Weather Forecast ToiiIkIiI iIhI Suiuluy full. Minimi"" IS. ' jfo rainfall. WWAfS . o mumw. li you 00 not oi Detore 6:30 o clock and IMP Will Ka carl irnn 7 ,WI U1C wrars wrjstle. It you do not Epa u "pa llnllL lose will be sent you. KO. 289-TWELVE PAGES. AVERAGE CIRCULATION FOR NOVEMBER, 1919 54 5 9 Only Salem Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. ON GERMANY HUNS ' SIGN PR 1USINE FAVO PAY W 1YJUU1M ft mUtlLK PROPOSAL gALEM, OREGONSATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. John D. Has $1200 in Bank and Row Boat, Taxes Show Approval of Proposal to Raise Salaries Thru Addition of 1 Mill to School Tax Urged By Prominent Salem Men. Cleveland, O,, Dec. 6. John L. Rockefeller's personal property tax re turn on tile here today showed the following: Me hnd 11,200 in the bank: owns three motor curs valued at $S50; has one row boat valued at $10 and four teen lawn mowers, valued at $1200. No. the above does not indicate the oil king has frittered away his mil lions, but merely shows the value of Mb property interests in East Cleveland. REPUBLICANS ClOTMl UPON 110 ! BIDS $100,000 TO GET mm fight G. 0. P. Members Of Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee Fail To Decide On Rec ommendation To President. UNLESS OTOCOL British and French Military Commands Ready to Invade Fatherland; 12,000 of "American Troops on Rhine Available to Foch; Berlin Reports Refusal as Entirely Possible ' . By Unittd Press , . : Resumption of war on Germany unless she signs the protocol providing enforce ment of the peace treaty, was indicated in dispatches from allied capitals today. A Paris cable said the British and French military commands, as the result ol a conference yeesterday, were prepared to invade Germany in the event of her dfinite refusal to sign. Paris believed a virtual ultimatum would be despatched to Berlin within 48 hours. I FACTS ABOUT MONDAY'S ELECTION. PURPOSE OF THE EJECTION: to increase the school tax levy in Salem 1 mill and thereby allow an increase of $150 a year in the salaries of teachers. WHERE TO VOTE: Sample room of the Hotel Marion. WHEN TO VOTE: Polls will be open between the hours of 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. WHO CAN VOTE: Any man or woman who has resided in the Salem school district 30 days pre ceeding the election, and who owns property with in the distinct (City of Salem), as shown by the last county assessment, and not assessed by the sheriff. Washington, Pec. 0. A conference of republican members of the senate foreign relations committee, called to decld-3 on a course on the Fall resolu tion directing President Wilson to sev er relations with Mexico, was unable to reach an agreement today in a tour According to London, Field Marshal Wilson, the British repre sentative at the conference, hud offered co-operation of the British fleet should force he cmployeu against Germany. A special meet ing of the British cabinet was called today to consider Wilson's report. A report of the state department nt Washington said 12,000 Amer ican troops now in the Rhine dis trict would be available for use by Marshal Foch in the event hostili ties were resumed. Berlin reported that allied irisist hour discussion Senator Borah and Sonator Johnson, t.nce tn signing of the protocol prob r,.. it t. t,....ij ia 1,1 on leavinrr tho republican conference ablv would result in reorganization of j. ui ilium, ui ., ww. v. j. u i,.., .0 ... - . . ,1 i,v :,.i.iKv,ir, .4.1.U uecision tieen reached on tho Gorman ministry. German 01- WiwwBli-ht contest between Jack the resolution. Other, members con- !ficiaidom still resents the efforts of the Dempsey, title holder, and George Cur- tinued to discuss it. pentler. An offer of $100,000 was telegraphed to Jack Kearns, Dempsev's manager, today by a group of Portland business men for a ten round contest during Rose Festival week, next une, when the national convention of the Shriners will be in session hero. The committee has offered to post a cash deposit of $20,000 as soon as terms are accepted. It is the planto erect a temporary Uihm to force Germany to turn over Full Explains Resolution. 'docks and merchant shipping in pay- Whilo tho conference was on, the mcnt for sinking of the interned Ger Stato department announced it had man fleet at Scapa How and even started an investigation of the clrcum- a reorganized cabinet, it was said, stances surorunding the release of Wm might not consent to sign the protocol O. Jenkins, American consular ageni, ng constituted at present, from the prison at Puebla. in his conference with Marshal " r.n fn Hia m.lls nnrl vote for the 1 mill tax levy asked to meet the increase of $150 a year in the salaries of teach ers employed in the public schools of Salem. That Is the aavieu wmcn pronum-m business1 and professional men of the city urn offering In connection with Hid special school election to be held bore Monday. With few exceptions three men, realising that tho efficiency of the H im system of the city in seriously threatened unless 'the salurlos of the tcacners nro raised to meet tho I" ( Teased cost of living, nro behind tho proposal to iucronsa tho school levy to tho neccHWiry extent. Ami they lire inning that every qualified voter go Id the polls Monday and vote. IHrct-tors Henllze Need Just how serious Is tho hue 11; PUDGE 1 TO TEACHERS' Fall emphasised that this resolution Is based on a series of alleged indigni ties to American honor, the latest of which, he asserts, is the spreading of bolshevik propaganda in this country Foch yeeter,iay, offered the co-opera- stadium on Multnomah field capable b' f?? S. 1HP will tlon o the B.rltish " 1. f ..,tnr 7r, fiiin wrmni iuu i " , V Is necessary to compel w'""J .- - cZ Zl W AekerTan representing not act on Fall's severance of relation,. ihe o the alUe(j protocoi, Chailes W. Acke m- r'?e" resolution until President Wilson has 1 Exchange Telegraph dispatch from the commi tee said wan . to get , a rnemorandum ex- nartoaay Bald ,t 'Was understood offer is only a starter and if Kearns shows any inclination to accept the of fer we may be ableto go stronger. It is our opinion th;.t Dempsey does not like a long fight and for thai reason would be willing to consider our proposition seriously. We expect an Immediate answer from Kearns re- American Troops Ready To Advance Over Rhine 12,000 Strong Is Report By Hugh BullUo (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Dec. 6. Twelve thou sand troops now along tne Jttnine could be used by Marshal Foch In any allied advance further into Ger man territory, to enforce s.gnlng of the protocol by the Berlin govern ment, it was declared toany at mc state department. Under the armistice terms and the arrangements maae in connection with it, Foch can com-. mand these United States forces, ae- cording to the department. . Information is now in possession ' (U ,t fl -prMI, staff Correspondent.) this government, It was learned, that t U " ea ri 6.Mextau nermanv has deliberately taken ad- 1 fB.- "r" , , vantago of the United States senate's progress IN UB STATES PLAN Mill!! By S. I. Freed By Ed L. Keen ..-i.-i t, Gntf Pi,rri,nnn(lnnt.l (uiiikeu 4 i"B w.tiii ..i. i rejection ui mo .... in . tt.i-,.1 kni I J . .. . .... .ii..nne nn President Carranza now m jjonnon, uec. o. rroui 'an attempt at surnn ui, - - - - . -At l.l i .. ... . . nnnr- 111 T"ll aninCTtOn. rclectlon of the peace treaty to make i 7- ... "I ' : iiresslne his views on the matter. Ho . told Fall and Hitchcock at the Whitt i Tho dl(spotch silid it had been learned House conference yesterday he would have this before the committee oy Monday. Wilson Thought Opposed. It was generally expected that Wil son will advise against adoption of the irnn nxuiintinn at this time. Aumuv reliably that Foch will give uermany six days notice of further allied occu- nation if Germany refuses to sign. A snecial meeting or tne caoinei has been called for Monday to hear tho renort of Field Marshal Wilson's decision upon moasures to bo taken u .... i ...r,.iii,ii now- in Washington. Z, o escape ' furtheMhf.lcaon of the By peaceful methods such as obtalo- peace terms and avoid payment ior ing recognition m . a.....s.u... the seized German warsnips ntuin" muuuiiu - - in Scapa Flow. is thrown open following withdrawal The white house, it was learned, oe- 0f American support umn v.... lieved this sign of stuDDornnesa on tne eXies or an political coiur mo r Germany's part is but one of the eon- lng aed to unite on some construc- sequences of treaty rejection. resi- tive program. ' dent Wilson told senator siiiciiuutiv A j;t,xican patriot oi ummpoacnuura yesterday that responsibility now rests Bmcerity of the same type as. tho on other shoulders, in effect, that he mur(j0I.ea Folipe Angeles is now visit- is ready to remain in tne DacKgrouuv lng leadlng Mexicans In various Amer- until events prove iie a? ican cities, seeking co-operation ior a warning ' mat ooiHnevm..i - plan tQ j,e laid before the auminwurar trouble , with Germany would .follow Washington. Intervention, ot gardlns Portlands chances of landing tratlon senator8 headed by Senator Germany r6fuses to sign the protocol. Coming to the attention of the cxecit tive committee of tne Salem Centra . ii n .i n 1'iimnr Trades & Labor council u.ui --" SllUllli1"' ' ,,,..,i r. morn leni-lv to anyone " i'urrcnt that they were opposed to K.c.i.., - l30 ln teachers' saiaruw, t era of tho schoo rlfc nd that bdy today issued ,-ee .."embers ot en o vehement)y refuttlng this. th:in to tho inembo which are active In their advocacy of -s'"e'" the Inci-entta. Thev are E. T, l; ir nu..... 1 oU.,r T,. W.nslOW 1. 41. VllllK.-l Clin ,... -- , "Wo require thorough preparation Itoara fioni all tenchors before the contest. ."""his would be a great thing for Portland. It would put us on the fis tic map and would bring people from nil parts of the world." COM STWKE Will end w mm tfffl F Barnes, """" , the executive "We. tne mein' .,, lnrlul-H anil ia""' ""."" Cttieu, ..a,,r ,,... ..... . . th.(t a rumor is accepting . Braining tcacn- ..... Mr. that we are oi'i'""" ' .... I.. .nlnrV r.i.;-,r,n Dec. 6. Confidence th the coal strike will end before next Saturday was expressea nere m Hitchcock, saw tney. expecivu i"- There ident to tell the committee mat state department will not abandon its vigorous efforts to bring about a com pleted and satisfactory settlement of the whole Mexican question and that too drastic action by congress might defeat the government's plans. At v,o Ktiite department it was an- I nounced that an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the release of W- O. Jfflikins, American consul agent, from the prison nt Pcubla had been started. ' Released on Ball. Reports from Mexico City are that Jenkins, whose release the department demanded in two notes to Mexico, was ,t treed upon $500 bail, said to be have lwn fin-nisnea uy rejection ot the pact. to-no '-doubt "Marshal Foch's (Continued on page eight) OF .- 16 IS HELD AS PROBABLE By Carl ; Groat (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin. Dec. 5. Reorganization ot courao. will checkmate their hopes, ta case the United States uses armed forco to stabilize eonditions In Mexico, . these exiles will romain neutral. They believe that anyone aiding the Ameri cans ln Intervention would forever hn ibarred from receiving high office Ir I the gift of the Mexican people. Plan Not I'uimiexH. Th3 Mexican embassy of this group was in El PaBO recently, it has Just been learned by the United Press. H was last reported ln southern Califor nia and has visited Sun Antonio, Texas. He is a leader In the Mexican colony of New York. The backers of the plan are not ' ."' . . honeful of success, exiles here admrc- the German cabinet it tne However, they consider any et- increased crs a raise 1 ' embers of tors of the central competitive field, .hers now 8tron4 denial of this. As ( Lnbor we Negotiations between miners and ,)lft us to the American Fed. aUo n - mUng ' ,)periftol.s-if any are being conducted fill nro pieageu iu - - . ,,., ... n craft. ve III" l-uiumi"" helncr conducted iu'-""- , T.ii j '. . , , r.,.o. ., j it ald , ..,.. i.oitnr working operators u u"j --- "American uonsumr Beiii v. " t ifliCata. ins mi " " Jjlow iieet is emm -., ----- fill nro pledged to M-"" . t t ,ot,.. aub rosa. Operators aim reported ,that he was ... more per man than any oth- protcol Termed "KohlR'ry. .,,, schools are re- officials of the ope.ato.n - tlieiii In the Halem schools,' Uarnesr "Salaries must bo t'i hold I he experienced teac on our payroll, and to ena Kooure competent instructors to . ...1.1..,. Htlt-lllLT M,r Tbn t.n.le-nt to llo voted on Mon- thq teaclitis in '.. .. " , .i ..iblu reiving an un, oay represoiiiM in iwv:.-,v , - ...t,n ..,..,. tlit we. nmoiint which we can get nnn m. uncii, ar ir i i tho oreseut Trade-! I.aor luu' ' . " "u " l" 4m l ... .,. nf the raise, ltiun:aru of our scnoois. '"'", .,., about, ..ip , ,i,iun in school, or -o can to bring it aoi If you are interested ln tho general welfare of this community, vote for ttio school budget Monday. I "We cannot nfford to lower oui f-i'hool standards ln Salem." Proposal Should Carry Mr. Ollnger snys that "In order to retain good teachers it is nocessan l'.n- s.l.,m tn follow the lead of other ... ihmadu in en i . . ...... fl cuios in giving tnem un - - ,,,, im0us y tne - . , wilnrv. Tnrnmn. voted an Increase of un-.n hno the 1M.ovalons for wish to make men in close touch ' 7" justwageflna wewr " ? . - had been made USt .,.' nhe Central m0rs that an attempt "r" ni are strongly to feel out the miners .. . , ,iii do all. Situation i "T, J SIA1KAU- "PASCAL L. TRAYLIO. "S V JIUEI. BOSANKO. .C E. BARBOUR." TEXT' IS APPROVED Wnshineton. Den. 0. Farmers in creased the average crop yield lo per tie protocol, was ni,t in the lnst decade, Secretary zious t(Kiav. Department agents in Mexico navi ton Bnowea in his annual report mauo. public today. . ... affairs, may resign u int. T- xiles, candidate for preslden. The decade referred to ended wun the pr&tocol requiring Germany to su.- Mexlco la m)t 8ettled. This iatlu 1918. A great increase in the average render certain docks and shipping m difficulty. Every faUtion .... I- l.t .lnnarla VlmiH- v.... , 1. . unlrl,i.- nf thfl ScaOa 6'TO . yield is expooieu in mm "-vw return ior mo ...o....b - - wants Its loading man to ue presiuu. The patriot messenger is appeanna; nrinrea more per man tnan any ui"- rrotcoi u-nmu - , ,t n n nrnviRlonal nrest- .. ...1.1 1"" " , A nnl.l,,at U'lll UUIURBiv,.,. - , "... released from the penltentiar at nuu- ef Houaton said. Whether a reorgamu & wM & rcgular election is helrt. night, December 4, but that he was 1101 In BeIgiuln says tho report, ' only accupt tho protocol was not known. ,eadlng camndatcs are Francisw. advised regarding the reasons for hia &bout 5 3 acreg are cultivated for each Gormany bitterly denies her Bovern- Mamje, Caler0. i)r. release. It is evident from Mr. Jen- pergon engaged in agriculture, where- mont wlul responsible for Admiral on Vasqu(,z Gomez Is 'acceptable to some kins reports tnai ne mu as in tlle unueu ouvi, "- Keuter s kuuu - factions. De La Uarra is oeueveu ben ordered to get an lacis u..u im port as soon as possible. The state department made this an nouncement sist upon enforcement of the terms o wh(jn Uexim lf) tnr0(rt the nrotocol, was considered probable r nimrch U11CU Willi liuwi .v-i.vw- . . tv,nt- HoIIpv rH likelv to follow Herman Mueller, minister of foreign " . ' f CarranKa. resign if the section 01 ----- pnnnlnIlta return for the sinking of the Scapu tt-. nrtlnn in scuttling his Bhipu I " .. .. toi nn Kins repuim --- as m ""- - .. ,,, . . j ... Tactions. "Although I decline to ,1,""" ' , etlKe pf ball being furnished, 'ine tie- aponc,ing figure is 27 acres, lanms an(1 looks upon tne amen u. . pftrllJ Calcrn waR secretary o this subject," one ui '" partment is investigating uie 1.1 '"-jboth acreage and yieiu per ... surrenoer 01 aocua I foreign relations and later amoassamir Vv carding the furnishing or nan nnu ai , consideration, the average abotiui" ping as "roimery. tht) lInltca states under l'restunnc 1-2 times as mucn Frances failure to rawi" ...i,..,. has arousea tne r ..v...i,i 1,0 willing to wager 1 saui, i snuu-" . rcr earning tne im """ - the strikc will be over within a , v.eeK. ,natlince it was furnished.' The situation at p. - - - none of us dare to ten . uiUntlnn " ior l'': ,. fltntrd that he UUIS eanio Paris, Dec. " ; anroved in cil in neerct nota t0 u a iviiij Ttttt nn nnlv nskod tov an i" I'l.uiMrt nf 1 lunch to tb .ivornpe Individual's tax, ...... tv, neace treiity. ,n ...v,in, will not add ma." - - . hl.a not yet vnnvKW MAN WINNER ,at n a dita 1 JOURNAL CONTEST ?F LETTERS nfficlnl stated L, in touch today with mine 6.T1,e -preme coun-r;ners , mtferent states of ne -licUlle west, iney tllat the miners TZ T, ing more sovcreiv in.t. . - itleq from the shortage. Ci s ates that in a number - of m n- communities the m ners n e : n eroughcoa?totake LToTthelr npi,e needs. This per , -,iot tsbut down rhlcafW raceci OF While the note -,, lo bfa . ..i,ii it was unuuio""-- vJZnn'uithnatum. Bucking Plentiful. - There would be uniimiiea inontiy u- OF ELI Tomorrow auemuuu - 3Q J9 the Grand opera house the ocaj to dg nf KlkS Will nolo me men.".. f.,iinr nroduces n.iw nn t'lt-mnr: &.a ... ...... niun as tne nvt'i-aK ui:ib..." - - war ,wniti,.o ., ..,...,t, ii the i;nL'iisn; ..tout iiuiiirnntion limes io '"w- . - n t'-" - ,.,. .1,., ineiu wuuiu times as much as tho 1-rcncn. i i-- Referring to tne comnnmnu " hind tha m0Vement, it was declnreu, w times as much as the German and six British admirallty to the effect tnai brou(;ht to tnB agreement times as much ns the Italian." letters had been found on the salvaged mtorest8 have been The total value of all American Gorninn cruiser Emden of the scapa BOunde(, out a regardB their attltu- crops this vear is given us $15,873,000, j, low f)eet, showing Von Router was & the ,am Except those favor- 1 .... I. . .. . . . 1.1. 1. 1.. nnv.rnHlRllt &t llld ... .. . .... .1 TTmIIsiI 000 which l-touston says, m tn toucn wun u b-"- - - ig armed lntervcniion uy mo u..... 'three times the average annual vanift tim0 Ue issued orders for the nKlnBe s,ates. the movement has -met with of all crops for the five year period ,t waa stated BemI-officiaIly today u.e lhy lt wttS stated here. A hitch, preceding the war. Von Rueter letter, as l"otan y "n has been met with in the effort to ol- 1 At least $1,000,000,000 will be tho 8hlplj were interned and had not Been m,pport of the Catholic clergy. total spent in pooa ruuun uuumj acuvureu iu m . . ' m. , None oi tne presHut Brtn.wv nnA thr. next fiscal year, enuing juub !1, uccorillng to tho report. n-nn issueu - lllD atvlft OI .r .1.-. nnf lllvt! J liifiT .. hnnvV HllUWi ' Z'r several reasons In, Congrega ,. ir. niaKeuii . ..,iro ton oi ...liters wr" .. . .. ...i,. in the contest of The uapiia..." - ia that tne jum- "L" and surface lines - i . UinttlfrS. i i-w"1""' , Ton eWn al industries for the first 10 -k rltuaI and conducted with 1.? The Commonwealth Edi- l"hrtomary solemnity. Ralph White, rn nany announced that it w T Wrightman and Ervin . son eomP'inj . , d. nuim i. nrnn-inil comply wit nilnistratio dustries in son c ,.e ..... of the fucl aH. x ...... the pr0gram comply v.h.. nnwer f0r m- . nr,rrnm follows: irXthr The order -t. torV'h (Chopln)-E1Us administration TRUNmeiN SOCIAL SERVICE ADVOCATED Lclth Abbott, of Eugene, is the win- Chicago loop orchestra. Ritualistic ceremonies- -Lodge offi- Fulher Alibis Offercnl. . ,.., ranm inclndlnif Germany intended to use her influ- Qb n and Gonzales, is acceptable lo ence at Versailles to prevent delivery of this fleet, it was said. The admiral- suspect Carranza will try b ty declared the Rrltish statement omit - firth(ir poBtpone the election sched ted sentences from the letter wnlc"uled for next July, unless American specifically referred to the peace con- lpres8Ure agalnflt tho first chief su fcrce. ceeds In forcing him out. "The text, as printed, .,n,ioo" tha admiralty hero declared. Von Reuter, according lenartment of social service connection with some to tho admiralty, acted upon nis own io ii,iotiv In sinking tne f , . ,n.tAM n ttm new i"-1' ,.oaenis vw . " uii iur mo um ii-iiin v. - , .rnnt paK i"-" tr hhick lettei- iki -' . Hpjmi " .. ... line of The Journal and the gene lr. .V";,"nce. Heavy, '" ke-upoi th7t Page, according Weu cl e togetne. to tne announcement " ,lrst ft dlf icu.t .-- lhe lmpress.un uy, ana win bo mimi." stories at t"al " . nf the in""- .,.dB by the top i' gg 0f .SamplesOfLW.W.Sabotag. i K e:sion. Sent To Ulcott ris statement! , , . t. l. T- CaHate Once km ft ' the'varlous comm nica ion with his government naU George B. Chamberlain li".' : had been stopped. He believed the'Ioave. n0 room for doubt astc . his In- Proken Blossoms" (Robert Edgar state schools i r 60tloB armistlco had been terminate" a- tentlo wlth reference to "ol Break"-(Adams) Puf"w' 1 T " r.v for the purpose pllbliFh the full text of an correal..-- ba)iot at the proper i n... . prize of $10. . . . lnude by tne t.- nhercnt mass The second prize, $3, is i- that oi An H. S Presnott, 1500 Chomekota sir , out. ujjp .1,1 wHr.l of $2 go8 nc , the two stories w to J. fj, Schott, Thre Honorable the letters su A. Hoag, of Marlon 1770 Broadw Glen AV. Loomis, these letters will be publiahe Capital Journal during the week. .i..,i Fui-tne.i'.-- Flora Case, librarian of tne black noti rn,ii AVnl ace, ot paie.n no .tn Train- nn Break, Rreak: Todd. rehestra. . . v,o errant, nroblem ltl,.r.H LIl.LL .,,- C" ... " vWalter E. Keyes. 'mnfronting the commission of whicn officially. World WO uave . ln discovering interesting exhibition of John W - .. My God . f, 111 the British statement misrepre- . i... the 1. vt. - . .,..,..., . a ur. --, ,,.. mceivea o .hee r.m makes them plants mw f hls speciai it had with Von Reuter to show now sented the facts, it was siaiuu F,ulogy- er.n i,i. sri-eci, ...,,,mns as j"" - ' . ...uarac- ...,n,- u.cun .., m,-n tne t ni tne , t, ... . cum - . .... nnrt oi vi A h ruiininis :-ui ....... tj.,nin sne . . inl ri'MUtxs Hllilj J' O Win Mention. - n8 not Dems thrown agent9 epguB- - lzaUon ln ore- . ,. (Nettl Olds e.g. competently trained women lu. - mention Is also give. - t pllge nut ,)y tne activlLes . - g mnre tnan h piu.dal,l; Mrs. r ramt ..., servlce . . , The Umitted by Mrs. " flt the last n m ,ie3 un- gon. ne covering eve. ..mpantet I An appropriation u "T wln naHa the ! Maude s. "' .Wg eye win. fnra their ere a score ropaganda. '-. jnedicliun-Kev. - "- '' ,,' made by the last w-n -- . wcek, oy street, aaie.n, ----- name !-;- atorie8 wk pna . , ,. or worK ionK -- ..stnw and " ture for tne cru, . Mm vf1,t(,d today. Th's w of Bilverton. uthpS the two ""-"-,..!int ones. ever 3 .f, lire scabbing o ' rrhstra. of this new oep.-"' ',M committee Cummins senate by Senator Cum- ould give ..n,.ul nr Attorney uc. Brown's opinion holding that Gov ernor Olcott holds office for the oit .v,ii.,i term of the late Governor Wlthycombe Is also expressed by Sen ator Chamberlain In his letter. GUARD INSPECTION SI'TP Units of the Oregon National Guarcl nt Ssileni. Kugene, Ashland, and Marshfleld Modfortl will be inspeotea av com. nn P while another Beware .. ,lo . re r do not n-" oml are t"" ""';, nturature ' t nreuj the nf rau c.u tn nre '' . ... enhotago- .. iniui!e ,. ... .. n...i ir,,i np.p. ot t" . . . tne imr ... nme cei-- . t nns oi - uonc i.ini-ary, rum " Sillem Wotnr T.lullt & PoWd lany and W. I. Stalcy, of The - Mr, Abbott's first-pvixe letter lows: ;. -' ,. , 1J1I11-CT ... - . , , , .V, n . ...aalra The school board of TillamooK .... the Glrl8 Training e" .T." senate railroad b'lls be i"1"' " . ... .u rirnuhinnt wiiHun ducted m fore January x, . , " return me n"" k" ' ,f tho heavy er av cet PauoTa- f "Sabotaere plnte. K ; weapon." a onecUtl eieciiun mi i., r ,,,,,t nn Homes. POSe of authorising the expenditure fituaylng jhe work nf $27,000 for tne pui acres and the building of a gymnas ium. as cono ,-ing tne w... including .vnected to TUT Sea. "Jn h in the work vate management In her own state. sllphtly over - ataM (im, c , ''Ze mntlor. inspecting general nf i. i r,,n,-rl next week. Thi tlon wll lbegln with cotnpun Sale munlt, Monday mgn C.K. fol- m 1? MS 7"