Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1919, Image 1

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    AUiES SliD
Weather Forecast
Tonljslil and Wednesday ruin or snow
Maximum SB
Minimum 27.
Nimwfim 4H Inches.
Listen for the Carrier s Whistle. If you do not
receive your Capital Journal promptly, phone
81 before 6:30 o'clock and one wil be sent you.
54 5 9
Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
of Circulation.
Italians And French Prepare
To Force Acceptance Of
Protocol; Huns Expected To
Heel Americas Demands;
Lode Feared.
lire forced lo
their original do
lly Henry Wood
milled Press staff correspondent)
Purls Due .9. Tho fillies today pre-
wnt.'d ii milled, front to (Icrmnny hi
their dniH ntl that alio accept the pro
tn. id to tho poneo treaty. ,
liolh llrltlnh B"d Italian delegates
received notifications from their gov
n-niiientH that they stand ready to
out the prescribed pcnalllcH
i .tumid tho Teuton refuse to Minn
Meantime, there was a loenng or
rnnlldeiie.o In both Turin and London
that Uerinnny will sigh. The flermiins,
II was believed, have concluded the
failure ot the United Platen to ratify
tho treaty linn not put tho allien in a
MiHltion whore they
hack down upon
A dlHllnct softening In the. German
1 1 1 1 It iido wan apparent.
linn Softrn.
"We have no false hopen over the
Munition In Washington," one member
( f i ho (airman peace delegation ad
mitted. Ho Insisted Germany's Rtti
' tudit toward the protocol never had
been bused upon a hope urn
I nlted Htaten would come Into the
breach in behalf of the Ucrman re
puljlc "Wo nnw that Senator Lodgo In no
friend of Ocrmany,' tho peace dele
(.ato admitted.
ni h uemanus in mo ui
Action On McNary Sugar
Bill Expected In Senate
Special Session Called For
January 7 To Consider
Workmen's Compensation
And Ratification Of Suf
A npell session of the state legisla
ture for the purpose of conslaomn
workmen's compensation legislation
and the unification" of the suffrage
amendment to the federal constitution
will be convened here tho second Mon
day In Jnmiitry, 1920, according to an
noiinceiiiH'.t by Governor Olcott last
night. '
I Declslm. by the governor to convene
the legislature In extra-ordinary ses
sion at his time wan reached after
member.- ot the industrial accident
commission had demonstrated to him
Washington, Dec. 9. Con
greaiional action on the Mc
Nary bill designed to relievo
tho imijar famine, was in sight
McNary will try to have the
senate dispone of the measure
this week, and hopes to got
house action before the holi
day rocess.
The bill continues through
1320 tho sugar oqulllzatlon
board which, without this leg
islation, would go out of cxlst
ance January 1.
Train sendee on local lines from
Salem avd on the Southern Pacific is
disrupted, wire service threatened and
street traffic hampered as a result of
the greatest snow storm in years for
this pari ot the valley that began
about oho o'clock this morning. Late
this afternoon the fall measured ten
inches in .some places, and according
jjs I to the weather reports no hope for a
I cessation of the storm could be enter-
tallied before morning.
$ j Traln-T on the S. P. line, both from
1 the north and south, are all the way
$ ; from one o two hours late. Train No.
.. ' 1 8 from jloseburg, due here at l:uO
was reported at 2:30 as being an hour
$ and 40 -ii.nutes (ate. Irani imo. io,
bound to ijaniorma irom i-oruanu,
due here at 11:60, had not rolled into
the station here at 2 o'clock.
Dallas Flyer Stalled.
The go.soiine flyer running between
Salem and Dallas, that was due to
reach thU city at 11 o'clock this morn
ing, was reported this afternoon as
being snowbound near Gerlinger, 10
Attorney General Expects Work
ers to Agree to President s
Proposal to Bring End to Coal
Dislike Of Canine Playmate Of
Little BillvLansv By Neigh-
hrs Is Basis Of Arrest Of
Washington, Dec. 9.-Secretary Tumulty this after
noon said he had notification that the miners' representa
tives at Indianapolis would agree to President Wilsons
plan for settlement of the coal strike.
Tumulty made public the following telegram from
Attorney General Palmer to President Wilson:
"Contempt proceedings continued one week. Miners
meet at noon today and in my opinion will accept presi
dent's plan." .'
.ollvered to Baron Kurt Von Lersner, , lno inadequacy of present low rates of
i i ,.t ihn rim-mnn delegation, here emnnenwi'.lon to meet the needs of
I ,,' yenterdiiy were considered at once i dependent of injured workmen under
ii partial mooting of German objec-1 exiHt? ,,tIi living costs.
tiiiim and tin volclnc complete deler
i ilnatlon of the allies to ntand by thetr
,ourno of Justice no matter how
liarsh it ho to the Cktrmana.
CoiMx-Mnlon Is Made.
The Hcaim Flow note. Which agreed
to submit thin matter to tho repara-
tioiiH committee in a pi"i -n"
miles weji of here.
Car sci vice in the city was but little dahlia farm, adjoining the
affected. Beginning i .. home. The baby and the dog,
Hammonton. N. J.. Dec. 9. Little
Billy Dansy's dog, "Jack", may prove
a central figure in the remaining
chapters in the story of thedlsappear
ance and death of the little boy In
connection with which two of his
neighbors are under arrest.
"Jack." according to pfsons iamn
iar with the case, was heartily dislik
ed by persons who worked on "White'B
It was
LABOR SECflftttt
car were running nearly on schedule
vns.hlnBton. Dec. 9. Secretary
Labor Wilson today telegraphed Presl
. ... ih.r nfficiala of
, ..ved among the dahlias. , dent Jonn . -
up to late this afternoon, and Super- - shot OHce. the unitea "T proposal
intendent Bellinger said: "We re going! , aJ be(ore Bllly dlBappear. 1 1. JZTJti.
to run oil the t me." ed neiEhbor8 said Jack had been shot. fo ""le"". wi,aon declared,
All Oreaon Electric trains, notn wound was found in his leg. .," ,th honor to the
nin - it..i nniniH :i wuj
The ratifl- sill0e Street Commlnsloner L,ow naa
cation or the suffrage amendment will BUll.ted a campaign against stray dogs
bo merely incidental to iuu um'-i -stie,
the governor having repeatedly
expressed his refusal to convene the
legislature tor the purpose oi cui.
- 7. . ., " . . A DUliei wouuu ". .. ,li. wbv
from from the norm ana somn, man.- The theory haB been advancea tnat " , 'd honor to the miners.
tntnert schedule, up to late this aue
noon, aocordingj to reports from local,
and outside offices. Unless the snow
.Wnana tintftce On this lillO Will HOt
in the city and mucn concern be delayed lt was said,
owners of canines has been aroused, Snow Plow Used.
toaay 1 street Comniiss.oner luw hub
iLrn.. .itv attorney
ln 'wr .. that
SUlieiuciii. -
' ..... ... m sover:
some one, striKing or in.ii.B i-
d-M mifht.have hit the baby with la
,tal results. . .
I Charles S. Whte.' 29. son of the
murder. Mrs. Edith Jones,
Good Faith Assured.
The telegram reads:
mo . ... .,, . aereement
"I cannot too s ronB .- - Attorney General
vmh regHrdert ns a )firti;il concession to t0
. . i i..., !,, u he did .,ui the following
not rog' d of sufficient importance thr0W8 some light on the laws con-
not UK..IU v ,,,,( there. I l Unn. It follOWS'.
to justify 'ne ' -'","1C:: ordinance which was
accept the basis of settlement a propos.
ed by the preside
the elated with him
By 3. L. O'Sulllvan
I (United Frcss Staff Correspondent)
! Tninntiiui'ls. Ind.. Deo. 9. Presi
dent Wilson's proposition-for settle
ment 0: the strike of bituminous coui
miners, submitted here this afternoon
to a corference of leaders of the Uni
ted Mine ' Vorkers of America. Dy -ing
President John L. Lewis, contain
ed the following provisions:
Immerii-ite resumption of work W
the mlreri:
Wage increases of fourteen per cent
effective immediately.
Appointment of a commission with
power ti investigate the entire coal
Industry and to make recommenda
tions for us re-organusauu". "--lng
increased wages and shorter hoor
for mlneii and increased price to the
consumer; If such steps are deeme
i.mtifinV.i.. und necessary. , .
S ITnposal Made Public.
The memorandum of the proposed
made public oy jnii
Palmer loi-
nwner of the dahlia farm, remaineu - r atflBnt. t have been asso
. intB todnv charged with the eu u i ,han 8lx
that every
. . I nlaV - ! In'n li nt, CtaV OAneT
j .i ..., irnniia in Reveral v,rort na accessory after the fact. 1 .... io. fair nlay for
anuc.uv.v-. v, r ..-lQ. h.K lno- aevoiea iu
nf Cerman prisoners
vur, however, was denied.
This hnH been one of Oermanys
MiteroHt comptnlnts. The allied de
i,iand for surrender of Oerninns gull
tv of crimes ngalnst the rules ot civ
ilized warfare nlso Is renewed.
The supreme council yesterday re-
i.i i 41... nntitinmi of Hrnfcll and
Vruguay that they be allowed to keep he lmllis.ltt accident commission.
iMtemed oorman ships which, have i.ntlook for lutiuv.
been in their Jiands during the war.
Tho American iteloKnUon. It was un
cieiHtooi, supported the South Amerl
i an's contentions, which lire- based
largely on' the fct that tho United
.states was awarded certain interned
rhlps w;hlrh hnd been in her posses
(Jinn. ., .
,toth workmen and employe.". It J passed by : -voh .of the Pjopta. pr
nr.7i: . ,1 m running at large
stated, nre convlncea .i - n "'V""" ,,e n nrovides two meth-
rates of compensa ?n are too . ; .fM8ni One by catching 0,c, th!s morning.
TIJZ"Z u of cmnpensation uogS found running at large ana u.-
,"""7 . . . . . movent r,.infllnB him, Bllll
.,,,,1 he ni ov ueu 111 ura" i" . - , .
,uaia una 1 Know
held T" n, has been
flT II 1M D,l J "to ,
fair play
ik. Mtv Men in the street miti oosltiveiy aeKmren - .. j nnrticulariy jor ui
I". '." ,;u,i ,i rtav ciean.ii on Prosecutor E. C. Gaskill said ve.ry .ht,ht. Every blow he
ueiJiirmicni. . - - . . aer UUB in --
ntt oiiiBWHlk crossings, and streets at this afternoon. . . oa y,aA t0 bean, and he has naa io
hazardous intersections. "-tn r,sed to M bear many, has been brough t abou
. . .. . ohnrtlv before one nn the streets, nor would he maKe ,. earnes-ness in that di-
it ucg.n. w - - ,.tr.h the ar- ",D ,.. .i.M,.hti un.
ine tempera- puonc imuimu v.: rectlon. ou may run "'''
the infliction of hartisnips u,.ou ...
Illes of workmen who Incapacitated
by reason of accidents while engaged
" . v. ti.rlmllet on of
in IndustrKM unoei -.
- . ..t..n. t.ntoH TCI L'
"Tho m inner of increi.iB
touched upon at tho last legislation
Smbotat that time It was goner
aT b" '- tat living cos.s would
materially .V.'croaso during the present
biCiumt-iid for that reason no i.;a-
resting and fining the . owner
ture at
grees. Ihis
tained un ii
that time was about ju u- rests were mau. wlth. Ion every promise ne
11 nn in a Deiuro a s' j '
temperature was main
about six o'clock this
Session Laws
that It u'-" ;;; section 1-A of
being in co,
in a few days.
Third Arrest Kumoreu.
Mrs. Jones also aff'rmed entire lack
. . . . .i kaW. ilAnlll.
Of knowieage oi o """j -----
. idc f tha 1919 . j j on
. ,. na munwr low w ,n.nini, vnpn il uiumwcia w -
1I1S01.11O-- - . t .11". .........U...I lh.tV.IT!
may do grees, and conunuea at nuuui
u,i ai m.B- tv,,rhmit the day. indicating a sugiit
.llrtn -
void . i ..ntioimllv earlv.
mis Bliu -- - - . tlnn tv th
-t nt thB vallev. Ola uniB eu in . .
In accoi dance with tne request
the pres'de-it, ascontalned in his state
ment of December e. tne miu
immedlaiely. return to work with the
14 per cent increase In wages whlca
is already In effect. - , l
"TnMYioriiiLtelv unon a general re
sumption of operations, which shall b
in all districts, except as to www
on the bnsis which obtained on Octo
ber 31. 13 i. the president will appoint
a commission ot three persons, one of
whom shall be a practical miner
Duty To Accept.
1.1.,. t na D
"But aside from . "L 7. " t .imn shall be a mine owner o
ot stoppage of work n x ( .. btt8lneB8 wMel.
lare facing the m u"""" tv, ' mmii..n will consider further qu-
sltuation that ever .o. . and wrking condiOow.
Reports were current th s a fternM. . - threatens thev-eryounaa- t.ons or - ;
n wouia ue , , tfti lire. in. 5i- eui " ' - rt.i.M
.t.. o. The tlon of our social la- "V . . . . - nrtces for coal, readjusting
iih un - th, Bovernmeni o v-"-- - - - ., u h.
that another wotran
. nf tlt l.-OTIHI !!!'
The initiative , '
au.horitfes were silent or, this matter ut wUh t the governt
Mrs. Jansy, apw""" -
Z Z ctavMBe was made in the com
Ki'rU at that time but. as
every pnon In the su
ll 1 ....i i Increase
hu loeii a mi"i'i""
the legislature adjourn-
.3 . ikn nennle by
H.,m nowers reserveu .
rcaerveo i . , nH to all
loipality ana "-','".,,,,,,.
vers ohv further
this Constitution, a.. -.;"-
,-ed to tne leisi" ,
i t nn to all lo
ad municipal legislation
fnv ihiR uar
residents claim. They say mat ..m-
fore snowtall or mis s u - ,4fc':: " ttn Vi turn taken by the case,
before January or February. -- - . wag Billy.B
. JTlhe'vear'dld not playmate. White, apparently
,ack the element of memnt. w ,th b0)h .children. " ' proposea by the prest-
many streets in tne femue - - d" know what I can say'V Mrs. -
' . . .....lirnl. If my 3UOB-
,to vou, let jne uoo - -
was 10 yo"' ' f vourselves and
fre. you. tor tne ::TV-- tQ accept the
ent both wages and prices if it shall so
en . soecia.1 many - . ,,i.
' - . in nr mi iii' . ..i ..nH nniiiinic aicmu- -
Spa.itles"and dlcts JUu the velvety Dansy - no
,Th. luestion ot " clty o COat. Several auto-driven , don't beUeve he aid. He had a baby
7 cal concern, and bell8 nd
!Ln" Vhe Cty of Balem has so racingr throt ,h ?0 haun.commentlng on the fact
ft nil IlH'ir i.v"" , re6" . .i. ntv,nrt is iicucn-
' iucapiicltaiofl iorwu-
. ..-I- 1 tM
decide, H.c.udlng -ter'nal
conditions within and between
lo Report in o
"Its report will be made within siaty
days If possible- and will be accepted
as the basis ot a new wage agreement.
.t.- ...-1 va date ana aurauun
nd the metnou . 0r,ed. according to a , nsnsv alive, declar
..J' mission have .elusive, else the powe. o the county court at . ron(Ment the officers
that White was the last person
CARRIES404T0 136
Memhe-s ot tne .. sari., - nd machinery engage,! ,. mvatery of the baby's
tn.'tt, - . ierm . ----- nf mine " , ,. ,.rLH ot navo nn..- - - ... .h
Informed 1"0
. expect to be call-
"i10,: ."C the year of 1920 to clty official,
ITU U,u"
,B,"C"- n nf mine as
While" Ui - that were
..... AfflPlHl 1 , , ....iv nOVB UHC1I
a uuy """...,,.. Wore killing tne cou..... oMO
r..: ' Tnvlslons of Sec- housed uuOi tne .u,..-
o cm - ,n -radinrt work
I will aoa ii"" --- "..,
1 """"".Z. n nnnroximato- uhM..ff or oonstao.e, y. -
provide ",.ment coming un- ioe under toe ""-
In various parts
hen called in
.nd deatn. Be reiuoeu . -- --
anu v A tint ntiriail that
details oi tneir --
the details Wl' R-'-s-tional.
W10 EEfECl lODAKi';
. . iinni cimiiitn nnv iiuk - . . ixti i
"ron.aia a majority n 7 and B of -
Uy oi ftimoHt " aer t" affect men wiwi would obtain " udity of these
Ihn ennf (II HPnilltl I'll'l ill ivow ,.n JnHIttl " J.infl.
With a plurnllty of almOHt thr der their
nl" . rfe.
hero yesterday for tne purpoo -t
hllng whether Salem teaohrs wou id
rocolve a raise In salary of 16
j oar, carried. When the votes were
.minted soon after the polls closed
they showed 404 for tho measure ana
:i:il against a majority of 2b8 for n
ralso. There were 643, and throo d--fiotlve
votos enst. .
Through tho decision of the o'11' "
!, 1 mill additional tax levy will b
ftunl" Practice rnamcrictm,
w.vilons, as it is P" ' .
.... .nnnfnCU 111 . - . ,
be Vil.uiy , ., be paid unworkaoie
imposed on the taxpayers
U The raise wns endorsed by almost
. .. .. 1- 4Uet r V. ftlltl
fvory orgaimntion '-,,; v ieC. cu be
i!ianv nusiness men. .
tlon was
IrbetweMOO and 75,000
to see thut uetwetii nreeon
otiit cnimreii w. - i . . ... ..,
....... Wllllll'll - nlnil ' nUnnlOr IB I w -
...III lin 111V -
. ' i ion which
pi i-uiii-"
nn. next year.
uu""h .. i,.rOI,sed
be reawmaoiy triuuUon from
...uliiir tne rate of contr. .
, , .he indutriiu
the employer to tm . i of
. . i,.,. l.eeauBe Of tne pin'"
t it will be necessary .or .
enactment "n
made in tne -
as it f-- -uh.,t due
vation of one's proper !
process-of law. that the whoie
H occu. and almost
It reminas me . -
tnitQ.n a
mute. lt looks like a cross -
9. Portland awoke
finrt a three Inch
These rat " dajoke.
the statute
called by the school board, compen most urgent
when a petition slgiwa oy - . . the state touay.
huuiii.i' neeu . ..hinir the doctrine u.
teachers in tho city was
them asking for tho raise,
em asKiiiK . ...Jen , ,.,. we have c"1 -
Mrs. Mary S. Moores acted as judge Amerlca.;Mt, we w0
the noil, sample room, Hotel M p()l.taton ofrad'cais (
)'UI t''
I or placed In
trine of repr.
good wher. P-'-.arely, and
at the poll
l ion, an
A. Evans tero clerks.
dlda'Tbco and Minnie auioyaP
. ... i .H..i'iiin dl .
not, oe iie,.i..-- f reprcssion i
! ment. Tm otrUw of p m t0
been l"-eac."y"" . de
in confine'
. nincr tn
""I, T' IL covering the ground.
'ihe HKht fall of flakes had not atop
a t i n aTm and District Weather i
Faservensa predicted the snow!
would continue a.
A temperature ow.. ft new
was iw""-".- winter
cord lor eany "
A Still norm-
of the coal strike, expected this after
"The order was Issued. 0fWd.
Jause the coal shortage will . cont nu.
which shall also be determined by tt
commission." .
In mal::ne public tne p""""' "
mer stated that the presidentpn tast
Saturday w.s prepared to Issue a sUe
ment to the public relating m
of the st.Ki.Ulon and maktng an appea"
Ifor the miners to go oa t..
Mr. Levis and Mr. uico-
.. . .... . t .btmiil them
on me tnat aay - .
copy of ihe president
said Pali.vr. "They agreed to tta
terms and agreed to urge It upon tb
meeting of miners' heads here today.
minimum re
"""" ...,.lofl
severe' lu local being conf.ned
The snow loa. n
to northwestern Oregon
western wasnmsw"
this early
. . .vamp
AC ICPiV A I IlUr . .l" . ,i..r return to work.
nianUr.: r,,rrre but guarantees fuel
esaentm. nmvtdes coai
The creation of a safety commission for forces, in he railroad
the iurisdiction of the state la- to be rlw to domestic buy-
UllUC v ,rtH
will oe auvuuttv.
report early tbia
Following u. m -,BHlood
ir, tn Dollce mat un
. . V. .. 1 I..'..' "(1 T ' II II I.I1IJ fc IllUII.I.'n " 1 .tA.IIU KM
... , .1 ...... I il II II I LUC I'lllllllll-T-" - ..... .1 . . r, .1 . i . nntdlfll HI1UI J
bor bureau wm e - . " and tllu(;e who need it to 1 gcbool haa - ono
oi tne icbiii- -- lt - r,.HUt.iffs. it also proviu midnignt ii- "--.. m,im
special swsjon
according to C. necessary foodstu
I that
wholenaVay coat
. j ...Mn.rv street ad the report tnat
Ornamental anu u.. - . - Nunn 1190 jsortn
New York,
T,,at ice Greene- once in
Df!C. '-" T.rtwiK C. timber 4. 1
today --- ;,.!"-
,.n,i in January,
-it. lnhor commissioner,
ll. uraiu. .. nit-
stern u. nni been .,.-.,.miBlon. according to .'! ""' - . ... mhl. inneing to J. funii " .....
the 19.8 leaiperaiu ,,,,, mnnwered to enact lights shall oe tms ' .t hiH been stolen from t
lexceeded th early m - . Oram - - , affcctinB at , Dance ' hB en 7 and l"! authorities today believe they
hfi niSlUI , iuioi " ,i llmhii OI wiav till'. 1 ilK"-0 i " Tnhn TUCI.
- n .si aiinvu. m i tnfl uvea auu inA 1ru.11 w
wel " - tAra nr tJ 1 1 t; j w . . . , v - . ,,i tr:i
baum rulett ia ;lal mB w be am
wnen .1 wa w terg oi saieiy i" ,i-ih , ,
tona is local. employeandoeriu.,
'..a ,J u.. are not ' M f
. . . ...ul ... ,.., ..oil from a
may burn light omy u.. wnu
" . . . Anv and ditv. .
stores but Bix - , ana local
wood gang Bm-
meet the bitu or. . - - corners S-tlgating coo... f
ivii v- -- h.. A nniii.. . tim
it i: oy
It is obvious that
...h.rever poss"""
.... ..mvdv'onil papers-
mM. 'l ,h, , "t nrohibitlon b" - liv6 an in
the conciiuu.i v. r ou represei. -,A t,
.... io .v.iit ne -
01 tne in.-"-
A. K. '"" ymted States ot u- aae. '"':-,. Marshtield has - commission, Mr. ura. , P .ha tl,e prescribed
hassador to ,,. must ap- 0f snow turn , 40 above. - M v,nld the same rciat.u.. fttCtone .-
rrr 'i pST registrar of f safety as the , pubHo , f of power
Utm committee wn - . JM fMt service commlss on - . - 6, per cent,
Train s- -. hour9 behina . , - . .
eastern tram.
and ; restaurants must
his claim
By Ralph F. Conch . '
(United Press Staff Correspondont )
AVnahlopton. Doc. 9.-rolltlcs. once
"adjourned." today was again l w
session,, The clans were gathering ior
tomorrow's meeting oi tne
based upon
represe...... t0
nth r
a st&te
WWU Ttoiee that ev- This con ..
ery mjure-l rtB durlng the $ -
..,.ir..,mmii m .1
H ftUK IV"""" . -1.
XTtfr i--lt:rvesumm0ns.
nvifi ftbnor- Deyw waa ovei uv-
con.llf.on u w .v. state la
"." - . Hi.Tinn ill ..'v -
v senoii" v;.- an(, one.
uW due to snow and
is seven nour - belng rclle.hea ane ""-----
uow and r.eeze h niUI.aerB as mat V
..nnrted only Du"" . wn. .vnloslon at Blietii
rac... h the recent ""-, ,hr
Tho SOUtneni - ,,
j0iava on its eium." - which i-o
the lives of three people)
Neb., Dec.
unthorlties ' "..eTrch today on
were continuing '---". .tea,iBg
the theory tnai . - portlaBd.
T;em.nfBormaU n Wn,
vlchaa a s.ear' . Jay
siding in rairwew. -
or that of her str.
facing .1 "c". mlnir year, anu
whole of the atye6d at the earl
which should be allevwt eg.
w . i.i. moment. . ... ,v
lest potw""- ...ter as oroau
national commlttoo. .:thnr tslatlon of thlsc'" B.ulne need.
. PnllHnn! InnrlnrS whispered to
i. ...I... ?- . v. a nnARcnck alley
.1131 C tU.IU. ill mo ' . l..
famous hotel. For the first time since
of a
constructive and a. re- ,eglala.
The proposed session
1914 the .tel orchestra burst ntc , tho t w tate but ftgQ
Btirrlng strains of "El Capiton rem " .e p pn;fit A or (
iscent of campaign days am. eme'e0" tnai
but as a POM"-'
TTTT cnltal pur.teh-
'n.vor of roln818 dl9Continuancc
f nardonl'iS . ..ntences unless
ary IJTo has be
vidence - - . vnr.seo v
k r : Women's Marlon
Lincoln, "...r.. i -vmathlo to her ,,vftl,
slight aem? - freeze up. oi --,, if such a comm.s- housewives toaayju...-." ----- - tjGladys itv.,
8. trains are - mli,nended mr. ui during tne . In.uffic:cnt supply ' K
Tn.r ooerationif .,. Mr. urara . ,,,.,, . ,.,i nrlces startea
3 camps of the state t-, ,1(ir BeB8ion OI . ""-"" f the Woman's
in var
due to
the Por'
thnt he Will attenif
tney ut" h
.,.1,1 notice that oeiu.
- stnprationi t.c. ... ... ..ram . . .. .. ,. .tartea totiivj' "
L0BS...B -r-- . ,ate toaay of the legisiaiu.- lhe inflateu pr.w? . --- . b
nf i IS hctmn of boners but ,
ior ic
yards were closed
weather was report- .
lnarchiiiK clubs,
In the corridors
of the hotel wH
tne." - , tne wo.--- ..,.,, a
meet -.--.. study ciuo u- .
. . ...ill nn iieiii.
tomorrow b meetinis , . he
ers from, rival cities schemed to , o
tho first to rl. on Hays the feat but
ton advertldne tho city for the nation
1 eonvonUon. ' , , , ,.av0
Yestarihtv Chicago was i said to J
. . . .. mud ng the nig
ine oes; cnitnL-w . - to-
meeting, .Today the talk Wng
ward St. Loul,,, which has let loos e an
(trmy of sixty workers to greet all dew
gates as they arrive.
" " . . ..... far
in tne ;- . nor8.
. ...Inllfll Dill n
necessarv w wftrrants wi
L jsnO.O'K', these w t at 6
i"D ' . ..,rt beariiiB ,twe
. .at conse."
t tn
state eme'ge" $30o,000 to meei ubiiCen Stuai in the
enrlng of a rtain to arise BW .esterda
m connecuon but at .
. m.. ana thesi
n eet-
Unusually co . u .ncUes
ed at Salem, wnerc - ,
of snow. . y at ts first
wt threeVrs. the fall amount,rrhes"Cofetnow had fallen at
oevc. - . -.-lock. Bl"
St Helons up
.i,ni!A matter turemb
with the s-elerf ,t beco- - meet;n6 oftu.- drawa a H
........ til... '-- .... ncrninai. -- . iirnuii i
" .artlutieii3 . .....
. 1 today,
,.0i ) .r
big mediate
......t,,,-.,; have
Wnshlr,,ton, - ""December
recess ot congress will begin w
20 and lar-t until January 6. house u
(senate lenders decided today.
.-l. At tw ' ,.1 nAlini itl
Srcareguar.y convene. Ene month
.ieclal session next
'At 1U1. for tno -
it will b.p
neivi." Helens on e . -
resoiuti. .... :- h,
i ordereu b
b it aa anno, it
KVACUt." dlspatches
minister... - . gtood a --"wn
building corni" - .Umber,
tlons, due to u c,oged,
camps near - er stn, preva ,s
EXt7 the mountairs as far a tne
east of the mo w zero at
Mississippi- It
Billings. Mont., today
Trains are we8tl
had been
from two'
pui t j.
(Continued on ps '
When you have finished
" . o.i are hurrying to
"wash up the dishes. In antici
pation of a quiet hour around
ITJa gr-nd for their
snow v niu-t crust that
would he a banquet royal for
the birds.
mi.i ....ers w.
began the.r boycoti
, toic. pe -"", ed the raoi-
,o bed lost n "--- his opln-
aWr ot his w". Q the machie.
ion that Tuel, It he sto.e
an Am-i... - , itt.vican cur-
Sunday at-
a meriean
. . j . 1.7(1(1 In
..... pM.III'11 O. --
rency wla - Collina and
tacked a train between
Manzanillo. in to - .r, and
passe-s- - ,,,Bed
department w
would not be ab,e to get
ith It. The nu.iiu"
1U24. . ovf, been notlliea
Porttana of the Davis-
to waton t.i- - city ain.1
Albany m.. r" ,h
nea i
robbed the
mall, the st.tte .
of the machine l
for the
, loft at the Englewood
Powell, WHO say - , the
, Horace Lipplncott ead g
Philadelphia Pand killed
his name, early today snoi nl
hersent a bullet through her
aonwn head. She may recover.
have been
The gray neniUiUiary
school is a regu.u
coat given to
Los All Cfl.. ?"
f.h'nese anu uv" . .
n-" . Mti'nnHhlD on
eve America., v...- -
-mf .indite Bled-
American army,
oe in i"J
who sought to
case ot En W.
Vf I.
... .
' S':