Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 04, 1919, Image 1

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Weather Forecast
Maximum 2H.
Mliilmuni IB,
No niiiilaU.
listen (or the Carrier's Whistle. If you do not
receive your Capital Journal promptly, pnone
81 before 6:30 o'clock and one will be sent yon.
Officials Resort To Drastic
Measures To Conserve Rap
idly Diminishing Reserve!
a Mr I .ft 1
Suppy throughout fcast
By Ui( I'nlUtl 1'itqh.
Tim coal famine, becoming hourly
, ,( nfiii'im In Out central went, today
tnuii to niiiko Itself felt In other parts
0t tli country.
All electric dlFplu'yadvertlHlng was
ordered discontinued In tho Phlladet-
i tiia district, extending from St. Louis' -
tHtiv.-.r.i t nw vork and southward Agreement Of AdniiiHstration
to tlio Potomac.
In New York, curtailment of subway
(.ml elevated nervlce and dlscontinu
j.ih'O of heating of cars on those lines
viih concldorod.
officials continued their fight to con
tervo fuel In tlio west. Three ro
ricmal railway director meeting in
Chicago decided to cut all passenger Washington, Dee. 4. A new contest
n-i vlee between that city and tlie l'uol- between tho democratic administration
fie roast one-third, beginning Muml.iy. Hnd the republican congress over re..
Illinois Stores Cloned. , vision of revenue lawn was apparently
The Illinois public utllltleB commis- ppproarhlng today. Both admlnlstra
elnii ordered retail stores and factor- Hon and congressional leaders agree
ten In that state not to open before 9 there must bo revision to meet record
n. m , the former to clo0e at 4 p. ni. pchcj time expenditure but agreement
and the hitter at 3:30 o'clock. ends there.
Governor Allen of Kansas intimated Secretary of tho Treasury Glass,
that volunteer may be culled to re- backed by President Wilson, wants a
1 hi"ii railway switcnmon who reiuseu luvimon siartcu at once.
to handle coal dug by volunteer mln- Republican leaders say It will not be I
, 1B, done at this session of congress.
dovcrnor Robertson of Oklahoma lCvcess Tax Opposed.
Iuim declared martial law In four couii- Oliuw wants excess profits taxes abol
Hen t prevent Interference with state ished and an Increase in the normal
Mining operation. ' income tax rate and the sur-tax rate
Operators In Washington mihmltted on Intermediate Incomes. Republican
to Fuel Administrator Oarfleld new leader say they are doubtful about
vii co prulo embodying a slight Increase raising sufficient revenue If this is
ever the 14 per cent suggested by the done. Tho revenue bill for 1920 was
I" I
ml immm
T- ocvt rrniT t - - -.
rttlil I AliilUr I.M
FYDFOTfn Alien
m 1 1 1 1 ii ii v i n
"W i.y v I Lll
54 5 9
Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
of Circulation.
And Republican Congress
Ends With Common Behet In
Reed Of Revision.
As Others Are Doing
CALEM, in presenting the proposal to raise the
& salaries of teachers in its public schools, to the
taxpayers at a special election to be held next Mon
day, December 8, is but following the lead of other
progressive communities throughout the country. -
Salem is following the lead of others ii this effort
to give teachers a living wage. Many states estab-'
lished large increases last year: New Mexico gave
30 tp 40 per cent increases; Colorado, 20 per cent;
Arizona, 25 per cent; South Dakota, 20 per cent;
Oklahoma, 15 per cent;, many counties in Wyoming
have minimums of $900 and $1,000. Cities, last year,
gaye large flat increases and without exception
raised their minimums. Butte, Montana has a
minimum of $1,200, has given each teacher $400 in
crease since 1917, and last year gave each teacher a
$100 bonus in addition. San Jose, California has a
minimum of $1,200, and last year granted a flat sum
of $500 per teacher. Fresno, California has a grade
minimum of $1,050, and last year gave a flat bonus
of $250. Blackfoot, Nampa, and Pocatello, Idaho,
have declared $1100 minimsms. Walla Walla, Wash
ington, has minimum of $850, and gave this year
$200 bonus.
Salem's minimum is $765.
Attorney General Puts Data
Agamst Miners Into shape
For Trial; 84 Leaders Are
Sought On Bench Warrants.
Foreign Relations Committee
Begins Consideration of Fall
Resolution to Sever Rela
tions with Mexico
Washington, Dec. '4. Beginning consideration of
Senator Fall's resolution directing the president to sever
diplomatic relations with Mexico, the senate foreign re
lations commiittee today questioned Henry P. Fletcher,
United States ambassador to Mexico, its lirst witness.
Meanwhile, the , state
waited for a reply to its second note
requesting immediate release of W,' O.
Jenkins, American consular agent Jail
ed at Puebla. Bo far as this govern
ment knows, Jenkins is still In prison.
Propoganda I'luurgea.
"Questioning of Fletcher followed a
long statement by Fall, in which he
mid -before the committee evidence
whioh he nnid proved that Carranza
ia back of a propaganda system In this
country comparable in extent and vici
ousness to the German efforts before
.hio'i sntrsnicK Into the i7ar. Fall
told the committee that In his opinion,
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 4. A
federal grand jury bus been called
for noxt Monday morning to In-"
vestlgate charges that coal opera
tor are In league with' miners in
; a conspiracy to violate the Lever
act, District Attorney L. Ert Slack
announced today.
' . . . , . rAn tha ritAMlon fro. .
I Washington, Dec. 4.-(Unlted Press) , all Mexlcan dlplo-
I Attorney General Palmer today nau 0on8Ular ngentg and for with
I5reaimiw"-'" :owni of American officials irom
wtih activtlies of leaders in the coal r . ,
Fletcher testified before the commit
tee in secret session Members were
lnel (niniliilotratlon.
enacted at the lust session of the sixty,
fifth congress. Glass contends that
the present session should frame a bill
for 1921 so that business will know in
advance what taxes it will have to pay.
There Is a tradition that the. party
which frames a revenue measure Just
before election fares badly at the hand
of ths voters, but congressional leaders
deny they have this possibility in mind
In delaying.
j Ilralim IViuilled Glass. , '
(Jliiss In his annual report to con-
greas declared the excess profits tax
"encourages wasteful exjendlture, puts
Chicago, Pec. 4. rofwengor train a premium on over-capltallzatlon and I
iervleo on all western railroads from a ponalty on brains discourages
Chicago to tho Pacific ?oast will be cut new ventures and confirms old ven-ine-thlrd
beginning Monday, Decern- tutres In their monopolies." He also
,er S. Puts upon it a part of the blame for
This action wm decided upon cere high .rices.
Presence of Santa Claus
In Home of Every Kiddie
Promised by Cherrians
Btrlke. ' .
Assisted by C. G. Ames, assistant at
torney general, Palmer Is sorting the ,cent concerning his testimony,
evidence for use Tuesday when leaders t Hitchcock offered the commlt-
of the United Mine Workers will go B11KStitiite for the Fall resolution,
before Federal Judge Anderson in in- MI th, if President Wilson
dlanapolls, charged with contempt of . . . flt t0 break diplomatic rela
court. '. ' Itions with Carranza, congress would
Ames probably will leave here Sun
day for Indianapolis to direct the gov
ernment's side of the case. This has
Santa Claus will come to every child
in Salem this Christinas. The Cherrians
have Invited him; and will see to U
that he leaves some sort of present in
every little girl or boy's stocking the
rt yet been settled, however. Pre
sentation of the government's case may
be left to Dan W. Simms, of Lafayette,
back him UP.
The committee did not vote on eltncr
the Fall resolution or the Hitchcock
Lansing to Testify.
Secretary Lansing was asked to ap-
near this afternoon. . The committee.
tweago, uk, t.r-"""' - ni.rtnv todav named a
supplies of coal now held in the United chrl3tlna8 cheer committee that will
tndny at a conference of the three wwtt "1 do not think the ways and mcans '.states was urged today by mid-western act escort to Santa. Christmas eve.
Ind.. special United States district pegged untll 2:30 without taking ao-
tomey. t(on,
Tf Ames remains here It will be be- Fonowing the session, Hitchcock
cause his presence Is needed to take . t. i.theen was considerable diver-
day before Christmas. The Cherrians ctiarre oi m coueeuuu a. Blty 0f opinion" in tne commmoe.
have arranged for him to bring some .evMence offiMn's said tnflav. , ThQ pre8laent is, directed to use tho
candy, or maybe a handsome toy Special agents of the Justice depart- tarmy and navy to force settlement of
anyhow, each kiddle will know that he jment were stationed in and near every cIalm9 heid by American citizens
has come, and no youngster in the city coal field, -chese men have been at agaln8t Mexlc0 should that govern
v.. ....i. eh.i.imiiHavim.liinirlt since November 8. Thoy nave , .fOIrt 0 nartlclnate in a Joint
cause old St. Nick did not Come. " jerowded several files at the head office oomml8glon to liquidate claims in a
Escorts Are Named. here with the atnrv of the activltie of ovlslon of a joint resolution offered
Colburn Stadium, London, Dec 4.
Georgea Carpentier won the European
heavyweight championship hero tonight.
The Frenchman stoppoa Joe uecK-
ett, British title holder, In the first
round of a scheduled 20-round bout ,
with a knockout,. -
The sudden termination ox tho
match dumfounded the great audience
that filled the stadium.
Tho applause that greeted tho men
when tb.ey went to tho center for the
first round seemed barely to have died
away when it was over.
Carpentier's remarkable victory, !t
. i
was generally accepieu, eiin
him the right to meet Jack Dompsey
for the heavyweight championship of
the world.
Beckett was. helpless before tho
Frenchman's speed.
by the fuel shortage. ..
nnvernor Frank O. Lowdcn of I1U-
n n reirUmni iiireoior It. If. AUliton coiiiniilteo is likely to follow this Bug- LffiHulB as a ineftns of temporarily
I (irlhwestern regioni Hnlo Ilolden, cen fifstlon," wus Representative Green's I comb;ittlng the serious situation caused
tral weHtern region, and I. ir. 1'usn, answer to Uluss. ureen, next to vnair.
southweKtern region. man' Fordney, is ranking member of
Tho reduction will effect a one-third the committee,
cut In train miles, the number of trains "There are many objectionable fea
ellniiiia(lmr varying with local Condi- tures connected with the excess profits
No Special Traliw.
tneal miners' leader it was learned. a.,,tl.r Kinir. democrat, Utah. The
The evidence .collected, jot yet made reeouton wus referred to the foreign
public, is understood o Be a mosi reInttonjt committee. -
.t AAnertntlnn nf the dally lives of the, -.itinn nrovldes that tho
leaders. ... ' ".. I iTnite.1 States shall request the Mcxl
; Jean government to Join in creating a
H4 ljcuaera suuK . ! commission to oonsiaer wra .
The men are: J. F.' Hutchison, jonn
Todd, W.. J. Staley, F. B, Tilllnghasi
and Frank Deckebach. '
And Salem will have a big Christmas
tree this year. It will stand brlgntu
.i nionnnd tt. appeal to the : illuminated, on the court house square.
federal government for shipment of , The committee ol Ctarrian. otaw
... . iti in . . . . i i i. nr- trim rpaiure oi viii wuno w o i caiv r - ,
tiona tax bul tne reaucuon m raies win mm- supplies of hard coal neia in uiu . T,e8 Uuruh 1 ehabd with vtniation of the govern- . Drovldes that the president snan
pate its application,' Green continued. wrti. western states now suf- U, 'Vaah!, wtn nrovlde iL..l' anti-strike inlunction. Tho ,nt cornmUslon of eleven Amer-
No Rpeclal trains are to be run for "It has one merit that is often over- - ' rlou8lv ""r . derstood. teehnfeal charge is criminal contempt t0 lnciude army officials and
I UMlneHH or pleasure traffic. No sec- looked, namely that only those wno Governors Confer. , x mas Cheer -erywhere, I of court. t civilians, which shall consider sucii
That, with the gorgeous decorations Jn Lm-ls actlnsr presinent oiim c)ama and decide the terms oi boi.
Indianapolis tnd., Dec. 4, Bench He ftU clalm8 raiSed against the Moxi
warrants were being sent throughout government for damage to prop
the country todav for the arrest of 8 i e of American citizens. Should
leaders of the United Mine worKers Mexlco doclii.e to participate tne. reso
la tor "rains. No parlor
C'tt-Q mv Vin ii and
Ai,nei ihrnnirh advertisements 111 a ral-je'ln the normal income tax rate
all large cities in the district included ftnd a raise in the sur-tax rate on
in tho order will ask the public tq re- medium sized incomes,
fniln from all unnecessary traveling. To this Gfcen says:
The order doos nofaffoct mail and -it would be extremely difficult to
xpn 6B trains except in preventing ad- obtain the amount produced by the ex-
ilx from Incomes, it ib
traffic ' - known that the multi-millionaire.
. . are already transferring their holding
Tonrtwt Travel lilt. to tax exempt securities. I thlnH tne
Los Angoles, Cal., Dec. 4. Curtail- same icsult would follow if we under
n.cnt of train nervlce from the east to took to raise intermediate rates as sug
th Pacific const comes at the height ee8ted by the secretary s report.
of tho heaviest tourist rush to south
ern! California In history.
Already hotels aro full almost t"
overflowing and have ' resorvationii
Veeks nhead.
tho Banta Fe Had announced tnai "i"'""";:."' ;mmision today or
had reservations from the oast sold out pumc uum. wlth
. nA,..Knnru' r.nniereiice,
will be hold in Bt iouw " the Business Men's League pian iu miners was t- - --- racnt.
oiul sections or regular trains are al- are making a high profit pay tt.
!,wel ruioflnw traffic must wait lor Green upposea rmu.
or lounging To make up for loss tnrougn aoou-i con9lder a proposal that dractlc th downtown atroets, will ptn, Ma".hnl Mark Storen tonav vo
(Inn nf the profits tax Glaus suggested . ,,ia,rlPa. including the 1 tha mnB. heantiful- i.n hnnd of in nnn. Of the lenders
. iMinnnnmiii w - m m k h cmliuiii uuo . .
a - t,if hour day now in effect . . - , j,ivinff tho Christmas ,fco T-er in nwmwv Lew's to wor
l!!inrii fJtnrw Orred To
R"sle Hours
uH.,rfleld. 111.. Dec. 4.-Tne !.....
City and other . , ,, nhtd bells will ... nffi-v n."d take the same action
resteni cities, be extendt-d to cover the hang a(.'the ,nterscctlorB of the prin- ware. ,Wilam K ,-enJ148ecr!'lt,7;
entire United States. clpal streets in the business section t,MRvr: w '"n' "Z " t't
Tho coal shortage must the clty; and the lamp pobm wm ' ,. , . .
a national and not as a sectional prob- fi wlth Bmelly 8hlning evergreen Rrt. w,tdnt of the Tnana diet, Int.
1cm the governors will coutend. bowers. And In each shop window a ,, wmian. M'teh seeretar for In-
Continued cold weather caused in- n wreath wIn hang. Several mer- aanEk.
. nf the middle . , thoir Intention
tense guttering i i. cnams nave -----
west today, where fuel was 0f making elaborate winuow u..-
able. ... Hons. ........ThK
liurmng It won t De u " "" i
v..,rnoil fnr ... atifi onantllv
Ear corn was repon , ttle tol wno, !" - i T.-onna find . . . AA,i Intn the win-
Some pans clotnea gazea wuc-cjo -
fuel in
in sufficient volume for December to dered all re tan v - h,.Rlnosg:to try its nana mt by
eqnire a two section train every dav a few "y,' m. Thejmines, foow1. "I Kansas. Strip
vH,,.lng Chrlstmaa and tho two days at 9 a. m. rM will Governor jyZ been
rrodlng. Practically all trains from order to f d Jose at 3:3 P- m. mines in Bartor
tho oast have boon runnlncr In two and open nt 9 a. m. ana ieel.M(l by o0einorU
tlireo sections throughout November. In the effort to mr
. . .t.. ho his. I
TJebraskn.- . . . , dows at tmngs u
Reoerts today stated that tne e.u.. , 8Camper in glee Deneatn u.
rntainrtrteel district would close down de lory; and wm return to
Calumet hiwi . , re .,. ., Hnnta Claus
Saturday f 'roan supijuco j,is nome to n" - -
f,ot receded In the meantime. brought by the Cherrians, has been
Tl state of Missouri today planned ftnd left 8ome pretty tokens of
The suue u. '- -.,. ,hB CODl '". "-----
its hand at m"' --- his remeorante.
Explosive Elements In Mexican Sitaatom,
Srtna- Ultimate Intervention Precephbly
- j "w
. .ent,. She Jenkins cose. This S1
m TJ, 4; arc'noi favored by -"ZZ. bar WJ -
Plosive elemonu In the Mexican sit- Cal lor a show" down .rcjH
If sufficient witnesses that aho la
old enough can be procured, and It
ho- hPn established that they have
-u .i,i oitv lone enough to ob-
. . . .o Unense. Earl Wert,
n innrTT II OT KQUth 30, and Pearl Ctevlnger. whom author
MMU Ab HOnUf'Vf h"!?1,ri?tebd 0 mJrVranu
" I0.,u'"'""; r, hlln daven Pending
aga'-t W-t. and the charge of lewd
In an effort to secure a court inter- 'cohabitation VX'wts anoued
TSSS -"tory to Judge
r,nt and. forest projects a Puu . ,ha ran away
I Z, .tao, was filed this morning unrun --;" u doming
with the supreme court by J. De- -m -";W of' ttl
vers, assistant anoi" & - oftfi. her parents had aiapiay" 'k-
resenting the state highway commis- after her par
,8k":, t 1917 the federa, govern- ,?TS?&
--- , , , nna no i;iu..i..:, . -- .
'ment appropriatea ---- --- being unablo to do tn.s
an and wife in a 'ocai
v ,nt1I ttlien llllira i.i.v
l,,,, in the nouse iouy enn eon on the conuiuon . .Mn t0 B0t roarrieu. . --
Washington, Dec. 4.-A Joint reso- road con8truction under which
Uon declaring the war at an em. the 8tate 0r Oregon wa c" ' - ,,"
Knn.uuu 011 n , , nfi aDIO w " . A
Tinkham, Massacnu-i . appropriated by the state. clalm8i his intentions were kw.
. ' iThia anoropriation was authorized iy - nQ tlme dld ho think or nnB
Tinkham said he had conrerrea ,egl8lature Df 1917 uno-r ing glrl herefor evil purpose.
enate leaders anu a. "7-- .hat i8 known as tne ...--..--- u deVelopeu mm ", ,10G
to show
evBioiicu .... - omr,
H. Rucker who resides at 2305
rnv rifi. Will rw'v ...un WClU-b 10 .1.
Carranza 'and get JenK ns - Uexic0'he will -rLTL, com. act. A tota. o. .-.- ld .Mary of the
1. nlnna 1 1 1 1 1 41 " . e iu. .aanl 111 UHl ljr . . . I V. uru it nnilllH IltV TJNiBnWHV HllVCti
ventlon porcepfiblycloser and endan- faith," they say. m '
terim, ,h .,. .v..,,i0 of Amer- 4 More Americans wwe expectea x . could be.mittee on eround "that, under this act ui federal B u .ll., t MIbs Clevlnger'B age,
r: "'""' v time .'"",. f,r.r today so .,mnr fac. lution is -"--""-,",,,. OBrman A lecent ame,. - th marriage, was
I" " ft,exlco'" mimwed President i-" " t:mflde. were products the 8ald oeasedket. however. maKes a that " - by he
ntlvltv in government n - any available for p brought he a8 to her
ly visible ""-",--, nim- and the 1.7a delated powers roada . In Oregon up w ---- -.-- Parem- .... - - she clalm
. r nrflH : 1 i " - , . a iiiiicu - i . . , ... rt rairiniE uu.iw.m.b" fi 1 1 1 l
O.IIU - . .. With a VIC" w ... ., . . . , .!,. aha '
have terminated.
onward to a real crisis between the which lonur- ,eave tnai,mauW
nations are: warning to Amcrican to.,.
t'On of Mexico's relations
.Tk. Tj,..,t invoutlca- .vnliitlon-riM-" ino oil re- i" nrrival
4,1111 liuiiuimicD . " . . ...j into tne i""'i"- .... ,t. kmier trnij -. .. t..,i..u
ti lth this hnve glocKvu - A. maraet m . .. tmoblie ro""
. 1. hi !..,, The doo . . , mrtrans , ber 01 . - .limine out car-
iiiiu-y. ai hearings Kneum - hundreds 01 . ,n,.ted worn m ----- - f,01i
roBo. Los Amreles and other cities In has resulted and sniel- who sta.te o camoufiaged
nt.i'..- x i... Will' t..mlnr to a""1" .- 1 mertcans , uon
to evidence tne foiii"".-. - - Parral, "" - .,., here. , , , nf Par-
make publlc, Scnator Fn ls expect.d tf pla K a 8tockade, heav- tankhe . -
HirtKe good His tnreat to tww" - - ,n Benme ,.nza is said to activities
the vorld." Mterventlonlsts count y .rmed :,w ' ult The 'last .anZa. ammunition. H b activ a
heavily on the committed publicity to to preven . murder 01 clo8ely watcneu -
1,1. tho nub c. otrou- lliaj " . ( t l spit"- 'v . mKn. Aril."" - .
Wilson Sends Nomination
Of Alexander To Senate
Washington, Dec.
4. President Wll-
was 18; and
' irengin their position with tne pui". stra Veil's charges
H-IUU". - j
svl", en-ioe men. - of in ri. tn be secretary
""."" in the UWtea --,. ship in gun Alexanoer. '-;-' -,.,, m c. R(
arms 0f bol.hevist prr- 0, Anier - 8hould re u. ---- commerce ,
Anns BciiiK Bought. Amer
2EnormouH shipments of arms 0f bolsheM ,vftnce of "''
d nmnjunltion are reported being state.? w'tn t knowledge oj1-' "
Manned in Spain for the Carranza gov- cans and v.iu be equailed W
trnment. Attempts to purchase those Timz are sa Mexican'a I. w- '
supplies in Belgium were blocked v, leged eVle"can activity, suspicion m
the state department in Washington plot. pro-Oerma Mexlc in tnt
tnrotigh pressure brought on tne ei- recteo ... - case wltn
Sian povernment, it ls charged. Car- Magdalena o.. r)ng win doal, and tes
ranga iB nXp0Cte(i to be more successful los Angeles hea m ati-Amer-in
Snni., ....., 1 ,n.n h. Vpra timony of Cair.
iiniaer seuuei ui.c ...
Witn a view w fc,w,v h., that she
state board of control w -- .r
tional $1,000,000 worth of Bean-Bar- o.dylC. m t0J
.. nflnr tha been in this city. .
prupn 7 , - " in-oi contractor.
The state nigu-.ins
William Rlggln, sent up from Yam-,
hill vcounty in 1915 for from one to '
seven, years for larceny and who In-'
slsts that he is the man wno muraerea
William Booth of Wililmlnia in 1915
for which crime William Branson ia
serving a life term and Mrs. Anna
Booth, wife of the murdered man, i
serving a sentence of from ono to fhV
teen vears, wag transferred from the
state prison to the state hospital for
the insane today. His transier ia tne
result of continued evidence of Insan
ity on the part of the prisoner wiucft
is said to have antedated his incar.
ceratlon and for repeated threats of
violence against his fellow inmates. s
Rizrin was first sentenced to tne
state prison May 21, 1905, from Joiie-
I.hlne county for three years tor oui-
glary. At that time ne was ia yvua
of ago but his previous record con
tains several committments w in
state reform school for minor infrac
tions of tho law.
Confessed Mnrrtcr.
At the time of his second committ
ment to the state prison. Circuit Judge
Belt expressed the opinion that Rig-
gin was weak mentally and pernapn.
should be in tho insane asylum inetead
of tho penitentiary.
On May 10, 1917, Klggin was uimi
from the state prison to aid in clear
ing u; a safe and postoffice robbery at
Hlllsboro. On his way to the scene of
the crime he is said to have toW the
sheriff that he knew wnai ne wu
wanted for and to have tola 01 n
connection with tho murder of William.
Booth who he claimed to nave wiu.
down in cold blood. His story is said
to have gone so far as to indicate to
officials and others the exact Pot '
which the crime was committed as well
as other details. All the ttaiis 01 ma
stery are said to have tainea exacu
with the circumstances surru..u..s.
the crime. Rlggln is, said to have re
peatedly insisted on the trutn 01
confession made at that time.
-Others Pay for Crime.
Both Branson and Mrs. Booth, wife
of the murdered man, who were con
victed of the crime to which Biggin
confesses, have steadily maintained
their innocence. .
Itisgln is said to nave "
complicity In the murder of the Hill
family in Multnomah county several
years ago in which an entire family
was wiped out. the murderer terriWy
mutilating the bodies of vlms
with an axe, i ----., ,
connection with this crime Biggin is
said to have told of remaining on
watch outside .the l"
man commmeu . tlA,
he claims to have received 1M ac
cording to a suuemenv - -
father who describes tne
might mean au-
v-ruz occupation in
tausod, may follow.
l9U. ''-ar,ii:i,nff introduction of Benator
.1" h..n.king POnt
MherVe- a Cru, issue,
hnneJ that
block war,
nostpone a Mexican war be rcglsters
would Postpone that x m
t leaxt untu - . in Mexico 1. ohevenne, yo
anon -"'Tor America. at Hai.ey. Idaho,
4. Robbers
" . .u .nnHt today the nom-
80n sent to ... ,e Jo8hua wmla
inauon oi aacretary of mamlng unap
nMl.i....i,n-i.atffn of 1917
" nr.nti.ndH. however, .
InraV eomiiiiMoiw" v..- , rtf i .en.
pntlons, ate , j,iin mnnevs: Jas. aiorop
i.aldent Wilson ?r To be receivers u. - .,,,,""-,: Btate made available nytn smamu - . - money
that the maneuvers oi K. clarl a ' 'nt l government, and it U - C ' es in the boxes had been
the Lnueu ,, i iuiu,, ... on that anu vwuu. - . ..,.
- ..-.ini campaig" ,. . . i-ri offices: Oeo. to testing out u w. . . ,.., A , time ago to mo
!re TZ d postpone a , To be regis- - - , mandamus is mstituteu dWn.t ,
Twst until after Mexico l'.f':"nne. Wyo., and Ben R. today.
and Ben It.
t which the thieves (
; touch.
danger Of Another W
Epidemic Fading, Report
,.-. .... tw. 4." Danger of
another influenza epidemic is gradu-,
iw fndinc. reports to ev
health service inaicuwu
The government, nowevei.
tinue Its fight against inn u
ti" it is under control. Surgeon Oen
eral Blue of the public health service
said today.