Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 03, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Co.. 136 South
Balem, Oregon.
O. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
Telephones Circulation and Busi
ness Office, 81; Editorial rooms. 82
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Entered as second class mail mattei
at Salem, Oregon.
National Advertising Representa
tives W. D. Ward. Tribune Building
New York; W. II. Stock well. People
Gaa Building, Chicago.
By carrier 50 cents a month, $6 a
By mail, 60 cents a month, J1.25
Tor three months, $2.25 for six
months. $4 per year.
By order of U. S. government, an
mail subscriptions are payable in art-ranee.
Rippling Rhymes.
an independent newspaper ANY interesting letters have been received by the
Published every evening except Sun- Capital Journal in resDonse to its reauest for crit
ic bf.7hB,lmei??isms hy re.aders as t0 the new heading and make-up of
tne paper, as soon as the judges have awarded the prizes,
publication of those adjudged best will be made. .
There are few people in the world who do not believe
themselves better qualifid to run a newspaper than those
in charge of it. The man on the street generally knows
more than those who have m?e a life stndv of the sub
ject. This is because the individual sees the paper solely
from a personal viewpoint, while the editor' sees it from
an impersonal viewpoint, an average of the viewpoints of
mousanas. .
The present first page make-up of the Capital Jour
nal has aroused more criticism than even the change in
head. It is one, however, that has proved popular in other
commuunities and is used by many dominant papers,
Here, however, it is an innovationand people of the Wil
lamette v alley do not like innovations they are apt to
resent change of any kind, regardless of merit. For in
stance, no region needed good roads more and none fmio-hr
them more bitterly.
Some like the Old English lettering for the heading
merely because nearly all the papers of this section use it.
Yet Old English is obsolete if the paper was printed in
this tvpe it would be unreadable. It is a survival from
the old time into ours and illustrates how tradition has
shackled the newspaper mind. The first newspapers used
it centuries ago therefore it should be used today.
Some suggest the use of the state seal as a centerpiece.
This is because the Oregonian uses it, and many Oregon
ians take their ideas from the Oreeonian. as a matter nf
habit. The cut-and-dried stereotvDed make-un of this
metropolitan paper is by these regarded as the
I T l j 1 . -
urwuuuA niaKe-up. it is tne same today as bO years ago
the same used by the first newspapers, the same still in
use in England. It is non-elastic, machine like, permit
ting no originality or individuality, and unsuited to an
evening paper. However the Dioneers mii?ht Y iflve rpcwrn-
ed the state seal as an emblmatic work of art, it can bv no
stretch ot the imagination be regarded as a thing of
ueauiy, . ; - - ----- -
Some sigh for a retention of the capitol in the heading
even through the smut of obsolete type. - Yet our capi
tol; is like that of jnost of the 47. other states a rather
poor diminutive copy of the national capitol,' nothing dis
tinctive or original about, itunless, it' be1, tlie black un-pamted-ddme
which effectually mars its bea'uty. The
capitol, however, has been a detriment rather than an as
set to Salem. Still others want the supreme court building
uiuuueu, oui noDoay nas asKed for the nut-honse vet
The criticisms contain many helpful suggestions, some'
ui wiiicii win De maae use ot. The, Capital J6urnal is quite
willing .tajhange.its heading for a more satasfrrtory orie,
willing to try a new4 make-up and maV'other changes to
satisfy its readers. These after all are , non-essential
things it is the completeness of news, the sincerity, in
tegrity tmrpWc-serf ffi flimma1ce'a;nw4pfwortli
while and these have escaped criticism.
It is to be hoped that readers of the" Capital Journal
Will feel free to write sincere rrihVismo nnrl ennrrocifmne
Mcuinnis values! f ,. , . uu uugonuiw
than a bottle of! t0 tne editor concerning your paper. Better service is
wnat we are here tor. Recognizing the futility of attempt
ing to please every one in all things, we believe that we
can satisfy everyone in something.
me tha.t I could never go back to
John, to his mother, to the gayety and
joyousness of his friends. It was then
that I wanted to die I wanted to go
out of John's life; but most of all I
think I wanted to hurt him Just us he
had hurt mo.
"Ashes to ashes and dust to dust"
I heard the words and though my
eyes refused to see I knew it was the
Back, far back In my consciousness
lurked the fact that the joyous wed
ded life . I had-anticipated with such
high hope only r short time before,
was crumbling ashes to ashes and
dust to dust.
(Continued, tomorrow)
All the world seems in a hole, and
my guardian sprite I thank th;a I
have a modest roll safely salt?d in
the bank. Landmarks we have cher
ished well are uptorn and thrown
away, and no prophet can foretell
what may happen in a day. Thi-i?-.
tve thougnt were nncnoreu um hc
adrift upon the tide, and like lonv-js
upon the blast, customs old are s?at
tered wide. All our voorings are de
slroved, all our mile.;'ones trampled
flat, and we face an nching void, mid
we know not where vs're at. All !!ic
witches are abroad, on the SU fin
clouds dark and dank, and I'm glad
I have a wad safely salted in the
I ank. We have quit the old time way.
for a road that is accurst; there's ,n
crisis every day, and the last one is
the worst. Men v.hb once abhorred' the
blues now are viewing with alarm;
and the paper's filled . with news
breathing rhreatsjjof dole and hfirnjL
fn the background: is tho sago, in; thH
foreground is the crank; nnd I'm glad
I have my wage "safely salted in the
. bank.
Hound's Beware!
Dog Catcher's
Watchin' You
' ; v.' - ;
Better poWet your dawg hun aroun'
after today.
.. The city street commissioner hired l
u, dog' catcher,.. W. J. -Guilford, this:
morning, and tie immediately started
out to nab all houns and other of the
species, that are caught loitering in
the stieets without a guardian.
Ttu-'law prohibits dons from running
at large within the city limits. All
dogs caught will be impounded, mui
unless the owner calls for them, they
will be shot. If you can't find your
dog, coll up Walter Low, the street
commissioner. Ha might have him.
Any person convicted oC letting a dog
run at large will be assessed a fine ot
not less than $10.
Odds and Ends
New York. Goats that dine a la
cafeteria on a hospital clothesline must
lie restrained from doing so ngain.
"Five dollars, please," and Magistrate
Brown fined three Brooklyn goat owners.
New York MrswOeorge W. Perkins
thought the expressman liad, brought
they opened the burlap wrappings and
disclosed a folding card table shipped
from St. Louis.
Chicago. Frank McGinnls values
his row boat more
I'ooz;-. He offers' a bottle of "Old
trow' for Its return. "That ought to
letch it back," Frank said.
Seventy-five dollars was awarded W.
A. MeFnrlane, plaintiff in a sun'
against Harry O'Nell for assault and
battery, by a jury in Judge Unruh's
court yesterday evening. O'Nell made
notice of appeal in open court, and the
payment of the damages was deferred.
McFarlana claiiijed that O'Nell
struck him without? warning, but the
defendant denied this, .and charged Mc
Fal-lane with charging upon him with
a clubhand that he fought back in self
The jury in the. trial was: J. V.
Hutchison, F. B. South'wick, H. E. Bol.
inger, Cass Gibson ith'd. EclwiiT M. Hoff-nell.
Circuit Court.
Emmn Murphy Urown vs. Lcnnurd
Smith et al. Default and decree.
B. J. Miles vs. EdfSir' A. Skcwls ot
ux. Decree.
John CI. Keler vs. J. A. Weber ot ux.
Motion -to quash summons.
H. J, Miles vs. Edgar A. Skewls et
ex. "Cost bill. 1
Vt. J. Miles vs. Edgar A. Skewls et
lilt.' Finding of fact nnd conclusions
B. J - Miles v. Edgar A. Skowls et
ux. Affidavit of non-military sprvioo.
Seln bl dint riot No. 24 vs. Carolyn 11
Meyer ot al. Application to place ii.
motion book.
Joseph D. Jackson vs. Oku V, Jack
son. Affidavit
. Emma Murnhv Brown vs.. Leonard
Smith etnl. Motion, affidavit and un
dertaking to indemnify defendants in
miliary service.
Emma Murphy Brown vs. Leonard
Smith et al. Order approving bond.
Mary Bruegger vs. August 1!. Brtie-
ger. Motion.
Louis Welssenfel vs. William Schaf-1
few Notice of appeal.
l'robuto Court.
Guardianship of Mary A. Hoggs, an
incompetent person. Answer of the
guardian ad litem.
Guardian of Huth E. Mitchell, an in
competent person. Answer of guard
ian al litem.
Strohaker, minors, estate. Annual
Welp estate. Petition to ap
point an administration.
Henry Welp estate. Oath.
Henry Welp estate. Undertaking.
Henry Welp estate. Order appoint
ing administrator and appraisers.
Marriage Licenses.
R. N. Carlson, 21, a farmer of -route
tl, Salem, to Ituby Grueafclder, 21, a
.student of roule I', Salem.
Thomas H. Taylor, 4-, a farmer of
Stayton, to Nettle Lenore Crabtree. Id,
a school teacher of Stayton.
Harold F. Cmig, Ti, a clerk of Salem
to.Faarl Palmer, 31, of Silverton.
Are well cared for at Morris'. Our thorough know
ledge of Optometry is at your'service at all times.
Our scientific instruments for the examination of
eyes and our complete lens grinding plant offer you
the best possible results. If your eyes bother you we
wduld be pleased to consult with you.
Eyesight Specialists
;:or State Street ; . . Salem, Oregon.
I Glasses Make an Acceptable Christmas Gift
Wade by the best bakers; baked by electricity. Clean
Pure Wholesome. It has a taste that makes you
want more. That's why everyone buys it.
4u7 State Street
A ( baiter was granted to the Athena
State bank at Athena, Umatilla county,
Monday by Will II. Bennett, stato su
perintendent of banks. The institution
is eapltali.ed at $25,000. J. F. Hcrr Is
cashier, O. F. lteeder, president, and
A. I.. Swtiggart vice-president.
.KIDGEvVAY tfganlta Smith Bidgu
. way, -IS. died: Muuday at .the. feeble
minded institute.
Body', shipped today to BeJIingham.
Wash., by the W. T. it.lgdnn company,
tvKSfo funeral and burial will "be held.
MELSO.V To Mr, and Airs. Ii. S.
Melson, November 2.0, a .daughter.
,'Sha Jias beep! named Kvelyn .lose-
phfrtei ' .. n ,
A. Aiiinger iind J. Arlinger, brotherii.
injure! in -the boiler explosion at tho
Pariuclee sawmill near Tuft, have died
from their injuries, making a total of
fiv deaths frofj) the disaster.
.SmaJJpox. has invaded Coos county
land several families at North Bend are
I quarantined.
fleuratgic Pains
Civ Way to Soothing HambV
Wizard OB
Hamlin's Wizard Oil tn h.f. .i
effective treatment for headache and
ncurlKia. Rubbed in where the paigi
"i cn a tunic q trie tortured
nerves and almost invariably brinn
quirk relief. i
Its healing, antiseptic qnalities tail
always be relied uoon tn nr uA
and extensions eonncetlnR up all thr fection. or other aeriotia remli u-
offices lu the colb pe plant. sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and
Mings, just as gooa, too, for ton
feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold Km canKcr-ores.
Get it from druggists for 30 ctati.
If not satisfied return the bottle anil
et your money back.
9 IDver constipated or have sick head.
ne? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
dcasant little pink pills, 30 cent
A t ew college telephone exchange
bus been established at Oregon AkH
cultural college. It includes 101 nboncH
; Shop
WS mark)'
ContractH for street Improvements In
North Ilend during 101'J UKBregatnl
more than 1206,000.
Grading of central Oregon bubleii.
according to goyertinient euRcnlc
ntandardn, will Htarl at ricnil next Moil
(Wiy iindeu the direction of the lied
Oreeon City, Or. Frank Dodge be-
fiine a father and grandfather at the
same hour, his wife presenting film
with a boy and his daughter giving
Slim u granddaughter.
vy, xik? noiea autnor
Idah M?Glone Gibson
Lawton, Mich., Dec. 3. Authorities
i.ave located In Portland, Or., Mrs.
Lester Tabor nnd her son, Walter,
sought in connection with the investi
gation into the death of Maud Tabor,
recording to reports received here to
,'. They will probably be brought
here immediately.
Authorities today appeared no near
er a solution of the mystery of the
t'eath of Miss Tabor than when the
body was located in tho trunk in the
basement of the Tabor home here,
where It had reposed for three years.
Specialists testifying at the coroner's
inquest said there were Indications that
the might have died as a result of
tlood poisoning, brought on through
tin attempt to escape public censure by
nn Illegal operation. . ... .. . "...
Prosecutor Adams, accompanied by
deputy sheriffs, searched the Tabor
home at a late hour -last night, -ransacking
desks nnd drawers for a pos
sible clue to the mystery,- - - ' .. ..
I dead during Its last earthly pilgrimage
.vet I made some excuse and did not
I have been wondering as I look!see Charlie until he came into the
'"" "ht iiij eariy married ctays
that sounds queer doesn't if. as I
s wife he was able to got her ab- !"y nU3ba!n(ll 011 the a.v to the come
lutely honest opinion of him able VZ'u 1 hiul asked me n"3
look into her mind and into heri the "s,ual "luestion8 or made anS
Miss Tnwney Ajiple is havin" her
eyebrows weeded out Lots o' folks
look shorter when they stand .on . ther
1 1 J tru i i -. - .
tiavp only been married three years
now, but I mean the first few months
after my marriage when one is still
supposed to be basking under that
radiant light which is never on sea or
land if every one's honeymoon is ob
scured so often by clouds of selfish
ness and ncKlect as was mine.
And tho awful part of It is, that J
am sure that John, if he were asked,
would say that he nover neglected me
in his life. But! am sure that if he
made this statement, he would make
a few mental reservations of things
that he had done by saying to him
self: "What she doesn't know, won't
hurt her."
Unfortunately we women know and
keep ih our hearts the remembrance
of many, many things that our hus
bands do not think we have ever
found out nbout them. It is not al
ways the wife who accuses who suf
fers most.
I wonder what a man would think
if some day while sitting across from
heart? I know very well that in leav
ing me to go home, when I am sure
n.t had ho staved with mo twenty
four hours longer It would not have
made much ditterence in his business,
John planted the first seed of repul
sion in my breast the seed that grew
and grew as ho cultivated it with oth
er acts of selfishness until this' me
morable morning when I wished that
he were out of my life forever.
I have always thought that John
with his characteristic reluctance to
face- anything that was disagreeable,
simply made the telegram he received
an excuse to return! He did not want
to be annoyed by the solemnity and
discomfort of a country funeral. ,
John had followed his first Impulse
and-come to me in my trouble and he
was somewhat ashamed of himself
because ho. had not answered my tel
ephone call. But having made the
amend honorable, from his point of
view; he felt himself justified in tak
ing advantage of his opportunity to
evade an unhappy situation. . ;,
Although mother seemed . much
touched and relieved by the fact that
Charlie Goodwin was going with us In
the carriage she seemed to feol that
it wouldn't be unite decent for two
women to mourn alone behind their
room just before the services be"gan.
He seated himself beside my mother
and me.
I tried to tell myself that it was
different with Charlie. He had loved
my father and mother had known
them all his life and owed a great
deal to them. I tried to be just to
John, but all the while, even above
my sorrow, I kept feeling a deep re
sentment. John had told me that he
never had felt for any other being
what he felt for me. We had to live
our lives together. There should be
between us the strongest bonds pos
sible between two human bolnKS, and
yet he left trie to bear my sorrow alone
left me to the grave and curious
blances of 'the entire little town
where I was born. It seemed to pie
as I passed out with my mother and
Charlie to' the' carriage that I could
fairly hear the wondering comments
upon the situation.
What wonder if my Indignation al
most overpowered my grief?
Charlie said nothing to me about
commonplace remai'kB which would
icaa me to think he was trying to ex
cuse John's absence, my smouldering
anger against my husband would have
burst Into Vivid flame.
And yet his very silence was almost
unbearable. I wanted his sympathy.
Oh, how I wanted his sympathy, and
yet I could not have stood his pity.
As we walked from the carriage
across the greensward .to tho flower
lined grave of my father, I felt as thp
I must say:! "yiy. oh why, is it pot
I that is ,tu lie here?" It seemed to
Value First, in Bread-For Men, Women and Children.
Value selected in raw materials.
Value baked into the finished product.
Value expressed in greater nutritive food elements.
Value in
first, last and all the time. "
Chmy City
Baking Co.