.J -' " " ' - ....... ......... " . .. .. THEnATT.V PATTrTAT tttt.t . . ,n-in PAGE FIVE. Meet Me At Meyers sBaB8888B8B8888aB8B88seseg rr-' " Llr ovjuiunaii, SALifliyi, ukiuujn, Tuesday-, j ' . -. 1 " " 1 1 . J Don't l,e foolish, save 20 per. cant I ll f IT1 if ' lvorSP' "n,K mm$mmm$mmm 11 11 -2 H BBHUfeMUM U H B li B 4 1 ""', r Ai,,sviiie . .,.., ;fTS fiHl A V WAAA'ML i& V f f i& t l""",e vlsltS,,,,.,,, lo.lay. I W4 Mil --ry of Seattle is Lt , , MU' ("I'-mllng h short vtell with friends In u. ""m'1,"l' W"K ,!lll'" .t- Dallas Into HuW- ' '"Kl "lKl1' l,v Sl"''lff .1liti Dir. l'nlk ,nKNT EVENTS county, for ti-ltil. Just what charge .Macmiliees. ywlv wm a CHU will be lodged iiKiiltiHt (linen whh not (lf ''"Porlmice Wednesday night at Tuesday Musical kiiitwii by uiithorllles here. McCormick hull ut S p. m. sharp H. 9 w,,t.r Denton. C. Martin, H. K. 293 tul), M' . j 3 Convention W. It. C. bazaar ut McCornack hull ' Pc' i attorney of the Tim i-Miluy 10 n. in. In 4 i. in. Conked MiH8 Harriett Heller of Portland Is food, fancy work, xtra D! district attornty of the tut u clal cm- com"'"-' JUUH ,t -Uin nmmiil Ma- rl"nZ .M.n.l-uny ruomn. S"11" 4 , -Hlpcllon director Pc' . ... M..n' leuuue. 8 , m C....i.rclal club. .'iZ-iphe Hou.. Next J high hol .udltorlum. Ir' .1 . Klerlloil offU'0''" ,.U1), V- l',u" .Mating ' S"U'm i Com V Milf lMllmna in, mi t . . I "iwnoiiiK ti short time in the r nf I'ditlaml 1h in-j wimk, iiinrnenn. Final Clearance " Icily, DniliiK IIib month of Novemher thel llonip MiTVlue HPctlon of the Amerleiin! Jl,lln Cnverhlll of Purtlund i , Utnl t'voMH, of which Mih. Alice II. K"-lem today on a combined Imxlnt Docld Ih Hecii'tmy, had 561 Interview! "n1 I'Iphhui1 trip, , w ith t-Mei vlce men In need of iiNHint- aiine; wrote 2(i;i letletH in the Inter- 'reA p- Nutting, formerly editor i wniv irunn in me inter entB of returned wtldlrra, nuIIuih and niurlnH, lind exiiended f 592.1111 In cur- ivi iiit-ii iipriin. TI 1 linn tlni.liln nn Ihol Y,uu t...&B ent for your child, see the Chuutuu- Mtlttllltf. fili-mui'lu nilllit). nf the Allmny Dcinoc.iat, and now with ! the Internal revenue deportment, Ib in 1 t. . nuivin tutiuy on uuHiness. The Salem Velle comnanv has Juxt' delivered a 1920 model Velle to C). lVul.Wer NlKl't; . i. it i . . . . . . .. x I .jw J 7ua irtr m env iur your cimu, aea me unautau- nenvereu a 1920 model Velle to O. A.jUJ . . " wmmmtmmm w qua Defk and Blackboard, rhone 400 j I'encer, Raletn route 3. The iiutonio-i2 k xttv XklV tnr nnrannnl 1.inii.l ral Inn OOQ 1,11. Iu in,..l IF. ... -u... 1 "H . , ,,Tt 1 nTXTi"' T TT) CDPTXTH flRTlKK.S. ANU VV Hi PPP.TNVF.NTORY PRICES PREVAIL, AS WE ABB KUwmuu ' ! The nurtlmso of a hlcyole for S by 25 ,,7 A T TOT TV"P PTMF.NT OF ALL FALL AJN U W UN I Un. O U iio. M UOl Vjl-ir.rt.xv iuu . AoLitT- ' 1 tonight, it ! thw UhtH'ty Kxfhimjre mwoml hand MacnabceH. There will be a meeting 291 ilo 4uiv Mtnlcn It, wan reported to no-1 McComaek hall at 8 p. m. nharn. H 293 l-2o, FlttH ill MTArwilliBer.llcen-a ,Ba7 "n L:,,, wan i. . . . ...... I lhnr- blcyi'le beloiiKi'd to!C. Martin, R. K Mnr-i.lark Itockwi-ll, enniloye of the Peer- 2HU.hh liakeiy. itorkwcll had not report-, Xll meiulierH of the Silver Hell Cir- d Him theft of it to police. A ilcHcrlp-i,.p, f, 43, Hn, reipieHted to meet at lion of the man who sold the bicycle thy hall at 1 o'clock Wednesday, De- wiik wh en the ofriceiM and a search , ceniher 10. to attend the funeral of the late Neighbor AuguKtu Matthen. for 1 1 1 tit wan lieiui? made today. Information wanted a to, where aiiirii n n hiiii.- , .'iinvpni inn 1 1 r inp viK-iit'.u fi v . uhoutH or linioiii u. ijee or any oi ni t,e Moune hull 21 film mwcIttllHt. 54 291 Unemluy "W"L. Lf, the hiiw hi St. L lllal.ee Country club will hol.l .nuul election m " " . UK.onlKbl "t the COMin, conveiuion or uie vm-ufuiifi y unouiH o iiiuuiu v. uvv in ny ui mo ine uruiuiiocese or uregnn ny wu rfttutlvws. VieuHe ronununlcate with holrl today in the residence of Rever Arthur Kniht, Llttlet t, Colo. 292 LyH j, r.' p(Viek, pastor of St, Josephs Attention of ex-service men Ih once more ciilleil to mutter of their inHur ame, by the Home nervlee section of r . I .1 i .iln.Url hut rne rtcu Lnmn. urn innmnn ut. .... ...niioii iii,ti n.mr rhn I null rn nin hilS laiiscd tbev' mil)' resume it by the pay . .I...' I. Tli ini'ill or iwo niniiuin Ruck, pastor of St, Joseph's Catholic church. Priests from ten sur- roitndiiiR parishes were in mice. attend- The meeting of the parent-teachers association of Ihe Lincoln school they' may resume It by the ly-1 scheduled to take place this evening or two nioiiinB pit-union, '"has peen postponed umn men only requisite is that they be In as I regular meeting night .early in J; i.l ..a ll ..V tUn Miull ill til Kin ml.. 1 .1 In lUO'lt sood heuitli at time of the resumption ..I lluohn ruail fr.tiil all III Wftc wiicu wo".e the service. 25o, BOc 292 WurllW Nlghf t.mlKhL lllMlttlpto phone 1363M, i;ic iiuncu. I,. Richardson, deputy . . n.,.,-,i,.u ttiLTtir ior nun a U, where hl inom?r 7"" -n..., L ,.. ....Hfornla Mr. Richard- 1 . . o. on A....iim i 1 mil luiitv.. 11111 VIHIl Ml'' l . 1 ... t.K uiiiiivinu liifitiw' m in the treasury department of Ll Mute. .... . ... a lm. i hv H li. m. tmwnea y - ..A. CO U, 11 1 A Mr. -u - A jeuni oo Moose hull - 291 IDancliiB to U l. rfiwday nlgbt. I . ... ... u.iiar 1 tin nre a,eai -r. nd red 10 lurniwu JT " , " ,a tile ynu wilt. 11. - hn bidg. ' ; ' ,; ke Willamette Prune Orowern' a- I . . uu.vi In ttlO cwiiun inn tutn - ....... I 11 ,..1. ....,1(tirluiu. lliun nmieiciai emu tiuvvv M slides sl.owlnif the grown ... m. 1.. en oi 1II1I1 1 run ""ra piiea 111 nit tivj 1 , - In care should he taken of tut Ire ihown. Other humness wan lied to. rri ...1,. k Ituxuur, Marion nmei, iiunmio.., ..... . 1 ... Onaim ki a in. Anrons. eni- irwi:. 11111 - w broidered linens, fancy articles, bags, towels. haniiKercnieis. well made from the dainty buby ar- Helen to utility necesmiin-u. i in .tin any- Letters nave neen sen. lllarteii of Willamette chapter, Amer ican Red Cross, asking them to send . . iirli,itolv In or- In tneir reijirns u - der that they may btj turned in to n - ....i l.a.i.litiiiirrers. anil me vmiiMiiii ,,.-"., -- . ., . ..,..i..iii. Dallas and In .i.....i.,n..n are among me lext regular meeting night .early In Jan uary. The sudden cnange in weaiuci ; i. th. i.a',a tiw 1V10 nction. I COIlUlllUIIO lO V,, v iviio.... ..- The suit brought by O. C. Wolfe; agatiist Wilbur W. and Blanche ,..... ,....0 Hiamiwivil todav by an order of Judge llingham, department ,. . mUn nnnfMilllrBV tlA- 2, Circuit conn. in ...,.,..... ....... tween the plalntiti aim ueieimo... over certain property was settled between them, the motion for I .. . . I ik emit ovnlti triPfl. UlSiniKSUl UI mo ou'v v-i GREAT BARGAINS IN SUITS Our Loss is Your Gain Living too up to OUR POLICY Clearance of the Seasons stock. I 1 r ..I-. I OPPOR TUNITY To dose out our SUITS a'l will be sold AT ONE-HALF PRICE 22 We will not carry over .a ' Suit. They musf all go. Tourfst and commercial trade is ex ceptionally heavy this season, accord 1 ...i.. n Miller of ling to Manager umn -- I the Hotel Murlon. Yesterday the call offlelully closed, uauus unu n0UBe was filled to caimci.,, " "' .Ua ilnl n. ... . li,ln- lntA In the dependence are aniouu . automobile pany, ....., -uuent auxiliaries, most of the smaller evenng was obliged to seek lodging one navins o"1" " " einrwnvt. .. . .... i lu r-ir nptnw lan jto $25.00 Suits now . $12.50 $25.00 $75.00 Suits now $100.00 bwts now .,:;......-.:.:.l-.:...$50j)0 k llll .OIUU.UU Ullll 50.00 Suits now - ' r 0. Greatest Suit Sale of the Season ones having sm ... ------ - . . , ,.. kuinur last vetirs lists. The total m - - .an not come up to the ... .lll m-tlcleg of ev- I'ansiuii 4 " j ery dem rlj.iion .at Jury's Drug store. Iwui'litzcr Night" tonight. 291' Sri a. nictnr lfall. Jeff's, 3 of Sulom'H 548 State St eiirlleHl 291 Assurance that service men whn re eoWed honorary discharge , front . the service after October 6, 1917. ,.,.lve treatment for any ailments e c e ved during nervlce for Uncle K such service man n - 'ct t ".'V :::,; veSarl- hospilat. I'urim'i t0 lllKtl,e tWatment. and what take to gain tneni Uecoriler Itace. . n ...,o murk who Mr. antt airs. u"6 - have been guests at the Marion hotel i . . j aa miintirn In Salem. (1urlng an r,llitoria. will leave ionio.. -Mr Clark ta one of the partners of i.,.i,.ii.nrv Construction com- pany, ana nua o.. number of important contracts dur ing his stay. I.iy Treasurer Clyde O. Rice totia I uncoil that after January i i""" 1 . u.u i.ilv III Ihe on h. mil to eniu'i" w the Oregon ImprovumeiU hontlH . . ....... .1,1. ImmIHI lull tO I- 111 llUIlllltM , "l J." Ilolilcrs of tht'HO lioniiB wn. iiavm.nt ly pi'l'Mcnting them the treasurer's office, city hall, at- I January 1. llr. 8o Smoker, Jut try a Kinsmen li... ii. ...M.i u.,.,T.i,i short li" i'S4l, II1U lllllll .n... a "moke of satlsfacton. Ja0001' , m, Ulatrlbulors. N Jeff finish your picture of Sft ieaMhst snowfall'. 548 Slute St. Tll0 Uigdon company have stall ed a new immu '" . jUlU,,. ....ioe, built to ,.,,.a. f llea.so corporation " s Iticl.mond, Indiana. The .surpassed anywhere th ty, beauty ' their eulpmont this new addition to ' j( ,.e,,u- te RlBdon ''" ost pro- tatton as l-ing aino"" in the B,-essive tunc .. - ln a ,,,. rtlirin'tv'uncxcelled at the most moderate iw- Downer llalferty. sued by his wife. .. ... o A vnrce on tne Axe Haiieriy . founds that he '"" Inhuman to nei, , M f "I thai U allegations made by ""llnPl ..f ' " ,st her spouse -datiaailthues r--niarri.- .n this city May 3. 1918. The committee from the city couil cih compiled of C."r"nt: , urTla-t night uu ...in, the court ai'" conference . ... adjUst- city engineer V()Ullg ment of " ', days, or precincts, it nw " n(ljust. a week, to am e - R wus n.ent Of tie leVat the court house. f'wlce L. Hunt, 14 h I'hn ni name tint ft m charge of the stocs, u-i."' l of the Industrial accident com- .., ...i V.t noHltiOll r"n, iiiniiH lo ruHiK" v.,w . till near future to make his home L, .i. .i j .....ia D-rove recently purcnaseu "n"v . Porterville, California. Mr. Hunt married November 29, last to Uone Dunham of Salem . . ,.v.ike , easy, fr AliegmB lfl,nlMlt ot a contract rh.-lstmns shoppinh .,u,,...,a, payment in ,,. .aj.-o had - whh ui . vnm nn.1 1 "'a . . cousin, sweetiea... ornaniental, j between - Khv0()(, Mlinufacu.i- hlL'h grade ion" c.,.v's Drug i been m""- , T,inois. today n"-" h.i ,f and leasonable. company, of H ino. K()1. . " .. , iw.il t couri ire-- . sun i" .ttrneva for tne co...- - . .........iinrshle R. Busby. Attoiney they store. Members ot ' 7:30 pany claim ttt m -; gend will meet Thursday night nd contracted wi . premlum as- W-clock in M-Turged to at- shipment ol wa. made. It Liberty slc!' . ,!!eeting of. the Roy- L, t & 0 time since tnnrt. At -'lc j Alecuun "M . , A XX S3 r Ktfl' 1 Ulf 88 1. kMr - 88 MMW Mi 1 w B iV - S BUY llWff 1 NOW SlM. 1: t' i BfMJW a-?gyawww - KIDDIES DEPT. We are not only Headquarters for Dolls, Toys, Games, Books and other things that give Kiddies great joy but also those use ful Wearables so necessary for their comfort. a I nnrvrn v KlIKlJLin BLANKETS FOR XMAS PRESENTS They are most practical :anf! acceniable. Our MMM f" ' showing is complete from -Ml all cotton to a;i wool, m bth fancy and plain BATHROBE BLANKETS and AUTO mm also shown. You can always do better at hist meeting or t... . daimea but at or re. Neighbors the was inthey heard rorn Qr th- property. "U;;.i laM Thura" c.- . Inn'l i I.-ii . In hi 1 II lW by 8 a. m. Jeff's, 5 Bllu" "eed any Payment FIjVEB ON MXO nT 't Welch, of Spokane, owner of Rogue River canal company. R. ri"i of Medford, manager, and For J. Neff tii.if.,,1 attorney for company, were capital vleitor ki. . . I ""uiiiaiiy, were I ut t-uiiauiLUtlUlk "" s waa ... i . ai-a do Uk 11 1 supper relative 10 ,er to the Medford Irrigation dia 'ltov the irrigation of 10,000 acres !nnr1 ' . . fa room, an attractive feature. r4 foods. Candles. Bazaar, Thurs- 1 Ma,l ....... 291 . .. . .r.l.i, OTsen, married man oi mcj 0I) by Chief of PoUob Varney Pnti rr for elOD- lth Mrs. VnrriH. . WaHing, al80 Ross a officers was iif'- ...... he Masonic TemP'e gerve m. 1,1, The following lc" le. Har- ..."" selecteu, - ...,.. ..,, part oroo. .aer, gar a.. - ,ia ln a w. Anna i. ,a. . nasw " un- on: receiver v ra jyiuB"( airn,a-. , ht accoiui. h .i . ntlTPr ni-" ... ...i,.nrt Hliu ! TiiTa 1 Jl VuB. . fViarsut ,...f Howui"- - m- physicians, Di -" M(.,issa Per; sons and rjaw..- , 1 --J I Til W lKf-S a n W .1 iU!U nuiu iwiuu m w 8 - -- m buy wpiwra r s nvpimi i uif r n h iii,' t ll'" l , ..lliUl'l' ill w 1 -.1. I i HUNS NOT MOBILIZING dTlie British war London, Dec. f a report office has no confirmation fhnt Germans '".,.,... churchm, stl'UC! hf''fa:nwa,', told the house of secremu -I commons today. a The state de Washington, . n, lias recommended to ties' nartment has i ,.,.. h ac- deIlt Wi!- that recogn . Lorded the present go ' ... Rice :t was lea... tnflllV to a Smith was . .KPhristmaf present for 4.23 a Wr Savings " . . iui,-tv seven wouldn't ItJaryou. wf' se. i.vv'8 Drug ore ' holiday ..r,t. nil" ... 111E nn.'"- " ., ...-Aaonts a I'1 ENID 11ENNETT IN JAVRAT KVKRY ' WOMAN LiEAUNS" lliJlJ UUlUlWi ,j , 'URLITZKR NIGHT iTijr vr-Tt -J T. MGDON Ca Undertakeri . Kl North High Street and,e-vlc; lHb.l iiik " . n.,isHiture'j - . . inr-nl deal- reared of ers in trui-- the o' - bounty court n"tw0 new pav couH mtonds to P- u. will be mnu. - w is nig- in the Plans of the p may nio ta, 1 1020, there w. ot Ba U?,ry L 1 . retirement : of WJIffi - nt 1 to Ya "" " e bonds w" - of H".,dfrS lament at the -rr-ve named M interest cease date. c; 0, nice, City Tieaa NOTICE . ... ...Mmies are of the highest charac ter. We "V the ped to satisfy e matches the UP dateness equipment. ' .i...i T have i . .... ...veil in... - . Notice is --7.rowing describes Tji'.r Saving -m0 Ior impounaeu with ordinance, OW W" a "tliuor $4.23. dogs In nipanc6 b d No.' l""--' nounds; one mai", dog, wPhite on noscweighs yellow shepherd white fip5Viel. iihs 40 pounds, ine a" vprteemed Snes will be Kinea - 15 c heiore by owners, . sala ordinance. 1919, as 1""' w. S. LOW, riive him a War Bavins. . 4 . a 15 present for 4.23. Christmas a l l" Why leader buys War i,v....a" he says, -""RiTE thUem win offset the ..tne .u.T ,. wnenevei , wr taxes i A Seattle labor Ravings Stamps 9, 1919. a LOW Street Commissioner. CJ Good 6 Pfhave yoa . 4 Al-O C. S. HAMILTON 340 uoun w W M00RE 11. ! House Furnisher You get more for your A or Moore's. IVIUHCJ 41 - Remnant Store ... .....I rnrntnereia. 804 Iui " r i I ? t . I - 1 i " miin nnPin TAD All " " I THE BREAD FOR ALL M?de by the best bakers; baked by electnaty. Clean IreLwholesome. It has a taste that makes you want more. That's why everyone buys it. BAKE-RITE SANITARY BREAD ,' m 1. 457State.fi) wee i. 457 State otrect, j " g4 JH or i. , t -;r..,;i..'-,:3"',.''""r" .. I Milium I i jtMnnm . .: :i saf O,0C( was Po B L a ft i ii 9, 'i If. ! i t & fit 4' : i-'wi'ji 'A