Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    pag" in
I oday - W here Small Ads Get Results at
Stntiill Cost
Rate per word Each insertion one
cent. ai Insertion 5 cents, one month,
16 insertions. II cents, ouo jiar. per
eaonth. 9 cent Minimum per ad 25
CTrst insertion only in New Toflay.
City ads cash in, advance and not tak-
monthly account, allowance lor
phone errors .
Help Wanted
V.'ORK WORK Wnp v-
Remember, able bodied boys ever
18 years old and nniir co .i.-
Crown Willamette Pnin ' tiii. .
Oregon City and West Linn will
need men for the winto-
Just keep them in mind when ar
ranging your winter work schedule.
.luey nave a line hotel Just for em
luujes, at low rates. JOO'
New Today.
marrt If lonely: for, results, try
rno; best ana most. successiui
"Home Maker;" Hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; Btricfly confiden
tial; most reliable; years experi
ence";' descriptions freo. 'The Suo-
eessful Club," Mrs. -Ball, box 666,
Oakland, Calif. 277
WANTED Girl to aaaiat n-u, -o.
u nuuse worx ana care for two
-cniiarea. uood wages. Call 1304.
hOR SALE Cheat hay. Phone BOFlt
FOR SALE 3-burner oil stove with
oven. Call 1787W4. 295
For Sale.
f W
ONEY TO LOAN ' Office 124 South Liberty street.
6 1-1 per cent Interest. 34 1-2 years' Phone 37, 1211. Real estate ana
time, on farm loans tip to 110.000. Mock sales.
6 per cent interest. 31 vanra time, i
on farm loans above $10,000 up to';W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Time Tables.
City loans. Low rate of Interest Pay
off principal and interest in month
ly payments Ilk rent.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore.
Why not get hint. He only charge
3 per cent.
WANTED Someone to grub from 3
iu m acres small stumps. Phone
37F3. ' 295
FOR SALE First class baled cheat
hay and straw. Phone S1F15. 309
WANTED Woman or girl for gener-
iu uuuse worK. Apply at 2626 South
Commercial or phone 55F13. 23 1
WANTED Men to cut about 300
cords of wood. Good cutting. In
quire at ist2 liroadway or 1269 8.
Liberty. 295
Money To Loan.
On Rood real estate security -THOS.
ver Ladd Bush Bank, Salem. Ore.
FOR SALE Himalaya plants. Alfred
Mittinp strain;. Ettershurg straw
berry No. 121; Oregon Champion
gooseberry. W. C. Franklin, Rt 1,
box 11. Phone 52F14.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
An'n. Government money to lean
at 6 l- percent. 303 Salem Bank at
Commerce. W. D. Smith. ..
TWO bulls to let
Phone 1576W. :
for 'their
T.rT Thursday, purse containing
" .. . - , ,i r,.ii inoiW
SHVtr. urww, ww. '
TOUR future foretold. Send dime, age
birth date for truthful, reliable con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Hause.
liox 215, Los Angeles, Cal.
STUDENT desires general work Xnias
holidays for two weeks. X Y care
Journal. 29
fnv th Coat of ImiwOTlilg
Street la tw City ot Salem Trota u ,
Street tt K Street
To E. M. Bosw-rth, and Gustav
and Henrietta Schunke:
and each of yo are hereby
nntiriMi thai the elty Balem ha
v rdinanee No. 1S. levied an -
sewunent upon your wspectiva pwv
erties hereinafter dewrlked. and in
the amount hereinafter t forth, for
.....a nriiw.rtv'a nrotiortlonat .har
o. nr tmnrevtwr Church
-.. th eiiv fit Salem, from P
Ureet to K street-1 A description of
h li&rt ttipreoi or pww' v"
.k nn-nor thereoi. ana "
Can-hjU breironlan - J
IS Oregon BJP" -
s u-ubnaiu Limited
4 Ooos way
1 Portland Bapreee.
tS Oreonlan ;
H California Kpr 11 o m
!i ZTrr-.i. Limited 44 P n
II Ban Franclsoe I""
Hartford. Conn., Dec 13 Federal
audge Oarvin of Brooklyn, utttlng hi
WMtay ortlered We-.v .
dentin went ,u""7
ruptcv with libitis at ll,&00,90
nd ata ot ISSO.000. to produce in
court next Tueway ""V"
of umm now charged to be Mnc,d-
Judge Oantn held Weinan ' .-
ball, against the prott ft his
lawyer. Benjamins Blade.
b'i;lnnlnc last Marcn
Why Sell For Less?
Hand picked Kings, Spitienberg ana M mor- cs-h for your
Russet applea 6 boxes $4.25; 10 boxes hnuaahoid mods. Get our bid be-
$8. Buy your winter supply now while 1 fore you sell. Peoples Furniturs
price is low. Ward K. Richardson. and Hardware Store, 111 . "n
2396 front. Fhone 44. 31
ta'al n m Imucht heavib' from New York w
' lvln notes which m-
SMSX-OUXmVtSnR Ulm 4,, m,t caws. Oil ranth- Then.
Tt Arrive at Salem ; H narCd, he d hi. porck--
M Leere Salem . " nV ,hB wre largely shoe, lure and dU-
A wERTEKIi id--or whatever n
? .mh. uriiva the nvoney u extend hH
ona Httiem. l.Z . . ... . ..kna la
1 . - - . . . -. . - a aiB. , . .... mH hiiw . ,
as follows, towit: S , . . ' 1U I 5aVT-l:'ll kT v. U W alleed. h -
its ,fc Airtie ' : ... .... . iu ,f it seikoao.
Thru W w - -r.,;m w up - M ,mp.
... w an, nRalMI IIIHI w
lit 11X1, " - ' ' u (Pfil-s-i
amount aseessed and levieu upon "Hi Ueavea tsaiem.
. - iuvh Salem, motor
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St . 311
FOR SALE Used Oldsmobile six, In
first class condition, run about ten
thousand miles; a preat car and a
ereat buy. See it at Marion Garage.
. 300
FOR SALE 16 and S weeks old
pies, choice . L. F. Hill; Rt. 8,
box 125. Phone S9F4. 295
FOR SALE Shoe repair shop doing
good business. 12 80 State St 196
DR. JOHN I. LYNCH. OSieopamrc
nhwaiiMiin firul sureeoo. v-
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F; office
PATRONIZE V ibest Transfer Co.
baggage and moving; hauling any-1
FOR SALE Samson tractor 12-25 h.
p. in first class condition. Am quit
ting business. W. C. Heffley. Rt. 1
Independence. Or.
1 ' ' WANTED All kinds of Junk and seo-
OfPORTUNITY to tnake big profits ond nan(j B00ds. Liberty Exchange,
by devoting all or spare time sell-! j41 jj. Commercial. Phone 841.
lr" ""' '"' . Spier & Scott, Props.
that la making comedies at Its
nWQ HRUHA . WL....- J , - I,.....,., . j
where. Phone 1344. 120 S. Com'l. 'FOR 8ALEor trade tor good fresh
Jersey cow or heifers, a black geld
imr nnlt comtns three years old
Lock box 265. Turner. Or. 296
ex-service man and old timer in
Salem. 301
tional assets and enormous earning
lowcr. AS everyone
enormous money making possibili
ties of the moving -picture business
there Ifl no difficulty iiv deposing
of this stock in a going concern.
Stock selling experience not requir
ed. Handsomely illustrated sixty
imni erlvlncr actual ac-
; complishments and possibilities of
on makes solicitation
mneoMBarr. Write for InformaOon
and learn how you may make sub
rtantlal profit as our representative.-
Johnson -& Hopkins Co., 398
r. nti York City. 295
Hill A,-t
,fel IK 0. . j09nUroa tftk-
Jx, nuies, -
C 'rniM Phone '
auested for the building of an out
side entrance and stairway into the
basement of .the Salem Masonic
temple. Pluns may be inspected at
the office of this association 403
Masonlo temple, Salem, Oregon,
tsaieiu Masonic Temple association,
Elmo a White, secretary.
mercial street. Phone 134.
Water Company.
corner Commercial ana ira
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Phone 606.
111 Lmwi Blra
11 Arrives SJm
14 Arrlwn 8lem
1( Arrives Salem
IT J Arrives sutni
The charge
7:40 u.n ot conc-allnit t Ptroflta and
if " tZ i.iy ' uoJ"
- l.ur w " . . ww....t.. witl. th luten-
W1MH WW iwii-viwr' - - -
Wood Saw.
'HONK 17S4R. Our prices are HlM.
W. M. Sandler, proprietor. 126 N
Rummer street, Salem. Or.
Lot 5 in block ot noise -tlon
to the city of Salem. E. M- Ro"
worth. coat 3154.61.
Lot In block or noise s "
tlon to the city of Salem, E. M. Boe-
...V. .not ttS4.fil..'
aunii, ,. . .l.jJL
Lot In block of nmses -tlon
to the city of Salem. Ou-tave
...3 r i.,it. Hhunk. COSt 1154.61.
uamenta were "''"
volume 4, docket of elty '
S8th day of November.
-w J li.,r &eainst the Said de
l"""" ' " . . Ant,
i . i jKia ann nr savm usa-'
Mrr P " T. Z Z tourer. !?.?? .".rr"m 4.....v.-,... re. U.-The aeUvliy
aa py - n in s-.op . . -.. H.
this notice Is served upon rLl! .North Bank att ,1 Mann on ih. floor of the
Hcation thereor ror n ""tmA street la" "'U the onenlnn 01 me ""- r
Leave Arrlvt ArtW. the w a ta (.rV, ou4 0, a
saiem -;- "- ..... , . ,. there ean
It am : hole. ' -
avohllns the ltmt of hl
OBJE4JON W.POTW0 lor WHh few eptlons hei nao ina
kHitWK.u-4 lw dealings with the whKter In-
Leave Arove tolved until last alarcn.
tAVtlua Nurm
i 1 .A t:ilun 10;U am ... l:AIHO '
I lnTmn4.7m S W
7 s-.sapro
CALL 1608J for your moving and
hauling. Biederman Transfer. zt
' flrat class shop, repair-
" ing and refinishing and upholster
i ah wArlr tfiinrnnteed. "Will call
and estimate your work. Phone 1742
i2ftt s. Cimmercial. M. Brown.
burner demonstration. oaiwiw:"
guaranteed or money refunded.
Bogue & Thompson, 200 State St..
Salem. so'
Safety Razor Blades.
a a mT Mwr blade sharpening ma
chine, first msianea at .
art Repair enou.
Daily Capital journal, .
general circulation published li tne
city of Salem. .
pate of tirst. puoiivBMuu
December 11th. , .
,9, City Recorder.
uAmttk na.11 on v-j
at r Harry Levy. C. C; P. J. Kunt.
K. R. S. -
aftei'noort Phone
everything. The Capital Hardware
and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com 1
St. Phone 94T
DR. ALBERT R, MILLER Optoine- JT MAKES yWT clothes last. AU work
trlst-optlCian, eyes mui"B"'j 1 gdly hana none.
FOR HAJjci ruii bea.ui i - 0 -chard
farms with .Improvements of
10 20 25 and 80 acres, aiso v
acre farm ot which 18 acres is In
7-year old bearing prunes.
cleared land with good - improve.
Sloottional buy. These farms
are all near Salem on rock road or
highway, and are very good invest
" 5.1... nuu with easy terms on
i ' fi R. Pearson. 405 Oregon
: l.ldg. Phone 43.,
.,.7"-i.rf. tKft nno aee 25, anx-
W to maVrjr honorable
-writ. MrB. Warn. 2216 1-8 'Sempie
' St.,J-os-Angcles, Cal.
amlned, glasses made and fittedj
PAPER hanging and tinting, tert
wardlVToneiuor 1201 after six
WANTED To hear from owner of
1 - .ml-. '- en I . OWIV -
otlpiilnrs; I). F. Buan,
n . i'
Minneapolis, Minn.
PJOTTJS-Namea and address wealthy
. ri'Tam 112
Hftnt -unvune
Turk, San Francisco.
im iiamh TAUNDRY
nn.wilnar. repairing
). o ,,. b Phone 8. 315
1.1 a.
WANTED Between 10 and 25 acres
of large Iir liinoer, iui '""'"","
8 miles from town. Box 4 Capital
Journal. 895
WANTED To buy or rent a small
place in or near oT hoi
poultry and fruit E G Y, Rt. 2, box
e RiokrealUOr. - " "
WANTED Army overcoat. Box Coat
Capital Journal.
MONEY to loan, on good real estate
fr .nnts in sums of Io00
KS""" iuo.nnln Tern
up. Ivan u. juhihu. -
Lodge Directory.
nMta every wwnww
evening at 7:80 at L O. O. F. hall
. . - rioriuiM and 1
Salem canr. - - ,h
!u-.5' "'..""Tr nabl. rat
""relnr Dead animal.
J.- .vd Offloe n " Main m
oramn Qraoe camn n .... . t0: clover n
every Thursday evening In McCor-
nack hall. Elevator r" . y.-
Mrs. Carrls B. Bunn. s umuu
17; oat hay $80: clover hy Mli
i . fill am' t:4 am -"- any such -
v .d a. , IH nm .
11.01 pm
i.A 1:6. pm 4:09 pm
ftolemonly :S0 P
4:11 pm t: P'
h. la iiily worklnn to
.n.r having hea hf
e.i- away trvm Waahlngtoa wvrai montn.
North .tatloa' tirrlv. u - picoou.
1 mlnut- rller.) 'Ma , tit. Mann la H-
UVATV a il, Km
III nm 4.00 v. .. - --r He la the
lO'.l am r -
:1I pm '
. . . . f.. Ihe leod-
nne of the seart"
He ..ullP-tfo al
....... a unavfN ma r id "v ' - -
holes dally. n.n 146.3IO47.00.
Kuuvna- ' ' '
. .. .. It . ..A&A
recorder. Mrs. Meu- ry ouiier . M
N 4th St Phone 1436M. - . , pork, veal sad utteai Pork OB toe
. i'(3 lantltl AMAITl
UNITED iKiw;"""-- .-..
. . at. a maara vnrr 1 uui quj
; sheep, yearunsa
em-"" -". -;"; r 46o:
a t Unanltlfl I aillUIVt Ul"" I " f .
,m.i.-V--- a . ....
Nile. M. A.: a. v.uu.. r and poultry; Eggs oastt s.o,
tary. 840 Owen street K8 h.. (40. ot.
IgW neim -
Washtngtoa. Deo. 18.-Cptl Ed- "rKANt MOW. OWT H. C I-
ParMu ':
" . .. ....... ..i..i .. : .. -...m.fjMureu "7
.... ih avtation a turns" ior . -; . , ,-
. . ...... 1 . 1,
-. . ... 1 nniMW. u.H.
. ... -.1 Muinr James H.
die Rlckenuaeaer .- - -
Meaner, ace. ot the A.
1 w . . U a hnliHA.
on xpeuitur.- . ;--. .., mB. hl, ". r 1...hi-. made l sppear-
reportsthatquemin ..;.." -- pnc. . Mond.vy.
(vrnnrmivn r ' , - riw - ..Baa..
customary when a muadron h, mit nnt uch as to "jw
m 1. the increaalnf
government -"- . ,.
,i,.th when CommuTO . m-
r,ckl AIT AKtRRlCAl ..Ota... anrlnm 0a
MODE KM wwut." iMiomer- , Pk 4Ue
Oregon ueaar wni Vegetables: unw- -- Llmi I
1 .... ........... uiwih. ... .... wuiti never
orh a e case "--frnm ather. lur
W .. ra.hloa.blo tailor-
lien .tent runiuia ca OUi w-.
r .... ..... luimmau.
will pay
,t . t.i.n. nf the year I will
yo ur on your mov
lng. veil neat
Coml. Phone 144.
Best House Buys -
4 rooms. 2 lots, some fruit. $700.
VEoma 2 lots, some fruit. $650 all
f 1 vmnn 'iTtinwnicioi " --- - 1
"more Tfor Wd mahlny fm.mBh6d modern bunga-
company's exchange an" $2000i cash.
Phone 340. 111 6 room modern house, fruit (iwo,
. .. ii nno cash.
WANTED High whoo' boy ' ,00m house,
Real Estate Houses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow With
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Llston, 484 Court St .
FOR SALE Modern VamwX
-(except furnace at
St. $3000, $100 cash,
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
mil' B2 room rooming house
in tin class location. one im
.. w a Lliston. 481 Court
t..r vitii . - ggg
St '' '
FOR SALE - Seven lots six room
nouse, Bn i irriga."uT;,sT n G. Martin
lion Hi.ti.,
Masonio Tomple.
1239 N. Broadway.
BOX Hi ivHiPiw - 1 t ruum t
1 lurtTA lot,
WANTED-600. ot, eOOa-aecu, , ,0
l " ' S lr WAll
7 room g"" ' i avement.
wen iuvi...-,
2, Salem, Or.
n.K..Ma Mventna at
meet, every K...ii.
o'clock in Mcuorniicn
r..,,,. t.inertv rr
Persona V. W. rran- -
vegeianiw". - Vabimi
. ... it in- notntoes, Yakimi
cciery .. nntntoe
l-2c. Oregon 1 r
-"" .. 11, Umntl. Oranges '
!R41.00i banana, tic '"
W. O. W. SALISM war ,- 20ct .uncn - rrp
every rrmay mBu - heaa leuuc- t -- ....uftlowei
McCoriuwk naivoj. hj,; Brusseu .P"-
n.Vrcri. 8V Oeer: clerk. $3 do.;, red P.,,,-.
hutter 76c; country a"'
'"" . . .... 1111a1.11.
o; flour, ham
Lortlamt. Or.. Dec. 13 -Butter ,. W
Stove Kepairmg.
i a , nitainmurr i -ina nun . wH.a
t T; flow tn.o a cloud, they are ,m, W tor "V-
" - . a A..iiiuirtn aaiiu . . . .i.. Anaai niai aau
amled for tear msm..- BBW ,
many y""'". ; .... M,mfKdes,
velt wa. Oeiwneu i -
Mulssner awrsrted.
Ia ho howsver asem-
Wearer. . - t .... , th)
exhimt n 7- -
'",oud lifted Roosevelt I " a to .xh(blt the "
an piunee .. cafes n ""." ...-.
r.on '"..V:: Mloutaa of ftghll
auwn "r - mmUtee.
At the reuu
re-led In fctan V" ,hl. .-
d ortlrd to r"
....11. and renatred $' I
proven "--'. National
incne. man. hno
lshe.. etc.. loganberry nd hop
hooka Salem Fence m Stove
Works. 360 Court street Phow "
finished. $4260 all cash.
frugaX. good.ocal.on. $2500.
S11:.... ,,wn house, on pavement
1 .ere tract located ..I "isoO cash balance $26 P"
from Waconda s. nth, at r rach of
, ..j H K Willi " " 1 if vnu Bra .y"" . . , . ..i. nn
For Rent
invited to call on
sgon f""-" nasture ann -; na you are mvneu . .
- . Lcla. ,l JKS monthlv k'? Ve what I can offer.
lng. nam, m
fftrm land, "-Art .d wash
cash Pa.en.t,8,'"rb"Sntleman. Ad-
lng tor an
dress Gervais, Rt
phone m
2, box 45 or
For best buys see
341 State l
Vo Ca.h RequlrM--ro"d 7"
-2--f. r&F&Z KSS
,,hr u-erui .Dtll El.
What have yout Jh. vapHal
hanse. "7 - -
Bargains and Investments
Fine IB acre tract 4 mile, from
.aiMntud lorn
ilZrm ;.o.i $ae37o.
Live Stock.
.'... oi... none: tone of mar-
. . rmiie .teers.
K,t '"". list
OI.6A: tr W - ,:,
common to tair - . .
cho.ceto o'd ea ana --"- 'tV.
ifift: ranners '
. . 1
cBi.-e .- llinB of
e nne ?-- " -
ed the m"1"'"" , ,,,,bnii kuiuS on
In a champ"1"""'!' .
Nw Years w ..rf hi
I'M - -
..n.hecl housekeep-
FOR REmf ' ,4th St. 2B
lng rooms
FOR SALE By owner, house.
five I
. n nnved I class
FOR RENT 8 room BO- - 4 miies out
street near car mw. 296.
tin. Masonic -lenun
, acres of bearing P J"!
Aa condition. rocK rnm ". , hway.
.close to Pacific highway.
Price $5600. farm m0,t.
Well improve o -
modern bunga-
th, "eloctricl ghts, et ' FORBENT-o 4Sj
nciea f..l lnnted at HO" low
. : . . . . .. 1. .
76x160 reei .' 2400 for
ntreet. Pr.ce reduced to .
quick sale. Call telephone 3-"'8;
Niemeyer's Buys
..w-t-rav rrt- T1 A V
T,ot 36
ht. Modern; nrcpiaw .
136. $2500. 260 N.i5th
. Modern 5 room house at 260
Good basement. Laie .-- '--dern S
Neat, attractive, '"'..hH Lot 60x
rnnm home at 180 S. 14th St LOl o
159; Fru.t and walnut trees.
hoie S4200. it7" State
Modern 6 room house at 1.73 smi
St Lot 60x165. I"0- , Mnrlon. 9
23 acres i t"" .T" hBr 100
Lost And Found.
8la. "'" front of
UUBi . a L D on
W Reward for return
case. Rfwa.ran(inwfty l. wo.
of romai" -
Phone 85.
Hood ms
. ,n,pVr, ,n croo. good house.
ly cu twitoo of Salem.
two Darna. -.n
Price i -. t0 carllne. x
L'hbarnrbearing fruit Price
$3000. . , . rline. 6 room
6 acre ira.;. ----- iectrlc llgnis.
pl.rter.d "rfng fruit! gravel street.
mar-Between n . m 0r
is4 ."SI HLW ' lUftVC
car. Finder P.e !95
this office.
UH Car? for Sale.
acres cultivatea. Ky,nuV trees. 4
almond and English W,I"U1,, Run-
years. Bottom lana, - lce
ning water on tarn. u Good K
4 room piaaici"" , o-npif nav,
f 'Lfr Sfd fmptmenls
corn, nurucrw, o - i
included. $45004 , All cultl-
60 acrea neat Maoleay. ah ,
price $00.
H4 acres
g room
Tn. "-"":; a-octatlon.
the Tournament . ..u
-a Bllll.l... .....-I
...r.iilnncn, T-i"""
. a. a aiAiHMftl
,he u... ,V,'r2' Vout $'l"
rntM $30. bu. -X wen known liter-
arv na ' Km fought
ulthough It I. reported h. has p
one. ' ' ' .. -
aookane. Wa.h.. Br.1
i.u Umik was roonca --
Ion Park nan handll.
,-rdav at ' ,,: wh ,.
ewaned in an - - f ,own.
of th ,nm
Th. ha"" ' ln 1
Tkln .ft M v,,nrh.
ot the employ 'r". " ....
be mo .r - - . arrival
land. The dale tor ....
here waa no nxea.
Fine i acr- - "-... h.rn,
L'"V. "r... nice home. 3U0, ea.s
terms. ..... j,v loam
16 acre iraci u.
Salem. Bargain for ... 7' "&,,,,
paterroad-al. ln"cuUiva..oB. Snap
Fine general farm 5 mllaa
be bargain
acre, cio v-
inga Snap $2500. , J&9,
! aet 3 ml.e.from MA
... i hleh state cultivation " -" .,.
al, ... .. .. ...mi.M wen.
b.i a midv: I"'"1
, , ivd 114 00114 to: r..u..
twten i- Aath.hoUM
,irrl.d to onirv-- . . .
I tilt 1-Jvi - -
lair to ... 1100
US 60: ews $s a!7 00
.. .niallv Mason,
111 .--- .
muter anu nra"
... m.irtebaker
FOR SALept ted in Vood co
overhauled, rePaingon,8 pa,n
Commercial St
,wcor Jom
cv acrea u-;-. .hard Fine ----- . lntroaOTU - "
vated. Good famay OTchara. Mi today wr hy
water. 8 roorri house. 500. . ,ct use ol ne - ..m-rt
school and post office war. to nos..i rates on (h.
Ills MialtlSVPl . ynv.' . . ntiM ",s "
vv . A- I"""- . -o tnan
,:Ltlmb7r.nd pasture
house, well, good spr-- w rallroad
Hlliwrj ... a.- nV
, rom bungalow Jth lith m
into, located balance $15
D-X. -'- ,
per month
4 room
terma m humralow at z-
Goon 0 huaement. Pc
Commercial St "onth. 6 per
a thrift down, 'ri
cent inter"? ftt v.
. . 1 ,i,i - .
ry orcnara, uui.-.-a-.
Bargain. . ..,. deal.
For bariraiii" -
Perrine & Masters
,11-1$ Com. club bldg. '" Of
t,.relg affair. r
iiier th bill
Illinois, -. ., ,.,. oddukI
U, the "rapuWH, ,,..
lion to such --
d ""' . h.rd before
duniano." " .
T . . Ulll IIIHW"
ftmt naKr
coligrem h"
r am:- s
tiiiliier r. alma throng"
drove down " -"- aad.
Ih heart of In
of police in purui. ,
,k.t rv w'tii emfwyp 9
Hlne4nrth-1" T" '
KK ,U MKiDKTlMl LAW.!, act
TZT1I Altorner
l.,r ..-
i.r all the
member. 01 'nural ,.mlt
i.tM Ihl . a-a.
Iinuur laiera-ta. o
tMuaj -
.nt ltiterert
mon 'rftred bungalow. ba
rPnc.PJl50 500down. balance
M 'estate' and
... tis.-i Wnic bldg .295, prescn
it..uinirlnn. IXjO 13
leader, today wer. accused of ivln
-aid and comfort to Ih en." r '
. 1 ...... r.ii.jnoc riei.rc. L. rot, rr"'
"ir" lJ' zz: conn:
$37$ on th. Irish ue' w
"" frlon .nsii" " - h,.
1I1 11 coiiimitt".
1 Maaon w. tn
1 .. .hi that coBr n"
Irish rpu am fl n()t m..
hi formal recosiilllon of .ha Irish re
S.l , .h. u,d ret .HI. "
atlmula'l"" ."'.T. ! aart.
Urn prohibition -
iaa t O.rtT "f ,h
Rbr-lhedraVanno-- .y
roof. "
i Tox Ud "..a la hl. cou-itry wn
U Hlnn FMner. have do .
I ... treated mor. drastically
.treat Price Co
W. H. urareiimM- - - ,
$T6 St atreet
ill N. Commercial.
1817 Ford, gooa ri-i"'.
1919 Chevrolet, driven
2000 miles. $" -
Ford l-iun ii -
i samson tractor $500
rord bug $m .,h)M, rtrt,,r.
r.1"!, o,l -re-.. The Sinn
narta nr- "rtR-"for th. In h". country, he .ld.
W. have taken the aBy 1 '''h",,r' '" ."..-.,,-ainu.'' th
rh-ndler and Ci.vemn v.- . character.w-u - h.,,.
,or demonstration. tint ' .Vdav tht hev rt-P
.ha fO"itri ..i, ..m
have be ir-a
l'1-- . A n.,t hilV
reineia -
cniprri Auto Exchange.
lem. Phones 1000-1014
Any amount Low rates.
Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service.
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg. .
cum Oregon
. city new.P.
. been tn " " i- mS""'. ,
8r0m "VobbllP Q ..sll town.
II almost impossible to ,t
. w "
rnJ cor
cntrir papers mj,
rr This Out
V'- . . .
...MT ort
VVVirn von w"!fc
fln4r Tp HnV, of distance
hmw a nr anv
nl' ao otr nhone.
TMirV rail V .1-
. .:v -innnc
iwM font'
: f . -a
Salem Auto Radnor
Viator. Fender, an- "a- t-.M
Tract" R.1'-1"" "
ford Radiators fr " .
. - ..1 a..-t. !". Ore-
111 a. il
li-lah I
-....wiorf of th mKrny
In in i. to
ud a "rt
mem T of IVl-ra -PTrtr.
in ihl. coortrv ana at !" -r.
be .aid. . . y warn the
. -, r. -l I
TlaC $$
205 Oreimn Bldg.
Fir Ground. Cnvrage
k r,::;; r-
Mtronag. ,ariay.
I -nr
a llflT
- nii,
, t,d
t-a al n
r.nrd to
...I atf fe
-Z- . .,:ialiy. ' . . ,.u.4 by drina.
Battery cnr.... - r., --
other. '",th ,n cannect on AH , lb. office
right Blackamlth m ? -u of Am-
.ork g-aranteea- , a-'-- . ,.,4 .her was
m- o i""..; v Myn.rd .
AalvMr- , .meet Co " . .w a
tba A-t . ,o -r r;;,,.n H
of AaVsnj-";,-. ,,44f fr hard a
i - 1 1 1.
i r"C kiv ?. I I
x r -r v I 11 r lift, ".
vi swra U vva ,,V
CkaJi. fT-la. - W' IFM!?! rtaKiaf .
iirrT am pat " ;
- . . ... i
. I
a .m neas I
I . ... . n "X n. rn. I
j Office Hours fro i T' J
f .