Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 10, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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How the work of the public Bchoola
mt Salem are attracting; th attention
Messrs. Ferris and Elmo Stelner,
of Portland, spent several days this
week visiting; old frienda at Pratum.
nr. ana Mrs. Allan Hall will move
80on from their nresent hnma at
Pratum to the William Jones place in
the Waldo Hills where Mr. Hall will
be employ4. -
Mr. and Mrs. T. Beamish, who have
been vlsltlne friends Rim itt a. .4. 1 .. ......
ii,,.t.. . 1 . ... uo.-iuuvine i-ruium young people
Canada, returned home. ,..i...i -.,... T... , ,
r. and Mrn. V. .1 T.nnu..n ai.. n.... .,...
....... t (IaBi rnuuy evening.
day on business. I
Th W. C. T. U. met at Mrs. J. Mc-
kir.n.'y's Friday for an all-day meot-
Tho younir nennlA i.f T.lvouinv ar.An
an evening of enjoyment at the home
ui ir. una Mrs. j'ete Henningsen of
Wednesday last. Aftar an evening of
Kaincu and music dainty refreshments
iwere served.
The To Gether Club met with
Mrs. G. Hlgglns. As usual a very en
joyable afternoon was spent, light re
freshments being served.
Mrs. B. Davenport, Mrs. N. Kugel
and Mrs. K. N. Huwley of Salem at
tended tho Get To Gether Club.
AUer enjoying a family reunion
Mrs. 8. li. Spurrier who has been
visiting at tho homo of her sister, Mrs.
A. uoolldge, returned to Guthrie,
Turn Vettur fitrft 91 11 n,how .f
Mrs. Frank Hrlght, passed away at his
lows., nrn vlaltlnrr ,
the home of Aliee Coolldirr.. Tho
Ijiimsons are looking over the coun-
.... .. ..... .. .. ... " "eru n view ot making Oreeon
. . 4 1 .... a 1 f.TrrininrM .1...... .
E aumnwiii. inuir nonie
lbs country u evidenced oy an amine
appearing recently In the Christian
KrOnce Monitor, as follows:
"In aolvlnK the problems of ualng
hnilillnss to tho.r fullost ca
pacity and employing all of the tlmo
of Ihe pupll, mm unusual features.
wUcularly "In connection with what
la known as the Junior high school, are
being satisfactorily Introduced in tho
ui. hnol svstom of Salem, Oregon.
"The experiment, begun four years
Mu, has proved that tne per capua
oaat of Instruction has decreased; a
leaser number of toachnra are needed
and thore hus been u saving in mo
trtiiltlliiR of schoolhouscs. Besides, the
school children have shown a greater
.... . i iiinlr varlolv of subjects
intmnm " - '
j .i,..r.. An lncronse of work fur aunt s home
Usa pupils In tho seventh and eighth MIhs Helen King, of the O. A. C,
sjradoH has also furthered their edu- and Mr. George King, of U. of O.,
rational Interests. In case of failure spent the week end with their parents,
the pupil repeats only tho subject In Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. King.
which he raiieu. -."-,
'A. more practical knowledge is also of the Portland Dental college, Is op
Esined In the Junior high school by the enlng his offices in tho Hubbard
introduction of departmental work, 'building.
manual artB, doinc.'.e science, pen- The I.lvesley school Is progressing
manship and speclalljied Htudles in nicely with 48 pupils In attendance,
music and drawing. It la In this way Evening services are being held at
capita cost of instruction 1b church on Sunday evening and prayer
decreased as teachers have been en
abled to handle larger classes.
Under the direction of City School
. t..l... W Tiwlil. 11
Huporliuoniieiu, " '
hort -course Idea has also been cstab
!ihed In .tlio Junior high schools, and
e.panslon of the work has been made
..osalblo by tho elimination of the
teaching of Herman The short
,-ourse idea divides the school yl. y
into eight periods of 45 minutes each.
or from 9 to 4 o cloca. m
i- int three parts of 1
weelts each. The length of the course
under this Plan ''" th' ,)0
either U, 24 or 3 wocas.
..a r,.r-tl-nl manual training
.... ..,.i,. ilenartment 111
I). J.
Httin.r. nhn anffcrAil a fow
days' severe illness last neek, la again
able to be around.
The young people of Pratum have
enjoyed a few days' skating during
the past week. Caution must be used,
however, as the space on which skat
ing Is safe is not very large.
Kev. Ashliman conducted services
at the Mennonite church on Sunday
and Monday evenings
Dallas, Dec. 10. Dallas and Polk
county residents opened their eyes
this morning upon arising to find that
the ground had been covered with a
covering of snow during the night
... ,o about 28 Inches with
.,,i ui a v,i u.,.. .. J,.,i.i vi, I tho itrnii still falling. This is thei
Ashliman. i heaviest snowlail in tnis pan oi mo
I state in the past three years and Is a
' great hlndcrance to the carrying on
Tacom h., D 1 The body
of UnitC ite8 Commissioner E. B.
Brockway. who was drowned last
Monda' night while skating on LaKe
Steilacooi.i was recovered by the polico
late yerterday. It was found in 25
eet of water about 20 feet from the !
spot whore Brockaway broke through
the ice.
Safe Remedy or
Children's Colds
If you want a pure, whole
some and absolutely safe remedy
ior the relief of coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough, get
Foley's Honey and Tar.
It contains no opiate or habit
forming drugs.
of all kinds of occupations. The log-1
VilUYClUaiC. Bng camps in wi uuu...., .
. I . If the annw keeDS UD the
're8t f thB WiU In01'813' e"eCt
!lt1e5!5i5I'1i,',the operation of sawmills.
All trains coming into ana leuviue
v, . v,t mnrntne were late, the
morning train to Salem requiring two
locomotives to move tne cars. Awn
ings in the business district which
iwere left up last night collapsed ow
ing to the heavy welgnt or snow a.m
k rnnfi. nhnut the city fell
in Th snowfall in the mountains
rinverdale. Or.. Dec. 10. Mrs.
Charlie Scott of Salem is spending a
couple of weeks here visiting ner
mother, Mrs. Pickett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hadley left here
Thursday for Portland where they
will visit for a week with their son i
fllffrinl Hadlev and wife."
in at nno time Snndav three cars I . riaiicm ( nnid to amount to
too otnlr in tlhe mud holes on that ! ", t-M Mil ranchers living In
good road at me iuui ui oimiiic' ......
Mr. nml Mrs.TerulinEer of Salem
spent Sunday at the F. A. Wood home.
the district are isolated with the ex
ception of the use of the telephone.
The attendance of the Dallas
schools this morning was cut oown
It'll l nuuviaj 11. -- , auiiuu i o "
Mr J Garner went to Salem Pun-; reatiy on account of the Brtow ana
... ....I . .1 (knf trtO
meellnir at the homes on Thursday
Miss Helen Ncgabar was a caller at
the Johnson home Thanksgiving.
Miss Pearl and Jessie Kamn spent
Mmiiliiv at their home here.
Mr. Win. Ward, manager of Krebs
hus moved to Highland.
Mr. Geo. T. Kisley has purchased a
fi,. hii:iii (if (liivlng colts.
The young people tripped the light
fantastic toe at the Livesley dance
hall Saturday last.
M,- Hlchai-H Yates, of Silverton,
motored to Livesley Sunday.
The Get to Gether Club held their
anmmiil chicken uie dinner at the
and home of Mrs. A. Coolidge. Out of
the town visitors were Mrs. 1. A. Mawie
day to spend a few (lays with relatives
Mrs. L. B. Hennis ana J. jvi. riarou
ton attended a loganberry grower
niootini? in Salem Saturday.
Mr. Gus Drager was in baiem rn
1 CttHJ v - -
for awhile It was thought that the
schools would have to be aismisseu
Always Recommends It
Cfcutet Baker. Browmvllle, Tel., orltee;
"For many ycart pA.l I heve meJ Folor'e
Hooey end tar Compound In my hmily and
kare lound it mperior to ny other cocih medl
cine. it it npeeially efficient In ol b.d
coldeof my children. I liavealwiy. recommend
ed it to my friend, aa a atle remedy lor the chil
dren, aa it contain no opiate.
Honey and Tar
MUCUS, clean the psseagea, conta in
flamed and irritated membranes with a
healing and soothing demulcent, enaes
hoarseness, stops tickling in the throat
snd makes refreshing, restful sleep
There is no, better remedy jor
Coughs and Colds than Foley's
Honey and Tar.
J. C. Perry
Sickness Prevention
The guiding inspiration of modern medical science
is Sickness Prevention. As this idea has worked itself
out, smallpox, cholera, yellow fever and other in
fectious diseases already have given way. And
science has finally developed an effective agent
against the plague which is the originating point
of over 90 of disease.
That plague is constipation, and that agent Nujol.
The dangers of constipation are so widespread because by
reducing the body1 s power of resistance through poison
ing it makes it easier for any disease to develop. Nuiol by
relieving constipation prevents the absorption of the poisons
which otherwise would be taken into the blood and u.tcct
the whole system.
Leading medical authorities agree that pills, salts, castor
oil, etc., simply farce and weaken the system.
Nujol softens the foot! waste and encourages the intestinal
muscles to act naturally.
Nuiol helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacu
ation at regular intervals-tl,e healthiest habit m the world.
Get a bottle from your druggist today.
For valuaiU health W-'.' Thirty Ft ot U"''
-free, write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. New
Jersey), 50 Broadway, New York.
7 r. Nhl h M ml) in M hlttt
YY til mug. 4,if ,(
---j- -
Sj-" I !
ok. 'ujl Trad Muk. t
at iVitft"'. Xh JWttjT wftrfrsrrt lubilitutti.
For Constipation
Jfi If. fa ep T- -I' T T T
Pratum News Notes.
doinentlo nclenco ucp " , . v M. ,.m, Mw. S.
fcWt chool m aiw " ll:lw.nnor, ana Mr N. Kugel
During the ihi yl -
,,.,00 worth ' " , ,)U1,.!wek.end at the home of Ml Ruth
",rl" ,V 1. ' .V.nfitH from thoir Weaver, ot South High.
.?..:"' , nutting these
rlmenU 'on a WfH-pporUn,
tlMJIUS. ,... lluliin a
-In the manual irum...
ractlcal carpenter and a machinis
lmploVod by tho nchool board and
Je men InHtruct the boys In schocd
anJ take outHldo obs with mending broken auto
for Salem resident., manufac
rS machinery pari, and doing n.ill
. ... h,.vo remodeled a 12-
past summer,
TfnVl This house Is being UHed to
' Toul locaoo, teaohe because
scarcity of dwellirrg places.
-A. practical houHekecper has been
pt over the house u..u , ,
me.tlo science teacher, the R
. . ur U.iirnlllH' cooking ana m "
ton spring."
.... Hnrman Plunkett are
rejoicing over the arrival of l a new
daughter, born last ai.
Plunkett was formerly Miss
"T.'ohn Roth and Miss Zlna l.ini
bert were quietly ' ' : "
last Wednesday, am te x
of many of their friends. W
make their home on the Both U.m
went of Pratum.
M N Wit
What more sensible or
1.1 v,f rnnlfl VOU give
useiuipiecu uw-j- l
j 1 r AT 1 M 1 11 UCttU""""
Uian uiic rpu0
floor or table Lamps,
Sdard metal table Lamps
I in bra or ontod fmuJ
;...nilT Hr CIIUFDTMI l JiPV - ror floor
'soft Pink and gold tints, at
. in -T A. Olsen ami t(. re rn 1W7h Or unc UJ
lalla, Dec, 10. . , in the S0.70 10 JpXO.tJ,
M. Verda Walling bo h iwlnn b Lamps with par-
aVmPs the very
Orr near Biivo . , ,
vicinity of Mcli
Sheriff John ""'uma whore CUTIie Hvqpt;ve
r brV bit '.anap-' newest and most attractive
iney w. . . ,..,.t va uiik
lug charge made ny -U
husband of the
a T I 1 1 i J
e nusun."" - lcft Mcuoy taDie unco r
Oiaon and Mrs. W am i h w , $1,5.50. lne
Saturday morn ng hu8. $U.W, V .
tlOOr ones aiv. - ,
d nr TifimDS beioie
DU. Ciec w1- -
urday mornuu,. ht,v hUs-
, children with her tell f on
when tne cum - d a ae-
two children wu.. -sllvorto
that sne w and
loft on the nrr -
the couple t.u o- ae.
jKriotlon of the 'B--Qh,ifrs
at It.n LIT fa I H. "
to all parts oi c y WIVS
fce believes that the g
a prearranged p an a
nr ?.' ?t MUni of aP
e"".. ...;,. 83 years of age
h- fT :uhlherTu;bimi,
ife and a hearing
says tne uuuu -
Go to real tobacco--the
small chew with
the rich tobacco taste
that lasts a long time.
It wiU cost you less to
, chew than ordinary
v . Anv man
who uses the Kea
Tobacco Chew will
vnu that.
Pat UP !- Two Sty
' i I
Mr. Gus Drager was in Baiem rn-i uu
rfe"" iff m i,- f&!?'fi lift I I II
i mi n
rthe Ghrmmas gitt every m
enjoys all the year rouna
after the first
ASK any man toteuyou uuV tr"n how
makes him throw the blade away.
Then you'll know why. '
. AutoStroo Razor for Christmas.
get an Mio - AutoStrop Razor provides a
500 clean, comfortable shaves guaranteed
from even dozen blades
. . . .t.u- Aurnfitron Razor is a unique
Built right ntothetrame ut quick and easy to
Topping device, simple and ecient q nt,
Metal Case Outfit
metal, or gold-
'-fKlllM Mi Bl , -Jf
selettei leather strop.
in Dollars.
stropping device , i "ulade back into ahgnment, anu
It smootns me uuj f fr 6have. .
renews the fine, smooth edge before
It isn't necessary to aZor 'head. The
. . The strop 15 cleans without removmg
VI Autobtrop Rawi ow.r-
v.i - nort.
Combination Set
Siher.ploted AutoStrop Rwff
jMi silver-plated tuies; twelve
Hades and selected leather strop. I
xeket lined Hack leather ease, Seven
Cellars end Half'
. fvcrv dav that's
Prt shaving comfort, tor every - ' mean.
what hese remarkable features tne . &
Five hundred sating shave a man enjoys all the
Maries, mis raw!
year 'round. - , d Give him
X-.. o show -y- U-
The Slandard s, JJSSrf leather sttop
Dollars. r Pn
Combinatia Set
yrtaStrop Raz
sharpens itsdj
Pocket Kit
illc kather lined; s,lu
plated AutoStrop Km oval ''
leather strop. fiaZwAw.
J . VI 1 af I VJ
! i l: e
y u(3 o'
Sit f.
.('09 of it 3
is voteii
r- .Has'
h Incurable i