i PAGE JHEDAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALfcM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1919 flew Today -Where Small Ads Get Results at Small Cost Ct. 6 0UtH. City BIO lit Ossified ad rates. Wanted. Rule l ii tlx lit Id .r word Kach insertion one Mil. ana Mrs. Sparks, iMit ana Rents , limertton 6 cent, one month, lailors, want garments to remodel. cents. uu .ar. per "mu i, si Minimum lid fid '.i Insertion only In Now Teilny. cash In. atlvnnco ana not tnk- 1,11(1118. UtlieiW M)WW " For Sale. Miscellaneous. Auctioneers. TO SETTLE an etate, I am offering FURNITURE HOSPITAL I have phono uccount. rrora Nu allowance tin New Today. l-i'it i iini r . ...VI' Three light louel;i'ep- 1 1 . . . it rtkn V I Ut li PATRONIZE.- - ibest Transfer Co., baggage ana moving; hauling iinv wlitio. I'hf.ne i'J44. 120 S. Coiii'l fi-ncrviTO man ana old tinier In halcm. 301 WANTED All kinds of Junk and sec- umi iinnn goous. Liberty Exchange, I'll N. Coniinerctul. i'liune bil rijuer ficou, props. ..i.il.l . illtl X I v,l, ' limn il .li llll H flrp Vi(.r(.l. .-u ....u Ml I' imiivH. I ... - ,t il iM ' hoard. ,, litmril or win BiiiKim i 1 1 i uraii'iuHii. " "J'JU MUcstcU fur the building of mi mil Hide entrance and stairway. Into the imsimeni oi tlic Kuleni Mason! loi sine live modern buncalows well located on paved street. Wll-1 Ham H. Trindle, Bank of Com-1 morce bldg. 293 ! Q, SATTERLEE io temple. Plans may be Inspected tit) ONKV TO LOAN 6 1-2 per cent Interest, 34 1-2 years time, on farm loans up to $10,000. 6 per cent Interest, 33 years time, on farm loans above $10,000 up to $35,1)00. City loans. Low rate nf interest. Pav off principal mid Interest in month ly payments like rent. A. C. BOHHNSTKDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Ore. opened up a first class shop, repair- Of fice 124 South Liberty street, inff and reflnishiug and upholster-,; Phone 937, 1211. ReaJL estate ana Ing. All work guaranteed. Will call ! stock sales. : ' and estimate your work. Phone 1742 i ' tint u m..oi-,.!,.i t vti-nwn. iw i? wmoHT. Turner auctioneer. 304 ! why not get him. He only charges Real Estate Transfers. and A. t per oent. STOP BUYINO FUEL See kerosene! burner demonstration. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Bogue & Thompson, 200 State St., Salem. 38 . Money To Loan. TINTINTr nnd paper hanging. Tinting and paper hanging a specialty. J. a K-niiutnrm. 437 S. Com'l St. Phone 131. 38 j On good real estate security THOU K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Ore. COA' i-i.lt: if d. five room iningaiuw I..-.. In ".'.tlll Vli'id. I'hone 650.M. mi N. terms '.".II AlL!,,"cen,,h?,n,,!rl,,,n m r0U 8AW-r class baled cheat $5 a Rdem'' MaS 'TtUK '-'.y and straw. Phone 300; 1701. Klino S. White, secretarv. r.n: I'oi: I" l-'ST Nleely furnished front .-..iilli.miiil. fiHH Trade, -till m i"i 1 XT One fuinifhiil ib.wn irs iVolit. room. Hlono M :'.''. 'M CALL llloS.l for your moving and hauling. lUedennun Trunsfer. 297 TT.TnTi ,ny -llnl(r built iov- V A:N ...i, Ulll, II. Dl ii.M'. l llrt' , -r. l!,.'x'f.M Capital Journal. WASTK1) - 8ocu)iulhaiul fumiture, runs, iMii pels, stoves, nuuhinery and tools. n pay mo biglicst prices for overylhlng. The C'upltiil Hardware and Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l St. Phone 947. 292 i U AN T,:ii (laHomie motor n jo ,1 iiitnlltloll, mimi"!" Send desi'i-lpllon and price. Tins pltnl Journal. -"- no t'ni WANTI'.D (luoseberry cuttings. I'liune H1F21. Fruitland Nursery 2K2 IDEAL Christmas gift, canary birds pair while they last, t'none 292 MARION-FOLK National Farm Loan Ass'n. Government money to loan at 5 1-2 percent 303 Salem Bank ot Commerce. W. JJ. omiui. "OR SALK-100 purbred White Leg-i WE NEED MORE J'KOPBIITY- pigs, 9 weeks old ; fine, Duroc sow i (registered) and six pigs. Phono 7 1 Vo. Why Sell For Less? ni nnv vnn more cash for your household gooda. Get oufbW be wai ng For reliable and efficient tore you sen. feop.w W", IT t v first. John H. Scott! and Hardware Store, 2U N. Com, II? resu s try us first. John H. Scott I and Hardware store, ' 91 ! iSty Co , 228 Oregon bldg. merclal Btreet. Phone 734. RABHITS New Zealand Reds, ian-jDOKS your car run right? If not In- i quiro of Chester way. lorrnenj of tho Marion anu litucs, BimiB" cy stock, sell cheap or exchange for hens. Phone 1170R. 291 Best Buys. 30 acres all cultivated, fenced hog tluht. close In, 20 acres berry land. FOR SALK Hogs weight from 50 to 70 lbs. Phone 41FD. 291 ip TKDAi-my ovoroinil. ital .loiirimi. Jlix Coal 2'Jli Folt the lialnnco of the year I will save you $1 per hour on your mov- int:. Veriliest Transfer Co., 129 8. Cimi'l. Phone 1344. 304 W A pl rent mi litiv or i i.'- , i.i.i.. , In ir prill' piui'iii, hiim""!! " ... 1 1 .-v unit ri'tlll. " lllckreiilli Or. 911 )1 . ... ..! II.., Ill Sr, man uphih- -- Ill HOUllIlK mM' , exporleiif" n office work. 1 . 1 1 .. . I ,...fli'nl'lK. 1' VP t'Al't'lll-ltl X. FOR SALE Himalaya plants, Alfred Milting strain; Kttersburg straw berry No. 121; Oregon Champion gooseberry. W. C. Franklin, lit. 1, box 11, Phono 52F14. who is locaieu ai uiu i,uiSi-. V" ,,...,i ntlv hot- WitHn Co.. 2590 fairground 119 acres, 70 cultivated .mostly bot road (on the Pacific highway.) Starting, lighting, ignition and car- WANTKD Old Hue life Insurance company desires to make a perma nent general agency connection with reliable man over 25, who can give full time and satisfactory ref i renoes. Call or write 406 North western Hank bldg., Portland, Or. 293 Hand picked Kings, Spitzenborg and Russet apples. 0 boxes $4.25; 10 boxes J8. lluy your winter supply now while price is low. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. 314 buretor service a specialty. Tele phone 1798 for service car. 293 NOTICE All parties who have bills' against Geo Gum are requested to present them to 1). Takagi. Japa nese hand laundry, 445 ierry bL lld 293 (.il J4.M.K l.y ovviii'i in -,'" . fruit Varni. i m:i.; "'"''' 7 vrars om, ki""i . liahnice clenrod land, n i.i.ut Imranberry or Illie! ill I'd d h rich fit) it 1 in Oregon, reni i" -' lioUHe, unro lis. etc. trOOil io- DC.. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made nnd fitted. Mo-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. l WANT --To borrow J1009 on 10 acres improved farm worth $3000. Box Owner Capital Journal. 291 FOR SALE Strawberry plants, va rieties 121 and Wilsons, G6c per 100 Any Inquiries will be promptly ans wered by A. C. Beers, .Marlon, Or. 293 IT MAKES your clothes last. All work strictly hand done We do cleaning, pressing, repairing. 194 8. 12th St. 1'hone 8. 31o FOR SALE White Leghorn yeariing hens, English laying strain, rimui 79SW. 291 Terms '.oi.il largt ,!., y m i l-t rili'-Mi". - - . .., ) i t v. I miles on paii'iui - .; ! ,., Sale.n. TIiIh farm n t" ' Zm in n few days at an ei.e,.- i i,.w nrlee of Ron . s;;uo oil . . . . rnnin bidg.' over Oregon Kleetrlc station Phono , ', cash will hnmlle. Easy terniR V.alame. For Qlek wwll. 4bfi Oi-egon PAPER hanging and tinting, expert n-iii k reiiKuna b e nrice. r. u. vioou- -,iiil. Dhone 131 or 1201 after six o'clock. 111 , i s'P Tire' rlmln. have at preaniery I'hone SC.F." 292 I'm I.i:S4tore with Ihlntr rooms . f.; fii.nil IO II mullein"" i f,. .. .. i.. ,iin ne will trrulo 01 UveiiSnP: 35 8. IStU. Salem. Kent- for 117 per muniu. - Wanted--TO bUV 3 to 0 .ICieS illl mnved land close to city limits on ..vi.,l tie rock road. Give lull do ...ii.iii.n i.f land and improvements with price. In first letter. V. O. box 521. Haiem. u'liTun P.etween 10 and 25 acres nf large, fir timber, not more than l, ...iiA., v... i ,1 tnvi-n. Box 4 Cap " , 95 Real Estate Houses or SALE -5 room trtiiiKulow with or without furniture; terms. . A; l.ton, 484 Court EH. en sAT.K By owiiw hotwe. fiw umms, bath, eiecir.o V,' t , r.M5l. feet loeuted at H6 ui St. l'rioo vedueed to , . niiek ale. Call telephone, I.' Help Wanted IGS for sale. Phone 45F24. 291 OR SALE Cow, pigs, 40 to 100 lbs; cnlves. 6 months old; one horse, weight 1100 lbs. age 8 years; one 8-foot drill, nearly new. I'hone 501' 11. Rt. 2, box oS, Salem. ,25 REWARD to any person for the Apprehension of the 1" shot and killed a dairy cow belong ing to Wm. H. Egan & Sons on Mt. View farm,- Oregon, Dec. x Wm. H. Egan &Sons. 11 acres, iw i"1" ' . . .iwr, Knnsp. trood barn torn; a room ,i,i,- on Paved roaa jmn.iig - , lS 'Z.X 1aftift 110.000 cash. M river hot- torn land, w"v 5 miles from waion. i000 residence In . Salem not over l.ouu, h0CacCres.1'20O cultivated, a lot more ...3.r limber: good house, new'dairTba n; orchardmen fenced Borne rock, 8 mues "" m m r n n C 1 1 N V Lt!lllli- .0" r". oa 'Krini? tinunes. some SO acres, -w . ,,A,1U- logans, apples, cherries, 'fa r house, barn, new drier, equipment. $12,500 tr,r.an cash, balance 0 per cent. i 60 acres, 15 bearing prunes, i" .'; gan8. Pb-ieS. walnu u , chernes. 14 acres lau rtooi. ---. ,.1BO0 well fenced ciose iu nf, ooo .i, onnitnncnt goes. $lo,o. mill in .-., "- . o .ant $5000 cash, a'anc r- 7un- 10 1919. 291 erain land, 11 timber and pasture, 6 f mitS from Salem. $200 , per acre, 294 FOR SALE A tread power m gom condition. Phone mil FOR HALH- M. -Oak wood. Phone 1142 291 FREE Names and address wealthy ladies and gents wanting to mam sent anyone tree. a. iuu", ---j San Francisco. easy terms. 8 1-4 acres, o - a FOR SALE Shoats. Phono lvm'ii. r,xee H1U11U...J ... 14111 '349 N. comni modern 6 room home at 180 j B. W J v Fireplace. Lot 50x159. Walnut and lJii che. rnii s VLB 15 0 and 8 weeks old - . - - . . . T il ,11 ifr n choice to. i'- i ";., Phone 6i' nigs, box 125. FOR SALE-12 cows. 7 just fresh with enlvesl,ysldo;2cowstoshenin weeks; a minims i --- ifi-inf. WORK WOKIV " ' . . . ..1...1 o nvnr lti-ineniber. auie uumeu 18 years old and under u.e . "i-- guaranteed as rcpr Crown Wlllamctt l u P MJ J " "CaU llt :ol5 N. Com'l St. imed men for the winter season. lust keep them in mind when ar ranging your wW They have a line hotel just for em ployes, at low, rates. 31'.. ...it, h. lollot ami 'i Pill "ino, ' . .,.1.. 4 .in IWtllllV l.i' nsj.-bn II Scott Realty Co.. 228 Oregon bldtl. codec. $2250 :enlt 291 WOOD cutters wantefl. Phone ii' C. D. Query. -,!.. Ill u-AVTPri I'tibliclly man aim- i wfefW!i i' bouse work and rn ehlldren. (loodjngeaj- Cull iao4. A HAIUIAIN ;;. lmuMO, large lot. clo in ... .,..i.... i.,i.it luirn. llcellic IllWO". nlv cumin ir.im H. Scott l.eni Co., '128 Oregon bldg. for . ,T.t, ivni miv more aliowa 81n.s. I'hone 340. exchange 291 TAKE A CHANCI5-I)elral.ly lol ml 7 room house, cement I "" , llatli and toilet,, eleotrlc liphtf- liipioved street.-kiiose ;".;, II, .scoll bldg. Realty Co Oregon S'.'l . . i. l.v Ha.v or MAM wanted to mm o; 1141J. Win--ii - ,,,1. Mill 1V.W i' ,, H,Mv work. i" Bond' req' state age. a lied ""''": J" .," . Give nno niemion number. 293 Niemeyer's Buys. NEW TODAY Kveeotlonally attractive. ...... VinuuA. new four miles from Salem, goes. $3000. For best buys see SocoloiSKy. 341 State street 3 stumps, LV equipment strlet'v cherry trees. - .,., x-nrth 2000 miles, $725 lllUUWiii ..n- -...j. 1 . V u, rvioQnn'a Anto Exchange rolet, driven less Edward James wnuney i.,..m,ri.t wnitney io Warner and Mae Earner. Beg NW cor A F Harris Id beg pt N 53 deg 31 min E 25.51 chs th.N 34 deg 30 mln W 12.95 ch fr"NW cor I L C Phillip Glover and wf, 7H WAI fr l't fir bears N 22 deg E 45 Iks th N 53 deg 4! i mln E al N U Harris Id 31.50 ch SW cor 10 A tr I -DnvW Workman to William Aschen brenner th N 36 deg 41 mm W al W U 12.78 ch th b 5 3 deg 45 min W 31,0t ch th N 34 deg 31 min E 12:78 chs to beg, con 40 A - T.....,,l,ie H. E. Steen anu . u..i-.. Steen to Jasper r. and Lena Dullum. 30 A sit D L C Teter Cox and wf, b i W W M Augusta II- La Croix to Albert Wledner and Johanna V ed ner. 7 A sit sec 34 In 8 S 1 w W M Henrietta McAdams and R. U. .- McAdams to Elma Sutter. I A D L C of M L savag. inn. f. i 3.w t;;;v: B. F. Pound ana Pound to Mrs. a Beg Pt W U N 20th St Sa lem Pt be 569.4 ft N 18 B ot N 11 Cen St th N al 11 N 20th St 40 ft th W 175.3 ft to Ell alley th S 5 W al I ad altoy t th E 175 ft to beg. Sit D i L C of J L Tarrish and wf Emil Klinger to . Murphy. 3.2B a do ii division Truman Bonney ...... Kate Stallman and John A. Stallman to Mary Noack, Lt 12.13 bl 9 Capital Park add John Boyle and SahJn"e Boyle; James tsoie . net Boyle; Susan Quirt and Thomas H. Quirt: Frances Houck and George Huck, Elizabeth Churcn mm Church; William Boy e arid Emma Boyle to C. Cole and Kathryn Wells Cole and j S. Workman. 22.78 A prt lt 1 and 2 sec 10, 5 8 1 V ..r uv,ninlterand A. IV 'sho'walter to Cora May Prim XT1I rnr CO IV l " Frickeys add SalenVsd pt be l.l.nan 20th St Wl formerly Asylum ave fl W 11 20tn ti wiv 11 bcI zom GIVE W. S. S . J FOR CHRISTMAS ISU. S. APrtAL Governor Calkin. Urge Gov ernment Securities tor rre-- ents Instead of Luxune SB 300 than room 20 . oul'Or trade 0y ownei UXl .,, 1.00,-11111 aero prune orcnaiu, ----- - iinilos. nears and cherries. In Soof a large Cray ext far He e is a chance to go back to xne Salem property o s. lt. phone 43. r-nnitoi Lot 50x100. Young truu. Fully modern 8 .room home on Sag inaw St. 3 lots, r me nu... - Nice home. " th 4n ncres 45 acres ap- bearing orcna.u, i . , vin cherries, uuuu vi.j-'-ouk-. Outbuildings. $450 per acre 16 acres near Maxleay. chard. Near school and railway sta tion. 3 room no""-. AU ........ I .nvirn VOOin nunnc. $7500. a i.inn truck $350 I Samson tractor $500 Ford bug $275 . rg "1". Inkeiv he agenoy for the 7cilnd cars, l'none tjnanuier for demonstration. barn. water. c.i,n1 near r: w riemevci. mi I f 1 . , . . . -.. onrt hich class In- vestr 21 M-nic b.dg. Bp lorn. Phones 100, 101 Anto Exchange. k"v""" rtisnlay. Come arrhem.,F9tSatet;. Phone 869. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN FOR SALE-YotmS calf, vue. 259 Belle-291 "D TOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic phone - i Grain: Wneat, No. 1. St th Sly 90 ft th St to S li " .i a HI . u th fol H 11 su c"7" Ely to .bog. Also begNWcor sd lt 7 bl 6 Frickeys add, 8a fem thWly alNU to SW cor th Nly al W 11 to beg Ephrlam B. Roberts and Isa L1hella Roberts to Percy J t..j,i .i Edith Judd. Lt and 90, Sunnyside Fruit Farm a ,, 30 acres ivvvv John 'ulU and Sarah Jane Bar ..-I uvtuir?. to w. and Malinda Barrett. Lt 4 bl 20 Railroad add, Hubbard. Albert F.May and Freda May to J. Ernesc v-u ---Clair Cox, Lt 7 bl 4 BecMel and Bynons Cardwell add Sa lem Time Tables. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. 6:65 a.m o . a1 oaxe : nh. ciieet eud id X FOR SALE-Shoe repair ahop doing mod business. 1280 State oi. nd if married. U'w " JL, Mi Capital Journal FOR SALB-Carrots. i. . - $10 at Hie- Coffey. Brooks, ui. lull HALF. Six room morn bun galow with gnrago. a"'1 ''"ull-.fpli blocks from mate nooo v "m streets, corner lot: posse Ion i'"'"' , (Ikiti'ly. Plione owner lJ'"1nn in. IlAVi: ii well locnled Iot 60x100. eluding cement aldewnlk, e eot k sewer, telephone nnd water, ai line. I'rlco J'luu car box C-3 Journal. . .M'lib from v vi'El ) Someone i" n-- "J ii "''res small stum.- 37F3 fnr responsible 3 Phone 295 Tt wqamson tractor 12-25 h. tcKoditV. business. t- " 29G FOR ? n. m it.,,,- inisiness. in.,-, - n,- i..a..iiAiiiieuii, iiiii.i'- 7580c; milling oam an 1S Oregon Jxpr ....v . anl $17; oat hay $20: clover hayUVIl Lg wUlamettell p.m nmornnr John U. Calkina of tho Situ Francisco Federal Reserve Bank baa written a letter to all Dansajiuu trust companies in thft Tweuui eral Reserve District urging thein t promote, wherever poasioie, ia of War Savins Stamp anu Saving Certiflcatea for tmuu $48001 presents thla year. The increased ttemana ioj Government securities, the Treasury Savings Certiflcatea being similar U War Savings Stamps in denomination of $100 and, $1000, Is apparent iron. . the fact that the Feaerai Bank supplied 60,200 worm ot Treasury Savings Certiflcatea to eigh teen banks In the district on Novem ber 20, which Is the largest amount sold in one day since the close of tb war. On the face ot the demand of these eighteen banks ana me in creased call for the securities horn all postoftices throughout the 1 Federal Reserve District, n ' seem that the Government holiday slogan, "Give a War Savings Stamp -or a Treasury Savings Certificate lo rhrLimu " is being followed out. and the Government Is hoping that M ...... -ur., ftovlnea BtafflDB and glVlUg Tin - - Treasury Savings Certificates for Christmas gifts the district will close ly approximate its War Savings onoU for the year. A portion of Governor Calkins - V"1 . , ,.,.. ,M .1. The Christmas nonu - most upon us. Kvervinma a tremendous outlay of money In.tba purchase of holiday gum, vue b'.. portion of which I think I am safe la saying will be luxuries. The present situation demands not that mory ...o h BDent in the purchase of . luxuries, but that we curtail as roue as possible, with the consequent bene ficial contraction oi crean. "Therefore, I apjeai to you fellow banker to do everything withta vour power to stiinuiateune pur-. and giving oi war oiub " and Treasury Savings Certificates at Christmas presents in place of the us ual needless and expensive gilta. W t me that the responsibility oi leading men's minds along the way of thrift and simple living "- gi eat extent upon tne oanir - country ana in asmus j the Bales of Treasury security during the Christmas holidays, i am you only to take advantage portunity to meet this responsibility. In addition, unrisuuw rylng an appeal to give War Saving, Stamps and Treasury Savings Certifi cates for Christmas p.ese..i -. -distributed throughout the Twelfth Federal Reserve Distnct. a. u bankB have been asked to include a similar appeal in tnear aaveri....B. 6000 100 cream- Wotpv Company. SALEM WAWR COMjfSSJ'SS CBrs0pavabe' monthly in advance. Phnne 606. . Wood Saw. 'HONE 1754R. Our P" "Jg. W M. Zandlor, proprietor. 1265 . Summer street. Salem, Or. mill run $46.50 47.00. uliti"." ery butter 690o. , fo 18 Portiana r- 5.36 p.m 24 Coos ay 7.46 p.m 14 peruana d , ..... 3:10 a.m oregonui.. . a.m v butier m ii"" . L.v i and mutton: Pork on '"' . sft: steers, iL. liu-Jci, spring tomb. 9c o: ,o Rn Francisco Pass..... (mil nouiiu. -eid- 23 For KUgenB 11;05 tt.ra 15 California o.ih.- --. 4;0g p.m ewes 4oc; ouh, - - i, "irV?i Limited ' "' 50c. ...u aim """V.."i Pass..... lt: P'"1 turkeys, 50C. casn Kges aim -- ....,. Ihrht hens 1820c heavy nen ugui 20C roosters loiffixi. i .,, Vegetables: Onion. p celery doz. '"" ,,., I'oli SALE 6 room inodern o"J. (Jose (in, roivsoimble. Thone SALESMAN 1 l"'"""'.1'! and county, w.h '''"'li' MC-n product. Call V' SnUth. IIotelManom Used Cars for Sale FOR 8ALE-16 -,7, Soutli 291 Safety Razor Blades. IDU SALE House on Court owner. Phone 190SK. St. !' 291 1919 MODLL i' ;' al,out lis also Dodge w- --l7fl 9 -in consider trim" " 94" 12th St, Waller balance FOR SALE Modern room h"us0 (except furnace) at St. $3000. $1000 ensn, tcrmB. Roth Grocery Co. Bargains and Investments i..u.il.-rr. H0Sed,.n oveiii"--- .., jonii" mc in i.i nt a ""'.". ,...i.- St. I ,: ... . .... .f A rule lo acre ii.n.i - , , . ..... . liiincrnloW nJ1 e ni, n re o iiimu "'-;; i on easy frails, well, nice homo. SOO- tu, U'l'(l"a ro tract of fine dark loam near Hali ni Rai-i'ivln for P"r ""'a, 8 tier paved ?-0t0. .. . nt t , r. m les out at i-.ie gemu... ...... - this, '"J .rVM .P. if' '"II r, , 1. bulb! v acres cioho hi, i-i..- mgs. snap $2ritiu. , j,,r,0o 10 arte bearing orchard, "'n7.mi 12 acre tract 3 miles n nil in high stato cultivation, nice cne WW", ire tract 2 miles from Sn e n road; nil in cultivation, fen.ip. ry orchard, bulldinga, Largain. , For barcraliiB nnd square doai. Pprrine & Marsters 2U-12 Com. club bldg. Balem. or Lost And Found. FOUND-I-!l!l!!! For Rent cr tract located TO KNT,7 f "in Waconda station. 1-4 mlio l'01" " 1, With dwell-m-egon Electric R. R-. all0 iL. barn, orcna.u , , monthly la'mc, .sSfor board and wash cash payments i im ,eman. Ad- Lodge Directory. 94.50; lemom hnnnnaa He; honey exi. SHIPYARD STRIKERS OWN $7,200,000 U.S. SECURITIES - -HEMEKETA Lodge No. t rro.ownar evening ai rrio as PYTHIAS MEET AT KluP'.T. i,.ii on every xuemw McCornaca. c . p. J. Kuntz narr i'j. l-2c, Oregon o . 5 l-2c. Fruit: Oranges $3.50 6.50OW-v. -. cabbage. 3c: 20c; buncn or"". 43 grapes . n r.Annera 25c ID. Retail Pices: Eggs doea J creamery butter 7JOL 68c; flour, hard wheat d.iu PORTLAND MARKETS ,... n. Butter, cu SALEM-GEER LINK 73 Arrive at Salem - 4;00 pm 74 Leave Salem SAI.KM. FALLS OCT 165 Leaves '"nSh'and AlrlU rri-.ni car to jvioninuum J- 1 - , UilU f 171 Leaves saiem g;25 a,m 162 Arrives w." 11:00 a m 164 Arrive """" 3:20 P-m 166 Arrives Sa em - 7;40 pm 172 Arrivea Liberty Bonds and War" Sav- ing Stamps tteip oPP" Idle Workers One ot the reasons the striking hlpyavd workers in seven plant round San Francisco bay have been b,e to hold out for their demand of u.vit cents an hour increase is that at S. K. R. & S. nhone i' - . ,Mi,.i for ront; T. , ioiR moaei, ...twitKb Kin"". '..,. c. tove Repairing. o. - - mi . house . .onalred. . ,n,Mia rF AMERICA. ROYAL Nb -"- N(J 1S60 meeu Thursday evening in Mccor- SalSeEBeBunn. 64 Union St un Carrie . " ,.1R Molissa t-erouiio. .. .. i 10 " " .Te sko- eggp selected loca c.r.mf.ry m80 broilers,, 23 28c: cecee zoc; ci." - OREGON ELECTRIC bou. Arrlv Train a.VB. a.,im Eugenf No, . -".- am 12:30 pn. s Ltd . experience. 26 -American -or a varn Indies W1LtaI1bfy & feuetB ireoats, FOR BBNT-8 room 7BS B. " bly wo. Temple. Glenn u k d. m. In Masoi vlbbert, secre Niles. M- :;'-. 34U u" ..210 Court -Good ovw---- ",p. lioiB"? .., .nd i'" "?9 .I"'";,, stoves, suit - r trftae ri,oi have J0UL at Phone 4a Jo shoes FARM LOANS Any amount- Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very, prompt service, Ask about our 20-year loans at hfwea . -i fin .-Miif noil www i i. Knii.i ii apartim cllUrch, flren. 1"- ' Sleeping FOR B1 ni evui- room, " :.vt- Furnished housckeepinB or can """. Front. Mrs. Carrie order. N. 4th St, recoraer. 14oflM, tary. WOODMEN OF AMERICA illectively they own more than 7 "kii som 6:35 pm 91 -,TT-NI Mil IJI'j V . . r Oregon Thursday evening at meet, every Thck building, o'clock in ta w. M Court iny J, , a. Turner Persons, v. Ief mpi 118. Meets -r n. W. SALr.j.. . viQck in ' y;..!.!.,' l.lirni H " . 11. every ' ,, " or. court ana i" niofnrnack hau, c'-,oi0me. tive Stock, . pneeipts none: tone of mar Cat' choice steers; J9.00 ...soT fair to medium steers , l ' . tr mners. ia-ovw" common -..,. ..00 .....I...... irnrd COWS anu -- - ... ciiu.tv ffl, bull8 $BS"-0 08.50; cannors $3 4, duu . calves $7 14 ket steady' ir me m.. - - 14 "' I T.oit!i none; tono of mar- sneep - - ... en 12.50 ket steady; Prime iambs j$g M t i mi'tiiuiu lu" . " ... r..i so: wethers, vearlings 9.50; ..es $5.007.00- . 9 13 Ltd 17 19 2:0b pm 8.B0 pn '.:0Pr"?P Wiemonl, treetranrminuTes later) n street Northbound Train Leave Portland No. Biugei ----6 9. 30 om iSud j:25 am 9- 12 ' 'M um , 5:60 P" VVT' n-riiiu none; tone or ; 16 Ltd w" - 7:40 pa - iK.50lD.o ,0 saiemu j rougl WILL PAY FOR Oregon Walnuts LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY AND SELL ON NEW YORK MARKET HAWKINS & ROBERTS Bldg. MoWrnack''amVeloom orty St. Visiting vvo w olerk( AumiTAN RED CROSS Ore. wTAuto Radiator Shop Tractor .Rnalamrs a : Ford W"7" a"lem, 198 S. nth Street.- Salem, Salem Scayangerartase JJ fuse ot an " Enable rate ly 0I,t.r.a,C",ianed. Dead, animal. CTTfinniis Garage Xtu ,. lt your 'T5J0(leralut;mob..elrePa,r. pauoiif- .(,; special"-- Battery charging a i I ill .. .jsn ci HF1helthandaITJ1 I VUrmPPY NEW YEARVyi i.cK rm 10:00 pnr KorthaUon.aWeffe, ann street 15 minutes Corvalua. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS ..,lllD Leave w 9.45 am 8:20 am 4.00 fr.A 2:35 pm 85 m 6:18 pm .. ,, S0..moo-rlve Corvalu, leave ii;87 am 10:10 am g.00 pm 6:40 pm . 4 pm 4 :1? pm " JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT . - it 1.., Ilnmlfl aflrf' 10 000 worth OI i.meru ---,out, $200,000 in War Bavin m -amDS "The Liberty Bond and War n-s Stamps holdings of our men tve certainly stood us in good ,ad," said Frank Miller, secretary the San Francisco Iron Trades ouncil. -'When we win our demand am going to re.-ommend that the .en save that eight cent an hour 1n rease and invest it weekly withAhe Government in War Savings Wampa. l,ey provide an ideal way fpr the orkingman to save. 1 C. A. Farnsworth. associate ilirec- ov o( the War Loan urgamsuum. he Twelfth Feden.i uosci .0 aid' "Secretary Mine" he Liberty Bond holdings and their nvestment la War Savings are - there is BO doubt that the men to support on strike. . face value ot ti.e.r without sacrincing they can cash In their War SntaB rhr oovernmenf. War BalH " Stamp is the working man', waapoa I against a hand-to-mouth existence. It helps him get ahead. 1 --- : : -I LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Of f ice Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. r.h ! AND Onions MMfS CASH STORE 60 kr"--,o,, BUV RED CROSS STAMPS HAWKINS & ROBERTS Oregon lLr.,v euaranteed M D JACKSON. Mgr. Salem 29C 205 Oregon Bldg. I v . PHONE 453 Salem Oregon 205 Oregon : i we ir .w.-i.- . .