Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    -;k six.
Coming to The Grand Theatre
Owner On
His Feet
A geologic examination of western j
Oregon tu' determine the possible Of-
rurrence of commereial oil nntl gas?
has been one of the major activities j
of the Oregon Jlure.iu of Alines and j
Geology during the past six months. :
This investigation has been conducted j
in exactly the same manner as the big j
producing oil companies carry on-such!
work. -Ihe firm of Harrison nndj
Katon of Denver and Kort Worth, oil j
Kt-uiuKrsia, are cuiiiiuciui uie inves
tigation. The field work, therefore,
- has been handled by petroleum gco
. loglsts who have had experience, in the
oil regions of California, Wyoming.
Texas, and other producing districts
of this ami other countries.
In order to determine the character
and structure of the various rocks that
underlie western Oregon and upon
which the occurrence and preserva
tion of oil and gas depend, a series of
east and west cross-sections of the
Coast Range and interior valleys were
rtudied and carefully measured. To
do this, advantage was taken of the
numerous, deeply, cut river canyons.
for example, the Siuslaw. Ynquinn. isnciii' from "Vp in Mabel's Room,
i uiptiua, ami me lower loiumuia and
upper Willamette rivers, where thou
ands of feet of thickness of the rocks
may be seen in many places. .
The Bureau made a special effort
to get all possible information as to
"oil . indications" ' or "oil seeps"
throughout the state. Reported
. ities were examined and, w here neces
sary, tests made to prove or disprove j
the presence of oil. i
The work included a careful studv I
m:r PA 'fe.
Pi r : vv 'H'i yV 4 i
"I hnd liocn rending of tho benefit
. 'other wero receiving by diking Tun
AlTlUn luc und decided to try It, and it has
.absolutely relieved me of all my trou-
I'lve round iiihI Kiids bles. I urn never bothered wltlt 1ml 1-
Tiiklng TiiiiInc gcsllon, my iippetlto In fine and I can
eat unythliig 1 want without suffer-
After five years of snl'fcrlmt mulling any bud after effects. 1 never
1 trying every kind of medicine I heard ",lV1' ,,,0IW ulxi' "I''"" '"'' m,,'" una
..( 1 1-' i.n.b n.,i.. .-. : - i my kidneys are all right g;ln. I nut
it took lunhic to put me on my , , l . , ., .
j - . ,.- "i entirely free of i heumatiKm Olid J
re, t again said J. A. Caskey, who re- ,.Ver have u pain of any kind. I can
i- ivi ?h-ii sireei, ?s:iii r ran
(mIiis Twenty
Troubles by
c sco,, to a Tunlac repivViuntative -fe-.icebtly.
Mr. Cnskey. owns and oner-
sleep like tt log and never wuko up
once during the night, and get up In
the morning bright and refreshed, l
, ,,, u iM.i,K,au. Am., and hllvv llnet twenty five pounds in
h . a large e rele of. friends n,l ncw,.l,.nna am In Lett- lu-Mth every
MiMlj tnnces throughout the country. ! wny ,hllll ) ,mve i,cf.M foI. y,.u,-H. i
l Continuing he siUd: . ,. . - -;Httrcly m,n9 wht Tanlac has
I, had ,imlti;estion so .-, l ..,1,1,1 .. ... . , . ,
kiA Vnv Pa. r.
Of Pacific Rj
, Wasliliiglon, lie,., ((.- Tin,
of pears In the. I'uf:,. ,, '''
yoinl the Cusende tn.mniuii,- i J
fered wvero loss f,,,,,. " '
...... .im-iupmeii, llllH
vuiiuuH nmeci p,.,
ed bv vnrli.iiM ""
wnb. ft fungous ,VW.W j
...... uM,iersiHM l...
orage orehardlst. AVhil,, n.
cM6 tho most serious ,ii..lw. "
lly controlled v
"I'l'-'ys. it
i f ... - . . ' - i limit ivi in" ii ii ' i lit i vi jiii.- in
often lather go without eating than to ,,. lo tell otliers about It
?I J.m TOnMtHu,,"'ii. Everything ! Tanlsl0 , Boll, , Sa,HM1 b-V
line would Hour and ferment and cans,
I me to bloat terribly. J would have the
wojst sxirt of pains, In. my stomach und
my heart., would flutter and beat like
It would jump out, then It would em
to nlmoHt stop beu-tUig. and I could
Mrdly .get "uiy, breath, I would get
. idlay at times und . when .1. would
MoXip over, ttiid Btralghten up every
1 thing-would turn black and 1 would
have. to. grab hold of something to
lveep from falling. Sly kidneys were
.lin egulur, and my back Would ache
jfiu- days at a time and 1 ueVcr was
free from pain in some part of my
, hotly. I also had rheumatism In my
j knees and shoulders so bad that when
!.i would stand up It seemed as if the
i.nes were iireaRing. J eould hardly
by Tyler's
Oruir Store, in Hubbard by llublmrd
Prug Co., in lit, Angel by Hen
Ooouh, In. Oervuls ly John Kelly, in
Turner by II. P. Cornelius, In Wood
burn by Lyman JI. Bhoruy, in Sllver
toti by Geo. A. Hlecihnmmur, in Gates
by Min. J. P. HcCiirUy, in Stuyton by
C. A. Keauchainp. in Aurora by Auro
ra Irug Store, In St. Tsui by Oroce
terii Storoii Co., In' Donald by it. W.
Johnson, in Jefferson by 1'oslmy &
Mason snd in Mill City by Marketer!
Ore. Co. . (Adv)
Four Men Killed, Eight
Hurt; Scaffold Collapses
"UNO u j
the Screnming Farce foiiifng to the Grand Theatre Tonlglil. Jlcccmlsr 8.
Not satisfied with the selection thei
of the composition of the rock layers state officials made for the locution of
and sampling and testing of all of the' , ;,.','.,. ,.I.i,fv.; x..t
, I V avi UIIUIIO tOOil If, 1 1 U If
more promising looking formations.
In general, beds of shale that contain
remains of animal o.r.. vegetable life
are favorable to oil formation, and
some shales were observed in which
oil is actually being formed.
A region can become a commercial
producer of oil. however, only where
the rock structure is such that the oil
formed can accumulate in quantity in
porous beds beneath the crests of folda
or domes where it becomes entrapped
by water pressure. . -
lie disapproval in the matter were pre
sented at the community club meeting
last Friday evening and "cdopted un
animously. The land selected by the
state is a portion of the Eliza Brown
property near the depot. Tt is felt by
many that the citizens have just reason
to object. The location is inconvenient
and unfit, it is said, for the purpose
for which it is intended.
Silverton had at least ought to have
a choice in the location. ;s tho build
ing will be occupied aln.ost entirel.
Pearl's dog is gone.
Sunday she walked into police-
headquarters and asked
police to help her find her
"Sharp." He's part bird dog
nnd terrier, she' said, and "is
black and brown and gray."-
Little Pearl Savage lives at
1144 N. Cottage street. Her
dog left' his happy home there
! sieep at all and would lust w...,i- ,...!
self out rolling and tosshur f,
side of the bed to tho other living to
go to sleep und I would wake up com
pletely exhausted and not really able
o get up. I had lost welulu n i
was scarcely more than a frame audi
was so weak 1 could barely get about. lWUs said.
Canton, China, Nov. 18. ( l!y Mail.)
-Two thousand troops and machine
The results of this su;vev are be
ing prepared for publication t , ho : by Silverton ueonle
earliest possible date. ( Colonel AValpoit and another office.
A study of the oil 'situation in east- of Salem, were, in the city again Tues
ern Oregon has been carried .on dur- C,UJ' an were looking at one or two
ing the past season in cooperation other locations offered for the armory,
with the fnited States Oeological Sur- One is the Russell property on the cor
vey. Dr. J. P. Bowalda of Yale I'ni- 'ner of First and Oak streets, and ano
versity, who had charge of the field jther is the Mrs. Grace property, which
work, is preparing a report for early ! was purchased some time ago by Mis.
publication. , jd-eta Uahl. Either of these places. wil!
: ' tb.0 acceptable to the citizens of Silver-
I ton! Tribune..
Coal Conservation Still
Continues Throughout East Chin! By Charged Witli
mieiqu 10 flssau.i bin
miners was
A warrant for the arrest of Sing
Hai, a Chinese boy, charged with at
tacking Ella Wolf, a 14 year old girl
Chicago, Dec. 8. Coal conservation
was continued today despite indica
tions that the strike of
near the end.
The railro.iflsa f,ill,,,o,i ...
nients and cut passenger train sched-J e"U yed af LouiO , Noodle House,
ules between Chicago and the Pacific : Ferry anl High stleet' Wlis 'sued to
coast by one third. jday by Judge Cni'uh and placed in the
Stores in Chicago adopted a new ' hllncls of l"Iice. Hai is alleged to have
working hour system, opening at i2jtul!en tlle girl int0 a room in the
noon and closing at six p. ni. Office llack ot tlle estli'1ments and there
kuildings were kept on the 9 to 3 :30 -ttempted to assault Tier. Her cries,
schedule. ' ' and the game fight she put up, check-
Fuel -administration officials an. pl' tne Chinaman tintil Patrolman Lee was built and dedicated to St. .Tosenh
nounced Indications of a strike settle-: -forelock appeared on the scene, and 'Since 18S6, when the first church was
nient would In no .way lessen the ne-,JIai fled. A search of the premises dedicated by Archbishop lilanchet,
.i .-i,.v lor coal conservation. failed to reveal him; and this morning
Even if the strike is settled and j Mrs. Gladys Wolf, the girl's mother,
miners go back to work immediately swore to information that will cause
rt will be three weeks before delivery 'his arrest,
of fresh coal can be st ILI'tPfl fin I if ti'ill
take probably all winter for .the min
ers to catch up with the demand.
Plans for a new fireproof parochial
school to replace the present St. Jos
eph's half "which lias been standing
since 1864, have been formulated by
the parishioners of St. Joseph's Cath
olic church, and' work on tho build
ing will begin in the early spring. The
edifice will be a two story structure
containing school rooms, assembly
hall with modern stage facilities, gym
nudum, club rooms and a- modern
j kitchen. As soon as necessity warrants
it, the latter sections will be- turned
into high school rooms and a sepa
rate entertainment hnll erected.
A new church, is also planned, nil
three buildings to be on a uniform
plan of architecture, of classical de
sign. Only the parochial school will, j
however-be built in the immediate fu
The old hall, which is to be razed
to make place for the new structure,
was formerly St. John's Cut-holic
church. In 1889 the present church
guns were sent out by the government
und gunboats were held ready on the
river before the government arrested
eleven' allcgeitiiglciiders. in a. riot of
students here.
. Students had raided the Sincere
company's stores, asserting that em
ployes of the stores had struck stu
dents. "iJoycott these stores," tho students
cried.!. They cuptured.Sinecre employ
es and placarded them with the line:
"These men strjuck students."
One hundred police were first sent
to quell the students, but met with
slight success. The police command
to cease noting went unheeded. A stu
denjt-was bayonetted. Students then
rushed" the police and disarmed some
of them. The students retained con
trol of one store for 24 hours.
Undaunted by the show of force bv
the' government, the students announ
ced they will sue the Sincere company
because its employes struck students.
and will also sue the police for inter
fering. .
CiitlsvH a licnvy loss beei
elont spraying materials .,.i .
ness dh to thy tin,,. ,. ,.,,
plication. Tho crop yM,i H , j
tv rot fl'lllrl r. I A., 7r. ... I
" " ler ei'hi
sprayed fruit 1m ofleii H. Um'
to be almost worthless.
Though spring and hui,,,,,,..
ing of 1 it'll l- for Mm .,.i .
ii HimvMtn.v. pnicih'i'll,
for the reasons indicated, ,.lv
disappointing., especially wi,,!.. litiu tuif Idol,, .1. ..I ....
...... ..... ,u, HMV,,
control of Insecls can!!,;. ,!
menls that look very much .
spots on mature pears. r ,MI.
orciiariiiHi to recognize Mtll)
gulsh between these trtiul,,.M
provide the proiier iiiciihuh..
trol, the United Stales ,.,,,.,,
nKi IUIUI IHSUeil I Ul l(T,i
tin jwuu. "uontroiiiiiK fiiiiguu,
ncct enemies of the pear In ii
1 i.
I nvi:,i,inn uv J I, en If. norl H
r.nzaoetii, . J.. xec. s.J'Uil.Jiirji .potions of the T'.,..i,i.,
were killed, eight Injured dangerously , which Is for free 0 iMt i-i litilion
ami eighteen others cut ami bruised
when' a scaffold eollapRed at the Hay Sydney Williams,
Wnl Itcl'iner.v of the Stan, lard Oil com. baseball
puny here.
Several of the Injured may die,
pitcher lost four fi,l
his left hand ut lVmllclim h,.,X
It 1 caught ill tho tmiehlMeiy t ,i
troughs jdanlng mill.
Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of
Portland, for the month of November
ttajd f 305,200.
Wisconsin Electors Choose
Successor To V. Berger
Funeral Of John Canos To
; Be Held Tuesday Afternoon
j The funeral for John O. Canos, 45,
who died at a local hospital Friday,
! will bo held at the chapel of the
Milwaukee, Wis., Dee. 8. Electors iWclj,J & clou'h undertaking company
f the Fifth Wisconsin mni.ii Tuesily afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev.
district voted in the primary election ia F' Holt' ot the Balltls' church, will
nominated a candidate as suc
cessor to Victor Berger, ousted from
the house of representatives following
J:is conviction under the espionage act
There was no doubt us to the result
as there were contests. Socialists will
nominate Berger again and Henry
fcodenstab will be the choice of the
democratic and republican fusionists.
The election will be hoi,! n,..,.,i
19. :
A large vote was urged
fides in order to forecast
at the final election.
I'.v both !
the result '
have charge. - Burial will follow in
the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Canos is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Ida II. Canos and four sisters, Mrs. J.
F. Sullivan, Mrs. G. W. Harmon of
Portland, Mrs. Nora Smith of ..Peck,
Idaho, and Mrs. Sadie Smtih of Sa
lem, Oregon.
He was. a member of the Knights
and Ladies of Security lodge.
the following pastors have had
charge of the parish: Father Sebastien
Cioens, Father F. DeCraine, Father G.
C. Thibau, Father McCormick, Father
Dieleman, Father V. Capelle and
Father White. The present church
has been under the direction of Fath
ers Daily, Murphy, Moore and Buck,
assisted by Fathers A. Maher, Cro
nin, C. . Mahr, Scherbring, Naughton
and Derouin.
GRkND fm
- The-Puyallup & 8umner.Fruit.Can
ning company of Puyallup, Washing
ton, has promised Salem another can
nery, according to W. R. Scott, state
manager for the company, who ad
dressed a meeting of the loganberry
growers In the Commercial club Sat.
urday afternoon. Nearly 300 acres,
The owned by independent growers in this
locality, were signed up by the organ
ization of which Bruce Cunningham of
was elected permanent clinir-
, agitators during the recent revolt, was. man and Britt Aspinwall secretary,
'confirmed today 'by the supreme court, j The purpose of the organization is to
I The missionary was sentenced to pay 'command the hightest nlitrRet price
;a fine of $!iO or spend twenty days for their products during the coming
George Broadhurst
Presenth the Big Laugh
t h n-- i lis
t ,.,f t,
I. JL rp-
I I X jr "w, 1 1 ii
-1 - i WWW J
11 (jf" A SI',;('A'' M-MBKItS IIY MISS l l:it
I Kg l5SWiM-. .WJl '"""""IP"'" hui lentu,-K.v Home , ...
K Mm&mi .mux.a.riiMLii x'tlMUHIy l!eiU,'St)
"'' the lies, of the World Go lly" ,.
magazine OREGON! 'AT L
LLOYD COMEDY lttrm u 8;4- j p
" WhatEvery Woman Learns"
Tuesday Wednesday
I i U:i
I Seoul,. Dec. 1 5. ( Delayed. )-
conviction of Rev. Eli Miller Mowry,
I Presbyterian missionary of Mansfield,
Ohio, on charges of sheltering Kore
in jail.
A.HW00D5 presents
The Play bhab
start.ed NY on
a Pajama Jafl
'3 Chronic Ailments
! Stopped By Interna! Baths
: ; - -PRICES .'
Ixitvcr I'loor ....... $2.00
Bidcony ....'..........$ 1.00, $1.50
Gallery .......j ,....'50c
Seflt at Opera House Pharmacy
Mr. Joseph liosenbnum, 5017 Drexel
read, t hicao, 111., writes Tyrrell's liy
jii'nic institute, of JCcw . York as fol
lows: " .- - .-'"."
"Kyr many years I was a sufferer
from rheumatism, neuralgia, and con
stipation, and after trying many reme
dies I purchased your ' 3. B. L. (as
eade. ' Have. been . using it ten Or
twelve yciirg and most benefi
cial. All the rfjove ailments have dis
appeared and I now enjoy excellent
health." '
Yon can help nature in nature's most
effectual way ihy internal bathing
with tho "J. B. L. Caseado," and in
an. easy, nonluvbit forming manner
keep the intestine as .sweet and clean
as nature demajids it to be for perfect
lieallh. Over half a million keen, .bright, j
healthy Aniericars testify to its results
It is the- invention of Chas. A. Tyr
rell, M. D., of New York, a specialist
on internal bathing for 23 years, and
is now being shown and explained by
Daniel' J." Fry".' They will le glad-to
give you free, on request, a booklet 4y
Dr. Tyrrell, '''Why Man of Today is
Only 51) per cent Efficient," which is
most interesting and will toll you facts
abmit yniiriel.f that yon have never ha
foro realized. - (Adv)
season. It will be temporarily known
as the Valley Growers association.
Speakers at the gathering were
Professor C. I. Lewis of the Oregon
firowers Co-operative association; S.
R. Qninn, of the Oregon Packing com.
jpany; W. L. Rentley, J. K. Wright,
j W. H. Egan, George W. Weeks and
V. G.. Allen. The growers were urged
to attend the lecture of Major K. P.
Newsom of Portland who Vill speak
in the .Commercial club auditorium!
Tuesday, December 9, at 1:30 p. m.
The subject of the discourse will be
"Well Balanced Food Rations for
Tlants and Trees."
The next meeting of the nssocintioi-
will be held Saturday, .January 31.
Buy Men's Gifts
at a Men's Store
' S'ff
With Miss Norton
Paul Nicholson
An awfully funny farce
Prices 50c to $2.00
Seat sale Wednesday,
Opera House Pharmacy
Water Power Development
Would Save Coal Says Jones
Washington, Dec. 8. Developments
of water power -in the United States
would" produce an eijuiv.-ilent of 789,.
000,000 tons of coal n year, slightly
inore than the annual coal eonsump
toln In. this country at present Renato;
Jones. Washington, said in a speech
Jones urged adoption of the pend
ing water power bill wh'ch would cre
ate a federal commission to open up
water power slts under o-ovtrnment
J m
Outfitters for Outdoor
People "I"
State Street, Salem .