Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    lit RED BYRD
. Mli W'lnnlfred Hjrrtl. tllinliiu-UvSl-"'
musician, met with a roynl
w(Joomj In Portland, when mIio up
pearrd In concert nt the Aloi:utr thea
Irt the. .Suiulay afternoon, U evhUnt
U1J upiireilutlor.a wrlUon uy
critics of that city, Hi
triumph, professionally,
t aociuJI.v. and B,,y concert
!u. niftk chouse to dive in her nutive
rfjii i nsBured or
IHUID ivi'ltuls
a phonomonul ut
. cording to l'ortlund press
ui of the criticisms follows-
sometimes are dull
fyi,lll'lll'll' ttllU WW IMIlliU
frte Is im"1"'1 nn Instrument without
hiitt Kule of produclnu much ol
-nythliiK " it "'"
HTjoh wimitfred Hyrd played nt the
Alaww theatre Hunday afternoon she
refuted the charge by breathing Moul
Into the structure of wood and metal,
aiakliu.' It wl'sJt and hIhk In IIiiuh ot
u' i'iiuntliiK beauty.
VlnH'fi't'it Ityrd, the petite plimlHt of
gideni, t'r, who returned, from Inuiiy
jrni ul' Mt.uics I" lho ettHt abroad
Mn(1 cn -,.i t tours of the pust two
jtiun tliit. have already brouxht her
Jume to tbo extent that some huve d
elHl 'be Krealost living wouiun
nlnelHl of the day, proved heraelf no
grwU i" urtlst and a kIiim thai
nhoulu .tliii choose to come here iiBuin,
anno doubt eho will, mere mention of
the f:u:Ml.ut slut is to appear should
briiiK i i .ii' iclty audience.
The pr.jf-iaifl wan one happily cboH
en and onderfully well balanced, It
oprned lib the Chopin Fantasia, opu
4t. and oxen If sht had played omy
thiU, one would have been convinced
that uli.ii him been auld of her in
true and that In this Oregon girl tbo
-arid hi" a reinurkablo reuder. Then
followed iiahina' delightful little In
lenneiixo, the Turkish March from
Beethoven N "Kulni of Athena," ho ef
fectively niiyed that It had to he re
peated; the Mcndoloaohn-JMazt "On
Wing cf .rong," the "Dance of the
Gnomes, ' oy Lists, also repeated,
Lull s l.(rend "8t. Francis Walking on
the Waves" a remarkable spiritual
reuUng, to MacDowell number,
The Kui;le" and "Witches," Dance,"
both gem c f piano literature an read
kr Mlsn liyid and finally tfio TauHlg
sirangeincnl of Schubert's familiar
"March Ml Italre." For a final en
core II.-iU "Campanella" wan played.
Portland ;a eager to hear thla little
ftaat oi i no piano again ana again.
After the she won surrounded
by frieti.'ln un the atage who wluhed to
expmu their adminlatratJon.
ill J. J. . .
Sam l-rancigco r)ftc .
luo overf A
mha. found ' odd,!0', "
In a do "'"Wing alone
& downing
ntniM I!.,.,
- weeg. now h u
r more
""I the Juvenile court , "a
- . R ation of abandoS?
I' In Ion offlew, Ll.ove
me Infant may httve llfion kiri
&AU SALEM. onr
Come West If Strike Ends
Manard Says
Booze Causes
Losses, Report
New Vork, Deo. .Ueutenant 15.
Maynard, the "flying parnon," ! r'hment of a medical
to too
. maicment lHued by the
public ity depart ment of the Anti
Saloon league of New York a, ay.
inn "the recret f tl10 failure of Bme
of the .iliotR In the reecnt transcontl-
nenwu race can bo ultrlbutcd
much ln)i,7(."
"I havi Hen men who never flew
unless Uuy were half Intoxicated,"
Maynanl was alleged to have said. "1
have Keen Home who always took a
drink boCi-e flying. I have seen oth
ers wh flaw with a hangover from
the nlt;ht before and I have seen stll'
others fly who never touched a drop.
Many of enr fatal accidents have oc
curred in connection with the three
classes t huve mentioned."
Kofcrrlhg to the recent cross country
flight. Maynnrd was quoted as con
cluding: ' It all ot them were as
sober as myself, I probably would not
"lave been the winner."
Portland, Or.,
Dec. 9. Mark A.
"'""hews. n-i. . - '
armv h U r.."1 me CwP Lewis,
The aiH.i . " "". ,iun etreeta
ar m, , T""' ana me
aie nxtifled bv th
C. M ti.: , ,'. ""ouung.
window nf h '"OK'ng out of a
'hew and two Civir ''enCe' TOW Mat"
their ZuU Z ? "tandlnB wlth
With n .,i -"".
'SaUK- - -
chlh! Civ"lllns a" thv would
compits ThfY "'ay have
th?eeUm!r "e 0f a
route M r whonlwer ln Portland en
loute to Corvallls to examine candi-
kTcoZ"" ""''ve train
Tacoina, Wash., Dec.
Mnrt Af,..i
.iiinews Was a
9. Private
member of a
corps at
t'hlcaito, Dec. 9. Six men held up a
Jewelry shop here and escaped with
gems und cash estimated by the owner
Ham K. Leln,' to amount to (75,000.
Although the streets were crowded,
the bandIN were not Interrupted while
they Btuck up the proprietor and two
others, ransacked safes and departed
In an automobile. The shop is In the
"loop" dlHtiict.
wimp Lewis. With medical officers he
wimp yesterday for the Oregon
Agricultural college at Corvallls to as
in examining students for the re
nerve training corps. .
His nearest relative is given on the
Camp Lewis records as a grandmoth
er living at the Pratt home, Santa Fe,
Private Matthews was In the nm,v
service from early in 1917 to Febru
ary, 1919, when ho was diuchnriru,i
He re-en!lfited in July and was nsaiirn.
ed to the First Infantry, later being
transferred to the medical corps. He
was 23 years old.
Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 9. It Is con
aidered -mllkely that the Harvard foot!
ball team will go to California for a
game on New Year's day. even If the
coal strike should end at once.
The trip was cancelled, when it be
came apparent that the situation re
quired travel restriction, to save fuel
and it was pointed out that even
should the etriko end at once it will
be several weeks before the restric
tions piat-eg on travel win be raised
It was also stated that in view of the
fact that. it. would be necessary to
train tha xiuad, no eleventh hour de
cision la practicable.
I'ortlund. Or., Dec. 9. Plans for the
building of a new motion picture thea
ter in Seattle, to cost $1,500,000 and a
campaign f.f expansion that will mean
25 new theaters On the Pacific coast
within a year, are included in the ac
tivities of Jensen & Von Herberg, lo
cal Kiotion picture operators, they
have announced.
The Seattle house will be erected on
a site north of Pike street and will be
ready for occupancy next fall. One of
the innovations in this theater will be
a large ball room where persons wait
ing for the next show will be enter
tained until seats are available.
New houses to be taken over or built
by Jensen Von Herberg, besides the
one at Seattle, include theaters at
Bellingham Bremerton, Spokane, Ev
erett, Yakima and Great Falls, Mont.
San Dee. 9-Mrs. Vlolette
Potter Kruttschnitt.. society woman,
whose abo-le was suddenly transferred
early toda from the Palace hotel to
the city prison, still was at the prison
at 7 a, m., having been unable to pro
vide bond. Her release on bond was
expected coon.
Mrs. Kiuttschnitt, who is the di
vorced wife of Theadore Kruttschnitt,
son of Julius, chairman of he boart!
of directors of the Southern Pacific,
w?s locked up at 1:30 a. nv. charged
with "f ils.fying a proof of loss" ln the
fire that destroyed her Mill Valley
home last October.
Ball wan fixed at $10,000 bond or
$5000 cash.
Mrs. Will E. Purdy, with two able
assistants, will have charge of the
baths. Will B. Purdy. of the Oregon
Realty Investment Exchange cotnf
pany. is interested financially in- the
Modern Turkish Baths
To Open Here Thursday
Modern in every detail, a new Turk
ish bath, swimming pool and shower
bath, with all accommodations, will
be opened up Thursday in the base
ment of the Oregon building. State
and High streets. The establishment
will have two entrances, on High
street from the sidewalk, and down
the elevator from the inside. A for
mal opening, when ministers, physi
cians, and others will be invited, will
be held Saturday evening.
Kidney; liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
The world's standard remedy for the.
disorders, will cftcn ward off these dis.
ana and atrenrthan th tvxtu
further attacks. Three siies, all druggists.
M iw bum Gold Medal t r bra
mma aceapf a BulatMa
Grand Jury To Probe
I.W.W. Activities Chosen
tJraml HaplilH. Midi.. Po. 9. One
of the most bitterly fought trials In
the hiHloi " of Michigan In expected to
begin hero January 27 when Senatoi
Truman li. Newberry und 134 others
associated with him ln the 1918 I
liticai campaigns will face a Jury in
the Unite .1 Stales district court on a
charge of conspiracy to corrupt the
electorate of the Htnto.
The ditto ..of the trial was fixed by
Judge Clarence W. Sessions late yos
teniay fol. owing arraignment of Sen
ater Newberry and more than ' score
ef his political lieutenants.
Significance was attached to the
statement uf Judge Sessions that a
warning would be sent all prospective
Juryim-ii that they nuist not discuss
the Newberry case with any one. The
Jurors will be warned to report to inc.
federal authorities the names of any
persons who approach them to talk
concerning tho case.
That Senator Newberry and others
"dieted will fight the charges "even
t the supreme court of the United
8Utes," was the statement of an at
torney connected with the case.
Rid System (of Clogged -up
Waste and Poisons
with "Cascarets."
Like carbon clogs and chokes a mo
torso tho excess bile In liver, and the
constipated waste In the bowels, pro
duce foggy brains, headache, sour,
acid stomach, indigestion, sallow skin,
sleepless nights, and bad colds.
Let gentle, harmless "Cascarets
rid the system ol tne umihs, -
. .. .i ..-l,i,.h ni'A kHPnlllg
gases ana poisu
you upset. it
TMkn Casrtireis ana enjoy u .
. -.. t....,ii,.n rnthartic vou ever
i.w.,.,i r.LHcarets never gripe,
- -,,, inconvenience. They
i. ...hiia von sleen. A box of Cas
carols costs so Utile too.
There is one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
mid that is to dissolve it. This destroys
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at mgnt wacn retiring
use enough to moisten tho scalp and
rub it in gentlv with tho finger tips.
iBy morning, most of not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more application will completely
dissolve and ontirely destroy every sin'
gle sign and trace of it, no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that aH itching
and digging of the scalp will stop an
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and Boft, and
look and feel a hundred UmeB better,
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive, and tour ounc
es is all -ou will need. This simple rem-
ody has nevor been known to fan.
J (Adv)
Tacomn. Wash., Dec. 9. Thirty-five
veniremen lor a federal grand Jury to
Investigate I. W. W. activities in
southwest Washington have been
chosen in the court of United States
Judge E. E. Cushman.
The grand jury is called for 10 a. m.
December 16.
The cases of the I. W. W. members
now held ln the city and county jails
will come before the grand jury for ac
tion on charge of conspiracy to over
throw the government, in addition, to
other evidence obtained by agents of
the department of Justice since the
armistice- clay murders at Centralia.
If Too Thin Trv
' Bitro-Phosphatc
While excessive thinness might be
attributed to various and subtle caus
es in different individuals? it is a well
known fact that the lack of phos
phorus in the human system is very
largely responsible for this condition.
IUseems to be well established that
this deficiency in phosphorus may
now be met by the use of Bitro-Phos-phate,
which can be obtained from
any good druggist in convenient form
In many instances the assimilation
of this phosphate by the nerve tissue
soon produces a welcome change
nerve tension disappears, vigor and
strength replace weakness and lack
of energy and the whole body loses its
ugly hollows and abrupt angles, be
coming developed in a glow of perfect
health and beauty and the will and
strength to be tip and doing.
CAUTION While Bitro-Phosphate
is unsurpassed for the relief of ner
vousness, general debility, etc., those
taking it who do not desire to put on
flesh should use extra care in avoid
Ing fat producing foods. (Adv)
If you spend wisely
YOU'LL buy home pro
ducts, because they are
the finest made.
And because keeping Oregon
dollars at home, means pros
perity for the manufacturer,
the workman and the producer.
Boost your home industries.
Increase Oregon payrolls.
Encourage the producer.
Buy at
Associated Industries1 of Oregon
Colds Cause Headaches and Pains:
feverish headaches and body pains I
caused from a cold are soon relieved
NINE Tablets. There is only one "Bro
rr.o Quinine." B. W. GROVETB signa
ture on the box. 30c. (Adv)
Of Public Funds To
Advertise State Legal
Simple Combination
Helps Weak Eyes
Salem people"aTeTstonl8hed at the
quick results produced slm'e
witehhaael. camphor, hydrastls etc
as mixed in Lavoptlk eye wash In one
case of weak and ncarsiB Mr
few days use brougm b -
nt. ln another case ' "'-,-'
pains and Inf animation " """.,
ce a small bottle of Lavoptlk to help
ANY CASBwenk , or
cd eyes. Aluminum .
C. Perry, druggist. i
Washington, Dec. 9. New Mexico
ran use funds derived from the sale
Public lands to advertise the nd
antagog of the state, the supremo
rt decided. ,
'l'no Government fought the case on
, Krounop that th. funds were ob-
"nea from lands which were the
Property of the United States when
"w Moxlci was a territory and their
for advertising; violated federal
t4k Tongue! Eemore Poison From
orotaaca, Liver and Bowels
r 5 r
n r
If ' w
jl la.
: .V At
The Gift to
South Com.
Accept "CaMfornia" Byrup of Pigs
"y look for the name California on
e package, then you are sure your
"id ig having the beet and most harm
laxative or physio for the little
""""aoh. liver and bowels. Children
"o Us dolicious fruity taste. Full di
jetions for child's-dose on each bot-
Give ft without fear,
"othert You must say "California"
. v - face Powder,
Soul Kiss race
ing and radiant. .
Tirui Co.
Saint I"
Refnthct ami
that All Enjoy
The eift supreme is one that the proud possessor can let
others enjoy. Such is the Brunswick phonograph And
for that reason it is probably the most practical of all
especially at Christmas.
The Method of Reproduction
The Brunswick Method of Reproduction is exclusive,
scientific simple. It does not require an expert to appreci
rSe coS charm and exquisiteness it gives to tone. It
Spens up a heretofore limited world of record music.
The- $
0n The 1
These marvelous gS'to wShod of Reproduction. They
n0t "f3K STK hal'presents the right needle, dia
sound. A sh8"y . . any reeord.
phragm ana w6-; , . . ton8
The TONE AMP - ov
chamber. U 2 " rom metal. Thus it gives the req-
metallic sounus.
made entirely o w ,",. " T M harsh thil
tona voiu ,. - and musica, laws.
It meets
all advanced acoustical and i
Shop Early-Shop Here
Those desirin
save many steps by commg here Brunswick as the super-m-
the widest ' "u'Usurely be right in your selectoon.
6T;hyou want U here.
" The Price of
Pork Chops and Bacon
Here are reasons why the fine,
fresh pork tenderloins and pork chops,
or savory ham, or crinkly bacon, which
you enjoy for breakfast, cost much more
per pound than the market quotation on
live hogs which you read in the newspaper:
An average hog weighs 220 pounds.
Of this, only 70 per cent (154 pounds)
is meat and lard.
So, when we pay 15 a pound for live hogs, we
are really paying more than 21? a pound for the meat
which, we will get from these animals, even after
taking into account the value of the by-products.
But people show a preference for only one-third
of the whole-the pork chops, fancy bacon, and choice
cuts from juicy hams.
This means that when we are selling Premium
bacon at 4312 per pound wholesale and Premium
hams at 30, there are other parts for which we
get as low as 6? or 8 per pound. The net result is
an average profit to us of less than U a pound.
The choice cuts are higher because of a demand
for them.
Another thing: Only 35 pounds of the entire hog
or about Ye th- is usually marketed at once. The rest
must be pickled, cured,- or smoked. This takes
months, and adds to the costs which must be met.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
1 mmmmS swjn comrmiy. , - - IJ M
"rofiV 2.04 Cent r aisit
Court Street .