Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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imirnai contest l otto
- "WV f ? 1
. 1 I'
day that it seem a ahar.t to nils
SUOil BT1 oniuirtiinitv T 1 t... ll 1 a U.
: wr .Mora than one I"v anna
there to get an Idea tor aa English
tk.t Sn.tklnr. mhr knows to new-1 .. Prfttam. Or. Deo. 1. Ivlt
niMrdom had fcavDeaed that othr; rh Canttal Journal: Sine th a-
Salem. Or, Hoy. M, 191S.
Contest Editor
aubave asked for a criticism ot the
"Tv. up of your paper and I am ex-
tng a few ot mr ldMLS " t0 how
onor should look.
the uue. "
One who didn't know would have
read nil .,... .... .
to read
all about the win ii
' " nLv.ii Lur cjirrier anu
weather which may have washed the
wuawvr lira IMMLULlUeS.
i nope that it won't be many day
uuiu ino picture or. the capitol with
th fln will
, thlnr on us aneei. xno iei- i .pifcu on our paper
anxious U"a and straneera will nv w . .......
to" " 1 rinn., with curves emblem for the paper.
Route No. 7, Box 165, Salem," Or.
. ..d. batons would be better
rnero ....
hu better a letter ma uj
Afferent from the rest ot the type on j
iZ Tease. Aa it is w:ih many issue.
?terton has to look twice to find the
" of the paper amidst the Jumble
ft, Old Roman would help providing
!f was Property executed. Another
thinTl would line the top of the sheet
Sear across under hearting; and not
T that line under penalty unless
Salem, Or., Nov. 29, 1919.
Contest Editor: I'm glad for the
privilege ol expressing my views con
cerning your paper.
In the first place I want to say, that
before I noticed the Change in eauora,
I noticed the change in the type used
for '"The Rippling Rhymes," and re
marked to my family: "There must
1 Should like to m mni hum d-
oted to sports. I believe nearly
ievenrone is interested in the local foot-
uu victories. 11 um to e & lot oz
those patent medicine advertisement
taken out to give room for more
i Worth-while aria. Tl rhwnM thr
IMlTlAr Snit An ..,lin .A.l A, A
couldn't you find a mora n(reUn.
'Heme tor your serials th.n that unw
worn bugbear, the troubles of mar
ries Hfef
Just one final word to boost the "All
Around Town column. The local
news is always welcome.
... Sincerely yours,
Bouncemen of your competition, II
v.. bm of in oiowi
lnnmxte lth tha lata one. 1 be-1
llev the old style et headline has
. i ,vui v ik. MaaM antwarance: the!
The old saying very irm in ui",iui . . n;
m hi to ! used tor that on time-
But, alas. I was doomed to disappoint
ment when ever anar in uiiiuu
Journal was the
Tt Canital Journal of the past was
ever a welcome visitor at our home,
t. er4 n hm of our oulet little
town, have thought and said, "it waa
-w uLnair.' But now tnat w
past and everyone lament the terrible
change that has om over kb one
attractive face, Soma - hare eves
threatened to stop the paper. i
know if they have, w nop uic
i. ta. the aatier. 1 mean uw
front page, looks patchy and uunsight-
ly. The capital letters you use
Cr98S Virions thing happened suUi be a new editor, as the "Rippling
""..SnK of the SmJL U you yf ruined. You see I en-
u rheatn your paper continue M the larger type used, as I could
wish to cheapen "r" ... , easily read them without going to the
1th your io"B trouble of Eettinsr my elasses. and I
big type and you soon w . v....
trcompltshed. - . miner' In its read thera. 8 th smaller type has
P m Its new. thoimh I taken away all charms for me.
toad taken the paper but a short time
before the change was mado.
Tours truly,
is the
Salem. Or., Dec 1, 1919.
Contest Editor Capital JournaJ: The
old heading in my estimation was
,a ,, tr. the eve than the new
X There was nothing bold or Jar
ring about the former neadmg. It
uniform and always well bal-
nThe present make up of the paper
assesses, however, an appearance of
SSeV The new neading seems
?o echo of the spirit of efficiency and
f "clear-cut-ness" which we all ad-
nTaces Space consuming
proper places. bp
S2Zi important place. This
Suable space at the heading of the
Moaner ta now used wisely. More head-
Sn sre possible to be printed and
la Jes of how to get service, to the
messages w " . a Thnse
Curesf of the
CanitaWournal should. I believe by
M mean- be retained. But the hea.l
V itself Bhould be changed to let
"tUe more artistic and not
suite so.blunt and bold.
Respectfully yours,
. ... 4i5 n. Cottage, Salem, Or.
The next oblection I have
style of type you use in the
ine." I think its uely.
Beside I think it should always oc
rnnv the name nlao.e on the front Daee.
and I like it best in the middle and
nhnvA evprvthine tlse. Chaneine its
location as often as you have been do-1
ing, impresses one that you are!
"moody" and "changeable." !
I think I've found enough fault,
now I'll commend you for the changes
you have made which I enjoy. I like
he important news printed in large
type, and enjoy the startling' head
lines. Another thing, I do so enjoy
your ediioriaU
T like vour frankness in veiling the
nennle of Salem and vicinity "every
thing liiHt what we are."
I think you have done a great deal
in their ed by so doing.
We are slow ana seiusii, ouu .
v vnur little "sermonetts" are
nrv to awaken us to the op-
nn.itie9 which lie before us
I want to add that I enjoyed, your
"Thanksgiving Editorial" very much.
Wishing you success in all your un
dertakings to bring Salem and vicinity
to see and do their full duty.
I remain, yours truly,
jraremenu . . :
Turner, Or, Nov 17. 119. I admit yo r Probably masinB amau ..
Contest Editor Capital Journal: It more money than w,""wl"J
... ... - . it i. t nnMirance ol tne U
..ui wiui uib !'" . t will have to beg
ning a prize that I am writing this, hut ana P"'-"'' " . utnlv
when I read in your paper ot every-1 your pardon when
one having the privilege to write ana n " " . -
express themselves ... .egard to th.lmore adyertise
heading and makeup of the "once very ' 'wnu, front
valued Capital Journal, It was the very good, but oh that
thing I have longed for ever since ne f.., , "ir it would say "give me
once attractive front page naa oeen ,ovea old faoe.
made otherwise. . I J (. m,nathv.
The first evening I tooK tne journau u. OIDDINOS,
. n f hn T Innkort lit It in I tmai". .w-
irum uur r . j. r- P. O. BOX 13
norror. men me uiuum" """" -
Mt.i .nri can be too eaaityl
My 1
shifted to one aid. wa l
I do not like to see in nrwa
x . tia tieadtna: of the paper.
unless tt te a declaration oi w.
.ihi.. nmit nomcntons I o
niuKtuHi - ... I
m. v. Mur flurihoa Ol piacina i
ll.n. ivw,.., j - 1
the weather forecast ana orcu
above and at one aid of the neanin.
It adds to rather than detract from
. . . Af th ahllAt.
tne iiwm v.
jt a tmlv auv that I think
the Capital Journal an uni'i 1
Ml " MWt
i ft Yea fazzl Dot i EcUar Drs:
Exkuave labor savers-Jiffy Sawholder, Hctal to
Metal Clutch, Safety Angie, Adjustable Titmtoi
A Bicycle for Christmas
Contest Editor: Some few weeks
i came In the house tired from my
boA said "How o you like the
ew heading on the Capital Journal
and to my surprise It was the paper I
had In my hand. . . a
As a subscriber I must
an opportunity to voice my dislike for
the new neaumis. ,, Btate
Hvery big paper has , a natura M
or vicinity emblem en 41 hav el ked
to vain for a flag which does not ap
pear on thV CapitaUournal sjnee the
new heading has been In use or
should say the change In the
often dashing head lines are placed
where "Capital Journal" should ap
'salem. Or., Nov. 28, l91i
Contest Editor Capital Journal: l
..jt aoinm hleh achoorand
am a siuuuu. v.. - T
a regular reader of your paper. I
bdEEthat my opinion of your ' da to
.naram of the attitude
is a pretty i"
of my fellow students, so I'm tak ..g
liberty to express a few ?f my ptt
irteas in the hope mat
rVour editorial leniency
be too harsh wun my
perienced views, ' t
First. 3." Mn. .That
like your ' ' V i ig
BiZe of Print you T v;7n-
called) is nettl over the top
paper by spreading all ov.
MJ ,hUMi turn 1
WW .-t: T I 1 5 1 I 111 IH It' "V . t. I
BaU-m. Or.. Nov. S. 1919
v,utr. When the new
j nut evarv reader real
n.att.inv had haDuened, we had
a new editor one who was ai -...ia
think for himself and whe waa
... v. . ... t. trx eet oui v
wiae ruuufc"
rut. . .
i in,. m the weather lorecam
. , i niM Iwiim every one
. prv. -- .I,,
Hi nil
. . . n renort one c"
v -,.nv nther Journala are floating
tin and around Salem. .
I am more Interested In
, seeing the world, nation or state new.
at the head of a paper man "-""-
old name in lust tne earn-
,a it has been ever since "
the Journal." u,
...t- " hiia oeen hij
...... ..U f iir." Why not have a
little ot this at the head et r paper
every u, . ..! to
1 am "
. .11 hAAnlltwl
. v. mnpnHi n ii i mi
lvi:. vw what eve. will find nor
ucrvvi , . .
just where it will o mum.. " 'r "
the nam of the pPr 1 don t thtnK
me naiim haimetti
I Bhll ever ut -",. ,,,.
to be in a different pmc.
ferent script why tni
m"er i T:, n. country in the
mere j-" .
world wnere puit -
things in lust the sam. way th.
I ...,,.. h.iv had them, inese pe l
pie wearqueues au
at'eks and ra rain-r -
class. .. , k.
And last I Uk. in.
cause I'm aa amen.. - ' v
American is P".. " then
heading. , -.tianV.
Mlta. vi.
m.i iprtin Bay
What doe tne .uon.d
We will ship you a Vaughan if your dealer kasn't
one. Send for our free booklet
u iiinn MOTOR WORKS. INC m
i flUCUJCiA tian.iv"'"
t WE ARE KX.bl4J
1 1
ufHne tne
clever, too, tor - that au on
the principal of W. lacklng ln
which is so conp.v-
some of our Papers- mQt.
But to get to the he
ter. the eflltornu - ,
p:lge more than . ltorlals.There
wish there w Rbout ihl)ge
are 80 man,
Honor Guests Tonight
1 Mr;-.t J 3)
r; I 1! . I I ' ll
ffl w I I
S r Bates Is Pot f of the
g I Reverend and Mrs. Alfred I d of "-er ln th-
I forwho.a-eP--,. - of Theolog,
P Kptaconal church, of whicn -w-
, S- Bate, la pastor, thte evenine-
The one gift of gift for the pojrfng boy
. n. 6i. n ll mke this ChnstiaaJ
a memorable one for him, because a bicycle
a memor corapan-
becomes a ooy .a ,
" . i. i. . uj m runmnt? erranw
ion in ms piay, a ,
i . J mnnpv saver in going DacK
nnfl a lliuc ouu - .
ffla forth to .chooi. iou ii
lfaas-i- - .
T. satisfy yourwants. The pricey are ow
too $30.00 and np. -
Harry W. Scott
147 South Commerciiu o
I w ir.ENCT
, rorvi
Monty's Tire Stop
W nW"h,
MUkaa w
Starts The Day Right
A cup of Folgcr's Golden Gate
A brisk walk .
.What jazz!
Work is play -( .
Iter's Golden Gate Lh gKl coffee.
t ,ste from other coffee and tetter
Different m taste i rom w
rr j Automobiles
w at a substantial -
Get the car you Adg. Nearly every
Watch these . . . ,
" . Th snap nop 4 ' .
waiJU ' nrWavT".
A,vl if you have a car will rcafl
it Sr Sssified Sec wber. IA it. . - nrt
- . nn Like i nu
Dexribe Your Lot
Machinery, "
JJTrf every -
4 " TIV