Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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-us An col en. Cal., lee. 9. il'nited
ivss. ) 'All we've done was try to
'cut the cost of living." was the droll
j announcement of William Cotton ami
The entrance of Willamette unl-, Henry Lobhels when they were ar
versity into the Northwest conference j rested here charged with being mem-
will brinir to Salem a better class of " .l.imm.- ...e gang ui ireignr
basketball teams than has been seen
i car robbers.
They weie arrested by department
here in recent years. Couch Mathews j f jus;ioe il?e,lts following receipt oft
returned yesterday from Seattle, j evidence gained by eastern officers!
where he was attending the meeting
of the conference, with the best sched
ule Willamette has had for several
years. Never before have so many
games been played with the big col
leges. The schedule as printed is complete
except for one or two games which
will be arranged later. Heed College,
Pacific university and College of Pu
get Sound all want to play Willam
ette, but it is questionable whether
dates will be available.
The season opens two Weeks after
school reopens after the holidays,
with two games on the home floor
"with Whitman. The next two weeks
will see a series of exchange games
played with O. A. C. and Oregon. The
two dates the following week are
open. The team will take its big trip
the second week in February, playing
at Moscow, Idaho, Pullman, Wash
ington, and two games with Whitman
at Walla Walla. The final game with
Stanford will be on the home floor.
Candidates for the team are work
ing hard every afternoon, and some
excellent mtaerial is showing up. Wa
pato, Jackson, Ksteb and Rarey are
showing all their old time form, and
a. number of new men are making a
strong bid for a place on the squad.
Following is the detailed schedule j
of the games arranged: ;
Jan. 14 Whitman at Salem j
Jan. 15 Whitman at Hulem
Jan. 22 O. A. C. at Salem
Jan. 23 O. A. C. at Corvallis
Jan. 30 17. of O. at Kugene
Jan. 31 U. of O. at Salem
; Feb. 4-5 Open
Feb. 11 17. of Idaho at Moscow
Feb. 12 W. S. C. at Pullman
Feb. 13 Whitman at Walla Walla
Feb. 14 Whitman at Walla Wnllu
Feb. 24 Stanford at Salem.
! sllOWhliT Thf ST:n hllil llMn, l,r I
from headouarters in Providence, K. 1.
The two in-n arrested here were said
to have been in eljarge of tho alleged
oprations on this coast.
Federal agents say the plan of cut
ting living costs was to rob freight
cars of ciotning and other merchan
dise and sei! it at bargain price!. .
Tacoma, Wn., Dec. 8. John Smith,
CO, of Aberdeen, S. I)., was almost in
stantly killed when an auto driven by i
K. ,.-Ramser of the Tacoma steam
laundry ran away on a steep hill and
toppled over at noon today. Smith
was thrown against the curb, break
ing his neck.
Just Jet out that bottle of
Moan Liniment and i
"knock it galley-wen!
WEREN'T prepared for that
quick switch in temperature, i
were you? Left you stiff, sore,
full of rheumatic twinges?
Von should have had a bottle of
Sloan's Liniment handy that would
have oon eased up the muscles, quieted
the jumpy, painful, affected part 1 i without rubbing, bringing
gratify-in? relief. )
Helpful in all attacks of lumVago,
sciatica, external soreness, stiffness,
strains, aches, sprains. Get a bottle
j. at your druggist's. 35c, 70c., $1.40. ,
V to Keep Baby
Smiling and Well
See that the daily functions are regular and normal
YOU can't expect the little one to
be happy and playful when the head
feel dull and the itomach bloated. The
normal habit of children is to be happy and
when you notice them croii and fretful you
willutua'ly find conttipation is responsible.
Perhaps they have missed that daily
function to necessary to comfort and
health. Look at die tongue and see if
the breath is bad. Watch for bekhing.
These are the tell-tale symptoms of con ;
ttiparjon. Tonight give a little of Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which you can
buy at any drug store for 50c and $1 a
large bottle, and it will act in the morning
and the troublesome symptoms promptly
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Prpsin is a com.
bmation of simple laxative herb with
pepsin. Unlike the harshei physics it acts
gently and without griping to that while
grownups can use it freely it can also be
given to a tiny baby with perfect safety.
Thousands of American families would
not think of being without a bottle in the
house for the emergency arises almost daily
when it is needed.
In spile of the fact that Dr. CalJavlfs
Syrttp Pepsin is the largest selling liquid
laxatxvt in the world, there betnj over
6 Million bottles sold each year, many
xvho need its benefits hare not yet used
it. If yen have not, send your name and
address for a free trial bottle to -. ll
B. Caldxerlt, 521 Washington St., Monti
cello, Illinois,
J New Vork. Hoc. .--(.'barley Mnr
i ray of liuffalo said he was trying to
1 match flay Turner ami Harry (ireli
for a bout within tho next two week"
Yoiing.anwn, (., Dec. 0, Jack
ferry, Pittsburgh welterweight title
chaser, knocked out Milhnrn Saylor,
1 ndiaiiiiooliv. In the third round of ,t
scheduled 12 round bout here Inst
Be Prepared
For Influenza
Cut Tills Out
Los Angeles, Cal. Dec. The more
Jack Kearns says, the more evident
A is that Jack Deinpsey wants to do
his fighting on this side of the At
lantic. "Jt will take a much better '.offer
from a French or Knjcllsh promoter
than from an American to get the
Carpentier-Denipsey match." declar
ed Kearns today. "We prefer to fight
at home. I'd say it would take same
$50,000 more to land the bout for
London or Paris than from some Am
erican city." - .
. Since Dominick Tortorich of. New
Orleans offers $150,000 and Kearns
understands he has the money In ac
tual cash ready to pay over when the
time comes, it would be logical to
suppose that it will take $200,000 or
more to get Jack to buy tickets across
the pond.
Kearns said he was getting tele
grams by the dozens from promoters
all over the country, Denver and Port
land, Or., being among the latest bid
ders. "Dut to begin with, a place where
fighting is permitted must be select
ed," Kearns added. "Aiid besides
there's lots of time between now and
spring to arrange this match."
Kearns says, and others seem to
agree, that Dempsey is keeping in fine
ii l!
um a rcrrhf f :!
a w II 11 li i',' I
f utm r
j VJ uUL.ll
? I
- - i
i . j;
CO . .
1 Wonderfully Efficient
Surprisingly Low in Price
not an electric
Many medical men say we will
probably have another epidemic this
Let us all hope and pray we will
P.ut at the same time let us bo well
The flu as it is called, usually starts
with a t;old and lightness in the chest
If you even suspect there is a
chance that you may be getting Influ
enza take a good doso of laxative tea,
such as Dr. Carter's K .t P. Tea or
Celery King and send for your physi:
cian. While you are waiting for the
doctor rub liegy's Mustarlne on throat
and chest.
Hub it on freely and never mind
if it does feel good and hot, it. can
not blister even tho tendercst skin.
P.ut don't stop at throat and chest;
get some one to rub this enemy of in-
jflammntion over your entire back and
especially between tho shoulder blades
This is one of the most sensible
i precautions you can take against
pneumonia, which often quickly fol
lows the flu and is Just whnt the doc
tor tries hard to sidetrack.
You can get Pegy's Muslarine for
f 30 and 60 cents in yellow boxes all
ready for use at any drug store.
Kemember it is made of real yel
low mustard. Use it for sore throat,
coughs, chest colds, pleurisy, bronchi- j
tis lumbago and all aches and pains.
I Adv) I
Carpentier Not
To Ease Up On
Training Work
Ciii-iMMtilcr 'lrtr:i.i;
London. I)ci. S :M(igcM Cnrpni
Her, the l-'rench M:t : I i Pot going to
pack away his gloves inij; his next
championship fight
"I am going to keep on fighting un
til the tight with Hen bee, I i arranged.
1 am not going Into cvhibiilon iiffiilrs,
They'll be rcul fights -villi Miy lienvj-u-elghiN
thnl w ants lo in m t nie," Car
penller sold before leaiii lor Purls,
Kegardlng his propoNcd fight with
Hempsey, the French vl, amnion mini:
"1 will meet Heiul'Mi',' right nwa.v
In the place that iifei i ,0 the most
money. It will be llu oanlcMt fight
I ever had. It will to. I lc like the
nempHoy-YVIlhird iiffnlr or my fight
with Peckett. It whl cover n. longer
route and 1 run surti tiiir I wttl not
expose myself reokles.i'y im i' allow him
to get across nn easy knockout blow
h . ..
Detroit Auto Plants Hard
Hit By Shortage Of Fuel
Detroit, Mich., Dec. 9. (United
Press.) Detroit's automobile indus
tries were either shut down or dras
tically cm tailed today by the coal
strike, according to information given
out by the manufacturer's association.
Fully r0.000 men were idle today
and the iobs of at least 200,000 more
dependej on early settlement of the
strike, it was said.
1 ii uMJmmmv '.i.ihwiiib OT
. jjjj
en i
A bazaar, sponsored by the women
of St. Paul's Kplseopal church, will
be held Thursday in the Marlon ho
tel, Commercial street entrance. The
approaching holiday spirit will be
represented In nil the departiiH iils of
the bazaar, each booth being fitted
out wltli articles suitable for gift.
The women are spending a great deal
of (line on the special features, such
as Hie apron booth, iillllly booth and
baby boudoir booth, other novelties
will be present in abundance. Promi
nent Salem women are taking chargi
of the affair, and excellent taste b
evinced in the iiualllv mid specie's of
nrtlclei placed on ?ale. Tho wmc
charge are .Mrs. L. H. (leer, manager;
.Mrs. (b'orgo Hlnghani, Mrs. Joseph
ISaumgartner, .Mrs. S. K. lOdwurds,
Mrs. 1T. (f. Shipley, .Mrs. Amos Strong,
.Mrs. William JAtle, Mrs. James Wai
ton. .Mrs. Frank Spears anil Miss F.llsa
Nolan. of the unexpected snow
storm and the conlimied Inclemency
of the weather, the llawkeve baniitiet
which was to have taken place this
evening at Hurst hall, has been post
poned until next month's meeting of
the club.
IJ ll.-my I,, i-,,,.,.,.,,
ll'nileil Press staff ,.,
v... t....... 'Hi
flMt full of hn.sK kmnkies, ,,
ring elements of the a ' 11
'nay bring hero to .lr .' "";
tie curds "Wc 11VI, y,.niM "
The first roil! mv.. ... . '
"Hve trees (lus W;u. ,U.J
bn was made by !!,, ,,, 1 1 R
xelf. Tho lenmi.. 1,,, , I"
off Mm meeting .,, ;;" '",'
and bring his five "f ,i,i i .,
niiles" to New Yoili r.. .,
I1"1 Ly the board of ,,l "
What oil thus far ), , , "
on the triiobl.l '" l"'U;
Frank Navin. boss of .....H,','1',',ll,',l
It Is HI.I.I. -i..m . '-'i', ll
i i- nun (iiin v i, J
nianiiM hIioiih nu .. ...... 'it-n
uiado ii. u I I., i. ,,f i. IK'f mi
Tho baseball claim w,
here lo.biv f.-...,. .i -"'"enii
.. . , " '''"Ht mill w
I he wise men of baselmli ,
following the slur r mi.,-,. W'
.Ml of the Null,.,, ,.i i
.-beelr..,! I,. r .,'" Ilmij
v i f, i n jii lit iv -I-., i, .. . -
n ui Irii.l
went many and vnrled. ,l, , .
..l, kl 1 . .. n "li
Put Moran. the lted ,(ws, WlM '"
to swing one part of a ,, , ;
volvlng St. Louis. iiu k. .. .. 1
and Clnilnnall. ' ' ''
The American leagu,
blllne tninorrow.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 9. Rvery i
factory in Kalamazoo was ordered to
close down at midnight last night on
account of the coal shortaee. About I
12,500 men and women will be thrown j
ut of employment. '
George Broadhurst
Presenth the Big Laugh
No Wires-No Plugs-No Bother
SWEEP with all the ease of running an
ordinary carpet sweeper but with the
suction-lift of electric cleaners.
The Vacuette makes A-THOROUGH-CLEANING
EVERY-DAY an actual possibility because its so easy
to use and so efficient ia collecting dust, dirt, thread,
lint, hairs, pins, and ravellings.
You just grasp the handle and go to work with
out bothering with entangling, troublesome wires.
The 13-inch-wide high-speed revolving bristle brush
loosens every particle of dust and grit, while the
high-speed suction fan pulls the sweepings up into
the dust-bag safely away from accidental spilling.
The light weight of the aluminum housing and
simple mechanism, (6 lbs.) makes it so convenient
to operate and carry that a child can use it.
. . The factory representative will call in a few days '
and demonstrate these wonrjerf ul sweepers
B -trtiiUii. mm JPuii il
With Miss Norton
Paul Nicholson
An awfully funny farce
. Prices 50c to $2.00
Seat sale Wednesday,
Oper House Pharmacy
c a package
before the war
c a package 1
during the war
c a package