''HIM t. A PITA I IIIIIUM 1 I . . ..... .. ... FAST SHIPS SOUGHT FOR 1 RANS-PAC1FIC LINES OF AMERICA -oaulm. UKEGON. THURSDAY. DF.P.RMRF.T? A 1010 PA' i THRE- , , . .V State House Briefs. WKl0W()fManWnAn;oJ , IIUU ISitU At State Hospital Mayy Si ue Tho widow of Claims dl8no7T7:.. .. !!.,...," Wu" ,e", who rtnt con m lZ, 7 ' ",dustrlal a ,h al0 h06pltal recentl-. Washington, Do. 4. Represent!!. tlvi-H of evory seaport on the Pacific coast as woll oa of Hawaii and the I'hlllpplnoa appoarod beforo Chairman Payne of the ahippir.R board Vodnen day In a plea for faat freight and pan sonsor nhlp to take care of the rapld ily developing trade In tho Orient. f)r. I'aul B. Rolnwih, former United Plates nilnleter to China, wan upokps man for the dolerntcn and outlined In dotal' the trade opportunities In tho Orient. He stated that a two week service had been entabltHhod to the Orient for piiHHongcr and freight and a three-route aervlcn which would roach Vladlvoatok, KobH, Jupan, Ma nila and the Philippines vhould aluo be CHtabliahed. Two veBselM on each route would bo necemuiry to nialntuin tho buHlncas that would ordinarily fro to fort'ln bottomt lio Wild. ' ' Itclnftch declared that tho Orient wna willing to work closely with tho United Stattia and If America failed to Kiaup this opportunity the trade would be snapped up by othor coun tries. Chairman Tayne In answering the deloRiitcB slated that tho first suit able chips available for Oriental aerv Ice would be allocated to tho Pacific but the board's flrat task was South America and next the Pacific Payno declared a permanent American mer chant marine muat bo atabllHhetl and that he would mako every effort to have coiiktuhh back hint to'iwtablish ono. xce, of the nulm7 than 00 "0 acres of ,nd PIERCE PREDICTS WAR WITH YELLOW RACE Tin Palles, Or., Dec. 4. "The con test between the white man and the Mongolian has to bo met sooner or later, and If by no other alternative than by war, then tho sooner the bet ter," declared Delegate Walter Pierce of La Grande, Or., speaking at the annual convention of tho Oregon and southern Idaho division of tho Far mers Kducatlonnl & Cooperative Un ion of America hero. "Tho Japanese has abaolutoly no moral or honesty standard." contin ued Pierce, who was Democratic can didate for governor during the last Oregon campaign. "He will break a contract nt tho slightest provocation, and cannot be trusted. If allowed to spread he will soon control the agri cultural activities of this state "I urgo stringent laws to protect American property from the Incur sions of Mongolians. Tho east and west can never mix." Tho farmers union Is exnected to pass resolutions before adjournment urging tho legislatures of western states to pass laws absolutely pro hiblting .Tapaneso from holding lands cither Individually or In corporations. land. ur,a n Hlnto engineer's offi ltn the Malheur county. "mWn Valley, P G r iff It h"' ' "v? l Sutenlnt cost of l ' Whn alM that the high the ProdUce hM worked to J- P. Kerr of HlllHboro Is the first Z V l Qtnm- hls PP"catlon be- ng received Wednesday. A total of 528 brokers have now been licensed in the state with the revenues of the department from license foes aggre wUng J7040 for the fir.t year of Its existence. It Is expected that more than $4000 of this amount will bo turned over to the general fund of the state after all expenses of maintain ing tho department have been met ! INCORPORATIONS. bnJ lne del,h ot hus band, according to word received here, fenson was assaulted hv ,.., "the Institution the night follow- oeZ Cmr Multnomah "... i, a ennth aftor .k . uiuiwbu a week "ter the assault but an autonv fi,iiB wsautt and the death a : tuest which Im-cii.,.-j -L broimKf i ""'smi mo case Xtl'ci,1 ' hfromj jJI"5 bla ot the claim which Mrs. ! 12 l" mid t0 ba P-ParInB is not' West Salem. The Highway Film company of Portland, capitalized at $10JI00, filed articles of incorporation with the cor poration department here Wednes-, day. The Incorporators are Joseph Hceso, Jean Miller, 0. C, Kottka, R. E. Miller. The Tire Service corporation of Portland, capitalized at $5000 also filed articles Wednesday. The Incor porators are F. G. Lamy, L. E. Crouch and A F. Lamy. Kosolutlons of dissolution were fil ed by Wherlty-Ralston & company, Clatsop county and the BanSon Far mers and Merchants Telephone com pany. The Kent Elevator company nt ''ent. Multnomah county, filed a cer tificate showing an Increase In capi tal from $2B,000 to $30,000. TOLEDO CROOKS SCATTER Toledo. Ohio, Dec. 4. Toledo's fa mous crook colony was scattering to parts unknown today following a ser 'es of raids last night in which two hundred men and women were ar- res'ed and many thousands of dollars wo-th of narcotics and other muter la's taken over by the police and fed eral officers. Medley Mixed In Proposing His Amendment Evidently J. E. Medley of roiilaml got his wires crossed when he proposed to amend article one of uio uua con stitution by adding anotuer suc.oii iu bo known as section 36. There are already two sections ito ot article 1, according to a ie,ii union Attorney Oeneral Brown lias wnuei. calling Mediey s attention to lus error. One of these sections pruinous me manufacture and sale of lm.i.at.iiii, liquors and the other p,oi..u,.s inc death penalty within the siaie oi jio gon. Uoth of these amenu.ems weio added to the statutes in 1914. Medley'g ' proposed a...eiKt.ueu! would establish a minimum wab ot -. for an oight hour day for n.eii and a wage of 20 for a week of 4 n-u.s fc women. Tell Your Friends About Nicotol The Enemy of Tobacco Mrs. Albert Linegar and baby son returned to their home near Mori mouth Tuesday after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Miss Mary Notson, Mies Eddy Compton and Miss Lva Rlggs, all Wil lamette students, were Bunday dinnet guests of Miss Ruth Bedford. A Mrs. Davis of Oregon has rented and moved into the Frank Lamb house. Mr. J. A. Huston has purchased the Gus Stoller house recently occupied by the Clint Woods family. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cade were Thanksgiving guests of his parents. They returned to their farm home near Albany, where they have large stock holdings, Thursday evening. Mrs. Elmer Bales and three little ones of Wallase, Idaho, are In the val ley for the rest of the winter. At present they are guests of her mother. Mrs. D. K. Erannan. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore and fam ily, of Fairfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Huston were Thanksgiving guests at the F. M. Moore home. Recent arrivals In West Salem from Missouri, are Mr. and Mrs. rhillips, young people who have rented the Frederlckson house on 4th street. Mr. ami Mr Edwin Urock are hav ing a delightful visit Ip Oakland, Calif. They went down In tome to eat Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Brock's brother, Thomas and wife. They ex pect to be home for Christmas. West Salem public school has two teachers and owing to the influx of pupils into the neighborhood Is in need of a third which may be forth coming the beginning of the year. City council met in regular session Monday evening and transacted routine monthly business. Win, McAdams, employe at the Re form school, has been at home with his mother for several days quite ill with a heavy cold. James Shields attended the funeral of his relative, Mr. Hoffman, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. M. Shultz from Buttevllle ar rived at the home of her brother P. M. Moore on Tuesday for a several days visit. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. Do it now, don't wait December 20th -begin today Let us show you some real Christmas Gifts for Men Gifts which the men appreciate lira until! ' 1 A nice assortment of Bath Robes Priced at $7.50 to $15.00 Underwear BOUGHT AT OUR STORE ALWAYS GIVES 100 SATISFACTION "You do not take a chance in purchasing here Salem Woolen Mills Store "Every Family in Marion and Po k Counties a Patron Vf b'-iw Many Women Use Glyycerine Mixture man's health to refreshments It Improves any quit tobacco If he can escape the the parsonage i ..m.r thnt usually attends Dainty light ,i,i,nnt such ass stance as served by the hostess. I'"'" ' r J.:' ever have Mrs. W. W. n,T,rh? Trv Nicotol In get- the arrival from Junction City, ting rid of the tobacco habit and see how quickly the cough will disappear Is dlspensoa Dy m b" especiair- v (Adv) JOURNAL WANT S.alem women will be surprised at the INSTANT pleasant action of sim ple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed In Adler-i-ka. One spoon ful relieves ANY CASE gas on stom- J. T. Hunt Tuesday ach or sour stomach. Because Adler- afternoon when a dozen of West Salem i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower ladies gathered for a carpet rag sew- bowel it often cures constipation anu i Their nhlect Is a rag rug for prevents appendicitis. One lady re- Nicotol druggls's In D. J. Fry. this city, Bales is rejoicing over Colo rado, of a sister, Mrs. 8. Huffer, whom she had not seen for twenty years. Mrs. Huffer will make a lengthy visit. ADS PAY norts herself CURED of a bad case were of bowel trouble and constipation. J. !c. Perry, druggist, 115 South Com mercial, r (Adv) E. O. Whipple suffered the loss of one of his arms Saturday, when he fell against one of the large Baws in the l enoa mills near Drain. r to I FFfD) OIL PRICKS ADVANCK New York, Dec. 4 Kerosene pncua have advanced one cent a i wholesale In Pennsylvania a '" ware and one-half cent a Colorado, Montana, New Me 1 anil Wyoming. It was announced he e. GRAND 2 OP R ONK AHWOOD5 presents W IN The Play that started NY on a Pa jam a Ja Jl 1 ;fj h j ij,lMt!' I !' -J n.J.i..- the national joy smoke makes a whale of a cigarette! Avoid Poctor Bills This winter weather calls for plenty of warm clothing and bedding, consequently we are offering this week, Special Reduced prices on F! H erwear, annc! S B Sweaters, I irts, Wool osicry, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Blankets edding If you are in need of any of these articles, come in this week and buy them at o; t saving. Awtitlnt your ttyse. you'll Rndtoppy red boils, tidy red tin, hendmome pound And hilt pound tin humidor endthet elatty, practical pound crystal glaaa humidor with eponge molatener top that keepa Prince Albert in 0uca pemcr condition i Ad FUUb OK IjAi - OCEAN IS OP SAliT THE IDENTICAL NE. PRO'CTTON - PRICES lower Floor 2-00 Balcony .....$1.0, Gallery I"" Beats at Opera Hotme Pharmacv Saturdav , urhen vou lay your smokecards on the table, Y.tJl keep count mitkui a tib" . ,.n, nll never arc"Kvi - cnr &2cZzh nackM! a- HatAn of half your r r ... r. man. VOU naven i . m, - Talk about flavor. "'"; ,ing .em with P. A. can ao tor you smokecareer until you J rare fragrance-prooW 8n i And. back of 8 .'.:- tpnted orocess that nut bite and parch I Wrtnr- y , Prince Albert will outlast any phonog Uke fl regulae pall had as to how delightful a rottn WUI ' i. - nrh to roll. la .ir,n vou ever naa as wiw uw.6 - Prince Albert upsets that has made three men smoke EV;BACCOCOMPANV.Wtal.N.C. liVtli Mt t SA1. CHRISTMAS SAL Will find our store full of bargains Wait for this big event CASH ItORE Groceries WKwmm. DrY Goods " Tfe PWmStOV HabShoes PHONE 453 ft I t f i