the sawmill above Scotts Mills.
As they were rounding-a" 'sharp turn
in the road the steering gear buckled
and the car went straight ahead eight
feet over the embankment The
machine lodged against a large fallen
tree. Only for this the machine and
cun' nts would have pitched over
the bank to the creek, a distance of
several hundred feet. One of the
boys sustained s renken but the
other escaped without injury.
The machine was considerably de
mollshed. A front wheel was broken,
fenders and top bent and the wind
shield rendered to fragments.
The Silverton Auto company went
out after the wrecked machine Mon
day. Tribune. ... ..v.
You will find our Store brimful of appropriate Christmas uuw uus T"7 You are invited
them within easy reach of everyone. In this advertisement we have mentioned but a few, Xou are invited
to can and see many, many others.
Best Trimmings
Reasonable Prices
This is whaat makes our Suits
and Overcoats the
Every garment tailored to your
Large choice of patterns.
Scotch Woolen Mills
426 State Street
6 Bell an s
Hot water
Sure Relief
LJfor indigestion
If you'll try a loaf today, you'll buy a loaf
tomorrow. ' .
Has the home-made taste.
457 State Street .
: Ait
Towels As Gifts
Nothing is- more useful or
Huck Towels 19c and 25c ea.
Turkish Towels, plain or
fancy, colored '
borders ........ 29c to 98c each
Towel Sets, 3 pes $1.98, $2.75
T h o se of refine
ment of taste will
find just what will
please in this stock.
Crepe de Chine
Combinations, '
....$2.98 to $4.45
Other qualities at
....$1.49 to $2.98
Everything in Lin
gerie at surprising
ly low prices.
Dainty TMefs
We have these in f?ncy boxes
and otherwise and can satisfy
the wants of everyone from
the little girl to the grownups.
Prices 9c, 15c, 25c and 39c each
Ladies' Neckwear -
Our new shipment just re
ceived contains many new
things in this line. Fancy
Lace and Georgette Collars
in round or square effects, $1.98 each.
Ladies' Purses l........:: -
.....98c to $7.50 each
tales' Hose
An almost endless variety in
all the wanted shades in cot
ton, silk fibre and pure
thread silk.
Cotton Hose 19c to 49c
Silk Fibre ........ 85c to $1.25
Pure thread Silk $1.49, $2.90
Men s Neckwear .
Nifty, natty
neckties full of :
life and sparkle
an assortment al
most endless..
Prices :
69c. 98c
and $125
You know the quality of bur
Gloves the famouus Red
Fern all colors white,
black, grey and . cordovan
$3.98 and,?3.75
"If '
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Com'l. and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store
One of the most pleasant events of
the Pythian order, and the one that
all the members look forward to each
year la the annual anniversary of the
tuuiidaig of the local order. This
anniversary took place last,-Thursday
evening In the K. of P. hall, vhen the
Knights and their families, numl-etiqg
about two hundred assembled, a
most Interesting and inspiring pro
gram pertaining to the good of the or
der was given, prepaieu oy Mr. 1' uz
gerald who was chairman of the pro-
iuni committee. One of th most Im
pressive numbers of the program was
ihe flag ceremony, when colors were
pinned in the eight stars, represent
ing the boys of the local orde wno
saw service for their country. , Only
one failed to respond to roll call and
a gold star was placed by his name,
that of Harold Dahl A short me.
morial service was held in his mem
ory at the close of which taps w,s
rounded on the piano by Mrs. Helen
Wrightman echoed by Chraie Ben
son in the ante-room. The sol.l'.er
boys who took part in this ceremony
were Kussell Snyre, Bus Bock, fid-
mund Ekuian and Merlin Conrad, rep
resent the sailors. The roll was called
by B. R, Ewman. The officers march
waa given In a beautiful manner by
the Pythian Sisters. J, W. Hyett
proved himself a fine elocutionist
when he recited, "Tour Flag and My
The last number on tha program
was the unveiling of Rathbones plc-
ures, the founder of the order, the
Inspiring address being delivered by j launched here when Captain T. C.
George" Cusiter. ; j Paine of Riverside was granted per-
' Refreshments were served at the I mission to operate an aerial mail and
close of the evening by the Pythian passenger line from southern Califor-
Sisters. Appeal.
nia points across the border to Mexi
call and other Lower California cit
ies. The permission came from Secre
tary of State Lansing and from Gov
ernor Estuban Cantu of Lower Call-
Los Angeles Cal., Dec. 15. What "Is fornla. The franchise require? that all
believed to be the first commercial, passengers he forced to show pass
international airplane line , was .ports before boarding the planes.
Hobbera entered - Alexander" a de-
partment store at Pendleton Thurs
day night .and. escaped with $6011
worth of clothing.
S71 fonrf Street Phone 635
m mi in i
Apply Zemo the Clean,
tiseptic Liquid Easy to U
Does Not Stain
" Greasy salves and ointments s
cot be applied if good clccr
wanted. From any drugrist fot
t-l.OOlor large size, get a bottle c;
When applied as directed it cio. .
removes ecsema, quickly stops
and heals skin troubles, mso t
burns, wounds and chalinsj. It '
trates, cleanses ana soothes. 'i
a clean, dependable and inexp
ar.tiwpuc liquid. Tryit,asf .'
nothing you have ever used i J -iv
and satisfying.
And Auto Wrecking
320-326 N. Commercial St.
Will Buy Anything, any
where. If you are in
doubt call 305
Used Furniture
Ranges, Heaters, Cook Stoves,
Beds. Mattresses. Springs, Bureaus
Commodes, Sew log Machines.
Dishes. In fact, any article which
you wish to sell
Call Us Up
Phone 1177
We Pay Best Possible Prices.
Moral: It puts t t In your purse,
Lucas & Needhara
Ferry and Liberty 8ta.
PHONB 1177
For Long Distance Auto Trucking
Willamette Valley Transfer Co. r,m
YickSo Teog
- Medieiiu -uO Tea Ok.
- nodieiiM' whirl, will r aav
ktubwti diwiMr
rhindayr fr,,. I
astil P V
' n. Oregon Phone SSI
Universal Percolators, Universal Electric Iron
Casseroles, Dishes, Tea Pots, Water Sets
$175.00 Playerphone and 15 Records, $150.00
$100.00 Playerphone and 10 Records, $90.00
Peoples Furniture Store
A GOOD pi Are Ti7RAnia
New and Second Hand Goods dough. Sold and Exchanged