I PAGE1IINB. THRDAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1919. Hew Today - Where Small Ads Get Results at if osi Small L, CLASSIFIED AD RATES, j vord Each lumrtlon one Wanted. For Sale. ....... tier wi l . . i(..n K r..ntii. ri;w niuiiOi ....111 X 1UM""" - - , naertioim. 17 omits, uiw '. I"i '"" 1 V.. T..,1v. vitt li.sortiou ' r v ,d( cush In advance and in.t tuk over puono. unless ailve-rUser has !!',,i,iny account. No ttlluaaime foi Mil. Mrs. Sparks, ladles and Rents iiiili.ru, Wiint garments tu remodel. ' n. Mime si. au phono rrut- t'ATUDNlZK-Vr lbest Transfer fn baggage nnd moving; hauling any- ii..u- i nunc lo-ii. liM s. Cornl . k-KiTvu-c man mill old timer In KllllMll. 3ul New Today. WANTED All kinds of junk and nee- one naiv.i goon. Liberty Exchange 211 N. Commercial. Phone 841 - I HPKT .V won, Props HALBie, Wills JUoru PUl j irIH, 7 year-o.u no.... ... , wanthd--To rent 4 or 5 room fair lllgn. 1 J ni.Hii-i-n unuw jor about year, iiiMwpi.il now unu Decembci xvlFSMAN wanted for ronpunBlbU ' ','i,i.,,. Wu want n Kuod iwwi to! TO SETTLE an estate, I am offering lor sale five modern bungalows well located on paved street. Wil liam II. Trimlle, Lank of Com merce bldg. ;9a neiwpi.it now unU December 20 will care for house same nH own AnurogH (.OB fi. High St. 201) I...... i. tnu euiw , giuirantuud Oregon product. Call I;ls WANTED Rids are hereby re Mr Smith. Hotel .Vtuilon. 21)2 v-i'KU Hitiiii'Otic to uriib from 3: 1' ...II ull1l,,I.U l'll.llll ' licit'! Mllli.ii n."'"lm , lii IV :t7l-'il. h. .i. uai.r Hamsun tractor 1 .. 1 1. flint clu.su condition. Am unit Mm- business (li'iinniioncu, v. (pnslcd for the building of an out side entrance and stub-way Into the onwinoiit of the Salem Masonli temple, nans may be Inspected at tun nft.ee of this association 40' Masonln temple, Salem, Oregun Salem Masonic Temple association l.lino S. Vi hlle, secretary Help Wanted OR SALE Modern s;x roont houso . WORK WORK WORK- ceein nirnaec) at 1241 Waller, St. M00O, l duo cash, balance. . terms. Roth Grocery Co. ' I Remember, able bodied boys over 18 years old and under CO, the Crown Willamette l'ult Mills fit Oregon City and West Linn will need men for the winter season. Just keep them In mind when ar ranging your winter work schedule. They have a fine hotel just for em ployes, at low ratos. 30u Niemeyer's Buys. NEW TODAY mm modern home on N 14th Auctioneers. Q. SATTERLEE nffi 124 Soutn .lDBriy plenty fruit.-Garage. Lot i Ph0ne 37. 1211. Real estate ana St. C.arilen: '57x192. $3000. I stock sales, i Modern room house on a. v-um-. . !merci;tl St. (loo.l corner lot tiOxlaO. w. p, ' . ... w street and Real Estate Transfers. ONEV TO LOAN li 1-2 per cent Interest, 111 1-2 years time, on tarm loans up to $10,000. 8 per cent Interest, S3 years time, on farm loaim above $10,000 up to $35,000. City loans. Low rate of Interest. I'ay off principal and Interest in month ly payments like rent. A. C. UOI1RNSTKDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Ore. WOOD cutters wanted, l'hono nt'2. C. D. Query. i! i,,jtf.(,.n I14lltf til i-.ua Winter. Lot 71x130. $1550. Good! tClTaereB 5 miles south on good rock road. All cultivated. Family orchard. 8 room plastered House, uuun ... water und outbuildings. $3.iOO. 40 acres on .letterson roao. u....-" wmr.HT. Turner auctioneer. Why not get him. He only charges i 2 vet cent. i Money To Loan. On troofl real estate security rrnna K FORD Over Laad & Bush Bank. Salem. Ore. WANTED l'ubliclty man able to eultlxatcd 8 xcro I eanng 1-- , - f N.poLK Natlonai Farm Loan WANTED Girl to assist with , genor- .'.iTiJer un place, "loovemcnt money to loan nl house work and euro for two house , mrn, l.um if, t B 1-2 percent. 803 Balem Bank of ehildren. Good wipes. Cull 1304 $10,500 vjionuwM. Commerce. W. D. Bmlth. FOR &VI.E First class baled cheat buy and straw, l'liono 91F15. 309 WANTED Situation, can pack goodn mark cases fur shipment, also ex perienced traveling (salesman, un dress 15ox J-l Journal. 200 TYPEWRITERS Will pay moro for G. W. Niemeyer Just real estate and high class in vestments. 215-2KS Mnsonio bldg., Sa lmi. Phones 1000, 1014. Good Buys. 1 acre tract close to carline good Why Sell For Less? W. C. i Iff f ley. III. I ludi , , , 1 . KALE Carrots. 1 12 ikllvi red or Jill at tho hlgtiwuy. Apply John -..ffey. UrookH, Or. - 2UU , CALL J (I k.I for your moving and hauling, rilcdennan Transfer. 257 FOR SALE 100 purbred White Leg horn hens, ono year old; 8 Duroc pigs, 9 weeks old; one Duroe sow (registered) and six pigs, l'hono 71 F5. 291 . nit SLE HHou rcpi.lr nhop doing ' .uVhnslnes... 18ho State tit. W iv WlT.r. lietween 10 und 25 urres ..f lnik'C .fir Umber, not more limn s mill' trfiiu town liiiiriml. ' WANTEI) Bceondhand rniture, in gs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. We pay the highest prices for everything. The Capital Hardware and Furniture Co., 283 N. Com'l St. I'lione 947. FOR SALE AHaynes '17 fully equip ped, bumper, spot light, and mo- tonnoter, five cord tiros, 1 new; new battery. A real cur at a bar gan price $900, at Marion garage. 290 used machines than any company i , ' (ruit. sightly exchange allows. Sims, mono w Price 13000. ' . oifi n,- fnrm all under cultivation, MAN wanted to cut brush by day or i rock road, best of soil. Price $125 per by contract, shack furnished, l'hono acre. cuUivatea, 1HU- !H balance Umber and pasture, house . i!'"1"1 . ..." ,..!, ...nnhlnnrv and collector, barn, spriiiB, . . - - crop goes. -.. on. of 80 acre farm locaieu " will pay you -ore cah your aid Hardware Store. i . mercial street. Phone 784. . tvivTim Salesman and T'.ond reouired. Steady work. Mar ricd man preferred. State age, and ' ,, cultivated and meit.,,i if married. Give phonel!alem, neawj nil i 6.500 m wife I'.ox 4 Capital 29S llF'NT Furnlslii'd houselieepliig ' nio.iii: Hh.w 7!W or call 0SB.N. I'ront. WANTED -- Gooseberry cutllngs. i'hone 1UF21. Fruitlnnd Nursery- 292 ROOM and boiird, man and wife, $70 per month. 17X0 State St. 290 ,'iR SALE Ford, 19 IS model, with A nurg.uii. starter. ilrh Motor Co. H.U ND PackaK in ear KiiturUs j owner may have same at this of fice by paying fur this uib l ull HAt.E A No. 1 ,mv. 1'ietl DiKchoff. I9A, Salem. fresh Jersey lit. i, l"x 2ltli RABl'.lTH New Zealand Reds, fan cy stock, sell cheap or exchange for hei. Phone 1170R. 291 FOR SALE Hogs weight from BO to 70 lbs. l'hono 44FD. 291 and number. Hox iii uapuni j.iui im.. ! ii,l n.i - " nnn I i. :u 1KB vmih v.. --- '" .. ."-. n -. i ,.,.,u nrimes. 1'rico i i - - iv, Lost And Found. FOUND Launch. Rhone 7F32. 291 FOR the balance of the year I will save you Jl per hour on your mov ing. Verlbest Transfer Co., 129 8. Cnm'l. Rhone 1344, 304 FOR SALE Himalaya plants, Alfred Mlttlnc strain: Ettcrsburg straw berry No. 121; Oregon Champion gooseberrv. W. C, i ranKiin, iu. i, box 11. I'hone 52F14. Real Estate Houses Grain: Wneat, No. 1. 1; oato 7580c; milling oats Sue; cheet Mf $17; oat hay $20; clover hay $2122. mill run $48.50 47.00. ; Butterfat: Butterfat,' 72c; cream- highway, Sf JfiOU. .lllvn.tcd, large house ami bavn, good road, lev- ery butter 697M. el land. Pri.ce $10,500. Terms. 108 acre farm, 100 acres cultivate good 7 room house, barn, well ml spring: crop goes; gravel road. Puce FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with or without furniture; terms. W. Llston, 484 Court St. roll SALE Yount? i lie. calf. 239 EcUe-291 WANTED ' Old line life insurance eiiiiin.'tnv desires to make a permn- nent general agency connection with reliable man over 25, who can give full time and satisfactory ref erences, call or write uo ioru.- u'lMtnrn Rank bide.. Portland, Or. 293 I'olt KENT Uellevue. Sleeping room, 257 291 WANTED Gentle driving Phone 32F1L- ion siLK Or trail" owner, iv 1 ..... ..V.Vi.n orchard, full bearlnte ,o n apple... peara and 'hrrrW. in .llcatio.iH of a largo crop nn f, farm on IX Rood farm. I ' ' , bargain if sold soon. 3l ; ,viii hatvius u. oiuao- . II. ..,,1,1 PltllK I T K.'.' inv ltm rest. - . . .... 1 V. ' i,.n. model auto H1U!"" ""nJ.r owner. H. H Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg., Oregon Kl.Mirlc station, Phone 43. ove Salem FOR SALE A shooting gallery that tvili .'..I tho monev anvwtiore. uu be .seen at 1140 Leslie St. 289 $12,000. ier.i. oa ..m..ntea ba ance thribcr ' and pasture fine ?.a?.?"f ; house, well, close to BchooTand railroad station, rock road 5 miles from Sa 1. Prie ?0.4- .. 5 aero tract, o-t :"," ufio cum ft room modnrn house in iuk. - 290 U miles out. t 'rice horse. 290 To list your fnrm "and residence iroperly tor sale, nave ensuriu (iiiiries every day lor grain, auu u..u dairy rancnoH, nave uuniimt- ". for cash and residence lH'"l'e-,' " instnllnients. w. a. j-i.-h"". St. " " Hand picked Kings, Spitzenberg and Russet apples. 5 boxes $4.25; 10 boxes $8. I'.uy jour winter supply now while mice Is low. Ward K. Kicnarusuii, 395 Front. Rhone 494. 314' FOR SALE Seven room house, mod- .. vnv.t furnace, two line tl. 1. Av.l'- - f,.,. useu iv-i FOR SALE Team of mares 4 years old weighing 3000, with harness and new wagon; also team weighing 2300 with good harness. Can in al ley back of White feed store. 290 r.l 1 I.TT1 f It. .Ytu,l,r,ll vl.ii'... .1. ..rrl.li' U(. ...I... ..... lr..r. t, .il'erl I 111 . I U I1K ... J ll isi-i'l'ii. ...... .- - ii,- amined, glasses made and Jlttefl. 510-12 V. S. bank. Rhone 341. WANTED Range, standard make In good condition. What have you. Give prire and particulars. Add. ess ... t ..,. T.ii'n!ll. -Jv 1. I'll' " "... ..,it bnv 3 to f acres im """" "r V . , : 11 v limits o (iroM'.t latui uw- fl,ii dc vivetl or rock road. t.ie lun m Ic Vptlon of landnnd tmprove-m s with price. In Urst letter. P: O. (12 I, Snlem. ' W nTKD Sewing In my home .0 1,.., .ni-ivnnteeil. Ml' ' 9-.S5 Fair ground 1 r iio'". 2ao roan. " '1.',i!::r!"ir,che'; f pm. nil ------- rvT'Elt hanging al. woriv. if..". . . - . , . six wtirtl, puone mi " ... i.'cltiek. r:S2 f.,vs 7 it,, fre,, with r.UnVo frrnonln2 mcketa St. Repair oast of Argo hotel. Shop, 2 door 290 OR SALE StrawDerry piuinn, rieties 121 and Wilsons, uuo i-c. Anv inouiries will 00 promino 1... 1' Rimrs. ..Marlon, Or wt-ici. 2,j3 FIGS for sale. Phone 45F24. 29 diiv Tlf.li.rl llllV. ClOVer, um l'WIt iJ.ll." . r. n A wneai cnn. Rninn. lirooks, Or I'hone 351' 24. 290 for S-VLE White Leghorn yearling lhen KhkUpI. layl ..,! di.-oei irood barn garage; some fruit. Possession at once as house Is now vacant. If jou are looking for a home investigate this one. See ennus k 540 State St. Phono 1727 290 N Cooke's addition, Salem ... i.cander'K. Munsell am Hatt.e. IMunsell to Sam r-- Stella Kelly, beg S.. cor of. NE 1-4 sec 28 in S 1 W M th E 59 rds Ct C in th N ot en Woodburv Monitor Mills company rd tl. -Wy o' ccn sd rd to Pt N .f beg th S 37 rds 3 ft 6 In to bes, Con 11 A ,1 11 Settiemeir and Kd.'.b Setlle melrto John J EhvU.rian, beg. SE cor It I bl 3 Wootlburn th. W ly alBll srt It 100, It to 8W cor th Nly on W ht 12 ft John GoW! cor th E.y rl ang th 60 ft al Cow's S n eeiu . , wall to E U.th.Sly E 11 to Willis L Oliver and Mary Oliver ... iinrrv Wright, Ho 5 6 7 8 1,1 6. Aumsville, also beg NVV tor to com V S Mo.ti.won .,d wf Eugenia Rec deeds 17 sd N cor be also NV eor to i.v .innenh and Ishman and Eugenia Addlcv.i.n n.iran N LettiS UllO bj Lewis to Samuel P.uKtr und wf th th S 150 ft th V. 27 ft to SW cor to com gr 1-Ji'abeth Swank rec 91 deeds 117 th W i5n ft th W 278 ft U. beg Also u ... mr, 1.2 .ft :V cor 1 i'Vr j" " ... c A,.niQvillH th W S 219 ft th Ely Mill cr 320 ft th N 219 ft to beg Mary L Ealschen to Naomi Solo mon. 46 ft off Send It 1 bl .19 1500 to sd 5 20 ft th 2001 it .al(ir nrldltion. SalClll.. V mw"i . , ,r r luun. Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on toot lGiL. VJ. iVY.o: spring lamb. 1 IH oir, u. Ho. 1 .v r.rl Frank SV,c; ewes 4Bc; sneep, - IJefe . - and "poultry: Eggs oash 680; Katherlne uphoff ;or,i pt 140 light hens 18 20c heavy hens v- rnnsters 15W10C; spi-ufc-' - 1 1. AU IV Vegetables: Onions per . . . five TTVTTt'l? nivs 5 room bungalow located at 6.0 B. 1S(h street. Price uu". 6 room nioui-ii. iro . ooftn locution. Price $2800 east. V0,inu. basement Pr eTuBoT. B00 down balance 111 .t Interest. "wTH. 'Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State streei sweet potatoes 4.50; lomons rt . . n nnmfr. house, ;h- 1 1 K151. iv,w.v. . . . . .i0,i m S2400 101 ST I'rilTU iomvvv. pfilerv i-2n. Oregon 3 l-4c; 5 l-2c. a Fruit: Oranges $3.50 20c; tmncn ".;-,,. -Brapes f,sprouUcaulifOoWer $2 doz; red peppers ioU' Eggs dozen n.HLii-11 1 ' - honey ext 3c "Rpsf Buvs. ..11 ,.itiv!,ted. fenced hog ,1.11 - r,n i.iMilione 125 or tlcht. close '.'rv" $3000 easy terniB. . ,,,. IU iii.11.. i hn.,n 30 acres 36. SEE TJB FIRST- linu44mnnt. ce. 0 room cottago, ,.. . home7 12250 trie Ugtus. a Kealtv Good terms. John H. btott Keruty im. 228 Oregon bldg. -J1 close in, 20 acres ocri ?ri rf ft lv , ... .. o-nn.l harn mm: 9 room mouern 119 acres, .,,1 loinine city limns. well fenced, running water' all otp ment!ToekUl9.000,J10.; 0 ca h 77c; . ..... r,e. ,intrV butter creamery cutter 1. y---SSc; flour, hard wheat 13.10 8.25. PORTLAND MAKKETB Portland. Or., Nov .'r creamery ,, 7075o; hens 2.1'. "" ' geese 25ci cheese 33 35c. l,lve Stock. - ... T,. .!!. 1971: tone of mar- cattie: nciap...--.- no ..... nlinlPR Hiefira, 100 acr torn lan r. miles ...,! ,i..nf.A in Salem S room nouso, large lot, close , in on to -(0 cultivated, a lot more imnroved street. -- ,.,,, .. i,nlance timber; S" house 1 1 - T" Gil I r,iinl1 liniMllL'O UII'"1'' " n ,1 ie..ln lights. Goon doiu.. ", "i-'.,, ,,,.,, orchard, wen leoc". amnil Tohll rl. oooiv , KI11111. iv", " . . - ni l v r..., r-..rrt llll 1. V GO., 1.f yjich"" 798W. FOR SALE 8-weeks I'hone 44F14. old pigs. 281 FOR SALE Six acres on fair ground a CHANCE Desirably locat 1Aed7 n,,m house, cement basemen . Rath and toilet, electric lights, on improved street Close .... j y -sold at once. A bai gain J '" W A NT To ''0,'w' ; ; , , V 000. Rox imprnven , - Owner Capital Journal. . ....,,i in fruit, paved sireei, roao. i.t."j .,:,,, ni, nte lillllt ngs. old before mont lis: ' guaranteed nj vented. Call nt 201S N. Com 1 St. 292 . , i ....... I ., re rnnnis Mild '''aimiUtPanif-U'--ili-cn. 182 3. Church. ..... . r n s weeks 'l1 "l v-rza v urn, nt. s, Mil's. 'I1U1VTV5 ' 291 ,For Rent To" HI'!T.7"lfin wanonda ' staUoit! 1 nnsturc tt"u i-4 mlio Orecnn F.leetrio ig. Mirn, oreni u, . - - . .... ai 97 lets in west " f Z Trrn, torv land, house lem, 30x40 Stoddn Kootl 1 loganberry land, house citv water. $2000. Goo. H ;,vd, '1480 llroadway, balem. box 125. l 11111, Phone 5914. 29V pd farm. .. w .sd iivmvrive Olt AUVlr ;,' Koll.lhlCS Ml in cultivation, ', - , ready to move in; Lent tnf, r ' Pfl 1" I Di ' ' ' ,1,'ess lleiVfils, phono 3F11 Fl-RNISHEl) hous' 85SM. for rent. berries: 15 rents c r,o. some tonus. I'.ox Sale in. 290 Sttuilebaker. good .eon- .. i. biiij a nvlinrtcr ..,...,,.,i..,i i-.inoinH'd, In ditiou, nta'ba.Kaln. ..i I..-.,.,.,- nnn i,inijii. Mlll.ll, 1W.. ... i.-i.i vi: rooms for I'hone 290 rent, 294 11. Scott bldg: 291' 320 acres, If sold open wry uu. .., lmm Saiem. some roiv. -,. tarm- $67.50 P wre, --, - some 30 acres., ov house, r. fin p.iHii. utim.""' uu. U KnitfillU r.n choice to Eooo. ,Rira1.B0 8.60; canners calves $7 14. Hogs: Receipts 21 F.0O cash, uaiaiiois " - - ia i. c,:ea !il.V S',' u, school, $1500 TOR SLK-Cow, piss. 40 to 10C I lbs : ,un." ; .tiia old: one hoise, calves, u - VPHVB; one r,!!",rrrl.vfcew. & 50F i l l, 2, box 58, Salem. T...n irRe rabbit houses FOR SALE-TWO l'1 , , llt a and one doe I v.iu sen i m oau iiw.' " the. field suit- V ei 290 FOR BALE- " . fruU. six B-alow wun x' ... aved rtbitelv. Phone owner 13 J0R. aVe.2 well located gans, 1 i m well fenced $15,000, eluding t . ." , wter. near sewer, teiepnooc "'" "- Aadrcss car line. Price $400 eatn. au box C-3 Journal. bargain. r, . f T.' Plll'll 111 FOR chickens. able tor - cheap. Phone - ....i..,ii.ii. CtMI. (Ollll""-""'- FOR UI'.M ...t nnnie. LOW KleepiiiK room in a i"'" 29o ...,,s. I'hone t -v i . . ......,n,i rooms fr FOR RENT-- " "V;0 union St. two. Until nnd b'a- FOR SALE-Two white jnn''.f: springs, mutt reuses. L" ' ,,if. l ie eliitfonier nnd tlrrsser. o.ik . foiiier, andirons, Arc wrto , h ir, ref rlgerntor. . 1 cltrfK n t gas Plate, cunne.l J uit. i leaving town must " 29H at 1880 Center M. . Bargains anti ' - Investments C acre tract on paved road 3 1-- n.iles from Siiloni; "UKxtra fine 75 acre d.ilry in. line dairy barn, fine "1U: ivuter system; all In hik'h stnto cum vation. Simp. . , . .....j on 11 acre tract ot limlts. Paved road, .a.lJolnliJB .mn iiood buildings; all in chorti ,Uistered house. Fair Grounds Garage "".I...., .met We solicit . SALE-6 room modern house ..eiisonable. Phone K78M ' 291 worth of equipment goes , $5000 cash, ''rKHni -prunes. 10 37 acre.-, - ' 4lul pasture, b grain and. It thnber an i uci.0 1-2 nines no." -" ' easy terms. ,,itivated,' 3 stumps, 6 1-4 acres, .. cu"lv"eu' ;pll r0ad, ?hS' ?ZL Saiem, 'equipment luui goes. $:iooo. For best buys see Socolofskv 341 State street tone of mar ket weait, M' "----"-,. ... rouBb l.ni Sia nUllHiUil'"! medium " - , i:sr,oi) heavies $13.50(!f 14.50. '-, - .' ',' ,00 " n of mar- sheep: Receipts , ; - l260( ket steady; I,0.504i)U.60, fair to rneaium yearlings. -ir, (ffD.OO; ewes FOR owner SALK-House on Court St. m phone 1908R. Miscellaneous. "osteopathic physician DR : . ,,.,iw $9. No. NICE bi'ism ' " ast o asylum. cheat 2"- - aou Phone iJl'll- TsaLb-A tread power in F ,,,ndition. Phone 41.114. phone J have FLTRNITPRW h0D, rtpnlr- openea up a d upholster ing anu i" ; teed. Will can Lir,eo6nrwk'bonel742 Koll KENT s room 7 US S. I"" -"Zo wood. Phone 114 1201 S. Cimtnercldi. M. Brown. . r .....nnniniU TOWN , L. liHWGn, -V .. phone 1394. . Real Estate Transfers. Allen fence anoe Pence to Arthur TucKer, ioi - - Eechtel and BWs CnrdCU addition, Salem W H. Trtillingor to C L. Schu bert. It 5 and 5, bl l.Brown. addition, Tiverton .... vimiJo to Leonnid G. VVllllill.i - Tu-k- Johnson, 8ASRD.L f. Ja'U son Cooler,' In 5 S. 1 V V. M Kenneth 15. Grimm arm Wmni KL,""S Grimm to Chaiie, Decker lr i'j. 1-- lu rt .jr. iJ. ,.;,;.. Alll'lll-a der s aouiu..e, to G. G. foiu ft N 27 deg 27 min W fr pt 8 62 deg 33 min W ami 60 ft f r NV cor It 14 N snvorio.. i N 2 7deg 27 min W 1 25 ft th 8 02 deg 33 min V con chan Sllver creek th up st t en ch sd r.r to opp bea th N C-J deg 33 min E to beg. gave' to; com L C Bastam and A R rec 149- . 1. Casiman' and H,itlo East man, A. R. and Lucy lastman to Fred Uphoff and Katherlne Uphoff, com Pt IP N 27 Aeg 27 min fr pt S 62 deg 33 min and 60 ft fr NW eor It 14 N Silverton th N 27 ie;s mm W 50 ft th S 63 des Si- min W ccn Silver Creek th Uj sd cr to pt opp of beg N 62 dog ?3 min to beg " -: '" Effie Campbell wid to Howard Butterfitid beg W bdg D L C B S Boi.ney and wf 1 W W M Pt U.G ch N 11 deg E fr SW cor Tj C th N IT deg E 10 '5 ch to N Vt eor of S 1-2 of sd D U C th E 36.71 ch to mid Did Stage Road," Salem-Aurosu. th fc 32 deg 15 min W in void sd rd 18.13 eh to st 4x8x10 th S 87 deR40mlnVtl8V'BaOI'. C 30.10 ch to beg con 52.50 A sit D h C afsd. "1-4 H E Stoen and Josephine fitetn to Jusper P Dullura and Lena Dullum, 3 sit. A D L C Peter r.v nnd wf 6 S 1 AV W IV! j N Duncan and Ma-xoret Dun can to Stanley A .f nis a.m Ruby Riches. 100 A be ou S end DLC William , Wllmt. Not no 789 Joseph J Keber anu Keber to John M '' " of SB 1-4 of Seo 33 and S 1-2 of SW 1-4 of Hen n i: p ' " W M D L C Abr.than: uoi cert No 3412 Not No 'J950 160 A 1000 Cosset ton 6500 2500 m'Y iu:i cross stamps Time Tables. - Water Company. corner Commercial and 1 Kills navnuir ' 304 Phone 606. h.ii-ner demonstiation. a , . guaranteed or WW -Bogue & Thompson, 200 btato your -rT.,(. Phone 105F11. FOR SALK O"""' 29 is ready for busing e , 0sed UarSI .CO lilMlUl" . .1,. lit oharglnea you r RARGAINS-One u ..i hnvs can't fix it see u- - Al! v bug I31.W. !T '"lem Velie ut ' ... .i in fuii"-' l . - ....m-mirttr. an''" . , oca 11 .... i nnn 4 i T l" JACKSON, Mgr. Phone oi". 1CK, o i" K commor company. Salem. Wood Saw. ffier0-roPPS'flN LmOT street. Salem. Orv and paper ""''"a" Com.i st. Phone A. Kallstrom, 437 S. com o 3()g 131. 295 ........ u.mii Wet; three as new, has or touring. cni. ".dcr'tnon either. !.; 12 th St. tm line gravel roan, "",;,,.,.,. fmo are cultivation, goto "-, ()04i ,-a,,..- o ... - ,n Mfrn 1)1111"'" ,i..i, eon. lota 1 1 " iunber. Hargain, $130 P er ac e. 11 aero tract 3 1-2 M'1' , "mVes ami lv .,11 in lmnrlnir rhOWlOS. piUms TAuTo Exchange co 3ii shape, less than .strawberries. $2200. . . d closo ' 1pm0iisti'ation' in nm-oH fine loganberry la , foi nen in; snap for some ono at l(u 1 4 319 N, Comme.. 19" ":. "lot driven 2000 mi es. 7" . Fnrd 1-ton true 1 Snmson t'"l Ford mo; - wtliout an" I 'Amo8 for hl,e Mnollne. used pell oils, ereof - -".sorlea. . . tires ano "., for tne "n ...Iron the HB"-' . nhrnif .lr7-iveliind cars, i , Cha . . rt on nary i.'."" IDEAL Chrl " li'h'-'. t rhone r. ii nair while tnaj 1701. ' wTlsrr; "v, P, X sell. We have buyers up .... "; - rpiiable and waiting. l05f It John H. Scott results, try us first- J . Realty t;o., " . Safetv Razor Blades. Lodge Directory. Stove Repairing. " 'HEMEKETA Lodge No. ' CS-$nP.BtB every Wednesday . -1.9 ft at I. O. O. V. eveninK o -- . . o HT1T.-P.T A'l KNIGHTS OD rx Tuesday We."111', 'rcievelu ndier . .i rebuilt and repaireu. ' years 6 10 6" and ATtffh Pahits! oii" and varn !'2r'4 Sthove hooks. Sa l. 6t. PhC worKS. T- rlnnd overcoats Cash Rcquiren-"" . mU8lcal Nice, 10 acre bearini; .tiles out, fine location. nu"u;lpal SPo .For bargains nnd a sauare deal Perrine & Marsters , 11-12 Com. club bids. Salenor N c" , all Und. or m ... t. t iom. What nv.l at pnonf 1 . Q37 I'm.. road (on Starting PRlLfcJ FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 HAWKINS & ROBERTS , 205 Oregon Bldg. Rfllpm ; ; Oregon Wia PAY HIGHEST FOR Oregon Walnuts AND 'Onions EOPIi'S CASH STORE PHONE 453 liberty bonds webuyandsei10n neWyork market HAWKINS & ROBERTS -j ,nd from Snom'riSO Com. St. I i i ii Tf rnt 111- JTIrrnerly of the Marion anu who is 1" v 2590 fairground Auto Electric Co., 2 hhwa, tne " nn(, car. "S" inS' lty. Tele huretor seivue 293 nhone 1798 tor againsi - D nam, J'W"- your clothes last. All work "T.ir.tiv hand qoi.b. ,YrKrT,nv u"i th HAND iay"'"-.-!-.. eieanlng, P "H. W 194 B. McCornack hall on every at g Harry Levy. G. G.. r K. R. & o bl. 6 Sny Maurice MimUor 375 V,:, ;,. Pt u t. c. w: IWs et ux beg . Pt 40 tu ot x, lot 3 in bl. ii. Noun , ,i, S 42 ft. to'11'- i1 Salem th. fa. - 'l . . It. it " " 42 ft. to pt 40 ft cor. it. 3 th. E. 11 beg. N. Saiem Mid K- it. Hat.iher and Hatcher, bl 104 Hubbard addition, liuoou.i. Mary E Newton to tennie M moral and Leroy Wrivn.1 .11 31,1 8 Boises addition, balem..-. J . Cade and Winnie Cade to Frank E Smith an- Lett! Smith, It 3 bl 11. -. SlfilPlll .. BCooi rutioVet ux and Arthur Kogneretux.toP-tLC.uissot fr S cor .i - : win. SOUTITERN PACn iO CO. j0 . norii."..""" 54 Oregonian 16 Oregon lapre 28 Willamette ura. 18 Portland Passenger ... 24 Coos Bay 14 Portland Express - isomii.."""" th. W. 122 luil. th. N- C. of N.V.. li. It. 3 to EmllV W. Carpente. Carpenter to Ellen 6;00 a-m. 0:56 a.m. 9;17 a.m. 1:50 p.ni' 5:35 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 53 Oregonian 23 For Eugene 15 California Express 17 Roseburg mswi - 27 Willamette Limited ... 13 San Francisco Pass.... ... 3:10 a-m. 10:05 a-m. 11:05 a-m. .... 4:08 p.m.. . 6:44 p.m. 10:03 pm. SAI.EM-GEERI.INK. - 73 Arrive at balem 74 Geavw SALEM. CITY WESTON 161 Leaves saiem, .""" 163 Leaves Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. 9:28 a.m. Salem, motor ....l:5B p.m. ROAEOHBOR'OF' jjgyil ft th K 1 Oregon Grape camP 1360 m I g every Tu,Yvawrrvlo- ?raeit "?ck rVieEE Cnn. 648 Union f t M-.8. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 reiru. -- rjv,. l43(iM. UX, Woodburn ..r. 1 l ft K tO rlmfr NE cor 10. ft J - ....... th 28 1-Z 't i" N 4th St. 7 .ciMUOairtial ABsem UNITED A"11""." ,.v Thursday a' bly No B,."""!,- Tnmule. Glenn G o. m. m ""'''TibLen. secre 3o ttwen street MODERN Salem 205 Orepon Bldg. Oregon Oreeon gu KVenlng at !e.el!..eVe,ny McCornack building ocl i Tibertv rtreets. w. m Court and Liberty r Turnor Persons v i-lerU 00 ft to bhi e.Jr 11 r.rown and M A Frown u, . . . .a., f wi. rt n trgJaand BergiVBrng. lUtoAEobenbottandia. 105 Leaves -aiem. ...-" A,rli- Thru car to . -- - 1R pm. 171 Leaves Salem g;25 am 182 Arrives " ...oo a-m. 164 Arrives Baiem . ra 106 Arrives Salem Q 172 Arrives Salem ' OREGOELrCTRIO : HolltllllOHi". Tonvn Arrive Iran. .""--. Ri.,m Nn i-ori.H.iii. ...-- & Ltd n Salem only 7. "i-SS 13 Ltd 4:45 pm m emy 17 :DI,ra.",.v; sdemonly 9:20pm . " -.-.h Hank station (leave, Jeffer- 1 . " . it nii 2ft minutes ut" son sireB. ... - "lllM.m 33 min fr W 12SSllvertonthNf;deg in K al Lews " 8t "7 deg 27 min W Ft 1st 3 5 ft the S 27 d,g 21 m r 32 50 ft to beg. Bet H 12 8 C i Permentor and Stsie Per- LZr W Hunt Brother. Back Arrive Eugene 12:30 pm Train No. Ing company, S 1-2 it Northbound- .r,v. T,LeaV.,e Saiem Porttaad Eugene 8om 9:30 on ..n ..w, ii -30 am 10 Ltd 7:25 am - - pitv 12 . m i oo pm 6:50 pm ,6 Ltd 1:55 pm 4 O P pm 260:1 5! rtair.rrTiviVe LeetreatUer, LeaV nr KAT.HM lnmi --,, 1 w. u- n,ht at 8 OC.oi- ?Ye.C Wl. cor. Court ana McGor.m amen weic..i ortv St. Visiting wooo.il k C T U I IHEl " . ' fna G. tr. lJ- '" $25 . . nprsnn for the REWARD to ?...'" wh0 5-XTtn Radiator Shop P: ;;:; Fenders and Oa. Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators ;orS!e,U, ..FRrrna1em.Ore. IDS a. is". "apprehension ,oi ' ' w belong- Win. H. ESan fcSon address wealthy 1- -',,, klnd. removeo ,- -jj FREI? ! Jpnts wanting to marry - contracts at "-"d animal. Wrn.W A. Mills. IH l cess P"os -.. Maln l47 Scavenger. . sa.en. Scayanger-t montb BUSH LA.DD BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Of f ice Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. sent anyone free. Ban r ran"-' ,,l office nhone t ; ( 4? 1 1 t it 4