Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 03, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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They've crnie bark. That cream
color suited organization, chevron of
cherries and smile of the booster. For
u time during the great world strug
gle they seethed gone. But they"re
with us again, and stronger than ever.
Hio war might blight the ardor of a
booster for a while; but that's over
now; and the Salem Cherrians are
back morn lively, more determined to
boost the city's interests in the fu
ture than ever before.
And to carry on this work during
the next-year, the Cherrians. in their
annual banquet and election held at
the Commercial Club last night, choae
C. B. Clancy, the florist. King Bins
of their live-wire host.
Some one, In the meeting last night,
said that "we've come back, and we're
liver than ever before." It's been a
long time since a meeting so live, so
full of pep, jazz, (and all the popu
lar terms coined to denote energy),
has been held in Salem. Xo one ate so
heartily of the beautiful repast laid
before them last night since Thanks
giving and that in itself is a token
of a spirit that cannot die.
The Cherrians intemi to do things
next year. They know they have the ,
reputation of being one of the most
progressive bodies on the coast, and
it is their aim, expressed vigorously
last night, to perpetuate this notable
name for all time.
They selected their best men
whose efforts in behalf of the city
and the organization have been mark
edto toto the standards of Cher
rianism through 1PI0. Vor L.ord Gov
ernor Wood, Charles Xolan was elect
ed without dissenting vote. Dave W.
Kyro was named Keeper of the Or
eh.'ird; J. M. Girth. Chancellor of Ro
"cords; King's Jester, Walter S. Wins
low; Duke of Lambert, Fred Manghs;
Queen Ann's Consort, James Yctnng;
Archbishop of Itickrcall, O. J. Shea;
Harquise of Marsehino, Carl D. Gab
rielson; Earl of Waldo, Frank E.
In the (dection of King Bing, Will
TUlehrist and W. S. Winslow were
also nominated, but withdrew in
tnvfir of Clancy.
lOntertairiment provided at the ban
quet did much to stir enthusiasm. Os
car Bteelhammer's orchestra played
numerous selections. The Cherrian
Trio, composed of Albert H. Gille,
Richard Robertson and Charles Nolan
sang several songs. The whistling
king not the kind that echoed discor
dantly through the passages of child
hood meadows of Miss .Bertha Clark
was loudly acclaimed. Miss Clark has
apptured on several occasions before
audiences here and is fast winning an
enviable reputation for her unique
art. Miss Dorothy Pearce played the
piano; and Fred aMCrew of Willam
ette Vniversity, rendered two enter
taining readings.
closing law and gave the assembly
hia views of the situation in an earnest
appeal to pass such an ordinance at
the earliest posible date. After num
erous other remarks by uarties on
both sides of the question the matter
was left in the hands of the ordinance
committee to either reject the petition
or bring in an ordinance closing the
Sunday shows, on the first meeting of
the council in the new year.
A movement was also started at the
meeting to ascertain the ownership of
the mill race that flows through the
business part of the city. The game is
badly in need of repairs and appeals
to the mill owners who derive the ben
efit from the race have been of no
avail. The case will be taken to court
in nil probability to determine for all
time the rightful owners of the race.
.Dallas. Or., Dec. 8. The Dallas City
Council held one of the liveliest ses
sions in recent years in the council
chamber Monday night and after the
transaction of the regular business
were presented with a petition by a
nig delegation trom the - various
churches of the city asking for an or
dinance to close the Majestic theatre
on Sunday evenings. '
The petition was presented by Rev.
. A. MacKenzie, of the Presbyterian
church, who after citing various other
cities in the - Willamette Valley who
refuse to allow Sunday shows, stated
that he thought it was the sentiment
of a majority of the citizens of Dallas
thud the moving picture shows should
be discontinued in this city. Rev.
Charles John-ion, of the Methodist
church, also made a few remarks to
the council asking for a closing ordin
ance, rnisa
From the standpoint of the council
it- is safe to say that a majority of
them .are not in favor of the Sunday
closing, as it was tried ut in a case
several years ago against O. C. Smith,
then operator of the movie show here
and thecity lost the case. M. B.
Young, a member of the council, how
ever, is an advocate of ihe Sunday
Sore Throat.
Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarr Often
Relieved In Two Miutites
Xew York, Dec. 3. The News-Print
Service Bureau has issued the follow
in? report upon the past month's pro
duction of paper:
"Th 39 repotting compnnios nrc
duced 169,749 tons and shipped 171.
15S tons during October. Shipments
exceeding production by . 1409 to,.
Production figures include 2C62 tons o
hanging , of which 4S3 tons were made
in Canada.
"The average daily production ot
news-print paper by the mills report
ins tor October nmounted to 103.7 per
K-nt ot the average daily output dur
ing the three months of greatest pro
duction in 191 S.
"Production by the United Stater
mills during the first ten months ot
11(19 was 01,184 tons or 7 per cent
greater than during the same months
in 191S. Canadian production during
this period exceeded that of the ten
months in 191S by 45, 940 ton, or (; r er
cent, making combli.ed j)rodu:li.o of
the 89 reporting pnmnnniM iiumi
tons or 7 per cent greater than in the
first ten months of 1918.
"Stocks during October decrease,)
1043 .tens at United States mill points.
.iii.u wps tiue mostly to an adjust
ment made by one of the large com
panies, and increased 1643 tons at Ca
nadian mills, making total stocks the
same on October 81, 1919, as on Sep
tember 30. The total of 26.9" ton
on hand at all mills October 31 amount
-i to slightly more than four days'
Resolution adopted by the advertis
ing committe of the American News
paper Publishei K-association :
That is view of the present critical
paper famine and auction market, and
the further fact that the paper manu-
lacturtrs will not establish a price
basis for next year, nor give any assur
ance or an increased paper supply;
publisl ers everywhere are urged to im
mediately increase their advertising
rates, both local and foreign, at least
"j par cent; and the' advertisers and
advertising ugencles of America arc
urged to give the publishers of news
rnpera optional days for the insertion
of their' copy, in order that the exist
ing print nape'1 emen?enov mnv b mot
to the best advantage of the publish,
ers and their customers."
BeKutiful Miss Julia Ring, who plays
an important part in "Up In Mabel's
Room" the famous farce success
which A. II. Woods will present at the
Grand theatre on Monday. Dec. 8,
for an engagement of one night, is the
possessor of more thun her beauty
and talent as an actress. It is a pos
sesion that she values far more high
ly The treasure in question is a price
less philosophy of happiness. "There
is so much in life to be happy about,"
says Miss Ring, "that I cannot under
stand why so few people find" it. I
think it is because so many people
look outside of themselves for hap
piness. I have always had to find my
own happiness and it d'dn't take much
to make me content. Maybe it is be
cause I was never pampered and spoil
ed when I was a child.
"That is why I have such a splen
did time playing Mabel. I haven't at
tempted to analyze it deenlv been ii. tie
there must be spontaneity in farce. 1.
must let Mabel act on yie impulse o
the situations of the play an .1 that
makes it heaps of fun.
"Then you really cannot tell, if you
are sitting In the audience wntchim-
tne piay, whether Mabel really intend
ed to show the chemise to Garry's
wife. I might just as well explain here,
for the benefit of the reader, that the
chemise plays one of the most impor
tant roles in the play. Garry gave it
to Mabel before he was married and
it looks for a while as though it is
going to break up his happy home.
"But I don't think Mabel intended
to be mean about it; she simply want
ed to tease the man she was fond of.
She had him in her power and was
going to get a lot of fun out of it. I
should say this was a feminine trait.
I think men rather like to be teased
by a woman of whom they are fftnd
and am certainly convinced that
women like to do the teasing. But
that's more or less of a problem'. That
is why "Up in Mabel's Room" is call
ed a farce of feminine foibles. It real
ly presents a very interesting phase
of feminine psychology. That's what
makes it so Interesting not only to the
player bu to the audience."
Jap Association For Picture
Bn"J?s; Directors Then Quit
San Francisco. Pee. 8 The confer
ence of the Japanese Association of
America yesterday voted to repudintae
the action of the association's direc
tors condemning the practice of im
porting picture brides. Forthwith the
fifteen directors resigned In a body.
The representatives of 36 local asso
ciations in California. Nevada, Utah
and Colorado d'd not object to abol
ishing the photograph mating system,
but differed as to steps to be taken.
It was pointed out that the problem
must be settled by an agreement be
tween the two nations. N. Kanzaki,
secretary of the associaation, said
elimination of the picture bride Is
favored by 100 percent of the Intel
ligent Japanese in America.
New Orleans. La.. Dec. 3. Caught
by department of justice agents when
they hid as stowaways in the hold of
the steamship Mexico, bound for Pro
greso. Mexico, three alleged bolshevik
leaders were jailed here today.
George C. Brownell has received an
order for 3000 pounds ot holly for the
San Francisco Christmas market.
The school census of Lane county
shows 315 children of school age, equal
ly divided between tmvs and girls.
After having spe- 16 months In the
service overseas, Milton C. Burton, sou
of Mrs. D. CI Burton, has returned to
his home at Rugene.
Preliminary steps have been taken
by the Lane county court to present
to the voters a proposition to issue
$1,000,000 in bonds for road work.
Beaveiton school district has ap
proved a budget appropriating more
than $2,000 above the present expen
ditures for teachers' salaries.
The Huber. Commercial .club will
hold a rally in celebration of the
opening of the west side Pacific high
way on Saturday, December tl.
Half a century breaking
colds is behind Dr. KingU
New Discovery
FliOM tho little tots to grandma,
every one in Ihe family can
uso (Ills lil'ly-yeiirs-the-siand-unl
remedy in perfect safety anil
confident of beuolielal results.
Incessant niij;limg. disagreeable
grippe, stubborn cold promptly
!i vkod, the phlegm dissipated, the
cin.u'estion loosened.
Same lilli iiaiiiy today as al
ways. In-. King's New Discovery
Pvesin to !ik llnie-iested rcputu
t'.oii. bt)c. and 1.20 bottle.
Thz ResulLs of Constipation
fir? Pick hoiidnchps, biliousness,
in rvousiies.s, suihnv skin, vtisu
luauer in the body. Cntreci this
. lr'dci'uiinhin' evil with Dr. King's
Nmw Life Pills. Feel good every
day. Keep Uie system clcauscd.
'J-..C. a bottld,
Ts vour throat sore?
IJi'C.Mhe Hyomot.
Have yon catarrh
'Breathe Hyoinoi.
Have you a congli?
ISrMrrhe Ilyome';.
Drive yon s eoM9
Breathe Ifyomci.
Hyomei ii the one IraifmcQt
none, throat and lung trouble. It docs
.-. not contain caen-ine, morhpin or offer
ibiigorous dnif.' fin.l does nway with
stomach dosing. Just breathe it thru
1h little pocket inhnler that comes
with, each outfit. . ' .
A complete outfit 'ecst. but. little at
Datiiol J. Fry's or any reliable drug
gift and Hyomei is guaranteed to ban
isli catarrh, croup, cough?, colds, sore
throat and bronchitis or money back.
A Ilyonici inhaler lasts a life time and
extra bottles of Ifyomoi can bo obtain
cd"from druggists for. a few cents.
M tf :h interest is being aroused in th
concert to be held Friday evening at
the armory when Miss Winifred Byrd,
and Clarence Whitehall appear in one
of the best musical concerts ever to be
held here, and it. is indicated by seat
sales Unit a record crowd - will be on
hand. Because Miss Byrd Is a Salem
girl, has gained for herself such
a jn-oi .i.T.ei t name in the eastern music
circles, many" have been interested in
what she will play. Tho following Is
her program:
Fantaisie. Opus 49 .......Chopin
Prelu1 Chopin
Etude, A Minor ( Winter Wind)
On.the Wings of Song
Banco of the Gnomes ...Lizst
Legend, St. Francis Walking on the
""-'m i.'unce McDowell
Marehe Militalre Schubert-Eausig
$ j.
If s Like Finding Money"
says the Good Judge
When you take a little
chew of this real quality
tobacco, and the good
tobacco taste begins to
You'll find it keeps com
ing, too. The rich to
bacco taste lasts and
lasts. You don't have
to take a fresh chew so
often. Any man who
uses the Real Tobacco
Chew will tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
tamily spent;
ialem with rel- I
Sure .
Relief : -
IV") ,4firfp5ys
rCiVii1 6 Bell-ans
Cloverdale, Jec. 3. -Several fami
lies met at the Cloverdale school
house on Thanksgiving day mid after
the services had their dinner there.
Mrs. W. J. Hadley has her brother,
C. Ttickett and wife of Portland,
penning the week end with her,
r. A. Hood aud
tnanksglving day in
W. Wright -ami wife' and air. lila-!
co and family spent Thursday In Sa-1
lem with their daughter, Mrs. Myr- i
tie Grayhlll. I
Oscar Fliflet and his sister, Mrs A. i
K. Kunlto went to Stlverlon Saturday 1
to spend the week-end.
ivun Hadley was a Salem visitor i
Friday. -' !
; Mr. Butskey had a short talk with!
; Mr. Thomas last Tuesday that prob-'
Ubly cost about $15. How? Oh he left!
his team standing in the road.-They !
I ""y. not lining the ides of wait
ling in the cold, throwing "the plow
, out of the wagon and bi caking it, rtl
;so breaking the wagon tongue and
iirceing im'niselves. They
'caught by Louis llennis. .
were son I
Hot waier
Sure Relief
, 'f''onm, Wash., .Dee.' 3. The Tod 4 I
...iiiim .iron pionaiiiy will reopen th?j
fish-BY S RMed Oats
Good to the Taste Goo d for the Body
SjooA to the taste Because in our own experimental
laboratories an electric toasting process was originated'
that brings out the rare flavor.
Good for the body because oats approach the ideal
food. Centuries of use have proved this to be true.
Ask for FISHER'S ROtLED OATS at Your Grocers
Manufactured by -
Quaint Oriental
Customs Seen At
Chinese Funeral)
One of the most unique funerals
ever held In this city took place yes
terday at the chapel of the ". T. Itig
don undertaking company, and at the
I. O. O. F. cemetery, when Quong
Hing. aged 66, Chinese tanner who
resided near Wiiconda. wus laid to
rest, yuong Iling died Saturday,
leaving his wife, Ifet Que Hing, and
eight children. Tho services were
held at the chapel at 10 o'clock.
As bluish smoke from many burn
ing punk-sticks hung over the casket,
the eight children, with their mother,
bowed in sorrow, n nil weirdly chant
ing, lamented the passing of their hus
Imrid and father.
The body was then placed In the
hearse. All the way from tho under-
taking establishment to the cemetery ;
the children scattered small bits of '
Taper, with a round hole In the center, j
ulont 'he route. According to the sac ,
red calistlal custom, the devil is after
ihe leceased to devour hint, and they
believe that by throwing the smaH
chinks of paper after the brocesslon
ihe devil will have to crowl through
each .small hole In this way he Is do
'ayed. And when he finally reaches
the grave he Is loo tired to dig after
the coipse, and contents himself eat
ing the morsals of food left on the
On I'ing's grave the mourning wife
lift i U rge platter of roast duck, a pot
of porage and a roll of butter.
In ti e ceremony at the chapel each
child, in turn, donned a long, white
robe f lid helmet and chanted at th"
side of the casket, while several old
Chin linen, friends of the decease J,
bowed their heads In silence.
Give Colicky Babies
Mrs. Winslow's Syrup and watch
:mil.-5 flint fnllnw Thi'o fcon kn.
the happy experience of many mothers
fiff rr VuM-nrr enroll truH rrrt Kikin a
Ul VV& tV LJtA V-1 J - wvft KJCLUy g UCl
fulness, sleepless nights and other disorders
J.--. A. - A L. 1 1 f A.
uue ig biuinuui unu dowci irouoies.
t re we-
Tha Infant' and CklUmnV R.t-.-
is purely a vegetable preparation that causes stomarli
to digest food and bowels to move as th
sriouia thereby overcoming constipation diar
rhoea, flatulency, wind colic and similar tnnJ
hle rillrinn twtkinn ti'mn U !. ! i.
iwuuug ""ll3C5IXtiaiIygQ0fT,
u..,an, imauinj, uiconoi or Other liar
fu drum. AhmluMv hm,l. i- ' ' . . ner nar"-
bottle? AffieeablB nd ! K " IT.?..00
u .. ..uuai-uuiu remedy.
A Alt DrwitUt,
ANCLO-AMtklCAN DRU0 CO, 11S-IIT f. fc.
- I 1 1 Ml, I ml.
I I a 3 avm.
C. Terry
rortland, Or,, Dec. :). Walter Vork,
age 35, Willamette river mall carrier,
was drowned toilay when tho gasoline
launch in which h' was carrying
I'nited States mail, ran at'ouT of a fer
ry cable iu-mid-stream at Scllwood,
south of rortland.
M.v trucks are rushing gravel onto
the l acific highway between Albany
.n 1 Jefferson and the new coat will be
completed in another week.
J'etltions are being circulated In Al
bany i.nd Linn county asking the coun
ty ooi,i t to provide funds for the em
ployment of a county agent.
Ash You r Dealer
Grand Prizelfeteffl
Firearms Ammunition
Write for Catalogue
vioolwchih SkO mm to cn
Sickness Cure or
Sickness Prevention
W lien I'astfiir nroictl ihe rrlariml f , : "'
Iftnoiis tliscnsr, he marked :i ha ;ulvain.c in ihjt
tlcvflopnutit of iiicilic ul M-icme which raK,n to.
Jay the Idea St'fhn::i Pitwniicu.
As a result, many pl.te.tics and pidemk stlut wrrr
the lmne of former huc no' liuisici tcriify the world
and st iciiee has now developed an effective agent
airainst the tondition w hii h is the first cause of
over 90 of all lnunati disease cmuipat'm.
That tuVcliir njt-nf it Nujol.
Nujol by rdlrvinn .on .liuion prrventii thr :t!w,d.tiot
of poisons nlitcli ollu-nvisc would hr taken into ihr ,lmj
iiud so iindrr-niine tlie whole Hyi.tcin.
l.calinK nudical atitlioritlrs iiKrre that pills, .-.It,, rMl
oil, etc., biiuplyw ami wralirti ihr nystriu.
Hat Nujol is entirely Uilfrrrut.
Nujol firn-tnti rnnttii:itinn by softfiiiiiff iIk (, ,.,1 VVTlte
and iiicomasiiip llir mmrlrs to ai l n.uumlh.
Nujol hcljis iiainrc rMabli4i c.-nv, tlioroii(;li l..mrl rvac
uuli(,ii at rcguliir inn rva!s elif hrahhicm in ih.
worlil. (it-t a bottle from your druggist tmlay.
.tor inhabit health -"Thirty Feet o( Don"
free, mriif Nujol I.aboratotics, StamLinl Oil Co. (Nfw
Jitm-v), 50 Broadway, N.Y.
Wariiini' ""' in " ' MjUTr
IK: uvt a; W - "i mttr )twi mlllUMa.
j j For Co? islipation
mooth, clean, comfortable shaves
day after day
500 satisfying shaves from every 12 blades
IS your second shave with a new
blade ever quite as good as your
first? Is the third shave ever u3
good as tlie second ?
Haven't you often wished f-r some
way to keep bbden sharp to prevent
that rapid, progressive dulling?
Today there is one safety razor
that resharpenr. its blade before every
shave without bother or delay. Built
t ight into ihe AutoStrop Razor frame
is a simple, efficient stropping
device, quick and easy to use. It
keeps the blade sharp renews the
fine, smooth edge without taking
the razor apart or removing the blade.
Thia remarkable feature of the
AutoStrop Ra:or means a blade that
stays sharp a blade that shaves
you, day after day, just as smoothly
and comfortably aa at first.
Five hundred satisfying shaves art
guaranteed from every dozen blades.
Begin tomorrow to get the comfort
of a fresh, keen edge for every shave.
Ask your, dealer today about the
AutoStrop Razor free trial plan.
AutoStrop Safety Razor Co.
NbwYo-!c Toronto London Pl
I if Ti '"
tuta&trop I '
-sharpens itsdj
mm oi iii'xi week,
.K-M'HN'AL W.NT".VIiX P. y
ika FOR