n -ft iv4 ai;e two. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 101!) THREE LETTERS FOR MENTION CHOSEN - BY PAPER'S JUDGES Judges in the Capital Journal's con Scat, recognising merit in the following tetters, recommended them for honor ary mention. The letters, relative to the page-one make-up of the Capital Journal, follow: Contest Editor, Salem Oregon. Dear Sir: THAT HEADING Put the heading where you want to Top or bottom, middle, sideways, Xieave it out or make it larger. Any old place goes these full days. Taint the title that I pay for. Gazing at it profits no one. ntat I want is news that IS news Tellling plainly what is just done. 'Bout the labor trouble, sugar, Mexico, and' miner's coal strike, , Weather forecast, daily happenings. ( City briefs, and ads, nnd such like. JOURNAL gives us this In fine shape. Larger is the paper growing. rutnam, put the name to suit you: Listen no more to that woeine. Take some old "heads", send them to the Kickers who are loathe to see Any change in form or fashion. "Motley mess" though sure suits me. MRS. DWIGHT A. HOAG. Marion, Oregon. Editor of The Journal: I had it in mind to write you my sentiments in , regard to your heading, from the time you began doing gymnastic stunts with t, as you ask for the opinion of sub scribers now. I see no reason for hesitating to do so. Personally I liked the old heading. It was like an old friend, we always knew where to find it and had no dif ficulty in recognizing It. I have no objection to the new type used, it Is clear and neat in its appear ance, but if it Is to be called the head ing why not put It at the head of the page and leave It there? If we want mince eon we can get at our own table, or i a pracn at some down town Tenstaurant. At our house when we want the news we much prefer it in a neat orderly' paper. Long ago some one said . "let all things be done decently and in order " 7e believe that policy will be as satis factory if applied to newspapers as to our daily lives. The hodireDrortra aing, so called heading tucked over to the side, scare-head lines at top, in termingled with ads, weather pro phecies and such matters; savors too much of yellow journalism. .We have a neat, orderly, beautiful little city, such as the capital should He. May we not eschew metropolitan tactics and have a clean, neat news paper in a dignified dress? Pep is alright, but let it be directed wisely or like any misdirected energy there will be a u-antn nf r.,.. T" -w Ku r ci . rep has been known to drag people through the mill pond in freezing weather: as every one knows, the bot tom is always slimey not to mention the cold. Let us have the pep but keep it in order. MAUDE S. WILBUR, ' 1770 Broadway, Salem, Ore. "The heading of the 'Capital Journ al' would appear neat ami distinctive should the heading be made-up across the top of the page instead Of in the four and five column style, with a boxed item in eith sibly weather forecast and circulation reports. "The mnklnc-un of full columns past the point of the front page date line breaks the regularity and sim plicity of the page. I like to see the seven column cut off under the head, ,and a system of graduated heads worked out beneath. "I like to see the newsnaner nn&n nst wen balanced as possible, and u cer tain well defined idea worked out. I like the body tVDe of vour n.mer very much; it is easily read and not over large. I would rather see a few light face italic heads used instead of too many black face heads. Ttn.Hr- come into much use of late; is very neai ana just as distinctive as others hue other newspapers cater to the Old Entrlish head, ptr- T iii in the distinctiveness of the rm.itnl journal s head. Something new, ptafn and therefore not contusing to ih eye in the least. "I do not like the idea of too black a head on a story. I would rather read one that is, if a two part head, both black and light. "I like your sub-hpnrla hoimr f black-face upper and lower. Th.v nM more easily read than if thev were set in caps." GLENN W. LOOMIS, Box 403, Silverton, Oregon. FOOD PRODUCTS CO. AT SILVERTON HAS . SUCCESSFUL YEAR REPUBLICANS TO SLASH PLAN COSTS Of U. S. GOVERNMENT Washington. Dec. 8. A huge reductions in penditures and continuation of the present high taxes constitutes the unanciai policy which house repub licans have determined to insist on during the next eighteen months. This agreement, reached at a con ference of a ore of prominent re publican members, is necessary if the federal treasury is to be prevented from piling up additional deficits to be added to the war debt. 'Figures submitted by the house ap propriations committee estimate, tv-nt congress before the end of the fiscal year 1920-21 will be asked to appro priate the huge peace time total of nearly $9,000,000,000. Tn th f this sum the republicans have io... mined to cut to the bone and force economy in governmental expendi tures. Chairman Good of the nnrn priations committee said tndav. Th larger estimate, according to commit tee's figures includes nearly $5,000, 000.000 which Secretary Glass recent ly asked as the regular appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30 1921; $3,150,000,000 estimated as the deficiency for the present fiscal year and ' about $1,000,000,000 for defi ciencies in the fiscal year 1920-21. Contest Editor, Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. . ' Dear Sir: I am submitting the fol lowing letter In the contest of opinions on the new heading and make-up of the Capital Journal's first page: "First, I believe in the make-up of a front page of a newspaper should come under three leading points neatness, distinctiveness and simplicity. How One Woman- Helped Another Foley Kidney Fill are bought in everv state in the I In inn Kv mn anA women on the recommendation t) tnoae who already have been relieved of kidney trouble and bladder ail ments by this sterling family remedy. Comparatively little advertising has 1 j t . xr . . ... . . uccii uunc iur roiey Money rills, yet thev an Wc-ll knnvn an1 flint., who know their splendid healing properties never accept an imitation or ubtitnte fat the genuine Foley. Pains Banished; Health Restored WETS LINE UP FORCES FOR LAST BLOW AT LAW The Silverton Food Piodm-is -mn pany, under the management of C. A. Hartley, is constant'v exiiandfnir. A short time ugo the warehouse owned by the Silverton Hon Growers' Ware. house association was purhensed by Mr. Hartley, to be converted into fruit canning factory. The company has agnin expanded oy taKihg over from J. M. Brown the vacant lot east of the warehouse. With this additional land the mm. pany now is in possession of one-half block of land, or four big lots, with a frontage on the S. P. right-of-way of 272 feet making shipping facilities ideal. On the newly acquired land will rise a cider mill, vinegar factory and apple packing plant. This 1)1.1 lit will be in readiness for operation by the time the next apple cron is roa.lv fnv the harvest.- Apples ha o gone to waste by the thousands of hush 1 u In this vicinity this fall, because of the want of a market. The m-mmrtiB of .this plant will be such that such a wastage as has taken uhtce this may be greatly overcome next season. the hop warehouse will be entii-elv remodeled this winter and the esti mated pack next season will ha t least three times as large as this sen- son. Mr. Hartley stated to an Ap peal representative Tuesday that the company would start nackinc novt season when cherries are ripe and take the various kinds of fruit as they became ready throughout the summer ana tan. The Silverton Food Products Co., estimate that their working force next season will be between lfty and 75 people. " A large amount of credit is duo ., Hartley for launching such an Indus. try in this community which hereto- tore has been a minus Quantity. A place where fruit and berries may be marketed which have heretofore gone to waste will mean big money for growers. Such and industry having the capacity of handling the fruit out put of this vicinity In its entirety is a step forward in the progress of the Items. Two or three hundred thous and dollars turned over to fruit grow ers in this locality next year by the local concern for their berries nml fruit is not a bad prospect to look for ward to. ith favorable cnnriiH..n. the Silverton Food Products company will do this and probably more. Appeal. I SSI Vv rt - I rS XfC . . Special Xmas . Pro-am and CASH STORE Special Prices Sr PMOi 45) . Special Xmas Program and Special Prices PROFITEERING AT ANY TIME IS DISTASTEFUL TO THE PUBLIC HUT THIS IS ESPECIALLY ! m.uju uuiuiiu itiMU tHWOlMS SliASUIN. UlU'i WIS HAVE DECIDED TO CUT PRICES AS LOW AS POSSIBLE IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS GROCERIES, DRY GOOIK LLOYD-GEORGE URGES PARTY COALITION . twuiun, , i was nricxen witn lumbada arwt wfm t it I wJv k U'yaeii in but obtained no neltt A neighbor broufiht i had Imo nrailarly afflicted and they had t - wi na on my ut' oE0 i1farWy recommend Foley Foley Kidney Pills Aid and assist nature. Thv M,trnAu and invigorate weak or diseased kid neys and help to keep the blood ctsan and onre. rlivtnt unvu rheumaue paiai, bmbMo. (tiff or .wolleo jott t . tore anKlet. paOncM under the eye, """"mM money ' SOLD BY J- C. Perry Washington, Dec. 8. With inst in days remaininc before constitiitinni prohibition becomes effective, the wets today appeared to be starting a final, desperate drive to knnr-k mi war time prohibition. The law is being attacked from every nnfcle by attor neys for the liuuor intei ests. What they want is a faw weeks grace in which to dispose of enormous liquor stocks, the sale vaiuc of which is estimated at a billion dollars. Inteiest now centers on the decis ion o fthesupreme colli', which, hp. cause of senate inactivity on the peac treaty, the liquor interests believe is tireir only hope. No date is set for the decislnn Th court will have three ('tci-von days ueiore tne Christmas reoovs. Manchester, Eng., Doc. 8. "Party strife has been renewed prematurely in America, thereby jeoj.ni dizing peace ana endangering the league of na tions," Premier IJo'yd C'eorge told the Reform club, in an add: ess here Sat urday. Appealing for nati-m;.! unity, the British premier declaiv.l reconstruc tion can be accomplished moie effe,-. tively and with greater speed throueh a coaliiion of all political parties than otherwise. . There must be no "revival of nm-tv strife in Great Rrit;iin " tv, warned. It is this th-.t. W t-.i .i,. United States, after taklnr- "the mn.i prominent and distnih'uibhed part" in f.uiuinis uie league oi nntlnna nnn, to threaten to become. the ihpi,q' ecutioner, he said. Isn't that a suffiuiir.t wnMiin- .. us?" Lloyd-George adiitii. ENORMOUS LOT OF JEWELRY We have just received a very large consignment of all kinds which we have placed on sale at prices never before dreamed of in Salem. It will pay you to ask to see this stock. Special Wholesale Prices to Churches, Schools and Societies We are offering special wholesale prices in Candy, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Oranges, Apples, Figs, etc., to Churches, Schools and Societies. Our Toy and Gift Department Will give you some wonderful lessons in the art of economical buv mg. SHOP EARLY AND SAVE MONEY LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED IN TRADE, AT FACE VALUE A T ADVANCED TAKES RUSS0 TWINS (Mtinost Importance f ure, emulsified cod-liver oil is not medicine as many are prone to trunk of medicine. SCOTT'S EMULSION is m form of growth-nourishment that is of utmost importance to many children. That most children relish and thrive on Zcott's u a "traitm" accepted the world over. Give Scott' to tU children nJ watcb them gnw strong ! bcou at BawiK. Blooicld. N. J London, Dec. 8. Rura'an bnltdipviU forces, driving forward over a front of 450 miles in oautheastern Russia, have captured Kalatch. Birvjihn anrt Ai,.v. ievka, pushing the forces of General wrangle southeast towcrrt Esaritsyn, on the Volga river, in the extreme lower end of the province of Saratov, according to a British war office state mo nt. White armies have h:.! some suc cesses around Kiev, in thn rvrain. on.i south of Lisld, the Wrlush commun ique said. SIX CHARGED WITH BIG THEFTS FROM SANTFE San Francisco, Dec. 8. Kedpr.-il wui-rants were issued today for th arrest of four employes r.f the Santa re ana an Oakland ijnk ripMlor ar,.i a Ilichniond second hand dealer. -Tho.. are charged with extensivu thefts from the railroad. One estfn.nt khI,t tv, thefts totalled over $2r,0C0. The men arrested are Joser.h Miiio Oakland Junk dealer- Richmond; M. H. Bon. Frank W..L land, Curtis Byers and M eve "Whittle sey. The last four are switchmen em ployed by the Santa Po ft Uichmond. I ho evidence will be nresentorl hoi fore the federal grand jny Tuesday. liases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster Just spread it on with your fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain, Musterole is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for oniric rimf throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back ot frosted feet, colds on the chest. Nothing like Musterole for croupychil- !? ?ep lt handy for instant use. JOc and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. . ( m r flroctriea MCTsBraiihiiio's gR I lSf ptf oooda ' TfiePrewimStore Uuk'aSm ttl W SB W-aaaZLJ . : . j Clothing rzS .Tlotioas. tSS ... J PH0ME4S3 . Vmm ;-Kw.' X STOP ITCHING ECZEMA ' W44ww4mH :: ZZ ! I MP ' t - Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You Nevermind how often you have tried and failed, youcanstopburning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zemo furnished byanydruggistfor35c. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo 13 applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorouslyhealthy.alwaysuseZemo.the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain.When others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skintroublesof all kinds. The E. W.Rose Co., Cleveland, O. Salts If Kidneys Or Bladder Bother Harmless to flush Kdncvs anil nen. tralizc irritating ncirts Splendid for system For Colds or Influenza and as a Preventative - Take re- A new minlne syndicate tin rm ed offices in Curry county and Is tak ing leases t property in the vicinity of Denmark. The metals sought In. elude platinum and Iridium. Be sure you get the Genuin Look for this signature on the box. 30c Kidney and bladder weakness! suit from uric acid, says a noted au thority. The kidneys filter this acid from the Wood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to ir ritate and inflame, causine a burninc. scalding sensation, or setting up an ir ritation at the neck of the hlnrl.w obliging you to seek .relief two nr three times during the night. The suf- rerer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a Realrllni sensation and is very profuse; again, mere is difficulty in- avoiding it. uiaaaer weakness, most folka cm it, because they can't control urina tion. While it is extremelv annnvino- and sometimes very painful, this is really one of the most smple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from vour nhnrmnpluf TOUlCBpUUIUUl 111 u gicisg oi water before breakfast, continue this ior two or three days .This will neu tralize the acids in th llrlno en It rn longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urnarv nruana mhi, then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexnensive. hartViIosQ and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined' with lithia ana IS Used DV thmiesinria nf folk. n,v.n are subject to urinary disorders caus- ea Dy urio acid irritation. Jad Knit is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a nlennnnt effarvu. cent lithia-water drink, which oiilck- ly relieves bladder trouble. (AAvl HANDKERCHIEFS FOR GIFTS IUIXTY TOKENS IX M.M1TKI) M'.VIlJIOHS They are not nearly so plentiful as i rriller holiday seasons hut we have a splendid as sortment for early patronage. Vour choice now from the plain little cambric Kerchief Ht 5c to a very fine l,, trimmed and embroidered hy the unrivaled I'Tench and Swiss workers. Some are Venice edBed. some scalloped, some beautifully work ed in white ami colors. Also , ., !' Crepes - t $I.N5 each Kiddies Too. L i 1 1 1 e Printed and Figured 'Kerchiefs that will please ivittle Folk Be and 10c the r rim. Give Her a Pair of SILK HOSE Remaining Pieces of Chiffon Velvets $595 yd. r ! 'nly three pieces left Copenhagen, inj'rtl and brown 42 inches wide. What 11 nialt'i- less gift I Fortunate woman that gets for a suit ! Kich Chiffon Velvels good old slaying qualities and at lew wholesale juice! .': MoiiK and mcAvrcit cni'Sfir-;i i'M'she ulack salts KKQLnn;riE, iu ack SAL- TKX' Flll flAWt. IltACK AM) t.fB M KHCIUIZKI) HUMMING I'M'SU KS Why Net Turkish Twels J a i. .. ... .' . ' . i fnnc? " row or Dig thirsty ienuwa. , Turkish Towel of very good quality j . tliii 1th ,the limn 50!, 63e, OOl', $1.00