Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 13, 1919, Image 1

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Tonight and 8mtoFftJ,'il
Maximum It
Minimum below
Mn for !b Cmfcr s Hib- if y.a tt
Kcdre"yijar CspM fad re-t.:
81 hf ore 630 o'clock ens b ssl jsx
54 5 9
Hembe Aod
I .All Tt TTTT'4a T7NT7;p" V
. Water users of Salem are
warned 'to watch closely the
water pipes in their hornet
and places ot business until all
flange of freezing has passed.
Users are urged to use the fol
lowing precautions:
Find out definitely where
the water can be shut off from
the entire premises. -
. . If pipes become frozen use ,
care -in thawing them and
work back -from the fawcets
in order to let any steam that
may accumulate escape. Keep
the fawcets open until the pipe
". is thawed.
If the heating coils in tho
furnace or stove, or any part of
the hot water system freezes,
shut the water off from the en
tire premises Immediately and
, call a plumber. If It Is absolutely
necessary to keep a fire under
or around the coils alter tne
water is shut off, open the hot
water fawcets.'. The principal -
danger then is that the coils
will burn out and allow the
water in the cffils to escape in-
to the stove or ,
To prevent ' freezing do not
allow the water to run. Some
parts of the city are already ;
without water because of this
form of wastage and unless the
water pressure is kept up tha
: city fire department will
helpless in case of fire. .
Washington, Dec. 13. Senator Ar
thur Capper ot Kansas, who declared
war on black flag profiteers in a
speech on the senate floor yesterday
today outlined for the United Press the
remedies which he believes should be
! applied to the high price evil. His pro.
posed solution of the problem follows:
By Senator Arthur Capper,
(Written for the United Press.)
Nothing would do as much to stop
profiteering as to Jail the robbers who
have made fortunes the last year or
!two by gouging the publie on food-
I stuffs, fuel and other necessities of
T I Not less than 16,000 brand new mil
(llonaires have been created in this
? country during the war and In the year
4.,at jMtirfn.. in a nlnae. It is not trou-
b9 able to find profiteers of the rankest
- Salem faces the danger of extensive property damage and
danger to pedestrians and others unless the snow is cleaned
from the streets in the business section of the city before the
temperature moderates and a thaw Bets in.
:. A rapid tha under present conditions would do more
damage than it is possible to estimate. With the gutters piled
high with snow which is freezing tighter, every hour and most
of the drains already frozen, or partly so,, the deluge of water
which would result from a thaw would flood most of the base
ments and backwater from the congested drains would make
rivers of the sidewalk's and crossings. Under these conditions
a drop in the temperature below the freezing point would
make any sort of travel hazardous.
Like other cities Salem must cope with this danger and get
the snow off the streets in the business section . of . the city.
Trucks are being used in many places for this purpose and in
others the snow is being removed with graders and teams.
"Whatever is done must be done at once. The thaw may
come at any hour and when it comes it will work faster than
, can the human hands in their efforts to check its damage.
nil IP
Although three days have elapsed
sUice the snow began to fall in Salem
iany citizens have made no effort to
clear off the sidewalks abutting their
property. Today City Attorney Bert
W. Macy called atentlon to the fact
: that city ordinance provide a fine of
y. f com $10 to $100 for not cleaning side
class in that crowd. I think wo now
have all the laws necessary to convict.
Jail Sentences Neeaea.
Tha hlBtorv of an the government's
anti-trust prosecutions in 25 years does
not show a single , individual tver
served a jail sentence for a violation.
The country would like to see that rec
ord broken and there was never a qei
im tn est action than right now.
TTnitn this orgy ot hign prices
stopped there should be a limitation on
profits, not price Ming, out n
( -hnuld see that the business
conc3.n Hifrkes publie the coat of its
Eagle Pa, Texas. Pec IS Eight
Mexicans, ,two Americans and one
Englishman were reported captured
by VllUstas in their sacking ot Mui-
quia. The men are neia ir r
iMnrdlna to the reports.
mmud of JSO0O for .acn or m
u...n. .nri lis 000 each for the
Americans has been maae, .
said. '
Included among the American w.
R. B. Hansom, representing the Kagle
Pass Lumber company.
Wealthy Mexican Held.
Fred Hugo, manager ot the J. M.
Dobies ranoh, an Englishman, was re-
" . 1. L.M I- TV,
Among the Mexicans
Miguel Musquls Pens, one of the
wealthiest ranchmdn In Mexico. He
.t Muioult but his wire
escaped by running to Resits, several
"Hands Off 'Policy Adopted Dy
Big Three; Britain, France
and Italy Show Inclination to
Accept Reservations.
By Ed L, Keen
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
t ,inn rP 13 -Allied representatives m conference here fcata
dJSlUl-it..a difficult
learned authoritatively today. rr.wr
j-, wmir Clement
IJiifU-vr"! - '
Foreign Minister Sctalola and
According to tne terms oi u . nl th..t u does not taKe
f nrnnffv nwner Is re- . ti- nn-.t'i as is being done in
-Ot aiiuuice l"ui,u uinii " ; . . ,
quired to clear the sidewalk
4mo hia nronerty." and make
"safely passable.'' ' . "
Tn .exDlaining the ordinance cov
ering the cleaning of sidewalks, Macy
said that unless tne snuw
from them the thawing and freezing
will make them so dangerous
to pedestrian traffic that accidents
are liable to occur, making the prop
erty owners subject to damages.
Vvnnnrl-V Owners Pay '
The expense f cleaning the side
walks falls on the property owners,
ju. tn th ordinance; ana, u
j written notice from tne
street commissioner .to clear off the
sidewalk it Is not done, ne
feed to clean it and charge It to the
. . Mayor Wilson, anticipating the
a and slush that fol-
.vaHnrdsv conferred with Street
. Commissioner Low and steps . .. were
taken to clear all gutters so thatthe
thawing snow could run
i ers without obstruction. Today em
iV maWng trenches through the snow at
. each sewer intake, purauau w ,
titans. - , .
.'1 I Street Cleaning Irgt.
r While there is .no legal provUton
'-' , ... .lu.ini' off of tne
lye taken to remove all the no''0:
the streets down town and dump k.
into the river. Unless this Is done. h.
. aid, thousands , of dollars damage
from flooded basements lle,elt,
,.-.... .v i,o onnw begins to men.
. j, .t.t lorm sleds, orawn
He suggemeu -
, hrnue-ht Into use,
y lrv , - nm .oyea t0 as-
. sist in the removal of the drifts from
the streets to the river.
Hi i , i ..... j
i,a tu . . .
t M haln aome 01 we rauiu
i', In oTfturfi on the big
e'xchlnges of Mew Tork. Chicago and
.v,. niHAs. The gambler has no place
, humnn BOC rttV. it win -
legislation to -1o lha.. 1 am tor U
The gang of gtort Isomers and promo
te who haveln tl .. las' year unl-ao-
.... i rt.fVil,M atocKs on me
;d million" ' ' , V t r,(
ct.lllble pub' t snii u do v
f au issue, of Wlroaa and
other securities .wm-- " "
ment approval, inai
federal bLe sky law and this congr
should not hesitate a moment in cn
mioh lpeiaiaui)".
t think it would lower the cost ot
.'. th . ! M l, strict regulation f the 'lacking induf-
trTa3 the Pae be divorced from
try ana me v atockyard3.
ownersnip - . . -
rMri ntoraKc , ,
undr federal supe-
co-Opem . ,
" . ...... nt a lew
terprises and Commission
the airSmen, whole
men, balers amenta miaa)e.
salers ana producer
men who taKe i"" -...
and consumer.
North Powder
Kllensburg. Wash. r..
The Dalles .
Pullman', Wash
Odessa, Idaho
Missoula, Mont. ......
Yakima, Wash.
Helena, Mont
Palouse, Wash ..
Castle Rock,tWash. ...
Walla Walla, Wash.
Pocatello, Idaho
Chehalis, Wash
Spokane, Wash. .........
Boise, Idaho .
Oregon City ".-
Denver, Colo
Eugene -
.:. si
.a. 30
.... 24
.... 24
.... 24
..... 28
..... 22
..... 29
... 15
...... 11
..... 10
........ 4
. S
-The official
' . have to
After ft nara g - ymMM.
granted to turn on parts or uw
mains in the city this afternoon
miles distant, and telegraphing to h j
son to send the ransom money to I mo m
Solo. 120 miles from muwjui. v- , v
nated as the point tor wn .
money. . ,
Itccurn is riwrw.
The VUllstas left Muxquls Friday at
M i i Mia Iannis ...w
recUon over the nms.iownr..
! hirh they eame, ac
nua M m a,.ln
n uvie&n vuhi ..-
" rm Mexico last night
m.m. was UI1 uneasy to-
. . , nf the rebels, who
oay, iwni :-: -. ,h. r(.,d
rr". undents did not sleep
last night and Hgnt . materials were sent
'"' . . k. inn
Palau today u !!" "-
Officers of Watfiot Attor
neys' association of Oregon,
as elected today:
President: Mas Oehlhar, Ma
Hon county.
Vice president: K. M. 8ag
ler. Malheur county.
. Secretary: W. M. Duncan,
Klamath county.
Exeaullve eommlttee:
..,j.j itnlnn aountyl I L.
Ray, Eugene and George
Neuner, Douglas county.
can Ambassador Davie prtlrtw.
was said to havs dtrmin not "
deal with the bolahevlkl an a
m time to refuse -
(jenerat Denlken and "
chat, antl.bothl leaaer
"Conalderabls progre ., -matters
was reported W Kv?jT"
mad during the mormns
day. The conference wu , " .
afternoon with both 1 and
noon, elements is expected t. ts-
turn to Paris tomorrow.
I TM OUiw"'" " - - a-,-
ne. and 1U1, sr. SL
I i Mint reasonable re"-
cluiMr'H " - . -k
I... -...i. uioordlng to
exposed in otta elrclJtW.
1 f.invt Oeors. Premier
Lt erowds of ths lrtos n"
on this ioint and ii" J
EcpreUng confidence that the com
United Watts to Insure
tlon. without OompUt'" M OlmCf
lanslad inisrsauons ,7I
of th Plga representative
tne cn.r,i'v
In. leglriaturs and th. voters ol tn. I'--
stat. Of Oregon would back teglalatlon OM ofne, thai
illles sr. prepared
.1 r... i.piin. - . - i iha iwnaias rrww, .
five o'clock users m I ""vn,; hlmaelf headed th. reoe. t.m. cou.u, lo.. It . """...
. . . . . M,.uni., i . ...... i onnvuniiun ujwmi-" - "t mmm.w a
Is iwtes
,Uat would remedy prenV w.akne-- for American al'
senate s renwrr...-.
na sntm-
VUU Heads Raiders. L, Ml,UnB ln th. Oregon parol, sy I
p.m . Texas, Deo. 1J.- ran ir of Oregon at
.. .. " .h,', Villa himself headed in. v..... . fcll)nurn,1,
bounded by Norm M whlcn aacked Musqum u-u, Vnr nnu v-. --- - h
north. Eighteenth re.t on r .,nB d anon. " : IrIheV condition. N ' TS2
"" ' - .. n.r huuu- ' . ... - na -
mm Uo "H"
"Kuropean statesmen,
n ha south. Willamette " -nta they wert driven o in. .. !.,, handl- u,7' ..'"... -..- and th.y
- - ------ a-ffuin sira nruMiuii more - iisoiaoon w -- - .
river on will rv urday. " t; . . . . . nun. embracing th. W? J .
Thev are warned by t". "'"' - . M ntiner.i Truneds, wltn At this mornings "-,-,. mest tn. It
to have all of th. valv.. on lamp, and' HtX .Ch', ,.7 Ur dTo TrT
ga, consuming .pllan- n -fcuahu Wtat.rpt tb. r.tre.tlt r t " an1 federal of- . 1 aH.tsd. -V-tl--al
fTtwtlme, thatno ga.may e.vvlll v f . W, ' , . v rKTworkiw t. eooM.wtt-
" . ... I t..n th. gas is . . Ml.,d to th. curbing ot BnClal Bltuatio.
caDB into vn I""'- I ir.hlnrton i nimur- . '" , . w ,nd other .u.,
turned or at tne oib i Washington,
PnvtlnnA Or., Dec, IS
government thermometer here regis
tered 3 above at o cioc u.
. . . . v.. Pnrl una . -.. . wh.n vou . -
Only once In Its, -- - -in manjr -- - flnd
experienced 'l""t:7?P. Tk, "v.. islai mU that no
w""" noinins - - .n. tnia - ,
rT- .-A report to acUv.tles.of th. t W J; -
' ?S??fi unrr nrit.7hV-m-
l. r.!.Me.rtnar no Amer- P.n l ... - '""t!,i?"
January 15, 18
, .... . . QIIII W
will not Burn m trnm ! "u '
.4 ,rv , I, II B II , - - - .
U11U --. . . NO
la brtajl B
trot Amnrtra. to
. a nninta below aero.
aroppeu tv r . ------
!ITlPE sTn in Unn coun- 8 to me untl, u finally get gas. flDartmBn,
wweathe, .1- "
which were reoeived from those re You . the UM) 0f the gas
..dtions last night . ... " . -..w moderates. First.
"""' . .tni nromisea until in" ,w in
The weatner raUBe 1( you are not
i " -
which are supposed to be
so cold. Over.
V lliameuo river is iroF
. . t i. h. ti.ilav.
from banK to
Kas consumers in th. ln
" ... -i. .. i. frozon over ed distnuv - ... h. o0ible
The wuiai- the use 0i me s. -- h other
gas tu - .
Washington. JT" the tirat time
... nflllirRIl IUWJ T.i.
W iison . . beCame in-
Blnce shortly after lie bee x per.
M vr - eurologist. he
cum. rmmu.c'rd 7r0M his bed to tn.
president walked from Dercum
desk in his sick room d. Dr.
ess declared Wilson g-- , con8laerlg
ghori ni"
, .niin.iul!) radl-
the past tew hranch unes
Soutnern r-;- --
have been openea iu w-
Mill City brancn
vtakprs OlllClttl v.
nine was 24 below, the coldest ev
",orn'"g.r in that eastern Oregon
Cliy- . Warmer.
IWMfimis, .
degrees, nw . r.turm are
to suppiy ,, , not K- pos-
dlstrtcU; tnerww. -
Very Utile ha. been m..
auc!!r,r,nrthe ;"j.;Pip- .bout , ,h. un.
is him fhl.n the employ nere ioa,. feW 1Bn
the Plant much of the ..Local aip. 1" , n.ll-
can thaw tnem a
maKing ""- .nB,
H. M. Bwagler. dlnlrlct attorney tor i h(tt(inct th.
f afir P ' a'Ht.'H I III'
rol. system a. --. '""T.ture: ll.ll.'iTl till If lllLLl
th. enaolment or ,n" " 1 VvllwMI'
Attorney "S'er sauted
The eUsttng parole ,aw- .r5:,"
. .. .1 ..i iilttiur. nullified the
aclmeivt ot a wide
h. providing for
at tune to " - lh. min
a ldel.rmi...i. 'j';
,lmum of which might not et
. ...... i,,ii nruviaeu
" "IT"..:. -KU-h the party wa
the orrn . .. ,.roie
commit". . n.ln
until wi'vK' ,a,
mum nni"fi - .
. .,.,,r.d to lis a m-
th" ou" "T.;. ...,.,mum being
Ila "
. . . .. rn
ting tne vlu" ,,treme cold Monday, sam ' ;rkra union
is rati-Ji
itv Kan.. Pea " BMl"':r , was lea.
wr r h-rr;rVt hu . a
ilon. was arraigneu -
1 . . unao
. , . ihi .nil any tnoo nim v. . ,
n-h. men are worams - .. , ,h. hoi, coal
. .. . .., m tiring tne p v
in tne --naclty. " cnntlngent on
iu noiro. r.-v as
taKins .
. . .,iMilnn to in-
Appointment ot .
tht miners' returning to
In the far east.
. .. ... ....lain) lB
are even iais ,. ,ht. I .nnnuncement or mi.
:, their ""ZvI h. Wwp- unl" """
d In th. n .m
wf tl.. short, or ku.
dents, particular ir ' .,,
ld that th. rr-w,.s-
now for to ,hr.h
able to get any -
. J. ,..n.r that rnlgnt n
jesB was ;rlde.
- . . i . .... m.n num. ' .
" .inrrld. in fact, cum- two oi ' Birlckland,
above now" -- ,, , roBea .. ,d his assistant . ... ,
r.a to ic . Ti,i.wirii! .... v Deina 9vi . . ...... t.irirt aiir-, t. l. tMruea m ....
" . T.,n ana ni" came . ... Tnumanj , u i-nitaa ...... '--. . .... rorreationa
" . .n.n.vM . i.4 ih deoarini." - -- uhs oaroie "'- - ...i ,.r.v.
oi me today req" - .. a him dn- ... -.....r. There is
charge ox v"' from his
charged wtlh selling ---farm
at an excessive ae
fcoal shortage. Wl lard's attorney
nied the charge. " - ' bond of
January 3, Jess suppljins w"
. .naAmmO
v-inotv more men ca , , 0re. been Pt on
WMH5S'ab7v7nd w York 54. they were
onnrtea auu . . middle , .mv t
. d.ided fall in middle , trylng to clear one
$500. ' ' ..
w ..J."i'rT ik
.TTvr l
. o. nations,
fotlves oi ...
armisUce. the repns--- peace trea
iinwina the armisuce, Paris a r", ThIa vas
Germany, part I by Germany- ' on November
. also signed under f congress tha .n covenant was
7 Irt.!,?! treaty !aorelgn relatlon
th. a series ot recommedation w , vote ot ;
adopted oy titylng resoiut."" ; r ry for
. . mac ,,ucu . . 1..IIV ucihd - MIIUU
af; .gviuiu. .w..
ola however, a
Mon on any pv ftnd , the en ahJngton. ,of
This is a aiM ntatlves rf.t M"""" ,
t bo-acted upon by our repren ln,prt to state their
TP iiivuc... ."-.,,, that one i her
ottimde oy u-
.committee. -wne - majority wins w8ervaUona.
"" m rauijf . .. rausu"
Senate r,Ie,7d- II nators voted W,! voted
" hOUt ny resen-a.uouS, MBOto win
JrTon U condtuo Whatever. ji
Thpire .
Eugene Below Zo.
Dec li. Eugene w
Eugene. Or Dec.
tight tnis n."- - -irfering
UM in oullyi le,lr. Mn.i.
.i,-... ...Hurl IS "
".- i than b
new is m ' . of
hu. rvd II mom
th. pn" - ....nalnuKlltor.
upon connnemet" - f
,r,.nth. for tare.- 1 "-'"U.
burglary, -" r-" lmpod
frosen I
crnment ' thermometers
,h below ero. "'ner Trans-
reglTn U 1H handicapped and the
plumbert . nav. ,umbig at tn.
hf three days
volunteered to help
TPB sim UIE.
a""a"" .S Ld him defl-i '".r-onrr. There I. a .." F"
ice ilr",S.ittwSwo. sm-ng th.
nits Iwtrucuo w- - wloM UfntiMr that
w' ..u'.nnounced that a nooa . - u. a ..,vldln h. has
- - , ...... hv reia-..,.w., time w i" .
. hih tinsMi"-.- a,.j.t dunns
pon-v. ,-d oiher part" Uihlbltsd lv""" : r,..d
mauniiv-"- - . k th, , . ,,.v nltV .
... a.. InuSMlHlIVU v -" I ItnriUMi - - - . . .
.hul. The
hleh school n-
those in ojf"c ,
Snoksnc " ..,... -ia this
T".C. 1 .
rain ""': "-.w.,-d by th 1 ,..d.
tb. stal. win miwl- tnat belief
federal grsno jy - b ,
Wdnlr BMrn' -
tire coal """", ,nrtrot!tln. Iron
Pending '"LD to w
W"h'lKtr.' price reported
wn."-- - ... .ti. nroii'""""
the prewnt
(Coatiauod u",
4- attitude by
, egresses their views.
with imm
; lI favor compromise on f ...tion. covenant--
nation of the P- treaty and th. leag
.,..(!n. but only Without any rese
8-1 favor rat (orrB.
- to ratlficauon in !
4 1 am oii
' Name " """"
-.i-l-llnna OI " ' ' L .
. wars "T.w. i-.r act A nuiqo" v.
Trg80ftotu--,;ber:a; r ttsz
n r. 1st. 'Train . pe.led to P-T
:10 this m'""' ""7 .nd wss r.-
g .nth. griP of-p.--; . orwm - y nU
.uanUtles in Pracuc - F M l 1 L
Empire ... peach crop wn '"-" - cars ot th. I V
TWr. 7mklma di-pawhe. o- iTth T " w. runntn.
.. .nrnmKv . ... nmm nw" . . 1 1 tun d
an. K.inw the o.
during a nr.. (-.m)lt
ot any : r:,B. -u
bs handlcsPI- W -
tarnoon that . aaain.
was denied ' . ... -masy. IM
rzz ""r
pamlrtnit. . - - ,h.tM' tt.
eonsumers thmw'v .4 1M
,i.pty " "".rvr. Mrt .I im
.um.r. would I""" M I.
a ,1a n tiiAtsT W
four -rious ."'"""
" '.' . th city "
""'"7. oes when re.
Bd.r th-m v. occurs -; j
raid snP- Thre " ..h.ii
' "Z..MISV. and another try'"" ftf
tha eltlf. . ,..A. w
pumping--- 4 W -
Ucved that n
on th. aupP'y'
' .
ui Mar!
De& -Cl. '' .. ! Broader.
Mi- Mr ' h,,.h ourra
it . miiway i
danger - r-- treats wn -.1 nodi"- ....r. tooar u.-irdar W'orni' . . ,,.nt
- ..r . . jw 1 - ... ,r. . .. "mtmin. . 1 -- - .... ...... iub m i-
wd ot suiting u, by ,r . to--; -
.. ,kls ' iVWav.w . Ir.n ItlJUAft W
: W M's10Csa LL sMMin W"W Jit watt)'ttl IUV
Th. wtb.r at ... ' cried -h.nth.v-. dl unlnJur.d.
in n.j b ..iu.ui. inJ . '"- . -. . .u 3.1 ia
Wlh 1 beiow r - wBt The- t MrmJU, ,of.- .n. . marrying 1.-.. r-r. ' th. v.
w ' . m .1 tin u tins " - " . . , . j .
for Pc" and Is eip" open
jg to .flclais
drop- . shoots in this T. below ro-. rarwlck ,t wolld wh. WM uw"'. . ,m K
HonareM roorn" Tthan at " t,ww yT . read Is esurv - d chlck.n Mr. B"'""" -babl th
are closed wlrrs sr. point 'o""'" . nlnc Throughout m. o( bis priM . rt. "-''. p ,Bfln
Telepno"' -.. Isolating town- ay. " ..,. r. regltr m his wuw "-
rn.? r
.mfrature ... Palouse.
oilman. !sli. " "d tomorrow.
" T-.. therroomewrs regw
Blght tnenno welhr wan
UBr. .... r'.ir and wsrmtr
down m Orp Toda . 'elnr . " oKnl " 7. -,nlh wife,
J""v ' . ransKo. UBo . : for onis .tns to - ...
u.r..-- . . .... ana wa ... T . 1 w. v. 10
t ought to "-
f . loved hr.
don't I Y" ,n loa
and today
,ffertl. e.plo-10" .n( Inflict-
rietener - jietcher
below"- ie tnai - - .
With mr " - . imana t . " lurics upon Mr
unndsr Bpokane W lo sav. .4 Wede-day.
v.rwlek ! I n.o-l rtoos ln)ry. W"
. a -. . . ..MStsssa II flsl t -a.
but Mat tn "-Mtlri- af. ,
Uas reported " . North -
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- t Address
m;'iV'to"capil Journal.
Bign and m
. j.