PAGE SEVEN. IREUON MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1919. Hon. E-APPRE SiffiP v HPS' "'111' y - - O" Tvr. on Xmas Gifts fo Pifn Government a Month, Is Belief i ,- ,iv nu v- t'ou,',, ' .,. riirrtmiinndttiH. ) W " ; -xinit nn,ou,wwu u ,luil'P,rM ... uwor&iiK to govern fin IUU" ....... ,c ..ll hoimln qi ,S6,277,74 SPfMT ' . ..ll ..l...ii,l,iir t rP1Kit. ,.t ,.k. d " WVZ pav "out nuproxl- I ' .d' billion dol- lH'f,,r u estimated will re- 'rpSKi.n.uty in. ct'lve -rly "'"Bh tu ',"rttl'! U tali . ih 1 ONSWERdo MILL IS PURCHAStD 1 nnin rht vn ? f EELl'iG GSIPPK? 6. WIDE CftPIIMI One ot the mogt prosperous and baying buHlnes enterprises In Stayton, and one which has given employment w w Muuiuvi ui iiur c.uzmm iur a num- Kf... I I ..... .1 turn (or " entire month. . . i . li;.rvM.rU..i.--i HEMlElHfiBECl A total iif , 277741.04 was expend ed on highway cmiHtructlnn work In III liu thu 1 unocr me Hupervitium or the ,'llt be tllM 1 v 1 K " miner in nuptu v.mixh oi inc . . .. t Mtutii hlirhwnv mnjitiilvMlnn rinrlni thev r November 30. la ac- Until I Hi""" ,.i..,l mi .milium w i-iifii juoi mc i,ucu ujr K "rto ut -Sa b.hway dTr.m,t. Of this . .. l-nlllM t-w. ...i.. 1 r in i iiumuvr oi our ciuzenB i i ... ... . uci ui years, nan been sola. uioi ween me excelsior mm ownea by Mciwrg. Chas. Stayton and A. D. Gardner was purchased by Eugene and Portland people. It has been common talk for some time that the mill was going to change .hnn.l. I.... I. I 1 ...... I...... expend- w,, n' uul 11 leiiiiinieu tur buiiibi-iiihb work In mor than rumor to make the clti- wouiu oe. Kuui eoe. 'i na nniAnipun hub ..r.nn 11 nnumi! one for Us owners and has been a source of employment for a number King's New Discovery i start you on the road to recovery JNCE tried, always used. That's a trite expression, but one never more applicable than . it Is to Dr. KinK's New Discovery. You will like the prompt, business-like way It loosens the phleKm coiigested dies soothes the tor tured throat, relieves an old or S uew cold, grippe, cough, croup. The kiddles con take It In perfert s-ifetv too. N bad after-effects. Standard halt a century. Wcvand ?1 20 a bottle. At your druggist iMIMIlFfil Tn RF Q1TF lf.fl?RHTTFSWITH10 IIUIIIIIUU'. IV MS- U v r 1 . vmiAAiiMin nnn llATn fOR NEXT UP HU mwi RB nuitL OtUwa, Ont. Dec. 3. The execu tive committee of the American Fed- t mAatin,f'fn Montreal eraiioii ui xcvuwi u. . within a short time, is extorted to re- commend tnat cuy as i.ic ". aasociation's next annual convention. 11 war iw'v -7 . "prank Morrsum wcrtuiry uuu have 1een in ,-Mon treat inveatigaung Don't Continue Constipated .... ti-.v ro. x.. Policeman - aeaiite. . ti - Kolllnrl with tWO thUgj A. it. juiiiio'" . tvia WnHlvn hotel at in a nanwaj - 2 o'clock Sunday morning and attci being overpowerea iire kyci ..-v at the fleeing men, who are said to . Dotort 1)1 1 WI ot II1U ... I1U.VC I ri ...T.. the hotel, taking a large amount ot iooi. . , , Johnson downed one oi tne men HME COLQRJN CHEF.KS Be Better. Looking Ta.;e K. Olive Tablets Kriirht To nave a uui " f ; eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy Stt childhood days, you must keei your body free from P?'"0,3?: br. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege table compound rmxed wth oUveoU) art on the liver and bowels Uk : calomd vet have no dangerous after crtccu one nightly and note results. They start the bile and overcome ionstipation. That's why imlhonso. boxes are sold annually. 10c and As the result of the explosion of lun in Montreat investigating Johnson aownea t""w;r ;.,..r Hi and will, was houunsr mm wueu f:,:::..7.7" . , ,h .. leaned on the officer s WW, in. ,T T. . , .!. it is saia.iavo u m - ht themseives free and hurriedly year-oia Sun ui - cuuva eppiiuii-jf. .. Johnson emptied his revoivsr lost two lingers irom on. after them but the bullets went wild, the sight of an eye. ul'lly wllHl.rc. lou-- 1lin.hrtH(,rll t . .. f..Miiv ukuli'le. . .. ..f Hll blK 'UleH IX hook in(.',,l,-, l BilV-IWN. 1-1 .,.,1 nfi'tinrM-- thwny department. Of this "u.u ut eral"oy ,lem ' '" . . . . fif hu tiiwnaiiniu. n VL-hi TittiaHffl inB pl iU iiii.iiMU hIh. J(w-; . ... vocation of dav labor. . i...m ui oviru - - - I ii i ii 1 1 1 1 it I ill hii I hlil ri'lil PHMnlH hi fiTn l m h... flndliiK H dlftleult l , ,,,ft 'v ,. ,, It has also been a .. ... ..,,! fT UllimoiKin, ,,.., ,.....,., ,,.,.. lint , f ii i, i iiif.u i iviiiuu h"' imirm woman's (.rn!llilnm B11 , .m.iidltuie .It lu exnlained. duel .. . Mimic emuuiiHii- ,u , ..ii i. ......cltlUH WIU" " . IIUI I l'lirvwill lliw v:UBl III illl IUHII Will l IHII Ii' . .... ,.tiiiyim of initipli'li'il ny the nigtiwiiy department drlntr the year, us approxlmutcly $t, ; 000. (ion. ihivhIiIh to contractors fur work done. 1H ueini? retiunca in ac- i-ord;ince with the slate law limiting 'pnyniftit on conlrnclH to S5 per cent I ,,r the amount due until till of tha !vnuk lunh'r the contract is complet- cil. Tin' year's expenditures in st'Rrogiit into various projects Improved 11 follows: : (in federal aid post rondsj 889.783.80 On federal nld forest .. .....i.. i.i.,i. - ' I ii u mi.iorstonil that the mill will (III ail Oilier M.. ui- utHii'.J .1 .. iliiuui. lll Utllomohlles ll- . , . is..M linn i; u'- The tax", on lusurli-H front J ;,, U a mlnvte , H l-ial . r i,bJH bought )Vr Kf- r1,:-- r.r;i ' V . .'i.-..,.,.,i i-l.Mll. Official" ' .. I...,...v 'ifill.tHHI.. n Iminlto bpi.....- (! leu Uuy prtn...... mail" H him aliin Impn a unod advertise ment tor the town as it has been widely known that Stayton nail a mm that manufactured excelsior that was second to none on the market. The owners have had the pleasure of ship ping to eastern markets anu nau un- dlstlnetloii of receiving high praise (or their product. The capacity of the mill has been taxed from lime to time and they ihnve. at times been behind with or ders' and it Is learned that with the I scarcity of timber adapted to the man liiiuninru of the nruduct'nud the dif s ficulty the owners have had in get Itinf the timber to the mill without ..n i f..niiif. iu .ne of the reas- IttlllOtlU IIIOIIULO, ... " ii,,.t llinv hvi. decided to dispose IJIH HU. linj J.12i,'J4i.ii ol the bUnllieBS. .... I, 1 ImllilnTa Don I lei your uowcia ,ni..n'.. votir s stem. Make them function-ivtrulariy-keep the body clewed C waste mutter with Dr. lUiigS New Life Fins. Hil 111 rftSStNutH I Biliousness, sk'k headache, sour stonmcli, inrtiyostion d'iiu., frrrcd tongue, had breath think m ho embart'us n.enls ami dlsrom. f,.r-s traceable to ((.nstimttion. How easily they-re re.-l. icd bylhe 1 vse of T)-. KmKH New Ulc V lis Move tlif bowels Hthly ,'l surely. Try them tonight. All 2:ie r.rt usual. n llleeo. Cal. Dec S.Officials . .. . .. , .1.. t,ttnn Korth Island .. . , wnninv today, daily announceu umi ..-o t. r - . air mail serviceand passenger service I . . . . L tAa nnrt will he estamranen piww ---- and San Pedro to lacunar- ....--trative activities of the Pacific flee . , ..'..,kiu ore to he utl TWO mine , , , . .. . ... .i.... ,iiu, .rvi which is uzea in uu "o.j. - ,ii r.i..i..,i ,, enrrv navy and official ILtOlH" " only Catarrh is a Real Enemy and Kequires vigorous ircauvm ,. . . i ntnoi these makeshift remedies When you use medicated sprays, atomizers .and douches for your Citmrh, you may succeed m un stopping the, choked-up air pass ages for the time being, but this 6 ... returns, and annoying iuuunv... , . you have to do the same thing over auu , r-,v, ha never vet been ..r,i k these local application V. ' .rinr.d anv riave you cvci vaF... , -l real benefit from such treatment f tnrOW IIIC5C lliava.." - r to the winds, and get on the right treatment, uei a uumc v. today, and commence a treatment that has Deen praiscu oy uuv.. for nearly halt a century. - S. S. S. gets wgtu at tne si.uij. of Catarrh, and forces from the blood tne germs wim.ii disease, ror svcl-"' vice free regarding your own case, address Medical Director, 51 bwtft Lalioratori Atlanta. Gat piin'cl p i.'lii'lslniiiM. ADiUTRNT lo.rl.WilV it : cuiisiruetion '..-- i v . . .... nuimtenaiice work 1M4.5 first of Arll or until tne I'reseio. u, - " ,. ...... intMl f .,id is exhausted, when It On interest on ..onus ... . .. .'.. I ... r . . ' . , . ... ..... mu. he . thine Will oc cru.seu lino ...... - - - of the past Mall. (in (in GENEil eiiulpinent S14,U4D. H.irveVH and engineering ! county construction ... .u.i n aii.iiliiistration and Ken-' eral supervision 146,753.30 The Kugene Fruitgrowers' associa tion shipped 32 cars ot apples this sea son, tho season having Just closed. C.taln Henry . KM ' W,rt MilT..ntad .;.unt gencr- . whiuH'. nn he. Captiii'i i"11 " ii u tin ..r 1.1 wllf 111 111" ' LANDING OF TROOPS 1 ! at foo nw m PROTESTED, RtPORl Toklo, Dee. 5.-(lelayed-A sec ,jml ..rotcst trom the 1 Ilie aciio.l in- nieni i luliimlH. In I'lllllpl'l"" .. Miller was III uniimny A. MeMl.mvllU ..... ...,ln of 1 ......I M '- .,-vlve with the ron",.. "'"' landing forces a. - uan bird re(?oi. NOW SHOWING ' ,..! 1,1 '"". .rioned today this a unit or i.i not be unswenstt uiu i France, l no mm" , oka, secteuuy , office. veil l.y Colon- u-o.!.- mtlll,a. -"'..,, 11 tor Foo will hucihhhI wuurni - - secretary mn "- al In Uve Ilure' Cliow Decemner Hca,iom, pcrious un Foo Cnow , are fe.iwl M aresull oMhe , . . rn,.,,iiiiio Hiiti vi If ' " ..t.ntijIlIM iLllU IW-S DormUc 1 1 between Chinese ViaiCr 1 CllUiW - ...ns ..Japanese many ling to dlsimtehe. ' . M. C. Cine, and on. whn the , of A- ,tr.y.n.u.Ked Htudenu . - iv. mmropi .oi" Km'iiiNui . . . from in iK" ....... e. loei l "v" ' , I " . ... . . .t U.Hun (II IUIIr ami J. n. a ,1S, nl0tesi "- i Dcsiroji-'" --- cubic eck ining sty i an llal .1 nf (1 rants nl'f! gineer Cupper way- ' tt,,roXl- volvcs h.rovmelH t cost ui l mutely l.o. . , ,- Other application for ; he I miiilioti ot water were " who I.....111MSO uncoil - were urg.i.fs ... i,vcott resulteu ' ' ger over .the Bltan- iimitr uwnrd- nuvx arnv- iriiui f,,sl pio.-. ..nvel.g al- ollllWH TIllKUHH uiiiity, W rniinly iefl. riacer, Josepni."' Vrnm Slat; creek for trrW- purpoaes. j0Hephin. rTrnof IHInols river for irrlfiMioB I"""- Bvrtl ,Tr., Uy Schaerfer and W. H. ,5f r . Wallowa, from Wallowa rlvei fui rigid inn purpose. run , u uaua ;"-.n ftn ,cpos8 in the ba,'.; andJtruK. 1 tha S71IV UI compa.... . y . ,, ,..le in , . , ... Fo ,, iv haH been dispa u. - Ici.ow and 1r l'; ' international InuarierH that net o fi,.st Chl- tUn:,: was wcred Witli ttie 1""'". . i..,i.nese coniinu.i.i.. sliitenient tnai u i...,i been emiaiibi luo ik . J State House Briefs. Ht j. lit j. T time of tailed lf.9.8ai.314. l ner 17, the call for reports 'a v ivcco.dlnB to n abstwit 1 oC Will H. Itennett. wperintend' hanks, today. ,5,917.59 This ts an increase ot 4J'"4: 19ls over the deposits oi , fl2.33 over an iiicrewno " - . deposits of BBpti.ul" 1 I I I . ...Mntli-iis sdopted n A copy oi B . O. K- liioscbiirt! l'"11 us member . ...i.., -inn the w l 'inn.... .vide t line" " ,. shlP lUo,8 ,;,.l'uaionofra ;- tnuler way - , ,u,,ernor u.. t..,ls, Nvas received itodiiy. nerd forth, return i i. A. Jjreii" vvm. Wiiso" and the 1919. ""!-- -- --- lime Of l"e Savinga UeiioBtui ai -- .35 November report arnt ' . . , 42 394.- 01H,9r0.68. Jin Increase sn j . ber on .v. ,iiHon Septemoei 19. a" ' to the " . AB ill' I t'J .. un .ir nnwant " I I. . 1 1,1111V - i charge ot " ro ""I"! i.i..non men "-. ,.r,inr u.- Tror of f 'ah , hv --' ae)). V. ....... ue- l,llB anen.."".- county. ..... uherili ,dpiatciy Ul' , h nailers W- '"r" tw men eiireii ...ti,. e ...i. - . rvpeK. . ri..jron 01.. being ncii. ,' TT.vinir of con- llmatilla county """",. rccia- Kre,n9.0B Ior inB v..-.--- the mation project ana nl?pr,cv support of the UmaUlla ItyOtanjil lire lCiais. . ,., n ' T M. li" m,. niinnlntnient - ce ,-e ooal City to -lZt ,t Jefferson l , .nlllllV J ' US 1 V V STOMACH O.K. North w fir m(V,v w ...,or county, was . .... J9ag0 Irrnoinneaith. Maior We Successor io M N rth On General Staff """" s 1 LIBERTY 1 w . Y& i. 1 Ah I 111 t "5R 1 1 - xj 1 rn m. i 1 ... qq 1 LJ ST" : n to. 1 1 1& 1 v :;i Truth s MI 1 1 lw ; 1 I I S Hi rit 1 Ik in 1 ri 11 1 ' lie 11 1 1 1 ri r 1 II I k II ; f2 a c nance: mhus too mi.: Cfnv has been run You need not take JS SwK.5I'vEAUS, and will always be ou the basis of Honesty and Square ueanng conducted on that basis. gTi. Christmas Girts rl,rf.hine makes the beht of gifts Fnr the man or boy some uuseim - - CITTTOTC2 TRAVELING BAGS SOCKS CRAVATS OVERCOATS ' MAUXSmXOROVBUCOAT ..ake, tke mo, e GIU ,o could A HART SHAFFNER & MARX SU1 1 uii u v rive to a man. AT.!, a well dressed man is appreciated by Ativiv s Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron oole fi IViUlo ijw CP BISHOP, Prop. 1 fJjf- Jil Indinestion. Acidity, Sourness ancUCases ended witn , 'Tape's Diapeps'm i . l,iir. it is TitU indigos- uecuicSB IO UB WU"". ..n,l StOUl lion dyspepsia or a .Vl,.cusin ac.h. A few tablets of Tape's Diapcp noutraluB aotdiiy nuu 'vT', i. .Wfc fit n ':nifim wane 0ft-lanu .r . ' vv. c- ot K.ic.cceos . thP geneu". - o member o - irQ, r..- MntlOin" - . -inr 11. the natio - Aojotsn - 2f "tons lll?ru for the pat engaged " a wll0 - thirty ye'- troops n1c war ",' ,.nntinuou9iy lS of Making Coffee ,.. ,.,b.e. pure, delicto coifee-alway,- AbSOlUIC.y WaAlnaon' suga. cane in p.a - 8Uga ta .rfmed trom - nr'm. Influenza .lav wtW ",,r. 3,ng ,rKle . narts otoffl' ."., ,.u the Ore- two r- ViaveO t .1,. mixture "r He h-American 1 Q'at ,d ,eWpa" iv g ii-r - h"du 5FtaM !e;5 and .oecVVith Che?' them " deveiop , criP -?? L.tre they ca" . , cnoaf cane in r' . crrnf NT1 .1 HOT. uow o-, nr.. lACin. 1U51 ! ""B-- I .&L&?r& -feeW nee e. 1 Cottee is ffee. INo cour- - y proved way of ive. tatdy in ttblfc G. Washington -r;.-dual taste. Maae m u - of each cup w " Washington Sales Flavor always the same, and strath :up at , 334 Fifth Avenue, New York loiil tiuet'iu: Ka-es. acids . ' von ... u . lieu " :ottiitle,.wnen ",,Mtoa or raise mri food. When you foel lumps of m di- organic0" time. ,.,.!-. - ' o piotliinB .. TleC. mica n .1- -Hh" pcan t-'"'"';,, nnnotinc'"' ,tcil n":. arte Sa."., are - . -.iY"r . . ... noai" fture hoot U little. The Wates 'l'""- , the fiTe,t. You, too, will 1)0 a ""lYavVschtleluea nfl ,M1 t" -mtUusiast r.ftorwarda. . 1 . with cur v Ristion . .. 1, ..n 1 1 lie 10 I Ueart'bitrn or f m acidity, just eat a t;". Jis ape a Di'tpcpsiu and tne l:"S 1H g'.I.IC. eo little. 1110 ;V-:,,rd OH oc'":.flenza. it f.ct v , return i"6 - ur-orhavesicl ' . nnstip'r.. .. T.iver i n,ttryus:30cataruB- ' nt little P"'J ache nidi gists 0 ff 4fmr u (i original il 8 I . i -- novirei" 'O shots o :i safe. O.000 of lt3 was votwi f Portlan i t ! 1 A