THE DAILY CAlTlAi, JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1919 pai;e ten KM OF OFFICER CHARGED 10 YOUTH Vanctuver, B. C. Dec. 9. Jack Clement, a youth ot 20, was arrester .last night In Vancouver in connection with the murder of W. J. DeForge, 'formerly a dominion police officer. DeKorga w.ifi shot to death recently in Winnipeg. -v-here he had been active In rou iding up I. W. W. after the strike last June. Clement was cap tared by Detectrv e Imlah who pulled a gun on the alleged desperado when the latter was in an employment of fice. On rjaching headquarters Clement Is said to. have admitted to the police that he was present at the shooting m Winnipeg, hut claims it was done by others. - J Ihe Winnipeg police are now hold ing three men in connection with the cdirrie. Two of these, Harold Burdie, 19 years ild. and William ,F. Elinch, 23, are charged with murder, while Robert Marshall is held as a ma terial witness. Clement will be held here until ilie arrival of a prairie offi cer who will return him to Winnipeg. At The Oregon Thursday V 'A, A-' TOPICS FOR MEETS N Macy Springs a Hard One; Cops Peruse Webster City Attorney Bert Macy "sprung" a new one today.. It's "perspicacity" Do you know what it means? Chief of Police Varney, himself a nan of learning, frowned over a let ter he received from the city's law yer. .It was about the ordinance pro hibiting the parking of autos for more than an hour on the streets within the fire limits between the hours of 12:30 a. m. and 5:30 a. m. Varney didn't quite know how to go about enforc ing it, so he had enquired of Macy. The letter read something like this: "Officers should exercise the same dillirence and perspicacity in appre hending violators of this ordinance " , ' Day Sergeant Rowe didn't know whether he had the qualification 6r not, and asked the chief if he had bet-1 ter resign. , But he decided to remain on after a dictionary had been consulted and jthey found out that the word only means a power to discern. BRYANT VASHBUHNfc'lt Pays to Advertise tnaramauat-slrtavll Oictutm Tacoma Man Breaks Thru Ice; Body Not Yet Found Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 9. Efforts were continued today to recover the body or Karle B. Brockway, U. S. commisiionor and former assistant United States attorney for the west ern district of Washington, who was drowned at 9 o'clock last night wnen he broke through the ice while skat ing on I,uke Steilacoom. Brockaway lost his life while test ing the ice preparatory to a skating party ho had planned for friends to night. His ton, George, age 16, made a heroic efortto rescue his father, diving repeatedly into the icy water, until ho became exhausted and was dragged to safety by n rope that was thrown to him. . AT $1 PER Chicago, Dec. 9. Arthur Meoker, vice-president of Ar mou" tc company, wealthy of course- took a three dollar a day lob today. On a Jury. "Tho duty ia one of the priv ileges o citizenship," Meeker said. DEUATE IS RESUMED Washington, Dec. 9. The senate today resjmed debate on the railroad bill, following blocking of its passage late yesterday. The following programs, for the meetings to be held under the direc tion of the department of vocational education of the Oregon State Teach'' era" association, have been announc ed by Newton Van Dalscm, state u. rector' of vocational training. The meetings are to be held in the Lin coln High school, Tortland, December 30 and 31. Tuesday, December SO 1:30 p. m. Seven minute talks by members of the board and staff. 2:38 p. m. Agriculture, home eco nomics, commerce and industrial arts divisions will adjourn to respective rooms. 2:30 p. m. Trades and industries division will remain in session. 2:30 p. in. The Troblem of Adol escent Youth," Mrs. Millie R. TrumbU secretary of board of inspectors of child labor. , 3:15 p, in. Open discussion. 3:30 p. m. Vocational department will combine with superintendents dlv ision for the discussion of administra tive problems.. Wednesday, December SI. 9 a. m. "Ihe Problem of the Part Time School," Superintendent Her bert L. Hussong, Astoria; Miss Marie Barber, Salem. 10:30 a. m. Business meeting. 10:30 a. m. Agriculture, home eco nomics and commerce divisions will adjourn to respective rooms. Tranes and industries and industrial arts div isions will remain in joint session. 10:30 a. m. "The Problem of the Day Trade School." Principal C. E. Cleveland, Benson Polytechnic School, Portland: Principal Anne E. Arnold, Girl's Polytechnic School, Portland, and Towns of less than 25.000 Pepu soiJto jo; looips yuisnput p.'jau;o 11:15 a. m. 'The Problem of the lation." E. E. Bergman, Salem; Fred Chess, Eugene. GENERAL STAFF COSTLY THIRD PARTY HAV L RACE E A Every Day Is GAIN DAY At Incorporated When n n H omen Sh op tor men n n During the next three weeks, women play the leading role in the buying of men's wear.H We are turning this store into a real gift room, where women can comfortably select the better things that men prefer to wear. . The fact that our goods represent the best in values and style assures you the fullest measure of apprecia By Way of Suggestions NECKWEAR SHIRTS GLOVES PAJAMAS SWEATERS HOSIERY CHFF LINKS SILK SCARFS HANDKERCHIEFS FTH ROBES ME'S JEWELRY LA DIES' S1 v UOSE St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 9. Talk of a third political party in the coming elections turned into gossip of pregl dential possibilities today as the con ference called by the committee of forty e.ght opened the first session of Its three day caucus. If a candidate can be produced a new political party will be born, del egates declared. They discussed Gov. ernor Frazier of North Dakota, Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City and John L. Lewis acting president of the Unit ed Mine Workers.- , YOUR CHRISTMAS SUIT OR OVERCOAT Is here, it's a KUPPENHETMF,R tw l VMUV TV VX U ill style, made of all-wool material superior workman ship and trimmings. ' v CHEF Men's and Young Men's Store 344 State Street OBITUARY At the Willamette sanltorlum Hen ry Brady Hoffman, son of Jonas and Katherlne Hoffman, died November 30, 1919, at the age of 63 years. He was born In Wllllamsville, a few miles from Springfield, 111., September 7, 1856. He grew to manhood on a farm near Springfield, His father Jonas Hoffman, was a soldier in the Civil war and died a few years later. January 22. 1890, lie was mar ried to Mary J Rawalt of Canton, 111. Two children were born to them, the oldest dying in Infancy and Harlan R. Hoffman, thef'Jyounger who died last November of pneumonia, follow ing Spanish influenza. Mr. Hoffman was foreman for about fifteen years in a large wholesale butter and egg store in Des Moines, Ia. Mr. Hoffman was a prohlb'tionist and ran on the prqhi ticket for representative a num ber of years as;o. 'going ahoad of his ticket. He movel with his family to Oregon about eleven years ago and lived on a far"i near Bethel. He re- reTbered seeing President Lincoln's funeral train as the railroad ran thru his home farm. Mr. Hoffman was a kind tyisband and father and always so patient dur ing his illness AVas never known to compla'n He was a member of the Baptis church In Webster City, Ia. Rev Holt of the Fiut Baptist church conducted the' fnneral services. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his loss one niece and three nephews, the latter living in Illinois. and r"anv fv'en-'s 'n Salem. Macleay and BSthel. M- Hoffman was laid to rest in the Jas-m Lee cemetery be side his son. HaWan. AGED SEA CAPTAIN DIES fahoe City, Cal.. Dec. 9. Captain B. J Pomin, fi fifty years captain of a pleasure steamer here and re membered as a picturesque figure to 'housands of tourists, is dead. The captain sUnpe on ice on the wharf and fell Into the lake. He was 72 vears old. Dandruff Son Gts Your Hair Let "..Dandrrl-- "beck nasty scurf and s'e-- '-'"nij out To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand ruff, get a small bottle of "Dander ine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little In your hand and rub It Into the scalp. After sever al applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, bright ness, thickness and more color. (Adv) Washington. Dee. 9. The generul staff of the army cost 16,435,262 for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, lost, Benedict Crowoll, assistant secretary of war, informed the senate. Senators on the military affairs committee are opposed to continuation of the staff, alleges expense as an argument against it. Cut This Out When you want an Auto Truck call 998 day phone, and479J night phone. We do all kinds of distance hauling and will take con tracts hauling wood or any other work you have. Oswald Empey and R. 0. Cummins, Owners Office 143 S. Liberty Street JOYFUL EATING Unlets your food is digested with out the aftermath ei painful acidity, the joy Is taken out of both eating and living. RM10IDS are wonderful In their help to the itomsch troubled with over-acidity. Pleasant to Uke relief prompt and definite. MADE BY SCOT! at BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION DON'T GET FOOLED ON YOUR JUNK MACHINERY. TOOLS, ETC. THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Guarantees you the full value of your goods. We are in the market for HIDES and SACKS Also, all kinds of SCRAP IRON RAGS AUTO TIRES BRASS HOPWIRE OLD RUBBER. ETC. We Buy 2nd Hand FURNITURE CAPITAL JUNK COMPANY The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa St. PHONE 308 JUNK YOUR JUNK STE1NB0CK JUNK CO. And Auto Wrecking 320-326 N. Commercial St. Will Buy Anything, any where. If vou are in doubt call 305 WE WILL PURCHASE YOUR Used Furniture Ranges, Heaters, Cook Stoves, Beds, Mattresses. 8pnngs, Bureaus Commodes, Sew I n g Machines. Dishes In tact, any article which you wish to sell. Call Us Up Phone 1177 WHY? We Pay Beet Possible Prices. Moral: It puts t t In your purse. Lucas & Needham Perry and Liberty 8ts PHONE UT L.M.HUM can uj YickSoTong Hm medicine whieh will or. ant known disease. Open Sundays from 10 A. at ontil H P. U 153 flnnth Hi Kb oi Salem, Oregon Phone 283 JX)IU) TRUCK WITH TWO TON ATTACHMENT. RUNS LIKE A TOP . OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. 871 Court 8treet Phone 635 Ladies' Wool Sweaters Special $4.98 Each Always on the alert to give our customers the best vdues we offer Ladies' Wool Sweater Coats, New fresh stock, all this season's merchandise colors, X two tone effects in green, salmon and peacock. Val ues to $7.50. Extra Special. ' $.4.98 Each Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO. Com'l. and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Stoic Fertilize Your Fruit We have just received a carload of Commercial Fer tilizer including Fruit Tree Fertilizer and Berry Fertilizer. Apply now. The right use of fertilizer will increase the yield and make a better, firmer fruit. Special prices on quantity lots. ZENO OIL SPRAY To secure good fruit, you must spray and Zeno Oil Spray will give you the veiy best results of any spray on the market. It is easy to use and costs no more than any other kind of winter spray. Use for scale, thrip and fungus growths. . Use Zeno and have better, healthier trees. Also handle Bluestone and Lime and Sulphur for making your own sprays. Spray at once for best results.- D. A. WHITE & SONS Phone 160 255 State St., Salem, Oregon. Universal Percolators, Universal Electric Iron Casseroles, Dishes, Tea Pots, Water Sets V PYREX GLASSWARE CARVING SETS $175.00 Playerphone and 15 Records, $150.00 $100.00 Playerphone and 10 Records, $9000 Peoples Furniture Store New uuuu 1TLACB TO TRADH ew and Second Hand Goods dough. Sold and Exchanged . 1 Vorth COMMERCIAL St7 PHONS 7 CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS